tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera December 18, 2019 6:00pm-7:01pm +03
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missions to create a competent and credible government to bring you the documentaries and the nightly news. and on line. 0. hello there i'm just on the attack and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes preparing to make us political history the house begin the debate that could see donald trump become only the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached. the whole of beechwood thing is a hoax or trump's dismiss the move as an attempted crude mocking the charges against him as week also ahead. protests in new
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delhi all to india's top corporate spartans a hearing on a contentious new citizenship bill. and happy reunions for some time to burundi off to fleeing political violence but not everyone's convinced safe. u.s. president donald trump could be just hours away from being written into history as only the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached has just gone 15 g.m.t. that's 10 am in washington d.c. where the u.s. house of representatives has begun a session on capitol hill to debate and then vote whether or not to send him to a senate trial well that's all but sesson because trump's opponents in the democratic party have a majority in that chamber of congress well ahead of the votes they will be to based on the 2 articles of impeachment which could last up to 6 hours again lashed out at the democrats describing the process as an attempted coup while in
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a moment we'll speak to our white house correspondent can be how could but fast it's castor who's on capitol hill for us where that vote will happen well heidi came in a historic day on the hill today talk us through what we've been seeing over the last hour or so. anastasio so what we're seeing right now are republicans doing the best they can to delay what appears to be the inevitable which is that by the end of the day the democratic controlled house of representatives will be voting to impeach president donald trump which would make him only the 3rd u.s. president in history to be impeached republicans don't have the numbers to defeat that measure but they can try to stall the efforts which is what we've been seeing for this past hour this as soon as the gavel convened the house of representatives we saw republicans introduce a motion to adjourn that was quickly defeated by the full caucus of democrats plus
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the one independent who voted to defeat that motion and now the chambers onto debating another republican stall motion condemning the impeachment inquiry against trump as illegitimate that is expected to be rejected very shortly as well all of this is just pushing back the debate on the actual articles of impeachment they seem troubled they are abuse of power and obstruction of congress both stemming from allegations that trump use the power of his presidency to try to solicit election interference from ukraine and at some point by the end of the day that is when it is expected that the chamber will actually vote on those articles and it is expected to be a partisan vote with democrats having the number the numbers to pass the impeachment what we're watching for is whether or not a few or at least one democrat will defect from their caucus we know that at least one congressman from new jersey has said he will vote against the impeachment all
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of the republicans have said that they will vote against impeachment so again expecting this to be a very partisan vote and once the debate begins on the actual merits of the impeachment it's a very heated and partisan debates beginning of a. very long day on capitol hill be talking to hide your customers throughout the day but for now let's go to president trump's latest tweet he's been tweeting about all the proceedings on surprising and he said can you believe that today i will be impeached by the radical left the do nothing democrats and i did nothing wrong well let's go now to our white house correspondent committee how it can be no surprises there that i mean he's been tweeting even more prolifically than usual about the impeachment process but he's also written an incredibly derisive letter to nancy pelosi ahead of today's proceedings where is his head up today. yeah well you read out one of the tweets there have been least a dozen that i've counted where the president has continued to maintain no wrongdoing essentially kucing the democrats in the house of representatives is
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trying to undo the election results of 2016 saying that they're overruling the will of the american people the president retreating from others that there is a case that he believes is built against him on hearsay and conjecture and opinion but does not in the ultimate articles of impeachment have anything to do with the original allegations against the president namely that he committed bribery or that this was corruption now you talked about that letter that the president sent on the eve of what we expect to be the outcome of the vote in the house of representatives and that is impeachment a scathing letter on white house letterhead that really has been a some mation of the president's most vitriolic tweets in recent weeks as this impeachment inquiry has occurred in the notable thing in all of those sort of what many people call a rambling letter is the fact that the president has at no point taken responsibility saying that he has not committed any wrongdoing accusing the house
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of representatives of being an enemy of democracy you have found nothing this is disingenuous meritless and baseless so essentially the president fighting back as he had along the all the way along through this inquiry essentially accusing the democrats of what he calls an illegal partisan coup well i say he's also cleared his schedule for the day what president obama's plans. yes our white house producer here on the grounds of the white house campus chris sheridan has been working very hard to find out whether or not the president is fixated on the t.v. whether he's conducting official business official schedule it's relatively clear i think it's safe to assume the president is watching what we're hearing out officially is that he's watching in between meetings certainly the president has plans for this evening however when this vote is either occurring or maybe has occurred and that is to travel to battle creek michigan
