tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 15, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm +03
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this is al-jazeera. however i'm how i'm on his in and this is the al-jazeera news our life until coming up for you in the next 60 minutes. 2 days past the deadline for a climate deal frustration and deep divisions as u.n. talks strike on. cots in the crossfire are we speak to villagers in afghanistan suffering under the bombing campaign against eisel. gammons who see rebels call for international help after a deserted tanker spills millions of barrels of oil into the red sea. and then
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sport tiger woods captains his country to victory at the presidents cup woods in leeds at the usa to an 8th straight title when the one of golf's a top team at that. but 1st millions have protests across the world calling for urgent action once un climate talks in madrid are making slow progress marts deep division the current 25 meeting is now nearly 2 days past its deadline countries are deadlocked over emissions targets and how much money poorer countries should receive to cope with climate change well the chairwoman told delegates the world needs them to reach a deal i request all the fix ability all your training. you know on all your volunteer to find you
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know these agri without the sick consensus that we need to have an ambitious result we are almost there he's hard it's difficult but he's worth it i specially need you but people you know we're countries need us well the u.s. brazil australia india and china have been blamed for stalling talks one of the key sticking points is the concept of a global carbon markets that would mean those who exceeds their light pollution levels to buy credits from those who don't want to have the marches worldwide throughout the past 2 weeks many of them led by students and those unhappy with the state of talks on saturday members of the group extinction rebellion don't horse manure outside the conference to vent their frustration will some observers fear
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international efforts to tackle climate change or slipping into reverse i don't know why they're afraid to stand up to the boss of the world who are destroying me the amazon and the donald trumps of the world that are pulling out of paris what is happening here is mind boggling and absolutely unprecedented on the extra day off talks you'll see you then issues where your divergence from parties across the board this is set for a collapse. no al-jazeera is nick clark is not the current 25 summit in madrid and joins says knight nic has been much disagreement sped up proposal has been tabled still says member any closer to resolution this hour. is what i tell you what you can probably hear some some some applause behind me and that is good news because it looks as if getting to some resolution after what has
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been a record breaking up it has been worse than 2011 has just gone on forever but we are getting to the point now where the chilean president is in the final final plenary in the closing plenary and she's governing through a lot of decisions and we're hopeful that we're going to get all the way through to a final accord which will be called the chile madrid time for action decision which is kind of ironic given the amount of time it's taken to get here and the whole process has engendered a great deal of anger as we've been hearing especially from the small island states or at one point were excluded from the talks a little bit earlier we heard from the 2 delegation on the floor of the plenary. for small island states like to violet we understand the critical nexus between oceans and climate change our lives survive around our oceans and we need to ensure that we have a proper dialogue about the impacts of climate change on our lives and in relation
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to the oceans we need that dialogue. well let's bring in mohammed here who's from power shift africa or one of the veterans of the observers here what do you make of what's going on i think the party's agreement is not that it's a life and that is. given where we were yesterday but as i've actually money to be able to get the right decisions i would keep us actually on that i truck there was a big problem with. this issue of a carbon markets where are we with that you think the good thing for the bodies of oxygen the money to self that decision so that we don't undermine the little ambition we have in the party's argument so that fight is going to now happen in glasgow next year and that is going to give us a bit of time to be able to iron out some of the differences between the potus so the deal we have in madrid doesn't undermine the environment into beauty of war was a good 4 years ago it buys us
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a bit of time but those differences 2 of them are and how important is this is we as we lead up to those crucial talks a year from now when you're in the u.k. to be honest the markets and for that each $22.00 countries they only shift ambitions for one geography to another they don't in effect deducing michelle's and so it's not doctrine a good thing for markets mechanisms to be agreed which were not if you do the emissions and put us on the path to $1.00 who are the main culprits here and holding things up are we we're hearing that the united states and brazil particularly were involved in trying to stymie things brazil and australia the ones who have been pushing for the market mechanisms the ones who have been actually i flick to really trying to undermine the integrity of the parties agreement and thankfully the rest of the world. and prevent it from happening the usa on the support that needs to be provided to developing countries to help them adopt to be
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to help them mitigate is something that they've actually met difficult this is a country that is exiting the party segment. and here they are effectively undermining the collective efforts of the rest of the world and that is something that is unacceptable and we shouldn't let them do that how important is it that there is some modicum of success and what people are worried right regarding is at the success of a failure if you like for the more vulnerable people around the world who are now impacted by i think their calls for support has been hot and the loss and damage mccown is in that has been agreed opens up the window for that support to start coming through what housing been agreed to and shelved for next year on its own though mcconnell's in the governance of the mic on his in that is called the what some international account of the model some damage but for the 1st time in the history of this process opening themselves up to liability and considering how they would effectively be able to close complicit some of the vulnerable countries that an auction has suffered in the western parts of climate change and that is
