tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 9, 2019 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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he wanted the investigation announced to help his 2020 ally didn't he definitely do not talk about 22 on mr goldman would you agree that if mr president trump was acting corruptly wrongfully abusing his power it was unlikely he was going to confess to presidents alinsky that he was asking for the investigation explicitly to help is 20 twentieth's lection prospects in my experience as 10 years as a prosecutor you almost never have a defendant or a someone who's engaging in misconduct who would ever explicitly say in this case president selenski i'm going to bribe you now or i'm going to ask for a bribe or i am now going to extort you that's not the way these things work thank you mr goldman mr caster got to get back to you you said that he said to set about 100 biden talked about a 100 biden and been on the board a breeze for going back to 2014 correct yes there's a little bit ponce 800 hours g.m.t. 1 pm in washington d.c.
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continuing coverage on al-jazeera the latest stage of the impeachment hearings in the house judiciary committee the 1st time in today's proceedings that we have had questions for both republican and democrat lawyers 2017 or 2080 iole did it the year before his lection in 2020 when both he and vice president joe biden were leading candidates is that true sir i think what happened is the president saw this video of the former v.p. and i think it. coalesced in his mind or please answer my question he didn't raise any of these issues in 2017 or 20 i don't know that he did he did or he did i mean that is not something that we've looked at you know evidence that he did or you did you know i would have no evidence he did not i mean this video is pretty a let me ask of the let me ask you this you talked about lieutenant colonel then and it was a highly decorated purple heart recipient and worked in the trump administration correct. it's or he had a reaction to the called an e.
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he did he was listening to it correct he went to look at his reaction. he said i immediately went to john the lead legal counsel he said it is improper for the president united states to demand a foreign government investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent that was his testimony correct yes or no it was his testimony yes 8 that yes and let me ask you this are you you had said that the intelligence committee majority report mr goldman had talked about you said it presents things are clear but they're not clear is that what you said sir that's absolutely correct and you also worked on you were personally said worked on the minority report correct yes or was it important to you to be accurate in the minority report as you worked on was it important to be fair to witnesses to be accurate about what they said course was it important to be fair to the american people of course accurately
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report what people settlers' well let me to ask you about somebody else on that call let me ask about jennifer williams she was a special adviser to vice to vice president pence on europe and russia affairs is that correct yes you work for vice president pence correct correct and you said in your opening statement that these accusations that president trump was trying to do something for political purposes that was made by people who were prepared predetermine motives for impeachment so i cracked some of them i but i also indicated that some of these the witnesses in the impeachment inquiry i think you have to revise their views after after the call transcript came out i mean whistleblower complaint was released are you calling vice president pence's special advisor a liar sir right and stated are you calling are you saying she was pre-determined to impeach. i didn't say that well you know add to the question about jennifer
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williams interesting is i didn't ask you sir she she never ran mentioned anything to her supervisor she never mentioned anything to anybody in the vice president's office in route to warsaw when the vice president was going to meet with president selenski she didn't even raise it as a potential issue that might you know catch the vice president off guard or mr kantor concerned that she articulated during the course of the deposition and during the course of the hearing was the engine grew and in can grew and with the with the facts and what she did during times relevant mr katter let's look at your report what you wrote in the report about miss weigh ins so we could put up slide 6 please and sir you made the same point that you tried to make to discount her testimony you said she testified that although she found the call to be unusual she did not. she did not raise concerns
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to her supervisor right now nobody in america knew about jennifer williams's concerns until she walked in the door for her deposition so you when you said that although she found the call to be unusual that wasn't accurate that's not what she said about the call she didn't say was just unusual did she she said it was unusual that's all she said about it was ok i mean she she that was here for 9 hours in a bunker so she said a lot about the car that was you in the motions you're going to guard lie deck we can't i just want to be gentlemen will suspend the gentleman has the time we can't see this stuff it's as mean as that happy to read it. jennifer williams testified that quote although she found the call to be unusual she did not end a quote she did not raise concerns to her supervisor is that a fax or the miss williams said a lot more than that if we're going to have a point of order. gentleman state his point of order the kind of orator is the
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general in florida has complained that he can't see what the questioner is relying on and would like to see it and that is not a point you could not have a point of order and it was read to him jenna moved to some only half of it was rigged him irrelevant out slow down i've been here a moment let's scroll down a bit here so that members are able to fully see what is being put in support of what you're trying to do we can't do that without being able to see into read it mr gates is said that let's slow down so that we can see or hear what he is referring to and you're not letting that happen and that goes to the privileges of the members to change you are and it isn't it's not a few of them this will stand a vote the gentleman will suspend. his term and i can see now i appreciate the accommodation it's the will the the monitor was turned out we can see with a gentleman resume thank you mr chairman so in the here it says that you
