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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  January 27, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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but 3 years on how has life changed. rewind ga 30 on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello and welcome to this al-jazeera news hour live from doha i'm martin denis coming up in the next 60 minutes rockets hit the u.s. embassy inside iraq's high security green zone. the chinese prime minister is in more high honors beijing puts aside almost $9000000000.00 to fight the coronavirus outbreak which is now killed $81.00 people. and donald trump hit south of his
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former national security adviser of the john bolton who makes claims that undermine the president's defense at the senate impeachment trial. and basketball fans gathered to pay their respects to kobe bryant he was killed in a helicopter crash his daughter was also among the 8 other victims. tributes are paid to brian throughout the world of sport as athletes remember a player who inspired people far beyond the basketball court. the u.s. embassy in baghdad has been targeted by rockets the 1st direct hit after months of near misses 3 rockets landed inside the compound one of them struck very close to a dining area at dinnertime. where the embassy is located inside the heavily
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fortified green zone that's in the central part of baghdad previous attacks of landed close to the facility the u.s. state department described the situation is tense and says its forces remain vigilant it's called on iraq to ensure its diplomatic facilities are protected but meanwhile iraqi security forces have used tear gas to try to clear away empty government protesters from their camp in the capital a crackdown began after the influential shere cleric not. withdrew his support for the demonstrators we'll go live now to baghdad our correspondent there is imran khan and iran 1st of all this attack then on the u.s. embassy inside the green zone it's a significant escalation which the americans are blaming on iran but armed groups. that's absolutely right but no one has claimed responsibility for the attack so far
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no let me just give you some geography when you walk into the u.s. embassy you have to go through an outer perimeter the dining area where that rocket struck is actually quite far inside and it's actually near the residential area so the fact that it got so close and inside that compound quite deep inside that compound is going to be very alarming for the americans are the americans have reacted they've said that they blame iran and iran blacked but abilities of for this now this is the 3rd such attack in january the last 1 actually took place in january 13th but those rocket attacks have always landed outside of the u.s. embassy within the green zone itself and that's how tensions have remain frozen because i'm not actually managed to get to the u.s. embassy now. the u.n. and the u.s. have called upon iraq to protect diplomatic facilities they've said that they want the iraqis to investigate this for their part in iraq he said they will investigate this but we have heard about these investigations in previous times and nothing has
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really come of it now in the past when we've seen attacks like this there have been retaliate 3 strikes against militia targets backed by iran within iran itself and sometimes along the syrian border as well haven't heard of any such attacks at the moment but it's likely that the u.s. will be mulling over its options particularly as tensions between the u.s. and iran. and iran said we understand that a target was hit in the u.s. embassy do we know anything about casualties injuries. so for what we've been hearing there have been no casualties so far within the embassy itself and that doesn't look like we would have probably had by now if there were casualties all right in the backdrop of calls to all of this is an increasingly tent city if not come tree i mean behind you we can see protesters who basically camped out they've come to into this area and they're not going away.
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that's right these tens of been hey since all time i'm just going to give you a better look what we're saying right now is tucker a square this is the focal point for the protest movement however if you just go one square along to kill on the square you go you'll see intense clashes taking place right now between protesters and security forces now will the iraqi government is trying to do is force all of the protesters from the outskirts of a square into the square itself they put barricades the iraqi government put barricades on either end of the square and they've said this is where you are allowed to protest anything else is actually illegal what they're trying to do is open up the roads into bridges into central baghdad which have been shut since october but the protesters are playing this cat and mouse game they come here and then they go to colonies square where they throw rocks at the police the police respond with life i was we've been hearing throughout the day so far it would take
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a gas to try and beat them back and to try and get these roads open they have had some success they've opened a couple of least one bridge and they're now trying to push the protesters back into. ok imran khan live in baghdad thank you very much for that. well china's prime is a leak a chunk has met medical staff and residents in more han that's the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak or lee is now on his way back to beijing to meet the head of the world health organization as the number of people killed by this latest virus rises to $81.00 more than $2700.00 have been infected the chinese government's putting aside almost $9000000000.00 to fight the outbreak and is extended the lunar new year holiday until next sunday. drew to president putin ping organized amusing of
