tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera February 10, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03
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the world health organization sends a team to china to investigate the corona virus outbreak as the number of dead keeps climbing. and a quiet commute on a day when millions were expected to return to work in china's capital. i'm sam is a down this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a new force in irish politics left wing shin fein is in a powerful position after the general election plus. government forces take control of more villages in northwest syria in their push to retake the
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last rebel held stronghold and the south korean film parricide wins 3 academy awards will it take the big prize. the global death toll from the corona virus outbreak has reached 910 only 2 of the deaths are outside mainland china most are in her bay province where the virus is believed to have originated the world health organization says the remains gravely concerned more than $40000.00 people are now in fact it w.h.o. team of experts is heading to china to investigate the government in beijing says it's allocating $10000000000.00 to fight the outbreak it's facing criticism though for its handling of early warnings about a new virus millions of people were in while were expected to go back to work on
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monday as an extension to the lunar new year holiday ended but many stayed at home normally busy commuter routes were quiet. let's go to katrina. with the very latest on this so katrina as we can as we heard the $10000000000.00 being thrown into this fight where is the money going. well that money is going to much needed resources at the center of this outbreak and who have a province we're still hearing despite these new hospitals open opening despite sir makeshift quarantine and hospital centers being made out of stadiums and schools and other government halls that people are still struggling to get access to basic care to basic to testing kits to hospital beds they're still having to be turned away not just in ruhani many of the cities surrounding. itself so the money is
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going to be poured into getting these patients with suspected cases of coronaviruses access to care and treatment so that's one thing it's also being poured in to basically paying a lot of these medical staff over the weekend 6000 new medical staff were flown in from china from all over parts of china into one so it's going to be spent on paying them it's being spent on basic supplies so rascasse and gloves and things like that they're in short they're in high demand and there is a shortage of these things so the government is paying factories to boost their production of these much needed supplies as well and the money is also being spent on a guest in the direct impact of the coronavirus we have to remember that this is having a massive economic impact on businesses so the government is using that money to also subsidize those businesses and allowing them to delay payments and rent and insurance for example just to be able to survive through this very difficult period
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and are people simply too afraid to go back to work today. i think that's definitely the case and also the government itself is encouraging workplaces to allow as much as possible for their staff to work from home so technically this is the beginning of the working new year so government offices should be an operation that nenny of businesses in beijing for example restaurants or other other service businesses they still remain closed and lot of schools for example are also shut until the beginning of march so and for those who have to go to work the government has said that they want the employees just have a staggered start date to to go back to work in batches to prevent as much as possible any possibility of the spread of the virus and also many factories who were supposed to open today for brew 10 we've just found out that many are also remaining closer it's going to be a very inconsistent start for some of those factories especially along china's
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manufacturing belt so that will have many implications for example for the global supply chains implications not just here in china also potentially around the world . country in the you there from beijing. dr is this senior scholar at johns hopkins center for health security he says with experts in china the world could gain a better understanding of the virus. that's why we bring some of the world class epidemiologist from the w.h.o. that will be able to really understand the transmission dynamics going on understand the severity of illness understand the challenges that china is facing with this outbreak and it will really give the world hopefully a good glimpse of what's going on in china because there are a lot of unanswered questions and mysteries about how this outbreak is unfolding there the actions of chinese government is taking and i think it will help us to risk stratify this for the rest of the world i do think that there may be some
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issues with local communist party officials there to not be as forthcoming about what happened we already have heard about how they have silenced doctors how they have silenced journalists and of scrub the internet all of that is something that we already know about so i do think that that will be a challenge for the chinese government to explain and i think the w.h.o. team actually knows this already because the world knows that what happened in china. early results are in for island's general election shin fein to take 24.5 percent of 1st preference votes just ahead of the 2 center right parties finn a foreign oil and fianna gale who have dominated mainstream politics for nearly a century for britain are reports i can feign leda marilu mcdonald was welcome to the dublin county like a hero the left wing nationalists for a campaign of eye catching pledges on housing and pensions which caught the imagination of an electorate crying out for an alternative to the 2 biggest parties
