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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 5, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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jews year. old. this is al jazeera. hello and welcome to this sound as air news hour live from doha i'm martin that is coming up in the next 60 minutes a cruise ship under quarantine and hong kong says anyone entering from mainland china will be isolated and checked for signs of coronavirus. turkey told staff the president warned syrian government forces to pull back in if a face further action. america's future is blazing bright.
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the years of economic to carry are over. president trump boasts of a great american comeback in his state of the union address and put on display deepening political divisions. malawi's president says he'll appeal against a court decision that an old his controversial reelection last year. i'm joining us go with the sports tokyo olympic organizers say they're seriously worried about the coronavirus outbreak impacting this year's games. with origins in hong kong of announced new border restrictions to try to contain the coronavirus anyone now travelling from mainland china will go into compulsory quarantine for 2 weeks. the here's some of the other developments on cheese day
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china's or its largest spike in deaths from the virus that was 65 in one day and that brings the total number of dead to at least 490 thousands of passengers on 2 cruise ships one in hong kong another in japan they've been quarantined the japanese authorities have confirmed that there are 10 cases on the vessel that's being held in your karma while evacuations continue in who bay province at the center of the outbreak on wednesday was becky stan flew out 84 of its citizens and then put them in quarantine where the chinese government has opened new facilities for those infected with the virus in the who bay province part as scott highland now reports people in one hand are still concerned. trying to make the best of the lockdown. junkie and his family travel to hahn for the lunar new year even once the coronavirus lockdown ends they were face an additional
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14 day quarantine when they get back home to shanghai and like millions of other chinese across the country the children might be smiling but the adults are very concerned. how you feel what do what do you want to tell people out there how you feel and what it's like so i think every city is just the 1st to want to since it's fun. as it was and not. just built yes no no no no no it's dr. to toot toot sweet and that's something he has had to speak with these children about age 2 to 13 i'm going to make sense seriously it's always hard to do. it well. since. this is the 1st school's photos show the empty streets of will haunt but the shelves in the
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supermarkets are not supplies he said are being brought in by the military like on the big concern for the central government here in beijing is increasing the medical capacity for the growing number of infected in the province more beds for the ill and more supplies for those treating them large gymnasiums in an exhibition center have been converted into makeshift hospitals in melbourne along with the 2 new hospitals built for the corona virus completed this week there are now more than 6500 new beds for those infected but with the spread of the virus and these new beds barely cover the increase of confirmed new cases and will be a problem from just the last week scott had an al-jazeera beijing. well let's go live to hong kong now our correspondent there is a.j. and brown and adrian behind you is that cruise liner is this the cruise liner that was turned away by taiwan
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that is the same one yes under leaden skies here in hong kong sits the dreamworld here in hong kong harbor this festival is at the center of the latest virus scare because of the previous 4 digit made between january the 21st and 25th when the vessel returned on january 25th authorities had no idea that on board with 3 people who had in fact been infected with the virus that confirmation came from mainland authorities on wednesday morning so the alert went out what we don't know martine which is what concerns the authorities in hong kong right now is the fate of 200 people from hong kong who got off the cruise liner on the 25th of january so that was before we had confirmation of those 3 infections now as you pointed out in your introduction hong kong is now basically invoking the emergency powers to prevent anyone coming into hong kong from the mainland that includes incidentally thousands
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of hong kong citizens who work across the border in chains then and come into hong kong it means that if they want to return to hong kong after saturday they will face the prospect of 14 days in quarantine now these are pretty draconian measures for hong kong unprecedented really but of course it remains to be seen whether it's going to be enough to assuage all those doctors and nurses who've been striking in hong kong because they want the chief executive to seal the border completely right and adrian in in don't doing that in in not acquiescing to the views of the striking health workers caroline is upholding the advice being given by the w.h.o. in geneva and that is to try and keep order trade and transport going as far as possible. yeah but that's not really going to to to happen now of course is it because on top of that we have basically cathay pacific you know hong kong's carrier airline asking its 27000 employees to agree to
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a 3 week paid holiday between march and june it is starting to have a very severe economic impact this vessel is part of you know a burgeoning tourist industry tourism is the lifeblood of hong kong but for the next 14 days the $3600.00 or so passengers and crew on this 1st so now face the prospect of being quarantined and also martin just looking further afield outside of hong kong we are seeing that this is a globalized virus that is now in a sense attacking globalization carmakers in korea say that they're having to stop production because they can't get spare parts from china it's affecting the supply chains and this is just the beginning rim of this virus this scare could go on for months all right adrian thank you very much for that adrian brown live in hong kong there well as adrian said the economic impact of this outbreak of coronavirus is
