tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera January 6, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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this argument is astonishingly a part time very in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of the iraq of the new countries and the use of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian culture the inside story on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. is a problem and this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes there on supreme leader joins the crowds marking the funeral of custom sunday monny and protesting his assassination by the united states. iran now says it suspending its commitment to the 2050 nuclear deal. and the us donald trump question sanctions against iraq if it expels u.s.
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troops in the wake of saddam and his death. and other news unrest in liberia with the many unhappy with the political debate. i'm joined again go with the sports football returns to the winter break and so do does braces and as mary bell is telling face abuse from the stands once again. iran's leaders have joined huge crowds and head on for the funeral procession of assassinated general custom sunday monny as calls for revenge against the united states. iran's supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei and president hassan rouhani held prayers at the funeral proceedings of the iranian capital they expressed their grief as iranians packed the streets of head on 3 official days of mourning have been declared so the money is daughter earlier told the crowd that her father's
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death would bring a dark day to the u.s. . a wall the funeral for stolen money is on the way u.s. president donald trump has warned iraq that he'll impose heavy sanctions if it expels american troops iraq's parliament voted and favor of removing foreign forces in retaliation for the u.s. strike that killed sunday monday last week me a baghdad airport and fallout from the assassination is spreading throughout the middle east iran is vowing to hit back suspended its commitments on the 2050 nuclear do later on monday may gather for an american c. meeting to discuss the situation meanwhile japan is preparing to send forces to protect its own ships in the region it's promised has called for calm but our team of correspondents is covering the story we're going to gabriel and he's on there for us reaction later simona fulton is in baghdad for us but 1st let's go to dorset jabari she is live for us in the iranian capital and quite incredible pictures of massive crowds attending the funeral procession including the supreme leader
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ayatollah ali how many sobbing so what's been happening there today. well yes following those very emotional scenes that we saw by the highest authorities in iran on display as they were praying over the coffin of the late general we've seen the supreme leader who was. at the event in tear on university he conducted the prayer service over the coffin of general hossam so the money next to him was the country's president has an iranian as well we saw the head of iran's parliament i would larijani also the head of the country's revolutionary guard as well as the head of the judiciary ebrahim right you see who was clearly very emotional and then next to him was the newly appointed head of the courts forces that took over for him sell the money on friday at the command of the
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supreme leader himself now all this as now the. body that is making its way to the holy city of almost near 10 wrong but it's going to take a long time as we are seeing scenes of large crowds that have gathered along the route so it's going to be a very slow procession from here to home we understand that there will be more prayer services conducted there over the body of possum so the money and then finally he will be taken to his resting place in his hometown of care mon in central iraq iran to be buried on tuesday and as all of this happens to also we're hearing iranian the military reserves are being asked to be on standby i mean how often that one need is managing the calls to bed. well we've had a very strong statement and it's not a very it's not unusual for the this body it's this simply of experts there are 88 member body that there are sole purpose is to deal with issues supreme leader they
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are in charge of appointing and or dismissing a country's supreme leader they issued a statement condemning the assassination of us and so they money and in this statement they had some very strong words they said that all the volunteers in the youth these lot make use in the region should be on standby and ready to get rid of the u.s. forces that are present and at the request of the commander in chief that is the supreme leader ayatollah ali khamenei also said that silence at this time following the assassination of the money will be weakness and that is something that will be not tolerated so they are warning that the 1st. reaction will come in iraq that is where iran wants the u.s. forces to leave as soon as possible we've also been hearing from senior international divisor to the supreme leader. who spoke at the funeral services for the money and he said that if the united states doesn't leave that then this is
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what iran wants who is very clear they want the u.s. forces to leave here. but the entire middle east region if the united states does not do so then they are responsible for creating another situation such as vietnam in this region also thank you for that amount it is due to the nation state and let's bring in some more in a fault and now she's live for us in the iraqi capital and iraq's parliament and the kid take a prime minister calling for the expulsion of american troops and money but given the challenges facing parliament can that be done. well it can be done but it is rather complicated because each one of the countries that has troops here in iraq including the u.s. but also other countries like the u.k. and france they have their own agreements with the iraqi government that govern the presence of these troops and those agreements typically it exactly how is the how these agreements have to be terminated what happened yesterday was that parliament passed a decision not
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a law calling on the government to draft legislation to expel foreign troops now what would have to happen next is that the government would actually have to draw up a bill that would that have to be sent back to parliament to be discussed and to be voted on the thing that complicates this further is that the government is currently in a caretaker role after prime minister atal of the mouth of the resigned in november and that ongoing anti-government protest so we would also 1st have to have a new prime minister nominated that prime minister would then have to form a new government and that government would have to draft this bill now under the current agreement between the u.s. and iraq that also governs the presence of military troops here there would need to be at least a year notice to cancel this agreement so it doesn't seem likely that we will see the departure of foreign troops anytime soon and let's also remember that while there was sufficient majority in parliament yesterday to vote for this decision the
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sunni's and the kurds did not participate in discussion and they are calling for a time to discuss such to this issue as they don't believe that such decisions should be politicized and taken in haste what was significant however was that prime minister out of the mouth of the himself attended the session and he spoke out in favor of the expulsion of foreign troops and that is something that we haven't really seen since 2014 when the government invited u.s. troops to take part in the fight against iceland so far we have seen prime ministers take a more balanced position to manage to really. both u.s. and iran but with essentially seen here is the current caretaker government clearly taking a side in asking for u.s. troops to leave and the u.s. president has not responded well to these developments in iraq what will the iraqis think of him saying that the u.s. sanctions that charge them for the basis that they set off in the country.
