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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  February 29, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm +03

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can be slowed even stalled in some cases but to do that we must transform our relationship with. this is al jazeera. hello from doha i'm hala my head's in with the al-jazeera news are coming up in the next 60 minutes the u.s. and the taliban sign a deal seen as a step towards ending the 18 year war in afghanistan and paving the way for american troops to withdraw. this is a hopeful moment but only the beginning part the u.s. warns that it will cancel the agreement if the taliban doesn't respect it. turkey's president urges russia to get out of syria and reiterate his call that the
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borders of europe are open to migrants. innovations can appoint a new prime minister but the power struggles may be far from over. and the fight for which u.s. democratic presidential hopeful will face off with donald trump turns to south carolina which is holding its primary. in sports 5 top league games in italy have been postponed because of coronavirus restrictions the olympics are also interrupted and will be in senegal where africa's best boxes off still trying to qualify for tokyo 2020. 5 to more than 18 years of war a deal between the u.s. and taliban has put afghanistan on the path to what many hope will be a permanent peace assigning to place here in qatar a few hours ago and in 18 months of talks one of the key components of the deal
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plans for a complete withdrawal of all u.s. and nato troops within 14 months if the taliban sticks to its parts the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o flew in for the signing he says the agreement is a crucial 1st step toward peace. this agreement will mean nothing and today's good feelings will not last if we don't take concrete actions on commitments and promises that have been made when it comes down to it the future of afghanistan is for afghans to determine the us taliban deal creates the conditions for afghans to do just that here's our take here's our take on what steps by the taliban will make this agreement a success 1st keep your promises to cut ties with al qaeda and other terrorists. keep up the fight to defeat isis. well the taliban's chief negotiator said the
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agreement marks a new chapter in afghanistan's history. we are committed to this agreement to enforce are also we want as a political force to maintain with our neighbors positive relationships with all the afghan nation has been suffering for the past 4 decades we have suffered tremendously and i hope that with the withdrawal of all foreign forces from afghanistan that the afghan nation under the islamic regime will embark on a new prosperous my. well a separate ceremony was held in the afghan capital kabul u.s. defense secretary mark kasper and nato secretary general yes yes stoltenberg were present to issue a joint statement with afghanistan's president ashraf ghani he spoke about the forthcoming talks his governments will hold with the taliban to markets a political settlement how to gender for discussion with the taliban be whiter
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than their discussions with the united states they should be ready to discuss their relationship with their state and 9 states sponsors a verifiable system for cutting off their ties with all transnational terrorist groups their dependence and involvement the narcotics and other transnational criminal organizations positivity. well although the deal has been signed there is still a long way to go the 1st stage will be a $135.00 day initial period of reduced violence both sides have also agreed to exchange as many as $6000.00 prisoners that deal is being described as a precursor to a peace agreement between the warring sides within afghanistan is hoped that this will lead to talks between the taliban and the government in kabul now the initial weeklong reduction in violence mostly held to though there were still some attacks now we have a team of correspondents following the developments for us what i have need is live
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for us in kabul alan fischer is standing by for us in washington d.c. and we will be speaking to them in just a moment but 1st osama bin jeff it begins our coverage he was at the signing and spoke to pakistan's foreign minister who was also there. we have had this the foreign minister of pakistan has just come out of the signing ceremony that it's been implemented occasion and pakistan's name has been mentioned a couple of times now how do you think this is going to play out as you well i'm delighted that the international community has recognized. aka song supposed to. be facilitation provides for pakistan. a source a coupon for was a visitor. and he thanked oxfam for the support. and bring all of those 5 minutes of time and victimized aka songs very positive contribution
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i think we've created to help create and indeed being involved. for the often long now take the next step which is to sit together. reconcile and chopped. a way forward. a way dr king's peace stability of a country to be sure and keep things up opportunities for for the. people to see the quality what do you make of that is the joint declaration which says that his son dealing with a tough one by the united states is that something that has been discussed to the pakistan and how the puck aside here we have nothing to hide. there cross-product to be open so pox on the house you know. playing
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a positive role and you come to do 3 of the positive. well let's get some perspective from the u.s. now with alan fischer in washington alan this is quite a tricky one in the us is it not on one hand people do you want their troops based in afghanistan to come home but on the other perhaps rather see the taliban defeated rather than part of a deal. well downtimes going to speak to a conservative conference within the next few hours the group called sea pac well he mentioned afghanistan and the deal it's just been signed yeah i think it probably will because as far as he's concerned it's promises made promises kept which has been a recurring theme throughout the election campaign he's saying that he promised to bring american troops home that didn't want terribly well when he announced a sudden withdrawal in syria but he's expecting it's going to be much better this time around in afghanistan so what's the plan at the moment of course about $12000.00 troops service personnel in afghanistan within the 1st $135.00 days that