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a very pivotal state in terms of the president's support it's one of those key swing states the president would need to win the white house in 2020 and what's so interesting about this impeachment vote is unlike bill clinton back in the late ninety's when he was impeached a 2nd term donald trump will be impeached we believe in his 1st term that means the american public will have the opportunity to weigh in on this in november so the president is taking his case to the american public he seems to be resilient because he feeds off of the support he gets outside of washington so expect that he will take his message as we see it on twitter as we see in the letter to the american people in battle creek michigan for yet another one of his make america great again rallies and it can be there for us at the white house we'll be chatting to kennedy a bit later as well but for now let's take a look at how this could all play out and beachwear begins with the approval of charges against the president by the house but it doesn't mean he's automatically forced from office 1st
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a trial is held in the senate and that could be as soon as january that it's i've been saying by the chief justice of the supreme court the senators act as jurors while members of the house of representatives prosecutors at least 2 thirds or 67 senators need to vote guilty on at least one article of impeachment in order to have donald trump removed from office and if this does happen the vice president then becomes president well let's go back to heidi castor again she is on capitol hill in washington d.c. how do you talk us through what set to happen for the rest of today. sure so just in the last few minutes there has been a little bit more movement on the house floor now members of the house are debating the rules of the impeachment debate that's coming up why is that significant it's it means that the republicans motions that we saw earlier this morning those really those stall tactics to delay the inevitable impeachment vote that seems to have ended now they're on to the next order of business which still puts us on track for
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that impeachment vote likely to happen later this evening once that happens then that is the point when trump officially becomes impeached only the 3rd u.s. president to face impeachment and in january then this whole thing kicks off into the senate which as you mentioned is a completely different political dynamic there because it will be the republicans the president's own party has a majority of that chamber and the u.s. constitution says that indeed a 2 thirds majority of that senate in order to convict the president and remove him from office now because those senators themselves will serve as the jurors it's interesting because the leak the top republican in the senate mitch mcconnell who in a sense has been compared to the foreman of the jury he has said publicly that he is in total coordination with the white house in directing this trial and he has said that there is quote no chance that his chamber would vote to remove trump from
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office caster that live for us on capitol hill we'll be chatting to heidi throughout the day well after weeks of hearings public opinion on the impeachment a split our correspondent on the gallagher reports from miami and florida a swing state that donald trump won back in 26. this is not impeachable the impeachment hearings into president trump's dealings with ukraine began in november the hearings have times been dramatic revealing and deeply hot is on places like graham's bar in miami though you're not likely to hit patrons talking about what many see as a political crisis it's something owner adam guest and doesn't shy away from he holds election watch parties here isn't afraid of heated debate but says most of lost interest despite his efforts there's not an aha moment where you suddenly say democracy it's a long slog and you've got to stick with it and so my part in sticking with it is keeping people engaged and exposing them to what's actually happening exposure to
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the twists and turns of politics may not be as crucial and deeply republican or democratic states florida and especially its hispanic voters will be pivotal in the 2020 presidential election i guess i kind of care but only like if he actually does get impeached but for the most part i am i i'm a keeping up with until the voting occurs i have no power in the situation so i don't pay attention i don't care so hard to weed through all the information out there and it seems like people are in such different sides of it that it's hard to at this point understand what's going on i think for myself as a 2020 presidential election looms the fight to sway public opinion appears to have wavered on let's say that could have implications for the democrats they claim that trump was a russian stooge who was going to destroy the country the miller investigation found out that wasn't true and sort of decimated those trump russia conspiracy theories and now people are left wondering is this just more partisan bickering
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voters remain divided in one camp of the other the sunshine state though has a history of deciding the nation's fate how people feel matters if florida does one thing consistently it tends to reflect the mood of the entire country for decades florida voters have back but when. presidential candidate and that's mostly because the demographics make this a mini version of the united states so a collective here could be seen as a fairly accurate reflection of the current mood on the gallacher miami florida poll have lots of experts with us over the coming hours to help us break down what's happening in washington shortly we'll talk to joseph turow who's an associate professor of political science at texas a and m. university here in doha but 1st let's cross over to michael isikoff he's the chief investigative correspondent at yahoo news and he's in washington d.c. michael you covered the clinton impeachment extensively and i remember when bill clinton was staring down the barrel of impeachment he went and issued this profound
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apology from the rose garden back in 1900 saying he was incredibly profoundly sorry and as we've been hearing that no such contrition from trump talk us through the contrast between these 2 processes these 2 men. exactly president clinton did show contrition i would quarrel little bit with your use of the word profoundly because i think a lot of people viewed it as somewhat skeptical as to just how contrite bill clinton really was but he did at least mouthed the words that a lot of people including democrats wanted to hear to give them cover to continue to support the president in this case donald trump has given no such cover to republicans who are you know many of whom are clearly privately an easy about the president's conduct but extremely reluctant to say anything publicly
