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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 21, 2020 5:00am-6:01am +03

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this is al jazeera. columcille rahman you're watching the al-jazeera news our life my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes south korea's prime minister announces emergency measures to control the spread of coronavirus following a death under spike in new cases. also donald trump's of former ally roger stone is sentenced to 40 months in prison for lying to congress but the president is confident that he'll be cleared. and vigils are being held in germany to remember victims of a mass shooting that's been described as a terrorist attack. also months of towards south sudan's president and
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opposition leader reach a deal to form a unity government. hello welcome to the news hour south korea has raised the alert level for the southeastern city of daegu after the country's 1st death and an increase in corona virus cases medics have confirmed 156 infections there or thought he say dozens of them are linked to one church in daegu the prime minister says special measures will be taken to stop the virus from spreading china reported $118.00 more deaths on thursday and confirmed more than 800 new infections which is more than double the number reported the day before 2 australians evacuated from a cruise ship that had been to quarantine in japan have tested positive for corona virus after returning home and now they're being isolated as crossover to katrina
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your correspondent in beijing and katrina those hopes that things were on the mend have really just been dashed in the past few hours. why especially in south korea we're seeing that there was a case of more than 50 cases announced in the last 24 hours the government there as you mentioned has declared an emergency situation saying they're going to come down with strong and swift measures to address this now in south korea most of the cases seem to center around this particular church in the city of daegu this church called sin joined church with this one woman who seems to be the source of most of the cases there she attends this church and this church at its worship service has about a 1000 people attending and we know that most of the cases in south korea have been linked to that church service they've come from the city of daegu and brought those cases into other areas in south korea bringing the total to now more than $150.00
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the government there is declared the city of daegu which is the 4th largest city as a special care zone along with the city hall and they've also banned any large scale gatherings in seoul and then they're also shutting down any other branches of this church in south korea to to her to try to stem the spread indeed of course was cruelty begins to worry the worry continues close to where you are enjoying or of course the situation there really doesn't seem to be easing it anyway regardless of the fact that these figures. go upand daily basis there's still no real handle on where we are with the virus or whether it's actually to control it all. that's right so we have had more than $800.00 cases announced in the last 24 hours and more than $100.00 deaths. the government seems to be pushing the positive news is that there's been more than 2000 people cured in the last 24 hours and the
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number of cured people seems to least be on a trend of surpassing the number of new cases but the fate tell us the rate seems quite sudden we've had more than 100 deaths today more than a 100 deaths were announced in the previous day as well and also what has been alarming is that we seemed to have seen a new spike in cases outside of a province now this quite a seems to more more or less said in who bay of course most of those deaths the vast majority are taking place in who are a province most abused those new cases already a province but in the last 24 hours we have seen a jump in cases outside of of a province the number of about 250 cases outside of who been that's a big jump from 40 the previous day and maybe that's not so unexpected as we see people slowly leave their homes leave their hometowns go back into major cities go back to work this is something the government have been afraid of but it does sort
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of fly in the face of this the government message that the numbers are stabilizing and that it's safe to go out i think if you do look at the many of the big cities it's far from business as usual people are still staying indoors people are still extremely cautious and quite afraid of catching this virus and of course the world health organization has said that this is no time to be complacent indeed wolf it's in developments with you through the day it's going to use force in beijing and of course iraq has also closed its border with iran and stopped flights after 2 people died of the virus. has also suspended flights of ward of serious loss due to the coronavirus european alone group. it could wipe up to $215000000.00 from its earnings by april in australia's quantas is estimating a $100000000.00 loss this financial year. saudi arabia says it's intercepted and destroyed several ballistic missiles fired from yemen's
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capital sanaa towards what it says were cities and civilians now the kingdom is blaming the rebels who are backed by iran they haven't responded to those allegations let's cross over to mohammed ali taboos our correspondent in the sun i mean what more do we know about this statement and about this incident. yes there is no confirmation by the whole thing that we have launched such as on saudi arabia. we have to wait until the confirm an officially but according to these sources from the saudi arabia. already intercepted a number of missiles that the saudi arabia's news agency has claimed that they have been launched by the whole fees. from sun are the this is one of the indications that some observateur say this could lead to the saudi arabia's resumption of its attacks on the capital sanaa as they have claimed in this report that the most of
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them others have been launched from the capital sanaa. also the according to some of the reports that have been circulated on also be that the videos that have been shared by bruce users of social media that have showed the number of missiles have reached saudi arabia's cities including. oil station also see poor written including the. refinery. some other videos showed that some attacks were reached also the saudi saudis are part of did but we couldn't verify such a video. are real real ones or that have been fabricated all something else we should also wait as the saudi arabia's authorities claim that they have already
