tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 17, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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storytelling around the biggest issues. they have to do usually do it. all on. al-jazeera. or that this is the al-jazeera news or it's even so hard coming out syria's president bashar al assad congratulates us forces for their gains in the north from being a relentless campaign to achieve complete victory. the e.u. agrees to launch a new mission to enforce an arms embargo in libya that's currently being ignored. infected americans from a coronavirus riddled cruise ship arrived home on evacuation flights of the
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epidemic claims more lives. by barbara sarah in london with the top stories from europe including moscow's eyes in the sky we take a close look at russia's new facial recognition system that's provoking fear is of big brother and far as small have all the day's sport including its 2 wins from 2 for holders al héloïse saudi arabia and the group stages of the asian champions league. but we begin in syria where president bashar assad has made a rare address on state television to promise no let up in his offensive in the northwest he congratulated his forces and their allies for their rapid recent gains which are edging closer to winning back the last pieces of rebel held lands the un . says the russian backed campaign supported by iranian militia has displaced
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$875000.00 people mostly women and children since early december so assad votes a relentless push towards in his words complete fix 3 we learn in an item and we fully understand that this liberation does not mean the end of the war or the end of plots or terrorism either this liberation does not mean the enemy's will surrender this liberation means that we put our enemies pride and nose in the dirt as a primary step to defeat them completely sooner or later well he is near the turkey syria border and says it's clear president assad is confident that victory will come sooner or later. this is a delicate moment for the syrian opposition but also for the syrian government and this explains why president bashar assad has been celebrating in his speech the new major gains made by the syrian army particularly on the outskirts of aleppo and
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also the southern parts of it live saying basically that this is just about a matter of time before the opposition is defeated this explains why he has been saying that the fight will continue until the terrace and this is the term that he uses. most of the time to describe the syrian opposition we're no longer in 2014 or 13 when the syrian government was on the verge of collapse and when the syrian opposition was making spectacular gains across the country all those gains were reversed and now they're just confined to it which is their last stronghold but president bashar assad also told his people that they have to wait or that this is not the end of the war and i think he was hinting to the fact that with the growing turkish involvement with turkey sending more poor boys into into taking over it it might take some time now it's no longer up to us to decide what happens
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next and i think this is something which will boil down to 3 key players russia turkey if you have been holding talks in moscow to defuse tension iran is also another regional player the 3 iran russia and turkey will decide the future of syria in the near future. well this is the state of play after 9 years of war the government held areas are in red now as you can see it's taken a pretty much all of a leper and has pushed deep n.c. adlib province the shrinking green areas are opposition territory when yellow is lands controlled by the currents or i mccurry is a professor of journalism that's the american university of beirut and a senior fellow at harvard. hannity school joins us now from the lebanese capital gets everywhere this on al-jazeera what do you make of all of this particular speech from president bashar assad's does this suggest that the syrian president
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feels confident the end of this war is finally in sight. he's always been confident and he speaks out every once in awhile to celebrate a certain achievement in the military progress that his troops with the russian and iranian and hezbollah assistance have been making consistently over the last 3 or 4 years so there's nothing surprising about the military gains that they've achieved in the adlib area in aleppo there's nothing surprising about his making a statement the only real question here is what is this going to mean for the syrian turkish relationship the standoff the turks have been massing weapons in the area they control in northern syria that had 13 of their troops killed by syrian fire in northern syria this is the real big question the turkish syrian link which raises the bigger question of the russian turkish syrian relationship i think the
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other big question is once said. gets what he wants in the north of his country whether the turks remain or not then what's he going to do about the areas on the eastern part of. syria where there are still rebel forces well let's deal with it 1st off your question said where do you think this leaves turkey they're certainly invested in that conflict there on the verge of directs conventional warfare with the syrians what is turkey tonight. well i think they're going to try to avoid direct conventional warfare they might have some shoot outs with some artillery but i think they're going to avoid that because their relationship with russia is the turkish russian relationship is way more important than the turkish syrian relationship. the turks are concerned about the kurds in their immediate neighborhood they're not concerned about the syrian government or army as such and
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they have been in touch with syria on and off for many years but the russian turkish relationship is. is hugely strategically significant in terms of exports and imports and weapons purchases will import gas transit pipelines from russia to europe there's so many dimensions to the bilateral russian turkish relationship that that's what they're going to pay more attention to my guess is they will you'll see the russians moving pretty quickly now to negotiate to mediate and they'll come up with another agreement like they did 34 years ago about. zones of quiet the de confliction zones and they give them all these fancy names which really end up meaning nothing because nobody follows the agreement to cease fire just as has been happening in libya same thing people say we're going to stop fighting and they'll keep fighting but there will be an agreement in northern syria at some point soon my guess is the turks probably will maintain control of a border strip and they will do that with the approval of the russians and the
