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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  January 21, 2020 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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there's trade deals a study to kick in already the regulations are kicking in right down and i see such tremendous potential for the future we have not even started because the numbers we're talking about are massive the time for skepticism is over people are flowing back into our country companies are coming back into our country many of you who i know are coming back in with your plants and your factories thank you very much america's newfound prosperity is undeniable unprecedented in unmatched anywhere in the world america achieved this stunning turnaround not by making minor changes to a handful of policies but by adopting a whole new approach centered entirely on the well being of the american worker every decision we make on taxes trade regulation energy immigration education and more is focused on improving the lives of everyday americans we are determined to
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create the highest standard of living that anyone can imagine and right now that's what we're doing for our workers the highest in the world and we're determined to ensure that the working and middle class reap the largest gains a nation's highest duty is to its own citizens honoring the history of this is the only way to build faith and confidence in the market system only when governments put their own citizens 1st will people be fully invested in their national future use. in the united states we're building going to come to me that works for everyone we storing the bonds of love and loyalty that unite citizens and power as nations today i hold up the american model as an example to the world of it working system of free enterprise that will produce the most benefits for the most people in the 21st century and beyond
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a pro worker proselytism pro-family agenda demonstrates how a nation can thrive when its communities its companies its government and its people worked together for the good of the whole nation as part of this new vision we passed the largest package of tax cuts and reforms in american history we doubled the child tax credit benefiting $40000000.00 american families and lifting 650000 single mothers and their $1000000.00 children out of poverty and out of poverty quickly we passed the 1st ever tax credit for employers who provide aid paternal leave for employees earning $72000.00 or less annually and passed paid family 'd leave for government employees as a model for the country we made childcare much more affordable and reduced or eliminated child care wait lists all across the nation our
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child care reforms are supporting working parents and ensuring their children have access to high quality care and education all of which they very much deserve. we lowered our business tax from the highest in the developed world down to one that's not only competitive but one of the lower taxes we created nearly $9000.00 opportunity zones in distress communities where capital gains on long term investments are now taxed at 0 and tremendous wealth is pouring into areas that for 100 years saw nothing the 35000000 americans who live in these areas have already seen their home values rise by more than $22000000000.00 my administration has also made historic investments in historically black colleges and universities i saved h
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b c u's we saved them they were going out and we saved them we're removing roadblocks to success and rewarding businesses that invest in workers' families and communities we've also launched the most ambitious campaign in history to reduce job killing regulations for every new regulation adopted we are removing 8 old regulations which will save an average of american households about $3100.00 per year it was going to be for everyone we do too but we were able to lift that aid and we think that's going to go quite a bit higher we still have a way to go today i urge other nations to follow our example and liberate your citizens from the crushing weight of bureaucracy with that you have to run your own countries the way you want. we are also restoring the constitutional rule of law in
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america which is essential to our economy our liberty and our future and that's why we've appointed over $190.00 federal judges a record to interpret the law as written 190 federal judges they can of that in 2 supreme court judges as a result of our efforts investment is pouring into our country in the 1st half of 2019 the united states attracted nearly one quarter of all foreign direct investment in the world think of that 25 percent of all foreign investment all over the world came into the united states and that number is increasing rapidly every business looking for a place where they are free to invest build thrive innovate and succeed there is no better place on earth than the united states as a central part of our commitment to building an inclusive society we established
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the national council for the american worker we want every citizen regardless of age or background to have the cutting edge skills to compete and succeed in tomorrow's workplace this includes critical indices like artificial intelligence quantum computing and 5 g. under evocative leadership who's with us today our pledge to america's workers has become a full blown national movement with over 400 companies committing to provide new job and training opportunities to already very close to 15000000 american students and workers 15000000. america's making sweeping changes to place workers and their families at the center of our national agenda perhaps the most transformative change of all is on trade reform where we're addressing chronic problems that have been ignored tolerated or enabled for decades our leaders did
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nothing about what happened to us on trade before i was elected china's predatory practices were undermining trade for everyone but no one did anything about it except allow it to keep getting worse and worse and worse under my leadership america confronted the problem head on under a new phase one agreement phase 2 is starting to go she ations very shortly china has agreed to substantially do things that they would not have done measures to protect intellectual property stop forced technology transfers remove trade barriers and agricultural goods and on agricultural goods where we were treated so badly open its financial sector totally that's done and maintain a stable currency all backed by very very strong enforcement
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a relationship with china right now has probably never been better we went through a very rough patch but it's never ever been better my relationship with president xi is an extraordinary one he's to china for the u.s. but other than that we love each other additionally china will spend an additional $200000000000.00 over 2 years on american services agriculture and energy and manufactured goods so we'll be taken in in excess of 200000000000 could be closer to 300000000000 when it finishes. but these achievements would not have been possible without the implementation of tariffs which we had to use and we're using them and others to and that is why most of our tariffs on china will remain in place during the phase 2 negotiations for the most part the taps have been left and