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number could come down to somewhere around 8600 and that number will continue to come down as long as these interlocking agreements as secretary of state pompeo describes them continue to be observed by the taliban put that in context at the height of the surge is in afghanistan when the united states was pursuing a military victory of sorts there was around 10120000 u.s. personnel in afghanistan so the numbers have come down quite significantly and donald trump will certainly use this reduction as something he can use as a foreign policy success during his reelection campaign the other thing to note is that there has been some within the us some criticism some from democrats as you would expect but also some republicans those in congress are saying look we are deeply concerned that we're getting involved with the taliban they have made promises in the past that they have not stood up to it might prompt at his news
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conference in qatar just in the last hour or so said we are fully aware of who we are dealing with that was almost a message to those people to say look we're not being fooled here this is something that we're going to continue to monitor we're not going to withdraw our entire support from afghanistan in the in the next couple of weeks this is something that is an ongoing process and we are going to continue to look at their will. some concern though among hardliners when you listen to what the taliban spokesman said in doha he said we are looking for a strong islamic system with islamic values and he referred to afghanistan not is the islamic republic of afghanistan but is the islamic emirate that will certainly put on edge a number of right wingers who are deeply concerned that the whole nature of afghanistan will change and therefore the whole idea of why they put troops in there in the 1st place will be slightly negated but certainly might pompey or desperately trying to reassure those people donald trump will try and do the same
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he has been obsessed with the idea of trying to win a nobel peace prize you remember it put pressure on the chinese the japanese according to all reports because of his work with north korea that didn't quite come off he may well be hoping that bringing and then to america's longest war 19 years and counting may well work towards the nobel committee looking at him slightly more favorably ok alan fischer there reporting live from washington d.c. thank you very much indeed it's well how to add to her needs has been is in the afghan capital rather she's been speaking to people about the deal and joins us now live 1st of all how there was as well as the ceremony and doha there was also the ceremony in afghanistan just give us a sense of what the afghan president had to say there. i think that ceremony was mainly a show of force or of support rather by need to and by the united states to the
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afghan president you have to remember that by and large the afghan government has been excluded from 2 talks between the u.s. and the taliban they were also not present if not maybe in a very minimal capacity at the ceremony happening in doha so here in from here i think for the 1st time we heard ash ever had any sort of showing his full support to what was unfolding in doha he has never been so forceful in the past probably he has also could raise many concerned in the past he wanted that any kind of talks would should be preceded by a cease fire permanent cease fire something that the taliban have refused and continue to refuse they will be that meaningful reduction in violence a period of 135 days but certainly not a complete cease fire and about taliban have been very clear about that saying if
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we have a cease fire then we also lose or power of negotiations now he did say that you did say that we have to remember that the afghan people paid a very high price there was actually a moment of silence for all the fall and 10000 for 6 years straight he also said that there were about 10000000 displaced afghans around the world about 4000000 of those only over the 5 past 5 years so he did remind everyone about the human toll the afghans have paid during this war and then he pointed the finger at the taliban he said that the taliban now also must be honest about their relations for example with the neighboring countries they have to be transparent about the extent and the nature of those relations. he said that they have to be clearly and publicly they have to disavow groups of calcutta and also they have to abandon any drug
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production and any drug sort of a trafficking they have been doing to really keep up with their own finances so those were the words of sheva gunny but you know he's also talked about the in intra afghan talks which is really the big challenge here probably the biggest challenge for the u.s. this division and fragmentation of the afghan political elite he said that in the coming days they will make their efforts to form that that delegation to supposed to go wherever those talks will happen probably and also but then just half an hour ago we heard from his main rival of do love below is also the chief executive of the government and he said yes i do support what happened in doha i welcome peace but he also clearly said now that that is over i am not going to not going to walk back from my accusations i still think there's still i'm still going to contest the
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result of the elections and i still think that i am the winner of these elections so certainly you get immediately you get there that the political bickering and the political rival reach that stopped maybe for a few days is going to start again in the coming days well that's an important point that you raise that this deal that has been signed in doha is not a peace deal in afghanistan by any stretch of the imagination for the wider population so given this i mean what does the average man and woman on the street saying about this new. but we've been quite around over the past few days talking to people i think there's also that of confusion about what exactly this big this agreement is all about many thinking that it will lead to immediate withdrawal of the u.s. troops and not very much inform it but afghans have been very cautious yes all of them want to believe that peace could be forthcoming and maybe sooner rather than