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intercepted such attacks in case such attacks have had their targets it could be the 2nd major success for the whole fees as this port and seaport is exporting at least 3000000 barrels of oil a day of course for updates of course we'll come back to you through the day as we get more confirmation or lot from either side by madonna to other correspondent in sunny thank you. trump says as a long time i was just. a very good chance all of exhilaration not to he was sentenced to 40 months in prison so it was convicted of lying to coalesce witness tampering and obstructing the investigation into possible rushing to ferentz and the 2016 presidential elections chandran has more from washington d.c. . smiling in confident roger stone looks almost triumphant as he walks out of a federal courthouse despite taunts of lock him up from the crowd was the perhaps
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for good reason he sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison but as president donald trump hints he might not serve any of it because roger has a very good chance of exoneration in my opinion that's a reference to stone's request for a new trial based on alleged jury bias the president himself pleaded stone's case in los vegas to a friendly audience of rehabilitated prisoners it's my strong opinion that. the foreman of the jury the woman who is in charge of the jury is totally tainted when you take a look at how can you have a person like this more tantalizing is the president hint that he might pardon his long time friend and fix or a man so loyal to his previous boss president richard nixon that he still bears a tad too with nixon's image on it. going to watch the process of going to watch it very closely and at some point i'll make a determination but roger stone and everybody has to be treated fairly and this has
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not been a fair process the sentencing phase of the case began with department of justice prosecutors saying guidelines called for a 7 to 9 years sentence then president trump tweeted that was a miscarriage of justice attorney general william barr personally intervened to reduce the sentence recommendation but later complained the president tweets were making his job impossible in the end the judge handed down a sentence that was less than half of the original prosecutor's recommendation it was anything but a standard trial the judge and others call the intervention by the president and attorney general william barr unprecedented it is a genuine threat to the credibility of the justice department particularly want to come to these sorts of politically sensitive charges that touch on people close to the president this isn't the 1st time we've seen attorney general barr do something that raises a lot of eyebrows around cases the president cares about the question now is will president trump
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a conservative who has liberally used his pardoning power extend that power to him and the judge found guilty for covering up the president's own misdeeds john hendren al jazeera washington well earlier i spoke to. the netflix film. he explained decades long connection with the u.s. president. he was actually the very 1st person to suggest to donald trump to run for the presidency back in 1907 and he spent the next almost 330 years working to bring that kind of far out fantasy of his to reality and over the years people disparaged roger saying it was never going to happen and roger ultimately got the last laugh will there may not be a warning if the prez then either commutes roger sentence or pardons him he will be completely vindicated for his bad if not outright illegal behavior and so this is a very dangerous precedent for the united states that we will be sending
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a message that you can engage in crimes very serious crimes and perhaps the president will let you go if you were a friend or an accomplice of the president he absolutely did bring this upon himself one of roger's. perhaps as a killie's heel is that he goes too far and that he thames feed and in this case he very unwisely lied to congress in a situation where he didn't need to but he thought that he was doing so in order to protect the president for any type of accusations that the president had colluded with the russians or worked together with wiki leaks to undermine the clinton campaign. well plenty more ahead here on the al-jazeera news hour including a fresh push by turkish backed forces in the battle for syria's a glib province but the human cost continues to mount plus troubling times from 10000 years bondholders looks to restructure a $100000000000.00 debt onto our small clubs in spain believe being made victims of
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the big spenders following barcelona's latest signing. the u.s. has impose new sanctions on members of a senior iranian cleric all body accusing them of rigging of friday's parliamentary elections the guardian council has barred thousands of candidates from running and treating dozens of members of the outgoing parliament has left many voters disillusioned as are reports from to iran. who to vote for among the sea of candidates whether to vote at all this seems to be the choice of nearly $58000000.00 eligible voters face and the political establishment is urging the iranians to come back and cast their ballots supreme leader's televised speech telling people it's their religious duty to vote was despite the
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disqualification of many of his reformist allies president hassan rouhani has echoed a similar message mabo yeah we can defeat the us with our solidarity and power high turnout on election day will make the u.s. angry and upset low turnout would make them happy but with fears that turnout will be lower than usual other words enough to convince iranians pictures. yes certainly i have a lot i believe vote for someone who i know and have done some research to see if they're an accountable person or not to society or some problems which must be fixed. as a reunion you a religious duty is recommend us to participate and make appropriate decisions about our country we can choose a representative who can reflect the people in the parliament. in a cafe in north to herat they see little point in taking part. i'm not putting what is the point and each other. because of everything is hard work has
