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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 1, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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al-jazeera. and i'm richelle carey this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes a plea for help china's prime minister asked the e.u. to provide medical supplies needed to fight the coronavirus. one of the worst tragedies that the senate has ever overcome the u.s. senate votes against calling witnesses and president onil trumps and pietschmann trial paving the way for him to be acquitted. an emergency meeting of the arab league is palestinian leaders call for a total rejection of donald trump's plan for the middle east. and after 3 years of bitter divisions the u.k. finally leaves the e.u.
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we'll explore what the future holds. and in school the lakers the l.a. lakers on a kobe bryant and appreciate it game a tribute an emotional night for the team as they take to the court for the 1st time since the death of their former star. china is turning to the european union for assistance as it struggles to contain the corona virus outbreak the chinese prime minister has asked the e.u. to help find urgently needed medical supplies 259 people have died from the virus with china reporting more than 11000 confirmed cases earlier both the u.s. and australia moved to ban visitors who have traveled to china and the past 14 days american citizens who have been there in the past 2 weeks will also be screened and quarantined. they were all health organizations representative in china has
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defended the decision to declare the outbreak a public health emergency and he is warning the would be no relief from the spread of the virus in the near future this increase is not likely to continue because there are almost as many specimens waiting to be studied as that oil is not given ports so. the numbers will continue to grow it's got hitler is in beijing will be speaking to him in just a moment about china's campaign to stop the spread of this virus but 1st wayne hay begins our coverage. china's war against corona virus is being waged around the country as it spreads to every province and territory so far the virus is winning with the number of infections and deaths growing by the day on the front line in who province where the outbreak is thought to have started the challenges made greater by a shortage of medical supplies. with the full support from the party central
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committee the state council and all the chinese people the shortage of medical supplies and ease to some degree but protective suits and losses and 95 masks are still in tight balance and have to be scheduled dalal there's not enough medical personnel either which the government is trying to address by sending thousands of extra doctors and nurses both civilian and military to a much of the provinces shut down as authorities try to contain the spread of the virus but supermarkets remain open and the government says it's trying to maintain a steady supply of food at regular prices. we can ensure sufficient supply for daily necessities such as vegetables lamb beef pork and eggs in supermarkets as foreign nationals are evacuated from the provincial capital china's government has started bringing stranded nationals home from overseas the 1st charter flight arrived in hand from thailand amid reports of who bay residents being prevented
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from boarding commercial flights back to china in hong kong medical workers are threatening to strike next week unless the government does more to restrict the flow of travelers from the mainland while some border crossings have closed flights from chinese cities are still operating the latest official statistics show that on one day last week almost 10000 mainland chinese residents flew into hong kong it's that traffic that many people here want stopped the government says existing measures to control the outbreak are working and stopping the flow of people goods isn't the answer but critics say unless hong kong follows the lead of some other governments and closes its border with the mainland completely this city could be about to see a big increase in infections wayne hay al jazeera hong kong. to scott hyla who is in beijing so scott these u.s. travel restrictions they're a pretty significant what's the reaction to this very significant
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you know you when you look at you know what the w.h.o. had been saying kind of through the week and again kind of reiterating that they don't think travel bans are the way to handle the spread of this virus the chinese government responded to america's move to ban non-citizens who didn't have a don't have relatives that are citizens or who aren't close family members so they they said this is not a move of good faith so obviously that was kind of a slight they felt by the american government to china here in the midst of this crisis the american administration said it wasn't meant to do that but they just feel as though they need to protect themselves it's interesting it comes at a time you know we heard in wayne's piece there that it's not just the evacuation of foreign citizens leaving rouhani know china has a lot of citizens overseas that they need to try to help and take care of and they are doing that that flight in from thailand but also within china to their charter flights because there are chinese citizens who are tourists in the affected areas
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so they are also trying to get them out of the impacted area obviously testing them 1st and then getting them to their homes so it's a very big and difficult task to get everybody where they can be and where they should be in where they want to be so this is kind of ongoing not just from an international perspective but also from an internal chinese perspective scott what is what is the feeling like i mean this is this is the weekend normally it would be a very very busy weekend are people really just staying home. yeah this should be you know the lunar new year holiday would have ended technically on thursday that that means of people some people would have come back to work friday yesterday then we'd also see a lot more people arriving to this weekend saturday sunday and then everyone to go back to work on this delayed holiday extended holiday on monday but we're hearing from the railway department here in china that 80 percent decline in passenger traffic on friday and saturday today so obviously
