tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera February 21, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03
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just 0. this is al jazeera. hello and welcome i'm peter w. you're watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes a week long reduction in violence is set to begin in afghanistan the u.s. and the taliban say it could pave the way for a peace deal. voting hours extended in iran where conservatives are expected to gain more power in parliament. millions told to stay at home in the south korean city with fears a coronavirus could get out of control. and aren't tailor in london but the
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top stories from europe including more police outside germany's knocks as the government pledges to act on the far right threat after this week's deadly attack. and then peace terms with your sport the u.s. women's football team demand $66000000.00 in damages in the discrimination case plus legal messy hits back at the boss alone a boss who blamed the players for problems at the club. let's get going we begin with afghanistan where an agreement that's supposed to usher in peace is due to take effect in about 90 minutes the taliban and the u.s. will begin what they're calling a reduction of violence for midnight if the 7 day deal does prove to be a success both sides will sign an accord at the end of the month paving the way for talks. within the taliban and other afghan groups and the u.s.
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as it wants to pull its troops out of afghanistan live now to washington and our correspondent following the story from the roslyn george so if it goes according to plan how do we think we will go through the coming 7 days. well if things go to plan you'll see a considerable drop in the amount of offensive strikes carried out by the taliban by the u.s. and its coalition partners and by the afghan military now how much that is no one knows officials are being asked and they're not giving any quantification so that makes it really difficult to determine what is the standard of success over the next 7 days that said if they do get to the point where there is an agreement that the violence has been reduced substantially on all sides then on saturday
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february 29th there would be a signing ceremony we understand happening there in doha between the united states and representatives of the taleban that would then to set up the stage for face to face talks between the tal of on and members of the afghan government although there is a condition already being placed on those talks the taliban does not recognize the current government of president. and they says that it will only meet with what they are calling ordinary afghans even if they happen to be working for the government but that's another conditional situation and that's what makes this all the very very tentative as it were peter we don't know what the standard for success is in this 1st step of what appears to be a 4 stage process to ending u.s. involvement in afghanistan and bringing about a permanent and durable peace in that country but certainly this is
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a moment that many had thought we would actually get to how long until do you think donald trump then starts talking about a u.s. forces draw down i mean his critics might say well he needs a foreign policy win at the moment because his name's in the headlines associated with negative headlines very much domestically. peter the u.s. president campaigned on ending u.s. involvement in wars in the middle east and in this case in southwest asia back in 20152016 even though he dismissed spend the u.s. taliban talks last september after a tal about attack which killed 2 u.s. u.s. soldiers this is something that is important to the president's foreign policy now the president has said that he wants to draw down forces the pentagon has said it could go from the high of about 12213000 currently in country to about 8500 or so
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but if the president pushes for even more u.s. troops to leave afghanistan bringing that number to very low a very low figure there are military experts who are worried that this could be destabilizing for afghanistan they say the afghan military simply isn't strong enough to defend against internal attacks much less external attacks without the u.s. is assistance and so that political debate is already underway here in the united states even though we're just getting to the point where this so-called cease fire is about to get underway the political situation as well in kabul is precarious at best i guess as well ross because you know a dollar of dollar former chief executive saying i want to set up a perilous ministration whether he does or it doesn't doesn't really make any difference but the u.s. negotiates is who've been hearing cast into the taliban not any high profile afghan
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government representation here so ultimately i guess the trumpet ministration has got to work with somebody in the presidential office in kabul do they know who they would rather work with abdullah abdullah or ashraf ghani. there hasn't been any indication on who would be preferable one of the reasons why the taliban has said it's not going to meet with the afghan government under a gun is because it considers a colony and those in the current government to be lackeys and i believe that's a quote of the united states government and so it's not a question of whether or not the us favors anyone the fact that the us favors anyone makes those people suspect in the taliban's eyes so there's a lot of juggling here on trying to find you know figure out who can actually participate in the afghan government or afghan people. slash taliban
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discussions once we get past 1st this stop in violence or of offensive attacks and then the signing of some sort of a peace agreement between the united states and the tal about that's 3 stages down the road and so certainly the u.s. doesn't want any of this to fall apart but does it really matter whether it's the gandhi government or and abdullah government i think what the u.s. is more concerned about is trying to make certain that the taliban has a group of people with whom to negotiate so that there can be a durable peace negotiated understood thanks for that clarity there as many thanks . will the u.s. presence in afghanistan began back in 2001 a month after the attacks of $911.00 that launched air strikes and a ground invasion from of the taliban from power more than $12000.00 u.s. soldiers are still in the country thousands more from nato ally countries and partner countries that are also the still some 2 and a half a dozen u.s.