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grown up a car costs more how do we get by no one is our descendants issues. the iranian economy has struggled under u.s. sanctions since donald trump pulled out the nuclear deal in 2018. inflation for last year was nearly 40 percent. so there certainly are many don't have enough money to buy fresh fruit they just buy damaged stale fruits some even steal the purchasing power has dropped. just in the last 2 weeks the price of meat has increased some people just end up eating less meat because they can't afford it with. these concerns seem to have been reflected in the candidates campaigns despite talk of the threat posed by the u.s. the sanctions and potential conflict it's the bread and butter issues that seem to be of major concern to voters here the state of the economy the rising cost of living and delivering meaningful change regardless of which political faction wins a majority of seats they will have to address the economic concerns of the people
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but with limited options at their disposal. al jazeera to her own. little world is obvious in the rainy american journalist and joins me now from washington d.c. good to have you with us on the program in your opinion and with the people that you're speaking to in iran how disillusioned is the electorate in 2020. well as it was mentioned in europe or does part of the population. like most places in the world cares 1st and foremost about the economy deceit of the economy also corruption corruption has been mainly in this election and many of the disqualifications also were done in the name of the excuse of corruption cases. but they can as well what's important to know about this election is that it's going to be one of the lease if not the most the least competitive election in the republican history basically the hardline camp or the conservatives
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try to eliminate as many as there are moderate rivals the reform is candidates as possible in the disqualification by the guardian council and we're left with a very limited number of of formosa and moderate candidates to the point that the major reform is parties where even contemplating not participating actively meaning announcing a list so that's going to be one of the main issues and also the fact that part of the population the urban middle class specifically is boycotting the election and not willing to participate and of course you know the election comes at an interesting time when it's been touched upon and that's reported you just mentioned it now with a stock that would both within iran and from outside of it depending on where you war and how you're looking at the country the election comes that's an interesting story about. the current government in tehran has to be seen to be conducting an election that is inclusive of every wall rather than exclusive and one that is
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legitimate in the eyes of the international community as well directly. indeed so the 'd government basically the hardliners are dealing with the entire system basically is dealing with multiple crisis recent crisis on the hill of this election there were the november protests that were met with a very brutal crackdown hundreds of people have been reported to be killed by security forces just a few months before the election then there was the assassination of general soleimani by the us that has really polarized the society part of it that's anti government and part of it that's pro regime or pro hardliners there is very very strong anti-american sentiment among the core support of the hardline part of the political system and then there's also the downing of the ukrainian civilian plane 176 people killed which really crushed basically the urban middle class or the main
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base for the reformists and moderate camps and then on top of that came the disqualifications as i said so they're going into the election with multiple crises on their hands and the hardliners have tried to eliminate their rivals in the election but at the same time we have to remember that parliamentary elections are also very low call besides the major cities like to iran the capital and some other cities and smaller areas people vote for very low call. demands and reasons for participation is not expected to be as low as basically creating a legitimacy crisis for the government but the message coming from the urban middle class specially from the capital the political capital tehran is that the population is very. disappointed with the government it will be interesting to see how this election pans out what the results will come back to you for more analysis of the god which is obvious thanks for joining us from washington d.c.
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thanks for having me. germany's president has called on his fellow citizens to stop using ostracizing and vilifying language. saying it paves the way for violence though he was speaking at wall of several vigils held in honor of the 9 people killed in a shooting attack in the city or her but when it came reports. on a cold day in february the german head of state expresses his sympathies in caps relating in the simple act the feelings of many his people for those who died here . this is where a 43 year old german used to legally owned a gun to target turks and kurds he repeated his attack at this other venue where those 2 ethnic groups congregate when his killing spree there was complete he returned home and murdered his mother before shooting himself federal prosecutors are working on the basis he was a far right supporter see. that sign the goal of the investigation will be to find
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out whether there are or were accessories all supporters for these attacks and. we will clarify the contacts and environment of the suspected perpetrator in the country but also potential contacts overseas hit us up clear them. some of the survivors have described their ordeal or. the man entered to decide and then more he came to our site he shot straight to the head of everyone he saw he laid down and then he fired at all of us i had to behind the wall as i was moving to hide he shot me in the arm laden somebody somebody laid on me and somebody else laid on him we became a pile. the sense of shock in this community is pretty clear already floral tributes of begun to be laid outside one of the venues where so many people were shot dead on wednesday night. political reaction has been swift all
