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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  January 5, 2020 8:00pm-8:33pm +03

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the old. iraq's parliament votes were expel foreign troops after a call from the prime minister to axe over the us assassination of kassam slimline . at the same time iraq's parliament voted an on hezbollah leader warns that the us military across the middle east will pay the box the air. play watching out just here on live from doha also ahead a critical test for venezuela's opposition leader one quite ill as in seats reelection as head of the national assembly the us and the daytime sky dog comes to blood red in australia after another day of destructive bush the in the
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at. the end thank you very much for joining us it's been a day of extraordinary and fast moving developments as a sense of crisis grips much of the middle east iraq's parliament has passed a resolution urging the expulsion of u.s. troops from the country even as the u.s. military says old supes have stopped most of their operations against eisel and are now focusing on protecting themselves at the same time the leader of hezbollah i never known has warned that the u.s. military across the region is not fair target for retaliation after the assassination of an iranian commander cass sense and amani these are live pictures right now from iran where massive crowds have gathered in several cities to welcome home the body of cars and cinema any was assassination by us 3 days ago set in motion the current events are we have reporters covering this story from washington
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beirut and baghdad we begin in iraqi capital where in the last few hours we've seen extraordinary scenes in the iraqi parliament osama bin job it talk us through what's happened and how significant is this vote to expel foreign troops from iraq in the reactions of course. well foley iraqi lawmakers have taken the 1st choice that was presented by their prime minister saying that he wants an end to the presence of foreign troops on iraqi soil saying that after the turn of events which has happened since friday the foreign troops will be coming under a lot of pressure and attacks not just from inside iraq but outside iraq as well and as they protect themselves iraqis won't be able to protect them either so this is something that was brewing in the last 24 to 48 hours since the assassination of a lot of calls for making sure that iraq cancels its agreement with the united states and pushes out foreign troops and that is something that the parliament
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reiterated but you have to realize that this is a non-binding decision by the parliament it does not force the government to do so the government still have multiple options and this is a session which was delayed by a few hours because it didn't have the initial quorum to come into session it was boycotted by all of kurdish b.'s and most of these in the parliament so it goes to show that iraq yes wants u.s. troops to leave the country but not everybody is on board not everyone's on board and certainly the protests that we've seen in iraq over the last few months whether in baghdad mosul why the cities have been denouncing not just for the presence of foreign troops of american troops but also the influence of countries such as iran you know if this were to go through what would happen would iraq be in a position to defend its sovereignty if these foreign troops were to leave. but that is the question which is going to hound the iraqi government before it takes
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any decision whether to go ahead and cancel the presence of u.s. troops in iraq according to the pretty 14 request as it requested not just the united states but other world powers to come in and protect it from iceland and now it says the mission against isis is over it no longer needs those foreign troops but it but the relationship with the united states goes beyond that there is an agreement with the united states beyond this agreement that was signed in 2014 there is going to be further repetitions of if the u.s. forces leave what is going to happen to the iraqi forces are the capable and the question of are the iranian backed forces trustworthy by all iraqis if the united states and coalition troops leave so those are the questions that have been asked and that have been. going around in the last few hours but we've also heard reaction after this parliament's extraordinary session we heard from the for the southern saying that this is not enough it's a very recruit sponsored us government must and all relationship with the united
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states immediately close down the embassy boycott u.s. products saying that legions and battalions should be formed immediately to. deal with the days ahead also we've heard from some of the j.v. one of the sunni piece in iraq saying that decisions by the parliament should not be taken in haste and based on emotions so it goes to assure that there is a lot of division in iraq there is a lot of serious questions about the capability of iraqi forces and the trust deficit which exists in this deeply divided country on sectarian and ethnic lines thank you for that osama bin javid live for us in baghdad let's get the reaction now from washington d.c. particle when is there for a speedy how's this for what's in iraqi parliament to expel foreign troops including american troops being seen in washington. well like you checking twitter to see if the president has responded he went to his golf course in florida about 2
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hours 50 minutes ago so keep i would keep your eyes on twitter he tends to react that way very for the very 1st time as far as official reaction secretary of state went on all the sunday political talk shows and this is what was happening as he was giving those interviews or is able to deflect a little bit but he basically brushed it off and said well the prime minister of iraq is relieving the he's under pressure from the iranians but the iraqi people really want to be there but keep in mind that this is going to a permanent impact potentially of the fight against the islamic state that is going to have a real concern that just within the national intelligence community but in the u.s. congress and with the by the american people operate in iraq the u.s. operations nato operations there suspended now the coalition says it was because of these recent mortar attacks but realistically it's because they're hardening their bases because they know they're they're now a target so you can't have troops on patrol or doing missions because then they're open and much more vulnerable so this is having already a real world impact and if u.s.