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we're being paid billions and billions of dollars a year as a country as i mentioned earlier we ended the nafta disaster one of the worst trade deals ever made not even close and replaced it with the incredible new trade deal of the u.s. m.c.a. that's mexico and canada in the nearly 25 years after nafta the united states lost one in 4 manufacturing jobs including nearly one in 4 vehicle manufacturing jobs it was an incentive to leave the country and nafta agreement exemplified the decades long failures of the international trading system the agreement shifted wealth to the hands of a few. promoted massive outsourcing drove down wages and shattered plants and factories by the thousands the plants would leave our country make the product sell it into our country we ended up with no jobs and no taxes would buy other
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countries product that doesn't happen anymore this is the wreckage that i was elected to clean up it's probably the reason i ran for president or than any other thing because i couldn't understand why we were losing all of these jobs to other countries at such a rapid rate and it got worse and worse and i think it's probably the primary reason that i ran but there are other reasons also and to replace with a new system that puts workers before these special interests and special interests will do just fine but the workers come 1st brand new u.s. embassy is the result of the broadest coalition ever assembled for a trade agreement manufacturing agriculture and labor all strongly endorsed the deal and as you know it just passed in congress overwhelmingly it shows how to solve the 21st century challenges we all face protecting intellectual property
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expanding digital trade we sure it was jobs and ensuring rising wages and living standards the united states has also could diluted a great do trade deal with japan proximately $40000000000.00 and completely renegotiated our deal with south korea. we're also negotiating many other transactions with many other countries and we look forward to negotiating a tremendous new deal with the united kingdom have a wonderful new prime minister wants very much to make a deal as they say to protect our security in our economy we are also boldly embracing american energy independence the united states is now by far the number one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world by far it's not even close while many european countries struggle with crippling energy costs the
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american energy revolution is saving american families $2500.00 every year and lowering electric bells and numbers that people said couldn't happen and also very importantly prices at the pump we've been so successful that the united states no longer needs to import energy from hostile nations with an abundance of american natural gas now available european allies da longer have to be vulnerable to unfriendly energy suppliers either we're just friends in europe to use america's vast supply and achieve true energy security with us companies and research is leading the way we are on the threshold of virtually unlimited reserves of energy including from traditional fuels l.n.g. clean call next generation nuclear power and gas hydrate technologies
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at the same time i'm proud to report the united states is among the cleanest air and drinking water on earth. and we're going to keep it that way and we just came out with a report that at this moment it's to cleanest it's been in the last 40 years. we're committed to conserving the majesty of god's creation and the natural beauty of our world today i'm pleased to announce the united states will join one trillion trees initiative being launched here at the world economic forum one trillion trades. and in doing so we will continue to show strong leadership in restoring growing and better managing our trees and are far less this is not a time for pessimism this is a time for optimism fear and doubt is not
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a good thought process because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism in action but to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse they are the heirs of yesterday's foolish fortune tellers and i have them and you have them and we all have them and they want to see us do badly but we don't let that happen they predicted in overpopulation crisis in the 1960 s. mass starvation and the 70s. and in the end of oil in the 1990 s. these alarmists always demand the same thing absolute power to dominate transform and control every aspect of our lives we will never let radical socialists destroy america anomie record country eradicate our liberty america will always be
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the proud strong and unyielding bastion of freedom in america we understand what the pessimists refuse to see that a growing and vibrant barkat economy focused on the future it lifts the human spirit and excites creativity strong enough to overcome any challenge any challenge by far the great scientific breakthroughs of the 20th century from penicillin to high yield wheat to modern transportation and breakthrough vaccines have lifted living standards and save billions of lives around the world and we're continuing to work on things that we'll be hearing about in the near future that even today sitting here right now you wouldn't believe it's possible that we have found the answers you'll be hearing about it but we have found answers to things that people said would not be possible certainly not in
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a very short period of time. but the wonders of the last century will pale in comparison to what today's young innovators will achieve because they are doing things that nobody thought even feasible to begin we continue to embrace technology not to shun it when people are free to innovate millions will live longer happier healthier lives. for 3 years now america has shown the world that the path to a prosperous future begins with putting workers 1st choosing growth and freeing entrepreneurs to bring their dreams to life for anyone who doubts what is possible in the future we need only look at the towering achievements of the past only a few 100 miles from here are some of the great cities of europe teeming centers of commerce and culture each of them is full of reminders of what human drive and
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imagination can achieve centuries ago at the time of the renaissance skilled craftsman and laborers looked up words and built the structures that still touch the human heart to this day some of the greatest structures in the world have been built hundreds of years ago. and italy the citizens once started construction on what would be a 140 year project the bromo of florence credible credible place while the technology did not yet exist to complete their design city fathers forged ahead anyway certain that they would figure it out some day the citizens of florida had not except limits to their high aspirations and so the great dome was finally built in france another
