tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera January 7, 2020 6:00am-6:34am +03
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the u.s. defense department says it mistakenly sent out a letter suggesting troops would be withdrawn from iraq. among the developments after the u.s. has assassination of iranian general caught some sort of nanny whose remains have now arrived in his hometown for bury. but doha everyone i'm kemal santamaria with the world news from al-jazeera the libyan warlord khalifa haftar us forces say they have taken the town of sirte an important gain in their battle battle for the capital tripoli. and then as south
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korea's dirt springs we look at young people trapped in the lowest social class despite being highly educated. so the u.s. defense secretary has had to clarify that there has been no decision to pull troops out of iraq. and other military figures set the record straight after a draft letter from the top general was in their words mistakenly circulated the confusion followed a vote to iraq's parliament pushing for all foreign forces to go after the assassination of the top iranian command the cost and so many iraqis also urging the united nations security council to condemn the killing of so the money and militia leader who died alongside him and while some of his coffin has arrived in his hometown of kind of man he will be laid to rest later on tuesday there the supreme leader ayatollah hominidae wept as he led the funeral prayer
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a day earlier in teheran. well more from iran shortly but i want to go back to this lesson and what it said about u.s. troops in iraq here are some of the lines in due deference to the sovereignty of the republic of iraq the combined joint toss fools will be repositioning forces over the course of the coming days and weeks to prepare for on wood movements in the pentagon patty cohen tells us no more now about the confusion that followed the release of that lesson there was a huge scramble here at the pentagon with the secretary of defense of the chairman of the joint chiefs suddenly appearing before reporters to say don't mind that letter u.s. policy hasn't changed they insist that this general wrote this letter and this date simply to notify iraq that there be increased helicopter traffic as they move troops in and out of iraq but if you read the letter that's not mentioned anywhere in there it seems fairly explicit what he's saying saying that as requested by the
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iraqi parliament the prime minister they're getting ready to move on begin implementing this next phase of operations goes on to say we respect your sovereign decision to order our departure so nowhere in the letter does it say anything about increased traffic it makes it fairly clear that the pentagon was planning to leave but here at the pentagon once that letter would public they were quick to put the top bosses out to say oh this was just a mistake we're not leaving one with john hendren now in washington d.c. another clean up operation here for the u.s. then isn't it is it is hard to believe that a lesson of this importance just sort of got sent to house. you're right come on this was a rough week at the pentagon 1st of all you had that vote by the iraqi parliament a non-binding vote ordering us troops out and then the ultimate mixed message and embarrassing gaffe by the top general in iraq if you believe the defense
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department's a night they say that that letter did not say what they intended to say that the description was that it was badly worded that came from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mark milley but it wasn't just badly worded it directly contradicted what they are now saying is the u.s. policy and that's not terribly surprising if you consider how embarrassing it would be for president donald trump who just one day earlier said the united states is not leaving iraq if the u.s. were to leave iraq iraq would have to pay billions of dollars for the airbase in ballade that the u.s. built up and has already turned over to iraq and that the u.s. would initiate sanctions against iraq sanctions that would make the iranian sanctions pale in comparison so they want this back an extraordinary amount there must be a back story to this that we don't fully have but now the pentagon says the u.s. is not leaving that what they're doing in fact is consolidating they're moving troops around and consolidating them at various bases that would serve 2 purposes
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one it would offer better protection for those troops and 2 it would allow them to leave in a hurry if later on iraq in fact does move u.s. troops out so that's the wrong side of things what about the ratcheting up of tensions with iran where are we now as far as official word on troop movements of that and any more comments and all tweets from the u.s. president. well ironically with all this talk of the u.s. coming out of iraq the u.s. is actually moving more troops into the region 4500 amphibious troops from the marines and the navy are headed to the region you've got the 82nd airborne going to iraq that's 4000 troops there there are about 50000 u.s. troops in that region right now more of them because of these rising tensions with iran there was one other thing that was interesting that came out of that news conference at the pentagon which was not televised which is why we're not showing it to you and that is that as secretary esper contradicted the president the