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a standing committee the meeting clearly requires the strengthening of inspection on migrant people patients that are in fact it must be strictly quarantined inspections and examinations on suspected cases and people who are in close contact with patients should be done carefully according to medical requirements for her and has the biggest international airport in central china and on thursday airlines began cancelling flights to and from the city but before the shutdown flights from will hand we're going to 30 destinations outside mainland china and that's including 21 cities in asia pacific 5 in europe one in the middle east in 2 in the u.s. the number of domestic destinations is also significant flights from one hand normally go to 77 destinations across mainland china all right this go live now to our correspondent who's in beijing scott 1st of all it must have been quite something then for the people of china to see their prime minister at the epicenter of this
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disease gowned up with a mask and seeming to be in control of this. yes absolutely and those are the optics that the the administration here really wanted to get out you know steadily along you know since in the last week the control of the reaction the government's reaction the local governments reaction the nation's reaction to this this outbreak has steadily gone up the chain of command if you will and it just went to the very highest levels over the weekend and that's when there was a very rare standing committee standing the politburo committee meeting on the 1st day of lunar new year which makes it even rarer and then we knew that at that stage one of the 7 standing members was going to to front the efforts by the chinese government when it comes to cracking down to controlling this corona virus and we know now that is a prime minister that could chang we've seen those images and yes that's something that it's a very obviously a very strong message that they're sending internally but also extremely to the
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outside world is just how seriously this government is taking the situation and it's also interesting because i'd say maybe 3 or 4 days before this part of your meeting there was there was a lot of criticism on social media here in china about how the local government and will handle the situation as we saw that the details of just how far reach has through its airport and its central location within china there was a lot of criticism about the local government and how they handled the situation 5000000 people got out before they closed down or locked down the transportation from mohan so obviously that's a very very large number so then soon after that we saw it kind of go up the chain of command and that's what we saw today visually the prime minister down there in will haunt and just in one of the places he visited was the construction site for one of these 2 new hospitals purpose built hospitals that are going up and move on to deal with the patients from coronavirus one is going to be finished in just
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about a week the other one maybe a couple weeks after that so probably at least 2000 plus beds. for these patients from this virus but obviously the optics are pretty clear sending him down there and sending and sending out these images around the world and into china that the government is directly at the high levels of the government directly involved yeah and scott i was going to ask you that how much confidence do you think the people of china have in the information they're getting from their leadership this as you've just revealed 5000000 people would have left or will have at the start of the very start of this outbreak and now we hear that malaysia for instance is refusing entry to people flying in from from will hand and. here is closing its bolt is to comes from china now there's even macau is starting to restrict travel in word travel from people who are in the
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province who buy a province so yes that that's something that's continuing now as far as what kind of information or how the chinese people are trusting the information coming out from the government for the most part the people we speak to on the street they seem to believe what the government is telling them as far as the number of cases how quickly it spread those kinds of things what they are telling us though is there a little bit frustrated we saw a couple of people walking on the streets here in beijing the capital today now this is the streets are very quiet you know we've got this holiday period we have the current virus going on we have the extension of the holiday so there wouldn't be that you know would be teeming with like with people like a normal business day but there are very few people out there and they were telling us that they're worried about what's going to happen with supplies one of the one of the people we spoke with a woman said i only have one mask i'm worried about recycling this mass is it going to still protect me so are things like that but they're starting to question you know with the government's actions are they going to be ok moving forward all right for now scott thank you scott hyla there live in beijing well leading for all ages
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in hong kong there warning that the outbreak is was some what the chinese government is saying adrian brown has more. we've been hearing the softer noone from caprio long he's a leading epidemiologist he is the head and he's the dean of hong kong university's medical medical faculty and he basically says based on commuter computer modeling that they've been using as other experts are around the world right now he estimates that in fact 44000 people have been infected by this virus in who hand and he also says that the rate of infection will double every 6 to 7 days so again this is based on computer modeling it doesn't mean it's necessarily going to happen but he said it is their forecast as sort of worst case scenario you might say so these are alarmed words coming from hong kong and they appear to in a sense contradict what the world health organization has been saying because the