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parties condemning the murders and ministers making a frank assessment of the danger of far right violence. and this is the 3rd right wing assassination in germany with. the terrible this is a terrible realisation because these means their right wing extremism has become a threat for germany again it's a threat for everyone who lives here this is. a canvas. that is a reference to moments like this last autumn 2 people were shot dead outside a synagogue in the eastern city of hallet a 27 year old man is in custody in relation to the killings and earlier last year the christian democrat marable western german city was shot dead by a person with known links to the far right. ministers have stressed they are investing more time and resources into the fight against far right violence but some people are wondering who else must suffer before society takes the threat more
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seriously dominic kane al-jazeera hanau. is a human rights lawyer and senior fellow at georgetown university joins me now live from washington d.c. good to have you with us on the program again i mean how do we rate this attack in terms of sort of germany's historical reputation for having an underbelly of far right support amongst the public. well so here since the year 2000 this would rank is the 5th worst mass murder that is a kurd in germany i think it's important to keep in mind that this is a clear cut case of islamophobia terrorism and you know if a muslim had walked into a german bar and killed 10 white people every western media in the world would be calling it terrorism and sadly when 10 muslims are going down by a white supremacist who left behind a $24.00 page rhesus to manifesto saying that he wanted the complete annihilation of all muslims africans asians and that if there were a button that he could push he would do so you know the fact that the moniker
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terrorism is not being used shows the double standard that's being put into place these days while you in your opinion do you think your forty's in germany for example have been able to deal with this issue they keep talking about it several various levels but we still keep seeing the same sort of. incidents happen on a regular basis yeah you know i think it's because of the rise of far right political parties not only in germany but throughout europe obviously we have turned it if you were doing a of d. which is the far right political party in germany which gained in the last political election and angela merkel c.d.u. christian democrats actually lost seats you know you see in france the front nuts you know of the national front with marie in the pan in holland with gerd file there is you know you're seeing a lot of rhetoric based on sort of anti immigrant anti refugee anti muslim sentiment based on the fact that there's been an influx of millions of syrian in
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the iraqi refugees to the 0 nations then because of that we're starting to see the rise of militant neo nazi and white supremacist groups which need to be called out by their respective governments. are they a force to be reckoned with because when you look across europe and you mentioned a few of them whether they be in germany france or the netherlands we've also got various groups in italy as well they are independent groups such different thoughts about the dislike of foreigners. like much larger groups that get the public discourse internationally talking groups like isis so al-qaeda who seem to be more organized i mean there is that sort of not homogenous sort of states of these smaller far right groups that doesn't quite get the ball forward to dealing with them in an appropriate manner well so here you know the one common unifying thread that we see in all of these far right groups is
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something that's known as the great replacement theory of the replacement theory is a conspiracy theory that was coined by a french white supremacist which basically said that european elites a jewish people are bringing in muslims immigrant muslims from north africa in many parts of the muslim world to take over europe in societies and if you look at. both the rhetoric from the latest massacre in the hook islanders to the assassination of the c.d.u. mir. last year who was whose assassins were tied to a neo nazi group called combat 18 to all these fire a groups and even politicians a great replacement theory has been publicly stated by american president donald trump former italian deputy prime minister much to us of any and b. r. and d. the right wing political party in germany so there is a unifying thread that we see of islamophobia of this immigrant great replacement
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conspiracy theory that i think that all united in union governments need to take very seriously moving forward we see how they deal with it for the moment. that's joining us from washington. thank you so here appreciate it still ahead here on the al-jazeera news hour we have the latest on the murder case that's rocked to. and it's been a year since rwanda shut its border with uganda find out how that's affected people's lives. and in sports all the formula one world champions reinventing the steering wheel we'll tell you with peter straight after the break. we've had a lousy dry weather across a good part of china recently we've got increasing cloud now spilling him across
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western policy you will see some cloud and rain coming through for friday and that west the weather will crash the ninety's way up towards the northeast this band of wetter weather this disturbance will just drive its way across north korea and it continues to drive its way through. the increasingly wet through the 2nd half of the weekend was a good part of japan with some snow as well over the high ground sheltered by the mountains tokay doesn't that say badly highs here of around 18 degrees and meanwhile we'll see some pleasant sunshine across the philippines the charts of want to choose shallow as usual scattering of showers across much of malaysia the heaviest downpours of course into indonesia will see some lively shower was just east of the way through here as you go on through the next day as i do the northeasterly winds so we will still catch a few showers into the philippines and certainly they'll drive their way down towards the middle a peninsula and beyond we got a few showers also pushing towards striving for actually to say these little puffs of clout that just pushing towards sri lanka will see some showers that's the