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a lot of people are either postponing they were turning to beijing or bigger cities from where they've been during this holiday with their families or they're just staying put indefinitely and that's what we're hearing you know right now the government of the central government and its offices its workers they're saying essential workers will come back on monday but then anyone who's non-essential they're delaying at least another week for them to come back you know you look at apple the american company they have a lot of offices and a lot of operations here in china they say that they have delayed their they've closed their shops and they've they're going to let the lay workers coming back into their offices at least for a week that's something we're seeing a lot with private enterprises here and now you know you look at the economic impact of this and it's growing because you have these private enterprises who are deciding to stay shut you've got a lot of factories and who have problems a lot of auto manufacturing in who have problems those are all standing idle now while they try to figure out how to contain this virus while they try to figure out
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how long they need to keep this lockdown in place so the economic. cost is mounting as well ok scott highclere with the latest from beijing scott thank you i was there as alexia ryan is in bangkok where thai officials provided an update on the virus there. they have confirmed that the number of confirmed cases remains unchanged at 19 but the number of suspected cases here in thailand has jumped to 344 from 200 friday they're not saying that's because the virus is spreading much faster here it's actually because they've widened the net they're now looking at people who have arrived from cities outside of the center of that outbreak but also thais who may have come into contact with chinese tourists for example because china is the biggest source of foreign tourists for thailand they have been about 2000000 people come through just in december and january since the outbreak began so if you have a look at the map behind me that has been a mess made up to show the outbreak as it stands at the moment that big red circle
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is and china's hu by province the as i said the same tour of that outbreak and down a little bit here you can see the red flashing dots that is bangkok and that's because the thailand has the 2nd number highest of cases 19 outside of china and also with already thailand remains the most at risk country outside of china because of the number of people traveling back and forth but that number 19 is dwarfed by the number move with me here of 11011300 that's the number of global cases most of them though in china. but imagine the news hour including president trump less restrictions on the use of landmines that have been banned by more than $100.00 countries. the scars of war how libyan women are suffering the effects upon flood but little help to cope with the trauma.
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the stage is set for us president ronald trump to be acquitted and his impeachment trial that's after the senate voted to block any witnesses from testifying trump is all but certain to be clear it says the republicans have a majority in the upper house of the u.s. congress is accused of abuse of power and obstruction of congress his accuser say he threatened to withhold military aid to ukraine in exchange for an investigation into his political rival joe biden so this after the vote tweeted this no matter what you give to the democrats in the end they will never be satisfied and the house they gave us nothing i did or castro has more from washington d.c. thank democrats say the impeachment trial of president donald trump is the 1st trial in u.s. history without witnesses is this a fair trial without the ability to call witnesses and produce documents the answer is clearly and unequivocally no but despite hours of arguments trying to
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convince republican senators to allow the new witnesses in the trial the yeas are $49.00 the nays are $51.00 the democrats last all but 2 republican senators voted no it's a grand tragedy america will remember this day unfortunately where the senate did not live up to its responsibilities where the senate turned away from troops and went along with the sham trial democrats had hoped to get the support of moderate republican lisa murkowski but in the end she rejected the idea saying in a statement i have come to the. inclusion that there will be no fair trial in the senate i don't believe the continuation of this process will change anything it is sad for me to admit that as an institution the congress has failed this means the senate jury has essentially sealed its ears to john bolton chum's former national security adviser in his soon to be released book bolton reportedly says trump asked
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him to help pressure ukraine for dirt on political opponents and it tied u.s. security aide to the request trump has denied the reports his attorneys argue even if true trump should still not be impeached so this idea that they haven't had witnesses. is that's the smokescreen you've heard from a lot of witnesses the problem with the case the problem with their position is even with all of those witnesses it doesn't prove up an impeachable offense the articles failed the impeachment trial now nears its end with trump's acquittal all but certain given that republicans hold the majority trumps political fate more likely lies in the hands of american voters who will decide in november whether to give him a 2nd term. castro al-jazeera washington. just appear as an associate professor of
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political science at texas a and m. university here in qatar explains how trump's likely acquittal will affect november's presidential election. donald trump proved in the last election where he's sort of serially defeated or worse the various republican challengers he had and then. won the surprise victory in the general election that he has a sort of formidable political presence and the democrats very much you have beating him on their mind i think. the thing that sort of really important to focus on is are all of the allegations about ukraine and about russian about foreign interference about the president trying to corrupt the electoral process and whoever the democratic nominee is and however the democratic party rallies around the nominee i think they're going to spend a lot of times report seeing the election to make sure that it is free and fair and you know without corrupt influences whether that's within the united states or from overseas there was the investigation into his campaign's involvement with with
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russia and at the end of that the mole the report and that seemed to energize his. efforts and ukraine and now he's been impeached and will be won't be removed by the senate you know the pattern of behavior in his administration is that he pushes some boundary faces no real consequences and pushes even further the next year are very well certainly very contentious period in american politics perhaps of very dangerous period with the president running for reelection and you now feeling free to use his office in the ways that he's been accused of doing so so far. arab league is holding an emergency meeting in egypt's capital to discuss on a plan for the middle east that he unveiled last week palestinian president mahmoud abbas is asking arab nations to take a clear stance against the so-called deal of the century plan was to go shared with israel and without any input from the palestinians or to the proposed deal run counter to international wall tension has been high in the palestinian territories