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so that is a critical difference you have a. at least in 20 years ago a president who is least malou of contrition in this case a president who absolutely refuses to do so well michael times have also changed on capitol hill when allison at this incredibly divided potus and vitriolically partisan congress how's that affected this whole process. very much in fact look a lot of us who lived through the clinton impeachment saw that as a sign of just how polarized the country was but if anything it's gotten even more polarized it's gotten a lot worse and you're going to see that in the in the results of the voting today . in 19985 democrats did vote with republicans to impeach bill clinton 5 republicans voted against impeaching the
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president in this case we do are not expecting any republicans to vote for impeaching donald trump and it's remains to be seen whether any more than 2 democrats will vote against we had 2 who voted against the opening up the impeachment inquiry and right now that seems to be where the the democrats are no no others have publicly said they are going to vote against impeachment michael zooming back out from capitol hill polls showing that public opinion remains split but could president trump be in a stronger political position going into an election if he ends up being acquitted as we would expect that he would be in a senate trial. look there are some wild cards in that senate trial that will probably influence how the public ultimately perceives it i think most people
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now you know virtually everybody expects that he is not going to be removed from office it would require 20 republicans to vote to convict him when no republicans in the house are going to do so it's really hard to see how you'll get a substantial number of republicans but you know those wildcards are out there in particular the question of witnesses the rule. minority leader sure has made it clear he is going to push for subpoenas to key witnesses mick mulvaney john bolton mike pump a 0 and that will be a rules vote by the full senate and senate republicans including some who are facing reelection are going to have to make a tough choice about whether to cut off that testimony or allow it and i think that's the big wildcard that everybody is going to be looking for how that rules
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fight plays out when we get to a trial in just a few weeks indeed that's michael isikoff speaking to us from washington d.c. thank you michael well let's now speak to joseph or his an associate professor professor of political science at texas a and m. university here and he joins me now on fat joseph let's start with the significance of today for americans and this is a historic day how closely are people following this i mean is going to be a lot of variance and how ordinary citizens are following along i think sort of a large proportion of americans are paying attention at least to the to the historical gravity of the moment trances the 3rd president to be impeached this is the kind of thing your children will ask you about if you remember that there are people reflect on so i think people are certainly paying a lot of attention. kind of collective experience in terms of whether or not people are paying much attention the to the details of what the president's been accused of and the evidence on both sides of the case that that's certainly more
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questionable i think most people are apt to follow the kinds of easy to digest signals like where their party stands with the president says and so moving forward the kinds of information people have will be a function of what comes out in the senate trial rather than sort of the kinds of things that people who are more immersed in this in the media in washington would have been paying attention to so well it's taken us quite a long period to get to this point i want to remind you is how we got here let's take a look at this report from patty call home. it all began to unravel when the us president picked up his phone in july a call to the president of ukraine what was said anough for a whistleblower to file a complaint that made it to congress the allegation was that trump was holding hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid meant for ukraine which was fighting off russian aggression intil the ukrainian president promised to investigate trump's potential political rival former u.s.
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vice president joe biden and his son hunter who had worked in ukraine in damage control mode the white house released notes from the call it did more damage because as the notes point out as the ukrainian president is promising to buy more u.s. missiles trump responds i would like you to do us a favor though he goes on to ask for investigations into a debate conspiracy theory about the election and later brings up the bidens the president must be held accountable no one is above the law that's when democrats announced an impeachment inquiry would begin the white house refused to cooperate but several career diplomats came forward anyway they testified under oath that it all really happened colonel alexander vin men listen to the call and later reported it to white house lawyers it was improper for the president of the united states to demand a foreign government investigate a u.s. citizen and a political opponent the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine testified that she was removed from her position because she
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wanted to fight corruption so the president's personal lawyer rudy giuliani pushed to get her removed and our anti-corruption efforts got in the way of a desire for profit or power ukrainians who prefer to play by the old corrupt rules sought to remove me what continues to amaze me. is that they found americans willing to partner with them and working together they apparently succeeded in orchestrating the removal of a u.s. ambassador others described a small group of people chosen by the president as running a kind of shadow back channel u.s. policy in ukraine missed it became clear to me that giuliani's efforts to gin up politically motivated investigations were now infecting u.s. engagement with ukraine leveraging president selenski desire for a white house meeting to withhold that systems for no good reason other than help with the political campaign made no sense it was it was counterproductive to all of
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what we had been trying to do. it was illogical it could not be explained it was crazy trumped meeting was going to happen and then came the surprising testimony from ambassador gordon sunland who changed his testimony from what he 1st told congress was there a quid pro quo as i testified previously with regard to the requested white house call and the white house meeting the answer is yes someone was a donor to the president's inauguration rewarded with an ambassadorship to the european union and he was center to the plot and he said everyone was in a suggestion that we were engaged in some irregular or rogue diplomacy is absolutely false the leadership of the state department the national security council and the white house were all informed about the ukraine efforts and another