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president just the other day said he had $52.00 sites in the united states could target and those included cultural sites in iran esper was asked about that and he said we will follow the laws of armed conflict and he was asked does that mean no you will not attack cultural sites and he said that is the law of armed conflict and in fact under a treaty from the 1950 s. the u.s. signed that treaty it is a war crime to attack cultural sites or the pentagon is now saying it will not do what the president said he would do just 2 days ago and that's just the latest walk back from the pentagon thank you for that john hendren in washington d.c. . it was the deputy national intelligence officer for transnational threats at the cia and spoke to us so you have given the judgment that when and trouble ordering the assassination in the 1st place the slip up with a lesser isn't surprising. by this point everyone on earth should have the measure
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of the man he is utterly amoral self focused narcissistic and doesn't care about the law. custom coordination or or consequence he thinks. in an emotional this or a way in response to what he perceives as slights or threats or opportunities and that's it always inclining to a position of apparent strength without much thought and thus we killed still in money we know it states and now he doubles down as you will always do everything is in conflict with itself in iraq in the united states between iraq and united states between the united states and iran and most things there are in coherent and all of the leaders in the world you and i included as observers are trying to make sense of what cannot be made coherent because it is an incoherent step of this series of
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visceral steps taken by the man in the white house that somehow the debate in divisions of the united nations as iraq pushes members of the security council to condemn something known as the south the nation un secretary general antonio caetera is worried about the growing fallouts i've been following the recent rise in global tensions we've great concern i mean constant contact with living officials around tools and my message is simple and clear stop escalation exercise maximum restraint restart dialogue the new international cooperation let us not forget the terrible human suffering caused by walk. from mike hanna in new york. iraq has sent a letter to the president of the security council and the secretary general asking
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for the security council to issue a statement condemning the united states for its action iraq says in the letter it stresses that any military operation on iraqi soil without the consent of the iraqi government and without prior coordination is considered as a provocative hostile act that violates the charter of the united nations so iraq wanting at the very least a statement from the u.n. security council but this isn't very likely the council on as on so many other issues deeply divided on this matter the chinese ambassador is saying that he is consulting with other members of the council when asked whether he will call for an urgent meeting the russian ambassador being even more blunt asked whether there was a likelihood of a joint statement from the security council he simply said no so clearly the issue of the security council and dealing with this crisis at the moment very very difficult where the council remains totally disunited back to the event now which
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sparked all of this cousin solomon his body arriving in his hometown of kerman following along an emotionally charged funeral procession through iran as a bag as a report a nation in mourning and tears from the supreme leader for iran's top military general assassinated in the u.s. drone strike in iraq to last how many a friend of course him for the money lead the funeral service at the iran university outside the streets of the capital were packed with the iranians who considered for the money a hero a man who defended his country crowds like this have not been seen since the death of the founder of this logic republic ayatollah khomeini 30 years ago so the one his daughter addressed the crowds you know that are behind the high and tablets you know not all photo high today the philosophy and struggle of my father has made the resistance front into a principled and victorious velocity. so the money and iran have long supported
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palestinian groups a senior hamas leader ismail haniya paid his respects you will see we're here to express our heartfelt condolences to the leader of the islamic revolution ayatollah khomeini general solomonic family and the flag bearers of the resistance against the zionist regime and the us the crowds chanted sang and cried the feeling here that this is a moment of change not just way run for the entire region but here president donald trump all of the fascination of boston for the money would result in people coming by and celebration coming out against the political establishment in iraq well the number of mourners here i think is the one so that he was greatly mistaken there were a chance of death to america and an expectation that iran must respond he should take revenge the feeling that i had to was in little it's unique i don't have this feeling towards anyone else in government hand that's not my heart there's no one is valuable as the general a little on some blood with blood residual and that whatever since i heard the news
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i've been crying 100 so weird feeling but at the bottom of our hearts we want revenge revenge revenge but not everyone agrees on what action to take and their intended political struggles in parliament if roger arabic or you are the best response is to expel us forces from the middle east and make efforts to liberate palestine but the specific response of iran should be hasty and should be well considered an important body called the assembly of experts condemned the killing of said the money and said silence in the face of assassination would make iran rica they called upon young people to mobilize and prepared to as to american forces from iraq as the world awaits iran's response the government here will find it hard to ignore the calls for revenge and when it's revenge for a man of course and so the money standing it would appear this popular support for whatever action may follow assad based al-jazeera that are on. and in a moment we'll be looking at how people in iraq are getting increasingly fearful of