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world health organization so far hasn't felt compelled to declare an international public health alert the experts in hong kong are saying that draconian measures will be needed not just by hong kong's government and china's government but by other governments around the world in the case of hong kong for instance you know one has to give out things like food imported everything it eats just about is imported much of it coming from the mainland so his message was you know unless there is good planning unless we heed the warnings then you know we could be facing a global pandemic epidemic and in his words well as you just heard adrian mention there are other cities across asia that are on high alert and they're worried about supplies of facemask which are quickly running out in seoul for instance where a 4th case of the disease is now being given many pharmacies and making huge profits from the chinese visitors from mcbride reports. with facemasks selling out
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in many mainland chinese cities and in places like neighboring hong kong then pharmacies here in seoul have been doing a roaring trade catering for some of the 10s of thousands of mainland chinese visitors who are reckoned to be in south korea at the moment for the lunar new year we've been watching at this one pharmacy and this is a scene that's repeated at pharmacies throughout seoul where a steady stream of mainland visitors have been coming up and snapping up literally armfuls of face masks filling up the bags and in some instances the cases that they're going to be returning to china with at the end of their holiday as this corona virus continues to spread in hong kong and that's a huge shock tahj i cannot buy in everywhere. it's difficult to buy math in mainland china right now there is a shortage so we have to take some back from overseas the increasing numbers of
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chinese visitors to south korea have certainly been good for business in recent years but it has led to a certain resentment building on age old animosities that have existed between the koreans and the chinese and it's something which has been made worse with this coronavirus in fact a petition on the official presidential a website calling for a complete ban on chinese visitors during this lunar new year period has gained hundreds of thousands of signatures a ban would seem to be a drastic measure but in fact the main doctors association here has said that if things continue to get worse as a last resort that may be the way forward. now we got some breaking coming from afghanistan reports of the plane a passenger plane having crossed there in the eastern part of the country province it's an area on the afghan airlines which apparently came down 15 kilometers away
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from the center of the district called dead yet as i say that's in. province we have gotten more information on this but as soon as we get the details we'll bring them. lots more to come here on the al-jazeera news hour including. a standoff in lebanon's capital as protests to try to block them from getting into parliament ahead of a vote on a new budget. arms race a report finds that china is going to become the world's 2nd biggest weapons producer. but donald trump is criticizing former national security adviser who appears to be undercutting the president's impeachment defense now he reportedly rode the
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president told him to tie a ukrainian military aid to an investigation into a political rival of frank a good turn our polls this allegation is at the center of efforts to remove the president from office is highly respected by everybody in this room and john i want to thank you very much john bolton wants donald trump's national security adviser now a potential witness who could expose the u.s. president a new york times to pour details excerpts from a draft of bolton's upcoming book the report says the book reveals how trump wanted to hold back nearly $400000000.00 in military assistance to ukraine until its officials aided investigations into his democratic rival former vice president joe biden his son and other democrats for the democrats these revelations from a former white house insider seem to directly contradict trump's defense in the senate impeachment trial and have both stood they demands to call bolton as
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a witness the house speaker nancy pelosi saying excluding him is now indefensible and calling it a choice between the constitution or a coverup. until now the democrats have been struggling against a republican majority senate to seek testimonies if they were really interested in the american people knowing all the facts they wouldn't be fighting to make sure that this is the 1st trial in history without witnesses. i can promise you this mick mulvaney knows a lot more about this than any whistleblower and john bolton knows more about this than the whistleblower trump has denied bolton's claims saying he never told him that the 8 to ukraine was tied to investigations into democrats including the bidens and that if bolton said this it was only to sell a book trump has issued a blanket order barring his aides from cooperating in the investigation
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particularly bolton i would rather interview bolton i would rather interview a lot of people the problem with john is that it's a national security problem but analysts believe that's just an excuse so many presidents have used the national security column to actually hide the truth which was not a national security issue in this case on the usenet is not a national security issue if it's what bolton saying is true in need to be exposed so we can actually clean up our democracy and abide by the rule of law that will not be easy democrats need at least for republicans to vote with them to have witnesses included in the trial and in a deeply divided washington it's unclear if republicans will rise above partisan interests and be swayed by these new revelations priyanka gupta al-jazeera. now basketball fans around the world are mourning the loss of the super saw n.b.a. player kobe bryant is being killed in