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troops are told to leave iraq again another huge potential impact on the fight against the islamic state of iraq and the levant there's also logistics question the pentagon just said they were sending more than $3500.00 soldiers in to the region so that they could be there in case they needed to springboard into any hot spot as let's say an embassy was under attack we believe those are going to kuwait but there's more than 5000 soldiers already in iraq where are they going to go so this if this step does happen it's going to be a logistical challenge to say the least for the u.s. military thank you for that for us in washington d.c. now as that vote was happening the iraqi parliament over in lebanon has been as leader was speaking to his supporters and he said the killing of the iranian major general in the money mocked i knew face in the history of the middle east for morning speak to mama june in beirut for us mama tell us more about the message of . hezbollah leader
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hassan nasrallah began his speech several hours ago by saying that the killing of qassam today money marked the beginning of a new era for the entire region he also said that what the u.s. had done by killing him was starting a new war of a different type now mr now throw went on at length to blame soli mr trump for what had happened and he called the killing of costumes for their money a open and brazen crime he then went on to list several failures many failures that donald trump in his words had committed since becoming president of the united states in 2016 and he then segue into what became the main theme of his speech which was that by killing their money the u.s. military and all its assets in the region had now effectively become targets that they would be targeted for retaliation take a listen to more of what minister had to say specifically about this i'm not
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allowed their own many are debating how do just punishment should be how can we avenged for the death of sulaimani and wind is should we talk at a big figure as important as many like to the u.s. even staff the secretary of defense there's nobody as important as. his shoe alone is worth from and in tire capital of a fair field i'll be clear their response is to target them merican military presence in the region the american military bases their vessels every american officer and soldier in our region and our countries on our soul the american army is the one who killed these people and they're the ones who will be paying the price. folley after stating all of that however mr nasrallah then drew an important distinction and he said that he was not speaking about american citizens in the region he went on to say that targeting
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u.s. nationals u.s. citizens in this region would not be the right thing to do that it would be wrong to harm them you also said that tacking u.s. civilians anywhere would only serve u.s. president donald trump's interests thank you very much for that live for us in beirut we want to show you now some live pictures from iran and this is mashad in iran where the body of major general hossam somali has arrived as you can see thousands of people there thousands of mourners paying their respects to the commander of the islamic revolutionary guards elite forces who was targeted by u.s. forces in baghdad on friday his body in my shot in the holy city of my shot it will be later flown to tehran and then his hometown of care mon for burial on tuesday 3 days of mourning under way right now in iran following the assassination
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of major general hossam somali a senior political analyst. is with us now in the studio impressive crosses who've seen in iran today. will this assassination you think before we go to what's happening in iraq well this is us a nation bolster the position of the iranian regime today absolutely it's already clear over the last 48 hours how the voices for the regime have drowned the voices against the regime on the streets of tehran on the streets of karbala in the south and certainly on the streets of iraq as well so. whether he meant it or not but by assassinating. some sort of money person try. has basically done the popular opposition in both countries a disfavor and done the regime a huge favor by are allowing him to corliss the you know the national sentiments if
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you will in favor of the regime against the united states and by that drowning the voices of the opposition what options does the iranian government have right now they have to respond somehow to this assassination if they don't they'll be seen as being weak what do you expect their response to do what i when i when i heard. speaking from lebanon from the bunker and from his bunker in lebanon talk about you know such bluster warden confrontation and so on so forth this defiance and we hear so many threats about this and that city in the middle east is going to be attacked we even had guests on air speaking about how no americans going to be safe anywhere in the middle east or southeast asians and people randomly and not so randomly speaking about war as if. life doesn't mean much in the middle east as if that the millions of people that died already in
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syria in iraq in libya in yemen as if none of that matters if parents don't loose children as if children don't weep for the loss of their parents as a society's don't get destroyed it is really buckling the ease with which we talk about apocalyptic or scenarios of war after the death of a general after the assassination of a general when instead of vying for more for certain and more violence seeking diplomacy as the american president should have done when his maximum. maximum pressure sided you failed and now what the iranians and the united states are exchanging those threats for war now to your to your question clearly the united states is more than happy to face iran in the battlefield and as president trump has already named 52 sites that they are more than more than ready