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said this william said that she found it to be quote unusual and nothing more let's look at slide 7 anyway or let's look at say it says unusual correct is anybody doesn't say and nothing more no it says unusual is it a fact so that when this william says is she struck her as unusual and inappropriate isn't that correct sir that's what she said in her testimony ok and in your staff report you left out the inappropriate part doesn't block quote it was she felt it was unusual she didn't raise the concerns that lieutenant general kellogg so so let me ask you were you as fair to the american people in describing what in this way i'm said as you were in describing any everything else in your report i don't know i don't have an issue with the way we described ms williams testimony well let's look at what else miss williams said we put up slide 8 this is from this way as a public testimony of 34. she said. quote i
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thought that the references to specific individuals in investigations such as former vice president biden and his son struck me as a little in nature given that former vice president is a political opponent of the president so you left that out of your staff report to to new. you know miss williams did you leave that out of your 4 yes or no i if you're telling me i did i mean i don't i don't know as i sit here right now and that's and i'm telling you you did ok. and you have an explanation so we said you said miss williams said that the call was unusual when she fact she said it was unusual and inappropriate and of a political nature because every raised vice president the vice president who she recognized was a political opponent of the president her views of the call differ remarkably from mr marson also from lieutenant general come on that's not my question my question is why did you misquote this williams terms of oneness and why did you do it we
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didn't in this quarter so you stand so from the standard that you apply to your fact finding in your report you believe that it was entirely proper to say that miss williams found the call to be unusual when in fact she found the call to be unusual and inappropriate and of a political nature given that the former vice president is a political opponent of the president that your testimony sir. i mean we described what ms williams senator is actually going to you did mr chairman if either and you can as. chairman i'm not getting the ads go ahead 3 games to go gentle air you can ask your aunt again about jeopardy does not make you know chairman as the chairman i mean i don't want a word and that is the badgering the witness is not general to continue and sir you you you invoked. sir you involved mr mormon can you rule out of my point of order these badgering the witness because he's doing that sorry you do in your volume that there is not a quick nice emotion it does not well for a ruling and the time belongs to the gentleman sorry order the committee is not an
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order and the chairman is not in order and is not a point of order the committee is in order the well would you rule on my original point of order the original point of order was not quick nice evil does not. necessitate doing that the lawyer is badgering the witness we have to have some women or men here in journey of your rules of decorum which aren't comporting with everybody else's rules i will say that sharp cross-examination of a witness is not badgering the witness stand will continue mr chairman it is even about in the will you know and the gentleman has the time mr chairman point of order it was stated point of order under resolution 660 we're supposed to follow the federal rules of evidence is it right what is it what does it know it is not correct what are the rules what are the objections that were able to not have that is not a point of view it is a point of order there is no reason not a point of order the gentleman continue where is the list of rules gentlemen will continue then we allow you mr errington gentlemen will continue thank you mr
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chairman mr mr castor you just invoked jim morrison he was somewhat on the call to correct. and let me put up slide dying of mr morrison's testimony on page 38 of his public testimony and mr morrison said well the question was a question by mr goldman. you heard the call you recognized that president trump was not discussing the talking points that the n.s.c. had prepared based on official u.s. policy and was instead talking about the investigations that fiona hill had warned you about and then you reported it immediately to the n.s.c. legal advisor is that the correct claim of vents here and mr morrison said that's correct before i ask you mr castor let me ask you mr goldman earlier before your presentation we showed the testimony of miss hell where she referred to what president trump was trying to do is running
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a domestic political aaron is that what you understand is what you intended to ask mr morrison about in your question to him yes it was about these 2 specific investigations that president trump ultimately did discuss in asking president selenski to do these are the same 2 investigations that were discussed and were there only 2 investigations that were at issue throughout the entirety of the scheme and so what our evidence found was that any time there was a reference to investigations it referenced the biden investigation in the 2016 election investigation and in fact ambassador volcker actually said that whenever he was saying using the term corruption what he meant was those specific 2 investigations and what was the significance to you that mr morrison who mr castor himself has relied on invoked twice today where he said that he understood these were the investigations that fiona hill had warned him about warned him about what
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do you understand that to mean when dr hill left and to morris and replaced her they had transition meetings and during one of those transition meetings dr hill told him morrison about what she believed to be this irregular channel that ambassador sun was operating where they were pushing for ukraine to do these investigations and dr hill in particular was very concerned because as she said as you pointed out that. as a domestic political errand and what she was working on of the national security council was working on related to national security and foreign policy and those were 2 entirely separate things and was she expressing the view that president trump had chose his own personal political interests over the foreign policy positions that miss hill was trying to pursue at the time that she said that jim morrison she was not aware of whether president trump had actually endorsed these investigations but she did testify that after she read the call transcript which
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she only read after it was released like the rest of us she said that she put $2.00 and $2.00 together and realize that that is exactly what he was talking and what was 2 and 2 again equals 4 and what is 4 in this investigations are well there was used by 2 witnesses ambassador sunline and david holmes as the only logical conclusion to explain why the security assistance had been withheld was being withheld from ukraine and based on all of the various factors and their direct involvement in issues related to ukraine they concluded that the security assistance was being withheld to put pressure and as a condition on the initiation of the 2 investigations that are referenced here attorney do you miss particular covering zoning that are trying to prove i got to clear a couple things up here if i may 1st of all morrison was concerned marzan and think the caller you have no question gentlemen is that not the way i mean sir let me mention this concern about leaders let me ask you sir sir you said i by the way