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a helicopter crash in california his teenage children 7 of the people on board all say died but reynolds reports now from calabasas just outside of l.a. . kobe bryant's helicopter crashed and disintegrated on this hillside in calabasas outside los angeles witnesses said there was heavy fog and poor visibility in the area at the time of the accident. resident paula dolan heard multiple explosions before the helicopter went down wired one bang one it was in the air and then a 2nd their 2nd bang as it was just sunday and then i heard a huge crash on board with a 41 year old retired super star and his 13 year old daughter giana as well as 7 others including the pilot police have not released their names there was a white speculation is who they did it these are however it is being entirely
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inappropriate right now to identify anyone by name until the coroner has made the identification through their very deliberative process and they've made made the arrest cations the next of kin. the cause of the crash is unknown the helicopter a sikorsky $76.00 b. has a robust safety record federal crash investigators will search the wreckage and war our team will be looking at the history of the pilots and whatever crew was on board will be looking at maintenance records of the helicopter bryant's prowess thrilled fans in l.a. and beyond for 2 decades. a crowd has gathered here below the crash site many people are wearing lakers colors purple and gold some people say it's as if a piece of their lives have been ripped apart even more than you can imagine and
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you can put in words just the passion and the grit in the sweat and blood he's giving to lausanne just for the basketball family yes i can say the young words see them with an eye at all everyone not dumb l.a. is very sad right now he is just human he was not great player that's a reason why i got into baskets of him that's i haven't changed and it's still like unbelievable for me to say that kobe bryant is not here with us anymore it's just tragedy it's just that i'm no words honestly. president donald trump tweeted bryant was one of the truly great basketball players of all time the loss of his beautiful daughter giana makes this moment even more devastating president barack obama an avid basketball fan said koby was a legend on the court and was just getting started in what would have been just as meaningful a 2nd act amid an outpouring of sorrow from players from across the spectrum of
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sports players from the euston rockets and the denver nuggets held a moment of silence before their game on sunday players looked down shaking their heads. he leaves behind a sport that is grieving a city in mourning and a legacy of greatness that will be remembered as long as basketball is played robert oulds al-jazeera calabasas california. well paul is here now with more on kobe bryant's sporting legacy paul yes martin and kobe bryant really was one of those rare athletes who transcends his sport his name known around the world even by people who aren't fans of basketball. i here's a few clips of bryant on court showing how he helped give basketball its global appeal known as the black man but bryant is considered one of the greatest players
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of all time he spent all 20 years of his career at the l.a. lakers where he wants 5 championships and was an 18 time and be an all star bryant also want to olympic gold medals with team usa i. while for lots of players competing in the n.b.a. today bryant is there michael jordan is the player they aspired to be when they were growing up all over the league on sunday night players let the 24 2nd shot clock run out in the opening plays as a mark of respect 24 is the number of the shirt that bryant wore as a player a light it's. everything. everything i wouldn everything i learned. came from colby. everything. they can be away i wouldn't be here i would have loved one out oppression to. know everything and we thank you for.
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well attributes go way beyond basketball with messages coming in from all sports the world's most expensive football the neymar scored a penalty for paris in france the brazilian pointed to the skies and held up 2 fingers on one hand and 4 on the other to mark bryant's number 24 jersey. and like kobe golfer tiger woods tiger woods is in that's why a group of sportsman known just by their 1st name tiger was playing a tournament in california and did not know what had happened until his caddie broke the news just after he'd finished his round. let me tell you. i didn't know until joey just told me. i didn't really understand why. the people the galleries were saying do it for mama . but now i understand. it's
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a shocker to everyone. on an unbelievably sad and one of more tragic days that. i think well for me it's a big rally just kind of sitting in because i just told you all 5 minutes ago all of the sports people around the world reacting on social media to the death of kobe bryant and his daughter india's cricket legend sachin tendulkar sent condolences to bryant's family friends and fans across the world and the gymnastics star simone biles posted a picture of bryant alongside her on the u.s. team with a simple message rest in peace carburetor. well those are just some of the hundreds of thousands of messages paying tribute to bryant and his daughter giana who shared his passion for basketball seen here with a few years ago we'll have more reaction throughout the day here on al-jazeera including our sports bulletin later this hour.