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being caught up in a regional conflicts and in the rest of the day's news political chaos in venezuela as 2 men claim to be the rightful leader of the national assembly. i was there with some rather wet weather into the southeast corner of the u.s. some bits and pieces of cloud to opt in to new england eastern parts of canada but by far the liveliest weather is across the pacific northwest that's rolling in from the pacific pushing across into oregon into washington and into b.c. as well heavy rain here could lead to some flooding that we some snow to as it pushes over the rockies quite in between and there's that disturbed weather a little further race easing up across the mid atlantic states for choose day and
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just nudging up towards d.c. towards new york and sweeping through as we go on into where to stay some snow on the northern flank of that around the canadian maritimes central areas of north america generate dry central parts of canada having said that we'll see some rain some snow and the day some freezing rain is still very disturbed around the pacific northwest further south a shanty dry 18 celsius there in l.a. with the sunshine and a fair amount of sunshine too across the caribbean but we want to 2 showers which will just create their way towards the lesser antilles you might just catch wanted to those showers around the dominican republic southern parts of cuba but for the most part is fine and sunny. capturing a moment in time. the snapshots of other lives. of the
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stories. provided tips into someone else's well out dated was due to or. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. like the witness on al-jazeera. it without jazeera these are our top stories this hour u.s. defense secretary mark asper says the u.s. has no plans to pull out of iraq after a letter was leaked to iraqi media saying u.s. forces quote will be repositioning over the course of the coming days and weeks.
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pentagon is calling the letter a mistake. iraq meanwhile has called on the u.n. security council to condemn the killing of iranian general custom for the money and the iraqi militia leader who was killed alongside him a u.s. drone strike last week secretary-general and turning the turkish is also calling for restraint. and so the money's remains have arrived in his hometown of command his final resting place he will be buried there on tuesday rather on monday huge crowds in the streets of tehran for the funeral procession. well the nato chief has warned iran against further violence and provocations after an urgent meeting in brussels stoltenberg says a new conflict is in no one's interest nato maintains a 500 strong training mission in iraq for the fight against eisel it suspended that however after solomon is death. nato is prepared to continue our training and capacity building when the situation permits we remain strongly committed to the fight against international terrorism. after the meeting today in the united states
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also briefed on the regional situation following recent attacks on coalition forces in iraq on the strike against generals for the money. for years all our lives have expressed concern about 2 wrongs do you stabilizing activities in the why the middle east region. we agreed iran must never require a nuclear weapon we shared concern about iran's missile tests meanwhile iraqis are worried that they will bear the brunt of these growing tensions between iran and us especially since donald trump threatened to impose sanctions so wonderful tin has more from baghdad. and an easy mood has settled over back that scarred by decades of intermittent war people in iraq's capital know the eerie suspense that precedes one in coffee shops old and young alike worry about being caught in the
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middle as the u.s. and iran threaten further escalation of the the heart of the bottle we don't want the battle to come to our country they want to start a war they want to settle accounts but we are the ones who lose young men lose money lose infrastructure we won't benefit from this. people here are still in shock over the u.s. strike that assassinated iranian general qassam soleimani near baghdad airport drawing threats of retaliation from iran and its allies in iraq. adding insult to injury president donald trump threatened on sunday to impose far reaching sanctions on iraq if the iraqi government responded by expelling u.s. troops for such authority brings back painful memories from the saddam era when the u.n. security council imposed a crippling trade embargo. for us as young people we've lived through the sanctions during our childhood we don't want to face the same thing again we want to build
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the country. instead the country now risks sliding backwards the unfolding crisis between the u.s. and iran has shifted attention away from iraq's months long protest movement demanding far reaching political reform and an end to iranian interference in iraq . nation demonstrators have been attacked at least twice by pro iranian crowds their worst fear however is losing their cause. people are afraid they are afraid of a strike that happened and they fear that something will happen inside to rear to end these demonstrations demonstrators are divided over the parliament's non-binding the session on sunday to expel foreign troops some support the motion calling the u.s. strike a violation of iraqi sovereignty and we want iraq to be an independent country a country thinks and decides makes its own decisions without any intervention by outside forces while others see the presence of american troops as
