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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  February 18, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03

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investigating the use and abuse across the. sierra. more than 90 fatalities in the last 24 hours at the epicenter of china's corona virus outbreak the death toll jumps to above 1900. a questionable evacuation over a dozen americans fly back home with apparently healthy passengers even after it was confirmed they've contracted coronavirus. hello i'm daryn jordan this is al-jazeera live from doha also coming up. the european union says it will try to enforce an arms embargo in libya would see an effort trolls. and at least 4 people have died in the u.k. of the 2 storms caused some of the worst flooding in 40 years.
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welcome to the program the number of people who have died in china's corona virus outbreak has now surpassed 1800 new figures released by health officials say 98 people have died in the last 24 hours in china mainly in her bay province that's the epicenter of the epidemic more than $1100.00 new cases were detected there on monday but beijing's taken some drastic steps to contain the virus it's now deployed more medics from the army to bait and for the 1st time in recent history the ruling communist party is considering delaying its annual congress its biggest political gathering where the world health organization says according to new data the china corona virus known as coded 19 is less deadly than saas but it's more infectious. the data also appeared to show a decline in new cases this trend must be interpreted very cautiously trends going
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change as new populations are affected it's too early to tell if this report the decline will continue every scenario is still on the table but it also appears that quoted 19 is not as deadly as a quarter and i viruses including service and murders more than 80 per cent of patients have mild disease and will recover well continue joins us now live live now from beijing katrina said the death toll is now past 1800 just talk us through some of the latest steps that chinese officials are taking to control the virus. well they seem to be convinced that the key to controlling the krona virus outbreak is by strictly monitoring and controlling the movements of hundreds of millions of people across
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the country and we've seen this is no more evident than especially in the epicenter of the outbreak itself now we know that last week the government sent in about 30000 stoffel and more bligh's 30000 government stuff this is communist party members these are people working for the government community members neighborhood workers to basically embark on this what they call a kind of wartime campaign to fight the outbreak and what we know is happening this week is this a new mobilization effort to try to know the whereabouts and the health status of every single 100 residents this is a huge undertaking one is a city of about 11000000 people usually now hundreds of those people also have left the city before the lockdown but we're still talking 5 to 6000000 people so the government is trying to do this week is knock on every single door if you're not answering the door the government or the worker will check your electricity meter to see if somebody is indeed living down they'll try to track you down the make
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calls to your family to your neighbors they will so use social media and all the and also surveillance systems to try to track your whereabouts and this is to make sure that they know that they know about every single coronavirus case that no case of the virus goes unreported so we're seeing a heavy handed measures such as this this is happening not just in 100 other cities across china too they have their own lock downs meaning if if you don't you cannot prove that you don't live there if you don't work there you simply cannot enter that city as a people are being turned away at airports and at train stations and beijing has also implemented a very strict measure itself now beijing massive city in the capital lots people coming in and out but this week they've also told people that if you've arrived in beijing recently be it from elsewhere in china or from or from overseas you must report. that you recently entered the city and then you must submit yourself to a self quarantine period of 2 weeks and we've just been hearing more stories of people actually who have come back into beijing when they try to leave their their
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apartment building to go to work or their home to go to work they've actually been blocked by by by police or by people who are monitoring the residential compound so we're seeing more and more measures like this and it doesn't look like these heavy handed measures are going to let up anytime soon as it seems that every and every level of the government from the nation level to provincial level talented than the little neighborhood lady who is responsible to. keeping an eye on things everybody has been mobilized to really try to restrict people's movements and the government is convinced that this is the best way to fight their krone virus outbreak katrina you then beijing katrina thank you well while some countries are moving quickly to evacuate their citizens from china's who by province other countries like pakistan and uganda are not going to dylan as a ugandan student stranded in city she spoke to my colleague come on santa maria. we are allowed to move out of apartments once
