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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 6, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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across the globe from the perspective of our networks journalists on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello and welcome to the sound is there a news hour live from doha martine that is coming up in the next 60 minutes spraying the streets of all hand to try to stop the coronavirus but the chinese city is running out of beds for those already infected. a deadly confrontation in the iraqi city of najaf anti-government demonstrators fight supporters of a top cleric. camps inside syria struggles to cope with new arrivals
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and tens of thousands flee the new bombing campaign on rebel held italy. the u.s. senator quits donald trump after his impeachment trial but democrats plan more investigations . coming up in sports a dispute with a little messy threatens to derail barcelona season as public arguments between the squad and their bosses gracefully is messy could leave after nearly 20 years at the club. where the chinese if you are the center of the coronavirus emergency is running out of hospital beds as the toll of dead and infected continues to grow 73 more deaths were recorded on wednesday and that makes it the highest in one day and it brings the total in china to more than $562.00 p. . people have died outside the country more than 28000 people are infected and most
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of them are in the epicenter province there are reports that china may even delay its biggest political meeting the national people's congress that's of course when thousands of representatives gather in beijing and it comes a day after the chinese president xi jinping met is cambodian counterpart and thanked him for his support now evacuations of foreigners from will hand continue australia has just sent 36 people to a remote island to be quarantined after their return right adrian brown is our correspondent across all these developments he's going to talk to us now from hong kong so it seems very much as though china and the chinese authorities are really struggling to keep control over the coronavirus.
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yet there are a lingering questions martina over whether china is able to contain this fire as remember just a few days ago the foreign ministry spokeswoman at her daily media briefing with the foreign media in beijing admitted that china actually needed outside help an appeal to the international community for more protective medical care for medical workers and more facemask that is very very rare indeed the pictures we've been seeing on social media show as you mentioned in your introduction streets being sprayed with disinfectant in other areas being fumigated china really remains on a war footing against an enemy that of course is basically invisible we know that hospitals are being swamped yes sports stadiums and also other areas are being turned into makeshift medical centers but it's clearly not enough and what we have martine just the official statistics for the number of people who have died and the
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number of people who've been diagnosed what we don't know is how many people are trapped at home what medical attention but on but aren't able to simply make their way to hospital. and dead because of course the the last outbreak of an infectious disease will solve the debt and this far exceeds the numbers in the scale of the sars outbreak and 20022003. yes it does although this forest doesn't appear to have the same punch as as sars yes more people are dying but also more people are recovering that also has to be pointed out a number of people who've been treated in hospital have according to state media made a recovery and now been allowed home so that i guess is some positive news i think rather like sars and i covered that in china and in hong kong i think it's the fear of catching this ferrous that's become more contagious than the virus itself and
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you're certainly seeing evidence of that here in hong kong there be more reports of panic buying on wednesday and thursday shelves of being cleared of things like rice staples that governments have to send out a message of reassurance that there's plenty of food and people don't need to worry private clinics though are starting to close because they say they don't have enough face masks so i'm in a street here in causeway bay in central hong kong where you can buy a face mask but at inflated prices normally they cost about sort of 30 dollars 40 dollars for a packet of 20 masks at the moment they're sitting in the street for $126.00 a pack so a real profiteering is going on also use the hong kong today on the travel front taiwan has announced that anyone coming from hong kong to taiwan will be quarantined for 14 days from saturday but foreigners leaving hong kong for taiwan
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simply won't be allowed into the island and taiwan is also said because this is now really largely academic that from friday it will be issuing any more visas to people from hong kong wanted to go to. taiwan and just virgin australia has just announced the softer noon that it's completely withdrawing from the hong kong market they'll be no more flights between hong kong and sydney and hong kong and melbourne so more bad economic news from hong alright agent thank you for that adrian brown there reporting live from hong kong now we can speak to your injun is a senior research officer at the australian national university and she's joining us now from the australian capital canberra thanks for talking to us let's go back now to the way the chinese government is perceived to have dealt with this outbreak how important is it for the chinese communist party to instill confidence and to be trusted by the people of china during this health emergency
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it is very important to the communist party in chinese government that does not use the trust of its population. hold and. so the government knows that the chinese people i won't trust official are propaganda and one comes to it's nature to to extensive history of covering up the past and science is one example but but but why the why why is it sorry to interrupt but why is it so important given that the chinese communist party doesn't have the inconvenience of having to go to the polls. sure sure china is and the people's republic of china is of oratory and governments and doesn't have elections. but it is still it still needs to have confidence that the people saw that it can govern properly so that. math and rest than suddenly fill
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up so with more will look at the history of the people's republic china there are. times when people. most of the lot of confidence in the communist party and i have been very difficult for the communist party to manage it doesn't want to go back to it. so hard and. authoritarian so the center also it is obviously have a great deal of control over information with regard to the spread of the coronavirus how much accurate information i'm not sure if it's possible to assess this how much accuracy is being fed to the people of china particularly of course in her bay province and in who had city. so we know from. this test that the initial reaction of the chinese authorities deal censorship rather than transparency so we know for example that any doctors more arrested on the 1st of
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january for spreading rumors of this outbreak. human toll the day before but after it is how inform the world health organization are and not pneumonia cases so . at the start today we're still in control of information they don't want people to panic. but once the central directive comes from. functioning under 21 generally then we were starting to see more information flowing from the state media and they are providing a lot more will come up day about right. about the numbers and. there's a bit some leeway for 2 weeks after that so it wasn't in the pen record right to the have been murmurings so the government was very slow to react and that could account for this. massive spread of the virus but what about the w.h.o.