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a small success and that is something that we can go back with and be able to build on what about the as him that we've seen between those protesting on the streets and they were protesting right here within the conference over the last fortnight and this snail's pace of progress the slow progress and even the backsliding that we've seen that you've alluded to from brazil from straying from the united states how do we bridge that gap i think is a huge disconnect between what science is acquired what people's demand in the streets the young children while much in in the streets calling for climate action and the only way we can actually fix that is not in conference holds us back in the capital i think people have to rise up and be able to demand undershirts climate actions we will only harvest the existing political will that is there in the wild in these conferences i don't think we can be able to do anything more than but the minuses genes we're going to have to get a walk done in the copper tolls particularly in the polluting countries the
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developed one right from the u.s. the european union australia new zealand japan i think unless we. called for climate justice and we asked them to deliver must develop with him emissions or. you know sort of support for the vulnerable countries we will be able to do them but most important of all now we have the u.k. taken over the presidency from the chileans and that country now has to rise up and help actually man some of the fucked up to the national scene so that we can have a different outcome next including the possibility of locks of the increase in the oval of this agreement right you mentioned the chilean presidency there's been a lot of criticism about how they have performed how carolina schmidt has performed to try to make things happen here but it's it's not worked out the way it should have done and indeed there's been a lot of criticism of the process here of this process of call itself should be going on for 25 years it's taken that long to get to this point is this this multilateral approach that we see in here and the divisions that we've ended up
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seeing that almost crippled this agreement today is it worth it i think it's what all the efforts that we've put in this is the only of a new where the vulnerable countries have a voice these are the countries what suffering wost the impact of climate change and this is the only space where the voice is a hot what we haven't had is the kind of commitment that we should be seeing from the biggest polluters and so in the absence of the biggest one you just coming forward with ambitious emissions reductions and support for the vulnerable countries is why this process hasn't been able to deliver what is needed and on the part of the presidency and the way the process was money i think they were biased to listen to the biggest countries rather than having an open process that includes the vulnerable countries there was a sad incident where the very countries were pushing for the ditches and have already put forward the grants as emissions reductions commitment and suffered in the western part of climate change one look out of the out of $66.00 local stations
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on the markets last night and that's outrageous now how could that actually happen an acceptable un force. and today they were able to fight but and the reason why the negotiations on the market mechanisms have been shelved is largely because of those countries effectively protecting the spirits of the pardon supplement the mission of the parties i didn't i wanted to ensure but that doesn't get undermined here though of the reason why we have the parties agreement life and know that if one goes to break it's largely because of the the stance that these vulnerable countries of took in and that will only happen if we had a multilateral process where the voices can be had finally ma'am and we've been we've been hearing from you know how. posner of brazil and the president brazil and how donald trump of united states who as you says pulling out currently of the paris agreement of be kind of influential in what's happening here they would be rubbing their hands in glee at seeing these tools from the public unfortunately that didn't happen we have the parties agreement to life and soul to unbosom noddle
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whatever schemes you hide in undermining the global effort you've lost the wall is actually on that i can talk perhaps slowly than we would like but we are actually coming after you and their missions reduction commitments that you're avoiding the u.s. is the biggest polluter disposable for a 3rd of the global emissions and this is a country that is home to less than 5 percent of the global population and it has the greatest capacity and the wall global climate therefore is built on the idea that countries will share the air for the best on historical responsibility i'm capozzi those countries that have the good historical disposability and have the greatest capacity shoulda the greatest part of the effort and that is what trump is avoiding but the rest of the world will let him get away with it i mean thanks very much indeed i know you got to get a flight we do appreciate your time thanks very much and he joined us here so you can hear the plenary still ongoing we're very close now i think to
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a conclusion that we will this these tones are all about cantering on to the sunlit uplands of international cooperation. that nearly disappeared into the vortex of national divides but it seems at least with staggering on today's uplands of that maybe more international cooperation as we lead into the important next year when the paris agreement becomes that international mechanism of collaboration ok nick carr kind of life for us and madrid thank you very much indeed well for more insights on what is a stake at the current 25 summit let's bring in meteorologist kevin corriveau and kevin quite a few of this year's extreme weather events have been attributes it's a climate change and this really be just because of more common to excite them how it absolutely can now that we step back in 2 $1019.00 and take a look at the big scenarios that happened this year we can actually put the pieces together and of course if you put more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere the atmosphere warms not only that but also the temperatures of the water the oceans