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a week you need to get permission from. to my landlady before you can move out all the best years of being still go you know a lot on campus if you don't stay on campus so we are currently locked you know houses even look downstairs in the book. i mean. it's difficult for us to be egos all the time but none of my friends are effected we're all looking we were just always a little bit in our arguments which is. staying in goes all alone all that. but you know that's what we have to do it sticks. now tell me about efforts to get out as we pointed out there are governments that have repatch reacted their citizens and your government the uganda government is one that hasn't what sort of contact have you had with anyone representing the ugandan government. will have
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gone through. the embassy they're going to need the scene and has a sort of being brought up in that podium and in uganda and all that means those are aware of what's going on and they're well we're praying for it booky ration but we say they come to book you wait that's because they don't think they are able to contain the virus in case it broke out in uganda so they decided to send us money but money is not really what we need i know the other hand is that they were able to quarantine the other ministers who came from china and went to uganda so it looks pointing to. the ministers but i don't understand why they don't do the same thing for us the students it gives us hope you know we can still pointing and so we went up to the media so i only know about this situation and how does it make us sorry this sounds like a stupid question how does it make you feel when you see other foreign nationals who have governments who are helping their citizens honestly makes me angry mix new
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feel like i don't matter to the country look our legs don't matter they don't care i mean yeah. it's not actually the best decision and if you're the evacuation going still being made it and it's best we prevent that is then having them to treat us lately we get the. some u.s. citizens who were evacuated from a cruise ship quarantine in japan were already carrying the coronavirus when they were airlifted back home and they were part of a much bigger group that was on to slights with their symptoms as they boarded the plane saga kustra as more. there was always a norm for the u.s. government original plan had been to keep off the planes anyone suspected of or known to be carrying the coronavirus but that's not how things turned out the state department says all 338 americans evacuated from the diamond princess cruise ship
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had appeared healthy when they disembarked but during the 40 minute bus ride to the 2 awaiting cargo planes the japanese health ministry called with news that 14 passengers had tested positive for corona virus american officials then decided to allow those passengers to continue with the evacuation isolating them behind white curtains near the plane's tails other passengers then boarded the route we're down here where we are in the morning there and after difficulty pretty miserable where there's massive crowds everybody had to go the ramp or i'm on the bus was revising their private 5 hours a way to get off across the. crazy crazy while on the buses the infected and apparently healthy passengers had mixed given the fact that we're still on a learning curve iris i think u.s. public health missions make the best decision they could recognizing that the
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alternative leaving them on the ship was was not. by the time they landed in california and texas 5 apparently healthy passengers had developed infection symptoms now all the evacuees are in coron teen with 13 high risk cases transported to the university of nebraska medical center. well there's been no documentation that came with them so everything has been sort of passed along and passed along you know and they've had a very long journey so i think we're not going to make any assumptions about anything that's passed along verbally we're going to go ahead and just test everybody by the government's numbers 5 of the evacuees who tested positive in japan are being treated at undisclosed hospitals near military bases meanwhile a number of americans still remain aboard the diamond princess in japan they had turned down the offer to evacuate and instead hope to complete their corn seen on
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board the ship the news now that they were 14 infected people on the flight with everyone else it just confirmed to us that they were really providing a safe method of transportation back to the united states the u.s. state department has completed a half dozen evacuation flights from asia since the corona virus outbreak began those other evacuations happened as planned but this latest incident draws scrutiny to the u.s. government's response and nearly double the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the u.s. overnight hi joe castro al-jazeera washington the european union has to launch new c.n.n. app patrols in the eastern mediterranean to try to stop more weapons reaching libya's warring sides it marks a major breakthrough after weeks of negotiations a diplomatic editor james bays reports now from geneva foreign ministers of the european union meeting in brussels have decided in principle to start monitoring
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illegal arms flows to libya however they've also actually cancelled an already mandated e.u. mission operations fear that you still have ships in the mediterranean from 2015 to deter migrants until the naval vessels were withdrawn as a result of a tally in prussia. instead of retire skiing that operation they now have to set up a new naval and air mission which may even need fresh u.n. security council authorization it could all take months to find some of the international arms embargo isn't the only major problem affecting peace efforts in libya in the coming hours talks will resume here at the u.n. in geneva between 5 representatives of the internationally recognized government in tripoli and 5 from general haftar side to try and get a cease fire can you give us a readout of how they went the government's representative at the u.n.