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eastern side of the country as we go through friday and further north will be some useful right coming into northern areas of india and new delhi. is peak needs in libya but staging current bike troubles here comes with its own particular risks our club could take part in the 26th round because we were fighting a war against isis so al-jazeera world travels to the libyan desert to see how sport on for we can be a unifying force you know brutal country media around the front on al-jazeera. frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really won't come out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel almost to school children know what the law is on about this
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argument is astonishingly patronize a in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on al-jazeera. oh. welcome back you're watching the al-jazeera news hour with me said whole rom the reminder of our top stories south korea's prime minister says the country is facing an emergency after another spike in coronavirus cases the total of new cases that has now reached 156 dozens have been linked to a church in the eastern city of daegu. saudi arabia says it's intercepted and
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destroyed several ballistic missiles fired from yemen's capital sanaa towards what it says were cities and civilians the kingdom is blaming who 3 rebels who are backed by iran and u.s. president donald trump says his longtime ally roger stone has a very good chance of exoneration after he was sentenced to 3 years and 4 months in prison stone was convicted of lying to congress. or turkey says to us soldiers have been killed and 5 injured in a strikes near syria's province the turkish military has been shelling government positions in the northwestern city of sirte i keep bashar al assad's forces retook the city as part of its offensive on the last rebel held area. reports from hot day . opposition syrian national army fighters moved under cover of heavy artillery shelling by turkish troops their vans to was nailer the town was a rebel stronghold until 2 weeks ago when along with the city. it fell into the
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hands of syrian government troops the u.n. says the offensive by the syrian army has resulted in the largest displacement of civilians since the start of the. conflict 9 years ago we remain very alarmed about the safety and protection of over 3000000 civilians in italy and its surrounding areas in the northwestern part of syria as reports of airstrikes and shelling continue to take a heavy toll on the civilian population and in retaliation for the death of 2 of its soldiers in an attack blamed on the syrian army the turkish defense ministry said dozens of syrian soldiers were killed and military vehicles destroyed turkish officials warned of an imminent military offensive if syrian troops don't pull out of the demilitarized zone. turkey is
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a sovereign and independent state it takes its own decisions will make necessary decisions and soldiers will act accordingly we will establish the ceasefire even if we have to use force with the fighting showing no signs of abating thousands of internally displaced continue to converge in it live city of the house in order. that i hope the turkish backed operations will alleviate all sufferings because that's the only way we can return to our homes and our villages. the international community keep talking about peace but we know we will only go back to our villages if the turks launch an offensive. turkey has expanded its military presence in it live following the death of 13 of its soldiers in it earlier this month officials here in says that troops were deployed to establish peace and provide humanitarian assistance to the hundreds of thousands of people who fled government military campaign it's too early to determine at this stage whether the offensive by the
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turkish backed rebels in a native and part of a major campaign to take territory lost over the last few months or just a limited operation but since turkey and russia have not agreed on how to implement a cease fire and push the syrian army behind the demilitarized zone fighting is likely to continue as. hot toddy. kenan ramani is advocacy manager at the syria company doesn't think a political solution will be achieved in syria 1st of all we need to be very clear about what's happening right now and live this is not a conflict between turkey and russia and the assad regime this is an all out genocidal assault by the assad regime against its own people turkey has stepped in in order to protect a deescalation zone that was agreed to by russia and the assad regime they're not there to fight against those countries and the regime in its quest to retake every
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every bit of territory of syria even when the people have rejected the regime has bombed 71 hospitals and put them out of service in a very short amount of time because the displacement of 1000000 people this is a catastrophe of historic proportions and i have no confidence in a political solution because for the past 9 years we're coming up on the 9th anniversary the u.n. has has urged the assad regime to accept a political solution and the assad regime and russia have pursued only military means and has stopped killing has killed every single civilian the has gotten in its way in order to enforce a military solution the u.n. now needs to take action this is not the time to continue to call for a political solution this is the time for action to stop the assad regime slaughter of its own people so the presence of a political rival russia show should be able to form
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a transitional government but the un has accused both sides of deliberately starving the citizens for political gain the click h.-o. small. after 2 failed attempts south sudan's political rivals finally reach an agreement president salva kiir and his former deputy riek machar say they will form a unity coalition government on saturday ending years of conflict not an idealism i say that race after the president resolve the issues of states we have agreed to form a government on the 22nd of february without any further delay so congratulations to all of us. civil war broke out in 2013 less than 3 years after the country gained independence from sudan after decades of fighting here accused of attempting a coup that led to a political dispute deteriorating into a years long conflict killing tens of thousands of people and displacing millions