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for instance dr ted ross the head i mean he's been complimentary about the chinese methods of handling it and there's complimented the transparency in the amount of cooperation that w.h.o. has been given by the chinese authorities so we can repeat that question i didn't catch the 1st well w.h.o. are among those who've been celebrating the chinese methods of controlling the virus and in fact being very complimentary about the level of cooperation that chinese authorities have been giving to w.h.o. . yes yes it has been cooperating with the world health organization the 31st of december but interestingly even though it hold the world health organization of those cases it is not publicized those cases we've been. with in the country snow and they did not take any precautions or have any public health warnings for that time until 20 of january. when the central direct it came about
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so i think perhaps the war health organization is the be lenient the chinese are already at least the initial stage for that matter so to me after the 20th of january we have seen a lot more building hospitals knocked down of cities and all that is measures coming at as well as the transparency. yoonjung thank you very much indeed for talking to us live from canberra thank you well one of the real concerns is of course if coronavirus and when corona virus spreads to countries that have got weak health infrastructures of course many of those countries are on the african continent so far though there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus on the continent but the old surratt is are on alert as hundreds of suspected infections have been reported and the whole issue is likely to be on the agenda of
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the african union as it meets for its annual meeting is by annual meeting i should say in ethiopia. we've got a lot more to come on this al-jazeera news hour including a passenger jet skids off a runway in istanbul and breaks into pieces. i'll be parker in oil and where record numbers of families are now living in a burgeoning 3 accommodation the country's housing crisis is central in this year's general election. and scold the head of french figure skating remains defiant of the claims that young athletes were sexually abused by their coach. the motor was traces are expected in the iraqi capital baghdad and other cities across the country after weeks of political deadlock and anti-government protests
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on when say at least 10 people were killed more than 100 were injured in the southern city of najaf supporters of the shia cleric. attack to protest. the has a different time supported and opposed the movement bestial to our correspondent imran khan he's in baghdad and iran so it seems very much at this particular point that there are 2 distinct groups there is the that the satirists who support them and then there are those who all still protesting and demonstrating wanting a complete overhaul of government. so that you're right and it seems that there is a crack between those movements now what we're hearing from people very close to been several so that also from political analysts is that the eyes actually go on a mission to try and. and all of the bridges to the central baghdad leading to
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where i'm stood right now which is tack very square he wants all of the protesters to be pushed into takrit square and he's also replicating this strategy within the southern provinces as well that's why we saw his followers which is going to now jeff where 10 people look ill now the reason for this is that there is actually put his support behind the iraqi government and behind the security forces he says that the law needs to come back to iraq but he also has a very different agenda to the protesters the protesters have been here since october with a very clear agenda they want a complete overhaul of the government system an end to corruption a new government elections but what that actually wants is an end to the u.s. presence both diplomatic and military in iraq and those 2 things are very different people are really worried about is that when several saddam will try to co-opt the
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protesters and try to force them to back his agenda now whilst all of this goes on there is a no the very interesting political development we're hearing from people from political analysts who suggest that what others are also doing is trying to persuade the prime minister designate mohammed a lot to back his anti u.s. agenda now it does what it means is. that agenda will be carried forward into the next election in fact to become a policy despite whoever wins the next election now the highest cleric in the country. i tell the early studies that she said that this isn't right that this is a caretaker government until new elections up in form so there's a lot of internal shia political. things going on right now but the real key concern for the protesters here is what to. do next that what is supposed to be
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a student march taking place right now they're going to come from the education ministry here in stark very square student leaders have told out 0 that they're actually being warned by so this follows to no child and so the slogans it just goes to show you there is a tension between those 2 groups. imran khan that live in the iraqi capital baghdad thank you go 19 year old palestinian has been shot dead by the israeli army after clashes over a house demolition in the west bank town of jenin protests began after heavy machinery is needed in the destroyed the family home of the man who was charged in connection with the 2018 killing of a rabbi in a west bank settlement 6 others were wounded in the jenin clashes it was a 2nd palestinian death in 24 hours a 17 year old was also shot by israeli soldiers during a protest in hebron. the israeli police are looking for the driver of