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thank you very much indeed now this case in lebanon where protesters have been trying to block politicians from getting into parliament they want to debate and then vote on a new budget thousands of troops have been deployed to major roads in the capital and they've been physically removing the demonstrators politicians are due to hold a 2 day session we can go live to our correspondent sara high that is in beirut and so what's the situation have the demonstrators managed to prevent this session taking place. no they haven't and the session is underway at the moment in parliament this protest was already planned they've there's lots of pockets of protesters all around parliament square just turned around here you'll see that just down there behind me is where parliament is you can see there's lots of barricades the security forces are making sure that no one can get past to block any m.p.'s old chief prevent the session from happening if you take
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a look behind me as well there's a group of protesters earlier they were throwing rocks at the security well my of the security forces was actually towards the other side near parliament and security forces responded with tear gas now the what's happening in parliament today is that the budget for 20 twentieth's the fiscal budget which was agreed upon by the former government that heidi that was to be voted upon today is meant to be ready to fight the government is quite keen to make sure that that goes through as soon as possible but the protesters many of them including opposition members that didn't attend parliament today in protest. saying that it's actually illegal and we have one protester here his lawyer but he's also not part of the committee that's defending protestors especially if they're being arrested giving them legal advice while why you hear what is what is your reasons for trying to prevent this practice a story this. budget session from. we're here mainly because the budget
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illegal. the newly formed government did not get the trust of the parliament so he cannot defend them but a budget that was. a budget that was. agreed on by the former governor so the 1st step for the parliament is to give the new government the trust if it's given to it and then. they go to the they go to the budget and just discuss the budget as a new government cannot he did not the the newly formed government did not did not do the budget did not plan the just what you're what you're saying is is that they need to remember the new captain it members needs to be receiving quite confidence in parliament before this budget can get through is not where you say legally speaking yes this is what should be done plus
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a newly formed government cannot defend a budget that he does not know anything about so whenever they feel sure they've failed they blame the best government for the budget the 2020 budget and what you're saying is that this is just a reincarnation of the government this is what we're hearing a lot from protesters and that's why they say they will continue their protest to protest against what they're saying is a mis management of funds and corruption within the previous and current governments sara hired live in beirut thank you. now it's time for the weather with jenny and it's heating up again in australia it is exactly what i need it montane we've been talking about the best weather lately but that's all the 1st on the satellite because you can see some pretty clear conditions we've got plenty of activities and all in a moment because that is actually called monsoon rains that is what the bureau of meteorology call those rains typical for this time of year but they've started a little bit earlier let's look at the southeast because we have had one or 2 showers we'll continue to see wanted to carry very lightly scattered showers these
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all the current conditions you can see the current time which is still coming at some 930 at night it is still very woman can be 34 degrees celsius right now so that is the current weather conditions by tuesday very little change but the heat is on its way now seeing very hot in western australia that's heat is shifting east would say perth is actually cool that of the next few days but not so in adelaide this of course is where the heat will impact 1st of all so look at this by thursday very hot 42 degrees celsius the average this time of year is really in the mid twenty's celsius and then it takes a day longer for that he talked she pushed into melbourne so then it is friday $41.00 degrees celsius now it doesn't actually come down again this time which of these heat as we go through the days off to that as a say very hot and very dry but then look at what is going on up to the north this is all this rain is going to be spreading into the northern territory we could actually have some localized flooding over the next few days because some areas could pick up about $330.00 millimeters of rain. tony thank you very much indeed.
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still to come here on the al-jazeera news israel's political rivals are set to hear details of donald trump's controversial middle east peace plan when they need separately in washington plus. install tributes around the world basketball fans in the philippines remember the prime. on counting the cost a nation representing point 3 percent of the world's population but 5 percent of carbon emissions in australia give off its addiction to cold promises to go carbon neutral by the year 2050 plus we're looking at 11 and how long before it turned to the i.m.f. counting the cost on al-jazeera. al-jazeera runs tells the story of thousands about forced by colombian affronts to adopt obscene family names.
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words this is so offensive that some contraband to say that. the burgeoning most ridiculous that has been passed down through generations. the shame of my name. on al-jazeera. context is the food storytelling around the biggest issues we had today usually do with. the e.u. all. right let's have a look at the top stories here in the al-jazeera news hour the u.s.