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state department official testified he heard some land on the phone with the president during the lunch ambassador silence said he was going to call president trump to give an update master stalin placed a call on his mobile phone i heard of announce himself several times along the lines of cordon song and holding for the president i've entered president from ask so he's going to do the investigation. master song replied that he is going to do it adding a president selenski will do anything you ask him to do with that democrats say they've made the case for 2 counts of impeachment one for abuse of power the 2nd for obstruction of congress. the vote out of the committee split down party lines with republicans launching very defenses 2 key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received the aid and 2 there was no investigation into the bidens i have never in my entire life seen such an unfair rigged railroad job against the president of the united states
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and threw it on the president remained defiant it's a witch hunt it's a sham it's a hoax a slight majority of americans polled actually support impeachment and removal but not by much and as of now the vote is expected to be partisan which would leave trump in office that could change of public opinion does during the trial setting up a high stakes gamble that will impact the president the country and the world. al-jazeera washington so joseph if things play out as we expect donald trump gets and paged and then he gets acquitted by the senate so essentially for the democrats this isn't about necessarily removing him from office but having a public trial. i think the democrats feel that they've been forced into this by the president's conduct when speaker pelosi and other democratic leaders have addressed this and you can sense especially from nancy pelosi
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a sort of reluctance to get involved with this i think they sense that the country is fatigued by the months and years of scandals and they don't want to you know to to do this but the president's conduct of the whistleblower complaint and really as the testimony in the intelligence committees hearings revealed sort of months of work by the president and his associates in and out of government beforehand leading up to the july phone call the work that they engaged in afterwards just put the democrats in a position where they either had to say that this is wrong and the president should be impeached or sort of throw their hands up and say that nothing is out of bounds and just wait for the next election and for them the right there's this sort of question about whether the president comes out of this stronger but the counterfactual of course is if they did nothing where does that leave them with their voters and other you know ordinary americans if they don't you know have a line somewhere sure i want you to hold on to that you're the last but i do want
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to speak to philip bobbitt on that point he's a former associate counsel to the president to the office of the president i'm sorry and back under president bush and he joins us now live from new york now mr bobbitt i'm curious because joseph harris telling me that the democrats had their hand forced do you agree with that yes i do i think that's a that's a very accurate and have way of putting it the speaker has repeatedly emphasized the legal nature of impeachment and her reluctance to put the country through this whole process and i think it was when the. wow and so the evidence just became incontrovertibly that she felt she had to go forward i think was more a matter of a conscience than it was calculation so this was for nancy pelosi on the democrats an issue about constitutionality rather than than any kind of electoral math i think that's right i don't think they were trying to game of the. i don't i'm not
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even sure they ever thought they could even get a conviction they felt that just to ignore this after all this evidence. would have been irresponsible now you are an expert on the actual process of impeachment talk us through where we go from here because i know there's been a huge debate and there will be an ongoing debate about the rules of the trial in the senate and just how many witnesses called who calls those witnesses talk us through that a little bit or i will the next step is for the house itself to adopt articles of impeachment there are 2 articles as you know before them when these are adopted a transmittal will take place that sends the bill of impeachment to the senate there's some questions of whether or not the speaker could withhold that transmittal. as a way of getting leverage on the production of witnesses the constitution is unclear as it without this could happen once it goes to the senate the really
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passes to the majority leader there and many of the evidentiary questions you would have in a court are appealable to a majority in the senate so if majority leader has 51 votes. and he may not have for all the evidence or issues that he will pretty much control the procedural posture of the trial unlike the ordinary trial where the presiding judge would control that posture. both sides will present evidence the house managers will be prosecutors. the president will be delivered a someone's to come to the senate which he may decline that will be interpreted as a not guilty plea and he can have person stand in for him his attorneys or other persons he nominates to speak on his behalf before the trial starts they'll be some agreement as to how many hours each side will have but once the presentations have
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been made by the prosecution and the defense senators will be limited to a certain number of minutes we expect something like 15 minutes per senator when a vote is finally called if the president is convicted on one count then that will stop the proceedings of the trial and rip robin move immediately to a matter of some additional punishment such as preventing the president from running for other elections or holding other federal offices that seems as we heard before the unlikely at this stage and so it's more likely will go on to the consideration of both articles at this stage i think most people who watch this process are thinking the president will be acquitted well it certainly is a long process ahead mr bobbitt you yourself for a white house and a president casa and i wonder a lot of there's been