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and strong made the announcement alongside israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and washington d.c. abraham joins us live from ramallah in the occupied west bank so need are there really any expectations of this meeting or what are the expectations. we're expecting the palestinian president mahmoud are best to be asking the arab states to join him in rejection interjecting the u.s. peace plan which postilions see as sticking up a lot of the rights we've heard for many palestinian officials lately saying that the plan is thinking up a lot of their rights especially when it comes to the issue of the capital to the issue of lands and they are saying that this is important because the arab league has been the place where the arab peace initiative was born and it talks about having the arab states having normal normalization and having but that relations with israel but only after the end of the israeli occupation and they're saying
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that nothing that is offered from the u.s. plan is still talking about that on the contrary palestinian officials are saying that it's taking up a lot of more rights or over what any palestinian leader that can be able to accept so we're expecting them to be asking for more support from the arab states now judging from the statements and what has been said this most of the arab states have said that they are supporting the u.s. effort so we will have to wait and see what comes out from the meeting itself but i can tell you that some of the palestinian officials we talked to off record say that they're not expecting much ok need a abraham in ramallah need a thank you. maher in the sky is al jazeera senior political analyst and joins us now from paris so i guess a 2 part question to you marwan what are your your hopes for this meeting and what are your real expectations and this meeting
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well in terms of expectations clearly the reports from the various arab capitals is that a lot of them might be willing to support the palestinians but in terms of regimes they are unable to because of the pressure of the trumpet ministration and when they meet in cairo the arab league those foreign ministers probably are warning that one or 2 of them is taking notes and sending them to washington almost in betrayal of a been just an arab unity but that's the situation as it is today in the arab world where they are a bridge eames are either fragile or pretty cynical in terms of the preservation of the wrong regimes dependency on the united states or because they are in the midst of civil wars or in the midst of crises and the myths of legitimacy crises and so on and so forth the lack of unity among the arabs. the dependency of some of them
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of the united states the unwilling of some of them to support the palestinians because they want. a new alliance if you will official or unofficial with israel against iran means that there will be no serious resilience criticizing trump plan and certainly no follow up strategy in order to confront that american initiative now will present a bass be able to convince them otherwise it doesn't seem like leaders you know are emotional or passionate or reasonable nowadays they're quite cynical quite indifferent and quite eccentric when it comes to their own regimes interest 1st do you think. that that is what's lacking a notice she is the word passion is that. the passion for doing what is seen as the
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right thing by the palestinians is that what you say is kind of taking a backseat to other self-preservation in a way. well there is the idea that a number of influential arab states notably saudi arabia and egypt as well as the united arab emirates have a different thing in mind what they're saying here's something along the line that our main enemies iran our main ally is the trump administration and we need to work with washington against the iran and everything else. is as an important is not a priority for those regimes especially the ones who are totally dependent on the united states for their security or for their legitimacy the other ones are while they're willing to support the palestinian cause a lot of them are also saying look we know this is a terrible terrible terrible plan it's not a peace plan but you need to engage and here i think what i would be curious to
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hear from president abbas and i think this is really if you will the only thing that will start making a difference is that it does present job has a strategy moving forward because neither the palestinians nor the arabs can live by slogans only can live by speeches only can live by cliches only the palestinian leadership while it has been steadfast in its rejection of israeli and american diktats it has it has not come up with alternative it has not come up with a liberation strategy or a diplomatic strategy and initiative what they have been saying all along is that we're going to stick to our principles will clearly with the middle east go in through the very exceptional circumstances it's going through with the american pressure pressure being so exceptional as well and israeli is wanting to exploit the out of divisions and weakness the palestinians are going to have to do better
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president abbas and the palestinian leadership are going to have to do better they're going to have to show the way but as the bastard they cannot judge. speak about is palestinian moons and palestinian insult by the trumpet ministration they're going to have to do better than that they're going to be proactive they're going to have to show arab regimes why there is a palestinian strategy and while the arab street and you know some of the things are quite impressive rochelle if you look from algeria to iraq it's kind of interesting that one of the primary slogans of the arab street nowadays is support for palestine so while the arab regimes remains hostage palestinians are supported by the absolute absolute majority of the arab street and so president abbas might have something to say hopefully he would have something to say beyond mere complaints about american initiative or simply a rich
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a rating palestinian positions of palestinian rights if there is no way forward if there is no strategy if there's no actionable vision on the palestinian leadership we're going to see for certain that the arab league would come up with nothing today all right more on the sarrasin your political analyst for al jazeera marwan thank you. in libya years of conflicts since the fall away or more market off he has scarred an entire generation where men and children in particular are struggling to cope with the loss of family members many say they can't get the help they need airports from misrata was. these women in misrata a knitting hats and scarves for men at the frontlines it's a small gesture but it's part of a big campaign to help the u.n. recognize government repel fighters loyal to warlord khalifa haftar they opposition 100 kilometers away and could attack at any moment women in libya don't fight with