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well those comments are of course extremely unpopular here not just in the halls of government in parliament but also on iraq streets where many people still remember the adverse impact of u.n. sanctions sanctions that were imposed in 1900 that time they can so damn say it's regime regime which persisted until 2003 so president trumps comments will likely 3rd of fuel opposition against u.s. intervention in iraq let's remember that people here are not only opposed against iranian influence which has of course had far reaching consequences here but also against any kind of foreign interference including the u.s. interference now what does move to mean in terms of economic terms the u.s. itself has great economic interests in this country not just in the oil and gas industry but also in the electricity sector and any decision to impose sanctions would also adversely impact united states interests so it remains to be seen whether this was just for authority or whether president trump would actually move
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forward with such a decision but of course that would also mean that iraq would be pushed even closer to iran already iraq has very close economic ties a lot of the goods that are consumed on a daily basis are imported from iran and sanctions by the u.s. on the iraq would only deepen that relationship thank you for that view from baghdad to fault and there. we're going to gabriel and he's on for an hour he's joining us live from washington d.c. with more on some quite incredible statements from the u.s. president saying that he would target iran's cultural sites. yes sensually what the u.s. president has done is he's threatened to break international law and commit war crimes twice within a 24 hour period it started on saturday when trump tweeted that the united states has over 50 targets identified in iraq and to hit should iran strike back and hit any u.s.
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interests in anywhere around the world the said in his tweet saturday that some of those targets the u.s. apparently has are cultural sites in iran that raised eyebrows and so on sunday when trump was on air force one leaving florida on his way back to washington after a 2 week vacation he spoke to reporters off camera in the reporters asked him did you mean what you said you would really strike iranian cultural sites and he doubled down on it and he said yes and then when a reporter asked why would you do that trump's response was apparently this he's quoted as saying they're allowed to kill our people they're allowed to torture and maim our people they're allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people and we're not allowed to touch their cultural sites it doesn't work that way those apparently were the words of president donald trump but actually it does work that way because the 1954 hague convention on the protection of cultural property during
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armed conflict states that no country can target cultural sites during a war or armed conflict it's against international law and can be a war crime nevertheless that is what trump is threatening it's important to note that there are 24 unesco world heritage sites just within iraq and given those statements from the president the democrat controlled house of representatives is going to be very busy trying to limit what actions president can take in regards to. yeah that's right house speaker nancy pelosi. is one of the most powerful people in congress of course was fear eous that president trump did not inform congress before the air strikes that killed solo money now whenever u.s. declares a war it needs to be authorized by congress but trump doesn't consider that
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a declaration of war he has considers it taking out in his words what he views to be a terrorist and solo monny but nevertheless killing a general up a legitimate. military wing of a sovereign nation clearly by many quarters is considered an act of war and so palosi said she should have been. notified of this before it happened in 4 of the normal protocols of while washington works and so she said that this week when congress reconvenes she's going to take up some action that would hold trump account to account on that and forced him to try to explain his actions more so we'll be seeing a lot of that in the coming week in congress this all comes after earlier on sunday after trump was receiving a lot of pressure from congress to trump tweeted this and listen carefully he tweeted these media posts will serve as notification to the united states congress
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that should iran strike any u.s. person or target the united states will quickly and fully strike back and perhaps in a disproportionate manner such legal notice is not required but is given nevertheless that was basically reaction saying hey congress you want to be notified here it is i just tweeted it we might strike iran should they strike us really unprecedented that a president would break the norms and the protocols and even the the how these things are done here in washington but this is. a president that communicates in very different ways prefers social media over the normal ways of communicating with congress at least in this case gabe thank you for that for now that is gabriel and he's on over or the latest from washington d.c. well let's get more on this now we're joined by made on come professor and director of the center for international regional studies at georgetown university school of
