tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera December 10, 2019 5:00pm-5:34pm +03
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it is 14 g.m.t. 9 am in washington d.c. and we have special live coverage for you this hour of the latest stage of the impeachment hearings into u.s. president donald trump he and his white house team are accused of withholding aid to ukraine in a change of heart for its investigation into one of trump's political rivals democratic presidential candidate and former vice president joe biden that investigation has been conducted by several committees of the democratic led house of representatives the chairs of those committees are meeting the media ingests
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a few moments and they are expected to unveil the exact text of proposals articles of impeachment those would still have to be approved by the fall house is something that could take place in the coming days and we have our white house correspondent kimberly hocket who is standing by for us also with us. on capitol hill in washington heidi we start with you how do we expect this to play out. fully there is a caution that these articles are not yet finalized will see them veiled in the minutes that come but the reports are to expect 2 articles of impeachment to be read they will be abuse of power saying on allegations that trump put his own political interests above that of the country when he asked for investigations into his political opponents and the 2nd article of impeachment likely to be obstruction of congress based on the president's efforts to not cooperate with impeachment
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investigators refusing to allow members of his staff to testify and refusing to hand over documents now the fact that the the likelihood that that will be seen these 2 articles of impeachment is important in that it's a satisfaction of the moderate wing of the democratic party members of the house who are hesitant to make this impeachment seem like it's wider that they don't want to play into the republicans argument that democrats are trying to throw anything they can at trying to see what sticks in order to try to remove him from office rather focusing on these 2 ukraine specific articles of impeachment in the thought of these moderate democrats is a way to make this focused and quick and play to the public opinion while the public is focused on this ukrainian issue the other possibility it's unlikely
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though is that they're the base of the democrats in the more liberal wing have been pushing for a 3rd article possibly an obstruction of justice which would reach back to the russia investigation we saw from the special counsel robert muller in which he detailed episodes in which trump try to obstruct justice as he was investigating possible russia collusion with trump's campaign of course trump was cleared of that charge so again we're expecting 2 articles of impeachment to be announced this more . going in this historic day for trying to become only the 4th u.s. president to ever have articles of impeachment drafted against him and heidi the reuters news agency saying that the house judiciary committee is aiming to vote on these articles of impeachment against president trump no later than thursday so things quite moving quite quickly it seems yes indeed and in fact reports are that there was there were of course we had our 9 hour long hearing yesterday before the
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house judiciary committee and then reports are its staff members continue working overnight or in the morning hours in the united states for these articles that have been worked on up until the last minute to be unveiled in only a few moments time and if indeed that is the case then on thursday according to reports is when this committee would then pass these articles out of the committee in order for the full house to have a vote next week which would then set up the impeachment trial of president trump to begin in the senate in the new year and thank you for the moment. on capitol hill for us let's cross to our other correspondent in washington d.c. white house correspondent kimberly what has been the reaction so far from the republicans and the president. they've always maintained that the president has committed no wrongdoing essentially their strategy has been though to talk about process versus facts in many cases and when confronted with facts basically saying
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get over it the president for his part has also been in the last hour touting the successes of his presidency that he sees as a highlight in fact if we could throw up the graphic here to peach a president who has proven through results including producing perhaps the strongest economy in our country's history to have one of the most successful presidencies ever and most importantly who has done nothing wrong is sheer political madness so essentially the president does have a point in all of this he is presiding over the strongest economy in decades and also the irony in all of this is that on the same day that there's going to be this announcement of the potential charges to remove president trump from office the democrats in the house of representatives may also be handing him one of his biggest legislative victories in terms of a campaign promise and that's an announcement that they've worked out a deal on the u.s. m.c.a. a trade agreement that he really sort of pinned as a signature in terms of trying to get elected improving ordinary workers lives so
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this is the challenge for the democrats moving forward because one hand they're saying the president has committed wrongdoing this is a precedent we don't want to see repeated let's make sure that we put this into the history books even knowing that the president may not be removed from office in the senate but at the same time having some difficulty because republicans on the other hand keep pointing to the strong economy which really resonates with the ordinary voter that is watching all of this play out on capitol hill. as we continue to speak. we are starting to see some movement there on capitol hill the chairs of those committees. to speak to the media and present. their findings and also present what they think president should be. charge waves in this impeachment investigate an investigation let's listen 1st to nancy pelosi lit the house speaker . on the sound day and i recall that the 1st order
