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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2020 11:00am-11:34am +03

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transformed over the next 6 years this will be the northern terminus the face form of this project. iran reports to us from the coronavirus as its neighbors take measures to contain the spread. i'm richelle carey this is out as your life from doha also coming up the latest prime minister much here mohamed and his allies announce their resigning and his shocking political people. as president of trump arrives in india his 1st visit to the country where he's about to address a crowd of thousands. israel's military fires rockets into gaza in syria in response to strikes it blames on the palestinian armed group islamic jihad.
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the number of deaths from the krona virus in iran has risen to 12 as cases spread across the middle east iran has now conformed 47 cases there are rain in afghanistan have reported their 1st cases walkway as 3 people were just returned from iran have all tested positive for the virus south korea remains on high alert after announcing 161 new cases 7 people have died so far and around 7000 troops are being quarantined after and factions were confirmed within the military to talk about china 4 provinces in china have lowered there are emergency response level to corona virus 150 more deaths are reported on sunday but new infections that number has dropped so we have adrian brown standing by covering this in hong kong rob at the same is in baghdad where a rock is closed certain borders to prevent the spread of the virus 1st let's go to
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tehran dorsett jabari has the latest developments there sources tell us what else do we know about these new cases. well this information came out of a closed door session in parliament between m.p.'s and healthcare officials including the health minister the session took place early monday morning and has wrapped up since and this is where we found this new information that the number of deaths has risen as has the firm to cases this means that health care officials continue their efforts to try and contain this but many people including those residents in the capital very concerned a number of schools and universities have all been shuttle next week as has all the public events including cinemas theatres and the sporting events they've all also been canceled for the time being the other development that we're hearing about at the moment is the cancellation of flights as far as we understand at the moment
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turkish airlines is the 1st international airline to cease flights to and from iran we still waiting to find out about what the other airlines are doing in terms of trying to contain the people traveling to and from iran but we also know that a one case was ripped confirmed in back rain in a traveller that came from iran was also tested positive for the virus as has 3 people that travel from mashhad to kuwait so this is all developing in the as we go and the health officials have urged people to not to go out into public crowded areas to try and exercise caution when they're in public we are seeing now most residents here in the capital are wearing masks and gloves and people are very very concerned and many are choosing to stay home the streets are very quiet we were out last night on our way home i stopped by a few places most places that would have been very very busy are completely empty
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including restaurants and coffee shops so there is a sense that people are taking this very seriously we also know that the president hassan rouhani. he has given the power to the health ministry to do everything they can to try and control the spread of this virus ok adore safari with the latest there in tehran so let's cross over from iran to iraq and iraq matheson is live for us in baghdad so rob what's the situation there and what are the efforts that are in place to try to contain this. well 1st of all we're hearing this morning that kuwait iraq to close the soft on border crossing the land border crossing that exists between the 2 countries that's because kuwait has just reported 3 cases of the coronavirus and people who have traveled from iran and as i say it's kuwait that is asking iraq to close the border as a precaution to try to stop the virus from crossing over into iraq another soft on border crossing itself is in many ways not the most significant border crossing
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because much of the large trade that goes into southern iraq is actually done through the bus reports but nevertheless you're going to get trucks carrying predominantly foodstuff across the border and of course buses carrying people as well so it is it significant move to try to to close this crossing in order to try to stem the flow and. try to cut the risk of the the strain coming into iraq but this also comes at a time when iraq has already been putting some measures of protection into place a couple days ago announced that it was going to ban non iraqis from traveling from iran to iraq and all the iraqis who were arriving back from iran at the airports were being temperature tested on their arrival but what it's also done has been setting up quarantine zones we visited a couple of days ago a quarantine hospital here in baghdad where visitors who had been rocky's who'd been traveling from china had been quarantined for
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a period of days and assessed they hadn't at that time in showing any symptoms and during the assessment they still didn't show any system symptoms so they were allowed to go home and at the moment there is no indication that there are any reported cases of the virus in iraq iraq has also set up quarantine zones at various crossing points along its border with iran but there is a problem the border with iran is porous in places and some parts it's months innocence. it's it's marshland and it's very difficult to patrol at the best of times so there is always the possibility that people can cross backwards and forwards unnoticed as it were over these particular areas but for now. that the quarantine zones are being checked the cattle call and the temperature checks out being carried out at the crossing zones as people travel from iran back into iraq and as i say at the moment no reported cases but the medical stuff here in iraq