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embassy in baghdad has been hit by rockets the 1st direct strike after months of near misses one hit a dining area at dinner time china's prime minister leak a child has visited one hand epicenter of the corona virus outbreak medical staff and residents and is now on his way back to beijing for talks with the head of the world health organization. and breaking news coming from afghanistan a passenger plane has reportedly crashed near the center of the day yuk district in the province of girls the. right to our correspondent in afghanistan is zain what more can you tell us about this. well martin what we're hearing is that a passenger plane has crashed in the province in the snow covered mountainous territory of the gaza a province in what we are hearing reports suggest is taliban controlled areas now this will make figuring out any more details very difficult and i must say that it
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is the early stages and details are still unclear now initial reports suggested that this passenger plane belonged to ariana airlines now and executive for that airline has denied that that plane crash is a plane that belongs to their airline however the police chief province speaking via telephone to the local channel tolo news has said has confirmed that it is indeed an ariana airlines plane crash so still conflicting reports with regards to that no governing province is in the central part of the country it is in a mountainous area and getting any more information or any potential rescue efforts that you have asked officials about will be difficult especially if as i said this happens to be taliban controlled space here in afghanistan all right zain thank you for that same that's ravi live in the afghan capital kabul. libya's un recognized government says it's reconsidering its participation in talks after the collapse of
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a shaky trees at least 18 government soldiers were killed near misrata in the war after launched an offensive to take this if you are on sunday after hours forces are accused of bombarding civilians in the capital tripoli as well if you're in a sense the countries that attended the recent summit in berlin a responsible for the failure of the ceasefire let's speak to al-jazeera is my head who's in the libyan capital tripoli so the government of national called the d.n.a. is casting doubt on whether it will take part in those talks or the shuttle for geneva in the coming days. yes indeed martine and actually the government of national accord is blaming her sort of forces for what it calls civil or violations of the seas fire that was that brokered by turkey and russia 2 weeks ago and in fact their government has stated that
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it's holding get both turkey and russia responsible for these violations because it says that the government that the prime minister faisal raj went to my school along with the high state council head from tripoli and they both signed the ceasefire that was brokered by turkey and russia and most call in responding to the invitation from both and turkey on the other hand have to did not sign so in this case the government has issued a statement blaming both russia and turkey for the violations committed by have those forces and also it's also blaming health status forces for what it says several violations including the targeting of residential areas and also the only operational airport in the capital city that's the. which united nations supported mission has issued
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a statement regarding this airport says that the attacks are going to somalia to get airport are a violation of the international humanitarian law it seems that the government is also blaming the countries who took part in berlin talks because they committed to put pressure on have started to deescalate which has not happened so far martin mahmoud head live in the libyan capital tripoli thank you. new research suggests china is now the world's 2nd biggest producer of weapons the stockholm international peace research institute or sipri looked into 4 companies and found a clear shift from a decade ago when china relied on arms made elsewhere it is beijing is producing a wide range of weapons including drones that have been used in conflicts in libya and in yemen and it estimates that china is now selling selling almost $70000000000.00 worth of munitions every year those weapons are largely going to pakistan to bangladesh and to me m r let's speak now to nam tear and then arms of military research at that institute
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the so-called international peace research institute sebree is joining us live from stockholm. in the past china has been very reluctant to release data the information about what exactly it produces in terms of of arms how have you managed to acquire this data now. so the chinese government still has a lock down on all information military related from these companies labeling it as national security interests but would we have done this we've used many different methods news sources such as bond reports credit rating reports and all of his reports of these companies to cross match and triangulates for us to get a confident estimate of the chinese sales figures right so what does it matter and does it really matter that china is now up there with the big boys out there with
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the united states with the russians the u.k. doesn't really matter that they're producing more weapons. i think it's very important information for us and the world because we know that of course china used to rely on importing weapons from russia but we see now that it can almost completely. produce its weapons for its own military and we also see that the industry is at a point where other countries are demanding its weapons and of course it greatly increases the security of the china china because in case if ever there was an armed conflict military embargoes that would maybe subject to chime that would not have an effect on the but it's the capabilities of the country and is there any concern then that the major customers the biggest buyers of chinese weapons seem to be mostly in the developing world pakistan of course the chief among them but me and ma and other asian countries as well as those in africa.
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i think a lot of the buy years of chinese weapons are very much more friendly towards the chinese government is also the case that they cannot certainly as attain weapons from western producers such as the u.k. or germany or the us and such rely on china to produce or to provide. less sophisticated and sometimes less expensive weapons to be used for their specific purposes and is there any suggestion that the one belt one road infrastructure initiative that the chinese are pushing is there any suggestion that weapons sales go along with. those infrastructure installations as well as that many would say debt is well. there has been suggestions that the bought a road project that extends all the way to east africa has led to certain economic
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and military operations with china and certain countries such as tanzania and mozambique so certainly we might expect in the future that the program would lead to a more more weapons flowing between china and the recipient countries. thank you very much indeed for 90 m. talking to us live from stockholm thank you very much. now the u.s. president donald trump is set to have a back to back meetings with israel's political rivals prime minister benjamin netanyahu as well as the opposition leader benny gantz there in washington where they're expected to hear details of trump's long delayed middle east peace plan both netanyahu and dance are set to face off in march in israel's 3rd election in the space of a year the last 2 votes didn't produce a clear winner with no leader able to form a new government. all right let's speak to darley sheindlin who is