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foreign service and catherine was to come robert always good to have you with us on al-jazeera so much to talk about let's begin with what's happened today that the funeral procession that's moved through baghdad head on rather attended by iran's top leaders does what we've seen in terms of the number of people attending the grief the anger give us an idea of how iran might respond certainly this is an important highlight in the iranian revolution in fact the magnitude of the people mourning. general saleman is this rivals that of. total khomeini the founder of the islamic republic and in the public memory this is important as important as for example the shooting down in 1988 of the jetliner iran or just lying there by the united states or the 1953 coupe by the by the cia so this is an important highlight in iranian history contemporary iranian
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history and therefore it puts a lot of pressure on the iranian government to act in a very decisive manner and when you talk about how the last time we saw these types of crowds mourning in this way was when i had thought that when the previous ayatollah as if you know was do you think that president trump fought through the consequences of killing such a high profile this is certainly not. what we see here is once again for president. impulses have gotten the better of him and i certainly don't think he thought through the ramifications of this general salim money is a national hero even by people who don't necessarily agree with the policies of this lawmaker public he's singlehandedly or he if not single handedly certainly importantly defended the country against and has been an important figure since the
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war against iraq and national hero and we see that the magnitude of his popularity among the average person and i don't think trump or his inner circle in washington quite figured on this sort of popular reaction in iran right and while we have many international powers calling for deescalation as expected we have a nation we sing on today as well on the as we have the us president continuing to say perhaps even more inflammatory remarks i mean how unhelpful is that to such a volatile situation extremely unhelpful prompt has been a figure who is not necessarily backing down and he often doubles down in fact on the wrong course of action what we are also saying is deafening silence coming out of the european union no one has had the courage of their principals to condemn the
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assassination of the general of a sovereign nation why do you think that is because that is interesting well i think the answer is obvious certainly we are seeing european hypocrisy at its highest no one has come to condemn this blatant violation of international law nor has anyone condemned trump's threat to commit genocide on a mass scale by hitting iranian civilians and cultural sites and if we can't count on hewitt to sort of the u.s. president's actions or rhetoric. what about the democrats controlled house of representatives that do you think that they do have the power to have greater or the size on any future actions he might take not as of now unfortunately what we're seeing is there is tremendous popular support with indian united states for this sort of bellicose action particularly against
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a country that is as maligned in popular culture and in american media as iran is and also we're in an election season and we have the rally around the flag effect in the united states in which the democrats can shout and criticize the president but ultimately they're unwilling to step up to the plate and meaningfully curb the scope of his actions thank you very much for your expertise on this we do appreciate your time that is made on coming alan thank you so much thanks. we have plenty more ahead on the news hour including a quarter weather and some welcome rain off a bush 5 a splash in australia posh it is nowhere near enough to end an unprecedented disaster. chaos and venezuela's problem but opposition is accusing the government not to cut. and support the bron james finally leaving to make his 2 of the n.b.a. championship chosen have more on a basket old master class in l.a.
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. and. moving on to other news down liberia is bracing for another round of anti-government protests the 3rd since former football star george way took over as president but demonstrations accuse the government of abuse of power and corruption allegations the government's dismissed as baseless but address reports from the liberian capital monrovia. 000000002 generations of liberians at all about the state of the nation i have another round of and to government protests in the capital. president george weah came to office with a lot of good will but that is diminishing and fast our way be front of protest if i am unable to think i would carry a stick right now this storm i will stick others see the protests as an unnecessary
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destruction we voted for the politicians if a person wants a change to the constitution they should talk to their politician if someone has a funny representative. sitting just 15 meters away from this heated argument. is worried about her family she left to my private clock in the morning to sell vegetables in this market. no one is buying there's no money look at my children sitting here in the sun this place to go back to school but there's no money to pay their fees so they're not starting tomorrow. the money totaling $419.00 is due in less than 24 hours. economic decline and inflation have pushed many liberians below the poverty line. the local currency is also steadily losing value exchanging $190.00 to the american dollar from 1462 years ago.