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troops have been killed since the operation began and the u.s. is estimated to have spent more than one trillion dollars on its mission how people are dark is a security analyst in afghanistan he says the new york times opinion piece published today shows the taliban's political and military leadership are on the same page now. the african government the international community the united states of america tried its best over the past 15 years to fragment the taliban into various groups and then there was this criticism and lack of trust where it is said that the political wing of taliban in qatar and its military wing and where to and in afghanistan odd not on the same page when it comes to to peace process deal pad that was published by new york times written by the taliban's dippy son of a commie the strong words of argentina conny there's eclat indication what he
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wanted to convey was basically that the military wing of the taliban and its political wing on the same page when it comes to the peace agreement taliban and its commanders are now working there so what does this reduction in violence means yes it's quite vague it's weak for the afghan government it's wait for it it's for the coalition forces but habs because the doctrine and violence does not necessitate translates into a complete full fledged ceasefire reduction in violence will happen because for the past 2 years all sides have been trying to pressurize each other on the negotiating tables on the military front trying to have leverage what they want and finally they have agreed on something and just before if they were to sign it on the february of 29th this one week window is very important for the sake of confidence building. iran's extended polling shows in its parliamentary election by
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4 hours today state t.v. is reporting what it calls a rush of voters the parliament is set to become more conservative after thousands of candidates mostly reformists and moderates were barred from running by the guardian council once iran's constitutional watchdog the us responded by imposing new sanctions on members of that council accusing them of rigging the election iran's leaders have called for a high turnout as a show of unity said big as life for us in tehran so i said have you seen this last minute surge of voters where you are. well at this polling station and then on this has been relatively busy throughout the day we can still see people queuing up outside the door to the street but this is the what one holding station or one of the few that we are permitted to film and there's a few others that we went past that were us busy but we're not permitted to film at those but voter turnout is expected to be low on average and that iran itself is
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around 47 percent now we're led to believe that it could be considerably lower now what's interesting is that the governor of the her own has come out and he said that when the interior ministry releases the turnout figures tomorrow there won't be giving a breakdown will be getting and nationwide now that's not what usually happens you do get a breakdown but people have been staying away from the polls we've been speaking to people act on the streets of the horizon and they have said that they are affected by the economic situation at the sanctions that the country is under the cost of living has gone up inflation last year was that what you said unemployment is up costs more but also some people are staying away because many of the reformist and moderate candidates have been stopped from standing so when the voter turnout is low and people don't come out to vote it's usually the conservatives that benefit in the election and they could be set to take a majority in parliament does that mean. the parliamentarian's i guess could be
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criticized as not having an effect of mandate if the turnout is so low and so few people actually choose to exercise their democratic rights. bill this is the reason why the supreme leader to the how many and the pres and president rouhani were it was urging people diverting people to come out and vote president rouhani had said that if the voter turnout is high it angers the u.s. and if it's no 'd the united states gets happy and and he said this despite to many of his reformist and moderate candidates and allies not being able to stand being disqualified but if conservatives when a majority it will change the political direction of iran because conservatives didn't want the 2000 if you nuclear deal they believe that iran should have a strong military and diplomatic presence and only through that can iran have respect with the with the west but also there's a presidential election next year and if the conservatives do have this majority in
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parliament it could mean that we could have a conservative president in next year's presidential election now president rouhani is in trouble essentially because there will be a conservative majority is a possible could be a conservative majority in parliament it makes life very difficult for him but let's not make out like the reformists and moderates have made any mistakes because they have lost popularity in the country because of the economic situation because of the fuel price hike that we saw were going back in november that we saw widespread protests across the country but also the downing of the ukraine and the government denied that for 3 days that was under the leadership of president rouhani and people were shocked and really upset about that then they have cues that government of a cover up so there is some external factors such as the sanctions affecting the economy that people are upset about but also people are upset with the reformist because it came in with a lot of promises around the economy and they haven't been able to deliver but all . so they've made some mistakes in the eyes of many people here in terms of the
