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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  December 13, 2019 10:00am-10:34am +03

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hello good morning and welcome it's 7 am here in london these are the main headlines so far today. boris johnson has been returned as the u.k.'s prime minister he had to win and win big we'll tell you how the numbers are stacking up. jeremy corbyn the labor party leader has now announced he will not be standing again as party leader what happens to the labor party from here on in. and i'm astounded also coming up. the low turnout and
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protests down the algerians contested presidential election. and the rescue operation in new zealand as 6 bodies are recovered following monday's apart had a corruption. very much the morning after the night before here up and down the length and breadth of the u.k. this election results that boris johnson has defied most of the predictions for the labor party the main opposition party here in the u.k. you have to go back to 1935 to get a result that is this bad for the governing conservatives you only have to go back to the mid eighty's 198384 to get a result that is this good they are heading back to the house in days of having margaret thatcher number 10 they would say their house even days how is boris johnson done it it appears that people have migrated towards the conservatives the governing conservator. and they've all gone down
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a road of lending their votes to the tories mr johnson's message of get bricks it done does appear to cut through the white noise of the campaign so the numbers the statistics how are they unpacking at the moment the conservatives are on $361.00 labor on $203.00 the s.n.p. are on $48.00 also swinson the liberal democrat leader she lost her seat she's out of a job let's just take a pause now to look back at the main developments so far with my colleague paul brennan. the 1st results came in traditional labor strongholds in ne in lent dramatically reduced labor majority's seem to confirm the accuracy of the exit poll results live valley became the 1st labor see to fall a 10 percent swing seeing the conservatives win that for the 1st time since 195017th i was
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lucky the map of britain the trickle became a torrent of constituencies turning conservative blue traditional labor seats like workington and darlington peter a red car at his constituency counting oxbridge the prime minister was in a bully and mood it does look as though this one nation conservative government has been given a powerful new mandate. to get pretty done. not just to get pretty done but to unite this country and to take it forward and to focus on the priorities of the british people in contrast labor figures looked stunned and disbelieving at the unfolding situation as the scale of the defeat began to sink in the labor leaders position look perilous and that his constituency count in london jeremy corbyn bowed to the inevitable i will not lead the party in any future general election campaign i will discuss with our party. to ensure
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there is a process now of reflection on this result and on the policies that the party will take going forward it's been a bad night for the liberal democrats to their leader jo swinson unseated by the scottish national party for millions of people in our country. these results will bring dread and. and people looking for hope. prime minister boris johnson for this as a breakfast election the slogan get it done repeated over and over the simplicity of the message clearly worth the translating slogan to reality will be a challenge this is been described with some justification as the most important general election in the u.k. in a generation the outcome will decide the government for the next 5 years but it will also profoundly shaped the u.k. for the next 20 years or more. under. lawrence lee is our
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correspondent who's been tracking the campaign up and down the length and breadth of the country it's such a divisive campaign so many different issues that people were processing what's your sort of take away on the tone of. the i mean totally the big. massive victory for boris johnson it has been in the simplicity you know he brought in exactly the same team the one to the referendum for leave headed by this guy called dominic cummings who is absolutely is the chief of staff boris johnson cummings was the guy came up with the phrase take back control 3 words really really simple and that with boris johnson in charge one the bracks a referendum coming brought back in when johnson becomes prime minister says get it done exactly the same now you can argue all day whether it's disingenuous and what it means it will come out so that but it was very easy for people to understand 3 and a half years into bret's a referendum no progress boris johnson comes in and says. come on chaps enough of
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all this get on with it by contrast jeremy corbyn had this absolutely impossible thing where he was going to say well we're going to have another referendum but in the meantime we're going to construct a new suit much softer bret's a deal with the european union and then we're going to remain neutral referendum and leave it to people to make up their minds but will campaign probably for many of the european union and that's in the conserves what what what what what is what is your position you going to construct a new deal with the european union and then votes against it in a referendum and it was an absolute dog's breakfast you know there's lots of other problems for the for the labor party as well because this was a bundle of ideology that had jeremy called been seen by many people basically working class white white men to be a former supporter of the iranian islands a supporter of nicolas maduro in venezuela and even morales in bolivia possibly a supporter of putin he was very soft after saul's chemical attack always to the