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syrians and that will calm things down for a while but long term the syrians will have to get back full solvent control of their territory and they have the muscle to do it with the russians backing them what they think they certainly do this war has already played out for for 9 years do you think we're coming close to an end game here. no because you have so many different tensions going on in syria because even after the fighting stops which it will one day you still have the area in the north which has pretty much kurdish autonomy in some kind of rough agreement with the syrian government they're going to have to work that out the syrians will not accept what the kurds have in iraq which israel full autonomy almost acquires our independence so there's
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going to be tensions in the north and there are still some pockets of troops from other countries american troops and then you've got some isis troops and others so there will continue to be tensions for some years down the road and the syrian government on its own is not very strong they they are strong because hezbollah iran and russia give them immense military supports diplomatic support and some some of them the iranians especially give them financial aid and oil so the the syrians are not quite as free to do whatever they want as you would think they are because these other factors come come into play my guess is that assad would be willing to go on for a few more years with these other people in control of parts of his territory as long as he can claim that this is an agreement with him and it's done to protect
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syria and to get rid of the terrorists to fight isis etcetera and to to beat the period $100.00 minus as he calls them so we're going to probably see that coming up soon i would guess ok well we'll have to wait and see for night joining us live from beirut thank you. now the european union has announced the new land sea and air operations are in force the u.n. arms embargo on libya is being floated so much that it has been described by the u.n. as a joke a previous naval mission to stop people trafficking and to enforce arms controls collapse last year after disagreements with a silly dominic cain has been monitoring that meeting from berlin. to the masses saying that this is a big step forward for the burnin process the goal being to prevent further arms supplies reaching the civil war parties in libya that reference of the berlin process is harking back to the conference that was held in the german capital
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bringing together many of the key players if not all of the key players in the libyan scenario plus international represent representatives from the international community to try and thrash out a way forward in libya now the point here is there have been stumbling blocks and sticking points but one of the key things for mr mass for germany has been the need for greater international cooperation certainly the european level until today not everybody in the e.u. the 27 countries wanted to see what's been agreed today the austrian government is very cautious about the idea of doing something which might encourage another flow of migrants to leave libya and to cross the mediterranean sea into the e.u. one of the parts of this agreement in brussels is that the patrolling mechanism will concentrate on shipping routes where migrant boats tend not to go that was the
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price to get the austrian government to not vote against this measure in brussels at the e.u. foreign affairs council that's how it stands right now but it has to be said we shouldn't expect to see any movement of any implementation of what's been agreed today any time soon all the developments on the arms embargo happened exactly 9 years since the revolution started john stratford has more from western libya. the structure is very important in terms of the history of the revolution steam that the fighters here with the main fighting force against pro good daffy full series they lost a lot of mainly here around 3000 fighters were killed in that fight they've also lost a lot of men in the subsequent fight against iceland 2000 from 2016 alone woods that fight now effectively won so the g.n.a.t. says here disputed by. so few significance to this city
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the celebration of this revolution i spoke to some people here earlier one man said that this was highly symbolic he said when asked about the kind of turbulence that this country he's insuring at the moment will speak described as a civil war now since you know just the celebration have any real significance when we're losing civilian lives people being killed and around according to the 150000 the u.n. saying have been displaced what is there to celebrate he said this is a celebration to show to show sure poltergeists those that are enemies of democracy very much have a finger being pointed at half the many people here see him as basically being the equivalent of good daffy and of course gadhafi overthrown in that revolution eventually in 2012 so a very big day for people here in misrata and as we've been seeing early in today a very big day in tripoli despite being
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a repeat crisis the wall that this country is in during right now. that's more still to come on then you sad. people don't trust the police. i would rage in brazil over the rise in the number of police killings. finally heading home we take a look at the plight of the millions of afghan refugees in stuck in pakistan for decades. and in sports this portal striker lashes a supply of fans to be targeted with racist abuse to. china's military is sending hundreds more doctors and nurses to han the epicenter of the corona virus outbreak which is claims more lives of 10 percent of china's critical care workers are now in war han johns hopkins university is tracking the
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epidemic in the size of the red circles indicate the infection numbers the torso in mainland china is heading towards $72.00 thousands or more than $770.00 people have died well the china people's daily says the fatalities include a high ranking don't swear it tweeted the new director all who han watch on hospital died on february 17th jussi infection with coverts 19 he's the 1st hospital director at diets form corona virus hash tag on i let's get more now from sarah clarke who reports from hong kong. millions of chinese are returning to work some companies have reopened their factories as i try to get back to business as usual after being shot for weeks. 50 percent of our employees have returned to work bringing our production capacity to 50 percent we predict all of