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for many years since the end of the civil war liberia's relied heavily on united nations spending and world budget so when the united nations mission and that it was a shock to the economy to small and medium sized businesses actress shut down unemployment rose and inflation got worse this content is now every way. critics of the government accuse it of liking accountability and rampant corruption. in 2019 they brought thousands of liberians to the streets to protest 7 months later they say things have only got worse. we've presented it partition continue demand for the president to address the issue of corruption specific cases of corruption bad governance a violation of the constitution and the president refused to act on any of our demands the 2019 protests lasted a day organizers say this time they won't leave until their demands are met
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the government has denied allegations that officials have been stealing public money. thanks mr president. the political elite they had their money and not. the president for the i'll be using the view of means. on the mind his authority and did it did that is there some. of the protest how far the polarized people in the west african country for liberia is like what matters most is the opportunity to make some money to feed and send high children to school after that she says the politicians can do what ever they please. but many librarians on both sides of the political divide agree. but it greece. to venezuela now where they have been chaotic and confusing scenes as the government of president nicolas maduro forcibly installed
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a new head of parliament troops physically blocked opposition leader on why though and his allies from getting into the building ahead of the vote a latin america editor lucy of human reports from caracas. inside been israel is legislative palace punches were thrown insults her right in a chaotic played to an even more chaotic vote for the presidency of the national assembly. for hours national guards have been prevented dozens of opposition deputies from entering the premises. inside the chamber minority pro-government lawmakers organized to vote with a show of hands that no one counted. luis baba in opposition deputy choose to corruption and recently expelled from his party was instantly sworn in every day we had a model like all brothers and sisters we have differences but we must end all this
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confrontation. but outside the confrontation of this intensifying the opportunities are trying to bring their way to the national assembly but the national guard is outnumbering about just like you and i see no place in the building. in a desperate last bid to get in opposition he. tried to climb over the spiked middle fence surrounding the building. security forces fought him off as well. shaken but determined weisel announced he would convene the assembly elsewhere they really wanted to hand that we're going to assume our responsibility and to rise to this new challenge that venezuela is facing. hours later 100 opposition deputies more than the simple majority needed to win reelected weigel as national assembly president vote recognized by washington and many others but not by
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president nicolas maduro. imperialist came out to say they would not recognize the result of the boat today in the national assembly i say to mike pompei oh the u.s. envoy to paris whale elliott abrams and the assistant secretary of state that they should explain why they lost the leadership of the national assembly. clearly the battle for that national assembly until now venezuela's only independent institution is far from over and it will intensify even further. attempts to reclaim what he says is his rightful place inside the legislative palace on tuesday. you see in human al-jazeera caracas. not to stray away firefighters are getting some relief as they tackled bushfires across the country after weeks of high temperatures they are being helped by cooler weather and rain. also reopening blocked roads and rescuing people who've been trapped for days but the fires are likely to keep burning for moms jessica
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washington has more batemans bay on the new south wales south coast this is a brief period of for a spa it is expected to be around 72 hours of these cooler conditions with light winds and even a bit of rain unfortunately that rain is not enough to bring this crisis which has been going for months now it is not enough to bring this crisis to an end it's expected that australia won't get significant rain at least for another $4.00 to $6.00 weeks that that's the only thing that can really bring this this bushfire emergency to an end for now crews working to ensure that fires burning along the east coast there also in fires burning in new south wales and their fee is that those could burn wood fires further south in victoria crews working to make sure that those fires don't join up and create a mega blaze that would go between 2 cities. well it is time for the weather with jenny who has more on the on the weather conditions in strange elizabeth of course
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as we know it's been hot it is being very windy less of the puzzle is going on on the satellite there are 2 things to talk about 1st of all across the southeast we have still got some good rain in the forecast believe it or not you know 20 millimeters of rain makes a difference with these fires but then look at this mass to the northwest in the west of australia this is now our latest article slike and this is tropical cycling blake winds right now at about 65 kilometers an hour but as we go through choose a those wins likely to be strengthening to about 80 kilometers an hour this is going to bring some very heavy amounts of rain about $300.00 millimeters to the city of broome meanwhile across the southeast as a say we have at least got the sheil still very much in the 4 calls so just zooming in a little bit close you can see there really is quite a bit of rain this is actually the rain a currently in these the current temperatures as well so it's what about $930.00 at night right now on camera $21.00 celsius $21.00 in sydney the rasha is literally coming down right now and as we continue on into choose day they tend to die away
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in the morning hours in the afternoon they tend to pick up a bit and look at this you can really see there's good color on the eastern side of new south wales and then take it on a day further into wednesday similar sort of story we have the shadows dying away in the morning hours that coming back later in the day but believe it or not they are beginning by an absence makes some good headway with accumulations but just look at what's going on meanwhile in western australia some really heavy amounts of rain here and in fact we could have some flooding but remember the all fires burning in this portion of australia so any rain will help the fossett to ation that and as a say we could be accumulating about 25 millimeters here elizabeth it is some good news finally jenny thank you very much for that now. still ahead on the news hour china's prices are skyrocketing how they plan to keep up with his mom. and i suppose the reinvention of the olympic games goes a went to gangs taking to athletes from the middle east.