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fianna foil and fiona gale it takes a constituency she says it makes even status she says no free to ferry system. it seems that people and different types of office keep every confidence in us and i i say that with all humility written off by some as a party just for those with short memories chine faint confound the conventional wisdom there was in the build up to the election people saying oh this is young people who don't remember the troubles in northern ireland and i think that we see that's not the case it's only the much older voters who stuck with the default past links to the republican paramilitary group the ira linger as evidenced by a group of jubilant shin fein supporters singing a rebel song at the count center in dublin. but the party has evolved i think painted a couple of great clever things one was gerry and charlie when you did mary lou mcdonald is in no way associated with troubles in the war on darts you know the
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terms of marketing communication cuts work really well it's created an ideological headache for the establishment parties the current irish leader the t. shirt over of phoenix gail accept that the results mean talks with sinn fein are probably going to be necessary but agreeing a coalition not for us which is not an option but we are willing to talk. 2 other parties possibility for me government one that can lead the country forward for the next 5 years feel fully to me how martin looks most likely to become the country's next leader his local counting corkey to describe chin fein as incompatible for a coalition city to cliche in spain may prefer to buy the time rather than be a minority partner in a coalition government but with the outcome as close as it seems now the wrangling could last for weeks and such is the nature of irish politics with the ballot boxes being packed away now could be back out again in just
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a couple of months paul brennan al-jazeera. in northwest syria government forces have taken control of more villages they're advancing in the southern part of aleppo province towards the rebels' last stronghold of adlib activists say 17 civilians were killed by strikes on sunday. reports from neighboring turkey. the moment the syrian army seize control of the hilltop village on the southern outskirts of aleppo will give the army the height advantage to monitor and rebel positions the army has also recaptured other rebel held territory in northwestern aleppo that's seen as another major setback days after the rebels lost control of the city of. the government insists it's fine it will continue to defeat what he describes as terrorist organizations syria's leaders in damascus also brushed aside warnings from turkey to halt its offensive or face bitter repercussions.
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over the past few days are barely an armed forces have managed to make significant achievements the troops that were coming from eastern little met with the advance forces from southern aleppo and managed to regain control of the geographical area more than 600 square kilometers. as fighting shows no signs of abating civilians in rebel held territory fleeing their villages following the large numbers have already skate mostafa has is among thousands. they have nowhere to go. but. we're 3 families i mean my brother both have 7 children we're looking for a house or a camp or something i really don't know what we're going to do. turkish soldiers recently deployed in province have been asked to set up outposts near must allow
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turkey's minister of defense hold. carr has warned of possible military intervention in the last remaining rebel held province turkey is giving syria's leaders until the end of this month to withdraw its military units from positions near turkey's observation post in. its 2 years since turkey russia and iran agreed to establish a d.v.d. to rise jones there. but tension between russia and turkey has increased following the deaths in italy of 8 turkish soldiers in a recent syrian army attack by deploying more troops into syria turkey is sending a clear message that it stands ready to retaliate if syrian government forces continue their offensive turkish leaders are determined to prevent the worst scenario which to them is president bashar al assad's troops defeating the rebels and the millions of refugees trying to cross into turkey and join the many already
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here possibly about al-jazeera is on board well still ahead on al-jazeera trading under occupation israel blocks more palestinian exports cutting off millions of dollars to struggling farmers. a major storm wreaks havoc in the u.k. and northern europe and it's not over yet. hello again or welcome back to your international weather forecast well we have seen a lot of rain here across parts of the eastern mediterranean really impacting parts of lebanon syria that weather system has now pulled away what we're going to be left with though the water is beginning to recede across some of those regions but the temperatures will start to rebound so here in beirut 10 degrees is going to be
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a forecast high here on monday and as we go towards tuesday. a better day a warmer day where the temps are they are 13 where it is not going to be warm as over here towards coate we do have a lot of colder air pushing across parts of iraq and iran as well your 3 day forecast looks like this in kuwait city we do expect to see those tempest coming down 13 degrees on monday 10 degrees as the high as we go towards tuesday but take a look at the overnight lows it's going to get down to about 2 degrees across much of the area and then very quickly across parts of south africa it is going to be some very heavy rain we're dealing with here across much of the east as well as the northeast that will be pushing into parts of mozambique as well but behind that front it is going to be a little bit cooler for johannesburg some showers start to pop up by the time we get to the afternoon attempted there dropping down to $22.00 as we go towards tuesday but for cape town plenty of sun and the forecast over the next few days and we do expect to see attempt of 28 in harare at 22 degrees few.