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involve older never mantz and i mean is it time the clock will stop. i think this would be able to examine mr barch like he's been able to cross with him in the abode in that he's not actually dying of the inquiry yet not shout out the middle of this you need to call balls rocks and you don't interrupt either one of them is your when you're mentally you're there on the witness and we might get harder is built like that but once there i don't or i gentlemen will continue so i believe it was your testimony as i wrote it down the democrats are about blocking info when they should be seeking information is that is absolutely right ok and then you said that the trumpet ministration has in fact cooperated and facilitated congressional oversight investigations that cracks or might just yes or no is that correct absolutely they trumpet ministrations participated in oversight during the entire congress until it got to this impeachment inquiry so let me ask you about this call sir robert blair kaiser just not fair robert blair who was on this call the trumpet
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mr drazen the president self directed him not to appear and give testimony on a very let's i'm glad you know i'm asking did the president direct him not to appear give testimony yes or no i think he was allowed to come if agency counsel he was not allowed to come under the terms set by the house intelligence committee correct i think he would have come with agency counsel of troubled ministration directed him not to come correct he would've provided testimony i think even if agency counsel could have kamin it's really expensive to hire these outside lawyers john eisenberg was directed not to come correct the lawyers emerge presents another setback but he would drain he was directed not to come the lawyer who lieutenant colonel vin min went to correct ok eisenberg. he may have been able to come with agency counsel but he presents some complexities i mean he's the chief legal advisor for investor bolton so he was directed not to come correct. he may have been able to come with with agency counsel but his testimony does present complexities sir let me ask you this was it u.s. policy on july 26th to request that ukraine investigate. going to.
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proceedings that the. house judiciary committee just for now as you can see it is getting said this early very testy very tense inside there between the republicans and democrats as you might expect when you are heading towards what would seem to be the inevitable impeachment of a republican president count struggle on capitol hill are you able to put this into a little more perspective for us other than just the fact that we've got a very divided country a very divided congress but i don't know this is something different the way it's playing out today. well one point that you guys probably didn't see on your screens come all is that republicans actually stage their own silent protest of sorts in the minutes before this hearing kicked off this morning there were those 3 witness seats that were empty in the morning and actually the ranking member and 2 other republicans stood behind them as an act of protest playing into the arguments
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of republicans that this whole process they see as not transparent and unfair to their party and to the president and that's the source of much of these fireworks that we've seen erupting you've seen many times republican members trying to call calls of order trying to interrupt the proceedings or delay them get them off track and this is all playing into their efforts to prove that this is the pietschmann as trump claims is a sham and one interesting episode that i noticed earlier was when republicans tried to strike from the record statements made by one of the witnesses saying that the republican saying that these statements were not allowed by parliamentary rules of decorum because they implied that trump was being disloyal to his country well that is the very heart of the accusations that democrats have levied against trump in these pretty in the term proceedings they say that he put the interests of the.
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country behind those of himself and wanting to be reelected when he asked a foreign and nation to interfere with the upcoming election and so they said it was ridiculous to strike those comments when at the very heart of this inquiry is the president's motives and exactly how he prioritized his interests above those of the national interests and it's also a moment there which maybe you can explain to us because we've got him on screen right now the democrat who's the democrats council. who has gone from being a witness to counsel and this is the jury now the banging the gavel again another interruption some controversy over that. right you know it's interesting because democrats want to make this a compelling and easy to understand narrative to convince the american people to jump on board this impeachment and they're not really doing themselves much favors
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by making this indeed confusing complicated even for us who are observing the very details of it yes you're seeing the same witness goldman the democratic counsel who. earlier he and his colleague another democratic lawyer gave the opening statements that was like one legal roll and now they're witnesses which meant they had to be sworn in all of which it really doesn't mean much in the greater matter of things however it makes it easier for republicans to attack saying that this process is muddled unclear and it's easy then to use that to distract from the actual message that these witnesses that democrats have called are trying to convince and they have laid out very clear terms of what they see as abuse of power by the president meddling in the upcoming elections and the trail of the national
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interest and they're saying also addressing republicans argument that this impeachment process is going to quickly responsibly and because and motivated only by politics well democrats say it's because it's the very legitimacy of these upcoming elections that are at stake since trump is accused of soliciting interference in those elections thus this impeachment inquiry and the impeachment itself has to unfold now even at this breakneck speed even without all of the witnesses that democrats will like to see testify thank you heidi joe counts she's on capitol hill with those hearings are going on today. 1600 pennsylvania avenue the white house is i white house correspondent kimberly how could what perspective can you give us from the temple we often look for reaction from donald trump i mean when the hearing started these you know i don't want to i've got time for this has he been watching it do you think. according to the white house no he is not