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more a deal to end the fighting was signed in ethiopia in 2018 with a partner in the there are a few things that are still outstanding but we will resolve them together through the transitional government and in the meantime things like security and protection of all opposition members in juba are under my full control. the world food program has been handing out aid packages in some towns food has been scarce since the conflict began a un report has accused all parties of deliberately starving millions of paypal for political gain it says government forces and other armed groups have denied displaced people access to wide by diverting millions of dollars elsewhere and that constitutes a war crime this crime of starvation which involves destroying essential elements for the survival of the civilian population has been used by both sides in the
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conflict as a way of getting people to be to displace as well as a way of intimidating the civilian population. the un has called the situation. in south sudan a humanitarian crisis but there is hope the new unity government will bring about positive change we can gauge al-jazeera. talks aimed at reaching a ceasefire in libya are said to restart on friday they were suspended earlier this week after forces loyal to ward cleaver have to turn to please main port our diplomatic editor james payne's has more from geneva when these talks resume don't choose their did exactly the same time general have to us forces launched a barrage of rockets aimed at tripoli's seaport and then later in the day aimed at mitiga airport on the outskirts of tripoli following that the government of national accord delegation said they were suspending their participation in the talks but all the time since then they've stayed in geneva the un has been trying
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to pick up the pieces talking to the g.n.a.t. delegation to persuade them to stay and we're now told by others will spokesman john but the talks have resumed it is though a very ambitious timeline that the u.n. are pursuing here these talks aimed at getting a durable cease fire that's why the jna were so upset by the attack while they were taking place and in just a week's time the u.n. want to have wider talks political talks involving all the political factions in libya the next stage of a peace process the u.n. is hoping will come to fruition eventually they hope to have u.n. brokered elections in the country owns prime minister has resigned but will stay on as caretaker lead to until his successor is chosen a vote to namely avert because the replacement was inconclusive none of the 3 largest parties won enough seats in elections earlier this month to secure an
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outright majority right because center right party came 3rd behind the left wing nationalist shinn sane and old rivals a sheen of oil. israel's prime minister plans to build thousands of settler homes in occupied east jerusalem benyamin netanyahu made the announcement during a visit to one of the areas where construction will take place a spokesperson for the palestinian president condemned the decision calling it a systematic attempt to destroy the 2 state solution the settlements are built in violation of international law sorry for cities in west jerusalem he says it appears that neo is trying to shore up support ahead of israel's election in 2 weeks' time. for making this announcement benjamin netanyahu hailed an expansion of the city connecting he said all parts of a united jerusalem so very much in accordance with what was announced by the trumpet ministration just a few days ago in the trump peace plan. a united jerusalem under israeli
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sovereignty and that me i would do all he can to try to enact portions of that on the ground it seems a specifically in this announcement $2200.00 housing units in the illegal israeli settlement of har homa built on land occupied to the south east of jerusalem in after the $967.00 war more controversially apparently lifting a self-imposed restriction on building in another area give out hama toss nearby to the west of hamas 4000 units being promised there 3004 jewish israelis 1004 palestinians but that is controversial because it would link in any future palestinian state possibly the city of bethlehem with east jerusalem as part of the capital which the palestinians want for their future state so this is something which is very much in accordance with the trump plan benjamin netanyahu has been told by the u.s. administration that he cannot annex parts of the occupied west bank ahead of the
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israeli election on march the 2nd so he appears to be doing whatever he can to enact it or at least an ounce things inside jerusalem ahead of that election the israeli ngo peace now has called this a cynical election ploy and the palestinian president's office says that it is systematically destroying the 2 state solution as the hunts for right wing votes. prosecutors in israel are investigating a company that opposition leader but he had it clear if he's a suspect in the criminal probe into the cyber security firm the investigation comes less than 2 weeks before elections centers around a questionable deal between the company and police guns who heads the blue and white party has painted themselves a scandal free alternative to the yahoo who faces a corruption trial which. has warned argentina's government that its debt burden
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is unsustainable the country is battling to avoid the default raising fears of a full blown economic crisis trees about whether cyrus. saudia was hoping his pension would be readjusted this year. argentina has one of the highest inflation rates in the world and he was disappointed when he found out that despite being paid on $240.00 a month he would not benefit from the latest government incentive because of a lack of money whenever i see my wife on the minimum pension and she got a small increase but somehow i'm considered to be rich with this out of the make and you can barely survive i were rich i wouldn't be in this clinic i'd be somewhere where they treat me decently if i had to come to the hospital. his source is not the only pensioner who's struggling this stays argentina is coping with recession inflation growing poverty and billions of dollars in debt. for many here