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warm as well if you warm the oceans you cause more vet permission you cause more of that moisture to go into the atmosphere of course that makes the atmosphere holding more moisture more plentiful dropping it someplace else such as flooding situations that's one scenario that's what we're looking at the other one is a lot of the weather systems that we have seen this year all happened because of stock patterns that means if if it was raining in one location it kept raining in that location if it was dry in one location the droughts continued if it was hot there was nothing to push in fresher air so it is that stuck pattern that we have seen i want to show you what we were looking at this year in terms of some of the weather events 1st of all in australia we were dealing with the bushfires that came on very early and very intense now of course that came on the heels of a massive drought situation that was going on across the area also the heating many he waves taking place across australia we're actually about to go into another he wave right now across the southern part of australia that we'll be watching this week as as we look into the the he would situation there also across the bahamas of
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course remember dorian dorian was a category 5 hurricane. and it got a strange because of the warmer waters of the atlantic but also because it was in a stuck pattern it stalled out over the bahamas became a big flood maker across much of that area it actually stayed there for 2 days that is very unusual to have a category 5 hurricane ever go stationary and one location and then of course in europe this past summer we were dealing with a massive heat wave across much of the area temperatures were broken across many areas france saw 45 degrees to the very 1st time in its recorded history and many other records were broken across netherlands germany belgium spain italy as well so when you take those factors into consideration what we saw this year the stuck pattern the temperatures going higher that means flooding for next year droughts for next year he waves next year severe winter weather for next year we're going where we are going to be expecting that but they may be in different locations so
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we can be watching this very carefully as we go into 2020 back to you hala ok thanks very much kevin let's stay with this a said raymond is executive director of warren waltz a group that works on climate justice issues on one of the coordinators of the upcoming cope 26 civil society coalition good to have you with is here our knowledge is 0 and we've just heard that from our meteorologist about some of the catastrophic consequences of climate change and global warming given this why are so many countries resisting taking action. well absolutely i mean when we look at the reality of climate impacts and we say sic it's not just simply of course the extreme weather it's a fact that climate violence is. absolutely everything emanates increasing poverty inequality it's forcing the displacement of people it's leading to collapse in food production and of course the predictions of what's coming around the corner if we breach the $1.00 degree guardrail are absolutely catastrophic in the number of
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people that will be affected all round the world and you would think in terms of the in the face of science on the demands of their citizens governments will be acting but unfortunately many of the governments that we see at the climate negotiations a much prefer to act in the interests of protecting that big businesses that corporations and they're all sort of fossil fuel based economy rather than investing into a future which actually guarantees people safety and a dignified life and that's what we've seen in madrid we've seen governments who have been much more intent on trying to put forward proposals that shift the burden on trees or poor countries or allow their call fossil fuel companies to continue to pollute and as long as we have our own governments acting on the interests of big corporations and not only act in the interests of their citizens we're going to see these kind of negotiations limping to a finish a lie but actually not delivering the kind of ambition like ambitious action that's needed but given that way i mean what chance of progress is there
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a cop 26 was the point. well even one of the things that has very much changed they've in the last 2 years has been the fact that climate change has moved up the political agenda but it's moved up the political agenda because of the actions of ordinary citizens the millions of people who've been pouring out on the streets and that is clearly made governments have to at least pay lip service to the fact that the climate change is an important critical issue our job now is to actually make sure that in our national capitals over the next year we push our governments to come with a mandate to actually have ambitious action to be able to help the poor. wrist. and the more people most impacted but for rich countries to actually do their fair share of action and that's what they're failing to do so our responsibility particularly here in the u.k. is as cut $26.00 moves here and it's a critical cop because we will see will be the end of a decade where literally the rich countries did very little in terms of taking action on climate change we're now going to be in what these call decade 0 of the
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next 10 years will determine the extent of the climate of violence that will be seen around the world governments need to come there with a mandate want to increase their own emissions reductions to to provide the finance for poorer countries to be able to deal with the impacts and actually to stop trying to push forward these loopholes one of the big debates that happened and created a long jump here in madrid and will now come to glasgow is this idea of carbon markets it is basically that rich countries to continue to pollute and then tried our set of pollution to poor countries only him play no carbon budget for that and so these loopholes need to be short and actually governments that come with concrete emission reduction plans ok as said raymond good to get your thoughts thank you very much indeed for joining us there live from london always a pleasure thank you. lots more still to come on this news hour including the injury list grows during protests over corruption in lebanon and security forces fire tear gas and rubber bullets to distract the crowds. and in sports monterrey
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fathom selves and her world cup semifinal instead of the. home or of course from madrid 1st let's go to other news now several protesters have been injured in lebanon's capital after security forces far tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds on saturday people are angry over internet corruption and sit tarion isn't hundreds gathered in beirut as part of the latest anti-government demonstrations by police beats and detained some protesters after they tried to break in seeing a barricaded area that's cross lives our correspondents say in a harder who's in beirut saying eric calm has been restored it would appear after a night of confrontations just how serious was the situation there.