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in new york libyan ambassador sunny told me the previous round of talks had been far from easy there's a lot of issues that we don't need and together but there are some parts that as mentioned from the u.n. led process that could be a breakthrough but i'm still you know on have to be cautious because we notice that there are certain elements that we look into in terms of the return of i.d.p.'s the area and where the withdrawal areas are these are things that are still and were discussions and are not clear yet at the munich security conference the u.n. is except the special representative of libya made it clear if they can silence the guns the plan is for wider political talks in just over a week's time james pays geneva but the un's humanitarian coordinator for libya says the latest diplomatic push to end the crisis will amount to nothing and as the international community named and shamed countries who are
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helping to prolong the violence. the forces loyal to general have to and general have their insults are supported by the united arab emirates by russia or at least private russian companies as is claimed by egypt and also by other countries and less we start naming and shaming we will have the resolutions but the reality on the ground will remain appalling is specially for civilians and particularly for children and for women and for people who just want to go about their daily lives because they have done absolutely no wrong except being libyan in their country there's been heavy fighting between saudi troops and tribal forces and yemen's ulmarra province in the east it happened near the amani border saudi troops attempted to storm the town of shonn but have been repelled attack helicopters and armored vehicles were deployed as part of the assault this region
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of yemen has largely escaped the worst of the fighting and gulf the rest of the country since 2015 or something humvees editor in chief of the international interest magazine he says the saudis are in a difficult position with yemeni tribes now going against them. i think we have to understand the context in which these clashes are taking place it seems that there have been increasing discontent has been increasing discontent in southern yemen that the plan now from the u.a.e. in particular is to seize the pullets is to back the separatist movement in the south is in order to expand this maritime policy that extends on the coast of east africa url the way to the mediterranean and it believes that it's an convince saudi arabia to abandon this idea of restoring yemen as one nation by essentially bribing it with having a stake in building a pipeline that goes in the vicinity near the border of arm and through of those posts and it seems that the yemenis in this area have been complaining for some time saying we do not want to can only our power you came here to help us to
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restore the international recognized government stuck trying to essentially steal our resources in the midst of this conflict so these clashes are taking place in this context we should remember that the tribes who are purportedly involved in these clashes with saudi arabia were only a few days ago part of keeping representatives of the international recognized government safe from any potential kidnapping and the like to see them today attacked by saudi arabia to a point so that they ambushed a saudi convoy suggest that the discontent is reaching a very serious level for saudi and the u.a.e. if we talk about how these clashes might change things these clashes would only add to the antagonism towards saudi bombardment in other words it would increase the pressure on the saudis to start growing for that negotiated solution and this is significant because in the past it's been the goofy's who have been the ones who have refused that negotiated settlement the whole these have believed in the military victory to keep to keep the cities and force the entire community to recognize them but if suddenly the southerners turn on saudi arabia if the tribes
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start turning on saudi arabia saudi arabia will slowly and very realistically see itself being pushed more further and further into a corner and having to cede conditions to the 7 separatists and the fees. lots more still to come here in al-jazeera including moscow's eyes in the sky we take a close look at the face recognition system provoking fears a big brother more that saves. hello again welcome back to in a national weather forecast well here across a live on we are going to sing some better weather conditions as one system pulls away tuesday not a bad day across much of the area now we are going to see some clouds along out in the region but it is going to be on wednesday in the eastern part of the med we are going to get a little bit more rain in the forecast anywhere from beirut all the way down here
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to jerusalem as well as temperatures coming down so interest only 10 degrees for you there baghdad a warm day at 23 but speaking of the heat across the gulf we are talking about temperatures into the high twenty's so for dubai 29 degrees is expected high but for quite city we're actually going to get to 30 here on wednesday so rising to 30 coming back to about $26.00 as we go towards thursday well down here towards madagascar of course we have seen plenty of rain with the cycle and that made its way across the island over the next few days the rain is going to continue we're going to see most of the heavy rain over here towards the western part of the island but down here toward south africa notice this line of rain that is something we are going to be watching a lot of severe weather on that line over the next day wednesday a better day as that system makes its way a little bit more towards the north weaker cells of thunderstorms but down here towards cape town it is going to be a lot of some of the forecasts we do expect to see attempt of $33.00 in johannesburg rain at $26.00 degrees for you.
