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tv   Up Front 2020 Ep 4  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2020 5:32pm-6:01pm +03

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kate's long grip on power after 15 years as leader for in a scene bay is likely to secure a 4th term the opposition hasn't been able to form a united front a palestinian man has been shot dead by israeli forces in occupied east jerusalem and israeli police spokesman says the man had attempted to stab an officer witnesses say the man was shot after he refused to allow officers to search him and flash flooding in indonesia has swept at least 8 high school students to their deaths police and soldiers are searching for 2 others who are missing around 250 students were hiking near a river when it burst its banks following heavy rain as you're up to date to stay with us here on out in syria up front is up next. americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the truck parts of america are getting in trouble here there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so
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blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies and their effect on the world. is knowing something suchi complicit in war crimes or even genocide against the rohingya muslims of myanmar on up front i'll ask one of her closest allies. i made the house also on the show there was a lot of optimism when emmanuel the crown came to power in france in 2017 but halfway through his term the french president is facing some of the worst protests and strikes in his country's history so how much is he to blame especially for excessive use of force by the french police that's our debate but 1st in january the international court of justice ordered me out to quote take all measures within its power to prevent genocidal acts against the rohingya muslims minority but me i
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must defacto leader aung sang suu kyi says the abuses have been exaggerated so guilty of covering up not just war crimes but genocide. and former spokesperson this week headliner bernese activists on min. min thank you for joining me on outfront given the horrific violence against the road. in recent years your former boss aung sang suu kyi as you know has been roundly condemned by the international community by her fellow nobel peace laureate she's been stripped of her honorary canadian citizenship of amnesty international ambassador of conscience award of the u.s. holocaust me. z.m. award and in january rather humiliatingly the international court of justice the i.c.j. rejected her defense of myanmar's actions and insisted that she act to protect the rohingya muslims from genocide was that the last nail in the coffin of one tallow
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reputation. i think because you know at the international. live in. years a and say can you do the version. but once i did accuse a sions so that's why. they. were that's the. situation they're in firstly it was do you communities are crying in ruins you're going to leave so that's a call late into early you know if you read alt. so i think don't. know i'm not you know like protecting her but i think you said that she got to do and he can re and then you need your 'd name at the what i don't
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think at that we're not fighting. this is the only we are the they're ruling the russian ambassador at the. new aren't just to be clear you dismissed what i described as the criticisms of western countries a lot of those nobel peace laureates are not westerners they're actually from the global south and their own neighbors in bangladesh have also been pretty scathing in their criticisms of your government by the way you said you know we call them the rohingya and you call them bengali they call themselves rohingya why don't you call them what they call themselves. so it's that if they broke from the british you know call it. ever heard up the river. but you know i don't think that you are going to are all of this is not the case ok well aside from naming aside you have 700000 rohingya displaced from their homes 10000 people possibly dead
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thousands of rohingya women and girls right sexually assaulted around 300 rohingya villages burned to the ground for the past few years on signs suchi in the myanmar government denied any of this had happened they suggested it was all fake news and yet at the i.c.j. in december suchi conceded for the 1st time that yes human rights abuses and war crimes may have been committed by the top madonna by the me on my military what changed. and was very. being on. a routine militant group that. killed the the and the. police. and one military. so then you know only you know and then you know you know once you see this is a very good that i see a. a ruling is. a chance to get. he.