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well it was some of the worst violence if not the most violent confrontations since the start of the uprising against the ruling elite 2 months ago we saw running battles last for hours this area downtown beirut became a battleground like you mentioned anti political establishment protesters try to make their way towards parliament building both sides are accusing each other of instigating the violence the security forces are saying that the protesters try to break through the security cordon around the parliament building what we saw the security forces do is used rubber bullets tear gas water cannons to disperse the crowds at the same time the protesters were throwing stones at the security forces according to the lebanese red cross and nearly 50 people were injured they were taken to hospital for treatment so serious a confrontation if you talk to protesters they will tell you that they feel in the
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past few days the security forces the lebanese army they've changed their tactics they're becoming more aggressive in their behavior towards the protest movement so many people here are asking is there a decision by the ruling elite to crush the protest movement altogether to continue to use this excessive force we know that a mass rally has been called later this afternoon people from across the country are expected to converge here in downtown beirut it will be interesting to see whether or not there will be a large turnout which really will show you whether or not this movement is able to keep the momentum in the face of these intimidations what the people want is for a government of independence the ruling elite to leave power and this new government to hold early elections to fix the dire state of the economy at people are losing jobs unemployment is on the rise but the response so far from the political elite is they have been bargaining amongst each other on dividing spoils
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in the upcoming government. ok then ahead of their life for a 2nd beirut thank you very much indeed. there months of u.s. and afghan aerial bombings are believed to have severely reduced eisel forces only a rights half of the group's $4000.00 fighters are thought to still be active across afghanistan wants us to only berkeley reports from nangarhar province civilians are facing the brunt of the sustained bombing campaign. this is the village of good day in one go hard province close to the pakistan border it was the stronghold of i still in afghanistan now it's a ruin destroyed by u.s. bombs it was on here that the armed group planned and launched attacks and carried out brutal punishments but over the last few months the u.s. and afghan air forces have waged a sustained bombing campaign that has significantly reduced eyesores capability. the joint campaign with the us has been big and effective it has been a game changer and will continue wherever they are we will target them i saw is in
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the process of being eradicated we won't stop until they are. that contrast with the situation 6 months ago when i saw bolstered by fighters from iraq and syria was being described as a serious threat 2 weeks ago hundreds of its fighters surrendered to the afghan government in action district now it's estimated that only half of the 4000 strong force is still intact the afghan army has been helped by a string of recent successes against both the taliban and i still they are trying to. do try to stick to vertues. to explode and the city cost more civilian casualty and. now we prove. we have the spall to kick them like we did to tick more to to do from them play creed. to follow them to the end there's no question that i saw has suffered
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some major setbacks recently but winter side with its lack of ground cover is normally the time when it reduces its activities so spring time will be the test but the government can't fully focus on defeating isaw it's a war with the taliban is over it may be losing but i saw hardline ideology may be harder to defeat is supported by other like minded afghan groups such as the seller fees and what. they're not completely. eliminated but the progress is remarkable which which makes sense and for a strong us you you have. what we're gonna. be pocketing a one a stone and be difficult to say that there have been completely eliminated the u.s. is trying its best it is on course to drop more bombs this year than any year since 2010 some believe it's to bring the war to an end before next year's u.s.
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presidential election but it's costing civilian casualties according to u.n. agencies so far this year american bombers and unmanned drone strikes have killed a record number of 600 people including children and wounded 300 more these angry villagers staged a protest after a recent u.s. bombing killed 20 pine knot workers who were resting under a tree. is the rural communities that are suffering the most in the bombing and fighting. broke with this but our villages destroyed our mosques destroyed other villages as well we lost our people our livestock in this war every family lost loved ones including women and children. the war will eventually come to an end but it's clear there will be no winners tony berkeley al jazeera province. large a series mohamed valas at the doha summits for the u.s. the go seater for afghan peace talks on the hunt is that has spoken mamet's what
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has he been saying. yes my hundreds are the u.s. and korea spoke little while ago in this forum and that was away from cameras and the media it was not transmitted live anywhere and he basically said that at this stage the americans are committed to go ahead and try to make these negotiations succeed they are also committed to the idea of pulling some of their troops from afghanistan but at this stage as well they are monitoring the taliban and they are looking at the behavior of the body and the taliban should know that afghanistan now is different from afghanistan before this the beginning of the war that there are many players are at this hour the time being and taliban should make sure to to commit themselves to the peace process and to show good will he said well i'm only talking their behavior and they have to know that any progress is dependent on how
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they behave at this time and in the near future the understanding is that this is a measure of the reaction to the to the cause of the talks that he announced 2 days ago after that suicide attack in afghanistan claimed by taliban but this is very different from the reaction by the americans particularly by president trump in september when the big man attack took place and many were killed but he said negotiations are dead right now this seems to be some understanding on the side of the americans that things could go for a long time in this particular manner there will be hiccups but there is this understanding the taliban should unite their act and there should be no discrepancy between what happens on the ground and what the negotiators here in doha show at the negotiation table ok thank you very much didn't have a father lie for us at the doha summit let's stay with this michael samples of his
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saying research professor at queen's univer. the belfast sun was parts of the e.u. and the go satan team with the afghan taliban kids i have you with is here an al-jazeera thank you for joining us from dublin this is enormously complex just remind us who exactly is facing who here and with the us since it poet more troops how is that going to affect this this particular area sentiment. well absolutely we have a war and the war within a war the main war is the afghan government supported by the us fighting against the afghan taliban for comparable of the country but within that war we have the islamic state trying to establish itself in afghanistan and being attacked by all sides it is facing a attacks from the afghan government on the u.s.