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made him feel like a threat to national security on some level and for patriotic working class white people boris just storming up and down pretend to be winston churchill saying get it done chaps come on is much much simpler for people to understand i mean clearly great electioneering and he managed to literally hide in the fridge torch the questions dodge the big set piece interviews over night there was an interesting interview with us and it was through. that winston churchill's grandson grandson and he said i know jeremy corbyn in this room this is from a man breaks it has cost him his job in effect nicholas soames he said he said i think it was on al-jazeera over night he said i know jeremy corbyn but his politics have not moved on since his maiden speech in that building in 1983 and you got that feeling that that was combined with quite a lackluster campaign that didn't really get traction when it came to the n.h.s. because straight away the tories came and said no the n.h.s. is safe with us don't worry about it and you see all. all these all these seats in
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the midlands of the north of england some of which have never had a concern in the history. of never going to the conservatives and it just seems to me that people weren't able to focus on so many of the what was extraordinary imaginative. transfer maitreya's transformative ideas that column is coming up with nationalizing broadband these sorts of things i would ever thought of that the light before they couldn't see past the personality and the trouble is with corbin you know in some of the optics you know is glasses on straight and his ties not there and his beard son kemp's and it looks like a bit of an old duffer in frankly in some ways he just hasn't got that charisma that the people at bill clinton had or tony blair those sorts of centrists you know democratic and labor figures of the past and they just thought that he was not he didn't look like a leader you know and that well i think optically that was
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a massive problem for labor that they're now got to get past in terms of where they go after this johnson's concern the reality for him is england is conservative scotland is s.n.p. wales and northern ireland bill deal with northern ireland the backstop has become the front stop and for labor they surely now have to go through a big long process of moving him sideways quite quickly then selecting a new labor historically always takes a long long time to do that and on top of that boris johnson command just crack on with i mean in a sentence the problem for labor now is that it is they've still got a membership that really likes corbin's ideas and you know that at some point commons got to get out of the way but whoever takes over has got to be also appeal . to the little working class base while accepting that some of commons ideas if he's anything. are still part of the whole the whole labor idea to the issue for paul or for johnson which seems we have to be fascinating in any any here. he talks
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about this overnight in a speech to the party what is he going to say it's all these former labor voting constituencies in the north who put their trust for the 1st time in a conservative you know these people voting seems to me primarily because they want the factories to reopen that used to be there you know they want some civic pride restored in places like stoke on trent and carpentry you know the home of the car and the home of the potter is they want something that the european union they think has never given them and that blue collar conservatism is going to be fascinating thing to see how they how the people like johnson who's posh can appeal to working class people like that and crucially as well which is take a look at this nail what bricks it done actually looks like because it's very easy to say as a slogan but in practical terms it's not going to finish when the u.k. leaves the european union in january is going to go on for absolutely ages let's take
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a look at some of the challenges now facing johnson as he tries to get it done. everybody not to do the job thank you very much olsen's outright victory in this election effectively breaks the deadlock in parliament it allows johnson's government to pass any legislation it wants because he has a majority of his own unlike his predecessor reason may if you think. that small taste sweet because it means he'll be able to get a deal on the u.k. leaving the european union through parliament it still needs to get voted through the lower house with a new intake of be signed up to his deal there's no chance of the sort of dissenting disagreements that blighted the loss. but it isn't to say that johnson's new deal is popular or without its problems even if the u.k. does now formally leave the european union on january 31st next year the current
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deadline for the. then start in earnest between the 2 sides over what a new trade deal will look like as well as the rights of e.u. citizens in the u.k. and british citizens. and the clock continues to tick down with another new deadline johnson has insisted the u.k. will not negotiate anything with the e.u. after the end of 2020 and if there's no trade deal by then which looks impossibly unlikely then the infamous no deal bricks which nobody wants comes right back into play so it's never been tried before to try to make a trade deal that she makes to 2 nations or 2 regions further apart in terms of trade trying to do the easiest way probably of making a trade deal within this 11 month period the bush johnson said himself is actually to remain really aligned to rules and to remain a sort of rule take for the not something that ruled out in the campaign but it may be the only way to get a trade deal over the line is to have something