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got a hold on hold on you say you say the terrorist group committed atrocities and it's all one sided that's not true amnesty human rights watch of all criticized militant groups for their atrocities the un has said that there were atrocities but what the u.n. fact finders in 2800 said is that nothing these groups did warranted the response that came from the military killing indiscriminately gang raping women assaulting children burning entire villages the u.n. says none of this is justified by what any militant group may or may not have done are you saying it is justified to do this as part of some sort of war on your own. and then. in do one and. the. group is been killed it's a martyr i'm not disputing that i'm saying does that justify the bunny's military quote from the u.n. killing indiscriminately gang raping women assaulting children and burning entire
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villages that's not a proportionate response in fact the u.n. fact finders accused the burmese military of genocide as have experts at the u.s. holocaust memorial museum the international state crime initiative in london and the unanimous vote in the canadian parliament alter were these accusations of genocide in your own mint i think i think this is the political or. why do you know what i'm sorry what political agenda is the u.s. holocaust memorial museum pushing what agenda do they have. because you do need just the right the band. what's the genesis bandwagon which but which bandwagon is that. i mean like the whole international media or media pointed out that. that's all it's the media you in fact find this interviewed women who have been raped and assaulted and you're smiling and rolling your eyes i don't understand it's not serious enough for you ok it's at the. you know one case or you said that
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he also and so went and been raped they got a d.n.a. test and they went they were on they got it like you know but i mean. you know the iraq insurance one had that evidence one rohingya woman says i witness says that when she tried to hold on to 18 month old baby the child was lifted from her they threw my baby into a fire they just flung him in the fire these are the kind of atrocities are happening in iraq and stayed that i've been happening for years that i've been asked. and that was the only accusation what does that mean it's only an accusation it's a woman who lost her baby she lying i'm not really sure. so when it went when it when a woman tells amnesty international 2 soldiers came and tied my hands and legs
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together with wrote they dragged me to one side 4 of them took me and all for rape to me she's just lying to amnesty international i don't know because if i if i look at her. maybe she was true maybe she was not she was lying because you know because someone took it ok because you know i get but this is only one woman on myth hundreds of rohingya women and girls who are raped 80 percent of the rapes have been corroborated by u.n. fact finders as gang rapes the burmans military are being held responsible for 82 percent of these gang rapes and you're sitting here saying i don't know i have to look them in the eye you are an activist for democracy one minute if somebody said to you in the eighty's or you're just making it up that would you felt. you feel that when you when i read that they got the state department report see that being the ruling joe meant well rate by the soldiers and surrounded by hundreds so the soldiers it was look like the very you know the lots
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of hollywood well that that it's a hollywood movie the u.n. fact finding report and amnesty international human rights watch it is a hollywood movie so because they what i don't get is every time i mention women being sexually assaulted you smile forgive me why are you doing that come on you know i'm just like you know because i disagree with you i mean you're dismissing pretty serious allegations you can disagree with me while taking seriously about the many women i mean here's a question for you why not allow him people into rockets if they tell you why not allow people into rock kind state to see for themselves why if you've done nothing wrong if your government's done nothing wrong why have they banned the un special rapporteur from entering the country ban the u.n.h.c.r. from entering rakhine state banned international media from going and seeing from the cells sounds like you have a lot to hide for government has done nothing wrong yet you might be through there because you know that. this case it's very loosely and you know
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it will. what what i should say that the consequences he didn't care about the consequence if i were that good in that position i would bring that the all the international year the like as you have thanks. independence takes so i need you fine let's talk about aung sang suu kyi your former boss many would argue that like a lot of people in myanmar she seems to have a problem with islam and with muslims she once reportedly complained about being interviewed by a muslim in 2015 she purged her party your party of all muslim parliamentary candidates she's dismissed allegations of ethnic cleansing in reckoned as muslims killing muslims she even held a meeting with hungary and far right prime minister viktor all about where they agreed quote that continuously growing muslim populations posed a grave challenge is this bigoted divisive islamophobia language really the
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appropriate language for a nobel peace laureate to use i think it may be got it in iraq but i don't think that it was jews at the time. because he was there and you know really with that she doesn't have that any intention to again or discriminate against the religion that our burmese. majority goodness that she is against would also i think you know she said but but when she goes and sees viktor orban and says there's a problem of quote continuously growing muslim populations that sounds pretty genocidal to me. well let's see i don't you know the action is what i think that law got then. action or action words