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fuel price and the downing of the ukrainian airline does that mean that between if the conservatives do well because of the slow turn to be in effect to keep mr rouhani on a short leash between where we'll be in the next day or 2 and the presidential election that you're talking about. very much so any policy any motion has to go through parliament and if still conservatives have that they could make life very very difficult for president rouhani essentially he'll be a sitting duck to be he'll be a president with not a majority in parliament what can he get through parliament even before this election he came out and said that he the president needs the powers to appoint a female ministers and the parliament has to pass that now if there's a conservative majority things like that he won't be able to pass and there's many other things that the reformist would want to have cost to parliament that they
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just won't be able to because they just don't have that majority and it will increase the frustration among people in iran who are already people that we've spoken to say what's the point of voting and nothing is really changing and it will strengthen the conservatives in the conservative voter base because they will see their parliamentarians delivering for them. thanks very much. lots more ground still to cover for you here on the news hour including this one stranded in syria more on the displaced families in desperate need of aid. and also ahead reportedly a warning from the u.s. intelligence officials that russia is again taking steps to interfere in the 2020 presidential campaign. a 16 year old gives india a flying start in the opening match of the women's team 20 world cup against champions australia. the u.n. secretary general and to
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a new terror she has called for an immediate cease fire in the north west of syria and hundreds of millions of dollars in extra 8 he said the manmade humanitarian nightmare the long suffering people of syria must stop as the space for safety shrinks further the potential for human suffering girls worse an estimated 2800000 people in northwest syria required humanitarian assistance earlier these months we saw it we would need to reach 800000 people displaced by the recent and ongoing violence now something much greater easily quiets we advise in our plans and issue an urgent appeal to donors for the additional $500000000.00 us dollars to cover the needs of did you really displaced people over the next 6 months however the military offensive by the syrian army may slow efforts to reach hundreds of thousands stranded on the border with turkey has that
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story from the thai. asim is the head of an extended family his origin only from the town in the south of italy when the town was have. him and his family fled a few days ago they arrived here in a rebel held village in the countryside north of italy destitute he's planning to join the thousands of poor and displaced syrians living in olive orchards here in a live city. i need for my large family they're told me to buy them but it's cost around $250.00 in pinellas fatima malise from hellfire a town in the rural hama when syrian government troops advanced closer to her village she says the family left a rebel stronghold in aleppo fatima's husband was killed 3 years ago now she lives in this brick built by turkish charities with financial contribution from germany.
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the place doesn't provide any protection from the rain and cold but when i remember where we were and the data bombardment this feels fine for me and for my kids. this is what it looked like. in some other 3 months ago civilians converged on this town north of it live hoping for shelter food and warmth but when some of their was attacked a few days ago the displaced dishpan till their talents and flat. the school this struggle to settle is now deserted for now thousands of syrians seem destined to continue their long journey looking for shelter and these for the hundreds of thousands of people who have recently been uprooted by the fighting the only way they can go home is if there is a ceasefire agreement one that guarantees syrian government forces will and the
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military campaign but cease fire agreements have never lost long in syria and this explains why people have lost hope in international efforts to solve the crisis diplomatically. how tight. millions have been asked to stay indoors as south korea becomes the country with the highest number of corona virus infections outside china health authorities have announced wonder and 204 cases nationwide reports now from the southern city of daegu. the city of daegu is at the center of an outbreak of the corona virus that has the whole of south korea worried with nearly all of the new cases of infection linked to this church a branch of the shin changi church of jesus it's believed people attending services here became infected some of whom then travel to other towns and cities in south korea infecting more people daegu in the neighboring city and now the focus of a national effort to contain the outbreak children hooked into the government will
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take special measures by designating. areas and special care zones as a sudden hike in numbers of the confirmed cases have been reported from there it's thought many of the new cases of infection were due to one woman member of the church who also travelled widely around daegu city before finally being diagnosed the man has ordered everyone to remain at home bringing the city of 2 and a half 1000000 to a virtual standstill special medical centers have been set up to treat the expected increase in new cases in the capital seoul preventive measures are being taken while other branches of the sinchon g. church of jesus have been closed. and large scale rallies that usually take place at the weekends have been banned. with the spread of the virus we plan to take momentous measures in order to protect the elderly who are vulnerable to this contagious disease salt will ban the use of public squares where many citizens
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gather back in daegu people anxiously wait to see if this outbreak has been contained or if this is the start of something bigger usually on a friday game. being this downtown shopping going to entertainment district would be packed with people on this evening it's nearly deserted as most tuesdays stay away await to see what happens next robert bride al-jazeera daegu south korea. well the fallout from weapons does deadly far right gun attack in germany is in calls for government action for more on that let's cross to lauren taylor in a european you sent thanks p.t.'s the country's interior minister says the far right poses the country's biggest security threat comes after 9 people were killed when a gunman opened fire at 2 shisha bars in the city of one hour on wednesday extra police are patrolling mosques train stations and airports across the country after