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our workers will be back on their post by the end of february and a production capacity will return to normal. employees arriving for work a getting additional checks to make sure they're healthy and the government's offering companies tax incentives to limit the economic damage of the outbreak the government's also rolled out some measures to help enterprises and ensure their normal operation so we're encouraged and feel confident government statistics on monday showed a continuing rise in the infection right in china but the fatality rate has fallen the national health commission says the situation is improving outside here by the province at the center of the crisis to. try for places outside of who by a total of 115 new cases were reported on sunday including 5 new did the number of newly confirmed cases outside of who by his keep declining for 13 days in a row the number of new confirmed cases remained at a relatively low level. in here by the situation is grim inside this makeshift
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hospital and will hand patients queue for food and treatment as medical staff care for the rising number of infected china's military is sending hundreds of doctors and nurses to wehrhahn the world health organization is sending experts to beijing as well as to guangdong and sichuan province it's. with the virus yet to be contained china's largest annual political meeting is expected to be postponed the national people's congress to start a much the 5th a meeting next monday is due to decide if the meeting will be shelved the 1st time in china's recent history here in hong kong another infection was reported on monday that the spread of the virus is feeling more consumer panic with price toilet paper rolls and face masks still in short supply the government is calling for calm sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. japan has confirmed
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99 further infections on board a quarantine cruise ship in yokohama ports 300 americans who were in port of a dr told one of the accusation flights they'll spend another 2 weeks in medical seclusion well than 450 passengers have been diagnosed on the diamonds princess and also have chosen to take the opportunity to leave but essentially we decided that the circumstances in which they were going to provide the flight and the requirement that we do another 2 week korean team as though we hadn't done one already just was not acceptable to us and in fact the news now that they put 14 infected people on the flight with everyone else it's just confirmed to us that they weren't really providing a safe method of transportation back to the united states everyone is directed to remain in their cabins the exception is for those who have indoor and inside cabins and just window cabins they are provided an opportunity to go on deck there are
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protocols to keep them apart i don't know how well they are succeeding i don't know . but in terms of that we have remained in our cabin now for 2 weeks and have not crossed the threshold no one's come inside and we do go out on our balcony but if there are other people in surrounding the conies we tend to come right back inside so it's the main thing i still a cement aransas better of the virus let's get more now from heidi jill castro she joins us live from washington d.c. how do you think what's going to happen see those upon kate's americans those who chose to make the trip back to the u.s. . well sure these 2 chartered flights landed in the united states earlier this morning on a board them are these 328 americans and among them are 14 who tested positive right before those planes us actually took off now as for those 14 they are now
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being treated in nearby u.s. hospitals to where those planes landed the remainder of those americans will being horenstein on military bases in california and in texas for the following 2 weeks but much of this attention has focused on those 14 and it's attracted quite a bit of scrutiny as to how these individuals ended up being repatriated when the original plan of the u.s. state department as announced was only to bring back those individuals who were not infected and the state department has explained its reasoning saying that everyone had been tested 2 to 3 days ago when they left the cruise ship no one was symptomatic but then while in transit from the boat to the planes in the airport that's when the result received the positive results for those 14 people and that that was done in consultation with u.s. health officials at the state department employees decided to go ahead and put those infected individuals in an isolated area of those airplanes and repatriate
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them anyway meanwhile there are still 44 other american passengers who have been aboard the diamond princess who have also tested positive for the corona virus they received those positive results. earlier before this evacuation had been put in motion in those americans remain in treatment in japanese hospitals hala. in terms of how the reaction from other americans mean the hearts of a few of these people who have been in. the ole miss are being ripping. us this news going back in the states. well certainly this is capture of the imaginations of americans you know to be basically about in prison in that cruise ship now more close to 2 weeks that sent certainly has generated public sympathy but there's been a mixed response to the repatriation of these 14 who have tested positive with some
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questioning why it was that the u.s. government didn't wait for positive confirmation from these test results prior to having everyone this embark from the cruise ship essentially what this episode shows is that for this evacuation despite the procedures put in place the virus was leading and the u.s. government responding in kind of this last minute decision to bring everyone including the 14 who were positive for the virus to bring all of them back to the united states now prior to this all happening polling had shown that americans the vast majority supported the way the u.s. government has been handling the response to this outbreak but now bring those 14 people back nearly doubles the total number of cases of corona virus in the united states and it is certainly going to attract more scrutiny to how the government continues to handle this outbreak ok how does your castro live for us in washington d.c. from a thank you. a suicide bomber has killed at least 7 people and injured 50 others in