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a lot of discussion about how potus on this process has become do you think that the idea of impeachment has changed from then to now well yes and i think it's unquestionably changed i think the pivot probably was the clinton impeachment. the framers of our cost to sion a worried about this a good deal and in the federalist papers alexander hamilton goes into great detail about how the senate should avoid the temptations of partisanship and that when they sit is a judicial body they have to be on their guard not to of ally themselves with any partisan interest well we're quite a ways away from that null. philip bobbitt than a former white house lawyer and a former associate counsel to president carter thank you for joining us on al-jazeera well let's come back now to joseph or a in the studio here with me we've been talking about how the democrats are not to posi had their hands forced here and i wonder there were concerns about this
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galvanizing the republican party heading into an election uniting the right has not happened. i think the republican base the core of the party as it exists in 21000 heading into 2020 is firmly behind president trump they're energized by him and his presence and his public persona it's hard to imagine that they weren't already as excited as they could be within that base of the republican party certainly also the base in the core supporters of the democratic party have been motivated to oppose president trump or you saw that in the midterm election where the democrats returned to power in the house of representatives and the open question is just how independents and the less committed partisans in the united states will respond to this some of it depends on who the democrats nominate what issues they put forward to have in their platform heading into the election but really no one knows how this will play out i mean it could play out in ways that
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are very favorable for the president or in ways that are favorable to the democrats and as professor robert mentioned i think again the just the facts of the president's conduct have pushed the democrats to sort of confront them with the institutional tools that are available to them and the alternative would have been just to say everything is fine and that they were going to abdicate abdicates me those those institutional projects that they have well we're talking about this incredibly divided nation and this incredibly divided house but i was really curious about this one man justin a mass you know who left the republican party because he was so he said he was so disgusted by what was happening he's now an independent in the house tell us a little more about him because i hear he might be actually well there's a charge to push him to be one of the prosecution is in the senate trial. justin amash was always an independent minded republican he sort of differed with his party on some important questions and respect his mind freely to the extent that he
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did disagree with the party it's not surprising that he spoke his mind but i think he represents a small but important chunk of the republican party people. like george conway whose wife of course is the senior advisor to president trump other people largely outside of government to maybe have previously worked in government or have other kinds of prominent positions in the united states who never supported president trump or part of that never trump movement and maybe still are to the extent that it exists. and have maintained some political distance from the president representative of. your leaving the republican party i think is one response to people who others have done so prominent journalists and opinion writers other people have decided to stick it out and try to be there in their mind put the pieces back together when when president trump and his project eventually fail but he is represents a small but intellectually and politically interesting and hopefully significant
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part of the country so joseph laura here with me the associate professor of professor i'm sorry a political science at texas and university thanks for joining and. well you are now watching live pictures from capitol hill where there is a move to vote on the articles of impeachment against a president on trial right now your there are procedural discussions going on procedural debates about how the day will play out there has been lots of discussion about the republicans trying to delay the motion will be seeing there is procedural votes take place ahead of the debate around those actual 2 articles of impeachment. let's go briefly to other news now there have been more attacks and northwest syria where at least $23.00 civilians have been killed the syrian army shelling and russian as strikes and in
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a province follow months of bombardment of that last remaining rebel held province reports. the attacks on the proceeds are relentless and are intensifying and witnesses say the majority of victims are civilians the paramedics news the white helmet so there would be minutes to do what they've done thousands of times during the who try to save the lives of civilians those close to a little bit of a good night about 11 o'clock in the morning a fighter jet believed to be russian carried out 6 successive air raids in the most johnny and you often areas they targeted displaced people living in tents one girl was killed and 6 others injured in critical condition all rushed to hospital in the civil defense crew still combing the area searching for survivors. the jamma was one of $35.00 villages hit by russian and syrian government forces in italy province in the last $48.00 ounce opposition activists say president bashar al
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assad's government appears to be preparing for a ground offensive it's a missed to secure the main highway linking the capital damascus with the northern city of aleppo the increase in attacks is having a devastating impact on people here this man's wife and 3 daughters were killed in an airstrike $4000000.00 syrians live in italy a province which is under the control of hyatt therea al sham an armed group with formal links to al qaida the strikes on the northwestern province are in breach of the deescalation deal russia and turkey agreed last september but the syrian government says recapturing the province is just a matter of time victoria gates and be al jazeera. all the conflict in syria as well as iraq and yemen are on the agenda for muslim leaders who are missing in the asia they're looking at ways to tackle problems facing the islamic wild reports from column. tight security at this kuala lumpur convention center organizers say
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muslim leaders meeting here are taking a new approach to handling the challenges facing the islamic world you have to start with problem identification right well of the issues that need that inflate. and come up with some solutions as to how to overcome them and. talk about something concrete the leaders of 3 sunni nations malaysia turkey and qatar are leading this initiative and are joined by iranian president hassan rowhani high level delegations from indonesia and pakistan are also here. but pakistani prime minister imran khan canceled the day before after visiting saudi arabia at the media reports the saudis are concerned the summit could lead to the creation of a rival muslim body to the saudis that organization of islamic cooperation i see the possibility that i see as it was envisioned 60 or 70 years ago