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the 3rd far right attack in the country in 9 months the government is facing calls to toughen gun ownership laws and step up efforts to track far right groups after it was discovered the attacker was the member of a gun club and opposed to do a racist manifesto online john mccain is outside a mosque in hanno where people say more needs to be done to protect minorities. certainly there is this sense of shock at what happened here you can see the flags in this turkish islamic center or at the center a half mast or half staff a mark of respect to those who died several of the victims were people who worship at this mosque earlier i spoke to some of the people coming inside coming to pray and one of them said to me that they did not feel reassured they felt threatened their community is threatened they said one specifically saying the child said to them this morning daddy i am too frightened to gartside i'm worried might something
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happen to me as well so the question for them is do is the sort of thing that you were saying there what mr zuma has said more police more clear presence is that going to reassure them on the face of it people here saying no they want more survey done the question for the politicians would be what more can they do because certainly as i say the sentiment here this mosque at this turkish center is more needs to be done. european union leaders are holding a 2nd day of fraught talks over the blocs next budget talks of pitted member states who are next contributors against those who benefit more from spending denmark austria sweden and the netherlands have dug in their heels becoming known as the frugal for nation is insisting that spending should not top one percent of europe's economic output but also it's more difficult because of breck's it lack of a u.k. contribution leaving a 70 $5000000000.00 euro hole over the next 7 years it's like a summit will be needed next month to hammer out
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a deal. after 2 major storms in recent weeks the u.k. government is coming under pressure to do more to protect vulnerable areas from worsening floods now more warnings of heavy rain have been issued for some areas of the country that are still trying to clear up the damage and even barbara has been to want to affected area to find out how people see their future. they've avoided the worst for now but people living in iron bridge a historic town in the english midlands are still worried earlier this week following storm dennis the river severn came over the wall here only these temporary barriers stopped the town being flooded in some areas residents had to evacuate their homes in others they were able to limit the damage we had sandbags regular contact if you need anything i'll get it for you. if you want to move you know ready to move aside so i don't think there's anything else could be done are you worried about the future there will be more flooding or whether it will get
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worse one day it will get worse records are there to be broken up. on the scientists as a new scanner. and i'll go with them and like pull more and more people in britain are getting used to the idea that the climate crisis means the prospect of heavier flooding increased warming means there's more energy retained within the atmosphere that's going to lead suits or more moisture within the atmosphere that's more energy and more moisture in the atmosphere there in the air and an implication of that is there's going to be more intense rainfall. there was major flooding at the end of last year when prime minister boris johnson made a point of visiting some affected areas this time around he's been criticized for staying away his government is promising to spend billions of dollars on flood defenses and flood victims are being offered immediate grants of several $100.00 but some local authorities want more help the support that's been given here has been pretty slim really we've had a great deal of help from the environment agency working with the council but we
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really do need to think now about getting some resources into find longer term solutions for places like i'm bridge and as i've said we're going to need probably 30 to 40000000 pounds of commitment from the government so we'll be seeking ministers to come down have a look and also to think with us about how we can protect this environment because we can't do it alone once the rivers return to its normal levels serious questions are still to be answered like what to do with the 10s of thousands of new homes which according to a new report have been built over the last 10 years in areas of britain that are greatest risk of flooding. the prospect of storms that are both heavier and more regular is forcing the country to think hard about how it copes in future and how it will pay for the solutions the 0 in shropshire. moscow used to going through february underneath snow and ice but russia's capital is experiencing record breaking high winter temperatures well many people are enjoying it there are some
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concerns explains. it's hard to imagine it's only february instead of thick layers of snow and ice on the river it already feels like spring and of course many russians are enjoying this extremely warm winter weather but many are also wondering what on earth is going on last month was already declared the warmest january in 140 years that temperatures are being measured and also this month is about to break all the records for muscovites that means that a condo mountain or cross-country skiing nor ice skating on the river something they like very much and in the moscow zoo animals didn't go to sleep the usual hibernation was completely disturbed by. this winter's very warm not only in moscow but in other cities as well we have no snow we don't feel it's winter russians like throwing snowballs looks like modern children.