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pakistan these inquests of the provincial capital of the lucky stand say a teenager detonated the bomb when they stopped him heading towards a religious family. at the u.s. and the afghan taliban have reached an agreement on a peace still that could be signed before the end of the month that suicide so been holding talks to find a political solution to the us is longest running war they've agrees on an interim periods of reduced violence a taliban spokesman says the agreement could see the departure of all form forces from afghanistan and. we had fruitful meetings with the americans we agreed at the end of the negotiations to sign a peace agreement by the end of this month in the qatari capital of doha immediately following the signing the agreement and releasing $5000.00 taliban prisoners direct talks would start between us and the afghan government. pakistan
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and the un refugee agency or holding a conference to highlight the challenges facing afghan refugees it's estimated more than 2000000 people are sheltering in pakistan have been displaced since the 1979 soviet invasion ongoing violence makes returning home dangerous parts are packed ration program set to receive next month welcome to hyder is asked a refugee camp in the city of peshawar he says pakistan and the un are putting pressure on the international community to do more to help. it has been 40 long and difficult. for millions of andre's cape to pakistan and iran to find sanctuary from the bloody conflict and i run it on a conference in islamabad was held to highlight the plight of the of one refugees and to highlight their difficulties the secretary general of the united nations said that this is indeed a crucial and important issue that needs more efforts by the international
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community we need a little renewed commitment. we need to make sure that there is not only a stronger movement towards peace but that peace let's effective reconstruction creating the conditions for a successful return and reintegration of afghan refugees the men puppets of the gone friends etc once again draw the attention of the international community to our lingering problems are their stake in decades but all that there's only part separated f.p. says it is stored in iran it's done we have talked to their people and gab and asked them what word ensure they're safe and monitored but returned today a country from boston that are running though there are discussions on the issues faced by our community i don't think there will be any outcome as no one is bothered about the situation we are going through on one side we have
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a war torn afghanistan and on the other side we are faced with many challenges including shelter livelihood health education the pakistani prime minister also speaking on the ok then said that it's august onwards priscilla dating peace talks in afghanistan and he said they did was go to any extent in order to find a solution so daddy's people can go home on it i believe you have tried our best whatever support we can give to these use talks i can tell you we have tried our best this is our mentality that that sitting i've had several meetings with an enormous. the whole country is on the same page of security forces on the same page moving forward the u.s. special envoy for afghanistan said that both sides need to stop turn their border share and it should be compromises in order to reach a lot of things said to a man through a never ending conflict was a call from the sea wall is
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a call for some of the economic problems but. the suffering of people he's also a big plan for. finding a pete rose a looter the afghan problem alone is a big challenge for the international community and more effort really needs to be done in order to ensure that deadlock stink speech so that millions of ones living outside their country can finally go home. a gunman in brooklyn a fast so have killed $24.00 people in a church they included the church pastor in the village of poncy commons and set the building on fire is the 3rd religious attack in the area within the last week. the un is carrying out an urgent humanitarian assessments in cameron's english speaking region after an armed gang killed at least $22.00 people including 14
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children fight his attackers in the farming village of garble in the northwest the opposition is accusing the military of involvement the u.n. says it's assisting tens of thousands of people affected by a session of the fighting in cameron. as we understand it from weibo witnesses between 40 and 50 armed men wearing military fatigues attacked the village in the morning and we have verified is that we have 22 civilian casualties there could be more confirmed 22 this is in the context of. crisis which has been going on for almost 4 years between independence seeking. they call themselves fighters in the current government so come on this news out why thousands of candidates of it all they can't stand in iran's parliamentary election . a historic ruling in india orders equal roles for women in the
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military. and in sports the best women's cricketers enjoy some time time head of the t 20 world cup. but . i was still got some unsettled weather in the forecast across parts of the middle east still some more wintry florist sliding else of but keep pushing. across northern parts of around and not too many to speak of is more so as we go on into the middle of the week you'll see a few showers just driving the way into the levant that is to sort of the mediterranean side to sing a few showers syria lebanon jordan pushing all the way across into northern parts of syria and northern areas of iran as well to the south of that it is generally drive. around 29 celsius warm enough here plenty awards across northern and central
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parts of africa at the moment particularly into the central areas getting well up into the thirty's lego's could touch 36 degrees way will with an issue that was the other side of west africa well ossified dry for a town touching 30 celsius as we go on into wednesday when a few shows there in say the tropics as one would expect democratic republic of congo central african republic seeing some lively showers some big showers over towards cameroon maybe to get on as well the same is a very heavy rain recently as the remains of a little side line there affecting madagascar stew pretty wet here some lovely showers to the east impasse of south africa. but. the politics of division have pushed india into the grip of a historical reckoning i'm afraid to be crossing in my neck even into a pretty good where do these ideas come from the tragedy of more lives and how much
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we've tried to sanitize it getting to school a happy family or the only book to join me opticians see you on the final part of my journey when i do become a target of the hindu 1st policy in search of india's soul on al-jazeera. the cal grounds of toga. defenseless against the winds have been on different international marketplace. and political activist on a mission to establish a co-operative to make can sound check on the. people and power. a taste of independents on al-jazeera. in the.