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just waiting to see how long that situation lasts ok and with the latest there and from baghdad rob thank you so now let's go to hong kong or adrian brown is covering various angles of this including adrian what is it we're hearing about some people in north korea being quarantined now. that's right the young happen use agency in south korea quoting koreans north korean state television has reported on monday that around $380.00 foreigners are being quarantined in the capital pyongyang now several of those several 100 of those people are understood to be foreign diplomats the others have actually been quarantined now for more than 30 days and the north koreans want to extend their quarantine period as well so for the 1st time we've really been hearing from north korea a country which so far has not reported any infections but of course there will be some concern that the north koreans are now holding these people in quarantine
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these foreigners in quarantine in north korea very little details are being given about who these people are but as i say it's sort to include a large number of diplomats now on the chain chinese mainland meanwhile there's been more confusion on monday when i last spoke to you an hour ago i was talking about how the authorities in who province had said that those people who were not shown symptoms and weren't residents of that province could leave if they wanted to well now another government department has come out and said that's not the case that announcement is invalid so one small confusion and of course that follows the confusion we had last week over china changing the way it tests people for this virus now we should get a clearer idea i think of what is going on in china when the world health organization gives a briefing in beijing on monday evening the w.h.o. has had a team of experts at the epicenter in wu hand over the weekend they are now going
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to report on their findings on monday evening now president xi jinping meanwhile is involved in a decision that's going to be taken any time we think about whether the national people's congress china's annual session of parliament will in fact go ahead in early march but all the signs are that m.p.c. the most important political event. and china is going to be counseled to show ok so adrian away with the number of infections obviously we're talking several 1000 people and it's happening in a lot of different places but i think it bears reminding our viewers what's actually the fatality rate and this is obviously losing any life it is significant but however when we put this in perspective the percentage of people that are actually dying from this is not that high. that's right it's right the people are still dying people are still being infected but not at the rate they were this time
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a month ago it should also be pointed out that almost a 3rd of what 777-8000 people who have been infected have now recovered so that is a a sliver of positive news to hold on to. adrian brown with the latest for us in hong kong adrian thank you and south korea right remains on high alert after announcing 161 new cases rob mcbride explains the measures that the south korean government is taking. there has been various measures being taken across south korea especially since the alert level here was raised to the highest yesterday sunday by president. and the number of soldiers who come into contact with people who are known to be infected they have now been put into quarantine 350 service personnel fall into that category with the south korean military a further 7000 military though are in
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a kind of voluntary self quarantine confinement on military bases these are people who have been to the most the worst affected areas where there's most infections we have seeing these clusters down in the southeast of the country down the city of daegu and in chong go the neighboring county there so these are some of the measures that are being taken there again we have seen this monday another sharp rise up to 75063 cases now and in announcing these new cases the health ministry has really come under some pretty tough scrutiny from the media here just about are they really in control of the situation about their strategy especially the policy of containment it's the ideal way of trying to stop the spread of an outbreak like this you go and investigate every case that you come across to see how that person was infected to follow back the link of a of infection and also to see whether that person has been in contact with anybody
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else you get those people tested but all of this requires a huge amounts of resources especially when you get the numbers increasing exponentially and the ministry of health it seems to be accepting that while it is on top of it it believes that within the next 4 weeks it can stabilize the situation it has admitted that possibly thing this continue to worsen that it might have to adopt a policy of mitigation. ok rob mcbride malaysia's prime minister much or mohamed has offered his resignation to the king and his political party has quit the ruling alliance out this decision to shock malaysia and it comes amid plans by your supporters to team up with opposition parties to block the transition of power to his name successor anwar abraham let's go live to florence flew in kuala lumpur so florence what else are we learning about where this came from. well in his letter of resignation there was no reason given for the resignation and we know that it
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was tended around 1 pm local time in the afternoon and that shortly after that there was a statement by my heart there's party saying that they were going to the party was leaving the ruling alliance now why is he doing this while speculation is that he is getting ready mojados party is getting ready to form a new coalition now over the weekend members of that party held meetings with opposition groups members of opposition groups and the speculation that these meetings were to lay the ground for setting up a new pact a new alliance now what we don't know yet is whether or not the king has accepted mahathir his resignation letter constitutional experts believe that the king really has no choice but to accept the resignation letter because his role as a 4 is a formality it's a largely ceremonial role now and what happens next then is that under constitutional monarchy the king has the power to appoint the person who will most likely command the confidence of parliament who will that person be then that turns