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lead to actions many people say the violence is incited by leaders if you hear i mean you're rolling your eyes out as if you were a muslim rohingya refugee and you hear that your leader of your country is referring to you as a continuously growing population by the way it's only 4 percent of the myanmar population is muslim but it's a continuously growing muslim population the poses a challenge she says standing next to a far right nationalist leader like victor all of them also and she was once a hero to liberals across the world now she's allied with far right bigots like victor although once you are at the head of. whatever whenever you go so you have to your enemy or your friends you have shaken that you could shake their hands you don't have to make islamophobia statements with them do you do you think enter it do you think the muslims in myanmar are i don't i don't know you a question ok i'll ask you the question then if you don't speak for do you think muslims in myanmar are a problem and a challenge and a continuously growing challenge as she said in hungary in
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a statement with the hungaroring government. i don't think. because my close friends. i'm really concerned that i mean the fact that your close friends are not slim it doesn't mean that your country doesn't have a muslim problem one last question do you think she's once legendary reputation and man must global reputation can ever recover from any of this i think you know i c j you know or you know. i think we should get that name and then we have to. look at the how to get all because. and that's a more important more you know. or you know. no one meant thank you for joining me on outfront. thank you. in 2017 emanuel mccrone swept french traditional political parties aside as he led
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a new movement known as on my show on the move all the way to the presidency but just overhaul free through across presidential term frogs doesn't seem to be on the move at all instead it's been paralyzed by mass protests and workers' strikes opposed to the president's plan to reform the country's pension system a recent transport strike was the longest in french history and though the controversial pensions bill moved to france's paula mint earlier this week labor unions are valid to continue opposing it on the streets so where will this standoff end and is there a broader bottle at play over the nature of the french welfare state joining me to discuss this is wrong on this score a member of parliament for president because his ruling party he joins me now from paris rome there was this wave of optimism when president mccrum this supposedly pragmatic centrist came to office where more than the whole 40 through his 1st there's been these major protests things aren't exactly going to plan of a true. well there on there on you know as you mentioned we are on the move and we
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keep on moving we've changed firms in lots of different ways for the last few years on training on education on university on the labor market and pension and yes on every one of those reforms you always find someone in firms who's going to oppose them but on the whole i think we're beginning to have with those unemployment hasn't been as low as it is today for the last 1112 years the job creations this company creations for india and investment is coming into france again so there are moves there are results and there are resistance and that's what we're trying to process is you say you have results and you're doing well on the economic front in terms of unemployment etc and yet president across approval rating as well the heart of from 66 percent after was elected to 30 percent last month that's embarrassing isn't it well it's not embarrassing when you compare it with previous presidents that were where lower in the mid term i mean we had european elections
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last year and before we had them that was in june people thought it's very unpopular people don't like him when you look at the results of those elections unfortunately madame le pen was were head were very close to her and behind that there was no one to be seen so again of the day when and if we as french people vote and not just people who are not sure the results would be as bad as they seem to be on the bones many would argue that your pension is reform which i think turns 42 different pensions into one quote unquote streamlined universal pension. a lot of your critics would argue that that will leave a lot of people in france worse off what do you say to them it's true to say that amongst the 42 pension system you are talking about some of them bus drivers trying drivers and a few of these are probably going to be not as well off as there today and that has to be said but for instance in friends 20 percent of women take their
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pension to make sure that it's a full pension age 67 after this pension they'll be able to do it at 64 so it's as always in france people who are not very happy with the reform we hear them very well but people at the end of the that are going to be happy with that we have a form sorry we haven't heard that much it's not just pressure good on those fronts not a wave of protests of the past year or so there were the yellow vests that the world watched protesting in paris and other major cities that were the doctors protesting firefighters have protested and then you have this heavy handed french police response where until recently they were using tear gas containing t.n.t. according to one report 325 protesters have been injured in the head 25 of lost an eye and 5 have lost their hands that's outrageous police brutality is it well for one no one's happy with that situation you know i'd rather know person to be
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wondered and french people who've been doing it for decades. you know to be able to demonstrate peacefully in the streets but you have to understand that the nature of the demonstrations in france since dramatically i was you know young in the sixty's and seventy's i when demonstrating with my parents it was a celebration you know go against the government and then you negotiate and you go home in those demonstrations that you're alluding to there's a lot of people that are actually attacking the very essence of democracy and i want to kind of turn to france that upside down we've seen you know heads of our president on top of buying speaking short to run in the streets so i'm not saying that you know any police excessive violence shouldn't become determined as inquiries in those in some of these incidents you would know what is your reaction when you hear that 25 people have lost an eye and 5 people have lost their hands that's the kind of thing you might hear in some dictatorship not in