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this is al jazeera reminder of the headlines this hour syria's president bashar assad has made a rare appearance on state television iraq and a massive government offensive in aleppo and it loads but cautions that there will be more fighting to secure a final victory. the e.u. has announced a new mission to force the arms embargo on libya the land sea and air operation was agreed after weeks of negotiations it's expected to begin in march the chinese military is sending hundreds more doctors and nurses to the hon subring force the fight against the coronavirus another chinese nationals killed as boys in close 21870000 people fact is. a growing number of asian countries are feeling the economic pressures all fat epidemic china's rolling out
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tax incentives to encourage companies to reopen in japan the economy has shrunk to its fastest pace in 5 years and there are fears of a recession singapore's prime minister has said a recession is also possible there analysts are predicting it could run its biggest deficits in more than 10 years and in cambodia where the economy is strongly dependent on beijing the government is warning of job losses when he reports from phnom penh. the skyline in cambodia's capital phnom penh has changed dramatically in recent years building rapidly as the money flowed mainly from china. but china's economy is grinding to a halt making for uncertain times for many including the 200000 cambodians employed in the construction. i'm so worried if i don't know where i would find another one. if i lose my job for
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a few days it would be tough for me to pay the. there's even more uncertainty for those in the garment industry which is facing setbacks on 2 fronts the european union will place tariffs on some footwear including it imports from cambodia because of a deterioration in democracy and workers' rights the industry employs almost 800000 people and relies on chinese investment and raw materials with many suppliers in china closing down because of the spread of coronavirus cambodia's government says some of its factories will suspend operations for as long as 3 months as many as 90000 people may lose their jobs temporarily in recent years china has become more influential and more invested in southeast asia from tourism to construction to manufacturing but even before the corona virus outbreak as the chinese economy was slowing governments in this region were beginning to wonder if they were becoming
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too reliant on china. singapore's prime minister lee hsien loong says because china is a much bigger factor in the region than it used to be his country's economy could dip into recession this year as visitor numbers drop by as much as 30 percent thailand's economy was already stuttering and may also be nearing recession with growth hitting for less than 2 percent and vietnam's manufacturing sector depends on a well oiled supply chain from china in january exports fell more than 17 percent but some experts believe the threat extends well beyond this region all countries in the world depends on what action especially in the united states and europe important a lot from china and when china has a problem they will how inflation they're the same thing so that is not for cambodia and for. but for the world. the wealthy may be able to ride it out but it is perhaps tougher for those living on the edge of poverty who could easily slip
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backwards in the event of a regional or global economic shock in cambodia there are millions in that category and as corona virus spreads in china and beyond the economic contagion is also worsening wayne hey al jazeera phnom penh. the hundreds of flood warnings remain in place across the u.k. after some areas recorded the highest water levels in 40 years for more let's cross to barbara sara in our european center. yes thank you 2 storms have battered britain in recent days 3 people have died in a week of surging waves and wind with one woman still missing for a challenge reports. hangry sees and dangerous swollen rivers dennis is the 2nd storm in a week to batter parts of the u.k. blowing in shortly after storm chiara blew out dennis has brought floods and destruction to wales and western england. in herefordshire cars became flotsam
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borne away by the waters because storm chiara had already saturated the land dennis's heavy rain swiftly turned roads to tarantula rivers field into lakes the town center of 10 bre wells in worcestershire was submerged you can take months for people's lives to return to normal after this kind of event it's up to my thigh in situ mean and everything that we put up on boxes last night is. all we've got electricity so we're really lucky so we've been serving the tea and coffee and hot water if somebody wanted it but you know i mean people are starting to sort of evacuate now prime minister boris johnson quick to visit storm hit areas while campaigning for december's election has yet to do the same this time. but the government has announced plans for a new $1500000000.00 supercomputer that will try to predict weather and climate
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change faster than ever before bats won't stop storms like dennis and here are of course but it's more warning should mean better preparation and that could prevent future storms being so destructive chalons rogers era. at the fists in russia are taking legal action against the government's plan for one of the world's largest facial recognition systems they fear the surveillance is being used to pinpoint critics of president vladimir putin but police say law abiding russians have nothing to fear our correspondents that has been given exclusive access to police headquarters in. moscow fights are being watched closely $200000.00 cameras will be installed not only on public streets but also at the entrances of private living quarters not many people are aware that there are biometric data images body measurements and other characteristics are being captured real time and transmitted to police monitors within moments