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i remember i came to moscow 30 years ago and it was so cold it was freezing up to come in from the risk there minus 30 feels ok but in moscow it was minus 20 and humid i thought how can people living here now it feels ok. i was going to move to miami but now i consider to stay here. in a recent speech president putin has warned that the russian arctic is warming 2 and a half times faster than the rest of the planet and scientists are worried about the speed in which the permafrost in the arctic is melting but still not many russians are very aware about. global warming and the courses even president putin himself recently cost doubts on the science by saying that it's probably caused by a shifting of earth's axis and a lawmaker here in russia has actually labeled united states for this extremely warm winter by saying that it was caused by a us climate weapon but major religious are concerned about the normal high
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temperatures and maybe it is extremely warm and strange winter might open people's eyes and ignite the big on global warming the french government has launched a campaign to combat a mounting infestation in parisian homes and hotels the culprit bed bugs the growth of international travel has been blamed for the number of mikes rising along with the resistance to insecticide the ministry of housing campaigning to an emergency hotline and dedicated website one hopeful in this year's election for mayor of paris has promised to clean up the capital in 100 days. of london in the next version now back to peter and. lawrence thanks very much still to come here the news out for you another running record is smashed by the 3 bring a controversial brand of shoes details coming up with peter in the sports news when we come back.
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hello winter seems to have set in for the eastern med and particularly for turkey this circulation of clavicles means it's all spreads across the levant and once more for lebanon and for syria and iraq you've either got rain or snow depending on the height above sea level of course to the size of that we've got the onshore wind keeping things a bit cool trees from sunny 11 degrees for example they are now going to get a shark going all way further south that's not the case on saturday but if you're in northern iraq it's not like good same for northern syria it doesn't improve much on sunday but the detail differences differences will allow more sunshine through and actually allow the rain to come back more into north egypt colwyn they're coming to libya for example and that in hans is what's been happening over the last few weeks there in taksim here makes it not very warm 15 to 90 degrees nice in
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libya that when then comes down as the hamas and she is a seasonal wind for chad just for 2 examples one picks up the dust is a persistent seasonal thing but this is looking disappointing if you're in northern egypt you're probably not that pleased as elsewhere in the or world the rains are moving north with the sun but it's a good spread now from south africa right up to well get all nearly where rain is likely. that. we will maintain the finest fighting force the world is ever known united states army was so reliant on a private sector i would call it a dependency we have a mismatch between the way we are magic. and the reality of the 21st century you know today here in a bagel for a while and i want to show you how many of the persons that you're sending out to you should be a child soldiers not. child soldiers reloaded on al-jazeera. we
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know what's happening in our region we know how to get to places that others cannot i was just throwing tear gas. by the police on purpose and there's even half the time in its programming to go live on the gold live where another story that may not be mainstream is happening the fires are still ongoing i'm afraid. every 5 minute and the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. you're watching al-jazeera live from these are your top stories
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a temporary deal that's supposed to be a significant step towards peace in afghanistan is due to begin in a few hours the taliban and the u.s. will begin what they're calling a weeklong reduction of violence from midnight. south korea has announced another spike coronavirus infection is bringing the national total to $204.00 is now the worst affected country outside china the government is imposing emergency measures . iran's extending its parliamentary election by 4 hours state t.v. news reporting what it calls a rush of voters thousands of candidates mostly reformers some moderates have been barred from running. iran's economy has suffered under u.s. sanctions in 2018 president trump pulled out of the iran nuclear deal and reimposed tough new sanctions the unemployment rate rose from 14.5 percent in 2018 to 16.8 percent last year food and beverage prices went up by 61 percent in november iran's government announced it was cutting petrol subsidies in an effort to save billions
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but that caused widespread anger and hundreds of thousands protested across the country earlier i spoke to such as a book a professor of political sciences at tehran university he says many people didn't vote because they believe nothing will change. it was very much expect that. you will not see the ensues yes and the heart scare not that the of 4 years ago at large city success. and all the main cities because. potential so showed more terrors. of the of the mother it for reasons leave the principal cities and they have made the abstain from before election because of the disappointment in the performance of the of the president match this they
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were very much hoping 4 years ago that they would get all the tense matches and iranian parliament was really as your as you said it in your opening remarks for us the economy is concerned that day economy has getting strong back towards ab that's why that's why many of the same. want the ball there to wall these are not going to improve most of the seats are going to be more up to date by what we can safely call our hotline earth not on the face of a part liners or very much and the american they are very much have the best and have europe and saw the arab the etc etc so really there have been air of this selection. is the political current well she's very much opposed.