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military which we heard in the package earlier on but what we didn't hear in the package is that the afghan taliban are also fighting against islamic state in fact there is a visceral hatred between those 2 groups and this is what i would describe our war with in a war. the taliban remain committed to their jihad to try and win control of afghanistan and they see. potentially a. a mortal enemy because they are vying with the taliban for control of this jihad so actually it's not just the american the afghan government who are fighting against i so the taliban have spent much of the past year and committing some of their best forces to attacking eisel well given the situation is it then just a matter of time as we heard in that reports before i saw our eradicated in afghanistan. well i think they. had
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enough well as done everyone should be extremely careful about predictions it is true that all of the the 2 strongholds which i still had enough on the stand up the start of this year over the past so those strongholds has collapsed the reason that hundreds of their fighters surrendered to afghan forces was because the other strongholds in the eastern province of khun are remains that's they the taliban have tried equally hard all year there and have made no serious games and this is an area where there actually are some local support for myself so yes they are there i saw fighters find themselves a little bit like there was
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a situation in syria attacked from all sides the only thing that different parties to the conflict can agree on is being opposed to eisele but they proved them south to be very tough fighters they have some local support in areas where there is a tradition of salafism and the population and that sort of it sort of depends on what happens with the rest of the conflict if these talks that the u.s. is leading don't give a results if that they for example god forbid the u.s. were to pull out without things we are without seeing peace in afghanistan if afghanistan are to move towards a civil war then rest assured i still would thrive in those conditions so the answer is nobody knows what the future of ice is on the sun ok michael semple i'm afraid we will have to leave it that but thank you very much indeed for bringing us your thoughts and your analysis and welcome. well in
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a few moments we'll have the weather with our meteorologist kevin corriveau ancestral to come on the show of the sports and one of the n.b.a.'s fastest rising stars takes a fall some that will be here but the latest on that story. as i had mentioned early in the hour the bushfires across australia started very early and started very intense we're still dealing with bushfires particular around parts of sydney where of course the smoke has been very toxic around the city the air quality has come down so far new south wales we have seen about 2700000 hectares of land burnt because of bushfires this year approximately 250000000 tonnes of carbon dioxide has been released into the atmosphere because of this year's fire season
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already of course unfortunately the next few days the the outlook doesn't look good because the temperatures are on their way back up as we take a look what's happened here on monday the top male melbourne at about $24.00 degrees city at $25.00 degrees now as we go towards the next couple of days a lot of the heat there has been over here towards western australia is making its way towards the east and also making its way towards the south notice here in adelaide $33.00 degrees as we go from monday and 40 degrees as we go towards tuesday they do expect that here along the coastal areas we could be seeing temperatures as high as $4849.00 in 50 degrees records could be broken because of that so for adelaide take a look your forecast we are looking at a heat wave going into place as we go towards tuesday $33.00 degrees here on monday 40 degrees this will continue all the way through friday normally this time of year it would be about $26.00. who was sponsored by countdown and. the stories generate thousands of headlines for. just are saying down with the
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system down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we can the present doesn't mean the right stuff that the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories without taking down the misinformation from the journalism it's about telling the stories of those human beings on the cloud with the listening post on al-jazeera. a story of love family and freedom go into my living years old you were at school we heard the sounds of large explosions. and the hardships faced in captivity they came for me at midnight they told me to leave my son i said how can i raise him i saw so much pain in the eyes of the other female prisoners. and the our pricing. on al-jazeera.