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a car that hit a crowd of pedestrians in west jerusalem at least 12 soldiers were injured police say it was deliberate the driver fled the scene but the car was later found abandoned close to bethlehem. there rebels in syria supported by turkish artillery of push back government forces from a key town in italy a province that says turkey's president warned syria's government not to continue its offensive into the last rebel held region hundreds of thousands of people meanwhile have been displaced by the fighting many people have fled north close to the turkish border our correspondent sim cause here lou is in italy a province she's at a camp in at me and seeing them give us an idea of the conditions the situation there i know that you were there last year how has it changed within the space of 6 months or so. well yes this is
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we are in that where the pressure is very high because everybody from south of there who are being threatened by the syrian government's strikes and our souls are moving to this part out there was already a big tent city before martin when we 1st visited here and for the last 3 years we have been following this now it's going bigger because the population is bigger right behind us there are very new tents being built by the internal displaced syrians who have come here recently and i'm sure you are now seeing gets more closely they are trying to build up these tents nearby at. center is very crowded so they are. they have come to this place where is it which is like the top of the hill but of course this is just in the middle of the oil all of farms martin so people have no infrastructure here as i said this place was
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a big tent city now it's bigger because it has more population and there aren't enough tents there aren't enough shelters and i'm told by the local administrators here that in the tents in the in the buildings inside the city center everybody has opened their doors to the newcomers and even inside these tents there are 23 in some of them for families sometimes they are separating women and men and children to have more comfortable environment for them but it is very difficult especially with the humanitarian aid situation it is very difficult. there are just some organizations who are active in the 1st thing though you receive aid. from bubble however let me let me jump in there and actually ask you about the nature of this particular part of italy province who controls it and who therefore allows access
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to the humanitarian organizations and the how much humanitarian aid is allowed in. well this area in the province is actually you know the last rebel hold a real inside syria and it is administered by the rescued government which the arabs call syrian school who committed in cars and they are trying to provide infrastructure and all public services through their ministries that they have recognized in here however with the humanitarian aid the aid can enter from bubble how about from turkey's how to give the border to bob but how but the case is that since the syrian government has ignored the escalation limit their school ations on limits and have been striking against its own citizens inside of the escalation zone mainly beginning from last april in 2019 because of the security situation is
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it's not that easy to the liver aid age to the citizens that's that's the main problem you can receive aid but who's going to the liver how they're going to deliver and how people will have access to those a this is the main problem and of course the veto for do for the u.n. in the u.n. security council upset that these people here and by the way all the places are full of smog and because of the rain it's dirt that's the problem and mainly the health health centers are attacked. and that's also difficult to bring medical equipment and medicine to here so the situation is very dire it is the fickle to explain but it people have got to use to this drama i am afraid they are about to lose their homes because they feel stuck by the border they can't enter to turn
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a kid they can't go back home they can't receive proper aid and public public service so that's the situation on the ground ok sinan cause you live in italy province northern syria thank you very much. for let's go back to the issue of the corona virus and as i was saying earlier africa has yet to confirm any cases but of course it's really on high alert in fact foreign ministers are meeting in ethiopia as part of the african union one of their by annual meetings and coronaviruses now likely to be on the agenda mohamed viol is our correspondent he's there attending the african union meeting and coronavirus as a global emergency is bound now to be a part of the agenda for the african union leaders. well martin it has not
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yet been put as an item on the agenda in terms of the official paper as far as official papers concerned but everyone here is talking about and there is no doubt that there's got to be some discussion about it either but between the ministers or even between the heads of states in 2 days from now we know that many african countries have taken began to take began to take precaution measures at their airports screening people coming from china and also coordination between the control disease control centers across the continent has begun the african union yesterday issued a statement to this effect and to give us more details about this i have with me dr john king us and he is that the head of the director of the african union center for disease control and prevention thank you doctor for being with us dr and you why why should africa be walkin send you told me that just
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a while ago africa should be more than should be more concerned than many other countries why i think your future should be very modern concerned because of the volume of traffic between china and africa or rate of exchange of people. or 600 person in the last 20 years you have merely chinese and africans moving in each direction this is really an important factor to consider 2nd the volume of the economic interest on investment and china has enough makes ensures that there are many chinese that visit africa and there is talk about the response that is being put in place now here in africa particularly supervised by the african union according to the statement yesterday so absolute we have set up what we call the african union's task force for preparedness and response to.