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later but they've been bitten before they've had dashed hopes before and add to moment they taking it very cautious they're very realistic of ever about the current situation many told me yesterday the americans and the taliban are going to have these a taliban are now in a position of force but our own political representatives are bickering and we don't know who is going to represent us or distorts and will they be able to defend our own interests these are some of the people i spoke to. it's a momentous time for afghanistan many still in this believe that what had been unthinkable is happening the u.s. and the taliban agreeing with each other mohamed bouazizi is a beat this has been the most peaceful week kabal has seen in years we can go outside. our homes without. fear of anything so it's been a good week yeah they're actually means it's between there and we can only tolerate
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it really really affect the truth that will be have lots of effects on afghan people because the security of afghanistan is in the hands of the americans but outside of kabul in jabal siraj she could mohammad wonders about his future he has links feelings the taliban ruled here before so he knows them well they are family. after all father and it's bad if the taliban come back i won't be able to run my business they forbid music i will have to leave the country for the past 40 years foreigners didn't let us live in peace that's why the country's in a situation it's maybe better if they leave but there will be no peace with the taliban it will be worse i'm scared the war has been devastating for bibi girl her husband a soldier the national army was killed in a suicide attack in her whole province of lahman then another 4 members of her
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family died in another attack being a widow with 7 children is stuff they help out by polishing shoes on the streets or begging in the market lot now we've never had any help from anyone it's a miserable life my sons collect charge so we can burn it in the stove the foreigners must stay i haven't seen anything good from the government and the taliban destroyed our lives it's because of them that we became beggars it's humiliating only the foreigners can help us. the taliban controls nearly half of the country mainly rural areas where most of the war against american troops unfolded. people have been told that they will fully withdraw soon and there's a sense of victory on the holidays she was people are happy we also want peace and security taliban are committed to their promise the fighters obey whatever orders they get this is a big success for us. back in the cities it up my year is worried she was born as
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a refugee in iran now she's a university student part of a new generation full of aspiration everybody knows that collarbones your idea of like how limited and close minded they are and if they come to the government like office or the they cannot implement elements of office or they can implement and the people there will be hard as the women just follow one and never good with women and. the people working in the government office elves did not have peace between themselves and i don't think of our going to have is that someone else like polamalu if all goes well do us will pull out its troops the taliban and afghan leaders might find a compromise but many afghans remain cautious about the future they've seen many full stalls before but at the couple. well we have just heard from the white house and from the u.s.
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presidents and the statements the white house quoted donald trump as saying we are working she finally ends america's longest war and bring our troops back home well let's take a look at the human cost of the u.s. led invasion of afghanistan more than 31000 civilians have been killed since 2001 that's according to the u.n. and write scripts yearly 58000 members of the security force members and 42000 opposition fighters have also died it's the only 2400 american soldiers were killed the u.s. is estimated to have spent. more than one trillion dollars on the conflicts well the afghan ministry of public health says $23000000.00 afghans or 2 thirds of the population suffer from mental health problems because of the war well many afghans are in pakistan kimo high just spoke to some of them in the was on the
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difference on a region they told him about their hopes for returning home now that the deal is there a overall and we've been talking to the afghan refugee. there could be another run it done would mean that they would be able to go back to their country the thought of bungled only here thought of that we're very hopeful about the peace deal between the taliban and the us peace will also help us finally return home to afghanistan. where we are happy with this agreement because it will bring peace in afghanistan and we will return to our homeland. there any deed rate for lead through a 3rd term and another run it on my own and. really that bad of course is going to prove to be more difficult given the fact that there are 30 year difference between dr abdullah abdullah and author of money dr abdullah had already there david form
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a crowd a little government which of course would complicate matters or did really important you see what happened in the end of dialogue and rather doubt do will be able to make. your bring back be injured out war torn country. well let's get some analysis now from marwan bashar he's out as a new senior political analyst and is with me no marwan will this work you know certainly it's a it's just the beginning of a new process if the last 18 years war a war process i think now we're going to be in the midst of. peace process for the next 18 years perhaps meaning this is the 1st step of a very very long process clearly there's a lot to be done in afghanistan where the united states but also among afghanis themselves one doesn't need to be optimistic to be hopeful about a situation whereby both sides the united states and the and the taliban feel that