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watching it kellyanne conway the advisor to the president the legal counsel saying in fact that he is working for the american people but is being updated by his staff on the goings on the president has tweeted a little bit sporadically not as much as we've seen in previous hearings he has sort of sent the usual tweets that we could expect essentially saying that this is a witch hunt that this is something that is really comes down to the transcripts of the phone calls between his conversation between blood was a lengthy and himself back in july which many people say is the foundation for this impeachment inquiry given the fact that depending on how you read that transcript released by the white house is either evidence of wrongdoing by the president the allegedly pressured the ukrainian president to investigate his political rival former vice president joe biden or if you take the words of the president that
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phone call was quote perfect what we've seen here whether it's a capitol hill with the republican lawyer speaking on capitol hill testifying whether it's kellyanne conway the president's advisors or even a tweet from stephanie griffin the white house press secretary that there are a set a very coordinated talking points that are playing out in defense of this white house and out of this strategy essentially saying there's no evidence of wrongdoing so we've been hearing that there is certainly a weak case in the eyes of the republicans also that there was no pressure according to stephanie grisham there what they're talking about is that the ukrainian president said in no way that he was pressured by donald trump although many have. it was almost a statement made under duress if you will given the fact that he was very interested in getting military aid from the united states to fend off any potential aggression from russia and also no obstruction whatsoever coming from stephanie grisham the white house press secretary but even that talking point
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a little bit confusing given the fact that the white house has been very clear it does not want members of the trumpet ministration to testify so what we're seeing is a very quiet needed message in the midst of an awful muddled mess up on capitol hill you know one of the consistent frustrations for years in washington has been the frustration with how congress works and i think as we've watched some of the fireworks of these hearings on both sides i think we can safely conclude that there probably is still some frustration given some of the dramatics that have been evidence by both democrats and republicans the dramatic it has been hasn't thank you can be how could i white house correspondents back out of our washington studio here's chris adelson now assistant professor of government at the american university's school of public affairs nice to see chris think it's been a couple of since we last spoke to you. but me let me give you an example which i think you'll and some of our viewers will figure out where i'm going here someone shows a picture of a dress and some people say it's blue and black and some people say it's white and
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gold that's how this feels today we're looking at one situation and the stories that are being told on either side it's almost like they're talking about completely different things. that is a good way to describe it i think it puts us in an uncomfortable position as neutral observers because we don't want to be seen as taking sides but when one side since the let me use a different example so if one side says the mood of me is made of rocks and as craters on it and the other side says no the mood of me is made of green green cheese and aliens painted pictures of human faces on it we wouldn't be obliged to say well they disagree about this one side is not plausible i think we have to say that today i think in a broader sense we also if this is your correspondent reporting out 1. it's probably time to move on i don't know there's much more productive things coming out of this hearing if i were the democrats i'd start to think about next steps do you think it's i just want to scream at the moment once again we've got daniel
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goleman the democrats lawyer is it slightly concerning that he was a witness and then goes and sits on the bench and now is asking questions it does seem an all set up spats utterly disingenuous the republicans have argued today they have a sign up behind the placard saying where is adam where's adam schiff adam schiff was asking questions they want him to be a witness they're demanding he be a witness they have a placard of calling for to be a witness they make arguments when it suits them they are not consistent it's should not be taken seriously this is also not a court proceeding it should be emphasized as well ordinary rules don't apply ok i'm glad to clear that one up then so where is all of this taking us then you know you made the point earlier that there is almost no chance that president trump would be removed from office after a patriot because of as you said this republican senate so what are we getting out of today is it in your view is it weakening the chances of re-election in 2020 at
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all is it having the opposite effect. i don't know about that here's what i would say of our democratic member of congress i would say it's time to move forward there's been as you mentioned before 76 days of investigation many witnesses are coming to testify we know the facts have been established it's starting to become a little repetitive i think the democrats could get more information if there were witnesses like rudy giuliani who would testify but they won't so i think it's time for the democrats to say let's move ahead and just say also what can we do to protect the election the 1st step to protect the election is this impeachment hearings by calling attention to what the president or his advisors were attempting that's not going to work because the president will remain in office and will understandably feel that he is. emboldened to continue doing this so i think what the democrats have to say next is let's make clear this is not appropriate we will do what we can when peter presidents this kind of recognizing he will stay in
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office and continue to do this what can we do now to do the best we can to ensure that this election will have integrity that it will not be sabotaged by further acts. chrisette of something great talking to you thanks for sticking around with us through this impeachment hearing inquiry today thank you now we've got another element to look at because the middle of this the u.s. department of justice has just released its report into the f.b.i. is russia probe the watchdog criticize the f.b.i. over its surveillance of a former trump campaign adviser but found no evidence of any political bias. in washington can you hear me there i can sorry i'm reading that's ok no look 100 pages yeah i've got it here on my i pad as well i'm going ok i'm really glad you're here to explain it for me place. aren't you mr high tech basically this is what the president has been saying basically for years that the f.b.i.