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may not be relevant for the future of the muslim world and this scale summit provides an opportunity to the muslim leadership coming from diverse backgrounds to deliberate more extensively on this question i think they really do why didn't there's nothing like that we're not going to compete with anybody and in fact. this family this is complementing it's time consuming the life he. had there who is not going to replace the whole to take over from waverley he's not going to be a blow to the gates say they're here to tackle islamophobia and promote the interests of 1700000000 muslims through concrete joint action. and there was no shortage of pressing issues to discuss they include the conflicts in yemen libya syria and afghanistan unrest in iraq and lebanon and the plight of muslims in myanmar and indian administered kashmir the summits organizers say although
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meetings like this are often convened to try and tackle conflict and wars in the muslim world this one is different they say steam roll of development in achieving national sovereignty shows reviving cultures and strengthening economies are seen as means to overcoming problems. for that to be achieved a strong political leadership in the muslim world a clear vision and close coordination are needed to perhaps the major challenge facing delegates of this summit is how they will be judged by muslims with wars people being displaced and unrest across many muslim countries people see that summits in the past have failed to achieve anything substantial so when the leaders here stand up in front of this war for a photo op they will be under pressure to be seen to act. dizzee are kuala lumpur. india's top court has postponed hearings on a new citizenship bill that's provoked protests and violence nationwide the judge's
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decision brought more demonstrations in new delhi they want more details about the legislation from the government before considering a petition in january the norm makes it easier for people from afghanistan bangladesh and pakistan to gain citizenship beyond experience muslims and critics say that's blatant discrimination by government they accuse of driving a hindu nationalist agenda 4 people have now been killed in demonstrations since that will was introduced by prime minister narendra modi is refusing to back down well as to how raman reports from the northeast and stage of a from the delay it continues to leave countless families in number. it's a sleepy village in the middle of a sam's agricultural belt people who live here in christian life are hindus and muslim yet almost to be deemed undocumented migrants so than sarka is a pensioner he was born and has lived in the region for as long as he can remember a bengali speaking hindu he says this is home and he's indian but
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a recent government censors deemed him and his family illegal migrants from bangladesh he was arrested and placed in a detention center for 3 years. released on bail he says his experience was traumatic and has led to complex medical issues and psychological disorders. we would break for roll call it ticks wash have a cup of tea and do a little exercise and then they would lock us up to be in the room was not large enough and we slept on the floor about what do you do work and sometimes not be fed until the next day. he shows me documents that date back to the 1930 s. proving on the surface that his family has always lived in india the bengali originating in do and muslim communities here in krishna i number around about 400 families and they've lived here for decades living alongside each other in peace and of course working the paddy fields here you can see behind me but the passage
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of the citizenship amendment could very well undermine their very existence and render some of them stateless. the new law potentially allows anyone fleeing communal riots or religious persecution to apply for indian citizenship but siddhartha and some of his neighbors can't apply because the government does not recognize their status high court lawyers like hafiz giardia waiting to see how the supreme courts rule on the controversial legislation now it is all an act of parliament so. let's go with one of. those books on what i was formally mentioning here. for the indigenous people of the somme the new legislation is worrying they say it'll make them a minority in their own state by giving citizenship to him directly g.'s and there . really is districts in the lead in have seen violence occurring and been speaking
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families their business have been burnt down and there'd been economic loss but tankersley nor loss of life on this occasion the bengali hindu speaking community is scared. sudan's future is still uncertain his family's meager earnings revolve around the production of these plastic bags and the status of his family like those in the village of krishna i may not be made clear for some time. so robyn al-jazeera assam. the u.n. secretary general is calling on the world to find new ways to improve the lives of refugees and turn your terrorist was speaking in geneva at the global refugee forum the very 1st meeting of its kind involving humanitarian organizations business executives and refugees themselves high on the agenda there how to share the burden of helping refugees 80 percent live in poor and developing countries well burundi is one of the many countries in africa where refugees are major concern thousands
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fled 4 years ago amid political violence connected to the presidential election and as catherine so i reports from many refugees have returned home from camps in neighboring countries but others say they're afraid to return. to a vehicle boy and his family have just returned home from a refugee camp in kenya. they fled in 2015 at the height of political violence that broke out of a president. tom election. brings home a new son born in the camp and he's hoping another election scheduled for next year will go ahead peacefully. my parents after landed me my house was find a way to i guess need to find a place to stay up. about a 100 kilometers southwest of quails home another family that's returned from a comp in tanzania is settling back one week at a gracious leaves in