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it is what it is taliban cannot be defeated the united states cannot be defeated and hence some sort of the diplomatic solution needs to start those of us who've read carefully the afghanistan paper that were revealed in the united states last year and they're stunned that american officials actually. i understood all too well over the last decade that the war is not walking that the war strategy does not exist and that there was so much chaos in washington. that it was understood that we're going to come to this point the problem in washington is provide them prejudice as it were they were too proud. just to go and sign some kind of a deal with the taliban insisting for several years that the afghan government in kabul needs to be there in a ford center while they at the end accepted the taliban condition but they did have to talk together 1st about that would be all of american troops and i think
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that the americans are now when they're within the mind sites i think the american public has checked out i think the thumb administration is more than happy to pull out troops and hence there are signs to be hopeful about all the signs to be hopeful if you're wanting to get american troops ites over afghanistan how much will piss there for ordinary people who are living with this because we've just had these elections that are still contest states we still have a situation where the taliban are a force to be reckoned with in the country for the average man and woman on the streets where's the where does the hope lie especially for the average woman as it were as this last a warrior but but i think in comparison to the wartime we are still better off today in the in the logic of diplomacy than we were in the logic of war because even though it was and i remember. cherie blair the wife of tony blair and laura
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bush but why for president bush advocating for the rights of women in afghanistan when their husbands were running the war in the early 2001 or 2002. but it was clear for the rest of us that you don't liberate women through or through tanks and warplanes because if you do that probably the women the middle east in this time of war should be the most liberated in the world what we do understand is that war needs to stop in order for certain societal processes national process to begin and certainly afghan needs some healing because you can't end the suffering of the average person without beginning the healing and the healing apparently starts with the taliban and the elected government or whoever the elected officials in kabul but it also has to involve the civil society it has evolved the tribes it has to involve all sectors of the afghan society but that's just to get to the healing just to that of conciliation and then you need to build up the country because the
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country has been in a war for 40 years it's really mostly destroyed certainly the social fabric of the country has been torn apart and destroyed so this is going to be a long process what we are optimistic about is that it's no longer necessarily in the logic of war but rather in the logic of peace ok the 1st step on a very long path thank you so much for bringing us your analysis now the turkish president richard burton one says he's asked his russian counterpart vladimir putin to get its of the way in syria's last rebel bastian. it follows the death of 34 turkish troops in a strike by russian backed syrian government forces on thursday. we killed more than 2000 syrian soldiers and destroyed more than $300.00 armored vehicles we will prove to the syrian regime and those backing them that we are capable of this only yesterday we destroyed 7 chemical jeapordize we did not want
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the siskel ation it was the syrian regime the forced us into it and that's why the syrian regime must pay the price. is in her tie on turkey's border with syria we can speak with them no. tough words there from the turkish president is anyone listening to. well because this was his 1st speech public appearance after the death of the soldiers on thursday he needed to just sound defiant and this was why it's crucial for him a cleese as far as the turkish people are concerned because the death was a massive massive shock here it was absolutely president of that night with a number of death toll in the province and about this why he was very defiant saying that this was a mandate by the syrian people for us to move into it live and this was for the
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sake of preventing a deterioration of the humanitarian situation and he was basically sending messages to the russians that turkish soldiers will continue deploying inside it live and that this absolutely nothing that will deter turkey from no words for a continuing the fight against syrian government troops and by the way as we speak the rebels backed by turkey are making some significant gains in the south of it but in an area called the mountain of this has been a rebel can stronghold sister $1011.00 and major areas were taken over by the syrian government backed by russia in about an in form 4 weeks ago those villages are now under the control of the rebels this would not have been possible had it not been for the massive artillery of the military that has pounded syrian government positions pushing it from those areas so it is talking about the revenge
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of the retaliation that the turkish government is talking about it is still ongoing and while that is still ongoing and we often forget when we're talking about strategy that there are still many hundreds of thousands of people who are caught in the middle of this just her walk into sions for the residents the people who are trapped in adlib right now. an extremely difficult situation for the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the fighting and continue to move into the border area with turkey how we're talking about families forced out of the villages in rural aleppo and the southern part of it by the moment they come to the border the 1st thing they ask about because of that whether the situation now we have have it rains called whether they ask for tents and they are basically most of the time told unfortunately we don't have
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tents or to offer you that people would tell them you could how you must buy a tent for $300.00 they have nothing with barely their own for the stuff the bare minimum that they could carry with them when they were fleeing the area so they have to wait in this cold weather you have been talking to people who will tell you our kids are crying at night and asking for 4 stoves for them to be able to feel warmth at night the international community local organizations are trying to help but these absolutely no way that can cope with the growing number of civilians and displaced who are moved into these areas the international community has been critical of russia and syria about the displacement saying that because they're targeting hospitals villages people are pouring into those areas but there's no indication whatsoever that this is going to stop anytime soon alas the fighting stops. there my friends on turkey's border with syria thank you very much for that