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a lot like the sort of breaks in the labor's talking about during this campaign rather than the sort of canada. johnson's been talking about since 2006 i made my statement as well as all that the scottish government will now i just hate even more strongly for another referendum on leaving the u.k. in staying in the european union and britain this in northern ireland towards johnson's deal has soured relations hugely all in all 2020 promises to be not the end of the brics it story is johnson suggests but just another fork in the road lawrence leigh al-jazeera. just to get it right up to date with the very latest developments we are being told we understand that boris johnson the prime minister may address the nation any moment now i suspect he'll wait until the sun has risen and the rain has passed through happens we'll bring it to you live here on al-jazeera let's talk to tim from u.k. in a changing europe the morning after the night before you know well it's shaping up to be
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a massive indication obama. johnson's strategy since he took over as leader he was determined to quash the existential threat of the brics it party posed to the conservative party member the conservative party only got 10 percent of the vote back in the european parliament elections in june and he has succeeded beyond i think most conservatives while the samantha nations this is a landslide victory that threat the threat he's kind of kicked back fairly and squarely directly at the labor party i mean the labor party right now as of this morning a little bit like the party what are they for and who do they represent well that's quite right i think bracks it was to some extent the straw that broke the camel's back there's been a kind of cultural change going to happen in some ways in british politics and i think it accelerated exacerbated that the conservatives have put themselves on the side of people who generally speaking have less education less if you like open minded towards
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a kind of internationalist britain and certainly less keen on the european union labor now very socially liberal very left wing supported by graduates supported by people with socially liberal views the 'd 2 parties now are very very different beasts that's the domestic picture european picture a big picture what does it mean for michel barnier the e.u. chief negotiator what does he how does he react to this today well in some ways i think for the e.u. 27 this at least provides clarity clearly we're going to be leaving the european union germany 31st i think the withdrawal agreement that boris johnson negotiated with him will go through fairly quickly we then however stop the hard work boris johnson has set himself a target the most trade economists regard as completely unrealizable of getting a deal together within 7 months he's given in july 'd the 1st deadline to sort out agreement that will see us leave as it were the transition period the ended. 2020
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with some kind of free trade arrangement how you can do that when most f.d.a. sake about 4 years ago she a nobody knows at least 7 and a half years was never the candidate deal that was 7 and half years to do stay there of course one of the larger bigger other aspects to do with the aftermath of this u.k. general election was the result in scotland as we've been exploring basically england is conservative scotland totally wholly almost completely s.n.p. the tories are not doing well up there are told but crucially to pick up a point that was making the labor doing badly as well let's go to barbara who's our correspondent following the s.n.p. aspect of this all certain a dangerous winds and the liberal democrat leader losing seats the lib dems have got a big issue there in east just west of the glasgow area but for the s.n.p. nicholas sturgeon makes them look good makes them look very strong.
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oh peter on touted leap uki strong is an understatement faces a better result for the s.n.p. than many of their own. many of their own candidates or members predicted very are back almost to the levels when we saw that landslide in 2815 of the 59 seats in scotland represented in it in westminster of a have 48 states took 45 percent of the vote share here in scotland they need to be wiped out the labor party which was once so dominant here in scotland labor now just one scottish seat the conservatives had 6 seats here many conservatives were predicting that they would actually advance here in scotland that didn't happen the s.n.p. didn't take seats off them what does that mean well it means that nicolas sturgeon is now saying that before the end of this year she will go to boris johnson the
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prime minister and say here is my monday clear mandate for a 2nd referendum on independence next year she is really going for it she had said that that she would make that demand if the s.n.p. ended up in a coalition government with jeremy called because labor party that hasn't happened she's still going for it blackfoot to the s. and p's leader in westminster has said that the party's job is to protect the people of scotland from the prospect as you were hearing in lawrence's reports which still exists of a no deal breaks it at the end of next year if they fail to get that trade deal done in the interim period and if they refuse to extend something that boris johnson has said he doesn't want to do so there are a lot of worries here in scotland about the economy and there is lots of commentary here about how people who were previously totally. it's the idea of scottish
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independence who are warming to it because they want to stay in the european union scotland voted to remain and ian blackfoot said clearly as he. announces as the winner in his own constituency that an independent scotland will be a member of the european union they're saying there is a clear divide between the message from scotland and from the message in england while the conservatives. here in scotland campaigned on the message of anti independence they say that has been rude sounding lete rejected and they going to take that mandate forward boris johnson before the election said that there was no way that he would entertain the idea of what they call in the ref to well you can be sure that there's going to be a lot of heat and a lot of confrontation between him and the s.n.p.
