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tv   Beyond The Wall P2  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2020 1:32am-2:00am +03

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oh in fact that's what senators did they kind of made it up as they went along ultimately they were also faced with those same questions of whether or not to allow witnesses to testify as part of the trial and ultimately that was a question that was put off until after opening statements and then later voted upon and that's exactly what republicans who now control the senate are saying they want that same process to unfold now for trump although there are there are many differences too of course when you look at these 2 impeachment processes namely the fact that this is this this impeachment of president trump has been so partisan the rules that govern the trial of president clinton in fact were passed by by a bipartisan majority of the senate it's remains to be seen whether it will come anywhere close to that in the senate on this trial rules for president trump. the moment to thank you very much as bring back in former special impeachment counsel
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to the u.s. house of representatives to these 7 house manages what do they need 7 of them for this process and and there's no idea of the scale of of a trial and in the senate well 7 actually sold the small side on other occasions they've been as high as 10 or 12 but cetera and they parcel out among themselves their different roles but usually it's one in the context of having to parcel out which band of jurors going to question which witness and of course at this point. it's not even clear that they're going to be any witnesses so this could be a lot of sitting and standing around not really doing very much but i think they wanted to be i guess a part of history and just for that i don't know if they would want to be watching starting again and just while we're talking general show if you can see these pictures that is the happening through tennis so where that kid was can you see
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those pictures on. no i can't come to consider i am but i can be envisioning he has not done so i don't know now with the with the folders in the hands and making that walk from the house to the senate. there is a long hallway although it's so huge it's hard to even think of it it's just a hallway. scuse me and then they get to the big open space underneath the dome they walk through there continue on down and then on the left hand side is our recall the doors open up into the senate chamber which is much smaller than the house chamber because you only have 100 senators you have over 400 members of the house they go in they will be allowed to enter into the well of the senate and i assume that mr shift will then approach the rostrum and will read it he will be given asked for permission and then he will be allowed
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to read the articles of impeachment and they will then be left with the senate i'm sorry go ahead as a residence and permission to read them and assume that this will cause happening with the understanding that they will be given that permission they wouldn't suddenly be a last minute hitch when the senate says no actually come again tomorrow. i guess that could happen if they are it's their their place of work so we are saying good at that but it would be kind of weird but it could happen ok so the doors now to the senate i think it would be me they come and knock on the door to somebody to listen in see if we can hear anything sure. now we can actually hear anything on that short i'm sure we'll see them come in the middle in a moment but you're right it does look a lot smaller doesn't it the venue oh it is a lot smaller it is much smaller. do you think it makes it the the atmosphere different when they have the trial in there from what went on in the impeachment
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process in the house do you think it will do you think the atmosphere will be very different yes very definitely it's a much more interim intimate venue and people are much more much closer to one another when all the senators are sitting there i mean they pretty much take up all the space the amount of open space is very very limited and you're kind of jammed in there for the not to put too fine a point on it it's not really designed for a trial and it's very intimate space how they do it they would it would ever be expect be expected to attend throughout to will people be milling in and out and coming in you know at various points in the during the trial runs and it will well they have to have a quorum soriano's listen in you know you can't just let's just listen in. mr president i have been directed by the house of representatives to inform the
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senate the house has passed. $7098.00 a resolution of the point and authorizing managers of the peach but. of down on john from the president of the united states. the man seat will be received so what change the process of the impeachment on to close being moved from present majority leader. pursuant to rule one of the rules and procedure in practice when sitting on impeachment trial. the secretary of the senate inform the house of representatives that the senate is ready to receive the managers appointed
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by the us for the purpose of big debate and articles of impeachment against all drawn trump president of the united states agreeably to the notice communicated to the senate further that at the hour of 12 noon on thursday january 16th 2020 the senate will receive the managers on the part of the house of representatives in order that i may present and exhibit the articles of impeachment against saddam drawn traub president of the united states is there any objection if not sword. shoot out of some incentive pursuant to rules 3 and 4 of the rules of procedure and practice when sitting on impeachment trials that they are 2 pm on thursday january 16th 2020 the senate pursued to the consideration of the articles of impeachment and that the presiding officer through the secretary of the senate notify the chief justice of the united states of the employees fixed for