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being felt right across the world and in thailand specifically their affairs that it could cost the tourism industry more than a $1000000000.00 since most of the tourists there come from china alexia bryan has more now from the capital bangkok. 8 times a day at the mekong railway markets vendors move their way. and clear the tracks to make way for the train. it's hot and bustling highlight with tourists even in the middle of the coronavirus crisis very quiet and we always like ours by hours like we are we aware of where. this. crowded my area is china is thailand's biggest source of foreign tourists about $20000000.00 visitors a year and they bring plenty of money with them but last month chinese $2.00 groups
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from traveling overseas and put a number of cities in lockdown to control the spread of infection. on the outskirts of bangkok with tourists from all over the world including china it's much. higher in the colony and these bandits here rely on terrorism. more than a $1000000000.00. says everyone he has affected. the numbers aren't really changing but chinese tourists by 90 percent the number dropping a few days ago look at a state of usually. packed with chinese tourists along the coast thailand's famous speeches a ghost towns hotels are out and someone may need to be laid off. you know if things don't improve soon in trouble because i have expenses to pay i
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need to pay rent and support my children so it's very difficult for me the ripple effects of the virus are expected to last for months if that impact lot for example is going to drag longer. virus could spread worldwide and stop tourism sector the economy would fall into slow down below 2 percent in the 2nd half of the year this impact that we get is going to hit not just the recent sake they're not as exports that they're basically that's going to hear the mystique a lot of the time from back at the railway market the trains just pass through again the stalls are getting back to business meaning life will return to normal just as quickly. as here at bangkok. those who want to come here in the al-jazeera news are including after hours of delay the results from the honorable caucus finally come in find out who's in the lead. rallying to a different tune you look at the divide between english and french speakers ahead
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of cameroon election. in sport the most valuable player reminds everyone who's boss he takes on the league's brightest young stars joe we'll have the details. were supposed to be a moment when the u.s. comes together but donald trump 3rd state of the union address has instead emphasized the disunity in american politics he came face to face with the democrats who impeached him in the house of representatives a subject he completely avoided instead he used his speech to relaunch his reelection campaign reports now from washington. not at stake. the president of the united states was a u.s. president impeached by the house walking in to face the full congress expected the senate will vote down the charges against him in the coming hours was was the
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chants from the republicans in the chamber made it clear what this speech would be about his reelection the state of our union is stronger than ever before was the democratic response was this obvious there out but for the president he saw this as his time to herald what he sees as his accomplishments this is a blue collar boom was but many of his due to sticks were overblown out of context or simply untrue as with many other promises in this speech i have also made an ironclad pledge to american families we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions it was his administration is actually in court trying to get some of those protections removed and his administration has rolled back most efforts to combat climate change but the president made this
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promise to protect the environment days ago i announced that the united states will join the one trillion trees an initiative an ambitious effort. in the democratic response some subtle attacks but they mostly focused on promoting their agenda it's pretty simple democrats are trying to make your health care better republicans in washington are trying to take it away but this speech will be remembered less for the substance than for the made for t.v. moments highlighting the president's past as a former television reality star he surprised the chamber by inviting one why don't know venezuela's opposition leader please take his message back that all americans are united with the venezuelan people in their righteous struggle for freedom thank you very much. he had his wife present the presidential medal of freedom to an ellen conservative radio host and highlighted the family of a deployed soldier only to reveal he had come home. this was
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a night for symbolism planned and unprompted as he entered to give a speech the president seemed to refuse to shake the hand of the speaker of the house and as it ended she sent her own message about what she thought of the speech the tension on full display the president departed making it clear he will fight to be back here next year and the opposition party will fight just as hard to make sure this will be his last party call him al jazeera washington. well following the sage of the union nancy pelosi the house speaker explained why she tore up the speech as a manifesto of mystery and wonder what you think about him not shaking your hand. tom vilsack said the french people we just. were here invited to notice to the. public not to expect another 5. months from.