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when they're on line like father got to be one of the worst rather than being here media about the president or if you join us on sound there's a difference in diversity and inclusion and savor sometimes isn't ellison sea air base is a dialogue sanctions and the ways in which they're got tied to iran are and i'm a welfare everyone has a voice we as a society that is simply to get to the brain and to just sit down and listen and join the colobus conversation amount is iraq. welcome back a quick amount of our top stories here this hour the death toll from the corona
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virus in china has now passed 1900 after who a province the epicenter of the outbreak reported 93 new deaths across mainland china more than 800 cases were confirmed on monday. the world health organization says the virus is less deadly than previous outbreaks like sars but it's more infectious he says 80 percent of those who contract it will only have mild symptoms and will recover. and it's emerged some u.s. citizens evacuated from a cruise ship quarantined in japan were infected before they boarded the planes that flew them home the symptoms were confirmed as they were on their way to the airport. and the world health organization says it's concerned by what it calls and info direct that's the misinformation about corona virus that's spreading faster than the disease itself and schapelle explains. rumors about emerging diseases can and do have real world consequences with so much information out there on social media both accurate or not it can be difficult to find trustworthy sources of
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information and what the world health organization is calling it info demick about the coronavirus is they say just as dangerous as the disease itself the w.h.o. says false information about prevention measures or fake so-called cures are potentially harmful to public health it's using the hash tag know the facts to dispel some of the most dangerous rumors such as concerns that pets can spread the corona virus to people there's no published evidence of that it's another fake fact that it's unsafe to receive packages from china or that sesame oil garlic or gargling mouthwash can protect you no evidence of that either or that inhaling smoke and gas from fireworks can kill the virus definitely don't do that the u.n. children's agency says rumors about polio vaccines are one of the reasons why the virus hasn't been eradicated in afghanistan or pakistan parents in remote areas hear the rumor and don't vaccinate their kids social media allows misinformation to
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spread faster than ever before and sometimes fake information comes from more traditional sources with political motives numerous russian t.v. stations have spread the conspiracy theory that corona virus is a bio weapon intended to weaken china's economy internet trolls and conspiracy theories say the us health agency undermine the global response news organizations and social media platforms are helping counter the spread of misinformation facebook and instagram has got its army of fact checkers working will twitter is directing its users who search for corona virus information to credible institutions such as government health websites finally the organizers of the year's most anticipated event the olympic games in tokyo want to make it clear don't believe everything you read online hugo touch me with regard to the corona virus which started in china's hu by province there are many irresponsible rumors but i would like to make it clear again that we are not considering postponing or canceling the games. united nations says 900000 civilians have fled fighting in
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northwestern syria since the beginning of december is calling it a horrifying new level of humanitarian crisis a syrian government offensive to retake the last rebel held province has created the biggest single civilian displacement in the 9 year war well despite the crisis syrian president bashar assad has promised to press on with the offensive in a rare address on state t.v. he congratulated his forces for gains they recently made syrian government troops about by russian warplanes in the air and iranian backed militias on the ground. and we fully understand that this liberation does not mean the end of the war or the end of plots or terrorism either this liberation does not mean the enemy's will surrender this liberation means that we put our enemies pride and nose in the dirt as a primary step to defeat them completely sooner or later the afghan taliban says it could sign a temporary truce with the u.s.
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by the end of the month the 2 sides have been holding talks to find a political solution to america's longest running war they've agreed on an initial week of reduced violence and it's hoped it could lead to a full peace deal that would see u.s. troops pull out of the country. we had fruitful meetings with the americans we agreed at the end of the negotiations to sign a peace agreement by the end of this month in the terry capital of don't immediately following the signing the agreement in releasing 5000 taliban prisoners direct talks would stop between us and the afghan government of india supreme court has ruled that women in the military must be given the same career opportunities as men it means that female officers can now apply for permanent commissions in the army that open up command roles and also be treated on par with men for promotions and benefits in court the indian government argued that many male soldiers would not accept female superiors. activists in russia who are concerned that government plans for one of the world's largest facial recognition systems are taking legal
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action they fear the surveillance system is being used to single out critics of president vladimir putin and he say no by the russians have nothing to fear our correspondents given exclusive access to police headquarters in moscow. moscow fights are being watched closely $200000.00 cameras will be installed not only on public streets but also at the entrances of private living quarters not many people are aware that their biometric data images body measurements and other characteristics are being captured real time and transmitted to police monitors within moments a person's identity can be determined and his place of residence. if the person is on the wanted list it means he is a criminal if you have not committed a crime you don't have to be a warrant they've been in to fight if he is a caught on camera russia is taking the phrase big.
