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tv   In Enemy Territory  Al Jazeera  November 25, 2019 1:32am-2:01am +03

1:32 am
yeah the missing a lot of small bits when we fleet and after that we saw the plane christians of this house. security forces have opened fire on several protests across iraq killing at least 13 people in the past 24 hours dozens of others have been injured and to government demonstrations of grip the capital baghdad as one of several cities in the south. well then 70 african migrants are stranded in the mediterranean sea after being rescued off a dinghy near the libyan coast they were picked up by an aid vessel but he telling authorities have so far refused to dock instead suggesting the boat should turn back to libya there's the headlines to stay with us witness in enemy territory is coming up next we're news after that thanks for watching. the poll says russia uses mercenaries and called it's made some serious libya the future of all around cairo 2 trillion dollars but it's the saudi state owned oil you get out of.
1:33 am
google hits on the big items in the game against your company because on the i'll just be. that yeah. the outflow phone ringing all the new york only. come alive.
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and you. know all. when the impis i'm aware of them when i did as i must go around them to my mantis with them out of. the 4 it says. the whole leaves it on though. but i love when the output bottle just pop out on those were the moment then and i was on i knows i'm in august because here in this town on the way there's no no no content recorder in our community about when the emotional words come visit us because that was our new president in this debate
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as he almost out it is that i'm going to do more of his budget. see i mean not is not on thing as hominy honest on what our seeing. your true for most prominent gun issue many thought is. the money c.e.o. kids drown in from the d.n.a. please you need few 1000000 financially in my life we.
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all know when this in a few on the time just bones and you and your might not begin again. because you could foresee it won't be interesting thing when you seem to apply it if you know when i when i mean i mean when you're on this continent with say give. plenty. plenty. right.
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but of all of all this the among the nothing on behalf. of my. son nothing and i have. more than one but i thought it best. for you to horrify nothing and thought of none poem. product will. confirm if you. don't love them and love. love you don't love the. really love it don't know if they love you mum one that i love that.
1:38 am
i'm facing this to put it back because there's no me in it but i don't want the road like when the ambassador for love ended up in your. he says he gave you in the new. him though he had known him for 10 minutes. i could have gone there a nap and tell a family that i cannot attend and off he had been taken all the most fully cow. but i mean that in move in. and i fancy i had the list but i'm new at it and in me make money on it that it go to it's only half out of i'll see how more day and day i said i thought even as you honestly i don't see how monday there is a lost cause done has get him away yeah. if that's the post go ahead on my question i easy enough when.
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you try. to talk. to him on the old stadium or consists of. not was that idea. yet of young was that they were. looking at me and. my god what a load. i landed as you know to live and have you been all that.
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good as you can see even in a different kind of she can interact with and luella minorities and all in it. he and if you get in people going into the. claims you make instead. again i got thinking tonight with natalie wood today and i'm. going on to an issue in our community obs is fully open and then up with the engine of the yacht is about as one finishes out the out on the campus and on short. as i like. short one dominating group of bystanders if we're going to be in the c.s.s. and on the noisiest are yet to need a good rush as you now you know it you know but on a completely new which i'm pretty sure on.
1:41 am
the model of kristen there was a lock on by the mantle of the god the follow much for last they released us in could and was came as a law supports the lead of the courtly. but he does see the number like in the past who was allowed to pray when there. may be a letter your boy. in the low end will create a list and the most ok or you say i want to make or you know they more chance that on t.v. than by talking what i am of you and thank you look at them look at most amazing damo the mom is the family being made oh no the mazy down with a company that but i ve thought.
1:42 am
i was my mom's a little. i'm the mom who is carrying. my mom hi you guys process can get most employee all important thing i knew a lot of them the more look out i'm coming that is there's a knowledge of good and decent 1000 for the can there be a 100 glad. no
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i want the money that i will not.
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give that is peach on. you. when you tell you that 2. this is gonna keep. you said kind of. ok. so there's a. good one more that. doesn't you say.
1:45 am
well thank. you know it up i'm afraid you. know what there's a lot to do with where do. what i agree with or lead him on the road we had he made you know what i. meant to the little monley by did i mean.
1:46 am
and kanu and mean your lord was a god and where the point of the writer in mind they will. see him is who out of the persist don't feel the need to be this given a holiday of the old model and the. odd times. as. they had me. not them was all you. need going to continue to see in. the d.n.a. but on my. from
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what little my dil hadn't got a good book out when he did it without it coming i without a bit of. money and buy a mine is unknown but it's going to cave his way in the sea and the opposite of that is his boss is that nice in the eye you're not you. know. he's a i came as he sees it in that block here if you go through enough yes you will if you make any comment on this was yeah for.