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into a numbers game if all things had remained equal not anwar ibrahim who would be the next prime minister but with mahathir is party leaving the coalition then that becomes unlikely not only that we've also got members of our last party who now and saying they have left his party on or. it's not clear whether they were sacked or whether they resigned but what remains a fact is that on why brian can no longer count on these people to support his bid to become the next prime minister so it's a little bit unclear as to what will happen next but what's really the mood in malaysia as well civil rights groups have issued statements to say that if indeed a new coalition is formed and it is going to be formed with an opposition group and this could include the party that was ousted in the last general election in 2018 then this would be wrong this is not the democracy that people voted for back in 2800 show won't play with more on the breaking news out of kuala lumpur florence thank you. as president donald trump is in india right now with the prime
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minister narendra modi there and i'm going to the capital of the state they 1st lady melania trump is there as well it's their 1st state visit to india this trip is designed to to boost ties and trade but it's also to perhaps help with donald trump's re-election chances by willing 4 and a half 1000000 indian american voters again these are live pictures this is a pretty significant crowd about 100000 people this is the largest cricket stadium in the world where all of this is happening are lisbeth random is also she has been taking a look at this so let's tell us what's happened so far president trump's only been there a few hours right liz. he has michelle he touched down 2 hours ago at the airport. is home to promise that in the garage is the 1st time a u.s. president has come to. it is when need be
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a 3rd of all american indians originally from it is also where one of india's founders gandhi was from and so donald trump began his visit to a trip to the us from where mahatma gandhi spent many years of his life it was a short trip and then he made his way to the newly built cricket stadium the world's largest hold 110000 people and it looks pretty packed today with people welcoming the u.s. president who's expected to speak along with prime minister and that into more days so they're in good drought for something like 4 hours and then they make their way to going to see the taj mahal before ending up in the capital new delhi new delhi tonight it is this short trip he's only in india for 36 hours but the government and certainly people here and would rather have rolled out the red carpet for him not the 10000000 people that he's been saying that president trump has been saying
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we're going to greet him we don't know where he got that number from but certainly a lot of people out here to welcome him and liz this is not just a regular visit for u.s. president or whatever but i mean that is an arranger modi has been very clear that he supports donald trump. yeah that is interesting in that rachelle because when that in the water was that in houston texas last year he received and he had the biggest audience of any foreign leader in the united states 50000 indian americans turned out to see in that interim order and president trump and prime minister modi essentially pledged to support for donald trump's donald trump's reelection and a lot of people who are wondering you know what this trip by the u.s. president is really about of course they both say that it's about improving ties and working on trade they have
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a very difficult trade relationship many issues there a round of series of retaliatory trade tariffs in 2015 and in fact the u.s. trade representative is not part of the 12 member delegation to come to india has trip ahead of trump's visit was canceled because it looks unlikely that they will make any ground on that they also have differences on things like visas for indians going to america on the pharmaceutical industry but there that u.s. delegation is here they to discuss things like security defense india buying billions of dollars worth of defense helicopters but more than anything else again it is only a 36 hour visit a huge welcome for the u.s. president the state of gujarat spent something like 1.5 percent of its annual g.d.p. on a 4 hour visit and that is the call and these are 2 need is. you know the the president of the united states and the prime minister of the world's 2nd most populous country who do seem to like each other
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a lot president trump said that despite you know he says india treating the u.s. very badly when it comes to trade he likes prime minister modi and this is essentially about you know these 2 leaders their friendship they have formed and showcasing batch to indians and also to indian americans 9 months out. for the u.s. election ok and our liz i'm giving us the lay of the land between these 2 leaders and as liz was talking you can see the prime minister narendra modi is addressing the crowd of 100000 people at the this large cricket stadium let's listen in for just a bit it's living and good god but this grand ev and event mr president friends. not far from where we stand today. the city. of detroit. 5000 ago and also
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existed the seaport located which was almost as ancient today you are on the banks of the southern matthew. it is of great significance in the story of india's independence you are in an india that is full of diversity hundreds of languages a spoken and bad there are hundreds of kinds of a time several kinds of cuisine separate religions and community is. this vision diversity of. unity in diversity. and the vibrancy of unity. is a very strong foundation for the relations between india and america. one is the land of the free the other believes that the holder is but one
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family. one has pride in that statue of liberty the other takes pride in that was tall a statue the sun is dire but i love my life but this statue of unity. there is so much that we share shared values and ideas. shed the spirit of enterprise and innovation. shed opportunities and challenges. share and aspirations. even listening to the prime minister. and this stadium they're dressing a crowd of several several 1000 people and also welcoming u.s.