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guns but in a unique way of fighting every battle we feel like we're part of what's going on it like you are helping to defend our country and our city as it's kind of a. we're supporting each other we feel like we're doing something we're not just sitting there watching t.v. and listening to the news. many of these women have sons at the front line and some know the bitter reality of the risks each has lost a son or brother. halima lost one son join the revolution in 2011. and her last surviving son 23 year old abdul hamid was killed last sunday in the fight to defend the town of abu ghraib. prison but i lost my sons for my country but it was very painful losing them they died defending their land and on a but i have to be honest that didn't take away the pain i don't wanna meet the
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will of the if you want we're tired of the war it took only my little brother he was engaged and we were planning the wedding for him but he went to fight and he became a matter and stayed for them there is closure of sorts for hadija there is not. instead pictures of his disfigured calls were posted on social media by his killers . with music added. do you mean this. i need to get my son's body so i can bury him i don't know where he is and what they have done to his body where they have thrown it why won't they give us the body we just want to bury him her son mohammed must refer was on the frontlines when he was killed a month ago his body has not been recovered it's rare for women in libya to speak so publicly but many are suffering from the war's effects u.n. studies are showing that around 30 percent of people in conflict zones are likely to suffer from some form of mental illness and women will suffer more than men but
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in libya there's no structure in place to help them deal with the trauma. these children are all suffering from war related trauma that libya is struggling to find enough qualified mental health workers and funding to help them let alone for women can feel the endemic than often see in the in the some have in our mental issues where they don't want to leave the house or to work there are many cases where they become isolated and alone they don't want to do anything and they treat their kids with anger if they are able to get out and meet others they become more relaxed but that's not so easy for women to do in this conservative society they often stay home battling their grief and trauma on their own. attorney berkeley al jazeera misrata this government has announced new immigration restrictions on 6 country side and security concerns the department of homeland security will suspend bases that can lead to permanent residency for people from eritrea. and i geria so then
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in tanzania will also stop receiving diversity the says that award green cards to countries with all immigration numbers to the u.s. travel restrictions have been in place on muslim majority countries of iran libya somalia syria and yemen since 2017 every elizondo has war on the homeland security announcement from washington d.c. . well administration officials are saying that in their words it's not a travel ban they're saying it's just travel restrictions it only applies in theory at least they say to a certain group of people that want to come to the united states it would be citizens of these 6 countries but they say will only apply to immigrant visas for people that from those countries that wanted to move to the united states administration officials are quick to point out that it will not apply they say to people that are applying for student visas or work visas they also say it will not affect any of the citizens currently in the united states from these 6 countries that are legally here on valid visas they're saying it's simply will only affect
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those that are applying for new visas to immigrate to the united states but that still potentially is a lot of people thousands of people potentially any people from these 6 countries that will be applying from here on out for immigrant visas to the united states with a few exceptions will have those pieces denied now administration officials are saying they're trying to avoid the situation in 2017 and that so-called muslim ban on those 7 come predominantly muslim countries where they were coming to the united states airports being detained held sent back to their countries and all sorts of confusion and hearty for many families the department of justice department homeland security saying they are specifically trying to avoid that by making this a little bit more clear however the big question is when this goes into effect which is february 22nd how will it actually play out at airports in reality and
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that's a big question the walk to wait and see why fighters in australia's capital are trying to control bushfires threatening its southern suburbs on friday at the already declared a state of emergency in canberra conditions there had been described as the most challenging since 2003 when bushfires destroyed 500 homes. and it's time now for weather with your old us everton box for the latest on those fires ever it's all well good news is for show that we are expecting to see some rain pushing through by the end of the weekend just a matter of how much either way the temperature will come down you can see on the satellite picture this line of cloud coming out of south australia down into victoria and that's where we got a band of sherry rain is a cold front this blue line that i've drawn the chart behind that that's where the cool air will make its way through as it pushes across the remainder of it toria through camera through a.c.t pushing up into new south wales it's a southerly buster because the winds will swing round to a southerly direction breaking that their ahead of it in camber we saw the
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temperature over the last couple of days got to 4142 degrees the highest values that we see for consecutive days on record here and overnight actually going through into friday morning we saw the temperature for no lower than 25.5 celsius so there's that extreme heat it will break as we go on through the coming days here's our line of storms you can see them just coming out of south australia pushing into victoria into that southeastern corner this on this weather system. is a good one to look at his 18 celsius in melbourne canberra even at the moment we're still around 37 degrees but that he will break as we go through the coming days camber gets a high of around 34 to go on into sunday and by the time we come to monday top temperature of 30 melbourne back 18 michel. all right thank you very much everton still ahead on al-jazeera adjusting to accept northern ireland business owners are now having to navigate between the u.k. and the e.u.