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the uniqueness of this is the all 55 member states called. every week and we coordinate in in several areas in the areas of laboratory strengthening in the areas of enhanced screening and surveillance in the areas of infection control and care and treatment so as we speak today because of that task force we have 15 countries in the senate go to day to morrow and saturday preparing themselves in order to be better equipped to detect a virus quickly. variable i have seen we have seen different responses by different african countries those countries are tough stop their flights with china but people like you know countries like the decided not to do that you know how is the african union dealing with those different responses by african countries i think we have to have a coordinated approach in order to respond to these i mean in trade the co-ordinators approach is being guided by. their recommendations from the word organization. or was very clear last week just it clearly that there should be no
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restrictions to travel. movement of people good setting commissions that we strongly advise and recommend that everybody should. do you perceive some public pressure like here we have seen some public pressure via media on the government to stop flights in china do you perceive the trend growing across africa. the position is clear that we should really rely on the facts and avoid fear. if we do not do that then it will become very complicated to to manage. the virus in case it comes to africa a coordinated approach if you pull one reliable information the should go to the w.h.o. website or to the africa c.d.c. website that we hope there is no need to panic at this point but better to be
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action and reaction on the facts and evidence as we speak today there is no deported case of. 'd on the continent of africa that is a fact. thank you very much dr king our song thank you very much for being on al-jazeera so dr said there is no single case truth or you know recorded in africa so far even though several countries have tested suspect it cases including here in each opiah tests were sent to south africa but they were proved negative but there is a high stage situation of alert across africa and particularly here not just about today and the african leaders and ministers are expected to tackle this subject and it is expected to be a very important item on the agenda for the summit back to you mummy of vile live from the ethiopian capital thank you. right it's time for the weather rob is here and stormy weather in southeast europe continues this may be
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a surprise after the warmest january will want to have had but yes we'll go to the surprising change to winter in southeastern europe and indeed in turkey the picture is like this this is low pressure there for example stormy weather rest of europe began to start a big quiet warm weather continues for many but let's focus on the 1st significant snow of the year can you believe in croatia windy weather with it is blowing the board down through down to the coast of crew a share which is you know still warm of today gusts well in excess of 100 k.p.h. possibly 200 that's really damaging stuff that's the pictures it looks better with the snow has stopped falling to the significance of it in ukraine but turkey's probably more the focus would zoom a little bit on this so i said it's still windy down through from croatia across the june and the green winds here given indications strength but the blue is rain and the white is snow of course is a combination of both across turkey the real worry of course is going eastward so
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apart from a nasty with navl events from her serious science was you've got the problem of eastern turkey veyron the province and the city once it starts snowing it could go on for a couple days and we could have well over a meter more marty rob thank you very much. still to come here in the hour jazeera news hour people struggling to put food on the table in lebanon's poorest city miss little face in the new government's ability to help. and pictures of protests we meet the indian artists using bad work to speak out against a controversial citizenship law and the kansas city chiefs bringing home the super bowl trophy for a long wait for their fans that's coming up with the poor in school. in japan thousands of men and women of vanishing without
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a trace one i want to use investigates why people engineer their own disappearances . on al-jazeera. every armed attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens west henri's of loss go on told. a sweeping association of islam with violence leaves erupt in muslims facing the stock reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life twice a victim on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. every.