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a public opinion and policy analyst joining us live from tel aviv thank you very much for joining us there are lots of people suggesting that there is some kind of political dance going on here with donald trump inviting both as the main rivals for the premiership of israel but also. perhaps being able to divert away from his own domestic troubles at the moment what do you think is going on. well i think it's impossible to separate the timing and the nature of this invitation from the u.s. president to the 2 political rivals as you point out from the ongoing election campaigns in israel which have been in a way continuous all year they are fighting in a bitter head to head struggle head to head between the 2 largest parties maternal mr netanyahu is likud and benny gantz is blue and white party which as you point out you know not only was there not a clear winner over the course of the year but there does not look like there's likely to be a clear winner based on current surveys even in march so you can't separate the
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political nature of this in the israeli debate i think it would be overstating the case to imagine that in the american context president trump will distract you know congression the discussions in the senate over the impeachment hearings i have a hard time imagining that anybody in that process will be distracted by this particular issue but it is a major development for the middle east we're looking at the 1st potential you know exposé of this plan this deal that's been you know anticipated and discussed for so long much promised many headlines over the course of the last couple of years about what it includes and right now we see a lot of speculation what is clear is that only israeli leaders were invited to this discussion and the palestinians are completely outside the process so there is a deep divide between the political meaning of this and the meaning of this in terms of actual conflict resolution which does not look like it will be advanced
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because of this process absolutely the palestinians have said that they're not having any kind of communication with the trumpet ministration since the u.s. moved its embassy to jerusalem what is the one who is most favored would you say by this notice that benjamin netanyahu before leaving israel said that he was hoping to make history on his own this visit to washington and benny gantz is is being seen off nessun yahoo who benefits more from what donald trump may be prepared to unveil. well we'll have to see actually how the meetings go but certainly the speculation when this was announced when vice president mike pence made the offer while he was here last week it looks initially like something that will benefit prime minister netanyahu because he is seen as such a towering figure on leading israel's foreign relations it is his strongest advantage and selling point as a politician every israeli basically thinks he's good at that whether or not they
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actually vote for him it's sort of indisputable that he's the leader on israeli foreign policy so anything that happens that that solidifies and cements in the voters' minds that he manages israel's foreign relations well and particularly of course the all important relation with the u.s. looks like it benefits him for that reason the initial speculation was that benny gantz might not wish to go and take the president up on the invitation because he didn't want to be on a stage that would favor in its own yahoo however mr ganns changed his mind and is seen as having managed a rather clever move by getting himself a separate meeting with the president which could actually turn against its own yahoo because it in a way places benny ganz at the same level as the prime minister who has for the last 10 years dominated the foreign policy scene and now benny gantz will have an opportunity to be seen by israeli voters at home as capable and at the same kind of high level statesmanship as natanya who generally prefers to own for himself the
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right sheindlin thank you very much indeed have to talk to you after those meetings thank you. now italy's right wing opposition leader metellus l.v. has failed in his bid to win an important regional election the former deputy prime minister was hoping to swing the traditionally leftist region of a 1000000 or among year and 4 snap elections that are high voter turnout driven in part by an anti populous movement so the center left democratic party when the vote . now almost $200.00 holocaust survivors are at a ceremony in auschwitz birkenau camp in poland 75 years after it was liberated. the survivors are laying wreaths at the execution wall of what was nazi germany biggest death site more than a 1000000 people most of them jews were killed there between 140 and 145
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but with their numbers dwindling this could be the last major anniversary attended by those who lived through the camps horrors jona home with. what was once a factory of death has for 75 years been a factory of remembrance some of the artifacts of 1100000 lives most of them jews but also poles roma jehovah's witnesses homosexuals and prisoners of war these are the places where they froze and starved where they were experimented upon huddled together and killed this is what is left behind but only a dwindling few know how it felt. 94 year old leon vine drub was 18 when he was separated from his family at auschwitz you can imagine a son of the love of a martyr i have for over systems i was the right child
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is fine how exhausted i was i. do not remember wrong to think it worked with my mother my sisters. i didn't know i'm going to talk my mother and my aunt the same day it was a guest chamber killed. victim and each year there are fewer and fewer survivors left to tell their stories the bricks and mortar will survive them of course as a visual reminder to the millions who visit each year but quite soon that living connection to the horrors of the holocaust will be lost is the 1st time is further ahead in the history of mankind such headless year knowledge of this in garfield killings to kill a whole nation for 3 quarters of
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a century those who survived have been around to tell the world that what happened here must never be allowed to happen again when they are gone it's birkenau will be left with one ultimate purpose that no one should ever be allowed to forget jonah hill al-jazeera auschwitz birkenau death camp and the prime minister of the netherlands has made the 1st ever apology on behalf of the dutch government for the wartime persecution of jews margarita was speaking at a ceremony ahead of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz some survivors attended the event in answer to an only 38000 of the 140000 jews who lived in the netherlands survived the 2nd world war. still to come here on the news hour and sports stars from all over the world pay respects in their own way to the nick cave you cry.