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trade rules and investigation into running shoes is one night the trainer model banned from competition but another passes the test. frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires is really wiping out the whole climate change informed opinion economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate cyclone goes through school you've been told what the law is all 'd about this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on al-jazeera. examining the impact of today's headlines you use the misinformation i've used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions
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how unique aloma is this in terms of modern american history when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist mold international filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. on al-jazeera. watching al-jazeera let's recap the top stories right now china's prime minister has asked the european union for help in getting urgent medical supplies to deal with the orson in corona virus outbreak 2059 people have now died from the virus on saturday china announced 46 new deaths. the impeachment trial of u.s.
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president donald trump will likely end on wednesday that after the senate voted to block any witnesses from testifying donald trump is all but certain to be acquitted he is accused of abuse of power and obstruction of congress. arab league is holding an emergency meeting in cairo to discussed on the tops plan for the middle east palestinian leaders are asking arab nations to take a clear stance against the proposals plan was to go with israel with no input from the palestinians parts of the plan run counter to international law. after a 3 and a half years of drawn out debate delays and a vision that u.k. has finally left the european union is store moment ending 47 years of membership was marked by both celebration and protests a minister boris johnson is now promising to bring the country together but he faces an uphill struggle as we're a challenge reports from london. for those who see this is national liberation for those who see the e.u.
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was suffering t. sapping monster this is their moment 11 pm g.m.t. on january 31st 2020 britain is no longer part of the european union the foundation is countries built in the same. time. i mean yesterday threw it off and a lot of children moaning about tend to think that the european union had a lot of faults and had they been a bit more accommodating to david cameron this would have to have boris johnson who staked his political career on brick sets and won the prime ministership has marked it with an address to the nation when you look at the potential of this country waiting to be unleashed. that we can turn this opportunity into a stunning success and whatever the bumps in the road ahead i know that we will succeed with the bay the will of the people we've taken back the tools of
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self-government. never before has the e.u. had to do this it hopes it never will have to again experienced only an expansion now the e.u. has taken down a member's flag because it's left europe's leaders want to show that there's little to be gained from this we want to have the best possible relationship with the united kingdom but it will never be as good as membership. to europe and for those who voted the main this is a moment of sadness and in a sign of the constitutional challenges ahead for the u.k. rex it is boosting the coals in scotland for independent study is very very sad and i think what really does though is it shows that there isn't really a future but in and europe and the way that we've enjoyed over the last 3040 years i am but it is a future for scotland you know but for the crowds in parliament square on friday nights the possible breakup of the u.k.
