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tv   Fairy Tales  Al Jazeera  January 29, 2020 7:32pm-8:01pm +03

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new compared to what we heard 2 years ago it is sufficient to say that 2 years ago we heard the jerusalem is the undivided capital of israel as claimed by them we cannot wait and wait and keep on waiting our position has not changed and after we heard this utter nonsense we say no no and a big no to the deal of the century turkish president or ship type writer one says russia isn't honoring its agreements over syria he says turkey is running out of patients with the bombing in a province by a russian backed syrian government forces his response comes as they recaptured the key rebel how city of mahratta on turkey and russia had agreed to make it leave a deescalation zone a present bashar assad's regime and its allies have bombarded the area for months now those are the headlines on al jazeera witnesses up next to stay with us.
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the other heroes among nothing. like the fairy.
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tale of the look you're. going down the mountain. on the theory no 2 you. can't move. forward. scene. this is where the fairies tell a website called china's largest social media. one day last year i was checking the training topics. and i saw this very fashion designer. it was actually. a fairy tale my girl calls herself the next. except the girl is a farmer living in a rural area that had never heard of in all the materials for her fashion designs
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are foreign objects that tickles farm tools umbrellas boy stuff girl stuff with 100000 followers she was an internet celebrity and i was very interested in her like many chinese i don't wake up to a lot to wait for the space. or banning china. with 140 character limit is the best platform for people in china to share information her so he has gradually become a manufacturer of various internet celebrities one day i messaged her she replied. do you want to feel my 1st fashion show you my home tell him be one of my models. well why not.
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you know. i've. read your shows you're going to so it's a shout. out. to the san you walked out so yes. i saw you could see the show from was really funny that you actually have been here but you know i was shocked that i thought of it and i'm not out there male what we thought of you know watching it without your. own it's. time to.
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show you. some of. the out. loud right now to. lead you to. challenge challenge so we don't shout would feel my should consult. the ones on the should see. no it wasn't it is follow suit. i say ignition one day which we've done very. well but it was
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a good bottle from a new place a little bit later jim was to me to meet him would assume a new mission to have bought. cars and you can see you didn't pull from having the folks who were the sunday would you want to charge an. you'll git did you guys new to the new deal one. was one of. the saturday she yelled on the pa oh i happen. to have one. suit of ha ha ha. that's a routine you post the picture every day 6 months ago her pictures went viral
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overnight. heard soon that would be rice now won't go out. for the little bit of the hospital . they could hear from. sudan on the one exam. rising to open the hatch and you do that actually they didn't hurt you did did her out. so how they got while. i said that i could tell that it was going to be a model that's what the i got from the from ride out sauce all the time to see
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which would put even the lady gaga of nicki minaj to share. that comment or 2 without. coming. back. in the yet to mia hamm had been put on and had a bit got to go we were happy that when you know what you need to act now we again how you want to get on and how going to join forces not i got. to do. so june. 30th eva i'm going to adopt a new song not you would need to now know how to figure out campbell not. initiated by yet on from the you could actually act of made them. look at her and stared down at her in no time with. you know how to handle your dad how.
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logical why he. doesn't have the still hold down below. son who should. do it so he. shall. go up. to see that it was. done well. and that he didn't. like some. it would show cheaply you're going to show us some thoughts have we water. you've been wishing. to ship them off ourselves you know was our short usually fire i'll come in the form and go to the transmission so you carry it the way i don't see the highs of. would do it in your intuition and then i knew that then no insulin has
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additional wobble fatback do it in the sun you often do you get your pen in cabin you don't have time and you will hold someone to do you when you are trying to deal them and the you know national gone you're now sat each a whole fight now repressed $100.00. now do you without would. you really do. the sound will sound. and they all you'll hear the. voices our hearts that lives assumed with the why did you do a whole better tommy the deal was such a hard time see the. how men say you would prolly sex in montana sosa now how the adage a time about sally min we do the math and the banning of poor that ca actually she does that will have i will go to tell you all.
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right so you can go on my last question because you don't. know you all march until you hear about how do you get around to some kind of the shooter in the which we. all need her when she had to have a huge chunk of the imaginative time for you to want to someone yearly and guide them way on the floor through either to the cloud so. you can talk with one cavity and not for your company one jot isn't about what child. go
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to when the. budget goes on and down in. johnny knowledge about goldman sachs and to chill hold on that i mean they usually come back to do talking to the . moon is we're not going to want. you know it's all going to go. now did you change out i was about to turn to a different 100 to one. project there's a category i will show you now do you said. compaq that. you sat down why. are you doing. apple okama. no i think that how you how barry how. do you says monte says how.