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consideration of the articles and requests attendant as presiding officer pursuant to article one section 3 clause 6 of the us constitution is there any objection. sword. unanimous consent that the presiding officer be authorized to appoint a committee of senators to upon the recommendation of the majority leader and to upon the recommendation of the democratic leader to a score at the chief justice and of the senate tribe or further as consent that the structure of the senate be directed to notify the house of representatives of the time and place fixed for the senator pursued upon the impeachment of donald judge on trial in the senate trial is there any objection. if not so award. should not have been sent to access to the senate when the senate floor and
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the senate chamber gallery during all of the proceedings involving the exhibition of consideration of the articles of impeachment against donald john traub president of the united states at all times that the senate is setting and trial with the chief justice of the united states presiding be in accordance with the allocations and provisions now send to the day and that it be printed and the record is a rejection if not so ordered i should not have been sent the senate pursued as a consideration aventuras for 71 submitted earlier today. the clerk will report senate resolution $471.00 authorizing the taking of a photograph in the chamber of the united states senate. is or objection to proceeding to the consideration without objection then the senate will proceed unanimous consent the rose aleutian be agreed to in the motion to reconsider be
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considered made and laid upon the table with no intervening action or debate without objection so ordered now mr president for the information all senators a few minutes ago the senate was notified that the house of representatives is finally ready to proceed with their articles of impeachment so by unanimous consent we have just laid some of the groundwork that will structure the next several days we've officially invited the house managers to come to the senate tomorrow at noon to exhibit their articles of impeachment. then later tomorrow afternoon at 2 pm the chief justice of the united states will arrive here in the senate he will be sworn in by the president pro tem senator grassley then the chief justice will swear in all of us senators will pledge to rise above the petty factionalism and do just as far as to to fund our states and for the nation and then we will formally notify
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the white house of our pending trial and summon the president to answer the articles and his counsel so the trial will commence an artist on tuesday but 1st mr province i'm important good news for the country we anticipate the senate will finish the u.s. m.c.a. tomorrow and send this landmark trade deal to president trump for his signature or a major victory for the administration but more importantly for american families. so let me close with us this is a difficult time for our country but this is precisely the kind of time. for which the framers created the senate i'm confident this body can rise above short termism and factional favor and serve the long term best interest of our nation we can do this and we must. you're listening
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there to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. announcing the ground rules for the trial of impeachment trial of president donald trump after the house democrats formally handed over the impeachment case to the senate after a ceremonial procession across the capital so he's announced that the managers who've been nominated today will come to the senate at 12 noon on thursday to exhibit the articles of impeachment and after that at 2 pm on thursday the senate trial will start and with the chief justice being brought in sworn in and all the senators being sworn in for the trial and let's bring in how does your castro from capitol hill so it's now finally at the senate and this the trial itself will started me on tuesday but these kind of procedural things will happen before then. that's right on tuesdays when we'll start hearing really the merits of the case
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that's when we'll expect to hear the opening statements which will be likely parsed out between those 7 impeachment managers they will serve as the prosecutors in this case and then we'll hear from president trump's counsel in their opening statements exactly how long those statements will take what parameters they will entail that's a no we just know that with president clinton opening statements took 6 days that is when we'll likely hear the same arguments frankly that the american public has been hearing for these weeks on end the same evidence that democrats say show president trump had abused his power and obstructed congress in his dealings with ukraine and then on the other side of the president's council saying that this is a partisan witch hunt using the words of the president himself and then. lucian of
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those opening statements that is likely when senators will then have to tackle that question of whether or not to allow new evidence to be introduced as part of this trial what could that new evidence include well new witnesses including former national security adviser john bolton who was a close adviser to trump throughout his dealings with ukraine in this critical time period he was barred from speaking with investigators as part of the inquiry and so thus we don't know what he's going to say he's a wild card witness but in recent days through his attorney he has said that he has pertinent information to share and me was is willing to share it if subpoenaed by the senate so we could hear from new witnesses we could see more documents introduced into the trial record including some of these text messages that we just saw it released last night with close associates of president transpersonal