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to help in the beginning. when force doesn't work it seems like more force well as if and the iranians are saying we are not going to face the united states on the battlefield basically they would be facing it in the shadows of the middle east and the universe we live in by thought of getting americans an american our allies through law intensity warfares through assassinations and all sorts of other a symmetrical attacks against american installations value by itself by the way it could lead to more escalation and rose collation because if the next big thing happens even coincidently against an american target or america and president trump decides for whatever reason political or strategic decide to respond the way he's threatening we are definitely entering a logical war and that. cannot be in the interest of anyone it's certainly a very scary very scary scenario let's talk about iraq now and what's happened
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there over the last few hours the iraqi parliament voting to expel foreign troops from the country it's a non-binding vote of course the ball now in the government scam and we've already heard certain reactions from iraq not everyone on board it seems what are the government's options now well look i mean it has more than one of course and one of them to my mind is for it to to to to to to find again in its place in the arab pulled and i think it will be welcomed to its arab surroundings iraq does not have to be held hostage neither to tehran nor to washington iraq is an indispensable country and iraqis and other arabs around in the area are more than happy to be joining one another and helping one another. but the fact that iraq would become a play why iran on the united states rhine for influence in that country has certainly been destructive to it for the time being the tide has been shifting in
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favor of iran against the united states in iraq worth of iraq is no will decide to go it alone or look for the more appeasing option over pusing your on under the circumstances remains to be seen i am not very optimistic on the short term for the future of iraq thank you for that marwan as always good to get your insight it's just gone past 1715 g.m.t. you're watching live from doha a reminder of the main developments following the assassination of the rain in general cuss and silly money iraq's parliament has voted to ask the government to expel 4 introduce this follows a call from the caretaker prime minister i've to maadi to act over the us assassination also in mining which took place near baghdad airport on fighting speaking at the same time as iraqi prime minister in lebanon hezbollah's leader said the u.s. military across the middle east is now a fair target for retaliation. also said president committed
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a crime by assassinating silliman. and over in iran hundreds of thousands of mourners have gathered to welcome home the body of qassam ceremony these pictures right now from a vase from his body is in the city of mashad after an earlier procession in l.a. to be flown to tehran and then he'll be buried in his hometown on tuesday. all right let's turn our attention to other world news now and in venezuela opposition leader one guy doe is due to be reelected to his position as national assembly speaker on sunday but a cordon of police officers outside the building has prevented him from entering has vowed to resume his push against the government of president nicolas maduro this year in 21000 he declared himself acting president but his battle floundered as the military failed to heed his calls to defect. not to india way to say south
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point job which has a majority sikh community has seen some of the most vocal objections to the new citizenship law with many saying it discriminates against muslims so i have raman reports from. hindu sikh christian brothers real one now and forever they chant this is a day of peaceful but noisy protest against india's citizenship law in looked to her and across the state of punjab outside the main mosque the minority was slim community and making their voices heard in the majority sikh community adjoining them. if they talk at the largest minority after the hindus in this country and who they go for next from all religions it will be the poor that are worst affected. like really in this community they were happy with the government's move to alienate them muslim brothers. we are going to oppose this black law and stand by our brothers and maintain our strong bonds i the strength the feeling is growing in
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the past few days thousands of taken to the streets to show solidarity with the muslims and oppose the new citizenship law we are not very very. any party that was in the position of the leading sikh opposition party in punjab they should romani akali dal the party they are allies of prime minister narendra modi's government and supported the change if we opposed the bill we were denying the right. who were asking for the citizenship so they're not rebelling relations we decided not to oppose it turnbull rather work for it so that is the reason that the reward for it. but now facing criticism from the sikh faith salie senior figure head priest guarantee her 3 things who was muslims to be included in the citizenship law the akali dal party chief has done a complete u. turn and this could lead to a split with modis b j p party in new delhi really 2 percent of punjab's population is most and often