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a necessary counterbalance to raney an influence on of. i am against the parliament's decision to expel the troops give me an alternative for the american troops who will protect me an alternative to protect these people then all parties in militias even i have a party to protect me or i will die kurdish and sunni parties boycotted some this parliament vote carried by the main shia blocs it's a sign that iraq's leadership is once again split along sectarian lines rather than united by national interests as the visions within iraq over how the government should respond to the escalating crisis between the u.s. and iran many worried that they will once again be dragged into a war. overshadowed by fear and not too distant memories of conflict. i'll just. look at other
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news now and forces voice of the libyan war lord. have reached the center of sirte a coastal city east of the capital they've also seized the nearby. air base one of the largest military installations search itself is strategically important to have to as months long offensive to seize tripoli where libya's u.n. recognized government is based he is allied to a rival administration in the east of the one of the ones in tripoli for us and says the situation in sirte is changing rapidly. we're getting news from military sources in this cause told city of sirte saying that have told us forces have taken control of several parts of the city including the poor and the city center that's also along with the military comes in southern city fighting is still going on until now according to military sources in the area and they say that they take all of what happened after
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a certain detachment inside the city that was belonging to the government forces that changed position just because the our affiliate to the tribe that tribe of the warlord have to now the city of sirte it is very strategic as it is very close to the oil fields and oil ports in central libya and specially close to the coast we're getting also news from military sources in misrata that they're sending troops. to repel have those forces or tag have been protests across india condemning an attack that targeted students and teachers at a prominent university in new delhi major around this took place in. mumbai and new delhi protesters saying students affiliated with the ruling carried out the attack counter-demonstrations have also been held in solidarity with the accused as
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reports. a warning from these protest is students to india's hindu nationalists their violence will not keep them from the streets. but will only strengthen their resolve. on sunday masked men armed with roots and sticks stormed the university campus in new delhi. attacking students and stuff. rival leftist and quite weak student groups have been sparring over a hike in university accommodation fees for weeks but too many sunday's brazen attack in one of india's leading universities is unprecedented when i read that i was huge because harry or in a university any year and there's a group of about $5060.00 young men aung.
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their faces covered and mary calmly getting her ready for an attack. i spent my entire life on the gamble i've never seen and so the protesters are accusing a student union linked to prime minister during their more these ruling party a party it has denied the accusations police blamed for not doing enough to stop the assault say they are investigating what happened. back. far as the identification of people who were participating in the clashes all possible methods of identification are being invoked we're also keeping an eye on the messages videos and pictures circulating on social media to students and campuses across india came together in solidarity. some turned violent in kolkata protesters from another top university faced off with b.g.p. activists and the police. there was that week i'm told i mean by
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letter from the university. i cannot even imagine that i was there when i was studying in college and what i'll be giving to our student. it's the latest in a series of crackdowns against students in recent weeks over india's controversial citizenship law which many say discriminates against muslims. this attack seems to . the only uniting them against the government. is even. now these 5 soldiers have been killed in mali have to run a roadside bomb hit an army convoy near the town of other tona mollies been largely unable to defeat rebel groups which have killed more than 140 soldiers and temba despite the presence of french troops and un peacekeepers police in uganda have again detained the musician and political activist bobby wine he was
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prevented from holding a campaign rally for next year's presidential election police fired tear gas to disperse his supporters outside the capital kampala of the winds been calling for a long time president yoweri was funny to step down. american airlines and aeromexico have reached settlements with boeing over losses from the grounding of the 737 max jet boeing's best selling jet has been grounded since 2 crashes last year killed almost 250 people it won't be back in u.s. skies until at least april but this could be delayed further because another issue's been discovered in the jet's wiring now in venezuela 2 men are claiming to be the leader of the country's national assembly on sunday armed troops physically blocked the opposition leader and his allies from taking part in a vote for the position why don't have expected to be reelected instead luis was sworn in hours later why they want to separate vote held away from the national