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president is to appeal against the cool drooling which overturned his re-election peter now really won a 2nd term last year but months of protests followed over accusations of vote rigging and then on monday judges a no result saying it had been compromised by vote stuffing and ballots they ordered a new election to be held within 150 days the president's spokesman called the decision a miscarriage of justice let's go live to her correspondent who's in the malawian capital. do we have any idea then as to the basis upon which. is going to launch this appeal. or the president is going to address the nation sometime on wednesday afternoon and he tends to tell the people of malawi what he's going to do some senior officials in the ruling party are saying they're
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organizing documents legal paperwork before an appeal they've told malawians that they will let them know the date when it planned to approach the supreme court the supreme court could say there is no case and throw out the matter or they could say there is a case this a date for that hearing now what happens next the constitutional court has ruled ordered that fresh elections must be held within $150.00 days so if the appeal does go ahead it means that they could be a delay and how will the opposition react the opposition in the last hour or so clear has said that he has no objections to the president appealing the constitutional court ruling he actually go ahead and do that because it is secrecy but the question is how would the opposition supporters react many of them have immediately day at the party headquarters here in a long way planning for these elections planning more demonstrations there are concerns that if that the day is long and people are frustrated that frustration could spell out onto the street in draining all right thank you. then lies in the
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long way. now let's speak to peter febreze he is he's a consultant at the institute for security studies in johannesburg in neighboring south africa and peter so as we don't exaggerate the importance of this ruling how would you characterize it because it has been hailed around the continent is sending a strong message of democratic norms in a continent with young democracies by and large. does send a very strong message that the rule of law can be upheld it's not completely unprecedented in africa it happened in kenya in 2017 but it's pretty rare it's only the 2nd time that that has happened on this continent the 1st time in southern africa so it's a big event for a big blow of in favor of the rule of law in the conduct of elections which as you know in this content have often been completely rigged and forged and it could have
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quite dramatic political implications for malawian politics couldn't it insofar as it suggesting the parliament to actually reconsider the electoral board. yes and also to to to change the law actually the electoral law to include to bring it in line with the constitution by by by having a runoff election if nobody wins 50 percent plus one in the 1st drug and the electoral board has come out pretty badly in this i mean it's the the the judgment suggests that there was just blatant tempering you know i think this is going to become remembered in history as the typical election because according to the court judgement over half a 1000000 votes results were halted by to pick sooner which few people can remember since the top right era but played
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a big role in this election now of course we don't really know what the presidential appeal will consist of but nonetheless how would you assess the value of the message coming from the judicial system in malawi one of strength and one of independence. yes exactly that is what's happened i think nobody really knows or in this case knew in advance whether the judiciary would be up to it and likewise if we look back at the the president in kenya 3 years nearly 3 years ago there was a big question marks over the court don't infect off to that judgment not in the election in august that you hold your legal system seem to somewhat implode and the next you know the runoff election then was a complete mess and the opposition boycotted it so there are concerns here that. that as in kenya the executive may 1 way or another find
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a route to to effectively neutralized this result but but so far so good you know it's there it's residing judgement in favor of the law the rule of law and one can only hope that it's sustained i don't know what the basis for the appeal would be to be honest it's the constitutional court that's made this ruling which is the highest court in the land but i'm told that the legal system in the law is a little bit fuzzy on how you go from here you heard earlier that that the president is going to appeal to through the supreme court and i'm not sure how that works really i mean how the supreme court could possibly overrule the constitutional court or maybe it would just tell the constitutional court to reconsider it all right ok well we should watch events in malawi with interest let me peter thank you very much. all right let's go back to corona virus now we can speak to william mubarak who is a public health lecturer at c.q.