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had conducted this witch hunt as a legal spying operation into his campaign so he's been making that complaint there's an inspector general inside all of these departments every federal government has an inspector general is his or her job is to be the watchdog of that agency so this is a very respected inspector general he said it he talked to 170 different interviews on the record interviews 1000000 documents and at the end of the day just briefly going through the executive summary so far it's basically saying we found no evidence that this investigation into the trunk campaign in connection with its ties to russia had any sort of political motivation and they are dismissing a lot of what the president says he says well they started the investigation when christopher steele that former british spy handed over information and he was paid by people paid by the clinton campaign this report just in the 1st few paragraphs as no they didn't know about this deal information until well after the investigation was underway and it repeats what we knew from the mall investigation
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that this started when george papadopoulos was overseas speaking to what they call in this report a friendly foreign government the australians basically he bragged that russia was going to help the trump campaign damaging e-mails on hillary clinton australia then sent that over to the justice department and according to this report that's what launched this investigation now it's 500 pages there are things that were done wrong within the f.b.i. there's a low level lawyer that's been forced out because he forged some documents so there's some things that the president's allies could try to pick apart but if you believe this inspector general and before this report was released he had bipartisan support. all of the claims the biggest claims from the president that the f.b.i. planted a spy in his campaign in the deep state was trying to stop him from the beginning this inspector general says no that didn't happen. thank you patty culhane for explaining all of that for us parties in washington where so much has been happening today obviously we've been focusing on the house judiciary committee next
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want to have a quick look now at some of the more heated exchanges from the hearing even right from the beginning of the proceedings and heidi mentioned this earlier member of the public interrupting the chairman's remarks have a look at the minority this. video . you need or we're going on the point of order mr chairman you can and then not allow us to appeal the ruling that the gentleman will suspend it was not was not a quick nice simple point of order it was a notion that i was made in writing to the motion of mostly not in debate is not well in favor the most you could get well in favor of the motion tables. i got no. motion today just put it right in 1st then you can motion table your palm rules motion to table. and.
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we will now look at some other news of the day and syrian activists say more than 18000 people have been displaced in rebel held italy province in just 24 hours syrian and russian government airstrikes have intensified despite a cease fire announced by moscow back in august at least 10 civilians were killed on sunday and support from bennett's. there was a market here in the southern edge of the village when the airstrikes began with. you that they were russian jets according to the syrian observatory for human rights. volunteer y. tell me how medics are there within minutes to do what they've done thousands of times during the civil war trying to save the lives of civilians. them a scrubbing through the dirt by hand that no nothing was using machinery could displace more rubble. the patient that she was it was somehow this man is still alive. in
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a play on. intensive airstrikes by jets targeted the main market the airstrikes killed at least 8 civilians and left dozens injured as civil defense we took out the bodies and help the injured. by leon was one of 5 villages hit by syrian government forces in italy province in the last 48 hours this territory is the last holdout of groups opposed to president bashar al assad. russia which supports assad and turkey which backs the rebels had agreed in august that this would be a deescalation zone but attacks have continued since then. more than $18000.00 people have been displaced since sunday as a consequence of the latest bombardments most had north towards the turkish border worsening an already desperate refugee situation that. bernard smyth al-jazeera. in india a controversial citizenship bill has passed through its 1st stage in parliament the
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proposed law is geared towards granting citizenship to those fleeing religious persecution but it excludes muslims and some say it's the governing hindu nationalist parties latest attempt at sidelining muslims in india and china reports from new delhi the movie do you have to leave her ali says his wife committed suicide while he was being held in a detention center accused of being an illegal migrant he says his son lost his shop because of the stigma attached to being a member of what's considered to be an outside his family and that he himself is often so depressed he thinks he may have lost his mind. down for long i can't think properly know a current life in the detention center was very hard. to get. the names of both ali and his son are missing from the national register of citizens a list of who is and isn't an indian in the state of. many other muslims are also worried they may be forced into state lessness. especially as the indian
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government takes the citizenship amendment bill through parliament. the best says that hindus christians sikhs. and parsees who faced religious persecution in afghanistan pakistan and bangladesh should be granted indian citizenship but it excludes muslims moral duty of the state to provide. if. this is. the thousands gathered to protest against the bill in several states in india describing it as a discriminatory legislation intended to talk it was slim said the bill is intrinsically linked to the national register of citizens analysts say as the indian government makes it mandatory for all indians to register it off as muslims no protection it is unacceptable not only because it is and by not it not only
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because it gets muslims not only because it is unconstitutional but because it is against the very idea of. members of opposition parties have accused the government of polarizing the people many political analysts politicians and those this government want to know why this bill that's meant to protect persecuted minorities does not include muslims. they say citizenship on the basis of religion is taking any other step too far from being a secular state and closer to being the nation. however some hindus are also against it. father was detained and accuse of being an illegal migrant he fell ill in a detention center and died but his son wants his father's dignity restored not because they were religiously persecuted bengali hindus from bangladesh but because they are indian. al-jazeera new delhi for example they say 5 people are dead and
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8 others still missing after a volcano erupted off the coast. of the country on wise island $31.00 people are in hospital police confirmed there is no sign of any more survivors prime minister just in their audiences if it weren't for the actions of 1st responders there would be more casualties. i want to acknowledge the courageous decision made by 1st responders and those pilots who an immediate risk if it made a incredibly brave decision and extraordinarily dangerous circumstances in an attempt to get people out as a result of the if it's a number of people we received from the island how we've read is now clear that there were 2 groups on the island those who were able to be evacuated and those who were close to the eruption as police sit out last night the police helicopter restrained helicopter in in the d.c.