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in westminster in the months to come. as far as the s.n.p. nicolas surgeon up their holy road in edinburgh a concern you get the sense there where you are that the calculation must be boris johnson cannot say no he simply cannot call your boss the idea of another independence referendum because from her point of view i guess she's got to go 'd and she's got to go for it now when the iron is still so politically red hot. absolutely in the last couple of hours she has said that the. the that scotland rather is in the united kingdom by consent and now. there is no consent that's her line that doesn't mean that she has. total leverage over boris johnson to get that independence referendum she can try
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to make like different life difficult but given that he's got such a clear majority in westminster all she can really do is to try to campaign here to get the opinion polls changing because going into this general election things had slits whereas previously it was said to be around 5050 for independence just before the election the latest figure was around 45 percent of people in scotland backing independents who should be hoping that now they said general election results and the prospect of 5 years of tory rule will actually change things. it's hard to predict how much leverage she'll have it's clear that she wants she said to strike while the iron is hot with.
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it pulled it off we break the deadlock we ended the gridlock we smashed the roadblock and in this glorious glorious pre-breakfast moment before a new door rises on a new day and a new government i want us all to pay tribute to good colleagues who lost their seats through no fault of their own in that in their actions just gone by and i will of course want to congratulate absolutely everybody involved in securing the biggest conservative majority since the i.d.s. . the it was. dick cheney and i did should i as i look arise i am literally the fall many of you have all the time i am and with this mandate and this majority we will at last be able to do what. pay attention because it's this election means that getting breaks it done is now
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the irrefutable irresistible unarguable decision of the british people and with this election i think we put an end to all those middle miserable threats of a 2nd referendum yeah and i say. i say respectfully i say respectfully to him to our stentorian friend in the blue star. yeah that's it. time to put a sock in the megaphone and. paid everybody. everybody surveyed said we can i have. ever message to all those who voted for us yesterday especially those who voted for us conservatives when they should tell us for the 1st time you may only have lent us your vote you may not think of yourself as a natural tory and as i think i said 11 years ago to the people of london
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when i was elected in what was thought of as a neighbor city your hand may have quivered over the ballot paper as before you put your cross in the conservative box and you may intend to return to labor next time round. and if that is the case i am humbled that you have put your trust in me and that you have put your trust in us and i over we will never take your support for drugs. was a if i will make a buck i will i will make it my mission to work night and day flat out to prove you right in voting for me this time and to earn your support in the future and i say
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to you that in this election your voice has been heard and about time too because we politicians have squandered the last 3 years straight a half years in squabbles about race we even been arguing about arguing about the tone of our arguments i will put an end to all that nonsense and we will get bricks done on time by the 31st of january no ifs no buts no maybes leaving the european union as one united kingdom taking back control of our laws borders money trade immigration system delivering on the democratic mandate of the people and at the same time this one nation could have the government will massively increase our investment in the n.h.s. the health service the represents the very best of our country with the single
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beautiful idea that whoever we are rich poor young old the n.h.s. is that for us when we are sick and every day that service performs miracles and that is why the n.h.s. is this one nation conservative government's top priority. and so we will deliver 50000 more nurses and 50000000 more g.p. surgery appointments and how many new hospitals or red and we will deliver long term n.h.s. budget. and in law 650000000 extra every week health secretary and and and all the other and all the other priorities that you the people of this country voted for record spending on schools an australian style points based immigration system more police only. colossal new investments in infrastructure and science using our incredible technological advantages to make
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this country the cleanest greenest on earth with the most far reaching environmental program and you the people of this country voted to be carbon neutral in this election you voted to be carbon neutral by 2050 i will do it you also voted to be corba neutral by by christmas by the way. you do that to the iraq you voted for all these things and it is now this government this people's government it's our solemn duty to deliver on each and every one of those commitments and it is a great and heavy responsibility a sacred trust for me for every newly elected conservative m.p. for everyone in this room and everyone in this party and i repeat that in winning this election we have won votes and the trust of people who have never voted