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thought of as an important voting bloc seem a swing voters but a major move by a large sikh party like the s.a.t. could well influence those voters across the board to wards i say to his opponents the congress party and its allies they currently control the state of punjab in the last general election secular candidates consolidated their victories across punjab and much of the credit was given to the muslim vote. while any 3 chair lection is a long way off changing opinion is all the senior muslim priest at this mosque can do for now. we are happy today that our seek in the christian and dalit brothers protested with us we all realize this isn't just one community's issue it's the whole nation and we are all affected by discrimination. it's an opinion held by many israelis continue across india's major cities social raman al jazeera. but job . and there's been violence at a university in india's capital
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a group of masked men entered the narrow university campus and attached to some teachers were logs and stones several people were injured the student body link showing b j p is being blamed for the assault and he says also accused of not taking action on child or has more from you don. on sunday evening about 50 miles men holding iron rolls went inside the campus of a university in new delhi there logically went from one of. the to some students many others are also allegations that the beat up some teachers there as well now the students. have protested against the controversial citizenship law this is a these men were no rules for members of the repeat which is another student. with . the nationalists. this happened on the day that protesters of mainly women also complained that police had gone to their spot and asked them to
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leave. me be asked to wrap up the protests and all of this is happening at a time when india's home minister has started what's being described as a door to door campaign to convince the people that the citizenship law may be a good thing for the country fires continued to ravage the east coast of australia worsened by a severe drought a slight relief for firefighters battling the blazes as temperatures cool and bring and light rain jessica washington is in badman spain on australia's. this was once. hundreds of bush fires are burning across parts of the country worsened by severe drought and intense heat but after weeks of bad news finally the much needed arrival of cooler temperatures and even a bit of rain to quote call it's now again in the light twenty's and humidity is
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right she had some lying today thank goodness i don't think i've ever seen right for a while so that's helped the faucets and mentally it's still not out there what i want people to get complacent cruzan making the most of this brief window of cooler conditions to bring more fires under control but across many parts of australia fires are burning at emergency levels and this brief spell of rain isn't enough to stop it. before the heat inevitably returns thousands of fallen here firefighters are in the field protecting communities around affected states weans are you know very very a lot less than your supply temperatures and these are great conditions to trolling a good time watching thousands of people are still without power with no indication of when it will return for those on the front lines astray leah's longest bushfire emergency is taking its toll this volunteer firefighter was defending the houses of
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others when his prized vintage bend was raised by flames he had spent 10 years collecting the ponds to put it together. in a cool 4. really aren't always in here. it's gone. it's the same magistrate. 54. and. it will come from. this person. treasured possessions family homes but worst of all dozens of lives this bushfire season has already taken so much from so many astray and this still likely to be weeks of devastation to come jessica washington al-jazeera batemans bay astray. the fate of at least 700000 undocumented immigrants who were brought to the u.s.s. children could become one of the defining issues of the 2020 presidential election
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president trying to end a program that temporarily protected them from deportation the supreme court is set to make a decision on their future just months before election day and to gallagher has our report no more ramirez was 5 years old when her parents brought her to the u.s. illegally she says that she didn't feel different growing up but like hundreds of thousands of others she's on documented scared and uncertain about the future i don't have a social security number and. really devastating because i had done everything right i was you know model student in 2012 president barack obama introduced the deferred action for childhood arrivals all back a policy which provided protections for the undocumented immigrants it gave people like norma the right to work and apply for student loans it also gave her a 2 year reprieve from possible deportation that ended when president canceled the