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craft have undertaken a number of aerial reconnaissance flights over the island since the eruption nor signs of life have been singing at any point has been some extraordinary images come out from this disaster news in and bring you know mohammed as those in her report. thick smoke and ash rises thousands of meters into the air as the white island volcano also known by its indigenous madi name as for caare erupts 50 kilometers off the coast of new zealand releasing toxic fumes of sulfur and chlorine. dozens of tourists were on the island. some seen walking on the crates a floor moments before the eruption police said more than 20 people managed to get off the island some in boats others including some of the injured by helicopter. volcanic ash is now hampering rescue attempts to get to the island
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a number of other people have been taken to the hospital and hospital. a number of people have burns as a as a result of the eruption and new zealand's prime minister has called for calm i know there will be a huge amount of consume and anxiety for those who have loved ones on or around the island at the time and i can assure them police are doing everything they can why thailand is located in the bay of plenty and has been active for at least 150000 years its new zealand's largest and most unpredictable volcano erupting every couple of years releasing gas clouds steam and rocks the alert level was raised last month warning the volcano may experience a period of activity more than normal and it's not a particularly big eruption is is seed it was kind of. almost like a throat clearing kind of
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a ruction and that's why material probably won't have made it to. the white mike it mainly in new zealand on the scheme of things for volcanic eruptions it's not large but if you are close to there it is of it's not good emergency services say it's too early to confirm the number of injuries or deaths but there are fears of more fatalities from here mohammed al jazeera peace talks are underway in paris between the leaders of russia and ukraine for the 1st time in 3 years more on that story now in a european new center another here is learned. thanks kemal is that meeting between the timea putin and a lot of misery lenski brokered by the leaders of france and germany is aimed at ending the 5 year conflict in eastern ukraine it's expected the 2 leaders will discuss the conflict together directly but they will have separate discussions within one year medical and mackel ukrainian officials say among the demands are
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not getting ceasefire in the donbass region and the exchange of all prisoners thousands of people being killed and a 1000000 have fled the region since russian backed separatists began a bid for independence. as well 5 not to step in in paris so that he does before he does have been talking for several hours or so latest. here of course we keep hearing his name during the impeachment hearings all the time presidents olinsky he has been in tough negotiations with president putin for a couple of hours. sitting next to merkel and micron who are basically mediating these stocks now they these 4 way talks have ended and now straight and put in go into a bilateral meeting this is the 1st time ever the 2 leaders are going to meet each other face to face and of course we have been describing the difference of experience for example between put in and zelinsky put in of korans of course is an
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experience negotiated not known to make any compromises alinsky is the new kid on the block blocky just became the president so it is a lot of pressure on zelinsky to come up with a very good deal for ukraine and there's a lot of concern and also people have been protesting in the streets on the streets in the kiev accusing him of a capital a big to russia and there's also a lot of stick at stake for europe for merkel and mccraw and they also want an end to this ongoing war that has basically ruined the relationship between europe and russia the sanctions are still in place so there's no business between the countries the the main question here is how much put in one species and how many concessions he is willing to make. thank you very much indeed. have delayed the closure of a migrant camp labeled inhumane commissioner for human rights on sunday police had begun relocating some of the 800 refugees living in the czech camp
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a process that local officials say may now resume on tuesday snowfall and freezing conditions have made the camp unbearable for those living there and he refugees are refusing to be resettled as they plan to cross the nearby croatian border in order to reach the european union. finland's former transport minister will become the world's youngest prime minister as the 4 year old social democrat some are in will head a female led coalition cabinet after a political shake up in the country for in the resignation of prime minister and tina marin has had a swift rise in finnish politics since becoming head of the city council of her hometown of tempera at the age of 27 she will officially be named nominated for the post on tuesday the government resigned last week after the center party said it lost confidence in prime minister arena over his handling of a postal strike. i guess in malta staged a sit in at the office of prime minister joseph muscat to demand his immediate
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resignation. demonstrators say they want a proper investigation into muscat following revelations his chief of staff knew about or was involved in the murder of an anti corruption journalist a scot has said he will quit over the scandal but not until next month dozens of demonstrators were knocked in the building by police to prevent more people from joining the protests. the final few days of campaigning are underway in the u.k. is general election with both prime minister boris johnson and opposition labor leader jeremy coleman a him last minute attempts to win votes johnson toward a fish market or campaigning and the labor held seat in england's north east on jeremy corbin addressed crowds in bristol funding the country's health service dominated discussion on monday but johnson criticised his response to the change meant to be a young boy who was left sleeping on a hospital floor. i would say i want everybody to have the best possible experience