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take a look at the top stories here in the algerian news out trying to struggling to cope with the corona virus outbreak has seen a spike in deaths 73 reported in a single day and there are reports of beijing may delay its biggest political meeting of the year taiwan has banned all international cruises from topping up to 10 more cases were confirmed on a quarantined vessel docked in the japanese city of yokohama dozens of crew members on another isolated ship in hong kong also say that they're showing symptoms. at least 10 people have been killed and more than 100 injured in the southern iraqi
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city of niger when supporters of the shia cleric will try to alf's other attack to an anti-government protest camp. there lebanon's cabinet has just approved financial proposals to tackle the country's economic crisis it's the worst in decades it is driven months of mass demonstrations we can go live now to sara higher in beirut outside the government hollis there and what 6 actually in this budget tree policy then that makes the government feel that it will improve the situation for lebanese people. well 1st of all the cabinet has passed this policy statement our policy statement is really important and this is one that everyone is going to be keeping an eye on because this is what lays out the plan for the new government under prime minister has sent via where they'll be looking to see what will be happening over the next year and of course
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one thing that everyone wants to know what's going to be happening what is the government's plan is the economic crisis now is the worst in lebanon in decades and people want to know what the government is going to be doing this policy statement will be going through next week we're being told that it's potentially on tuesday to parliament where they'll be a vote of confidence on the policy statement as well as the new government but the thing is that we went through tripoli which is the poorest city in the whole of lebanon and people of course are deeply deeply unhappy with their situation with the world bank saying that the poverty levels here could potentially rise by 50 percent if this a comic crisis isn't tackled here's a report from tripoli. poverty is visible on every corner of this neighborhood of tripoli. the impact of lebanon's worst economic crisis in decades still the most here. we spoke to people from different communities to pity over sectarian
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divisions only just a few years ago now they stand side by side in protest against the government you know what are you with this man tells us the ceilings of houses are crumbling and buildings are unsafe. every family here is suffering one way or another his elderly neighbor shouts from his balcony that he has nothing to his name. in another part of tripoli regie has just a few cents left his last meal was a loaf of bread shared with his family of 3 condition of the ball. but she says they have nothing to eat. this woman tells me she lost 4 children in the civil war she too can barely make ends meet she's not the only one we've only been here for a few hours and we're already hearing all sorts of stories of poverty and we've actually been stopped a number of times by people wanting to show us the harsh conditions that they're
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living in as you can see just behind me there now there's no jobs no medication and not see even food for some and they are asking the same questions over and over again where are the politicians and why is the government not helping them the new government says fixing the economy is a priority the world bank has warned that poverty will rise by a further 50 percent if the financial crisis continues many families are relying entirely on charity and. we're serving society as much as we can but the absence of the government is having a huge effect we're seeing it in this economic crisis is bigger than any of us. the the whole of the problem of the angry frustrated and desperate this father and son tell us they too are struggling under the big human understanding i'm at home without a job what can i do i'm forced to protest why should i trust this new government when even the international community is cautious unemployment in tripoli has
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reached nearly 60 percent many children aren't attending schools and with an influx of hundreds of thousands of syrian and palestinian refugees the newly elected mayor of tripoli says his city is at breaking point that we're now kabila the pub on monday we're trying our best to help people as much as we can but we're limited by the government as a municipality and i have to get any decision approved 1st by the interior ministry before we can implement anything with not much left to lose people here are keeping the anti-government movement alive they say they feel neglected and they're demanding change. now of course but what people want to know is what's actually in this plan the international community has made it very clear in fact very clear that these drastic reforms need to be implemented by the new government in the new government itself has come out saying that they will need to introduce very harsh steps those will include potentially increasing taxes they want to recapitalize banks they want
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to increase interest rates for example and they're saying that they want people to bear with them they say that they sure will eventually understand why these trusted measures will need to be taken back in the international community has made it very clear that if these economic reforms tough economic reforms are not implemented they will not be helping lebanon now whether it's the comically or financially so i lived in beirut thank you. the 39th person has now been confirmed as having died in avalanches in eastern turkey most of those killed were part of a team sent in to rescue villages who'd been hit by an earlier avalanche before a 2nd one struck rescue operations were halted on wednesday due to poor weather and also in turkey and investigations been launched into what calls a passenger plane to skid off a runway and down