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update. now greece's prime minister is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the wave of migrants coming from turkey their vest comes after president are the one announced that ankara would no longer stop people from entering europe greek border guards and police used tear gas and stun grenades to keep the refugees athan says it has blocked thousands of illegal migrants at its border crossings it's also been strengthening its controls off the east edging in islands this was the scene earlier on the greek island of lesbos that's just 15 kilometers off the turkish coast now it's already housing tens of thousands of refugees and migrants johnson rocker's joins me now live from the greek island of lesbos and john the the frustrations on the island have been boiling over just give us
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a sense of what the situation's like ny and how many more asylum seekers have been a riving since turkey opened its borders. well the arrivals haven't yet ramped up beyond the ordinary there was a boat 'd load of 27 people this arrives on the north shore of the island this morning is the video you just showed portrayed and those people have now been brought here to the camp of moriah more than 20000 people here it's the largest refugee camp in greece and a lot of them have been waiting for many months the frustrations are high among them particularly since a new law took effect on the 1st day of this year which fast tracks new applications in an effort to increase the rate of returns back to turkey of those who are rejected for asylum here in greece and keeps the numbers flowing through the island at the race in which they're arriving and doesn't create this massive
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backlog that you see here but of course that fast track process for new arrivals disadvantages all of those people who've arrived in the last 2 years who are still here we spoke to a family earlier that has just been put pushed back 10 months for their asylum interview there's no school operating on these premises there are no incomes for these people to make so they're just waiting which is a difficult task it requires tremendous patience and fortitude and of course the greeks are also pretty extremely frustrated because they're all of groves have been chopped into firewood because their island is constantly on the news as a refugee. essentially staging post in a state of emergency so they've lost a lot of their tourism industry they are extremely unhappy with government plans to build a new closed detention center somewhere else not here in moria in fact earlier
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this week a few days ago there were violent clashes between the local residents and the police that was dispatched from athens in order to enable us to move in machinery to disembark from ships and move. of up to the north side of the island where the original plan for the new camp was but that work has now ground to hold as the government engages again with local government to decide on a new so it's one idea we've heard is to put everyone on a small island off shore clearly financially on realistic because of the cost involved in submerging electricity and water lines and so on but that is the climate here people just can't decide on any place on this island where they would like a more of a new morea camp to be they want the situation to and they feel it's not only a national security threat to them but even an existential threat so there is an impasse there's a political impasse internally between the islands of these 2 g.
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and the government in athens ok john psaropoulos bring us all the latest that live from i suppose thank you. at the coronavirus i brake is showing no signs of slowing as cases spread outside china in the last hour france and eyes that it will ban all events with more than $5000.00 people were fears about the virus iran has the highest death toll on site of china with 43 dead and amber of confirmed cases there rules on saturday almost 600 people and i'm infected with the health ministry says to her and is preparing for the possibility that tens of thousands of people will get tested for the corona virus. and to new cases in the united states are raising questions about how the virus may be spreading the patients in california and oregon have no known connection to anyone who was infected and had not travel to hotspot countries for reynolds's in los angeles with more on the case there. this
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is a person who is in northern california described as a woman who had some underlying respiratory disease problems and her doctor center to the hospital she was tested there and tested positive for the corona virus she has now what the important thing here is that she didn't get it on a cruise ship she didn't meet with someone who just got off a plane from will hon she hasn't been to italy or iran or south korea or any of the other places she got coronavirus here in the united states and now in addition this person lives in a community about a 145 kilometers from the 1st possible community transmission case in who was identified earlier this week so that seems that there's 2 at least 2 separate clusters of transmission in northern california
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this is called community transmission and what it means is that it's circulating in the community one person gets sick another person will get sick another person will pass that on to others and then this is what happened in italy in south korea etc important to note that no one has been placed under any kind of quarantine in northern california except for the 2 patients who are receiving care in hospitals. now weeks of strict quarantine measures are taking their toll on tens of millions of people in china many are struggling with anxiety and fears for the future because she spoke with one resident from the epicenter who hunt which went into looks and more than a month ago. these days 100 and life is simple he water the plants makes the bed and watches news about the virus outbreak which has turned his life upside down we spoke to him by video call from beijing. the virus spread so quickly i was so square i thought i could die if i was infected.