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century long project continues to hold such a grip on our hearts and our souls that even 800 years after its construction when the cathedral of notre dame was engulfed in flames last year such a sad sight to watch unbelievable sight especially for those of us that considered it one of the great great monuments. and representing so many different things the whole world graved through her sanctuary now stand scorched and show it and a sight that's hard to believe when you get used to it to look at it down hard to believe but we know that notre dame will be restored will be restored magnificently the great bells will once again ring out for all
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to hear giving glory to god and filling millions with wonder and awe the cathedrals of europe teach us to pursue big dreams daring it dredges and unbridled ambitions they urge us to consider not only what we build today but what we will endure long after we're gone they testify to the power of ordinary people to realize extraordinary achievements when united by a grand and noble purpose so together we must go forward with confidence determination and vision we must not be timid or meek or fearful but instead we must baldly seized the day and embrace the moment we have so many great leaders in this room not only business leaders but leaders of nations and some are doing such a fantastic we work together very closely. we will draw strength from the glories
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of the past and we will make great does our common mission for the future together we will make our nations stronger our countries safer a culture richer our people freer and the world more beautiful than ever before above all else we will forever be loyal to our workers our citizens and our families the men and women who are the backbone of our economies the heart of our communities and the soul of our countries let us bring light to their lives one by one and empower them to light up the world. thank you very much god bless you god bless your countries and god bless america thank you thank you very much. well if you're just joining us you've been listening to u.s.
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president donald trump addressing global leaders and business people in the swiss alps for making headlines remarks at the world economic forum in davos but he's been emphasizing his achievements when it comes to the american economy as well as various trade deals as well as also saying the country's relationship with china has never been better he's also been pushing back on what he calls the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse well i believe is about to take some questions so let's go back and listen and injecting or to be in our discussions we have really problem since a role for those as you say that we do. we have all the capabilities to acknowledge. leadership to realize so st so soon curate mr president for having joined us here at c opening of c.
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50 s of the rosary of so rolled it could reform. well it appears that he is not going to be taking questions so let's dig into a little more of this without diplomatic as a james bays who joins us now live from davos james you've been listening into this speech so no surprises there that how's he likely to be received. well certainly very politely by the audience here is the 1st speaker at this year's 50th world economic forum here in davos this was the special address the 1st formal big session taking place here at davos quite a predictable speech in many ways politely received by the audience and i think the
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speech was a very bullish speech about the u.s. economy and the audience very much people back at home on this day that is the day in a few hours time that the impeachment trial will start in washington d.c. there were many including myself we thought perhaps at the last minute he was going to perspire on this trip but advisors i think in the white house said it was a good day to be on the world stage it was a good day to sound presidential and a speech full of facts i'm sure some of the campaign in fact checkers who already have started their work will be going through those facts with a fine couth tooth comb to see whether they agree that they all actually are true let's discuss what we heard in that speech further with our guest it's rachel cart she's the dean of the fletcher school for international affairs 1st your take on what he said well i think it was a very assertive speech about the success that he believes he has brought to the
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u.s. economy since coming to office it was also a speech about optimism that you know sort of a can do attitude probably at odds with a sort of global view that there are some really fundamental problems we have to grapple with and that's what davos davos mondavi us woman is trying to get their arms around this week a whole list of facts there i'm not going to ask you to do the fact checking here but some of them are going to be contentious well i think that the focus here at davos is that dick our economies are becoming less inclusive and the i.m.f. and others have come out with data that shows that that's the case including in the united states so i think. juxtapose posing what he believes as the successor is having in sort of helping american workers and people on low income with that data around inclusion is is something to look at and then secondly of course the other big threat that everybody is talking about and already this morning all my meetings with business have been about how do we decarbonise us economy so it works for
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everyone not any mention of the arts and in that whole we believe we certainly saw her go in gratitude berg was in the hole we didn't divorce the cameras there that are provided by the world economic forum focus only on the speaker so we didn't see her reaction but i suspect he did talk about the environment and paste a very rosy picture of what the u.s. is doing i suspect she's going to be skeptical about that well i think a lot of people are because the message here from business and from grettir and others is that we have got no time to lose in fact we've got to double down on this and that requires governments to really ratchet up their own bishan he talked about the technological prowess in the energy sector in the united states absolutely but that has to be used today carbonized the energy sector really quickly and yes he agreed to join one trillion trees that's a good thing planting a trillion trees hopes up carbon out the atmosphere we got to stop putting up there in the 1st place as well he seems to like it here he came here 2 years ago and he