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in the n.h.s. and so did i but i have reports of the people on the whole of the n.h.s. do a wonderful job and support the masses but we'd be pretty muddy if we believe the 2 who would have as a country the tories have had 9 years to fund our n.h.s. properly. it's time to bring the regime join them. under the act a labor government has determined to fund our n.h.s. properly the dutch government has announced plans to ban nitric oxide better known as laughing gas and leaves intended to reduce its use by young people and despite the netherlands famously liberal attitude towards some drugs dentists will still be allowed to use it as a painkiller and feed make has be able to use it as a propellant in cans of whipped cream. more news it's off air now it's back to come on and oh ok thank you for that lauren security forces in iraq are enforcing a complete lockdown in the southern city of karbala checkpoints have been
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established and entrances closed off to prevent people from entering or leaving the city residents have been mourning a prominent activist who was shot dead late sunday after attending protests for him i'll tell you was critical of efforts to intimidate demonstrators have been taking part in anti corruption protests. also iraq's foreign ministry has summoned for western envoys for their statements condemning a weekend attack in baghdad that left 20 anti-government demonstrators and 4 police officers dead their basters of germany britain and france had met with the caretaker prime minister on sunday telling him to ensure the protection of the protesters and to urgently investigate and to hold accountable those responsible for the killings iraq says that some or all 4 envoys for their unexceptable intervention in iraq's internal affairs it's been 2 years now since i saw was defeated in iraq but the victory is overshadowed by the slow pace of reconstruction
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and the lack of services in the north in mosul alone 14000 houses are badly in need of repair $6000.00 need to be rebuilt from scratch similar fulton reports from mosul. life is slowly returning to mosul's old city 2 and a half years after a devastating battle left in ruins some houses a finally being rebuilt dean's home was partly destroyed in an airstrike the damage was less than 60 percent and so he qualified for a rehabilitation project run by the united nations development program he's grateful for the support but blames the government for the slow pace of reconstruction and the lack of services i feel. we live in and just as our country is rich we have oil and can't displacing but it's not in the hands of the citizens why is it only their organization was coming to help you with their government i ask you who brought this failed corrupt government they are thieves who were put in power they didn't do anything for us and still the family is lucky to soon have
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a roof over their head some parts of the old city remain level to the ground the result of a relentless campaign of coalition airstrikes. the made an area is where i saw made its last stand in july 2017 and since then it has remained virtually unchanged the biggest obstacle is not just like a funding but also disagreement over how it should be rebuilt some officials want to open it up to private investment while others want to rebuild it in a way that preserves whatever is left of the spirit and the architecture of the old city residents whose houses have been completely destroyed are entitled to government compensation but less than 5 percent of the $33000.00 claims submitted in this province have been paid out so far this family lost their house in an air strike since then they rented this rundown apartment in east mosul last year the government finally agreed to pay compensation but only
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a 3rd of what they paid to constructed just 5 years ago and even that money has yet to be processed. for them now when this paper was issued we were shocked we lost our house we lost the furniture and we cannot do anything and i understand there's no benefits to appeal it will cost more money whatever they told me i will accept this is our fate. and then of us new governor the 3rd person to hold that post in just 2 and a half years admits the government made mistakes. the startling bureaucracy has affected the pace of construction yes the funds that we received are insufficient to meet the needs of the province but unfortunately many of these funds were also returned to state coffers because of bureaucracy. the mounting feeling of neglect is reminiscent of 2013 when thousands protested in mosul against corruption the government violently crushed the demonstrations paving the way for
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iceland's rise people are no less angry now but they say they are too exhausted simply trying to survive see one awful teen al-jazeera mosul. it's been a very big story in sport today the concern in russia far has got to do that isn't quite a political one to you the world anti-doping agency has banned russia from all major sports events for the next 4 years this includes the olympics and football world cup but while there be no russian flag or amped them the door is still open for russian athletes to compete we welling's reports. how to deal with russia is the problem won't support just cannot find a way to solve the world anti-doping agency wada has tried and failed to pave the way for reintegration and off the continued subterfuge is executive committee voted unanimously to impose a 4 year ban on completing in and hosting major sports events this includes the time carolyn picks and the football world cup in qatar russia has afforded every
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opportunity to get yourselves in order to rejoin the global and to talking community for the good of the child seats and for the integrity of the sport but it shows in stage a different route crucially this plan applies only to the russian flag on them until 9 meaning controversially russian athletes and teams can still compete under a neutral flag this was the case that the 26 team with a olympics and winter games in pune trying last year it's not clear yet as to how this would work at the world cup should they qualify that same representing russia cannot participate but i'd say most neutral is there's a mechanism put in place and neutral they can apply it's a pretty neutral basis not as represents to suppression this won't satisfy waters' own athletes committee which believes only a blanket ban of all washing not that it's a problem that is now dragged on for more than 5 years straight back doping by
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russia emerged of the vessel she winter olympics in 24 effectively poisoning the guy names to show medal winning prowess under president putin russia's doping authority has 21 days to appeal the latest bond with the court of arbitration in switzerland because the head of research admits there are problems and is calling for reform just means that we need to change our approach there is no other way because we need to allow our athletes to live fulfilling lives in sport stop making life a nightmare for athletes. there are many in washington who don't welcome but as punishment yes there is a need to know the senior this is a biased decision a politically motivated decision in my opinion we the russian biathlon union and russian sports as a whole have contributed greatly to the anti doping program likely we took every test everything our athletes have been checked all the way through and no concerns have been raised whatever happens in an appeal there are legal loopholes for russia