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a room longer province on the shores of lake tanganyika. i lived in 2015 because i was i witnessed the ethnic conflict from 993 so i fled with my family because i did not want them to experience what i did but i'm tired of running and i will stay here no matter what happens. government officials in both have told refugees in neighboring countries that the country's peaceful they say their repatch ration from tanzania is voluntary but some human rights campaigners say food rations in the camps have been reduced and refugees movements restricted more than 8000 have come back home in the last year but many are the deal in refugee camps. that are not ready to. say they're afraid that next year's election could also turn violent. the name. a youth wing of the ruling party seems to
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invoke fear in many places those people are effectively spies for the ruling party and when someone new returns they instantly are going to suspect the person so we've heard cases of disappearances we've heard cases of pressure immediate pressure to join the ruling party or suffer the consequences and we've heard cases of people immediately returning back to tanzania because they just found the situation was intolerable government officials deny the accusations. him been a recurring young members of the ruling party who didn't cause any harm and everything even in the countryside is peaceful return ease of being welcome back very warmly. if you have the essays he hopes he can stay out of politics and keep his family safe catherine sawyer al jazeera. now a stray leah has experienced its hottest day on record the average temperature across the country on tuesday was nearly $41.00 degrees celsius and that record
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could be broken on wednesday as it's only the start of the southern hemisphere summer the searing temperatures have made things worse for crews who are dealing with more than 100 bushfires in the eastern station of new south wales andrew thomas has this update from sydney. what australia's bureau of meteorology has measured is the average maximum temperature nationwide and on that basis they say that the 14.9 degrees average maximum on tuesday was higher than the previous record of 40.3 degrees set in 2030 in other words more places in australia reached their hottest temperature at the same time than had ever happened before now it's been hot for weeks here sydney has been in drought and the bushfires that are burning right across the state of new south wales queensland western australia and indeed some parts of it toria are on president all of this is piling pressure on australia's government to do more about climate change to do more about cutting
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its emissions australia's government says that the current hot weather may be to do with climate change as no direct link between humans climate change and this hot weather not good enough say the government's opponents australia is negligent in its duty given how profoundly climate change is affecting this country and how hot it has been for so long. now supreme court judges in the philippines to deliver their verdict on a mass murder which made front page headlines 10 years ago 58 people many of them journalists were killed in the mud when dinara massacre on trial around 100 people many linked to political rivalry and a powerful family in the province as a malevolent organ reports relatives of the dead have waited a long time for justice. even for a country long gripped by violence it was a shocking crime. on the morning of the vendor 232-0098 convoy of vehicles carrying
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journalists and members of a political family were on their way to an electoral event imagine that the province in the southern philippines they never reached their destination a gang of armed men stopped and forced them to a hilltop in the village of muscle. there they were repeatedly shocked 58 people were killed over a period of hours invariant in a mass grave 32 were journalists others were members of the of the data family political rivals to the powerful but to go home least 2 key witnesses interviewed exclusively by al-jazeera said the armed men were working for the late governor on the number 2 on and sons and that they witnessed how the family planned and executed the victims. since then 2 governments have come and gone and there have been no convictions among with
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a doubt the family decided to take their case to the courts this order. but the case has been difficult from the beginning more than 200 people are accused more than a 100 are in jail and at least 80 at large now supreme court officials see fort dix are expected this month. this memorial was built on the same hills where the victims were murdered the mugging than the last record was one of the country's worst cases of political violence and the single deadliest attack against journalists in global history. the families of those who died see fighting for justice has been difficult and painful. to the rightful justice we expect nothing more than a full conviction for the most barbaric in human act they have committed we waited for law and suffered so much. the families say for years they felt
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abandoned by the government and the public b.c. has become apathetic in the case but they remain determined fighting not just for justice but to be remembered and ensure their country she will not forget the brutality of what happened 10 years ago in the village of masai. duggan al jazeera in than a province southern philippines. let's take you live now back to capitol hill where u.s. president donald trump could be just hours away from becoming the 3rd u.s. president to be employment these are live pictures right now from capitol hill where the house of representatives has begun a session to debate and then vote on whether or not to send him to a senate trial let's listen in on some of the things that are being says back and radios fact gentleman from massachusetts madam speaker i yield one minute to the
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gentleman from new mexico the assistant speaker mr one gentleman is recognized for one minute madam speaker no one came to congress to impeach a president we came here to solve the mighty issues that impact the lives of the constituents we pledged to serve i'm here because too many families in my district still rely on water trucked in from dozens of miles away i'm here because too many new mexican children still go to school hungry i'm here because too many women and you better go dry for hours to find a doctor able to care for them but this moment has found us we have reached a point in time where our love of country compels action where our duty to this republic mandates that we do what's right the president's behavior is so blatantly wrong that ignoring his abuses of power would be abdicating the oath we made to protect this country and uphold our constitution thank you and i yield back time