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now but i wonder if we have things going for you up in your own business when i get on the pivotal point thundercracker me. was really proud of him for this gun game now he's going to go out on the mushroom here in the my deck anakin like i did come where you are going to bring us again by your little point but i get the car but you don't put it about but none going on but if you don't really want. you can go run but it's not known for a good one mile you. make that comment of going to thank you lucky you not think i'm going to get them back on me go you don't want to learn if you marry i don't act them but if you get negative yes i'm not recommending. he is going to yogi up another commandant is a thief oh no you're not on layers on that the money in the me being put out by no one i mean not here thank you on up and getting one for you and me open up and run
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. and unfolding then i would your. company. get up again in a 1000 and you would look at the ballpark where you've got nothing but them that are in the way and. in a while as you're a lot of us are there you'll be my mentor and i know your mom mom went from us and up there are times that keep the reader but i. don't know how to go on living there . and i'm not going to cost. you her kooky what do you.
1:50 am
do that you're. going to get. the listing in the autumn we don't let you be going on the eve of the when the. getting. out of will in the day is getting what you want might be delayed by. continuous. so $1000000.00 it's and could. you know he did and.
1:51 am
did you if you had a good time. i only had the value. damon to lead me on this. if we have it without fear of my. getting must go and not knowing when that might not get overlooked are you hoping that you will need that in those days it was that i'm the one from letting them according to the latest comments that mean they were looking at my book. it was no no no
1:52 am
one moment. seems to get you on one of. them because the money you want wasn't the jon benet my sister. didn't want to see and most of the season will be an incident. in a bank in a big i think i can just when i began my space odyssey and that i had made more open and. you know that i might. gag. on that though it belin. no you gave me more that i mean to give them if you get what you can i get boys are who are good words eagerly i'm going to work up we are going to. put you both where you look but i mean there's a there's a. there's a question he. just i know coming like i want to spend
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a month and you think what i meant this was when the when we opened a bit. but i don't. again they've gone bust him but i made me think. he's embedded i mean did it just. getting out of. the logical yeah i was going through what it.
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was going to be. but my one thing i'm broke i'm with you from one and i'm up with a chink in the compass you know. what i thought i'm just. going to get that fucked up what i hear. for a little bit oh yeah let's get it. back and you got my uncle seen the only thing is that he put me in the thought of you know put a key even the thought of the fight i mean that is the same way i check on the way to the. i might implement a i leave one up even if you. are not on board and if on i think i have my hands on the depot nothing going on i need either be bad. about him in
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a plant that come from. the army.
1:56 am
put them in to get the energy of the moment but they began to get big like us going to get him because. the roof. on the monks got the market. but it was a go that way because i wanted them to. look into. it it was just going. to move a. game. going on there are going to come when the up and when they took it out went in place here is how you'll see i was in one. andrew logical to him with that in simply not really his attitude in the bunch and in the church all. the money. in the stomach goes to the new book out and they show you
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something i'll be a real. moistness post we didn't shows up again in the show on the. just one and we really needed. to do lose.
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just the mind play tricks the damn car is always is parked right there they really out there past the family. most are and dragons they're out like they're in the car a filmmaker takes the f.b.i. to court to find out approximately $33120.00 pages of records and in the process mobilizes her community as long as people are is a tot and there is little check against the stand the feeling of being watched on al-jazeera i thought this convict. that everyone has a deep reservoir of tonopah billeted and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest situations author missed and packed for that bit. yeah ok so. the main thing is that sets out 0 apart from other news organizations is that
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a lot of our reporting is about real people not about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policies and how events affect real people it's ok it's ok it's ok to leave the long complicated operations probably if this is not an act of clear i'm going to mark the office of the work you're doing here is amazing but there aren't so many fossils and it feels like this is just a dent what was your relationship with joe dot com or ok there certainly comes in this job isn't just about what's on a script or a piece of paper it's about what's happening right now. kenyon journalists in pursuit of press freedom and justice i haven't seen think this great situation where someone seeking but they hope you can afford being clean and investigating government corruption and the national health care system some of the transactions you're seeing nigel be killing. for money that is unexplained to
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africa uncensored and publish those things up people don't want to publish even if it doesn't knock the oscar who's truth is it anyway on al-jazeera. this is al-jazeera. back to below this is a news hour live from my headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes early results show massive gains for pro-democracy candidates in hong kong. elections a record turnouts. top indoctrinated and punished leaks documents reveal new evidence of china's repression of more than a 1000000 ethnic minorities john province also this hour colombia's president holds a national dialogue.


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