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to the kind of approach which we hope by by messes that eve on e bay met trying to reship its own is something i know i understand the and this tension be. you know our i mean i could say what there is in it of today's election on the contrary would be hard liners who would be pressing for more and medical. advice and. you know explore think revolution etc etc it is possible that we might. live at the end not the unknown because if there are constant all and all the author of the establishment and no some kind of understanding. between mr o'mahony or for that matter any on their of their moderate to reach the united states the
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hardliners would have without ruining the internet in tehran as we saw. the right cream and vent don't rain because before from bad to ows many are trying you know anya what they bought the who actually to do to destroy. the hi there there is a difference and that's been like i've been not that all it is that it is hardliners who would be more powerful if they'd read some kind of on this and the video might have to say then you could be sent and that the book. the kremlin has denied meddling claims in the forthcoming 2020 u.s. presidential election aimed at boosting donald trump's chances comes after u.s. media reports intelligence officials reportedly warned members of congress at
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a classified briefing that russia was again interfering in american politics the intelligence community has long warned that moscow and other countries would seek to interfere in the vote particle hain joins us live from washington how are they allegedly planning or how are they allegedly doing it. well this is coming from the new york times in the washington post the new york times says that the intelligence community is looking at again social media posts facebook posts that will try to sow discord. among the american public which is already for a pretty deeply divided in the air of the trump presidency but apparently what happened in this hearing with the intelligence committee the intel they said that they the russians if this was a quote. are working to try and get president trump reelected what's a little bit different here is that this is become a partisan issue we saw republicans on the committee reportedly say that's and that's crazy look at how tough it's been
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a russia democrats say look at all the things he's done for vladimir putin so that is that was the fight now the bigger picture here is that if this in fact had any impact on who is going to be the director of national intelligence we don't really know in the articles don't really draw that direct of a line but the background here is that joseph maguire had been doing this he's a highly respected intelligence official he had been doing this for the last couple of months and acting role well recently the president announced that he was going to be leaving and richard grinnell the ambassador to germany with no intelligence experience would be stepping in 7 so the question becomes was maguire fired because trump found out about this briefing and was not happy because obviously he takes a bridge whenever anyone talks about russia and the 2016 election now they don't again don't make that direct tie and mcguire was going to have to leave in march or get the job permanently but still it is raising questions and the president of
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course had to respond on twitter which is how he usually does it's been a busy day for him on twitter he's been talking about bollywood movies a fox news host farmers afghanistan but he did send out this tweet another misinformation campaign is being launched by democrats in congress saying that russia prefers me to any of the do nothing democrats he calls it hoax number 7 and again this isn't the democrats necessarily to. although there is likely played a role of leaking the information this is the intelligence community saying that the efforts by russia are ongoing in the 2020 election that they want to see president trump get reelected is that potentially a patsy for this to damage mr trump to damage the republicans or does it not really matter because his base don't listen anyway well and that is the big question of what this election is going to what kind of impact it's going to have a down ballot those are republican senators republican members of the house voter voter interference is not necessarily going to be at the top of minds of voters but it is going to possibly play into the election campaigns of someone like mitch
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mcconnell he's the lead republican in the senate and the way that could happen is because the house democratically controlled house passed a bunch of measures that would have given money and guidance to sort of beef up the infrastructure around voting that has not passed the senate because mitch mcconnell has refused to bring that up leaving some commentators to nickname him moscow mitch which apparently he didn't particularly like that nickname but are voters in kentucky going to hold him accountable are they going to hold all the republicans are accountable for things like their impeachment vote it's really too early to tell we haven't seen polling that this is a big driving issue for the american voters what they care about most they say is health care climate change wages those are the sorts of issues that they're focused on that this is early russian interference ok patty thanks ok the u.n. says political talks between libya's warring parties are due to resume next week now currently military talks are taking place 2 in switzerland between the internationally recognized government and forces loyal to the warlord holly for
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have to al-jazeera is diplomatic editor james bays spoke with the u.n. representative to libya hasan selami in geneva. we remember those military talks almost collapsed earlier on this week when the 2 sides gathered here in geneva and generals have to say forces at the same time started a barrage of rockets towards the seaport and the airport in tripoli well the u.n. managed to keep the jna delegation here because at one point they said they were going to walk out and right now the u.n. special representative gets on salami says there is some progress and he's pretty positive about next wednesday there being wider talks political talks but when i pressed him on general half intention he answered with a general answer about there being people in libya who had a plan b. a military plan b. i am sure that