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seemingly available at every 3. criminals. say they'll keep a close eye on opposing the 3 dream at the same time. police have been accused of using face recognition technology to crackdown on peaceful protesters during a wave of anti-government demonstrations last summer all of us as she was arrested after taking part in the protests in 2018 she filed a case against the police at a moscow court dismissed it she will mount a not a legal challenge against a technology next month is. by using facial recognition technology the state violates people's privacy and i'm saying they're doing it illegally i'm convinced that they are awfully collect and use or biometric data and they don't have a right to do so they must stop. but the company that designed it technology sas it system is being used legally in russia an activist should be more worried about
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their mobile phones when you're talking about your phone so your job position is always on. all the content as morning which you're saying you know the. speech recognition is always on so. whatever so basically i have when you when you do from the like from the government perspective so this is the number one thing the company claims it can identify people even if only their eyes are visible and do the test we do find a loophole the company admits that mismatches can happen and aims to improve the system. not only to systems invasiveness and accuracy is being questioned but also its security recently russian media discovered that captured images are being hacked and sold on the black market which instead of compared to crime would make it criminals work on lot easier step fasten al-jazeera moscow flooding
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in the u.s. state of mississippi has forced hundreds of people from their homes weeks of heavy rains pushed the river in the state capital jackson to its highest level in 37 years. about a 1000 homes were flooded roads and other infrastructure also damaged the river appears to peak but evacuees are being warned to stay away until they get the all clear hundreds of flood warnings remain in place across the united kingdom after some areas recorded their highest water levels in 40 years 2 storms have battered britain in the past week bringing heavy rain and strong winds and at least 4 people have died. challenge reports. hangry season dangerous swollen rivers dennis is the 2nd storm in a week to batter parts of the u.k. blowing in shortly after storm chiara blew out dennis has brought floods and
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destruction to wales and western england. in herefordshire became flotsam borne away by the waters because storm chiara had already saturated the land dennis's heavy rain swiftly turned roads to tarantulas rivers field into lakes the town center of 10 bridwell's in which the ship was submerged it can take months for people's lives to return to normal after this kind of event and it's up to my thigh in situ mean. everything that we put up on boxes last night is. serving. hot water if somebody wanted it but it was time to sort of evacuate the prime minister boris johnson quick to visit storm hit areas while campaigning for december's election has yet to do the same this time. but the government has announced plans for a new $1500000000.00 supercomputer that will try to predict weather and climate
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change faster than ever before bats won't stop storms like dennis and he are of course but more warnings should mean better preparation and that could prevent future storms being so destructive glory chalons. time for a quick check of the headlines here on al-jazeera the death toll from the corona virus in china has now passed 1100 after a province the epicenter of the outbreak reported 93 new deaths across mainland china over 800 new cases were concerned on monday as well katrina new is in the chinese capital she says the government has begun an operation to determine the health status of every person who had city in the bay province. the government is trying to do this week is not every single door if you're not answering the door the government or the worker will check your electricity meter
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to see if somebody is indeed living down they'll try to track you down they'll make calls to your family to your neighbors they will see you social media and all that and also surveillance systems to try to track your whereabouts and this is to make sure that they know that they know about every single krone virus case that no case of the virus goes unreported well the world health organization says the virus is less deadly than previous outbreaks like sa's but it's more infectious it says 80 percent of those who contract it will only have mild symptoms and will recover in all its emerge some u.s. citizens who were evacuated from a cruise ship quarantine in japan were infected even before they boarded the planes that flew them home the symptoms were confirmed as they were on the way to the airport european union has launched new c.n.n. a patrol in the eastern mediterranean to try and stop more weapons reach into libya the decision aiming to uphold it barely recognize u.n. arms embargo follows months of negotiations. and has been heavy fighting between
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saudi troops and tribal forces in yemen's a province in the east it happened in the money border saudi troops attempt to storm the town of shonn but have been repelled its region of yemen as large just state the worst of the fighting but isn't go for the rest of the country since 2015 . and the u.n. says 900000 civilians of fled from fighting in northwestern syria since the beginning of december it's calling it a horrifying new level of humanitarian crisis a syrian government offensive to retake the last rebel held areas has created the biggest single civilian displacement during the 9 year war. well those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after the street station thanks for watching by foot. we talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing and they all the endemic corruption and. we listen so if you really put place china as the enemy of the with and that's really that we meet with global
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news makers and talk about the stories that. just 0. i am josh rushing filling in for the irreplaceable family ok china is finding what its government calls up people's war against a deadly coronavirus but it's also battling to diffuse public anger over its handling of the crisis is china putting party before the people so your thoughts through twitter and you tube and you too could be in the street. the corona virus spreading across china has now taken 1800 lives but as cases mount chinese authorities are scrambling to address criticism that they should have been more open about the crisis on saturday the chinese government took the rare step over.


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