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it brings back memories of 2001 economic collapse when argentina was isolated from the international markets after it failed to pay debt. the administration of president of the finance minister and the i.m.f. seem to agree on one issue that debt payments are unsustainable i do think as new government says that it needs to restructure debt would be i.m.f. and private phone holders in order to focus on growth to get out of the current economic crisis. negotiations are well underway but it's not clear yet whether this country will be able to prevent the forthcoming foreign debt once again. since taking office president fernandez has increased taxes and strengthened currency controls in an attempt to prevent the loss of much needed u.s. dollars i think but this is what this government sure it is going to achieve but i think what they're thinking even though they're not saying it the ending at some sort of competent change helps him keep the external accounts and balance and get
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that debt restructuring with howard stern at least from the financial point of view reduce interest burden for the next year or 2 and with this try to spread the message. argentina has had a long history with the i.m.f. and foreign creditors and there are many especially my governing coalition who say payments should be suspended and of the government of former president. argentina took on iran $100000000000.00 in foreign debt that people like. the debt should be investigating. the i.m.f. billions of dollars to mark green because donald trump gave his full support knowing the argentina couldn't pay it they did it so machree will be reelected that did not happen at the i.m.f. violated its own regulations and now they want to tell us what we should do. for amanda says his priority is to help society's most vulnerable as he struggles with
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point creditors but his policies are not reaching everyone in the same way many fear another default could make the situation even worse. police in the city who say prime minister thomas will be charged with the murder of his a strange twice after the announcement told a local radio station that he'll resign at the end of july because of old age. home and 2017 other prime ministers current wife is also facing charges related to the killing she's denied any involvement for me to miller has more from johannesburg. this really is unprecedented in that a sitting prime minister will face these charges we also expect that once he appears in court he may also appear in parliament if he's given bail to confirm his resignation at the end of july now what is also quite interesting is in the address
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given over state radio in a suit to the prime minister said that it would be old age that's the reason for his retirement he hasn't so much focused on it being a resignation due to the pressure that he's faced and at no point did he mention the charges he will be facing as well as the charges that have been laid against his wife and just what a scandal this is all a suit to he's also urged that the be a process in the country that allows for transition whoever takes his place to be responsible and take into consideration the unity of the country so prior to these charges the a.b.c. party had also said that they had stripped him of his political power he's not been able to make political decisions unilaterally instead that's now gone to the the most important committee within that party because they just don't trust the prime minister they also say that they believe that his wife my seattle bonnie who also
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faces charges that she's been controlling the prime minister so they don't believe that he's been capable of running the country and for him that's just maybe the nail in the coffin. well the leaders of uganda and rwanda raji to meis in the coming hours for a new round of talks aimed at easing cross border tensions a trade blockade imposed by rwanda continues to have a huge effect on people in both countries and economists in uganda say the country's lost $75000000.00 in revenue since the front year was shut a year ago catherine so reports from the border area town of a tumor. on an ordinary day this road heading to uganda's bhutto thw unda would be bustling queues of trucks and thousands of people crossing the border for business school and other reasons but this are not ordinary times when they impose a trade blockade traders likely now call franco a suffering because of it he has run his shop at the border town of the tuna for 30
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years and say there cannot make situation is a what he seen is in the thick of my business has been badly affected i cannot make ends meet i used to make a profit of about $1000.00 a month lucky if i make even half of that with no viable business many have moved away all this shops had been rented out but traders have had to close up because there's no business though still here are residents of this border town they tell us life has become incredibly difficult. and i tells us her husband both school too he was killed last year by random security forces as he tried to smuggle tobacco to the neighboring country using an illegal route several traders who have attempted to use smuggling routes also say to have been killed or harassed. that morning he was very happy as usual he left for rwanda with his bicycle and goods i was called in the evening that my husband is dead and he was shot in rwanda
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. the situation across the border is equally dire rundowns have been restricted from traveling to uganda for their own safety both countries have accused each other of harboring dissidents using spies and arresting innocent civilians several meetings between the 2 sides have failed to deescalate the situation i'm not here to comfortable that a country. to feel free to go to ground and then the next the do their arrested so again. the music. you disagree with does. ugandan government officials say talks to resolve the dispute are going well and the border will soon be open some economists say the country has already made huge losses on i told us her husband died because he was desperate to do anything to earn money for his family now they've lost their sole
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provider and he doesn't know what to do next catherine soy al jazeera or uganda rwanda boda. well still ahead here although it was a feisty faceoff of fury and wilder ahead of the heavyweight rematch peter will have the sport straight after the break.