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conservative before and people who have always voted for other parties those people want change we cannot must not. must not let them down and in delivering change we must change too we must recognize the incredible reality that we now speak as a one nation conservative party literally for everyone from working to working to from kensington i'm proud to say to clear itself. from sorry heath. to said field. from wimbledon to wolverhampton and as the nation hands us this historic mandate we must rise to the challenge and to the level of expectations and parliament must change so that we in parliament are working for you the british people and that is what we will now do isn't it that is what do i
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do let's let's go let's go out and get on with this you know like this country let's spread opportunity to every corner of the u.k. with stupid education super being infrastructure and technology let's get bricks it done but 1st my friends let's get breakfast done. with thank you oh it. was. like you. chorus johnson they're cracking a few jokes telling us what they are going to do now that he has been returned with to quote him a strong king majority into number 10 he was using the carbon neutral corbyn neutral punchline he's used that before get bricks it done we're going to hear a lot of that over this coming weekend here in the u.k. he also basically signaled i hear the message and i understand that the message being that if your pen quivered over your voting papers you may have only decided
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to lend your votes to us this time but he was implicitly saying between now and the next general election here in the u.k. whenever that may be he is clearly deciding to tell people he will work the best job he can work to make sure that people stay with the conservative party he said no ifs and no buts we haven't heard that for the duration of this election campaign because the last time he said it of course it was in relation to the dates that he said he was committed to a date that they missed a date that was never going to be hit anyway he didn't talk about. being found dead in a ditch lawrence lee is still with us what you're reading and what if you say well you know that actually fascinating thing of the last one of years is the what breaks it was created as a country at war with itself you know this absolute schism between between people who you know we've put up with them shouting others day after day week after week
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here that people have become absolutely obsessed with either leaving the european union or staying in this it's broken families as broken communities you know and what you've seen in this election effectively is you know london this morning will be waking up absolutely livid. because it's the it may be the richest city in in england and the u.k. by a very long way but biologic voted labor you know because because it's because it's socially liberal and and and i think a lot of people understand things the disparity of wealth and they don't trust boris johnson to get it done lots but the it's a town and the little places particularly england because it is really an english thing it's not a it's not scottish obviously but it is not irish either it's an english thing it's a little place it's the towns outside london the one breaks it and the poor places which have now deserted labor for the conservatives have you know if
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you go to somewhere like say grimsby was a form of former fishing port absolutely on its knees nowadays you know people are going to food banks there who voted conservative and people so what why are you voting conservative if you're in a food bank these people won't work you know stay in the european union it's your best option you know. europe is good for grimsby is it because the fish markets all shut down on one of. these people don't see the european anything for them at all and boris johnson has said we've got to prove to these people who have lent us their vote as you just said for the 1st time ever that we can actually do. something outside the european union to make their lives better than they are and that is former industrial terms to build the industrial revolution when the u.k. was really an important think place in the world you know that fired all these things and they were everything shut down and gone away now and they and boris johnson got to give them an answer as to how leaving the european union is going to
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give them things that they used to have but don't have anymore let's talk about the realities of the practicalities of this when they come back to that big building there when you get people like michael gove you know who drove the whole thing not just during election campaigns they kind of kept him in a box during the campaign he drove the run up to the original referendum a little bit but overnight he was saying and i quote if m.p.'s are expecting to glide through a process over christmas and january for get it it's not going to happen so they're they're clearly feeling empowered because they are literally in power and i don't think that you're rich honestly but they've got a new for vest and a zest just to push and push and push so it may be that somebody was talking as well overnight let's just do a christmas we're m.p.'s you know boris johnson there on live news conference saying we've squandered 2 and a half years he seems to get it i know it's. easy in a hurry there's very plain.


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