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is made do mongering considered do mongering to the concerns of britain should be too fussed about doing a deal with the european union i told. i was. and this is that moment they say that no it's it doesn't the sky is the fact that the heavy lifting so figure out a trade relationship with the european union is just beginning to look to the brics it is just finished for the countdown to the end of the transition period and a little under a year's time well that's just begun for a challenge al-jazeera london. and just a few moments i'll speak to our team in northern ireland auburn as an londonderry will also cross to the home of the headquarters that's where lawrence leigh is he's in brussels let's go to nadine baba and london really the center of all of us went on. the. well you saw
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in rory's report there some of the commemorations on friday of the official departure of the u.k. from the european union lots of different emotions on display there but for a bit more now on where the u.k. goes in terms of its future relationship with the european union in terms of a trade and so on is something which has to be thrashed out over this transition period i'm joined by political commentator jonathan lace jonathan we're hearing in the press right now that boris johnson plans during the negotiations see say that there will be full customs and border checks on goods coming from the e.u. into the u.k. what do you think of that as a strategy what is the only gay sheeting trick of give us everything we won't do well she tossed over she's ourselves in the face it didn't work in the run up to practice it it won't work now because ultimately we'll always hurt ourselves more
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than will hurt the e.u. this is the 1st time in history that a country has imposed economic sanctions on itself entirely voluntarily britain has gone modern the whole world can see it there are lots of different outcomes what do you think is the most likely outcome at the end of this year. the least likely outcome is that we end up with a very very basic trade deal which doesn't cover all the services all the sectors we need including services security and so on i will need to patch something together or we'll end up with nothing a tool which is there was a disaster scenario which boris johnson seems entirely happy to go down because fundamentally this isn't a question about economics so the question about trade is a question about what business wants is a question about this imaginary concept of sovereignty and political independence and harking back to a past which never really existed to begin with and that i'm afraid is the government's priority we saw on friday nicolas sturgeon 1st minister of scotland repeating that she'll try to push for an independence referendum there's talk of
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a border poll to reunite northern ireland and ireland these credible threats do you think there's a real threat to the union we have to hear about this last night marked the end of teen eons membership of the european union and the united kingdom itself scotland is being dragged out of the e.u. has been dragged out of the e.u. entirely against his will that flies in the face of the vile which was made in 2014 before the independence referendum in scotland which said that the scottish parliament will be given far more powers now the scottish parliament has voted against breaks it every step of the way invasive cancer drug agreement last week and now we see they didn't matter because each a government is going to do whatever it likes and the scottish government scottish government's got a parliament the scottish people will simply have to lump it that in the end is not sustainable and just briefly gave a house that who still is the committee in the european parliament has echoed a lot of sentiment in brussels saying that they'll try to work to make the e.u. a bloc that britain will want to rejoin in the future is that pie in the sky that
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in 10 years time people might want to get back in one of the ironies of brics it is that it has created the largest pro e.u. movement of any country in europe so there are millions of people right now you will start an hour. angry resentful of the father something's been taken from me against their will but also means that they want based they want to be in europe that's not going away and we'll see over the course of the next year and coming is that things are not going to get better for us and so i think it's entirely plausible that in some time down the road we don't know exactly where they will be and move in large enough to try and take us back in the european union where we've been a journalist thank you very much for your time well boris johnson says that he will get a good trade deal and reunite this divide did country divided over the issue of brics it but certainly we're not going to stop talking about it any time soon all right dane baba live in london dame thank you brussels an hour lawrence is so i'm lawrence i'm sure there's a there's
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a time for soul searching but right now right now what is the focus the top of the agenda for the. well i mean i mean that of the thing i think to understand is that trying to use its their advantage and make a virtue out of the u.k. leaving and you know for 47 years the u.k. has been really grumpy member of the u.n. always complaining about one thing in another despite that over the last few days all the messaging from here from the institutions has been oh we're going to miss you you can always come back you know don't don't don't this is an idea you know but but there's a bit of steel now coming out as well as live on the land the new president the european commission tweeted this morning the last few years since the brics a referendum. that brought us closer together as nations institutions as people that remind us how much stronger we are when we're together today marks a new dawn for the for the european union she says and so basically they're now looking at the u.k. as having now is the x. e.u.
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member this grumpy cousin that's now gone and a lot they're saying is together we're going to be stronger without the u.k. in this and frankly i think given how much gloating you saw last night in parliament square in london in rory's report there i think that's what a lot of good riddance coming to the surface as well ok lauren frayer in brussels lawrence thank you for head down to northern ireland will or paul brennan joins us live from london to area the issues are exceedingly complicated there are. indeed northern ireland is in a rather unique position as a result of history and geography and will live a kind of. split personality type of existence some aligned with the u.k. for example with customs others closely staying with regulations close to the e.u. and with its southern neighbor ireland it's a problem that the northern ireland businesses and trade associations are worried