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university in australia he's joining us live from sydney thank you very much indeed for talking to us. we're seeing the problems aren't we that many of the slightly more developed economies are having when dealing with corona virus but they do seem to be managing by and large and of course the great concern is that once this virus hits into a system or a country i should say with very very weak health systems that we will see tragic results i mean what needs to be put in place in those countries that have very weak health infrastructure. thank you for having me look at this stage is really it's very important for countries. which shall consist really to be are putting in place their plans. we need done what we need what that means is that it needs. to be in place that could listen with all regional
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and international audience is you need to begin to reinforce and build on their health care costs you know that means they need to provide some clinging to that it's just it's all actually across to them and also public awareness is very very important. as one would always expect in. a trick like this you would expect that. might be going around and that can cause a deer it's not important for. gottlieb. to until. public awareness so that people read what is also hard to prevent it. so serious and so is i'm sorry to interrupt because. the reason why i'd like to sort of discuss this of course is because now more than ever before china of course the epicenter of this outbreak is more interconnected to the rest of the world than ever before
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certainly more than in 20022003 the sars outbreak but i was quite taken by the fact that nigeria in west africa managed to save off the greater impact of ebola because of its rather stringent. actions that it took quite early on and yet liberia and sierra leone as we well know were ravaged by a boner. yeah look i think i think that's very important point out and actually given the day it does a lesson that i think countries which we can care system let's say libya or sierra leone can actually learn from a bullet through templates and then i think they're really important things between engineer and liberia and sierra leone if you look at those countries they have different healthcare systems and also the countries like libya and stand alone there does come out of civil wars and so it probably did in how the health care
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system and departments to actually manage going and end but i believe that given their experience with it paula i think probably did learn some lessons from their suit so they can build on what they already have and i think and i think that's very important in countries like nigeria does play a pointed upward unison is very important countries that are nearest to each other i think this is actually a corporate set as. infamous on the on own. even said is nonsense to a killer dress and this is because i think that's very important right and we are seeing that from from the boat we have all of that happen in west africa william definitely very much indeed for talking to us live from to fit me thank you. thank you article. now turkey's president roger tire bedouin has threatened further action against syrian government forces if they don't pull back in italy the
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announcement comes 2 days after 7 turkish soldiers and one civilian were killed by government shelling in the rebel held province obviously the turkish military says it's hit dozens of syrian government targets and it's killed many troops not sort of out of the room of the club a couple of young women are you learned from now on we are not going to accept any steps that would be a violation of the agreements that we already have in the phone conversation i had with mr putin yesterday night i stressed that in italy the regime needs to pull back to the softly agreement borders behind our observation points at this stage 2 of our top observation points are behind the regime lines hoping that in february withdrawal of the regime forces will be completed if the syrian regime does not pull back now or turkey will act. or there's talk to correspondent now c.n.n. cause here lou she is in a province close to the syrian border and am so very tough language tough message
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coming from president edwin. yes exactly martin this is probably the harshest message from president our don so far they who has been claiming that turkey is supporting a diplomatic solution a political solution in syria out despite the threats coming from inside syria to turkey's border security that's why turkey has been involved in some processes like dasani and sochi agreements that that actually led to this clay sions on and about today we are seeing that president don is showing a change of turkey's policy where the new strategy in northwestern syria is the main the so far. according to the sun and sochi agreement you know turkey had 12 observation posts along with the russian an iranian observation post
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but not and they have been only with the military personnel over there has been on the on the observation mission but now we see it transform a ship because since the syrian government as events from south to north take is gaining more territory down below the m $4.00 and $5.00 highway and the turkey has been sending reinforcements to strengthen its military observation post and just 2 days ago one of them was attacked and there are soldiers that have been killed which is a very tough situation for turkey that's why it seems president ad dawn is happy and satisfied with the reinforcements that have been deployed inside live so far and the turkish military who have been observing the violations of the the escalation will be will become combat in case they are attacked by the syrian government army but we see that presence are gone is trying to keep russia in the loop because they have been on the same page in syria for
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a long time despite their many conflicts of interest because they also have lots. common interest mainly on energy is providing energy from russia to europe but turkey is eager but of course if it may end up like this the estonia and sochi a peace process and the agreements might be literally that after this statement of course what russia is going to say how russia is going to react against iran statement is going to be binding right. there live in turkey and have tapering thank you. write a very diverse picture then in european weather robes here to explain more yes it would seem odd to talk about waltz in february but that's what we can do because despite the stories of the year the record temperature in barcelona is a high 122.4 hasn't been recorded in favor since they started recording about
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a 107 years ago and a court a few towns in southern france has done the same thing sent new records all because the winds as been brought up in the breeze has come up from north africa but it is a contrast inside to europe because it's all happening as a circulation a bit like this you see the clouds coming down the east and have areas of low pressure means stormy in the east for this sitting dome of high pressure has seen everything round the walls down the sides and now of course the contrast we've actually got some rather welcome snow to those in the east and hot strickly in austria temperature drops and this is the current situation so the snow falling all of the country in central eastern europe is concentrating a bit further south so just zoom in there for a bit through the e.g. and expect windy weather rain will proceed to snow but the snow will be quite deep feelings from the culprits nelson further south from us dhoni in the world in greece and eventually in turkey rain 1st but snow i think your farm tomorrow up to
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a depth in some places of over a meter 90 rob thank you very much in. day's still to come here on the al-jazeera news hour in peru where fisherman say they're risking their lives as they dive to make a living and jay will tell you about the teenagers getting the better of players twice their age in the german car. frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires is that you really wipe them out all the climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping domino trouble float right now critical debate sequel of those 2 school lawyers all of this argument is astonishingly patronized in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning for you iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera.