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it's a far cry from his life before the locked out running a popular noodle store where we filmed him working in 2016 today he's healthy but the mental strain of being forced to stay indoors when he's on him it's stressful imagine you won't allow to leave this room for more than 2 months and can only walk weaving this apartment how would you feel it's very difficult. almost 80000 chinese have been infected by the virus but it's affected the mental health of millions of others says shanghai based psychologist bodhran who people are reacting are a lot of anxiety and lots of uncertainty so there is a fear well i contract those wires and i do that in my health when i die will this impact my family. way how counseling telephone hotlines have been
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set up around the country for those struggling to court many have called in reporting anxiety i did some fearing not just the virus but its impact on their future there's uncertainty about where will we go back to normal when i go back to my job situation when i see my friends. those and a lockdown of fighting feelings of isolation by posting on social media experts say connecting to others and maintaining a routine can help prevent any long term negative impact though he struggles with feeling trapped at harm. says he's following mental health advice and doing his best to stay strong. between e.u. al-jazeera beijing. forces in the us state of south carolina have begun voting in a primary to decide which democrat they want to challenge donald trump for the presidency this is seen as a major primary for former vice president joe biden he's enjoyed strong support
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among the state's african-american voters but some of his rivals are closing the gap and gallacher reports from charleston. some are calling it joe biden's last stand and there's no doubting the importance of south carolina's democratic primary to the former vice president biden has a history here and a good relationship with african-americans who make up 60 percent of democratic voters where 9 worshippers were killed by a white supremacist 5 years ago in charleston biden stood alongside president obama to lend his support it's that kind of connection that biden is touting and was bored by that was because on the spot where the rivals though are making inroads billionaire tom steyer spent a fortune winning political ads and gaining traction tongues by truck get to go
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biden's hopes of winning here are high but south carolina is black voters don't speak with one voice african-american democratic voters are united in their desire to see president trump out of office making them potentially more pragmatic than loyal to just one candidate the former vice president's been falling in the polls his campaign's tonight referring to the black vote as their fire was then there is the generation gap bernie sanders is doing well with young black millennial further eating into biden's words commanding really warm about. the his. 56 year old loretta maxwell is a biden loyalist daughter in law is looking for an alternative and bernie could be the candidate that's where a lot of young black people. gravitate toward these days are the progressive candidates not the regular establishment candidate so i think that's what bernie brains to the table and that's what makes him so different as well on wednesday
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biden was endorsed by congressman james clyburn long considered the godfather of democratic politics in the state he could be a crucial seal of approval among black voters i know that you we know. joe. us after early losses saturday's primary is a vital test for biden he can't just win here he needs to win big we need real watching the white house. not more laws to gallacher all jazeera charleston south carolina. and in 3 days voters in 14 u.s. states in one territory will get their chance to pick their democratic presidential favorites the so-called super tuesday will award one 3rd of the available national delegates and it could determine the person likely to win the backing off the party
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has equal hane has more from washington d.c. . for months it looked like this was former vice president joe biden's race to lose and so far he has been losing now the unexpected front runner the self declared socialist senator bernie sanders getting the most votes in iowa new hampshire and nevada we have now won the battle clark. following him another unexpected leader former small town mayor people to judge with biden traveling with 3rd this is a race that will decide the direction of the democratic party there are the moderates biden who to judge senator amy klobuchar and billionaires tom styer and former mayor mike bloomberg and the outlier congresswoman tulsi gabbert versus the progressives sanders and senator elizabeth warren the biggest divide healthcare it's the 2nd most important issue for democratic voters the moderates want more people to be able to join the government health insurance program the progressives
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want everyone in rolled in a government program with private insurance eliminated that's something the majority of democrats say they want to court in the polls but that isn't true for independents or republicans and that could complicate with the vast majority of democrats say is their top priority electability without a doubt that's my number one i want trump and that is the biggest argument against senator sanders that he can't beat trump. i think we can win the democratic nomination. we're going to defeat donald trump. but if he's the nominee johnson kiley at the pew research center says his health care plan could be an issue both the public option approach and the medicare for all approach are distinctly different than republican policies about health care and democrats across the board are likely to
