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tv   Thailands Master Forger  Al Jazeera  January 12, 2020 7:32pm-8:01pm +03

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president. for the victims of the earthquake at least $300.00 were killed a decade after the quake survivors are still. in their. food shortages corruption. in the philippines all flights out of. volcanic eruption could be. about 100 kilometers south of the capital shooting out of the sky much of it falling on nearby communities thousands of people have been told to leave their homes those are the latest headlines. coming up next thanks for watching.
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and he's helped criminals and terrorists move freely across. often.
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for years this man has created the world's. helping people out of countries. now the doctor is revealing the secrets. around 40000000 people arrive in thailand every year hidden amongst the tourists terrorists drug dealers and future i able to escape scrutiny by using forged passports. tile floors he's
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a trying to crack down on the forges and the criminals. maybe but he had. known criminals need new identity. and this is kept in thailand busy. time that kind of uniquely positioned country logistics for transnational crime. so we have drug and flows coming in from e.m.r. we. human trafficking migrants from. taking place here. organized crime groups are taking advantage of the borders.
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bangkok's international airport is on the front line of thailand's defense against criminals trying to enter on fake passports. and wait a long long. way and. by that i say and hand man who are going and who that's fine i live on and. off fine yeah went on. to stop saying you we now well also saying you know. i mean. we're going to. meet one. well now home one at letting him know that he about. the chinese. well let me. man i have.
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0 in on my pets. and how do you mean by how without a little dog. food you sit at the center of a global criminal network that starts with the simple everyday active theft. tourists obvious soft targets preyed upon by pickpockets both within thailand and around the world. those passport stores order will find their way across to thailand with chorus. and then they will find customers but much of the profile of the document that's being stolen. the genuine passports are quickly passed on to the forges.
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some will simply alter the passports biodata pages names photos and countries of origin. master forges could create a whole document from scratch so if your counterfeiting a whole documents it will have no immigration history stamped into it quite often the fortune will stumps into a document to make it look as if the person is well traveled and is a lower threat than somebody who has not travel. when i was working at london heathrow the majority of forged documents were coming from thailand. the consequences of the forges activities can be deadly. in february 2012 bombers suspected to be agents of the iranian government tried to kill some israeli diplomats working in bangkok their bomb blew up prematurely wounding several
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passes by. c.c.t.v. shows the 3 suspects leaving the same. call i love anymore. the. power. of. the word could to bontoc on. 2 of the would be bombers were arrested including one who lost both legs when he dropped an explosive device. one of the gang members got away slipping out of the country using a fake passport. thai police linked the men to a passport factory operated by irani siad putney john packed
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a job with arrested and jailed in thailand but he's capture did not end the danger posed by passport forge is based in thailand. 2 years later passport forgery was linked to another far more devastating event on march 8th 2014 malaysian airlines flight 370 vanished shortly after leaving kuala lumpur for beijing with nearly 240 people on board. 2 iranians cleared immigration with forged documents. c.c.t.v. shows the men preparing to board the plane with fake italian and austrian ponce boards people began to understand how dangerous it is that people travel the world using stolen passports for fear of the concern we should all have. is that more than a 1000000000 times each year there are people who have across borders or board planes
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without having passports great to get cynical status. interpol keeps a docile base of all possible worlds reported lost or stolen at the time m h 370 vanished neither malaysia nor thailand was signed up to this database. but. the blood on how they are there. and they got into. the water. border security is now tighter than ever. watch lists and increased high tech vigilance should be making it even more difficult for terrorists and criminals to escape detection. but they are still getting through and the top forges in thailand
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still in business. this tie detective has been working on the m h 370 case for the year is he asked us to conceal his identity. on. me. in my back. on. the quality of the forgeries pointed to one prime suspect.
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only a criminal. today .