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capturing a moment in time. snapshots of other lives. of the stories. providing the clips into someone else's work out. the. new day or. inspiring documentaries from impassioned filmmakers. witness on al-jazeera. carolus have a look at the top stories here on the out is there news out. says anyone entering
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from mainland china will now be quarantined for 14 days for any sign of the corona virus and a cruise ship is on lockdown in the territory as the author of his test all those on board president trump has hailed what he calls the grace american comeback in his 3rd state of the union address you focus on the economy and jobs but left out any mention of wednesday's impending impeachment faint malawi's president is to appeal against a court ruling which overturned his reelection. narrowly won a 2nd term last year but judges the results saying it was compromised by a vote stuffing and altered ballots. there is meant to be the 1st opportunity for voters to pick their democratic presidential choice for the upcoming election but it took almost 24 hours for partial results from the iowa caucus to be released and they put pete welch a judge martially ahead of bernie sanders although both of them are craning victory
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alan fischer reports now from the state capitol the morning. for the democratic campaigns iowa is already in the rearview mirror they've moved on there in new hampshire the next step in this process. no problem. each candidate is telling everyone what a huge success they've been even if it looks like they've struggled where it. is a good. thing or are are really doing well. in des moines an apology from the democratic party chairman that the system to count votes at the caucuses failed so spectacularly but he insists the results no being published can be trusted we have been working day and night to make sure that these results are accurate the one thing i will say is that the underlying data the raw data is secure
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it was always secure conspiracy theorists online are suggesting the result is being manipulated that's not something bernie sanders is buying into you know there's no excuse for not having results but it's like but that doesn't mean to say but the votes at the polls like comment will be an awkward and i think that's an unfair i think to try to get the youngest candidate in the race former mayor people to judge is performing ahead of predictions and expectations but he's already looking forward to a similar result in new hampshire this weekend or this tuesday this weekend. this this is your decision. in argument. this is the this is the failure and i want to deliver results quickly and clearly has amplify calls to drop the state as the 1st in the nation to vote in the presidential process but one experience political observer says there's no obvious solution that does not mean that there rest of the nation will come up with the
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alternative that everybody can agree on new hampshire has a primary so that straight up election style vote in the next state to hold a caucus is nevada later this month the democratic party there has already said it won't be using the system they used here in iowa alan fischer al-jazeera the morning. this week to scotland is now professor of political science and international studies at the university of birmingham in the u.k. is joining us live now thanks very much for talking to us so i am of a suggestion that this is that a pyrrhic victory for for peace and bernie and the democrats have shot themselves in the foot. well 1st let's talk about the fact that 6 days from now we're in new hampshire in the 1st primary and everything can change again but for now what we can say is bernie sanders who won the popular vote that's a big boost for him because he is favored to win in new hampshire so he's very much as it were at the lead of the pack except that i mean. ok sorry to sorry to jump in
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scott but i mean is there any credibility attached now to anything that's come out of iowa given the the shambles that surrounded the whole vote count. no i mean there was a failure of an app to transmit the votes from each of the $1600.00 town hall meetings the caucuses to the center and when that out failed they had to record by taking photos of the paper results and there were there were a few discrepancies now those have been resolved there's no indication from any of the candidates that they're disputing the result i suspect that on this roller coaster we call the presidential campaign within 48 hours even though the balloons of members in iowa the chaos will have been left behind so no i think i think we're not looking at as it were a massive fraud of manipulation we're talking about a 21st century glitch which we're getting all too often in how to conduct elections indeed which doesn't deny what philocles got but surely the shadow 2016 looms large doesn't it over any electoral activity in america today as you prepare to elect
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a new president in november and so that's what many people have in the back of their minds the fact that there was so mean there were so many claims of intervention from outside forces hiking all sorts of of malfeasance during the electoral campaigns. let us put this in perspective in 2016 at the invitation of the truck campaign russia did carry out hacking they did interfere in that election and donald trump invited them to do that in 2020 dol truck tried to get ukraine to intervene in a presidential election by effectively blackmailing them even though he will not be convicted of that today in the republican majority in the senate and on top of that intervention which involved the current president ited states we have got serious questions about the attempts to wipe people off of voter rolls in other words to manipulate registration in