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weeks story is generally found as a line of media angles in this story are too numerous for comfort with different angles from different perspectives things going to really be believe the face muddying the water even separate the spin from the facts the misinformation from the judge the center is clear and tends to. hear people's think that we are listening sed on 0. welcome back you're watching al-jazeera time to recap our headlines now the
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coronavirus death toll has risen to 910 worldwide 2 of the deaths are outside mainland china experts from the world health organization are heading to china to investigate the epidemic early results are in violence general election left wing nationalist partition fane is one of the most 1st preference votes syrian government forces of taking control of several villages in aleppo province part of a major offensive on the last trouble held areas activists say 17 people were killed by sprites and sunday. bangladeshis living in india tell al-jazeera they're under increasing threat of deportation many fear there's now a growing climate of hostility towards muslims after a new citizenship law came into force it gives priority to non muslim immigrants from neighboring countries bernard smith reports from the bangladeshi side of the border with india. along bangladeshis border with india people smuggling
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has suddenly become a booming business those orange lights are in india the traffic is all one way to bangladesh. they say they've been living over there for a long time but now there are problems there and they're being forced to leave sometimes smugglers are necessary. these are indian border force officers and in people over to their bangladeshi counterparts they're all muslim they say there's a new hostile environment towards them in india in decades past bangladeshis left their villages and crossed the rice paddies to india more than 2000000 are there now according to the government in new delhi. in december india's parliament passed a fast track to citizenship act the people from neighboring countries that explicitly excludes muslims now it's impossible to say exactly how many people are
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illegally crossing the border from india into bangladesh but we do know that the border force has detained more than 500 people just in the last couple of months and the smugglers tell us they're crossing between 40 to 60 people every night and that's just along this 45 kilometer stretch of a border that runs for more than 4000 kilometers the indian government says its new law is for persecuted religious minorities living among its muslim dominated neighbors that's not convince these bengali speaking muslims they say they faced harrisson from police in new delhi and bangalore who told them to leave or risk being sent to a detention center near how lada says he was just 18 months old when his parents took him across the border 26 years ago they will never know what they have been cracking down and there'd been no arrests 60 people from our community were detained and we haven't heard from them this caused panic and we decide it's time to leave and head for bangladesh cookie begum says she been in india with her
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husband and daughters for 11 years that saw her indian work permit. there was a lab it's absolutely clear the ruling party in india doesn't want any bangladeshis living there anymore only allow bengali speaking indians to live where we were what can we do we have to live without dignity and honor so we came back. bangladesh prime minister sheikh hasina says she doesn't understand the purpose of india's new citizenship law our government is already struggling to cope with 1200000 reading or refugees from me and mark it can't afford another influx from its largest neighbor bernard smith al-jazeera on the bangladesh india border. egypt's military says at least 2 soldiers have been killed in a rebel attack on a security facility it happened in the north sinai region sources tell just 0 up to 8 soldiers have died egypt has struggled to contain armed groups in north sinai since former president mohamed morsi was ousted by the military in 2013
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millions of desert locusts of swarmed into uganda for the 1st time since the 1960 s. they come from kenya ethiopia and somalia the damage they've done there is threatening to leave 10000000 people short of food. the insects are also ravaging farming areas in eastern pakistan prime minister has declared a national emergency the locals are eating cotton we and maize crops the government says it's the worst infestation for 2 decades. has been speaking to farmers in the eastern city and that are smoke. very large swarm of locusts that drive it from out for godzilla saudi arabia iran and has also moved through some of the pakistani province say right now the government in our state a wall against the rich can eat. 4 day
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trip entire crop leaving them bad though i might if i said burden exonerated both the locust attacks have damaged our free crop and will cause huge losses we're trying our best to protect against it but we're unable to get rid of them the government must do something to help us if these crops are only means for surviving the bugs not the prime minister had already declared a state of emergency it has already are the agriculture department to keep a close eye on the movement of low which are traveling through much of august on agricultural breadbasket it has a potential. damage extending crop and not only the standing problem if it succeeds in getting i mean it's right here the food coming crop season it damages it but the local stuff slams their presence and. if we fail to protect these crops then ultimately it affects the production the produce michel