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a bank whilst landing in istanbul 3 people were killed dozens more were injured when the pegasus airlines boeing 737 broke into 3 pieces after landing in poor weather passengers and crew had to be evacuated through cracks in the fuselage hashim a whole bar or port south from istanbul. the dramatic and for the short flight from his mia to istanbul the boeing owned by pick gases airlines was touching down when pilots appear to have lost control the plane veered off the runway burst into flames and broke into pieces. most of the 171 passengers along with the crew their vacuously escaped alive many suffered injuries and were sent to hospitals. the 2 pilots reported to be in a serious condition an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the crash because of your knowledge of unfortunately the pegasus airlines plane could
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not stay on the runway due to poor weather conditions and skidded for around 50 to 60 metres it fell from 324175 passengers babies for flight attendants and the pilots were on board 120 passengers have so far been transferred to nearby hospitals. there was a thunderstorm bringing gusty winds at the time of the incident the authorities closed the airport and diverted flights to different destinations this isn't the 1st time this has been involved in such an incident 2 years ago one of its jets skidded off the runway atop zone port and and half way down a steep slope by the black sea all 162 passengers and crew aboard would have backed away to safely pegasus airlines is likely to face further scrutiny in the coming days last month one of its planes slid off the runway at an airport investigators
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said the incident was due to bad weather conditions. is the i'm bored. a high speed train has crashed into another train in italy killing 2 people they were both railway workers 27 passengers were also hurt it came off the tracks in the early morning travelling at around 300 kilometers an hour from midland to belong near engineers had repaired the track overnight now arland is one of the fastest growing economies in europe but the sudden boom after years of economical certainly has left the country with a critical shortage of affordable housing and that's led to a shopping crease in the homelessness the crisis is a defining issue ahead of this weekend's general election eve barker reports from dublin lifting the lid on the island's housing crisis it left this family homeless forced to live with friends and relatives or in particular areas short term housing the result of sky high red so the market he had against them the main
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challenge was people not wanting a single mother with 3 children because maybe single mothers are trouble or why are the single you know i did walk the streets a lots and i often had. just days where i i just felt despair charities have intervened where the government has and the family now has a long term home and a place to grow. 'd 'd 'd 'd this charity is inundated with desperate calls some from entire families affected from their homes you have children with today a record number of babies are now being born into homelessness currently we have nearly 4000 children who are homeless time includes only 2000 families it's a disgrace that there are so many children homeless but it's just a reality of the homes crisis in our love the moment it was hit hard by the economic crash in 2008 the house building stalled since then wages have increased
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rents and house prices have risen by a bigger margin it's left an entire generation struggling to afford rents that are higher in dublin and tokyo sydney and singapore meanwhile house prices have soared as social housing is scarce on the outskirts of dublin a new suburbs emerging from wasteland built by an american property giant to attract large investors this is a 3 bed pan tastes in a nearby development this 3 bedroom apartment costs more than $3000.00 a month well beyond the reach of many we need something in the order of $35000.00 houses a year we're only delivering 2025 so the main political parties at the moment are promising 406-088-0000 extension 0 units every over the course of the next government whereas i think they perhaps might need to look and see how feasible those numbers are it is
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a critical issue in this year's election all parties agree that rents need to be lower and they need to be more houses but they can't agree on how much to intervene in the lucrative private markets the government of prime minister leo varadkar is having to account for its time in office opinion polls are predicting a shift away from the main. centrist policies female and feet a fall he wielded power for generations towards left wing shin fein during the conflicts in northern ireland the policy was regarded as the political wing of the republican paramilitary group the ira it's put housing at the heart of its campaign . charities all politicians to find a robust solution to the housing crisis the consequences of inaction clear or families tonight the basic right of a secure place to live. out his era doublet. the president has been acquitted in his senate impeachment trial he was charged
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with abusing presidential powers and a shock of congress one republican though. but it wasn't enough to see the president removed from office democrats are now vowing to press ahead with more investigations. reports from washington it is therefore the outcome was as expected donald trump be and he is here by acquitted of the charges in said articles donald trump only the 3rd u.s. president to be impeached now also the 3rd u.s. president to be acquitted the white house called it full of vindication and exoneration mr romney all but one republican senator voted not guilty on both articles of impeachment the lone defector was mitt romney the utah senator who in 2012 with the republican presidential nominee my faith is at the heart of who i am romney said in an emotional floor speech his conscience was more important than