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a lot of people in libya still believe that either they can win the battle through war or that they cannot stop the other side from waging a war and therefore they are still trying to have new i munition and other quality of weaponry and superior quality of of weaponry and probably more medicine that is and supplant the forces but this as long as it is plan b. the challenge is on us to push forward with a plan a well those political top's are very much in the dari for wednesday next week but it's worth telling you that the military talks are not over yet they're still trying to work on a ceasefire and those talks will go on into the weekend. a team of experts is trying to find unexploded bombs and rockets that are putting lives at risk in libya
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but the ordnance can remain hidden for years went up to what had reports from tripoli. explosives experts recover a rocket that landed in this farm on the outskirts of tripoli it did not explode but for more adam is still in shock. that horse i was sitting inside at night when i heard a huge blow i thought windows shattered i rushed out to check everywhere i found a hole in the farm and dust scattered all over the grass this farm is in the will lead to a good neighborhood of tripoli about 15 kilometers from the frontline the internationally recognized a government accuses forces loyal to warlord $24.00 have to of targeting a residential areas since have began his oftens of on the capital in april explosives experts have been receiving a good many calls about the knicks applauded all denounce. more than his colleagues
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know the dangers but also that the job they do can save lives if the rocket is not found and made safe then it called explode later and kill civilians they finally managed to dig it out. but the fear. it didn't explode because it hit fragile soil if it hit the house would have sent shrapnel within a wide range we only have primitive tools to recover such ordnance we contacted many institutions but had no response so far. officials here say nearly 6 tons of unexploded devices have been collected in tripoli since april some have been destroyed and some have been temporarily stored in the headquarters of the national safety agency. look at this because. we have a special store in salaheddine area but we can't currently reach it because it's now in the middle of the frontline international efforts to in the conflict have so
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far failed and a cease fire brokered by russia until last month did not last for long the bomb disposal team has recently launched a campaign to raise people's werner's of unexploded munitions the weapons you see here are to be detonated later somewhere in the deserts everyone is hoping the war will end so but for these experts it does not mean the end of their work they say some of the unexploded ordnance will remain hidden a likely put the threat for years to come. up to a head of. tripoli. took those governments says is deployed $10000.00 police officers to ensure security during saturday's presidential election the incumbent for an assembly is seeking to extend his family's half a century in power militarists has more now from the capital law may. now nearly
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$10000.00 policemen including special forces have been deployed throughout program to provide security council for the selection and 48 hours less than 48 hours to the vote the independent election commission hearing throughout the city is an hour spent it is just spending going to discontinue the use of electronic transmission of results from rural areas to the capital which was in place in previous elections until further notice it is now going to collect the results manually and have them delivered physically by election officers to the capital before the results are being announced the reason is advancing or the independent electoral commission is advising is that it has credible information about its servers and the system of transmission of results has been targeted by hikers as a result it is just continuing the system and probably look at the merits and demerits of it in future elections meanwhile campaign has ended throughout and
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people more than 3000000 of told police are expected to come out tomorrow to vote or to cast their ballots in the election meanwhile security forces why expected to man this election will provide security cover for this election have already voted 2 or 3 days ago. sudan's president salva kiir has dissolved the cabinet and appointed his rival rick machar as 1st vice president and follows key is an announcement that he will form a transitional government with machar on saturday and that's after 2 previous failed attempts here said any and standing issues will be finalized in the coming days both parties agreed to put an end to the conflict when they signed a peace deal back in 28. journalists in the philippines are protesting against attempts to stop them from discussing the possible closure of the country's biggest t.v. network the government wants to cancel the broadcasters license which has been a fierce critic of president. al-jazeera reports now from manila. on any given day the e.b.'s c.b.s.
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news room functions much like any other around the world hours before prime time there's a rush to get stories to air but these are uncertain times the philippines biggest t.v. network may soon lose its right to broadcast on free t.v. unless congress renews its license president a very good authority as indicated his wish to shut down the network entirely read around 162480 the government's top lawyer has accused a.b.s.e b.n. of what he calls halle abusive practices in its operations during the 2016 presidential election a.b.s.e b.n. allegedly failed to broadcast the terror displayed campaign advertisement congress which is dominated by detour to loyalists will have to decide before end of march activists say these are becoming familiar scenes over the last few years where journalists take to the streets demanding for better protection of something
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already guaranteed under the philippine constitution press freedom and freedom of speech. outside the headquarters of a b a c b and hundreds of protesters from different rights groups as well as employees of the network are speaking out. it's not just the media and the. it's even the basic right of people really expressing themselves and it isn't the 1st time that a.b.s.e b.n. has faced this type of action it was forcibly shut down during the time of former president for didn't mark was resuming operations after the people power revolution in 1986 protesters say this human chain is
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a symbol of resistance against what they called creeping authoritarianism. an attack against journalists they say is a direct attack against democracy. duggan al jazeera manila. still to come here on the news hour. no more face offs for these 2 heavyweight fighters that's coming up with peace in the sports news when we come back.