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more than 7 decades ago a country was split into a good deal to me and now at the time. being myopic all it took was a pan a map of the collapsing empire when the british had to draw a line they pulled his servant who had never been to india before al-jazeera examines the violent birth of india and pakistan and asks what the future holds for these nuclear neighbors partition borders of blood. examining the impact of today's headlines you use the misinformation i've used which by setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions how unique is this in terms of modern american history when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist mold international filmmakers and world class journalists bringing
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programs to inspire you. on al-jazeera. it is good to have you with us on the al-jazeera news hour these are our top stories iran's leaders have joined huge crowds in town for the funeral procession of assassinated general cos and sunday manny these are live pictures from the iranian capital supreme leader ayatollah ali how many and president hassan rouhani held prayers at the funeral proceedings and. now the u.s. president is threatening sanctions against iraq if it goes ahead with moves to expel foreign troops donald trump says american forces launch leave unless
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a rock pays for the u.s. base that there that's after iraqi politicians voted to remove all foreign forces in response to the assassination of the iranian come on the chaos and some in mali the bill has been binding and made the government approval. well let's get more on our top story now the growing political tension in the middle east in the wake of the u.s. assassination of cats and so they money oil prices have risen to more than $70.00 a barrel since friday let's bring in our economics editor. how high could prices go up it is a rather interesting question because over the last year we saw oil prices rise more than 23 percent and to most some they say this is far too much they had this year the oil price to rise between $63.00 to $65.00 a barrel and already we were up to $70.00 a barrel now but as i was just coming on the oil price was coming down and that's because many people think that this level is unsustainable the reason why some
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sustainable is because basically there's too much oil in the market currently and there's more expected to come on. and from not opec members so the situation is if you want to see an or price which is going to be over $70.00 a barrel there's has to be an actual attack what the rains will attack is unknown factor at the present moment and so sickly what we're seeing is a geopolitical premium which is which oil traders are paying currently now if there is an attack we could see or prices rights rise to 80 dollars a barrel but that would have an impact on the global economy but not a huge impact if you really want to see a catastrophic effect on the global economy then we need to see oil prices double to ormus $150.00 a barrel and we're nowhere near that and there's plenty of oil supply well we don't need to be concerned about what's happening in the oil markets too much but bit on the geopolitical side yes you know we don't know what the. response will be and so
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people don't need to be too worried right now but what or what about saudi arabia i mean it's a big player in this geo political tension absolutely and could be affected yes so because share price is now down. to almost the. price of $32.00 worth $34.00 something so you know we're not too far off the us now the reason one of the reasons why all the ore prices why are prices coming down is because of the tensions now if you want to start an economic war with saudi arabia where would you hit you would hit aramco the oil facilities were hit back in september and the oil price at that time rose to 62 dollars 90 cents a barrel you know we're way above that right right this very moment in oil price terms so that's the big fear because at the time they they knocked out more than 50 percent off saudi arabia's oil production now the rain and says you know we went
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response fill out the the united states and saudi arabia both blamed iran the united nations they couldn't. point blame because they went in to investigate to see exactly what happened so aramco is there is a massive piece in this now there's also been suggestions that you know maybe you know the militias in in iraq could hit iraqi oil facilities that's kind of a nonstarter because the iranians supply gas to the 2 to iraq which keeps the lights on in iraq and so could be self-defeating and the $15000000000.00 trade between the nations as well and of course we're hearing from our correspondent in iraq earlier about the u.s. interests not just in oil but also electricity in iraq so there is so much air interdependence here in the region as well as competition there is a complicated picture but thank you for breaking it all down for us abit appreciate it that is our economics editor abbott alley.