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about and we've spent the last 48 hours hearing what they have to say. port of belfast accounts for 64 percent of northern ireland's freights traffic half a 1000000 trucks a year pass through here fetching and carrying products between the u.k. mainland and the island of ireland but with ireland in the e.u. and the u.k. now out new checks extra paperwork and added costs are inevitable we've created concerns we have grave concerns about our business models with grave concerns about choice of also grave concerns about affordability for northern ireland high so it's quite simply there can't afford cost rises from fraction on what this plan has at the moment as lots of friction the amount and intrusiveness of the new customs declarations will form part of the transition negotiations we want to see want but there are a medication for this because to come across the irish sea the volume of trade on not. be a hugely time consuming and expensive formality for drivers and businesses top to
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complete and we hope we'll be this common sense from both sides where we levy at the need for the. o'neals is a multi-million dollar sport to a company with factories in the north and the south and a manufacturing process built on frictionless movement between them from the roi on to the finished product here. nails go through a complex series of stages 8 often in all cutting printing embroidery sewing and coloring and crossing from the factory here down to assist the factory in dublin and then back again through the process now hardboard or no deal brecht's it will be a nightmare for this company but the m.d.c. here is reasonably optimistic i do think there's a good opportunity knowing here for the economy in northern ireland because then the day you'll find out investors will up in northern ireland a country that has i suppose a foot boat comes. with you know the 27 member states of the european union and also the access to the u.k. as well you know everyone agrees on the irish side of the border up in county down
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a goal the bulk fertilizes animal feed. and equipment at this farmer's co-operative mainly come from ports in northern ireland and the frictionless way the farmers currently send livestock and produce to markets looks set to end some of the arguments that have been made is that it would be like a digital type order you cross it's seamless you hardly know you across but all of that adds a lot of cost i was long enough doing haulage to know what it was like to have to do customs papers to get through from here to dublin we had to we had 4 border crossings to do. and that was delays and paperwork and we don't want to go back to that but it was a nightmare in the next 11 months of trade negotiations a specialized committee to represent northern islands specific interests but the challenge is complex and time is short. and the importance
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of this cannot be understated particularly because they're not on a protocol is aimed at preventing the hardboard preventing any return. just in the last 24 hours last night a whole doleful of pipe bombs viable pipe bombs was dragged out of the river just over that i mean it shows you that the paramilitary activity and influence still is a dangerous on the currents in this country of northern ireland and the brics it debates and the issues over the border really do feed into that. all right paul brennan joining us now from london terry paul thank you very much so. president trump is rolling back obamacare restrictions on the use of land mines that have been banned by more than 100 countries trump said the policy which was implemented in 2014 had put american troops at a severe disadvantage arms control proponents have been quick to criticize the move
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which will allow the use of anti-personnel land mines in exceptional circumstances the united states is not a signatory of the 1997 mine ban treaty most of the world is a total of $164.00 countries global production and exports of mines have both been reduced and more than $10000000.00 have been destroyed but the latest figures show land mines killed more than 3000 people and injured almost 4000 in 2018 more than half of the victims children are in conflict and wars in afghanistan mali me and martin nigeria syria and ukraine had the highest number of casualties due to the weapons but at least 31 countries signed up to become mine 35 of them algeria broonzy mauritania montenegro and mozambique reached that goal within the last 5 years andrew smith is a spokesman person for the campaign against arms trade he joins us via skype from glasgow scotland we appreciate your time so much so what do you make of this move
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by the trump administration in their contention that somehow it's almost that the armed forces in the u.s. have their earth have their hands tied by their back because of this. well we're very concerned because the land mines are killing people indiscriminately every day there are tens of millions of landmines and worlds and the last thing which we need is more land mines it's an incredibly reckless mean that's a very dangerous leave and people will die as a result of this move it just for her to normalize these pieces and obscene weapon which many countries have rightly stopped using indeed and the u.s. was taking significant steps to stop using it as well the idea that the u.s. military which is bit biggest highest funded military anywhere in what it is at a disadvantage because it can't use landmines it's simply of start what about this you know senate it almost seems as ridiculous to say that there are safe harbor
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landmines teens now. i think in one syrian civil realm of the using a landmine there's only so safe a landmine can be because they're not designed to be safe they're designed for one purpose and that is to kill or exceed serious damage in any case so i think it see i think it's a bit harrowing i don't think it's something which should be taken seriously i think the issue here is a bit landmines are coming back and i think actually a large part of this is a by political posturing it's about sending a message i think this isn't much of a chance to mystic politics as it is has had a choir and so ever how so. well i think this is about trying to look strong i think this is part of the trump narrative that the u.s. military needs to be upgraded but the need to spend more and more money i think this is all part of i think this is all going to be part of the broader election
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strategy of trying to be the most military president he could be and there's a lot of damage has been done by the u.s. military of the day it's the u.s. has by far the highest military budget anywhere in world and i think it would be incredibly already very concerned about a lot of chance foreign policy moves that we've seen in recent years the last we want to is another term with trunk full and brute who is same instinct can use these say are there other countries following in his footsteps along this road and doing something like this or at the very least they efforts to get rid of landmines to clean up existing landmines maybe that weakening a little. but i think this is definitely detrimental to the cause of removing mainstreamed world but i think if there's one reason to be optimistic is that there are already $160.00 countries which of committees to not using landmines including the u.k. and this was done with the u.s.