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a modern western democracy trying to deal with political protestors losing your hands no but a lot of policemen have been one and 2 i'm not happy with don't i mean don't get me wrong i wish it wasn't the case but not allow anyone to say that france is in any way close to any dictatorship this is a free country you can say whatever you want you can demonstrate as much as you want and you can go and you know and yet your government has been heavily criticized by human rights watch by amnesty international which has talked about excessive use of force by the police has demanded french authorities exercise restraint again these are leading international human rights groups that are telling a western democracy you need to exercise restraint in how you deal with your protesters . yeah you know i hope these people have also come and seen what's happening in those women strange and i did you know i took off my suit and i went into the demonstrations and i can tell you some of those people and again i'm not happy that
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a few of them i've lost an eye on hand but those people on. insurrection you know they're violent they're there to actually kick the police and that's not what a peaceful democratic demonstration should be a bird when you say this is an insurrection come on this is france protesting in france is french is anything else you can think of as you said yourself went to protest and that's be clear there were violent protests in france in the sixty's and seventy's to this idea that protests are somehow insurrectionary is a very odd claim to make from a french politician no it has changed dramatically i can tell you i've been in those some of these people and i'm not talking about a lot of people probably a few hundreds but those people i mean they're wearing in their back you know weapons to actually go and get the police it's a very different way of demonstration that we had in the sixty's the seventy's the eighty's the ninety's and and all these this is very recent it's about 5 years old
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people are not afraid of going to demonstrate and i can tell you it's not about maybe they're afraid of losing their hand because in the demonstration that out there do you actually make some not just noise but sound and furry and blood that's completely unacceptable and so again you know the police is doing their job and some of those acts of the police after we're gone too far and this should become them but we shouldn't turn the table you know the people who are starting to violence are the one in the street let me not the ones that are going to protect the french people let me ask you this president mccrone is a former investment banker who many see as a man trying to privatized or neo liberalism french economy has this now become a battle for the soul of france or at least the soul of the french. economy is this now capitalism versus socialism in front. when i think that emanuel. he's probably trying to put those 2 together to get to keep the brighter side of capitalism which is free enterprise technology innovation with question while
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preserving that part of the french model that always has been more equally to you and more were distributed on other models including in washington where you said we've actually made i said out of casualties in the french political class and those guys are trying to get back by characterizing us bit a bit like as you said you know we are the thoughts of those of the 21st century we're not like that in the pension reform there's a lot of distribution we want to people in the suburbs we want for people in the territories that haven't benefited from globalization to be put back in the system through education under job training we've never created you know as many companies as we are in france we haven't attracted so much capital in the meantime we keeping that we're distributive model that france is known for so you're saying you're keeping the model you're known for you're saying that mccrone is not a thought but when you have the president comparing himself to the roman god
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jupiter referring to demonstrators as quote slackers cynics and extremists and suggesting that they go get jobs instead of protesting surely you can understand why his image is taken such a beating and why he does seem to be so anti working class right now to many people yeah well i don't think it's the working class is on t. you know insurrection that's one part of what you said on the working class part of the story on the you know let's go and process feet and find a job here as we can in self that those words were probably out of place is actually change the stone is trying to again come everybody does pacify the country and make sure everybody understands that no one not himself not myself not anyone in this government is waking up in the morning thinking how can i make the rich which are it's all about changing the french model in order to preserve it to make sure that the people the outsiders of the french model that i've been excluded from education jobs pension for the last 40 years and are put back in the game and it's
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a fundamental change it's not making people happy mostly mannerly just to be clear you're a member of his party do you believe the president could be compared to the roman god jupiter. i think so the early dawn he probably had a bit of a say what put it here so that day but on the whole it's very very very very human very hard working role and one last question before i let you go given france's electoral system which has these 2 rounds of voting multiple count that it's across it was not the 1st choice for the majority of french voters even those who voted for him in the 2nd round when he won a majority did so in opposition to the only other option on the ballot paper marine le pen leader of the then national front now national rally you would recognize surely that you benefit from the fact that the only real alternative to you guys right now is the far right yeah and i am sorry for that i wish we had other oppositions but the other positions are dead on nearly so so even they can get up
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to get together you know but it would be born again or find another way of opposing and be very happy i've been much happier to be you know having a debate with democratic forces that are not races that are not protectionist that are now looking back in the mirror to see if it was better a 100 years ago that from what i have i don't choose my own position i do it with the opposition i have and unfortunately it's but i'm not then we're trying to make everything that she doesn't get into power to make sure that france is a better place for us it's a more pacified place france is a more unique and united place and working on the day and night and emanuel jupiter or not is doing it as well rather let's kill thanks so much for joining me on outfront thank you mary that's our show up from where we back next week.
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