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we're moving on to india now where a mosque mall has attacked teachers and students at an elite university in the capital new delhi a student body linked to the government b j p is being blamed the incident is the latest in a series of violent clashes across india border has sent this update from the. campus. the policemen are present here in numbers today but all sunday evening when some of the students and teachers hero were under attack they took their time to enter the university one must also get clearance from the security guard so the students who were beaten up are asking why the security guards just careless or was the administration of the university complicit in the attack that took place on sunday evening about 50 people including women wearing mosques holding on roles in their hands went from one also to another they beat up students as well as some teachers and threatened the students as well at the moment about 20 people students
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and some teachers are receiving treatment at a hospital in new delhi now the students who were beaten up allege that the group that beat them up one gangster but part of the which is a student union affiliated with the hindu nationalist party to the top party the whole minister of the country who comes from that party has ordered an inquiry and several ministers in the current government have started in this university have condemned the violence but the students here don't feel safe anymore many of them have left their hostels and gone back home or to their friends as houses to stay there the big question that people are now asking is because there's a sense of disbelief and panic that how could such an attack take place our students now not see inside their hospitals the students of this university have been protesting against the controversial citizenship law and more recently also against the proposed fee hike. of the state of punjab in india which has
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a majority said community has seen some of the most vocal objection. the government's new citizenship law with many saying it discriminates against muslims so had raman reports from the. hindu sikh christian brothers we are warned now until rather they chant this is a day of peaceful but noisy protest against india's citizenship law in look behind and across the state of punjab outside the main mosque the minority wisdom community are making their voices heard from the majority sikh community adjoining them. if they talk at the largest minority after the hindus in this country and who they go for next from all religions it will be the poor that are worst affected. like many in this community they were happy with the government's move to a lake their muslim brothers. are going to oppose this black law and stand by our brothers and maintain our strong bonds i the strength the feeling is growing in the
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past few days thousands of taken to the streets to show solidarity with the muslims and oppose the new citizenship law we are not very very any party that was in the position of the leading sikh opposition party in punjab they should romani akali dal the party they are allies of prime minister narendra modi's government and supported the change if we oppose any bill we would have been denying be right. all were asking for the citizenship. so there now are rebellious relations we decided not. their word for it so that is the reason that the reward for it. but now facing criticism from the sikh faith salie senior figure head priest guinea her pleats singh who was muslims to be included in the citizenship law the akali dal party chief has done a complete u. turn and this could lead to a split with modis b j p party in new delhi nearly 2 percent of punjab's population is most and often
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thought of as an important voting bloc seem a swing voters but a major move by a large sikh party like the s.a.t. could well influence those voters across the board towards savings opponents the congress party and its allies they currently control the state of punjab in the last general election secular candidates consolidated their victories across punjab and much of the credit was given to the muslim vote. while anything chair lection is a long way off changing opinion is all the senior muslim priest at this mosque can do for now. we are happy today that our sikh in the christian and dalit brothers protested with us we all realize this isn't just one communities issue it's the whole nation and we are all affected by discrimination. it's an opinion held by many israelis continue across india's major cities still raman al jazeera. but job . now to the democratic republic of congo where authorities want to pay around
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10000 families to move away from lucrative mine fields to make way for foreign companies but is how the mythos of reports many people are refusing to leave because they don't trust the government. these men used to work for themselves that was until the congolese government moved them and gave the mining contract to a company from china that means working for the chinese if they want to survive now they hear local authorities want to pay people to move even further out to make room for more foreign mining companies i mean summated $10000.00 families could be affected. only big companies are allowed here but we won't leave until we know where they wanted to go better we also don't know how much money they are offering us to move. more than half of the world's cobalt is produced in democratic republic of congo it's a vital component in batteries used in goods ranging from electric cars to phones and laptops but some here in the south east. into tonga province say they are not
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benefiting they want fair compensation before they move. you know there were 2 previous 3 locations before to the village of. those people are now suffering they were led to a boat compensation the government must 1st build proper houses for us before we move. 2 years ago around 600 families were relocated to this place come to kenai village about 25 kilometers away from but starting over hasn't been easy for everyone some families say there are great moving. we still don't have proper sanitation facilities there's no running water electricity we haven't had any politicians come and explain to us what's going on civil society groups a past relocations have exposed corruption and human rights abuses in the mining sector. the previous relocations did not work in some cases people were forced to