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of business for members of congress is the solemn asked to take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states has great respect and gratitude that i thank the chairs of the committees the 6 committees who have been working to help us honor our oath of office also want to thank the staff of those committees and the committee members for all of their work over this period of time to help us protect and defend. i want to thank the chairman of the committee mr nadler chair of the intelligence committee. mr sheriff chair of the ways and means committee. chairman all of these tim tim and richie neal of massachusetts the chair the point here is committee eliot engel of new york the
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chair of the financial services committee next seen waters of california the chair of the committee on government reform and oversight congresswoman carolyn maloney. i also want to acknowledge the important work that was done by idea and departed may rest in peace a life coming as chair of the committee of the oversight committee now pleased to yield to distinguish chair of the judiciary committee mr knapp and. thank you madam speaker. over the last several months the investigative committees of the house have been engaged in an impeachment inquiry into president donald trump's efforts to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 elections efforts that compromise our national security and threaten the integrity of our elections
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throughout this inquiry he has attempted to conceal the evidence from congress and from the american people our president holds the ultimate public trust when he betrays that trust and puts himself before country endangers the constitution he endangers our democracy and the endangers our national security. the framers of the constitution prescribe it a clear remedy for presidents who so violate their oath of office that is the power of impeachment today in service to our duty to the constitution and to our country the house committee on the judiciary is introducing 2 articles of impeachment charging the president of the united states donald j. trump with committing high crimes and misdemeanors the 1st article is for abuse of power it is an impeachable offense for the president to exercise the
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powers of his public office to obtain an improper personal benefit while ignoring or in injuring the national interest that is exactly what president did when he solicited and pressured ukraine to interfere in our 2020 presidential election thus damaging our national security undermining the integrity of the next election and violating his oath to the american people these actions moreover are consistent with president trumps previous invitations of foreign interference in our 2016 presidential election and when he was caught when the house investigated and opened an impeachment inquiry president tripping gauged in unprecedented categorical and indiscriminate defiance of the impeachment inquiry
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this gives rise to the 2nd article of impeachment for obstruction of congress here too we see a familiar pattern in president trump's misconduct. a president who declares himself above accountability above the american people and above congress's power of impeachment which is meant to protect against threats to our democratic institutions is a president who sees himself as above the law we must be clear no one not even the president is above the law i want to recognize the great contributions of the investigative chairs particularly intelligence committee chairman adam schiff foreign affairs chairman eliot engel committee on oversight reforms former chairmen the late a larger cummings and his new chairwoman carolyn maloney financial services chairwoman maxine waters and ways and means chairman richard neo who helped lay the
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foundation for the articles we are introducing today i also want to thank my judiciary committee colleagues who are critical in our work to hold the president accountable and in the drafting of these articles later this week the judiciary committee will meet to consider these articles of impeachment and to make a recommendation to the full house of representatives we do not take this action lightly but we have taken an oath to defend the constitution and i'm like president trump we understand that our duty 1st and foremost is to protect the constitution and to protect the interests of the american people that is why we must take this solemn step today. elections are the cornerstone of democracy in a foundational to the rule of law but the integrity of our next election is at risk
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from a president who has already sought foreign interference in 820162020 elections and who consistently puts himself above country that is why we must act now i want to turn now to chairmanship who explain the evidence that supports these articles and the need for us to act with such urgency today. thank you mr chairman thank you madam speaker and to my colleagues good morning. the framers of the constitution recognized that some day a president might come to office who would abuse that office betray the public trust and undermine national security to secure foreign help in his re-election and who would seek to abrogate the power of congress to hold him accountable they recognize this danger and they prescribe a remedy and that remedy is impeachment it is an extraordinary remedy and one that