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president donald trump to his country and when president trump gets to the podium and starts addressing that crowd we will take that for you live and show you also still ahead on al-jazeera the head and jordan meet to discuss trade and security. and a capital under siege. is bad for business. right the flooding has been topped off in the u.k. as the last lot of cloud rain swept across a narrow isn't going straight through denmark and through southern scandinavia has been the case the last 3 or 4 we see more of a dive into eastern europe so you will now find that although the wind changes direction toward the northwest and stays strong brings
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a bit more snow here if on the cloud rain tips more into germany not so much on monday but certainly by tuesday will be more the west snow in the north no and in the tirol for example in the blue of course is right it's spreading for the south and it's done for what seems like weeks now still doesn't reach much further south than for example the hungary and plain and temps are on the high side for the most part but is 11 sort of is only 6 when sorry of israel higher above sea level still not a moment italy for the time being and we've also cut off or will be cutting off the supply of fairly cold air that is there for monday morning dancer eastern libya and egypt that's bringing a few showers and you notice by the color with that cooling trend comes all the way down to northern child north and the share further west it's been warmer and of course as for the dust to the canary also that supply will also be cut off i think by tuesday and it will start to warm up elsewhere further east in egypt.
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gives you a deal dead and did you get the peace prize too soon. is this going to hurt or help donald trump's reelection chances it is very free money for you could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and not have any consequence this is not a muslim issue this is a human colony issue join me many often as i put up from questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on al-jazeera. was.
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watch out there and these are the top stories we're following for you this hour iran says 12 people have now died from growing a virus and infections are spreading across the middle east bahrain and afghanistan and now confirmed their 1st cases and kuwait has reported 3 and in italy a 4th person has died from the virus malaysia's prime minister has offered his resignation to the king and his political party has quit the coalition government follows plans by supporters or mohamed to team up with opposition parties to block the transition of power to his name successor anwar ibrahim. and u.s.
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president tom trump is it india right now with prime minister narendra modi you can see the 2 men embracing each other this is a really large crowd it's the 1st state visit to india and the trip is designed not only to boost ties in trade but also donald trump's fail lection chances by winning 4 and a half 1000000 n.p.n. american voters and let's listen now to president. didn't day for his country and a man i am proud to call my true friend prime minister bodie. like the 1st lady and i have just traveled 8000 miles around the globe to deliver a message to every citizen across this nation america loves india america respects india and america will always be faithful loyal rabbi to the indian people. 5 months
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ago the united states welcomed your great prime minister at a giant football stadium in texas add today india welcomes us at the world's largest cricket stadium right here in ahmedabad a god it is a profound daughter to be the beautiful new stadium to be here with you motera stadium so beautiful was joined by so many distinguished guests have from all across your nation and all across the world to the hundreds of thousands of every day citizens who come out and lined the streets in a stunning display of indian culture and can i do this and to the 125000 people in this great stadium today was
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a cue for the spectacular welcome here magnificent country you have done a great honor to the american people a lot he and my family we will always remember this remarkable hospitality we will remember it forever. it was a goal from this day on india will always hold a very special place in our hearts god the life of prime minister modi underscores the limitless promise of this great day should he started 1 out the by his father's side as a whole she was 80 sailor was the one he was a young man he worked at
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a cafeteria in this city editor hobby everybody loves him but i will tell you this he's very tough. to getting today prime minister modi is the tremendously successful leader of this vast indian republic. last year more than 600000000 people went to the polls and gave him a landslide victory like the other in the largest 1 democratic election ever held 1 anywhere on the face of the year ahead prime minister modi you are not just the pride of. what you are living proof that with
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hard work and devotion indians can accomplish anything anything at all anything day waheeda getting a detective prime minister is a moving story of an incredible run was and so does this entire nation your nation is doing so well we are very very proud of india. was the story of the indian nation is a tale of astounding progress a miracle of the box rissi extraordinary diversity and above all a strong and noble people india gives hope to all of humanity in just 70 years india has become an economic giant the largest
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democracy ever to exist and one of the most amazing nation the anywhere in the auditor since the turn of the century india's economy has grown more than 6 times in size in a single decade india has lifted over 270000000 people out of poverty. under prime minister modi for the 1st time in history every village in india dow has access to electricity far bigger 320000000 people more indians are right down connected to the internet. was the pace of highway construction has more than doubled over 70000000 more households think of this 70000000 more house also have access to cooking fuel
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600000000 more people have access to basic sanitation and incredibly 12 indian citizens are lifted out of extreme poverty every single minute of every single day was india will soon be the home of the biggest middle class anywhere in the world and within less than 10 years extreme poverty in your country is projected to completely disappear iggie hit the potential for india is absolutely incredible india's rise as a prosperous and independent nation is an example to every nation all over the world of and one of the most outstanding achievements of our century it is
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all the more inspiring because you have done it as a democratic 'd country you have done it as a peaceful country you have done it as a tolerant country and you have done it as a great free country was a had there is all the difference in the world between a nation that seeks power through coercion intimidation and aggression and a nation that rises by setting its people free and unleashing them to chase their dreams and that is india. ah this is why india's accomplishment over the last 70 years is completely unraveled no matter where you go it is your faith in the strengths.


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