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favor both of those while republicans across the board are much less likely to favor either medicare for all or a public option democrats are deciding with this vote of promising big changes is the best chance they have to change lives in the white house pedicle him al-jazeera washington. and u.s. appeals court has ruled the trumpet ministration can no longer make asylum seekers' waits in mexico while their claims are dealt with nearly 60000 people have been sent back to wait for hearings since the remain in mexico policy took effect in january last year the government can appeal to the supreme court's stance consistently sun did with the president on immigration and border security policies malaysia's king has picks a new prime minister is saying no he didn't see the has the most supports in parliament there are statements sidelines former leader mahathir mohamad souse ruling coalition collapsed last week but mahathir insists he should remain in power
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bar in reports. a changing of the god in malaysia that critics are calling the death of democracy well you dania asons appointment by the king capping a tumultuous week in the country's politics yeah well you know my heart. i thank the king and would like to thank all of you for your moral support i only ask that all malaysians accept the decision announced by the palace today. the king's move sidelines former leader mohammed whose ruling coalition collapsed last week i had to resigned as premier after his besides who party which is led by signaled it could work with the united malays national organization or. that party governed malaysia for more than 60 years until it was forced from power by my had he has coalition and 2018 all know is the party of disgraced former leader browse uk who is on trial for corruption accused of looting millions of dollars from the state
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found one named david e. where you dean was kicked out of all no in 2015 but it rallied behind him this week he was sacked for raising the issues of corruption when m d b but now in the sort of wrangling that's happened in the last week or so in malaysia he's joined forces with the same person in the same party that he was sacked from and issues he stood up for now he seems to be making alliances with many believe the latest crisis was also part of a tussle for power between mohamad and his longtime rival and while abraham analysts say their coalition was torn apart by infighting over who should succeed mahathir who at 94 was the world's oldest premier earlier on saturday and last it hit back my tears return to power but now neither man is leader and there are calls for protests
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a lot of people in malaysia are very upset the. not my pm is what is one of the tweeting at the highest level of malaysian embassy in time you know you didn't ask and his coalition also garner a fair amount of support moir dean is expected to be sworn in on sunday but muttiah is fighting back saying he has more support to. brian. al-jazeera. thousands of russians have rallied in moscow against president vladimir putin's plans constitutional reforms but demonstration also marked the 5th anniversary of the murder over politician an outspoken kremlin critic or a sentence off russians will vote on bush's proposed constitutional amendments in april if they're approved he could retain significant power after his presidential term ends in 2024. a museum in chile there has been set on fire after
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fighting between protesters and police it forward a day of otherwise peaceful demonstrations in santiago after a critical report from amnesty international on human rights a latin america editor in the semen has more. this is the 2nd time that this museum which is emblematic in santiago has been set on fire by arsonists nobody knows exactly who did it firemen are telling us to get out of here because there could be a gas leak but this is what has turned out to be the end of what had been a very peaceful afternoon of protests here any as i would just just about 200 meters away from here. earlier in the afternoon people were seeing and dancing it was a very very jovial scene here about now that it is start we're seeing barricades and many believe this is just a prelude to the type of disturbances and violence that will also be accompanying peaceful protests the social change in care starting next march of this coming marjorie just just around the corner protesters say they're going to be coming out
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onto the streets in bigger numbers than ever because they say that the government has not responded to the people's demands for real social change. police in costa rica raided the president's home as parts of an investigation into the misuse of citizens' personal data the stems from accusations that carlos alvarado and other top level officials illegally accessed data into the guise of a special tusk force. so has in sports. i make with the cards that i got the olympic qualifying round for out again boxes piled up that's how they are being affected by the current by. over 70 years after one tribes and that journey from palestine to the nile delta al-jazeera world meets the largest concentration of $948.00 refugees in egypt.