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about toughest his peter thank you very much but also learn to have eased the injury crisis with the emergency signing of danish strike
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a modern brathwaite but the club they've bought him from have the mando to changing the spanish transfer rules saying they'll fording prey to bigger teams. breath weight was unveiled by boss on food is day after his arrival from leganes under rules allowing a club to sign a player outside the transfer window in times of serious injury leganes could not stop it because the dane had a $90000000.00 release clause in his contract but they are not allowed to sign a replacement and i left fighting relegation without him. we find ourselves in a hugely damaging situation we can't understand the rules that mean a club suffering a long term injury can unilaterally carry out a transfer and pass the problem onto another club the current rules go against the integrity of the competition and the right all clubs have to compete in a quality will now do whatever it takes in a situation that causes irreparable harm i mean i also want to say that seeing
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what's happened to again as we also think these rules should be modified it is unfair that now they won't be able to get an extra player but this is what we have right now and just the city manager pep guardiola says he will stay at the club despite the 2 year ban from the champions league handed down by u.a.e. for european football's governing body this week found the premier league champions guilty of serious breaches of financial fair play rules city deny the allegations and or appealing the decision is a sensitive issue to talk about the legal action because i am the know it i'm not professional and that i'm not a lawyer i spoke with the club with my chairman and the micio and they follow so i believe in them i know will be the result but i cannot touch them or i'm sorry so i'm not a lawyer so always i can say i support of the club 100 percent. fever's former secretary general jerome valcke has been charged with accepting bribes criminal mismanagement and falsifying documents by the swiss attorney general it follows an
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investigation into the awarding of media rights for various world cup and the confederations cup tournaments one charge has been laid against the chairman of the b. in media group. who is also president of parasangs a man he says the allegations have no basis in fact at all. to tennis roger federer who will miss the french open after undergoing nice surgery the 38 year old had keyhole surgery on his right knee in switzerland hopefully back for wimbledon at the end of june federer is the most successful player ever with 20 grand slam titles. formula one's pre-season testing took an unusual turn on thursday when the mercedes team was spotted trying out a new steering system world champion lewis hamilton here using his steering wheel not just to steer but also pushing the woods this apparently because of the wheels to realign but you know. for me is reading courage and to see that my
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team is continuing to innovate. and stay ahead of the game yeah we have a system in the car so novel novel idea precisely how we use it why we use it that's something we'd prefer to keep to ourselves pakistan batsman who mark moore has been suspended for breaching the anticorruption code of these countries cricket board the 29 year old is unable to take part in any cricket related activity until after an investigation is complete although stronger punishment could follow the finding pakistan super league champions the kids are gladiators did ok without him in this year's opening game on thursday the gladiators beating islamabad united by 3 wickets. for 2 on tour de france winner chris froome returns to competition this weekend for the 1st time since slamming into a wall during training last june kenyan born brit has recovered from multiple fractures and will compete in the united arab emirates. and with just days to go
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now before the heavyweight rematch in las vegas things are again getting heated between tyson fury and the on say while the this was their final news conference before saturday's fight when the army for the 1st time since a controversial draw in december 28th seen before trading blows it was all about the fighting talk i provided food and put food on your table for your family and i'm doing it for the 2nd time so to do don't you ever forget that i brought you to a big box and i'm around a year for me to see finish on true. true yes i bet money they. a are in charge. and that's where we'll leave it for now we'll see you again later for another sports news update indeed you will and that is the al jazeera news out to remember gator is up next for the full half hour to learn from me and the news our team thanks for your time and your company.
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examining the impact of today's headlines you use the misinformation i've used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions how unique a loaf is this in terms of modern american history when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist moment international filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. on al-jazeera. a unique here endangered biodiversity lies in the heart of one of ecuador's tropical jungles there was a lot of misinformation about the animals of witchcraft here and now is becoming by so their stuff conservation in their communities al-jazeera journeys deep into the rain forest to follow a scientist and had teams out to save the flora and fauna so precious in the region
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women make science ecuador's hidden treasure on al-jazeera. the latest news as it breaks the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues advance was the city of idlib that's a red line for turkey with detailed coverage the national policy defense of wild elephants is yet to be fully implemented 14 years off it was introduced from around the world well this fight will be completely transformed over the next 6 years this will be the northern terminus for phase one of the project. banks love to make loans to sufferance because behind the suffering a millions of taxpayers because most taxpayers never go away there's a new one born every single day a 19 it is an emerging national missile city but it will be visually request rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece still somehow i am a sinner i'm
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a bad person the debts machine on al-jazeera. south korea declares daegu city a special care is own after a spike in new coronavirus cases and bans large gatherings and sold to control the spread. you watch al-jazeera life from a headquarters in doha and also ahead donald trump's former ally roger stone is sentenced to 40 months in prison for lying to congress but the president is confident he'll be cleared. the u.s. imposes new sanctions on members of iran's guardian council accusing them of rigging friday's parliamentary elections. and we visit the residence of
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a border town struggling to survive amid a dispute between rwanda.


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