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a way to favor donald trump so while i wish should not be downplayed it is serious in terms of the wider scale about questions about elections no basically the nickel rest on donald trump and his folks in terms of what they have done to put the process in jeopardy or it happened in iowa in the last 72 hours let's bring it back to the democrats and this this moment is being characterized as one which the party has to choose which direction it's going to go in order to beat donald trump in november are they going to stick with their kind of establishment moderate figure biden esque if you like or are they going to depart and go to something more radical more progressive more and younger it must be said what what do you think this these iowa results as she show about where the democratic party sits at the moment. but what it shows us is a wide open race bernie sanders has done very well people that it has done well but will have to prove himself in new hampshire and in south carolina elizabeth warren has done well enough to be in the forefront and joe biden has sunk to 4th place we
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also should mention i mean close but sharp who is coming out of the senate from a nose for minnesota who got 13 percent of the vote but what it means beyond that look if we have a serious attention here we're talking about not a moderate versus luff split not a radical risk of such a split we're talking about all 5 candidates raising issues of health care climate change economic justice and u.s. foreign policy vital issues and the more that the media just friends of 1000 moderate versus radical they play into the hands of a donald trump last night his state of the union address oh this is all a question of me versus the radical left or right scott lucas talking to us live from birmingham in the u.k. thank you. thank you now a draft u.n. resolution that's been seen by al-jazeera calls the u.s. president's proposal to solve the israeli palestinian conflict a breach of international law the plan which was unveiled by president trump last
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week allows israel to annex large parts of palestinian land is that diplomatic editor james phase with more from u.n. headquarters in new york. the pushback against the trump plan on the middle east has begun here at the united nations i've seen wording for a draft resolution for the security council drawn up by the palestinians by tunisia the current arab member of the council and by another security council member indonesia the wording a says that they strongly regret the fact that the trump plan is a breach of international law that's very strong wording and it's very interesting i was told earlier by an arab diplomat but they didn't want to criticize directly the trump plan because they wanted to get their support for this resolution from 2 permanent members the u.k. and france the palestinian ambassador has made it clear he already knows how the u.s. is going to vote we know it will be defeated by a veto but we want to show that the entire international community is the
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reflecting the same position. by all of us and articulated by the secretary general today again as he articulated that days ago when this very bad plan. announced in washington d.c. negotiations on the wording of this resolution will continue later this week and the palestinian president mahmoud abbas will be here in new york on tuesday when the resolution is voted on by the security council now police in cameroon are on high alert after a number of suspected separatist attacks in the political capital yellen day and in the economic dollar just days before the much anticipated legislative elections voting stations have been destroyed in mainly english speaking regions correspondent nicholas hug reports. opposition candidate carlos inquirer is running
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for mayor in a particular district of cameron's economic capital douala the 5th district still valid. no to accompany the campaign slogan it's time for action action an opposition which is talks because in cameroon politicians all we do is talk a lot but do little anyone has some convincing to do the 5th district is home to many people displaced from the fighting in time rooms mainly english speaking and with foreign regions they've lost trust in a political system they feel excluded from most of cameroon is french speaking so in the 5th district they shout power. something they don't have at home they say what started off as a protest against the government insisting on having french teacher is in schools in the english speaking regions has turned into an often violent separatist movement various armed groups call these regions rich in oil golden box site amazonia human rights organizations accuse both separatist and the military of torture beheadings and kidnappings the charge of the government and separatists
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design for the fighting has left almost a 1000000 people displaced and in need of assistance this was a crisis that could easily be of the the government will see. in its intentions and if the government pay it above the well being of. the situation would have been allowed to descend into the kind of chaos that we claim. the situation has become so complicated that. a quick fix is almost impossible president paul b. as attempts for dialogue with the separatists failed with some armed groups divided among themselves and now fighting each other in december parliament passed a bill to give greater autonomy to the english speaking regions not enough says separatists on social media they've called on voters to boycott the upcoming legislative elections in protest destroying some of the polling stations those who have the most at stake in this election of the political parties and the voters