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and yells back gentleman from oklahoma thank you mr speaker have speaker your myself as time as i may consume gentleman is recognized thank you madam speaker if we defeat the previous question i will offer an amendment on the rule the house shall not proceed to consideration of the underlying resolution until 6 conditions are met all the evidence in the possession of chairmanship has been made available to the judiciary committee the chairman shift appear before the. judiciary committee to testify to report to the author it all underlying on classified evidence has been made available to the public minority members of the judiciary committee have received their right to minority hearing day minority witnesses requested by the ranking or by ranking member nunez and ranking member collins are called and allowed to be heard in accordance with h. raised a tress 660 and subpoenas requested by the ranking my ranking member newness and
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the intelligence committee are issued in force madam speaker to be clear my memon ensures that the majority does not proceed without providing a fair and equitable and transparent process one that respects minority rights ones that opens up the investigation to all members of the house and one that allows republicans on the judiciary committee to examine the most relevant witnesses perhaps most crucially it will allow all members to fully consider the information available to the committee that actually conducted the impeachment investigation the permanent select committee on intelligence the process of the house has followed has been abysmal it was closed on an unfair process and did not respect minority rights and did not give the president due process but we can change that today we defeat the previous question now house will only move forward with a real thorough and ultimately fair process that all members can be proud madam speaker i ask unanimous consent and sent to insert the text of my name it in the
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record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question was that i or just and so we know vote on the previous question and i'm. going watching live pictures there on capitol hill when the house of representatives is set to vote on articles of impeachment and on us president donald trump raises the day there are procedural arguments going on at the moment ahead of that debate and that vice later on today well let's bring in philip audits he's a former associate counsel to the. office of the president president kos and he joins us live again from new york thank you for staying with us mr bobbitt i do want to ask you about the speed of this process i mean we've seen the democrats push to get this done before christmas and mitch mcconnell the republican leader in the senate he seems to want to have a speedy senate trial what do you make of the pace of these proceedings i suppose that. both sides would like to get on to the political issues that will
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frame the election the democrats have a nominating process underway they don't want the senators in that process tied down to washington. said the mcconnell wants to preserve his majority in the senate and to do that he wants to focus on individual races. there's a political motivation sort of put this behind us having said that this may have the pace all its own and depending on the witness list and what comes out in the testimony that was not present in the house it could go on a longer than we are right now expect. mr bobbitt speaking of today's house vote a lot of the same representatives will be voting today back in the clinton impeachment process talk us through the contrast between then and now and how about the playing out in congress where the parties will reverse in those days the republicans had a majority in the house speaker was
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a very forceful figure newt gingrich. and i think that had someone else been the speaker. it seems unlikely to me that president clinton would have been impeached here speaker pelosi has been notably reluctant to go to pete for process . and i think that's at least one contrast the 2nd one is that before the clinton impeachment there had been many months of investigation by an independent counsel. that really hasn't been true here the robert muller was not an independent counsel he was under very sharp constraints as official of the department of justice and the timing was not so extensive so if this seems rushed it may be even more than you might think because unlike other periods we haven't had this long backlog of investigation and public preparation for these counts
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when mr bobbitt after this this vote today and if we presume that he is then impeached and this goes on to the senate and talk us through just a little bit about how that process works there are prosecutors as were pointed and very briefly what what happens next the prosecutors will be the house managers. they will go to the senate with the. build impeachment that it was adopted by the house if it is adopted this this week the president can appear he will be summoned by the chief justice but he doesn't have to appear and it seems unlikely at this stage that he will instead he's permitted to appoint his old mr bob as my more i'm sorry's about to offer very welcome back to you very briefly as we continue our coverage of the impeachment proceedings here as al-jazeera is a live pictures right now from capitol hill to stay with us. a
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football tournament like no other and one of the at the beginning we used to play football in the street using a softball al-jazeera weld meets a group of sudanese boys to time and to win against a backdrop of conflict and downsizing team. when i walk in the street people soft me oh man it's because of. darfur put both
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a piece on al-jazeera. trouble began at the end of the country's civil war when most people started returning home from refugee camps. ammo more horse trucked and killed during a demonstration in 2017 is buried right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the mining companies and government are set in your. accusations someone used displacement between the communities the mining companies and the government has now escalated to west africa's regional court the community has taken its case before west african regional court because they say the people have little for use in the justice system. singapore is renowned for creating some of the world's. 101 east goes back to school to find out the secret to their. own how does the.
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preparing to make us political history begin the debate that could see donald trump become only the us president to be impeached. the whole impeachment thing is a hoax on trump's dismissed the move as an attempted coup knocking the charges against him as we. have again i missed the attack and this is out of there alive and are also coming up.
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