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was very positive about divorce likes being part of this club worth reminding people that he never was invited to speak as a business leader only since he's been president tell me though your meetings your private conversations i don't want to know who said what to they think of him well i think the world is preparing for a 2nd trump term and what does that mean while also thinking about what does that mean if there's policy reversal with a democrat coming to power at the end of the year and i think that one of the things everybody is focused on here is uncertain say there's a velocity of change which we've never seen before we have major problems. require international coordination international cooperation immigration climate change or not it disease is the news from china today and this america 1st i'm taking care of my people works. let the fact checkers check but it's kind of a tunnel with regard to the atmosphere here. rachel quite dean of the fletcher
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school thank you for joining us here on al-jazeera worth noting as well the one word that wasn't in that speech any moment and that is the word impeachment and obviously you're watching this on in 0 we're giving you the international context of this but i can tell you if you're watching a u.s. domestic news channel they talk about nothing else he didn't mention the big thing that's happening in just a few hours james frey is there live for us across all the events and of us thank you james well plenty going on in the swiss alps and as james was just saying donald trump is in davos but at the same time after months of arguments and build up his impeachment trial is set to begin in the senate later on she is day well marc maron bashar is out there as senior political analyst and he's here to talk us through it all so my one presumably a distraction tactic carry on trump's part talking economics while the democrats
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are trying to remove him from office and all the. general saying the the big elephant in the room was impeachment it's not mentioned by the president but it's in everyone's mind. but that's exactly why he is in davos i think it's not only to make the big contrast between what the democrats are doing a far as he's concerned stabbing the president in the back. or what he is doing being presidential speaking boasting lecturing the world business and political leaders about america's greatness or and what am i going to do now the world mystic audience presumably is wow absolutely and here where i think it's not just the contrast here's where the antidote is the antidote to the impeachment is davos in us far as trump is concerned because what he just did there. you know our correspondent go call it facts i'll call it claims because i can do either and the lists trumps claims are by the american economy and
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a lot of them might be true he of course they are selected socks whatever facts that are among them there are selective facts because he didn't speak about deficit or the debt and so on and so forth but be that as it may the force comes as far as he's concerned as an antidote to the impeachment because once again we see the proof that it was straight should that no one can trump trump. as trump trumpeting for trump i just thought about that listening to him alone and i want to dig in a little bit into the impeachment that fell because today where hearing from senator mitch mcconnell about the rules of the impeachment and i mean he's over there trying to keep this of it to be a very very speedy trial and he's trying to justify it i believe based on clinton's impeachment trying to say that the rules were very similar no apparently not the rules with not very similar he's really presenting a whole other way of approaching this he wants it to be quick and of course
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a lot of people are looking at this to be an unfair process because of the coup luzhin between the senate leader and the president and it's very difficult to run a court a process an impeachment process with the supreme court judge presiding over it while at the same time you are coordinating this step with the white house and i think it's not really valid and as well mitch mcconnell has explicitly said that's what he's doing yes and but so the idea is now there's a that there are a few. phases within this quick process where they're going to be a vote whether it's voted by the evidence or what about a new witnesses and so on so forth if the fore. moderate republicans of the youth of maine and what have you if they decides that they will vote with the democrats then we might see something interesting in terms of a process going on forward witnesses being called new evidence being put in and then a more robust discussion that would not be the pleasure of the white house but if they don't and if he is moderate republicans don't actually flip then we could
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potentially see this all wrapped up before the state of the union next month we were thinking about 2 weeks now would stress that that well we're talking about one day for this party another day for the party a 3rd different discussion a 4th date for the discussing the evidence of the witnesses and maybe it will be wrapped up right after that well obviously the democrats want this to play out very very differently so what are their options now could they try to change the rules once mitch mcconnell has put them on the table oh absolutely not i mean what they have done in the democratic controlled congress house of representatives they've done now in the senate where the republicans control the only way the democrats can effect anything if there is if the for mother to republican so-called moderate republicans meaning the ones who actually want a process forward because they think this is a government of laws not of people no one is above the law and they want to hear the evidence not because they are probably they are sure that there isn't a 2 thirds majority to impeach drawled but at least let's have
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a process that is credible that is legitimate so that america can be proud of its laws and let this thing pass in the dark within 2345 days and then not be proud of this very legal process that america invented to put its leaders under scrutiny. it will be changing all of this with a huge amount of straight man the coming days you're under sorry that our political analyst thank you for joining me here today in the studio. well you can find much more on our web site as well to follow all of these big stories both davos and the impeachment trial the address for that is al jazeera dot com while the news will continue here on al-jazeera off the inside story so do stay with us.
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world leaders meeting in greta stop sending weapons to libya and for new talks and the civil war but on the ground the fighting goes on so will the many foreign countries feeding the conflict back home and who has the power to stop libya's slide further into crisis this is inside story. hello and welcome to the program. libya's civil war is now in its 6th year a host of countries is involved with turkey russia and france just to name
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a 3 providing support to the 2 sides vying for power the un backed.


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