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attorney who were really the vanguard in ukraine trying to dig up dirt on trump's political rival joe biden and who may be the bridge that connects president trump with directing the actions of rudy giuliani and his associates to get that dirt on joe biden to that point there was a letter released yesterday from rudy giuliani writing to the president of ukraine saying that giuliani was conducting this mission on behalf of the president with trump's knowledge and consent. things like that that could make a difference in this trial if the senators after as jurors are allowed to consider it those are open questions again with democrats originally wanting the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to commits. 2 allowing new evidence and new
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witnesses as part of the trial record having lost that battle because they simply don't have the numbers at this point and postponing the effort to get those witnesses until after opening statements it really depends on how convincing those opening statements are on either side to sway those moderate republican senators who may be willing to go along with the democratic colleagues at least on this question of opening the trial to more witnesses 100 custer thank you very much. is a former special impeachment counsel to the u.s. house of representatives he's been watching all this as well joins us from washington d.c. . mitch mcconnell there talk about a difficult time for a country but confident that the body consider rise above the short termism is that is that confidence well placed you think. i think that's true but let's not kid ourselves this is a very very political process and in the final analysis when it's
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a political process it comes down to who has the votes and at this point the republicans have the votes at least certainly only ultimate question of whether the president will be removed from office i do want to touch on something though this evidence that has come in very or these facts that have come in very recently in the last 2448 hours there's nothing to preclude the democrats in their opening statement from referring to and arguing on but on the part of those facts which are not yet in evidence and that's because an opening statement is not evidence it's an argument it's just it's it doesn't violate anything that the senate might say later on well that's not to be considered as evidence but in the opening statement they can refer to all of that material 'd which the senate may then try to keep from coming in as evidence but of course it's sort of like an
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ringing a bell once it's out it's out and once people hear these allegations and these things involving mr giuliani and others. it will be part of the of the whole process it will be very interesting to what extent the democrats in their opening statements allude to all this other material that's arisen recently on environment you very much indeed being with us on jazeera during this segment to see thank you very much. russia's prime minister has stepped down in a move seen as paving the way for president vladimir putin to hold on to power when his term ends in 2024 to me to madrid if says his resignation well allow for putin to introduce sweeping changes to the constitution during his state of the nation address putin proposed an increase in parliament's power as well as an enhanced role for the state council turn her report. it was dramatic and entirely
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unexpected except that just hours before the resignation of russia's prime minister dmitry medvedev and his entire government the president vladimir putin had called for government change. but i would list that as he's given. we is the government of the russian federation should provide the president of our country with the opportunity to make all necessary changes to the political system. in the annual live televised state of the nation address putin said that the constitution should be amended to allow parliament to choose candidates for prime minister and the cabinet a power now enjoyed solely by the president and the president he said should in future serve a total maximum of 2 terms putin himself is currently serving his 4th the proposed changes would substantially limit the power of whoever succeeds putin as president after he steps down in 2024 as he's constitutionally bound to do.
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supporters described the move as deepening democracy empowering elected members of parliament critics however suggest it offers a concrete clue to russia's hottest political question what happens after putin the answer some believe is more. the main result of putin's address tweeted kremlin critic alexis novell me what kind of idiots and or crooks are all those who said that putin would leave in 2024 the only goal of putin and his regime is remaining leader for life taking ownership of an entire country and appropriating wealth to himself and his friends the russian president seeks to. continue to exert control or the russian political sphere even after he leaves the official office of the president so essentially this more is intended to change the political structure of the russian government in such a way as. to possibly move to
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a different position from which he will be able to do so. but the me of putin has said nothing of his intentions post presidency but he could be planning a repeat of these 2008 move to become prime minister or take on another senior role a weakened presidency might pave the way for russia's longest serving leader since stalin to take power with him when he goes up jonah al-jazeera. iran's president has warned that european soldiers in the middle east may be in danger as on rouhani made the comments just a day after britain or france and germany who watched a dispute mechanism on the 2015 nuclear deal accuse iran of repeated violations on diplomatic editor james bays reports when united nations. 2 'd at a time when large crowds of iranians have been protesting in the streets the country's president instead addressed his comments to the international community