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a person's. dentity can be determined and his place of residence. if the person is on the wanted list it means he is a criminal if you have not committed a crime you don't have to be awarded the fight if he is a caught on camera russia is taking the phrase big brother is watching you to a new level with biometric data collection seemingly available at nearly every street corner you. easily catch criminals but critics say they'll keep a close eye on activists opposing the putting 3 team at the same time. police have been accused of using face recognition technology to crack down on peaceful protesters during a wave of anti-government demonstrations last summer up over sash she was arrested after taking part in the protests in 2018 she filed a case against the police at a moscow court dismissed it she will mount a not a legal challenge against
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a technology next month. by using facial recognition technology the state violates people's privacy and i'm saying they're doing it illegally i'm convinced that they are collected user by a magical days or they don't have a right to do so they must stop. but the company that designed it acknowledges sas system is being used legally in russia an activist should be more worried about their mobile phones when you're talking about your phone so your job position is always on. all the content is monitored which you're saying you know. speech recognition is always. whatever so. when you when you do from the from the government perspective this is a saying the company claims it can identify people even if only their eyes are visible and do the test we do find a loophole the company admits that mismatches can happen and aims to improve.
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system. not only does systems invasiveness and accuracy is being questioned but also its security recently russian media discovered that captured images are being hacked and sold on the black market which instead of compared to crime would make it criminal to work on lot easier step fasten al-jazeera moscow it's been revealed that members of a german far right group arrested last week were planning large scale attacks on mosques similar to those carried out in new zealand last year government spokesmen have described the details as shocking local media say the group claimed to launch several similar teeniest mass casualty assaults on muslims during prayers the 12 men were detained in police raids across germany on friday. french m.p.'s have started the baiting the government's controversial pension reforms in parliament the process is expected to take weeks with a final vote later this year unions have criticised president emanuel mccall's
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bather to streamline various retirement schemes it triggered a 6 week long public transport striking december labor leaders have called for we needed protests to coincide with the parliamentary debates that is it from london for the moment let's go back to hell in doha thank you barbara iran's parliament speaker ali larijani has become the 1st foreign official to visit lebanon's you government he met presidents michaud in and said iran's ready to help revive the economy by minister house and has promised to come up with a plan to deal with the financial crisis but protesters are denouncing as you cabinets insisting on a complete overhaul of the political system iran's parliamentary elections are happening this friday but much of the attention has been on candidates who've been disqualified from standing or the 7000 applicants were told they can't run including current members of parliament as
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a big reports from teheran. coming to terms with life outside of politics after 4 years as a parliamentarian mahmud saw that he has now been told he can't stand for reelection he says he was told by the guardian council the body that oversees iran's elections it's because he does not a baby stomach establishment he rejects that and says he was surprised by the council's decision they didn't want to it wasn't very unexpected for me considering how the guardian council make decisions they didn't provide me with complete evidence they made notes of comments on the media and my tweets due to some of my speeches and tweets over recent incidents it seems like they paid attention to them . others say being a committed parliamentarian doesn't guarantee candidacy wildhorse initial losses for example a candidate should have a good reputation and be committed to the constitution these are not issues one can prove in court the guardian council should see if one is committed to the constitution or not. out of the 81 members of parliament barred from re standing
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it's many politicians from the reformist movement who have been singled out they say they want this republic's political system to be more open and democratic but that's opposed by conservatives who argue change isn't needed this level of disqualifications has not been seen since the 2004 parliamentary elections when conservatives won the majority of the seats that's led to increased criticism of the council the vetting process and calls for reform more and more the hello there the guardian council's interference has hurt its position and damage his reputation and unlike what they say it's because of the interests of the establishment of parliament should reflect people's voices and people's voices have variety they should let different opinions be present in the parliament it would lead to a dynamic parliament and people's hope one of the reasons that there's a predicted low turnout is because people feel disappointed the guardian council has rejected criticism that its decisions are politically motivated and some predict conservatives are set to make gains in this election president rouhani has put forward a motion for