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i don't hear. them and. they will write all of their. problem. in terms of my. day. on. the way to work. towards a comic i'm. going to go against the. deal
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. bag. then another terror attack changed the game this time in the heart of bangkok the hunt for the doctor intensifies. one of the bomb suspects a we get from china's shin jenga region was arrested days later you know bangkok suburb with multiple fake passports. and as police scoured the nation chasing down leads other foreigners were put under surveillance. this house in a bangkok suburb was of particular interest. the police start to take of place i was sleeping i was asleep being it's was 8 o'clock
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. and they knocked the guard. and when it came out. the police came gents. i got cuts in my back there. he says his name is hamud reza jafari but he was arrested with 5 passports so the police say they're not sure who he really is. the doctor the forges forgers moved around undetected on fake passports between the years a master of deception who speaks several languages with
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a back story that no one has been able to verify their real business and you have to lie to everybody it's made me a. normal person i've been a normal person i want to hear more markers. the doctor says he came to thailand from iran as a stepping stone to canada where he planned to study computer science but he says bad luck stopped his onward journey leading to a criminal career that would last the next 20 years i came here in cairo i pay some by the about $6000.00. us. got another. but they took my money on it on a day. i started to learn about the phosphor by myself. they know they know all because they are a business. so i try to buy some passport 1st. i
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find probably have them on wrong in the market i bought. one on the net something like this. with thailand awash with stolen passports and clients plenty of. time for the food she's. using a closed shop in a bangkok tourist area at the front the dock to hone his skills and sold his product. i know i know computer electronics is not difficult you just need. a choice of it so i started thinking how it is. a take that. many names of. football. i would choose name one family from different people is not difficult. for
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making one possible. the doctor insisted his customers follow his precise instructions for the deception to work. you need to remember everything about your name a. place where your laboring rich city who is president who is your king. what is your boss called or anything. more you know much better. the doctor would coaches customers to make sure they would not cause. you trouble to avoid it. but it's time you'll. be for. same as before totally 4th are. they are sort of the trusting disposable blog your
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passport you know everything about. their country over there and you have no problem with. the police say the doctor sold his product and skills to anyone with money to buy. he insists these clients were mainly migrants and refugees from iran . looking to escape to the west he also claims to be selective about his clients. and he denies that his work increases the risk of terrorist attacks. because i know the people coming. in from the prayers not to just to kill the people of innocent people is absolutely different. but he doesn't ask his clients many questions. or that everybody pocket spin is kids who 'd are stupid i don't want to know. the doctor insists he has no links to criminal
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gangs tile thora he say phone records linking directly to terror groups and organized crime. the doctor was finally put behind bars in 26 days. but the police investigation into his work continues slowly evidence emerges showing the key role played by the best passport forges in the global security threats. from arrest interrogations and scenes telephone records police built up a picture of a network. a criminal web whose strength lay in its loose affiliations making perpetrators hard to pin down.
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at the center sacked the doctor to muster forgery permeated reza jafari producing the best fake passports on the market. the police were able to connect just barry to a number of other forges in middlemen. one key associate was a pakistani called abdul ghani aka babu. a well connected bangkok underworld fixer living in thailand on a retirement visa. korea cry. today. but not counted they're telling me that i had lived in their cribs and. had retired but they've been. a part of it all more cautious about me into
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a pool. hall. kotoko come over to the back of tolo who was also a forger himself producing low quality passports and a fake european union driver's license. in town to you. see roy lead a good job you will. appease them to accommodate the girl from the moon my friend. comment on concorde ride. will cost. carnival had the pub iraq policy no but here coke or some other child by appealing to a homo to. cover today and then over the past body been jobs that have happened i mean a colony been criminalized he moved around or i got to talk to you have. another pack of danny arce on just dead acted as one of the doctors brokers. javid
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links the doctor with a tick raman far more sinister figure. was wanted over links to the al qaeda cell that blew up a packed commuter train in madrid in 2004 killing 191 commuters. that.
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mopping up the network has taken time. in early 20 a chain. another pakistani named mohammad. he was caught with fake singaporean passports a travel document ranked the most valuable in the world for its bees a free agreements allowing holders to into other countries. type police say it was the integra pass of the doctor's network. while the government says it does work may have helped operatives for the islamic state. but while the doctor and his network may have been taken down the forgery business is to lucrative to just disappear i mean there's a big organized group of people making billions of dollars every year. criminals it's probably 2nd. drugs the biggest source of criminal
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money around the world. technology may prove to be the game changer. in till now forges have kept pace with the changes in the manufacturing of passport probing for soft spots in global border security. but now there is something the all forces hope will disrupt the criminal networks. biometrics i had and facial recognition after now impossible to fake well not every country can afford to go biometric yet experts say it is inevitable so what will be your passport 50 years time it's going to be this or it's going to this is going to be the us. to capture your identity when you're traveling you know better than a piece of paper africa. passports will be redundant. none of this matters
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anymore to the doctor he was jailed for 23 years but he's still time will be hard because of his guilty pleasure he says he hopes to one day remake his life as a free man and to shed a long criminal career that has forced him into the shadows i getting old i don't want to get cats in the age of 55 or 6. if it's going to be happy. now always but there's. i told myself. how long i want to vomit. i really wanted to finish i think that was the only way i could leave this job inside and inside my heart i feel happy.
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frank assessments the one good thing about these bush bars is that you really wipe them out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on both through school you've been told what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about still against an ethnic sectarian kota inside
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story on al-jazeera one of the really special things that working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else working for us as you know it's very challenging the body but to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real story so i'll just mend it used to deliver in-depth generalism we don't feel inferior to the audience across the globe. capturing a moment in time. snapshots of how the lives. of the stories. provided tips into someone else's work out. the. do day or. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. like witness on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. after. hundreds of protesters demand the closure of the u.k.'s embassy in tehran after iran accuses the british ambassador it's just a painting in an illegal protest. meanwhile qatar is a mirror meets iran's leaders into iran calling on all parties to defuse tensions and saying dialogue is the only way forward. watching al-jazeera lie from a headquarters and. also heads calls a meeting of its national security council after the death of the least $89.00 soldiers.


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