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it's up to the policies to convince the electorate to come out and vote but the main opposition party is also boycotting the election. we need to listen to the anglophone community including the extremists to tell them you're taking the wrong path because no the election can take place in a divided. merril candidate and while in others are trying to drum up support among the english speaking community to get as many people out to vote because even before polls open the outcome is already being contested because hawke al-jazeera. thousands of people in pakistan administered kashmir have rallied to show support for those on the other side of the line of control they formed a human chain to mark kashmir solidarity day both india and pakistan claim the region as there are tensions being high since new delhi revoked the autonomy of indian administered kashmir last year and then imposed a lockdown come all hydras in the town of ramallah in pakistan administered kashmir
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and explains the significance for protests since. february 1st of their day of solidarity with the people of kashmir didn't go through a national holiday here in pakistan across the country there will be a rally in support of the people who are in a state. of. article $370.00 of the constitution and then then tens of thousands of security forces personnel enter the rally. bridge at. which a link on read by. number they will be forming a human chain. or data deal with the people of kashmir and to remind the international community about their commitment and per day ignored of the plight of those people who are in
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a state of lockdown odd to me i immediately were standing in solidarity with their brothers and sisters across the border in kashmir so they don't think the law. to learn from the day when they will have an independent state and freedom from the indian army is the chastity's is not far away but that's also a model muslim on 72 years our loved ones in kashmir have been locked down under a brutal indian regime every day they are tortured and killed but enough is enough it's time to liberate kashmir from indian occupation the indian prime minister is now threatening god of wardak applies to pakistan most of the rivers that flow through pakistan emanate in and out of god's will become another major dispute the founding father of barges gone normally journal called kashmir juggalo when there is deep resentment in pakistan and in pakistani administered kashmir about the plight of millions of really who have been in a state of log down there are frequent flyer violations according to pakistan by
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indian forces that both sides are on the word of another conflict if this issue in order is all it is also important or nor that the buggers danny prime minister recently said that it is the writer of the press really people who decide whether they want to join india or bugger gone be independent. hundreds of people in the analysis just safety after trench rain cause flooding in new zealand south island even downpours in southern there is for days now around 500 tourists were rescued from the remote milford sound region after a road access was cut rivers are overflowing and the power is down civil defense declared a state of emergency in the area and told residents in low lying areas to get out. one of her is most ecologically diverse bays fishermen who dive for crabs and shellfish say they're putting their lives at risk merely to make
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a living stocks of fish are increasingly scarce which means i have to go further out to find them al-jazeera has money on a sun chance reports now from us which is south of the capital lima. looking for a. job 26 year old we. are nearly a minute every time sometimes 5 to 6 hours nonstop he says finding shellfish these days is difficult. the water is warmer so the crabs hide underground there's been over fishing in the past 3 years we haven't found any squid around here. the bay of lima is an area protected for its diversity fisherman are assigned a part of the bay where they can hand pick each shellfish especially scallops but now the surface trucked in wheat consuming more time in catching and cleaning before they can be sold after 40 years farming shellfish says the richness of this
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bay is being lost. over fishing in the change of the water temperature as to form the natural banks of the industrial activity around here also increase and is warming up the water it's a series of reasons for this bank to be scarce. it is coast is among the most productive fishing areas in the world more than $70000.00 families depend on fishing they produce at least 65 percent of the fish consumed in the country large scale industrial fishing is also taking a toll on small fishing communities these fishermen go out at sea for days. for hours but unlike years before now they don't know if they'll arrive here at the port with enough fish or shellfish to make ends meet that's why fishermen are putting extra pressure on themselves alexandra promises. decompression accident that left him with permanent muscle damage fatigue spiegel says they have no option but to dive deeper. part of the river we often risk decompression because sometimes
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we feel we have to run back to the ports or products so we get anxious and come to the surface faster so now we risk more and sell less. that is fishing ministry says it will implement vigilant committees to supervise the quality and amount of seafood harvested in the poor people turn to fishing indiscriminately as a quick solution to providing a livelihood their chance to make money fast impacts on the most superficial starts so that's why more divers are risking was there more accidents which are now frequent many academics say the effects of climate change on the fish and shellfish stocks is still under investigation but his government is fast tracking regulation of fishing and shellfish gathering but already the small scale fishermen say it is much harder and dangerous to make a living. still to come here on the new drug the n.f.l.
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says it's being planned for the next women's world cup jane will have the details in school.