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a referendum on the vetting power of the guardian council but if conservatives win the majority of seats in these elections that motion is unlikely to pass and the status quo will continue setting the stage for next year's presidential elections and a possible change and political direction aside by al-jazeera the her on. an israeli aircraft has thrown through flown through sit on sarah's face for the 1st time in human netanyahu says it's another example of warming tolerance will formally hostile states that see nations are technically at war sit on has been part of a decades long arab oil course against israel's illegal occupation of palestinian land the aviation breakthrough followed a surprise meeting in uganda earlier this month. india's supreme court says ruled that women in the military must be given the same career opportunities as men it means female officers can go apply for permanent commissions that open up c'mon drools but it's not yet clear if women will be able to take part in acts of combat
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courts the indian government argued that many male soldiers would not accept female superiors the peron i'm has more from new delhi. where at the supreme court where female officers are celebrating the judge's decision the courts told the government that female officers should have what's called permanent commission that is they should be allowed to serve for the same duration as their male counterparts. evaded for this day for so long in really good food. in defense forces so this day is finally come we are ecstatic about the decision it's a wonderful decision it's a landmark decision that's come up and it tells everybody that women are equal to everyone else the men are no different and the women are no different or it's about equality here or the supreme court also said that the government needs to change its mind set and that's because permanent commission was posited by the delhi high
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court in 2010 but challenge by the government which cited physiological features and societal norms as reasons why women couldn't have equality in the armed forces now the supreme court said that the government's grounds for denying permanent commission and for denying command positions are disturbing and need to be changed they cannot be accepted female officers hope that this paves the way for them to serve and command positions in all branches of the indian army. there were fewer murders in brazil last year and in the 2nd city of rio de janeiro the murder rate dropped to its lowest ever but there have been a record number of killings by police the explanation for the numbers differ depending on who you ask but as john holdren reports innocent civilians are still getting colds in the crossfire. the good news is that religion
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a doe's murder rates are a record low the bad news killings by police are the highest since the $990.00 s. last year an average of 5 people a day were killed by officers the government says the 2 are linked experts are less sure one thing though is for certain in the city's poor neighborhoods called favelas a price is being paid. panesar felix's daughter agatha was killed by police bullet last september she was 8. i was always afraid of shootings in our area and i was afraid that i could have been shot but i never thought it could happen to her but it did. what i feared the most happened to my girl. i give his death sparked anger against what many call the heavy handed tactics of military police units. that's been going on for years but even while on the campaign now president joe you are not 0 said that he give the police even more of
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a free hand to hold up well i'm going to give the police carte blanche to kill for your real de janeiro's governor has been equally permissive they all give the start say it's worked experts disagree thinking is doesn't weigh flat and often cites when we look at the data and the evidence doesn't. start to sticks they are not correlated rezoned others say the murder rate was actually going down already helped by a truce between brazil's 2 biggest gangs and the moving of king pins to high security jails giving police free rein really nerdy so argues can only be bad in the long run when police kill more people what happens is they lose their the people move their confidence in the police and there's a fact the capacity of police to act and to solve crimes because people don't trust
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the police that many brazilians think differently there's a lot of people who support the legal tactics that tired of years of sky high violence but many of them perhaps don't live in the favelas the bear the brunt of its impact. and we're not just criminals but innocents are being mown down john homan 0 real digital. now is the end of the road for one of america's biggest car manufacturers in the street you see the ins and thailand's general motors is ending sales of its hold on cars at a straight a new zealand and selling its factory in thailand's to a chinese truck maker. regrettably despite the tireless work of many good people the business case could not meet g.m.'s investment thresholds. factors working against further investment holden included the highly fragmented domestic markets for the raw and drop product. the economics of supporting the brand. and
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competition they came from behind to beat the u.a.e. . the away star for buffy to be gomez firing them to victory the former french international getting 2 goals including this stunning winner final score $21.00. is record sammy champions backpack or have also made a 100 percent start maybe charcoal dro at home on monday tools inside 5 minutes not long after the break pretty much ending the hopes of their rainy opponents attack are going on to win it 3 no. awada have picked up their 1st win of the rounds and they did it in dramatic fashion the amorality side scored in the 80 minutes to down a rock so short one nil away. i'm right mr portugal is calling on the football authorities to hand down tough punishments to those responsible for the racial abuse in the summer agony puerto striker walked off the pitch in protest after