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move the government can't make people leave an area without providing adequate housing and other facilities including fair compensation in a statement the provincial governor richard we age says with a drop in price of cobalt on the world market the relocation of people from is no longer on the agenda because no company is ready to finance its relocation process it is now up to the national government through the ministry of mines for years locals have been told by the government that for an investment creates jobs but at this foreign owned mine these men say they earn barely enough to survive. al-jazeera. to kenyan our fighters from. have killed 3 americans including a song the attack happened in la county and a heavily secured site known as camp priyanka gupta reports. pictures released by al shabaab meant for propaganda but also a warning that
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a heavily secured military site used by american forces is fair game for its fighters the prieto an assault by the al qaeda linked somali armed group was its 1st against u.s. forces in kenya governments have been saying that's about being weak and al shabaab . longer strong they are not capable to carry out attacks or wherever such statements or coax are released usually back and say we are here we are still a strong american drones hitting somalia on a regular basis so i think this was to send a message to the somali people to say we are not targeting civilians we are targeting foreign militaries and we are fighting on your behalf attackers went on a rampage at the airfield close to the somali border for 4 hours destroying us and kenyan aircraft along with military vehicles in the end 5 attackers were killed and the commander of u.s. africa command issued this warning of quote pursuing those responsible for this
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attack and who seeks to harm americans and u.s. interests but questions are being raised about how a heavily fortified military base could be so vulnerable. putting together an attack of this nature of this audacity take a lot of planning a lot of time and it comes at a moment when he has been especially active a lonely kenyan border and making forays into kenya this appears to be principally an information operations or psychological warfare operation where she has sent a small number of fighters to a major military base the latest incident comes just a week off to al-shabaab killed 80 people students in the somali capital mogadishu that truck bomb attack prompted u.s. airstrikes for over a decade the armed group has been fighting to overthrow the somali government and impose islamic law sunday's attack suggests that fight is far from over.
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though al-jazeera. well croatia has a new president elect a leftist former prime minister. has defeated a conservative incumbent kalinda. a conservative hold him a job in holland that the none of which promised his presidency will be one of reconciliation and unity the voters seen as an important test before legislative elections later this year. you have been living through 4000000 croatians are all looking for a place under the sun we are all looking for a place on the road that we're on a place in europe which is still in spite of all its problems the best place and the best continent to live on and i will cooperate with whoever happens to hold executive power with anyone who truly leads the country because i know what that means. now the french official overseeing the not cathedral reconstruction in paris
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says he can't guarantee that it will be saved after last year's fire john the regime of the french broadcaster the building is still in a state of peril the 850 year old federal lost of both and a massive fought last april. the bus. is not saved because as the rector say there's an extremely important step ahead which is to remove the scaffolding that have been built around the city if you see. it is difficult because there is laid on the scaffolding and we must try precautionary measures in conformity with the label so the workers are not supposed to that lady . now in a few millions of. chinese around the dining tables this year china's facing a shortage of its favorite food pork and outbreak of african swine flu has caused the deaths of $200000000.00 pigs and farms across asia now the chinese government
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is looking so there a failed to satisfy the public's appetite katrin a reports from beijing. shredded pork and praised. just some of the most popular dishes served during the chinese new year holiday. but is families in china welcome the year of the rat fewer pork items may be on the menu in recent months prices have more than doubled not i know you would if prices keep going up like this then i will order and eat pork or even try to not eat out as frequently as before. african swine flu has wiped out heart of china's hope it's up to 200000000 farm pigs have died or been culled since the outbreak began a year ago harmless to humans the contagious disease kills pigs within 10 days there is no vaccine. china has 26000000 people farmers
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and industry is crucial it impacts the many other sectors and this shortage has caught everyone's attention including farmers consumers and the garment. the chinese government has released more than 100000 tonnes of strategic reserves to ease demand and lifted environmental restrictions on. china consumers hoff's the world's pork and during the chinese new year holiday the demography seeks to address the source it's the chinese government has a. wide standing sprint by the world. and it's pushing up prices. from the european union and despite the trade. on the u.s. pork it's also boosting reports of other news including. beef and chicken from brazil. agricultural experts say the 4 could effect happens from the long run. we will see increase well poultry consumption is
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it is tough for what he has joe elizabeth thank you football's return to italy after a winter break that site too has racism memory about italy it's criticized let's hear fans off to use once again targeted on sunday the precious strike has school the opening go in their 21 defeat to lance ito shortly after the game had to be halted because of racist chanting a stadium announcement was made to fans and even that his coach tried to tell them to stop. later posted a video of the go on social media with the words let's hear fans that were at the stadium shame on you the club released a statement saying let's hear dissociates itself from the most exhaustive way possible from the discriminator behavior carried out by a very small minority of fans the club confirms its intent to prosecute those who betray their sporting passion causing a serious injury to the image of the club and the team. well back on the pitch roma