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party loyalty he voted guilty on abuse of power what he did was not perfect. no it was a flagrant assault on our electoral rights our national security and our fundamental values a few other republicans said they believe put trump did was wrong but didn't rise to remove all from office others blasted the democrats' efforts to remove the 45th us president i worry about the future of the presidency after what's happened here ladies and gentlemen you will come to regret this whole process all the democrats voted to convict trump on both charges they voiced disappointment after his acquittal but did not admit defeat may yet face further investigation in the democrat controlled house and make no mistake about it the drip drip drip of evidence is going to keep coming out with each new revelation the message to the house of representatives don't do this again. now with the impeachment officially
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behind him from conspiring to for the november election whether all this has helped him or hurt him as a candidate is the big question castro al-jazeera washington. now indigenous groups in brazil have criticised president diables inari his decision to appoint to form a missionary as head of the federal agency that is designated to protect isolated tribes the decision is cause concern among indigenous leaders as well as rights activists that their culture and health could be under threat they say the move is dangerous and could cause irreparable damage to groups chosen to live in isolation . artists around india joining the campaign against a controversial citizenship law they say they are using their work to show how little or is unfair and discriminatory especially against muslims elizabeth purana reports from new delhi. the writing is on the board and shopping bag the name of
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this one's little known neighborhood in new delhi has become synonymous with the protest movement against the citizenship amendment act it's also become a place for artistic expression the road protest is occupied looks more like an open their art gallery just an area has been portraying the protests on paper since the indian government passed a law in december. hadrons have been shared online and used in protests around the country they criticize the law which fast track citizenship to minorities from 3 neighboring countries but not muslims actually. no my name because.
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it's not. the movement has drawn in musicians to rap and have in kumar who's performed shahid bad says artists have a responsibility to use their voice to be their times when you should speak up in a marriage where whatever you do you should come. says he was inspired to write his song speak to police used force against protesters and students at jamia millia islamia university while brown what about the assistant job. at this work reflecting the violence is while what's special about this you see that mark in the middle that is real blood from the student who was beaten by police we thought let's not hide that. police removed the paintings of the protests from the india fan the 2nd of february. at new delhi's other big protest site the day off for a man opened fire at peaceful protest rally here all in the 30th of january 2 women
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created a new role depicting the incident. the gunman praised police has he carried out the shooting but despise 3 shootings at. a one week. and the people keep coming elizabeth al jazeera. says. it's towards the business and this is. from fossil fuel a renewable as societies develop. requiring innovative solutions to me. as a global power developing to the investment company power is uniquely positioned to deliver against. we provide business great economic benefits and provide innovative
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safe and sound energy solutions for future generation brush fire nearing future energy from passion into transformative science that brings about change. with 5 scientists. determined to use scientific knowledge to say the humankind we have in our sanctuary we can monitor that. record there the photos from behavior bureau how they're adapting to their new environment women make science coming soon on al-jazeera.
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over the school's news down his hall and some concern about behind you yes there certainly is no messy hair spanish champions barcelona going to their cup but i'll write much on thursday amid what is potentially the biggest crisis in years it involves a very public falling out between club record score a message on the sporting director eric messi has criticized for claiming a lack of effort from players helped get former coach and the sacked slots affairs messy could lead to free in the summer after 16 years in the past the 1st same new boss just wants to focus on the game against bilbao in the. us i am only interested in giving my players the necessary tools for them to play better football as for everything else i am truly not interested honestly i am not interested i know that in a club like this there are problems in all clubs around the world for sure but there are things i will never be able to control. a quick round up of the other
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european football action for you by munich a through to the quarter finals of the german cup thomas moore helping them to write to win over often hard. union berlin avoided an upset against a 4th division team roberts under it's a long range one of what the pundits league a side into the court has for the 1st time in 20 years. an england tottenham fall from behind to beat south hunt and 3 to win the f.a. cup lucas more with the pick of the goals the same last season's champions league final last into the 5th round. they had a french figure skating has refused to resign and denies covering up sexual abuse by coaches that he has been in charge for more than 2 decades but his face and calls stepped down after several former skaters claimed they were assaulted as teenagers by their coaches one of the accused was sacked by the french sports ministry in 2001 but continued to work at the federation for another 17 years.