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but it's time for more sports news now cole is back and is it more about kobe bryant and his tragic death yes. you've been seeing this news hour tributes have been continuing to pour in from around the world for basketball legend kobe bryants who has died in a helicopter crash at the age of 41. he and his 13 year old daughter giana were among all 9 people killed on board in the hills to the west of los angeles fans of bryant's former team the l.a. lakers gathered in l.a.
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for an impromptu vigil outside of the arena where they play their games the staples center. the news has had an impact all over the world basketball is huge in the philippines and these are shots of fans in manila outside the newly built house of kobe the coach had just been named in his own on the day he died bryant is a rat sporting hero who transcended basketball saana hamish reports on the career of one of the all time greats. for 2 decades kobe bryant rose above every challenge that came his way in boston was indeed to be the n.b.a. one of the game's all time greats he spent his entire career with the los angeles lakers winning the n.b.a. championship in 5 occasions bryant also won to him to gold medals for the united states. is a giant in the sports world it goes far beyond the n.b.a.
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goals for far beyond basketball he is a world wide giant in sports. is hard pressed to fly anymore and it doesn't know cobie 'd he was bigger than life he is one of the biggest most well know in the 8 players of all time after michael jordan he is one of the players that made the n.b.a. into a global school into going into this next situation. after excel ing on the court at high school in philadelphia bryant opted to skip college and find his 1st n.b.a. contract 8 just 17 at the time of peace deb you in the 19962990 7 season he was the youngest player ever to appear in an n.b.a. game. he more than lived up to that early promise famously teaming up with shaquille o'neal to win 3 consecutive championships with the lakers in the early
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2000. bryant retired in 2016 and. post basketball korea had only just begun. he won an oscar for the animated shoot film india basketball. when he scored his final n.b.a. points in 2016 he was on the all time scoring list. only on saturday with his mock pos by a present day great for the bron james bryant's final social media post congratulated james on continuing to move the game forward. something bryant had done throughout his own career. while bryant's old team the lakers were returning from a game in his home city of philadelphia when the news came through the shots for of the players and staff including le bron james consoling each other as they arrived
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back in los angeles as you heard in that report brown had just passed bryant on the old time points list the man at the top of that list is kareem abdul jabbar also a former like he posted this video on twitter he was an credible plan and a leader in a lot of ways inspired all generation but no. it was one of the 1st ones to leave high school comes in and so on. probably my thoughts would absolutely rest in peace and when. the n.b.a.'s number one draft pick design williamson was in action last night he described as a huge inspiration he was eager. to start getting. ready. for some of the dos is. presenting it's going to be very good. at the symmetry that it wouldn't start.
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tennis star nick carrier swore a kobe bryant lakers jersey to walk out on court for as much of the australian open curious as a huge basketball fan has been known to wear a boston celtics shirt but a monday it was lakers colors with bryant name brand name on his back he's currently one sets all against the world number one rough on the ball stanford brinker produced a great performance in reaching the courts as the swiss seems to have shaken off his injury woes from 35 sets against daniel medvedev. hoping for his 1st grand slam title since 26 days. in football you francis were beaten for only the 2nd time in syria this season napoli denting their chances of a 9th straight to tell you in title lorenzo insignia a scoring the winner as not fully ended a run of 4 straight defeats at home to stay top but now just 3 points above into milan. that's the sport. paul thank you very much indeed and thank you for your
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company for this al-jazeera news hour do stay with us a. frank assessment the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school even know what the law is all about this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside
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story on al-jazeera big stories generally sounds like maybe angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives things never really been believed deep faith muddying the waters even separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the judge is so clear and it sounds to me and you hear people just think that the listening on al-jazeera. cultura downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to be abrasive need to take their cultural heritage it's a reminder of who they are and whether. this is a suburb of the capital new delhi tibet so the refugees here since 964 buttons here have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasn't signed up to the 1951 un convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the
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indian welfare system so they become self-sufficient setting up their a businesses and looking for work independently but for some it's not enough. my. rockets at the u.s. embassy insider walks high security green zone. watch al-jazeera lie from headquarters and obligates also ahead the chinese prime minister is in on as beijing puts aside nearly $9000000000.00 to fight the corona virus outbreak which has now killed $81.00 people. donald trump gets out of his former national security adviser after john bolton makes claims that.


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