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here with al jazeera quick reminder of the top stories for you the search for a deal on tackling climate change remains deadlocks in madrid talks at the u.n. summit have dragged on for more than 36 hours past the initial deadline will be processed by activists just outside the venue. and several more professors have been injured in lebanon's capital after security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds on saturday people are angry over a democrat and sectarianism hundreds gathered in beirut since part of the latest anti government's demonstrations. the constitutional crisis is looming in iraq's
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parliament to send the 1st was when m.p.'s accepted the resignation of prime minister as a duma the that gave president barham salih 15 days to nominate his replacement well that deadline one said on monday of the resigned last month but that's done little to calm the protesters who are demanding a complete overhaul all of these 6 tarion political system the latest nationwide protests started in october but similar process was seen last year with the same complaints widespread corruption high unemployment per public services and it will standard of living continue to infuriate millions who at least $475.00 iraqis have been killed and 220000 rather injured snafus in just 2 months of 2 months for change well dorsett jabari joins us live from baghdad zeh door sickies give us a sense of feeling about this upcoming prime ministerial norman need you think this
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will actually help seat stabilize the country. you know from what we understand this is not going to help the situation at all and the main reason is because this that is the iraqi constitution is at the core of the problem the iraqi people the demonstrators that we've seen are saying that the reason they're on happy with the system is that their government is based on a parliamentary system and they want a presidential one that means that they have a right to elect their own leadership now what is going to happen as of monday at midnight the president has to nominate a name for the next prime minister and then what will happen is that person will have 30 days to put together a cabinet which will then all go to a vote in parliament that is one in 30 days they will decide whether or not to accept this nomination of the president as well as his cabinet but many of the analysts we spoke to here say that it is very unlikely that the demonstrators and
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people on the street will be happy with any kind of a name that is put forth because they want to be able to the sides on who leads their country and they are tired of trying to accommodate the other influences that are present in iraq mainly iran and the united states the iraqi people say that they want to be free of that in their own government for the time being the president is pushing his limit to the very last minute trying to come up with a name that will please all sides as well as the many people on the streets but it remains to be seen as if if that name actually exists at all ok dosage of are there live for us and baghdad thank you very much indeed for bringing us all the latest. no lawyers for sudan's deposed president tomorrow bashir say they will appeal his conviction for corruption $74.00 if you will to survive guilty of illegally possessing and smuggling foreign currency well he'll serve his 2 year sentence at
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a community reform center because of his age it will morgan has more now from khartoum. the verdict is announced following weeks of hearings in the corruption trial of sudan's longtime leader and ousted president obama. but regarding cases with the age of the court sentences that depended 2 years in a community center. the judgment was followed by chaos in courts with bush years lawyers and supporters rejecting the verdict the judge of. but she denied in the. foreign currency so just searching his home after he was. found suitcases containing around $130000000.00 but she said much of the money was a gift from the saudi crown prince mohamed bin some man was during months of protests demanding the end of his years in power demonstrators also called for justice and accountability they say many crimes many think the verdict.
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the legal system has not changed what about the protesters who have been killed in demonstrations against him for years what about those who have been sentenced to death and to prison for lesser crimes. in contrast hundreds showed their support for the former president and his now dismantled party. supporters chanted against the 4 month old transitional government accusing leaders of failing to be inclusive and leading the country into what the view as chaos that is a verdict is in the end of former president bashir is legal problems while in prison he was charged with inciting and participating in the killing of protesters during the uprising against his government which started a year ago and just days before the verdict he was charged over his role in the 1989 coup that brought him to power all that's happening while many continue to call for accountability for other crimes they feel hold greater importance. fled
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from the west and region of darfur 15 years ago and came to the capital he is one of more than 2000000 displaced in the war that the u.n. says killed 300000 sudanese and which the international criminal courts categorizes as genocide. but she gave orders for the killings for the rapes in darfur and the forced displacement i've witnessed villages being burned women being raped by militia men with my own where is the justice for all that many here say they waited too long to see justice served they also say that the fact bashir has been a tall gives hope that it won't be too long before his health to account for his other alleged crimes he will more going on to 0. more on this from an academic university joins us by skype from the u.k.