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can lead us through here to create a situation the government had indeed come up great depth and solutions to solve that problem. protection given that all all war d.-i current district where we are trying to control be spared from moving further into other charities. practice nations against attack will limit the damage if it wanted to some could wipe out the whole crops. and even windbags in a single. day every. province and then a question as to whether more should have been done the early days. where the government and the province. leap forward and nor do anything now it's an emergency . 7 point. that a lot more $50000000.00. that.
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gone. a trade war between israel and the palestinian authority has entered a new phase israel is now bad and palestinian agricultural exports coming through jordan israel's defense minister says the new measures are in response to a palestinian boy called on israeli coward traders mohamad reports. palestinian farmers working on this state farm in jericho have been preparing their harvest to export to 26 countries ahead of the holy month of ramadan in 2 months time but production has been hit by an israeli decision to stop international exports via jordan the syncrude states and on of oil dates farming is one of the most important sectors of palestinian agriculture in the occupied west bank and the ban is raising concerns for farmers here. we expect these companies to make a loss an estimated $11.00 to $14000000.00 are in the merchant storage they won't
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be able to export them if the crisis stays as it is last week israel's defense minister imposed a ban on all palestinian agricultural produce from entering its markets this prompted palestinian authorities to cut down on some israeli imports but the crisis started last september when palestinians decided to stop importing beef from israel with the aim of becoming more economically independent now the israeli military says it will block palestinians from transferring their shipments through the jordan crossing it's the occupied west bank only direct export route to the outside world and strains are already being felt. as palestinian goods are being sent back here this is a systematic policy in the television that came at the height of the agricultural season to strike the sector that is the backbone of the palestinian economy in the jordan valley trade tensions have escalated in recent months and have been further aggravated by fears of violence in the region over
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a controversial middle east plan put forward by the united states the palestinian authorities are calling on israel to revoke its decision but israel's government says normal trade will only resume if the cattle ban is lifted. meanwhile the harvest here continues but the border remains closed to exports and the farmers have no way of getting their produce to market mohammed al jazeera. lebanese women say they'll no longer be silenced about laws they say discriminate against them the forefront of nationwide protests that started in october and led to the resignation of the government of prime ministers. from beirut so that some of those leading the new projects. well michelle assisters making their voices heard music cannot criticizes the political elites corruption and raises social awareness money. isn't and this is their latest
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collaboration and initiative with which means in nothing against gender violence and discrimination they wrote this song about people unable to speak up for themselves. to use lebanese women have fought for equal rights and against social prejudices and they've been at the forefront of nationwide antigovernment protests that started in october. in remote areas women were marginalized and was silenced but with this revolution women were able to find their voices. as revolutionary songs play out meals are being made right in the middle of a muslim and a christian area the people here 40. each other during the civil war and this project is the brainchild of a group of women who came together during the protests and called themselves on. grassroots initiate such as these are keeping the protest movement alive and many of them are led by women who feel that they've been excluded by the government and
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even society and they're saying if there's ever a time to challenge the status quo and create change then it's now. these meals are bringing divides communities together mainly through mothers and daughters by creating dialogue everyone is invited regardless of social class or wealth everybody must be illegal it's not them so this is what i like and i will not stop i know i go on kicking sheltie lebannon now has its highest ever ratio female ministers including the arab world's 1st female minister of defense. but activist donna hum moot who was arrested after a standoff with a police officer says the political system needs a radical change in its view of women. here i told them i would rather die than live in the country where there is such police officers and someone the suspects even if it's a police officer i'm not going to shut up. lebannon has a new government and people are waiting to see if it will deliver on its promises