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do you watch liam most now who just feel bad will quit you on that adam will go if you can charm. the love back what i can the amount. mother there is an atom into the not usually sure to never go my way and. kodaks and cement his own. huntin fenosa cia the tiny little. thing. they want they are you.
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know you go cool go go go go look. yod soft. tissue which is a. new. pin when i. was on touch of the u.k. yeah and i think yeah i'd tend to naturals in that gulf war don't try to how do you fool an acrobat fan if with her you should it is an actual find in the mill shorts hot skirts. financial you couldn't walk since sound will shoot you choice what was she just 10
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how why did she come to our home with a lot of candles to blow up over my job will. come. to soon i should get out all this attention i'm getting now and it's nothing to do with luck is that feeling. good i just know you'll watch it all those that hold it. are you going on the yoga could you know a jewish american should try to. get $5500.00 of the tomato salad and the man on foot. and no one ocean fish a whole list she wants to move and then go no flow from. oh
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right a low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low low a real life that want to live. a live our lives low a living. telling
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. you to to. 6 6 let you. live you. know only. you you told a lie listen you. lose. the flow look a little looking. you get. food. to lose you lose.
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a good. cause. i had through you know downs for me no. doubt you are. but you know you. go back to do whatever accent i was you know i always had i thought i had finally come out of the. mayo you know what.
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serious question and we viewers we sure didn't do this so it's her that she actually told her that she got the phone is legal to sell so yes i'm going i should just using the show so the judge on the back end up does that tell you this whole it may seem even come out how does someone see old time talent to go to a job and shown to the edge of the sofa do to you good so i see give them credit
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because i like that question a lot of found out of their best. good huge. search condit's stuff that's that. tough. one. los angeles which makes no sense in to casual out of. college. minus one to the. first question you only gave him this kind of care mitt romney. is so simple you know it's not my kind of looking into combat. what you didn't see that was
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a crucial issue. with it coming out. the whole time should be guys don't. sit on. cushioned now. you think ok seriously some will come up to do so now the issue she's not sure that the judge in a tone like the issue is something you will hear in concert that nashua ticklish on should now be giving to my viewers to find out about it i still see it did you easy to most to pick it up was relegated to was saying that it was
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a bad. situation he says you can see. the sensibility in it is he going oh come out will come that will suck. sleaze. do you think the legal. analysis was. on a slow. was
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known as either she had a shower here candy or was really her there with her was her. hand over time so each. girl how lossy you are and don't see. the hard ones who. were closer to the route then jane who has and you know how do she. go back that soon only charms you. 'd 'd 'd don't have the notions i collaborated with vice china on the shorter version of this bill in publishing the largest media site in china it got over 100000 hits on the 1st day.
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to very suppress the commons in response to the video where nothing like the cyber bullying she was used to. so in a chinese clothing brand reached out to theory and wanted to collaborate with clay our collection. imitations to appear on more of t.v. shows follow soon after very jarring. the mug shots or some of. this time they or wanted to talk about her persistence in pursuing her drinks. there are 4 of us in hand all made how was forging woman don't wash reality on the show as you. heard the guy who was shooting of a hunk found a show. that i shall fire. because i was here to hire you for you when you could
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have made up made how those it's always easier bigger for the wall made how does she believe. your michelle is it is hard to say that it's so shitty how you fall for treasure as you have in the books of the day it's huge. i don't give up where you thought. that we are always behave yourself as a hobby valuing your less value administration there are a lot of. thank you.
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a lifetime of emulation. struck by stroke copying. selling reproductions can pay the bills but frustrate the artist. a pilgrimage to discover his hero inspires an awakening that it's more toward him to create them to imitate. dreaming of vincent a witness documentary on al-jazeera.
7:59 pm
trust is fundamental to all our relationships we trust banks without money talk to us without really personal details what happens to trust in a world driven by alfred as more want to stations are made for us by these complex piece of code the question that comes up is inevitable can we trust algorithms in the 1st of a 5 part series ali rate question as the neutrality of digital deductions trust me i'm an algorithm on a jersey of. an award winning investigation i mean a worker's room right behind it has ring factories when we operate for less and we buy for less we can pass those savings all of our customers into the supply chains that produce cheap clothing. with little regard for workers' lives the remains of the fire are still everywhere rewind made in bangladesh on al-jazeera.
8:00 pm
we understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the world so no matter when you will meet a news and current affairs that matter to you. think . the whole world needs to be on alert now the whole world needs to take action and be ready how a warning from the world health organization as it prepares for a fed meeting in a week on the corona virus outbreak. for the bacteria watching al-jazeera live from doha also coming up one sided spine is simeon's react with anger and dismiss dollar drops ripples middle east peace plan. syrian government forces seize a crucial town from rebels in adly
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a province that sits on a major highway. and protests in khartoum as a u.a.e. security company is accused of sending young.


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