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could have you with us on the program at the scene the n.c.a.a. bashir sentiment which helped topple him in the revolution but we also saw protests which demonstrate the many still supports the former president just how much support does omar al bashir enjoy in sudan. i don't think he supports he joyce or white space support among sudanese community perceptively there are groups with the sudan who are student loyal to the president these are a 1000000 people who. some kind of ideological affiliation who do not necessarily like what they see and the present moment particularly the dominus or the kind of more secular political illumined. these are groups. he must some live in because they benefit from the previous system and partly because they simply don't like what they see unfolding in sudan now but it's not the way history support. the disappoint for those who oppose overall bashir do you think they're they feel
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justified in their frustration at what they see as a weak sentence santa dainty the former president. absolutely but i think it's important that we distinguish this particular case from the other cases that are pending this is specifically for this corruption allegation but i think the concern would be if the judges are too busy please all it informs us sentencing just to be good these are lawyers who do that prescribes that people who are all of the age of 70 cannot be sentenced to prison if they apply this particular who to the other cases including those cases that are. going to get esteemed by the i.c.c. what iran's crimes abuse mind. is that these will be considered before sudanese courts then you will have a significant problem i think they've legation would be huge well but well quite
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because hanging over all of this is the and the i.c.c. arrest warrant for these alleged war crimes i mean how does this all playing into the the unease that we're seeing in c. dunn is there any chance of soul that he will be extradited or is this is this likely to explode at some point. so there are a taurus warrants that are issued for omaha's and i was used by the i.c.c. wanting to talk to name 12010. when the military generals took power after us she was more well they were pushed by the i.c.c. and they fought to get injected the i.c.c. $46.00 tradition the more civilian we or the sudanese can while egypt is open to other possibilities or the question really whether the transitional government now which includes a military would come to some kind of consensus to start a ship and i think the military generals would have
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a significant problem. because if the president is a good start and it is ultimately it is that would have implications for them in those are just what. the i.c.c. basically said that the planning for goals of violent acts against civilians from 2000 soon to 2000 aides were taken at the highest level of government and you know the people who implemented those plans that were planted the has been who government are some of the people who are now members of the kind of the government so there will be very careful looking at the implication and i don't think they will i mean he's with us so it's very likely that they might come to the conclusion that she should be tried in. ok but and just finally how do you see this playing out because i've already had one trial there in sudan and nobody it appears is happy with the outcome what does the future hold in your view about how this how
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this plays out if there were another eventual trial in sudan. new trials of this nature are always going to overshadow they're always a little bit as in templates go you know the the lawyers for example for want of a sheet and he supporters have been condemning the proceedings just let you go the trial is usually the most legalistic of all illegal acts but when you are happy for many of us that particularly someone of. your stage or their legal proceedings will ultimately morph into some kind of politics because everybody pulls the legal question before the trial in different directions and people who bring in their own political interests into the legal proceedings so i think in the final analysis. who supports the president will continue to insist that this is that we chant i guess approach that those who are you know victims or he's
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sort of the years of abusing who will want you to say that justice has more to be done if the courts do not get to be serious about examining the cases and meeting god do punishment against him ok our allan great to get your thoughts that's all we have time from afraid but thank you very much indeed for joining us there live from . the southern philippines has been shaken by a magnitude 6.9 earthquake at least one child is reportedly killed after a wall collapse strong tremors were felt in city and call to battle where there have been reports of a building collapse with people trapped inside no tsunami warnings have been issued tricity supplies have been threatened. india's home minister says he's willing to discuss suggestions for changes to the u.s. citizenship law following days of protests the u.s. and u.k.
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have issued travel advisories for northeastern states for at least 5 protest years have been killed along of those minorities from neighboring countries are facing persecution to apply for citizenship but missed limbs are excluded. police new zealand have confirmed the 16th person has died from injuries sustained in monday's volcanic eruption specialists wearing protective clothing returns to white island on sunday but so far the failed to find the last 2 missing bodies scientists say the possibility of a 2nd eruption has receded but the island remains volatile everyone went out there absolutely desperate to find bodies and return them to loved ones and tens of probability i.d.'s we were we were probably thinking given that one was in the water that so i would tell you. but we're always hopeful because we do this for a reason we want to make sure that we bring the right expertise to be a with regard to the task of pain size if you can find people in the 10. still to
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come on al-jazeera a 1st look at the venue that will take center stage at next year's tokyo then picks . led. discover the world of al-jazeera. the best films from across our network of channels on the part of 6 boys and to go to none of them have citizenship fresh perspectives and new insights to challenge and change the way we look at the world the. al-jazeera world. on al-jazeera. a bombarded city. can be rebuilt. its buildings restored. but can shattered lives be mended.