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doctor policy in september of 2017 falsely claiming many recipients also known as dream is a hardened criminals now the question of whether the president acted lawfully is before the conservative leaning supreme court with a decision expected by june essentially what the administration did in what we're trying to argue to the court is that they didn't take into account the impact that rescinded in dhaka would have on hundreds of thousands of people and their communities for activist in dhaka recipient maria pearl as sanchez a recent princeton graduate the stakes in the future couldn't be higher for someone to have that kind of power to affect thousands or hundreds of thousands of lives that saw. wild as the presidential election looms its voters who may ultimately decide the fate of dreamers if the democrats win back the white house the president could reinstate the program even if the court rules the decision was illegal but unable to vote almost undocumented immigrants can do
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is watch wait and hope for the best and to gallacher al-jazeera. the treasures of the ancient egyptian king tut on common are on a world war it marks nearly 100 years since the undisturbed his undisturbed tomb was discovered by british hockey ologists jessica baldwin reports on the sachi gallery in london the 3rd stop when a 10 city tour any gyptian charm offensive. treasures from ancient egypt. for the afterlife. for the boy king tootin comic. dazzling ornaments made more than 3000 years ago by the world's best artists and the many coffin to hold the king's liver. intricately works both inside and out. golden
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coverings for the pharaohs fingers and toes 150 items are on a world tour with stops in 10 cities. it's pure pop archaeology with music virtual reality hollywood lighting and it's a hit despite high prices nearly $50.00 at peak times the crowds never stop some of the profits are going back to egypt to help pay for the grand egyptian museum where these treasure earth will have a permanent home alongside thousands of artifacts from the country's rich history for egypt it's the ultimate marketing tool for its new museum opening later this year these objects are recreates the finest treasures from from from any point in history from anywhere in the world leonardo da vinci you know vince and i go off whatever it is egypt is number one to don't win is number one that will be really important to a country which hasn't always had a good press in the last few years wants people to visit i think this is going to
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be a success for egypt. an artist in residence at the sachi gallery provides a contemporary interpretation what makes us remember one individual when millions more are forgotten people who are being. killed every day throughout the world in wars and conflicts that we don't hardly even hear about because they're not fashionable anymore people are bored of hearing about syria and we don't seem to remember them but we do remember to some common downstairs. the young king tut riding a chariot as he hunts ostrich a gilded wooden hawk its 1st time out of egypt all alone shows so visitors can wonder at the treasures and perhaps be inspired to learn more about ancient egypt or travel further providing modern egypt with much needed tourist dollars jessica baldwin al-jazeera london.
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again i'm fully battle with the headlines on al-jazeera iraq spotted voted to urge the government to expel foreign troops it follows a call from caretaker prime minister abdullah abdullah mahdi to act over the us assassination of. cuss him silly money which happened near baghdad airport on friday well no you do the logically work no foreign troops are to do military actions in iraq i saw has been defeated and now the government of iraq must make a timetable to schedule the withdrawal of foreign troops for the sake of our national sovereignty are speaking at the same time as iraqi prime minister in lebanon hezbollah's leader has said the us military across the middle east is now a fair target for retaliation. also said president committed a crime by assassinating silly money. if i feel i'll be clear their response
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is to target their merican military presence in the region their american military bases their vessels every american officer and soldier in our region and our countries on our soul their merican army is the one who killed these people and they are the ones who will be paying the price. and in iran hundreds of thousands of mourners have gathered to welcome home the body of qassam cilia mani is now in the city of mashad after an early a procession. in other news venezuela's opposition leader one guy do is you to be reelected to his position as national assembly speaker on sunday but a cordoned off police officers outside the building has prevented him from entering has vowed to resume his push against the government of president nicolas maduro this year. there's been violence at a university in india's capital a group of masked men entered the. narrow university campus and attacked students
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and teachers with warrants and stoned several people have been injured the student body linked to the ruling b.j. he is being blamed for the assault but he says also accused of not taking action. cooler temperatures in australia and parts of the country have given firefighters a brief reprieve after what's being described as a hard day of bushfires on sunday. new south wales the death toll from the one. to 25 those are the headlines inside story. here's grow up a war following the us assassination of iran's top. european nations are criticised
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for weak responses to awesome so they met his death along with the collapse of nuclear deal has europe's ron paul is a failed but is it time for a thing this is the inside story. of the welcome to the program. europe appears caught in the middle the targeted killing of iran's most powerful general by the us has raised the possibility of a war many countries a restraint as they try to balance relations with both sides there is.


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