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of change. and one thing they're all united on is that they will always fight for their rights. sort of played out ages eda. hurrican force winds a lashing britain and parts of continental europe a storm killer sets in flood warnings have been issued for several areas so on the go go has more. sounding the sirens warning residents in this northern english town of the young coming flood. across the region storm care lashed with hurricane force winds blowing more than 100 kilometers per hour accompanied by torrential rain as police closed the roads people scramble to avoid the worst $149.00 flood warning alerts were issued but for some residents the response was not enough to get approval to really been focused
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because. it will keep moving over. or go from the u.k. to the north continental european coast all shipping was suspended but it's not just sea transport that's been affected rail travel to this central london station forced to close because of overcrowding cancelled services and disruptions caused by the storm. as well as air travel is across northern europe many flights were canceled the effects of kira will likely continue until choose day finding out further over central europe but less rain and more violent windy conditions across the continent so yeah go. hollywood's biggest event of the year the 92nd the caribbean wards is just wrapping up now in los angeles a south korean film parasite has won best picture joaquin phoenix won the top prize
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for best actor in the leave role in joker and won the best actress award for the film judy maloney a parasite won 3 oscars for best director original screenplay and international feature film. well just 0 was also nominated for an oscar the film saint louis superman was in the documentary category it's the story of bruce franks jr an activist battle rapper runs for state office was doing 5 though you have to work. it's night you've heard about. something else happened on this night you. saw my son in 15 i. think that i mean. you know like you know at this montana stand you can watch st louis superman in full on witness that sat
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930 g.m.t. on monday february 10th. welcome back let's recap our headlines now the death toll from corona virus is risen to 910 worldwide 2 people have died outside mainland china experts from the world health organization heading to china to investigate the epidemic. millions of people were expected to go back to work on mondays and the extension to the lunar new year holiday ended but many stayed home usually busy commuter routes were quiets katrina you has more from beijing. this virus that has has had a massive impact on life across the country even here in beijing which is very far away from the epicenter incubate province and of course while some people are going
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back to work the government is encouraging private companies or any companies as much as possible to encourage their staff to state harm if they can if they must go to work there encouraging them to sort of stagger the start dates or the start time so perhaps get stuff to work in batches as they try to minimize crowding and prevent the spread and we know that many schools are still shut and at least until the beginning of march early results are in for islands general election for the 1st time she is saying is ahead of the 2 main center right policies but counting is ongoing and no one party is expected to win a majority syrian government forces of taking control of several villages in aleppo province it's part of a major offensive against the last rebel held areas i think of a say 17 people were killed by strikes on sunday. hurrican force winds are hitting britain and parts of northern europe as storm kira sets in major
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flood warnings of been issued for several the areas thousands of homes of about power hundreds of flights have been cancelled authorities are also warning people to stay home will fall in trees and flying debris holes in chaos. hollywood's biggest event of the year the 92nd academy awards is just wrapping up in the sands ladies the south korean film parricide has won for us as the best picture director original screenplay and international feature film film is a satire about inequality and class conflict. as the headlines the news continues after the listening post the race for the white house has begun this month to see 4 states have their say on their wants to please don't try. to lose too much to continue talking to the stage of the 2020 us in action. on
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just the. consequences of. my. shocking incident. i get. a lot out of the camo. hello i'm richard burton you're at the listening post among the media stories that we're covering this week unrest over a new citizenship law in india are all those news channels out to inform or incite a state of a union divided donald trump honors a controversy of talk radio host media in the middle east and the troubling use of blackface why is it still considered an acceptable form of entertainment. plus the u.k. and the war of words were.
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