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hearing monkey chants during the game the country's top league and the richardson reports. the move some are a good school the winning goal for his heart seem was to become little more than a footnote in this portuguese league game the mali international claims he was targeted with racist abuse from rival fans throughout the match the club in question was victoria give us a team get used to play for seats were thrown at the 28 year old while he celebrated. break it was then booked when he reacted by picking one of the seats up . the game did restart but the abuse from victoria found didn't stop him or a get made his feelings clear. he later wrote on social media that his abuses were idiots and he criticised the referee to failing to help him and instead giving me a yellow card for defending my skin color moray get eventually asked to be substituted and left the pitch in protest the. coach search
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a concise out game or a get his full support saying after the game we are a family regardless of nationality or skin color we are all human and we deserve respect. and he richardson algy's hair. tributes were paid to basketball legend kobe bryant at the n.b.a. all-star game in chicago and my hon. we here during his career bryant made 18 appearances in this contest that features the best players from the league's 2 conferences brian died with his daughter giana and 7 others in a helicopter crash last month bron james as western conference team won this year's . very special i go out a relationship with. you know. the worst kind of spinal tap for you know it would have put the trophy. in my room in my trophy room and just be able to
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see you know. it just means a lot to me. he's a big inspiration in my life. you know he did love for me after places has stepped down as captain of south africa's test in t 20 teams with immediate effect after leaving his country in more than 100 matches in all formats the 35 year old says he's keen to carry on playing here manes the only south african captain to win a home and away series against australia and both tests and one day internationals i think its record against us drives especially in a lot of games i've played is called match winning runs for for the team so yeah he's been a great servant for south african cricket as a leader for such a long time now and take you know in some difficult circumstances i think the why that that he did he let us lead south africa is he should be very proud of what he's achieved the best women's players are gathering in australia head of the t 20 world cup tournaments begins with the host playing india on friday in sydney
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australia are also the defending champions. well cops every time starts on the on 0 points and on any day anything can happen so you know where very aware of what that looks like and we know that we need to buy extremely well to to win a game that we play so it's a great challenge i think finding a good thing for the women's game worldwide that there are a number of teams who can compete and who could win this world cup so it's going to be really exciting. australian golfer adam scott has won his 1st p.g.a. tournament in almost 40 years the 2013 masters champion won the genesis invitational by 2 shots in california seeing off a field that included 9 of the world's top 10 players it's his 14th win on the tour . ok and that is all your sport for now hala back to you thank you farai well that's it for this new star but to keep it here on al-jazeera get over to barbara sarah on the t.v. and one to my friend i.
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know whether online you like to be one of the worst groups and bring your review about. or if you join us on sunday to there's a different diversity and inclusion and they receive sometimes isn't always sincere based is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they were applied to iran are and i'm of what fair everyone has a voice we as a society that is simply to get to blame need to just sit down and listen and join the global conversation on now to 0. when the news breaks. when people
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need to be heard the general situation of course is affecting both of any and samantha here in gaza. and the story needs to be told with exclusive interviews as a country that is used in polar and in-depth reports movie. i thought this is iraq has teams on the ground there saying that they are against you on the plane blue documentaries and light news unique endangered biodiversity lives in the heart of one of the produce tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the animals of a half year and now the probability is becoming vice others of conservation in their communities al-jazeera journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist untouched teams efforts to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region women make science ecuador's hidden treasure on al-jazeera.
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holding the powerful to account as we examine the u.s. its role in the war on al-jazeera. the arab. syria's president celebrates recent gains by his forces in aleppo saying the fight for full control will continue. following barbara starr you're watching al-jazeera live from london also coming up the growing evidence of of the client in cases of coronavirus in china as health officials say the virus is not as deadly as previous strains. a major breakthrough in efforts to enforce an arms embargo in libya the european union ok's a new sea and air patrols in the eastern mediterranean.
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