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has signed rouhani is a meeting of his cabinet dismissed recent suggestions from the u.k. prime minister boris johnson that there should be a new deal with iran and said they should focus on the one already agreed in 2015 of them are you bad already if you take the wrong step it will be to your detriment pick the right path the right path is to return to the nuclear deal there was this warning note to european nations saddam was on the call yaml is that in no armies the american soldier is not secure today to moral maybe the european soldier will not be secure let us address the city security for now the iran nuclear deal signed with 5 world powers including the us in 2015 when the obama administration was in office is still in existence but it's in trouble gradually in 5 stages the iranian side has stepped back from some of the restrictions imposed on the deal the most
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recent this year is to no longer comply with the restrictions on the levels. of enrichment of uranium it's carrying out a process that could be used to make a bomb weapons grade uranium is enrich to about 90 percent the response to this from the european side is to formally trigger the dispute mechanism set out in the deal one european diplomat has told me their country estimate is that iran is one to 2 years away from building a bomb i'm told the europeans have no plans at this stage to bring the issue back to the un security council that has the power to trigger what's known as snap back reimposing all the international sanctions against iran the dispute mechanism allows for further negotiations and would take many months iran watches those say the leadership in tehran is actually less interested in this time line focused instead on the u.s. political calendar they're looking to november's presidential election with the
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hope they can wait trump out james barry's al-jazeera at the united nations. count as foreign minister has visited baghdad urged both the u.s. and iran to deescalate tensions ahmed bin of the rahman are funny but his iraqi counterpart. speaking at a joint news conference a son he said every country should seek deescalation iraq has been caught in the middle of a major crisis between the u.s. and iran after the assassination of a military commander kasim soleimani last week iran responded by firing a barrel of missiles at 2 iraqi bases housing us troops to me. canadian investigators are set to examine the wreckage of a ukrainian jet which was shot down in the iranian capital last week investigators are visiting the site in tehran but have not yet been granted access to the flight and cockpit recorders all 176 people on board died when iran's military mistakenly
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shot down the passenger jet and most of the victims on board were from canada on tuesday iran's judiciary confirmed a number of people have been arrested in connection with the downing of the airliner scientists say the past few years were the warmest on record and there's no doubt manmade climate change was to blame 2019 was the 2nd hottest year ever recorded by the u.s. national oceanic and atmospheric administration at nearly a degree above the 100 year average as a whole agency said the 20 ten's were $1.00 degrees warmer than the 20th century as a whole and the world meteorological organization warns that the world is heading for another 3 to 5 degrees of warming in the next century it's not reversible on our choices are really to keep our food on the accelerator and to keep increasing at an ever increasing rate or to slow it down and those are our choices we can
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through actions to reduce carbon emissions are slowed down what's going on and perhaps stabilize the climates a day at a reasonable temperature depending on how who wrote those mitigation efforts are. and that's it for me for this extended hour of news from london on the day of impeachment charges being passed from the house through to the senate the only the 3rd presidential impeachment trial in american history which is now due to take place starting officially on tuesday but from thursday at noon the managers who've been appointed today will. officially exhibit those charges in the senate and then the chief justice will take over the trial that's it for me learn taylor more news in a moment but for now. load
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. a. little up. close. what went wrong in society that opened up the space on the right she is the european problem and it's not accountable and it's impossible for going to people do better in school i. keep on trying to take the. lead on profundity stronger man our song woman while getting the growth of rejectionism of this world because the model doesn't want us europe's forbidden colony episode 2 on al-jazeera. culture
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a down's thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to brace and maintain their cultural heritage it's a reminder of who they are and whether. this is a suburb of the capital new delhi to be refugees here since $964.00. have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasn't signed up to the 1951 un convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the indian welfare system so they become self-sufficient setting up a business says and looking for work independently but for some it's not enough. trade tensions could cut global economic growth by north point 8 percent we bring you the stories and developments that are rapidly changing the world we live in to what extent will china be a drag on the global economy in 2020 counting the cost on al-jazeera.
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this is al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. this president will be held accountable no one is above the law signed sealed delivered articles of impeachment against donald trump have been submitted to the senate for the trial of a president for the 3rd time in u.s. history. iran's president blames what he calls the u.s. are against.


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