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it's of the time rights to host events already been agreed you wife is euro 2020 football games in some places but unlikely to be moved because she wife is not a signatory to the water car and while this latest bind will remove some not plates from big events what cannot be removed is this is mission and distrust that will find out the sport at the time carolyn picks and beyond li welling's al-jazeera. spain's highest profile match fixing scandal has seen 36 players cleared of wrongdoing among the high profile names on trial the current p.s.g. star and a herrera and former athletic captain gavin more than 40 people overall were accused of match fixing connected to a game between. during the 2010 to 11 season not every one however scaped punishment. were convicted fraud arsenal football club are on their worst run for over 40 years and will be looking to avoid going 10
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games without a win later the 13 time english champions face west ham on monday and are down 11th place in the table interim coach freddie lundberg is also looking for his 1st one since taking over from an i am marie who was sacked last month. we need to change this. downward spirit spiral they have great great fans are going to be great ok ssion but maybe that's good for our players they can relax a little bit because it's difficult. when confidence is low it's love just how it is but we're going to work on trying to get up. showing his cricketers have arrived in pakistan for the 1st test match in the country for more than a decade the tour is face pakistan enrol append the with the match starting on wednesday it's part of a 2 test series sri lanka was in fact the last team to play a test in poc son back in 2009 when their team boss came under attack in lahore killing 8 people and leaving several sri lanka players and officials injured since
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then most teams have chosen not to play in pakistan however in the last 4 years involve sri lanka and the west indies agreeing to play limited over overs matches in the country tiger woods says the upcoming presidents cup is a dream come true for him this is the 1st time the 43 year old will be captaining the u.s. team as well as playing in the tournament woods and his team mates arrived in melbourne ahead of the bi annual event which begins on thursday the 15 time major champion is relishing the idea of being a captain but isn't ready to give up his playing career just yet. or as a plane captain i get to do both roles but i still got to keep my feels improprieties and play i did all right last week or yesterday or what i was now. but you know if we're excited i'm excited to build a play and be with these guys. to the n.b.a. basketball and the good don church has broken a longstanding record held by michael jordan the dallas mavericks are made it 19
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games in a row with at least 20 points 5 rebounds and 5 assists jordan who had 2 in a row dontcha broke the record in their defeat to the sacramento kings he's only 20 years old and from slavonia but no player has done better since the n.b.a. an american basketball association merged in 176. elsewhere on sunday night the philadelphia 76 ers improved to 12 wins and no losses at home the season is a bias harris scored 26 points made the trial raptors by 6 routers out into friendly n.b.a. champions but they've now lost 3 straight games. and that is all your support for now i'm surprised you kept that story in the fire thank you for that ok it's been quite a long day here in al-jazeera as we've been watching the house judiciary committee and it's still going on this will be getting well into the 5th hour now of the hearings as a sober house judiciary committee hearing the. summing up
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a few like from the legal teams from the republican and democrat sides essentially going through all the evidence we've heard in the weeks of hearings already stephen council speaking now republican legal counsel and it has been testy it is been acrimonious even arguments over whether they should be taking a recess or not all of it of course leading to what we would think to be the impeachment of president trump the democrats saying they want it to happen the vote at least it to happen before christmas so only a few weeks left so that. and in the meantime this hearing goes on as a protest at the start of it there was a silent protest by republican supporters that's had a little bit of everything today and that will continue we'll keep an eye on it the team in london as well coming up with another bullets in the news and we'll be across the latest developments as well as word from our correspondent on capitol
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hill and come all santamaria thanks for staying with us more news in a moment. for you know testing about how does this in question whether online life face mental state i'm directly out of trance like it's lately or if you join us on sand this is an attack on academic freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely this is a dialogue myanmar's not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice climate change is real the discussion is real and i'm here to talk about the
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solutions on al-jazeera the shocking treatment of disabled people in rumanian state run cash in these cages who cannot have access to a toilet or water institutions funded by the european union he has his hands and his fates tied to the bed 5 years after highlighting these abuses people in power returns to rumania in a 2 part series and discovers the scandal runs further afield europe's recurring shame on al-jazeera. the sisters opportunity to understand the very the friendly way. we're there before we don't leave. from the london. special guests in conversation. uninterrupted we have. whatever they want. whenever they want. black people for as long as we.
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have been. studio scripted on al-jazeera. u.s. congressional investigators present arguments for and against the impeachment of president donald trump over his dealings with ukraine. live from london also coming up tens of thousands flee as russian and syrian government forces. bombings on the rebel held. in new zealand say they do not expect to find any more survivors from a volcanic eruption has killed at least 5 people to.
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