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ladies and gentleman there is no perfect federation because society and people are not perfect in order to resign i would have to be at fault and i don't think i am i certainly committed errors several of them but i am not at fault. superleague b. teams have agreed to new rules allowing them to veto controversial signings after israel folau joined catalans dragons he's been training with his new side despite being thrown out of australian rugby union for homophobic comments the super league says it was powerless to stop the move but new measures will give clubs more say in future. super league board accept fully believe galaxies around the hour fells decision to read just a full hour in the bow of the board has voted unanimously to put in place measures that ensures she believes has greater authority to stop controversial signings such as this in the future. a frantic end to the game between the toronto raptors and indiana pacers saw the raptors clinch a franchise record 12 straight when the reigning and be
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a champions were trailing to the pacers with just over minutes played pasco county into set to be into indiana often still get tronto within 2 points. on the with 30 seconds left serge ibaka the raptors crowd into raptures to edge a point ahead victor ola depot was unable to budget for the paces on the buzz a final score toronto under 19 indiana a 118 raptors now 2nd in the east. the l.a. clippers kept on the trail of the lakers at the top of the western conference that's despite a slam dunk showcase from the heat derek journeys jr just 3 pointers were the order of the day for l.a. don't hold george with 23 points put 128111. while there were 10000 reasons to celebrate for one clippers farm on wednesday. but the tough court shot proving profitable earning him
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a $10000.00 prize. the new super bowl champions have been celebrating with a victory parade through kansas city the chiefs beat the san francisco 49 ers on sunday and as john augusta reports it was a party that had been a long time coming. but all that doing. the last time the chiefs and their fans celebrated like this was 50 years ago and an uncommon snowstorm did nothing to freeze out the hundreds of thousands who lined the route. the chiefs called their way back 283120 victory over the 49 ers on sunday scooping not only the vince lombardi trophy but also the m.v.p. award for quarterback patrick mahoney. was our series a mere 33 recruit. with your injuries i mean money was in the start of our learning though we still weren't hurt everyone assumes that go with. the load driver good
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what do we do we. just. one drunk fan took that posse a little too far when he went on julie right along the super bowl parade route police safety bringing the car to a dramatic stop as they arrest both the driver and passenger gunpoint fans watch from the sidelines. the drama was a side note on a day filled with celebration and the team's traditions. for decades they've been banging their drum ahead of each home game now finally got to do it as n.f.l. champions joining al-jazeera. with less than 6 months to go until tokyo 2020 many olympic athletes will be putting their final preparations together and while most will be aiming to medal an athlete from south sudan already knows what
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he'll get out of the games 1500 meter abraham my joke is one of a 100 full of competitors from his country who's been invited to train in japan and he's been struck by the welcome he's had from locals sometimes you get when you know foreign countries you know sometimes you may have telling you when you came in they love the for how. it really was done in a more or less my own understanding is our game or. i need toppings because the world is at peace and know us and from a country that is still not of informed and i have come this we haven't seen the advantages of these and when i get back the missing is the importance of peace and that's the biggest message old the same to my. all right and i'll be back a bit later saying well thank you very much indeed that's it for this al-jazeera news album don't go anywhere because terry will be in the jet much more good things .
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separately on al-jazeera. and the tension with the u.s. and protests over a plane down by iran's parliamentary election will be held on february 21st to see explores the fate of india's religious minorities on the prime minister modi's hindu move. us voters get the last chance to weigh in on the 20 twentieth's action al-jazeera will have comprehensive coverage a new series looks at how female scientists across the globe are opening doors for other women to pursue careers in science and up to 5 years of civil who could be to
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rivals agree a peace deal to revive africa's youngest nation. treachery on al-jazeera. americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting trampy or there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on u.s. politics and policies and their effect on the world. a conflict that is now considered to be the world's worst humanitarian crisis how many did not all have to die like this stock is hard says all are really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros. made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the coalition fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch as the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on al-jazeera.
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the. spring the streets of new han to try to stop the coronavirus but the chinese city is running out of beds for those already infected. you're watching al-jazeera life from a headquarters in the navigator also. clashes in bethlehem as israeli soldiers carry out raids after a car ramming on the shooting of 4 palestinians in 24 hours. the u.s. senate acquits president donald trump after his impeachment trial but democrats are planning more investigations. well here in oil and where record number.


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