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i've been rather reluctant to recommend until the actions of president trump gave congress no alternative we stand here today because the president's continuing abuse of his power has left us no choice to do nothing would make ourselves complicit in the president's abuse of his i office the public trust and our national security the president's misconduct is as simple and as terrible as this president trump solicited a foreign nation ukraine to publicly announce investigations into his opponent and a baseless conspiracy theory promoted by russia to help his re-election campaign. president trump abuse the power of his office by conditioning 2 official acts to get ukraine to help israel action the release of hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid that nation desperately needed and
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a white house meeting with an ally trying to fend off russian aggression in so doing he undermined our national security and jeopardized the integrity of our next election and he does so still the evidence of the president's misconduct is overwhelming and uncontested and how could it not be when the president's own words on july 25th i would like you to do us a favor though ladies so bare his intentions his willingness to sacrifice the national security for his own personal interests and when the president got caught he committed his 2nd impeachable act obstruction of congress of the very ability to make sure that no one is above the law not even the president of the united states the evidence is every bit as strong that president term has obstructed congress fully without president and without basis in law if allowed to stand it would
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decimate congress's ability to conduct oversight of this president or any other in the future leaving this president and those who followed to be free to be as corrupt malfeasance or incompetent as they would like with no prospect of discovery or accountability now some would argue why don't you just wait why don't you just wait until you get these witnesses the white house refuses to produce why don't you just wait until you get the documents the white house refuses to turn over. and people should understand what that argument really means it has taken us 8 months to get a lower court ruling that donegan has no absolute right to defy congress 8 months for one court decision if it takes us another 8 months to get a 2nd court or maybe a supreme court decision people need to understand that is not the end of the
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process it comes back to us and we ask questions because he no longer has absolute immunity and then he claims something else that his answers are privileged and we have to go to back to court for another 8 or 16 months the argument why don't you just wait amounts to this. why don't you just let him cheat in one more election why not let him cheat just one more time why not let him have 4 and help just one more time that is what that argument amounts to the president's misconduct goes to the heart of whether we can conduct a free and fair election in 2020 it is bad enough for a candidate to invite for interference in our political process but it is far more corrosive for a president to do so and to abuse his power to make it so despite everything we have uncovered the president's misconduct continues to this day. take
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a break from the proceedings in washington to take you to riyadh. being held and yes speaking right now is the new secretary general abdellatif on the yani next to some 20 or 30 act this is be on a including the efforts to would support think that the aim towards supporting the efforts of the it's on tape translation i look at it they send sent it so the necessity message is. to. cement take the joint out a bag would be in force namely the. custom the body also endorsed these studies and research papers presented by the supreme body and instructed that they be deferred to the respective technical buddies in order to follow up with their implementation. the.
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khamsin welcomed 41st cycle will be hosted by the kingdom of bahrain it also indorsed the nomination of the kuwaiti. professor now if i lived up in order to take over as the secretary general of the body as of the fairest of april next and it is with pleasure at this point of july to congratulate. i'll jot of for the honor of vested in him and the responsibility also interested to him praying to god almighty that he will be successful in his position. and all his end devers. with success and on this occasion it is with pleasure that i present to his royal highness king hamad bin a. the monarch of bahrain all appreciation and gratitude for the
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trust. he placed in me as i have taken office. and the support i had received from his highness and. guidance. and support. similarly i extend the same appreciation to the king of saudi arabia the custody of the 2 holly mosques. for his support and the other fellow leaders of the member states for their support it is also with pleasure that i. extend all appreciation to the support i received and co-operation extended to me by the. foreign ministers of their respective member states. and the concerted efforts exerted by the ministerial committees and the similar operation and support
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extended by the respective committees. as of the old take pride and the sponsibility and their respective offices similarly i extend appreciation to the representatives of the media. emphasizing that we appreciate their efforts. and their. coverage of the activities and events of the council and the secretary general and they're keen to follow up with the journey of the joint action and the body they have been through support. which this summit has handed down a communique on the outcomes of the meeting held by the specter of leaders and it will be handed out following this press conference also this 2019
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communique which was doing the final session that's all i have. we open the floor to question. you know. one question at a time please thank you the secretary general today. it was reported that the c. sessions were brief. for what reason the 2nd question. the emir of kuwait. said a few words that this summit will shape our roadmap for the future of the member states on this particular day one united but in the face of iran.