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scars randy and traumas shaped minds children and survivors of mosul share their stories. i still tomorrow a witness documentary on al-jazeera. it's time for the sport i hear santa thank you very much. as a celebrating another title when its time as a team captain at the presidents cup in australia the u.s. become the 1st team and the events 25 year history to win the trophy off the training ahead of the final day and. i began with his
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15th major title victory is ending with more smiles and success to talk to woods this time for his country leading the usa to an 8th straight win at the presidents cup but came here is a team. my teammates and my boys all played well the captains did an amazing job of just being there for every little detail. i could and i with all their help and. all my boys. they did it. o'neill says international team had a 10 a to advantage going into the final day by the united states team tiger woods woods led from the front of strangers royal melbourne course the 1st plane captain in 25 years was up against abraham ounce of mexico in the 1st of 12 singles matches he went on to secure a record 27th win in the event with a $32.00 victory. i on saturday patrick treats
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cathy was ejected from the event for fighting with a spectator. 24 hours later rate was winning a valuable point for the us at one stage tony finn i was 4 down against to see. almost japan but he fought back to heart his mind i. and when for australia's cameron smith briefly gave confound some hope but when mark creature rolled into this part. the title was decided. with his 1st taste of team captaincy ending in a $1614.00 when the internationals 2 decade wait for success 00 or otherwise tiger in the u.s. will be aiming for a 9th consecutive trophy win when they defend the title in north carolina in 2 years' time. and the richardson al-jazeera. mexican side wanted
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to have set up a club world cup semifinal with european champions liverpool want to beat cottle's all said to go through this 32 winning looted at this goal from me and now the hit on me want to are aiming to become the 1st team from outside europe or south america to win this title. saudi arabia's beat african champions as belarus often is yet to reach the last 4 french forward but it's in the getting the winner for the asian champions to see a one nil when they'll face brazil's flamenco on tuesday. the submission of this difficult game against so difficult opponent. we we we have time for you we. start to walk about. we know of course he's great a club and a great player so great cause she's a very good club. for european champions liverpool had to cut with a 10 point lead to at the top of the english premier league mohamed salah scored
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twice and a 2 nil win over what for the on saturday liverpool manager yogen klopp a has some concerns about the conditions his players may encounter as they bid to win the club or cup for the 1st time. i think it's raining there that is helps to doesn't have to pitch be the one peach we have playing on sensationally good organized. and with all the games on one pitch and it's raining down i'm not sure if the people in qatar really used to a lot of rain and now the b.b.c. on the pitch will be there and that's a big problem but i was not there as i had no idea where to find them permanently champions match the city trail liverpool by 17 points ahead of their game against also later this sunday the people say we are not good i cannot forget with this team to them that's indulge in the process in n.b.a. teams in incredible tennis players always their seasons are the problems and the
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biggest of the season they used trouble even more than i would say that is more normal than the people going to spect the dallas mavericks face a nervous way to all the fitness of one of this top play is reigning rookie of the year. to his ankle after less than 2 minutes of this game against the miami heat the mavericks went on to lose 822118 in overtime. averaging a more than 30 points per game of the season the best record in the n.b.a. . and quite a finish in the game between the san antonio spurs and the phoenix suns that played in mexico city the mob their us on the poor these person level in overtime and passing they also went on to score the winning points with no point 3 seconds left on the cloth. japan has officially unveiled the main stadium and it will host next year as a tokyo lympics the $68000.00 seats a venue has cost $1400000000.00 it's been built on the sides of the former national
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stadium used for the 1964 tokyo games constructions that started in december 26th seen about 14 months later than planned after the original design was scrapped to high costs we certainly join them talk olympic for this national stadium which will be the symbol of the tokyo 2020 olympic and paralympic games i know there must have been many difficulties in building it the design was changed during the process it is purely the result of hard work that we can finally celebrate today. that's us both a man and about the hala thank you very much indeed sandoval that wraps up this news out of a 3 hour market see to go anywhere though come out santa maria able to track pretty after this very short break you all the latest news around the world.
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fishing boats with north korea washing up on the shores of japan. some carrying dead bodies. wonder what he's doing just to gates these mysterious go ships on al-jazeera. on countering the cost of i.m.f. loan tax cuts for big businesses at the stairs see for the force just a perfect cocktail for street protests speak to the vice president of ecuador plus kenya's cash crunch the competition lining up to take netflix's crown counting the cost on al-jazeera. i thought this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of tonic billeted and if you can give them the opportunity
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wonderful things start to happen sometimes the simplest sedations optimist and back from. the main things that sets out 0 apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people not about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policy and how events affect real people it's ok it's ok it's ok. we do long complicated operations properly if this is not an act of creation i'm going to move to walk the face of the work you're doing here is amazing but there aren't so many fossils and it feels like this is just a dent what was your relationship with judge normal were ok to suddenly become yes in this job isn't just about what's on a script or a piece of paper it's about what's happening right now.
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2 days past the deadline for a climate deal there are deep divisions at the u.n. conference in madrid that might slow progress. hello once again from doha everyone i'm come all sons of the radio this is the world news from al-jazeera there is a warning for the taliban talks of put on hold again after an attack at an army base in afghanistan. also yemen's heard the rebels call for international help.
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