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assembly. i mean. it's not just that they have prevented the lawmakers from entering the assembly they did not allow the president because they violated the rights of venezuelans what you saw yesterday is what you've been saying for years persecution kidnappings arrest and of takeover of the assembly. we want to tell you the truth about the change that our national assembly is undergoing used today the national assembly elected its leadership in accordance with the constitution of venezuela in accordance with the constitutional mandate and the assemblies quorum regulations. south korea's president is promising to create more jobs and boost workers' pay and to help the poor a timely promise studies revealed young people are feeling increasingly has a mistake about the future bride report stuff and so. they are known as spoons young people from low income families who despite gaining high school and college
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qualifications often end up in jobs they don't want for little money and with little chance to better themselves they're seen as living in the shadow of so-called gold spoons those with a privileged upbringing you son who is a writer and social commentator who's long studied the experiences of young koreans caught in the lowest social class. the biggest issue is work housing is next even if you have a good place to live housing costs have gone up a lot the cost of living feels higher because young people don't earn a lot very few people i know are able to save and there's a sense of dejection. the plight of the spoons has been highlighted by the release of the movie parasite a dark comedy about 2 families of haves and have nots that won the prestigious palme d'or at the cannes film festival. the belief that working hard in your
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studies and then in your job will inevitably lead to success has been a driving force for generations of south koreans it's why many schoolchildren will do extra classes until late at night and young workers will put up with poor pay and conditions but increasingly that belief is being challenged. a recent study of people in their twenty's shows 3 quarters of respondents no longer believe hard work alone is a guarantee of success and that a person's future is determined more by the social group they're born into. due to the social class they already belong to even if young people make an effort the possibility of upward social mobility is very limited that the growing wealth gap is unwelcome news for the liberal government of president moon j n who is supposed to be narrowing it the faltering economy is making things worse.
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if you ask young people of faith have hope most will answer no the gap between rich and poor is getting wider. bleak economic prospects mean that for the dirt spoons the year ahead is likely to be another that reinforces that life's getting tough at the bottom robert bride al-jazeera so. half past the hour on al-jazeera let's take you through the headlines u.s. defense secretary. says the u.s. has no plans to pull out of iraq that's after a letter was leaked to iraqi media saying u.s. forces quote will be repositioning over the course of the coming days and weeks the pentagon says the late it doesn't reflect current policy and that it was a mistake john hendren with more from washington. they want this back an extraordinary amount there must be a back story to this that we don't fully have but now the pentagon says the u.s.
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is not leaving that what they're doing in fact is consolidating they're moving troops around and consolidating them at various bases that would serve 2 purposes one it would offer better protection for those troops and 2 it would allow them to leave in a hurry if later on iraq in fact does move u.s. troops out. iraq's also been calling on the u.n. security council to condemn the killing of the iranian general cuts and so many and the iraqi paramilitary leader who was killed along side him in that u.s. air strike last week secretary general antonio guterres is also calling for restraint meanwhile cinematics coffin has arrived in the iranian city of kut his final resting place he was born in the city he will be buried there on tuesday but a monday huge crowds packed the streets of tehran for the funeral procession their supreme leader ayatollah ali harmony and president hassan rouhani held prayers in his honor. and the nato chief has warned iran against further violence and
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provocations after an urgent meeting in brussels stoltenberg says a new conflict is in no one's interest and called for restraint and deescalation nato does maintain a 500 strong training mission in iraq for the fight against eisel but it's suspended that after solomon his death and a couple of other headlines for you forces loyal to the libyan warlord khalifa haftar have reached the center of the strategic coastal city of sirte trying to wrest control from the un recognized government part of have to as wider offensive to take the capital tripoli and protests have been held across india condemning an attack that targeted students and teachers at a prominent university in new delhi demonstrators say students affiliated with the ruling b j p were behind the violence though they deny that they got to that with the headlines on al-jazeera witness starts right now. on counting the cost 2020 we pick through what could be the whole geo political and geo economic topics of the year for the most important election in the free world and
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