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time for sports his peter peter thank you very much players on the u.s. women's national football team are all skiing for more than $66000000.00 in damages as part of a gender discrimination case the players who are the world cup champions are suing the u.s. soccer federation alleging institutionalized discrimination that includes an equal pay between the men's and women's teams the damages were requested in papers filed in a los angeles court on thursday ahead of the trial at a should will to start on may the 5th. he has spoken out about he's dispute with barcelona's technical director erik but it's one that seems to continue during the club's troubled season macey trained on friday ahead of a home game against but it's the bigger picture that is still under 2 weeks after he social media post criticized for claiming it was the players that got coach nestore valverde sacked last month. i felt like he was attacking the
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players too many things are said that we control everything that the players put in and throw away coaches and they talk especially about me that i have a lot of power i was angry that it was said by a member of the club putting the players in the middle of the decision of sacking the coach seemed crazy to me that's his responsibility i couldn't let him attack us that way. a bit o. is not showing any remorse the frenchman on the right here saying that messi should have spoken to him in person rather than result instagram you know. to say many things during these past days that internal issues should be solved behind closed doors and not through social media you know so much having said that there is a lot of the future to take its course once one of the biggest clubs in africa appears to be unstoppable just 6 days ago egyptian team zamalek lifted the caps to pick up with a win over esperance now they've clinched a 2nd trophy in a week so moloko were up against their better cairo rivals are largely in the
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gyptian super cup lottery are top of the domestic league and refused to give an inch in regulation so i'm sad when the penalties. do you bug fluff these kick from the spot opening the door for a bell a go mark to seal the trophy for zamalek which he did there is 43 on penalties it's the 4th egypt super cup for the malik and they still have the calf champions league quarter finals to look forward to next week. another running world record for them to an athlete wearing a controversial set of trainers ethiopia's. and a smash the women's half marathon marked by 20 seconds in the united arab emirates she was wearing nike's a vapor fly shoes which are featured in several road and track records recently have not been banned by world athletics but they did prompt tighter regulations around running shoes last month. india's cricketers have defeated defending champions australia in the opening game of the women's
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t 20 world cup 16 year old shot farley ver helped get india going up front she hit the 6 before schooling 16 runs in one overall for australia's top bowler making a shot the ozzies had something of a lucky break when they were good people got a run out without really trying it is india 132 for 4 in reply australia is a loser healey scoring a half century but she was out soon after that as india finished off the hosts with another run out they would win by 72 hours. tre young has scored a career high 50 points to help the atlanta hawks beat the miami heat 21 year old sank more than half of his 153 point attempts and made 18 of 19 free throws the heat were leading late in the game but allowed atlanta school the last 10 points to secure the narrow win the hawks remain 2nd last in the east while miami have lost 5 of their last 6 games. and the sacramento kings had to survive
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a late skate to beat the memphis grizzlies harrison barnes with a halftime buzzer beater on his way to top scoring with 32 points the kings meet the 3rd placed l.a. clippers in their next western conference game. heavyweight boxes tyson fury and the and so while there will weigh in later on friday ahead of the w.b.c. title rematch in las vegas but they won't be a repeat of scenes like these from thursday's news conference the promoters have announced they will keep the fighters apart at the weigh in as they look to avoid the teams clashing again and to reduce the chance that while they're all fieri could be cut forcing a delay to the event. in other sports news but it's a little bit later on that's all for now peter beutel many things more news on the other side of the break with lauren taylor in london news center i will see you soon.
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iraq. in 2009 a torture victim of the brutal arjen time bedelia regime confronted his interrogator who tortured. no not the older daughter into i was in target has justice now been served for the atrocious crimes committed decades earlier i do so you are telling lies and investigation into the dark history of argentina why didn't they kill me in the end rewind interrogating a torture on al-jazeera. progress. or a serious mistake. intelligence is slowly invading every aspect of our lives. but very few of us really understand its capabilities for better or worse. in a new documentary al-jazeera explores the impact of
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a are accessing vast amounts of our personal data data land on al-jazeera. a countdown to peace the u.s. and taliban inch closer towards ending 18 years of war with a final agreement just 8 days away. and our intelligence is our jazeera live from london also coming up iran elect a new parliament and a vote for hardliners could cement their grip on power. italy shuts down public spaces in 10 towns after a cluster of coronavirus cases emerges in the north. and russia denies claims it's already trying to interfere in the 2020 u.s. election in favor of donald trump.
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