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in the 1st instance and we would hope none of those countries as we would hope this way that these countries have committed to it that they maintain that position maintained a policy going forward the u.s. was never a signatory to the mainland main treaties and even movie and bamma administration had made steps in the right direction it still hadn't gone to weight so we hold that it's this is an operation we hope bits of our country it's not all it's it was blasting minions for opportunities to follow suit landmines you know last for decades being kill indiscriminately and that are already far too many and then we need to be moving landmines not between doing more and with the end campaign against arms trade as enter thank you. thank you still at on al-jazeera and sport the l.a. lakers have a heavy and emotional night on their return to the basketball courts ought to have all the details.
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separate on al-jazeera. and the tension with the u.s. and protests over a plane downing iran's hanum entry election will be held on february 21st partition of syria explores the fate of india's religious minorities on the prime minister modi's hindu. us voters get the last chance to weigh in on the 20 twentieth's action al-jazeera will have comprehensive coverage a new series looks at how female scientists across the globe are opening doors for other women to pursue careers in science and up to 5 years of civil rule could be to rivals agree a peace deal to revive africa's youngest nation. february on al-jazeera. join me many often as i put the upfront questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on al-jazeera.
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so there is an emergency meeting happening right now at the arab league and this is the chairman that is addressing the room right now. you are excellent see mr president our message today to the inn. says the palestinians are not alone and the free play list seen in decision is always supported by the arabs in all cases and at all times it's me mr president who say 4 main things here in brief they're focused think.
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that arabs are taking any proposal for peace with all seriousness of this sponsibility because putting an end to the israeli arab conflict is for the interest of the palestinians we have merican administration and other concerned part is to be more. working hard in bringing the 2 parties to the negotiating table according to said rules because we need log in these negotiations to go for. frankly we we never expect such and to these as we have seen on the 28th of january americans have recognized the
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jerusalem as the capital of israel 2 years ago and this was a strong indication in addition to the american stands and to position that. big pressure on the palestinians. has rejected this more than once but we need to know the fact that the. declaration supported by israel has made it clear that the american policy towards the middle east process is deviating a lot and this causes us a lot of concerns and this is in the american position is towards the middle east peace process since 1991 will never be for the
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sake of peace just and lasting solution in the middle east then the context of the american declaration that. in itself raises a lot of questions mark the question marks and raises a lot of doubts and we have never expected certainly money that is as important as anything else in the world to be this way this way that has been declared on the 20th of january as if it's a result between the 2 negotiating table it close. it's like a grant from the americans to the israel is this is a very a negative message to the public opinion to the international opinion 3rd. do not want to discuss the details of the american
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plan but. have to say that we as arabs we are not nervous and we did not take x. dream positions we are not trading our coziness but we deeply study the whole matter and we always put in mind the few of my necklace and coming generations it's our right to accept them all to jack it's our complete and total right to propose our views as we have done through the king and this should be the american plan any self rip resents days since rick presents such a proposal. that cannot even be discussed. this
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is unjust this is against the logic and the my far in the thing here is that we have indications that there is raheel is have. to the american plan as i grant that should be accepted then taken this means that the israeli riots considers this sort of paved the role to accept all of these settlements and to be isolated unilaterally away from the other side is on the west bag this means the american plan. is a leader saw end to the israelis to continue their occupation i don't
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think the international community will accept this. that's why we are meeting here today not to evaluate the american plan but to discuss the. consequences of this american plan on the ground and the effects of this plan on the yele it is of the palestinians and their future. you're excellent see the ministers and members of the legations the palestinians have rejected the current situation this will never meet their ambitions this gave them or was the occupation and the peace plan can never be to lead to support occupation and legitimacy to occupation this is almost
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a one state that has to take the risk of citizens it's something like the upper tail and in this case the palestinians will be. deprived from the citizenship as if they are 2nd class citizens this is not accepted any more this will never happen in the future. this will never help the israelis because their demography is always there for the sake of the palestinians on the loan run. these scenarios will never bring peace to the middle east these plan might put the seeds for more than 100 years to come of conflicts and disputes still the mark to do is the hands of the 2 parties have to negotiate directly themselves in all 'd done to reach
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a solution that is all right and they except that by both parties negotiations are the minimum to be done in this regard to the minimum is to negotiate directly face to face the solution cannot be imposed cannot be dictated that's why if the americans think the borders have been. drone this is completely wrong we need to start negotiations on the right basis that put into mind the aspirations of the requests of both parties or even the minimum rights of both parties and we have had droughns and rollins and rounds of talks suddenly goes chasen's and we have in our brain.


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