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all the. time for the sports news down pat it's inevitable job isn't it that coronaviruses having an impact on sport that's right montignac as it spreads around the world tokyo limpid organizers say they are seriously concerned that the corona virus outbreak could affect this his games lympics and utah open in the japanese capsule in july the 24th with 11000 athletes competing several qualifying events have
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already been cancelled opus finds the virus spreads outside of china japanese prime minister shinzo alba has dismissed talk of canceling want to laying the games but the limpid organizers met they are preparing for a worst case scenario all seen that the. i'm seriously worried that the virus spreading could throw cold water on the benton towards the games i hope that it will be stamped out as soon as possible not to focus there no matter how bad it gets we will do our utmost for the athletes so they'll be able to concentrate on performing that best. european football's governing body wafer isn't sounding the alarm over the current virus just yet despite its flagship event coming up to here a 2020 kicks off in juneau will be held across 12 cities on a visit to some petersburg in russia you a fist chief venue operations was asked if he was concerned about the spread of the virus. to. its anyway yeah we think it's quite done
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it's a so-called home because to be coming and going. we don't know that it's going to happen but of course a if we would have to implement some i may choose to reach out and i think it's given by the russian authorities we're going to take. on the pitch teenage sensation erling holland's kept up his incredible scoring streak for his new club received dortmund there wasn't enough to stop him getting knocked out of the german cup the 19 year old norwegian scored his team's 1st against vertebrae even this his 8th goal in 4 games since signing for dortmund last month bremen went $31.00 out putting the game almost out of sight and all the dortmund teenage did his best to keep them in it 17 year old american gio raina with a stunning solo kick it remained $32.00 to braman there a place for them as they're fighting relegation from the disney. shaka head coach david brock no was sent off of this is team played her to berlin wagner involved in
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a tussle with her tears tour an hour ago who was also dismissed shellcode got the better of the deal there 11 men winning $32.00 in extra time to send yogen klinsmann's team out of the competition. english premier league side newcastle avoided being knocked out of the f.a. cup by 3rd division oxford united newcastle had been to know before 2 late goals from oxford forced extra time but then frenchman alan sun macsyma growth through the oxford defense to hit a thunderous winner from newcastle 3 to the finals for them to 3rd round for the 1st time since 2006 river plates will be allowed to keep their 2018 coppola berta dora's title but they have been ordered to play more matches in the competition behind closed doors their fans attacked the team bus of argentine rivals baka juniors before the 2nd leg of that final injuring some of the players after further clashes with police the game is abandoned the final was
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a venture he finished off of the burn about in madrid baka took the case to the court of arbitration for sports but their demands to be awarded the title was dismissed the court also ruled that river plate must play 2 more matches behind closed doors in this season's competition. last season's most valuable player made sure the n.b.a.'s newest star didn't get too big for his jordans as the milwaukee bucks defeated the new orleans pelicans number one draft pick design williamston is making up for time after a late start to the season because of injury and i had some early joys the pelicans led the box but he had no joy a toll one on one with the n s s combo the greek freak as he's known blocking him here and sending a powerful rookie to the floor as it's a combo scored on scion 2 on his way to 34 points 12208 they lead the eastern standings as well. the women's rugby world cup final will be held at one of the game's most iconic venues for the 1st time next year in park in
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oakland will host the title decided in 2021 the $50000.00 seats a stadium hosted the men's finals in 19872011 world rugby hopes that the event will build on the success of the last edition which broke records for attendance and t.v. view is. all right that is all useful for now. joe thank you very much indeed never getting breaking news coming from eastern turkey where more than 50 people are missing after what appears to be a 2nd now many of these missing rescue workers who were trying to get to people who had been buried by an earlier avalanche that one happened on tuesday night 5 people were killed in the 1st avalanche 2 still missing that was all happening and it's small town very close to the city a van as i say that's in the east of turkey very close to the border with iran to
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stay with us for much more of an update on all the main stories. of whom a visionary teacher. al-jazeera world meets the man bringing traditional arabic sounds to a whole new audience being a woman and being american playing around with it already in something he'll come boston to palestine the land of his plan. the next generation of musical talent simon shahid musical journey on al-jazeera. the u.s.
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is always of interest to people all right the world this is been going on for a number of tear gas being used. in the recent international perspective to try to explain for local audience how this could impact their life this is an important part of the world now does it is very good news. to the world from americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting in trouble here there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and their effect on the world. when the news breaks. when people need to be heard the general situation of course is affecting both the venue and here in graphics and the story needs to be told with exclusive interviews it's a country that is used to being polar and in-depth reports. i thought i would use
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iraq as teams on the ground there saying that they're against something to play. documentaries and light. a cruise ship under quarantine and hong kong says anyone entering from mainland china will be isolated and checked for signs of coronavirus. you're watching al-jazeera life from a headquarters in doha. also ahead dozens of people are missing after a 2nd avalanche hits eastern turkey. america's future is blazing bright. the years of economic tick a are over.


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