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as you can see. a ministerial committee has convened and it handed down a number of things that is solution and his excellent see the secretary general pointed out to that and i can brief is that we had to kind of we handed our recommendations to the summit. and with respect to the iranian threat it is a threat to all of us and it is not dispirited by any member states will have an understanding that we should all stand united in the face of the iranian threat and the necessity measures be taken. and we are sure you know that we are capable and we won the united by the evan if our relationship is
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modeled by some little differences we remain solid united and one coherent body. and thank you for this question. and i believe. the as indicated. the brief meeting is an indication that the summit was a success and that communique as you have heard and i have read now parts of the resolution made and i am really proud of the degree of understanding among the leaders it was truly a meeting of brothers and it is to the end to restore all our respective people our respective sent citizens. was their
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goal they never lost side of this and i will be asked before history the 1st question to be uttered by each respective leader. what benefit will come to that said this in as a result of the some of them today and that communique you have heard repeatedly this phrase. the vision of the custodian of the 2 holy mosques and i invite all of you. to go through it once again you have you will find repeatedly this particular phrase that 2005 vision of the custodian of the of the 2 holly mosques all of which are centered on the interest and benefit of the citizens namely the
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common market and the common market the common. is one of the achievement which we take pride in the enters member states. in 2003 it was $6000000000.00 a year in. 18 more than $147000000000.00 in addition the electricity grid connecting the member states. to started in 2000 that on my own more than 1850 was avoided 185-0000 to robson when i voided as within seconds power can be transferred from one member states to another the achievements and benefits. are many. and numerous
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and as you have learned and from that communicate. and as reflected by the few words by his royal highness the emir of qatar that he is really delighted that we are doing our best and we are eyeing the future when never lose sight of the future we are marching towards more benefits and more at cvs ment and this was the aim of the few words he said it was an invitation for the secretary general. to exist. at 1st and then i say god help here because our leaders are always president asked for and we are all 'd doing all what we can for the benefit of our respective citizens. but. i haven't. supported weapon on a lot and in the past have any plans for financial support as lebanon goes through
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a major economic crisis and the other. if anything that the kingdom would want to see in order to provide such support such as excluding hezbollah from from any future government and if i could ask such a question for section 6. i just want to get to the interview you just talked about how the meeting was short and successful. one is that we noticed in the in the final there wasn't any explicit mention of the issues between confidence of the got to members of the future. to something that was discussed so how do you know what to do and. you can elect. thank you very much so the stability of lebanon is very very important out of the kingdom and who are more know him. as my. look at that him. conference as well so while i'm there to listen what i my son and
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son and all that have done. and learned another says you have learned and use it that it may have money man or a male minister that most of the. know if you die if you're just joining us on al-jazeera we are listening to a news conference said the end of the g.c.c. summit the goal of rationing of corporation council summit which has been held in riyadh saudi arabia the 40th g.c.c. summit and the outgoing secretary general of the g.c.c. speaking there have been latif bin rashid as a yani the new secretary general is a cool way to and they've been talking about the summit describing it as a success. they say that despite the small differences that remain solid under a coherent body let's continue to listen in on the. state leaders
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of all of them have been hailing the efforts exerted by his. highness the emir of qatar this is this mediation it is to. go in the other level. that concern is raised by. the blockading countries. where women to say that they did business between the respective member states should be set aside i mean the defense cultural and economic cooperation will be separated from the core of crisis itself. thank you man the sultanate of form and for. hosting the presidency. i can say they have also hosted all the ministerial
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meetings. and we had more than 50 ministerial meetings throughout the. day covered all fields and all the better. also defense and interior ministers have been convening. and they have handed down the necessary recommendations. which were all presented to the supreme council of the body. and these recommendations have been clearly deflected in the final communique one last question please. my. question is that secretaries in. the. communique contained
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a number of significant issues what is left in order for the crisis to come to an end where have the mediation efforts come to. the mediation efforts. made by the emir of kuwait. are still ongoing and therefore blockading the country is supporting these efforts and we believe that this particular issue should remain away from the media coverage for the time being. oh oh. oh. oh oh this is the world so what's new with respect to the israeli palestinian conflict. as you may have heard the communique stipulated to suppress the that we support the palestinian people in
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their. struggle because so distorted of all. rights. this has been part of their deliberations and no new this is some have said 1st please be patient. the it is clearly mentioned and the communique that all the deliberations and examinations made detailed in the communique. that is sponsor unify this pants by this is the members towards the iranian regime is end of us. it is not where the.
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