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lost touch with the leaders after they went down to mail to reno andrea below the school the open in 1st half injury time romas chris smalling then literally handed to reno a penalty allowing the lahti to school the 2nd roma stay for 7 points behind leaders into milan and event this. le bron james put on a masterclasses the l.a. lakers showed off their title credentials against the detroit pistons liberal on the court on this breakaway to set up anthony davis in the 1st quarter. but it was at the basket that he really well the crowd at staples center. that parents. and old lakers frailties re-emerges the pistons but the lead. but the wrong take it upon himself to stop their charge when one of his own played his feeling 819099 victory they won 5 in a row of 1st championship in
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a decade looking we believe was. the miami heat extended the n.b.a.'s best home record 17 wins and one defeat now on to bt portland ore and drag it and damage a bio doing damage in a 122 to 111 victory. now the reinvention of olympic sports is allowing new countries to make their winter games debuts one ringback of those is cats which is sending an athlete to use olympics in switzerland it's all thanks to a new form of hockey and a thriving league in the desert al-jazeera sami's reports. a. 15 year old hell of a spin is unusual in qatar because even the ice hockey player he's unique and because he's the 1st athlete from the country ever to become a winter olympians off to call fina for the 2020 youth the limpid games in the sun go down with us and i walked through the village where the i've been skating since i was 7 years old at the same rink i became more fascinated by the game when i used
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to watch ice hockey players from the national team compete here and i participated in many competitions on an international level and now i'm competing for the games in switzerland after all the support i've received from the coach and my team because i've been dubbed no. it's been a will compete in one of the games in news disciplines 3 by 3 ice hockey. the teams are formed of athletes from different countries so the teenager will be playing both with and against a more established nations like sweden finland and the czech republic. the introduction of a new hockey format to the winter games means the emerging nations don't need an outstanding team they just need an outstanding individual and that's what qatar has and the other day. what they also have is a thriving domestic competition the qatar international ice hockey league is packed
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with ex-pats from canada and the u.s. as well as other countries playing every week at the rink in one of many shopping malls of the capital doha free of all kinds of levels we've got guys who were once paid to play ice hockey they're phenomenal players others a rookie like myself are going to record for 4050 years and there are 4 or 5 covering these that are excellent skaters. and their plans are a division very competitive it's amazing to watch these kids grow actually they're challenging some of our age it is a place now and quite honestly there's a lot of those who died. place the way they want me to fit in your endeavors until after the league introduced catteries to the sport the limb pick a committee wants to take it further. there's a nation confident does today will become the 1st of many to go from passing through the food courts to sport's biggest state fan hum motion all dizzy or go.
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just in thomas' snatch victory from the jaws defeat at goal century tournament of champions the former p.g.a. champion squandered a 3 shot lead in hawaii and ended up in a 3 man playoff with standish only and 2800 masters winner patrick great thomas birdie the 3rd player home to win his 2nd title at this tournament. and finally the new ball writing season opened at new york's madison square garden on sunday and the stakes were high for competitors as the biggest and baddest bulls made things a bit rough for some. while ricardo vieira stayed aboard a boat called dessert to clinch the 1st major title of the 2020 season a brazilian winning $190000.00 he was also given a miniature version of wall street's famous charging bulls statue as the trophy that is useful now have wolf thank you very much for that and that does it for this news hour the do stay with us tonight donald is here in just
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a few minutes with another volunteer like you who want. january on down to see the. president donald trump is that the president in history to be impeached what does this mean for the future of the u.s. leader on the brink of an election before much chilian presidential candidate explores the defeat of left wing political parties a close match in america a look at how this year's world economic forum to focus on ways to tackle the impact of climate change the next probation of family links to listen these regime
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examines if it's too late may now be embracing fascist ideologies most believed gone forever with the general election out of the way breaks it is now so how will the u.k. proceed with the transition in the coming months january on al-jazeera. frank assessments the one thing about these bush fires is that really wiping out the. climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those troops going to even know what the law is all about this argument is astonishing. the apart trying very in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning for you iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on al-jazeera talk to al-jazeera we were told to get to that because through all the pressure has this been addressed by turkey we listen what is the proposal of spain for
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a couple on you know we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter no 20. 0 am. iran's supreme leader joins the crowds marking the funeral of course of the body of protesting his assassination by the united states. all of them julie macdonald this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up iran now says it's suspending its commitment to the 2015 you to deal. with the u.s. donald trump threatened sanctions against iraq if it expels u.s. troops in the wake of saddam.
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