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the socially isolated community with new rights fighting to survive and keep the palestinian heritage alive in a world where there was this increasingly marginalized egypt rather lie land on al-jazeera. of women programming from international film made plans to. play out just the arrest sets the stage for egypt in the future will be the life of the mind is the life of the nines dead everybody is the global ex-pats you get it we're going to let the planet go to ruin because we're not doing obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on al-jazeera.
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it's time for the sports here's peter thank you very much 5 matches in italy is top football league which had been due to go ahead behind closed doors have now been postponed because of the coronavirus outbreak in the country one of the games was the key clash between city our leaders you vance's and food placed into melanne it's now been pushed back to may the italian government banned public gatherings to slow the spread of the virus italian football leagues or not the only ones to be affected in europe. all games in switzerland's top 2 divisions have been called off because of a government ban on events with more than 1000 people giani in fancy know the presidents of football's governing body is not ruling out canceling upcoming international friendlies but he says it's too soon to make
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a call about euro 2020 which is set to start in june and be played all over europe for the 1st time placing the euro will take place in in june and before that many more matches the international level of love of traveling the world as well so . i think we have to monitor really disgraceful situation i mean those were in charge of these matters the government. public situation straight. they will also take decisions on what is allowed and more this. the premier league is so far unaffected but reports in britain suggest liverpool would not be guaranteed the title if the season was to be cut short you can plop side of $22.00 points clear at the top closing in on their 1st league win in 30 years but they are not mathematically over the line yet and it is unclear what the rules are if the british government shuts down sporting events and end the season early. government
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is the agency they probably get leading from except the boy is would be president of the premier league. tailless the old c. l 11 the the us issues beyond just liverpool winning 'd that's like that would also 'd qualify for the champions league be rightly who is relegated and if the season could not be complete any reason to reach the bar it's inevitable would not stand in the premier league at all but that seems like a question of the season yes guaranteed almost when the premier league anyway because they have a monthly but not when we think their programme would see. coronavirus has also put the tokyo lympics in thout but with $146.00 states still to go athletes around the world are doing all they can to make it to japan nicholas hock reports from africa's a limping boxing qualifiers in senegal's capital dhaka. meet algerian
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boxer room ice she's preparing for a qualifying fight for the tokyo olympic games at the age of 25 while m. is already african champion but she's never taken part in the olympics she's been training for years for this fight hoping to make history and bring back gold not just for algeria but for all african women on the continent but there's one threat she didn't see coming the coronavirus. let her know that is where we don't say this and he i mean it's a very different country and they would do. they came to know for our safety the virus has reached africa with the latest confirmed case in hometown in algiers and now in lagos nigeria the virus was brought to each country by people travelling from italy where an outbreak began in the north of the country with the w.h.o. monitoring the situation to see if the olympic games themselves can safely take
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place this summer but there is no 0 risk in organizing any mass gathering at this moment in time but we needed to do for each gathering and the religious gathering starts for its kind of the rings for business gatherings all over the world all of the type we need to have clearly a risk management approach for those events no special measures have been put in place during africa's boxing qualifying event here in dakar. here at the bar and i think this is the home with her during events like this where people were influenced by somebody to know that the corona virus spreads the most the danger is both for supporters and not for the us. this is borland's qualifying fight there's no shortage of fluids being exchanged. after 2 rounds of whilom delivers a series of blows and wins the fight entering the finals it is the moment well and has been waiting for making history by becoming the 1st woman in algeria to qualify
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for the olympics. despite the threat of coronavirus it seems there's no stopping her. dickless harkat al-jazeera the car. from amateur boxing to professional boxing now dion say while there is back on social media after losing his heavyweight title to tyson fury last week the american was stopped in the 7th round but it appears he's ready to trigger the rematch claude's wilder also said he would not part company with east coast trainer more brittle and who threw in the tell to stop the fight a fight he is convinced he would not take the same punishment in any rematch. when we'll be given the time it. will be but we will hold our hears of. your choosing group. who will run like a phoenix from the ashes and regain. world tennis number 2 rafa nadal could clinch
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a 3rd mexican open title later in acapulco the spaniard reached the final with a convincing 6362 win over bulgaria's grigor dimitrov it's been 50 years since not 1st victory in the mexican city he will play american taylor fritz of the trip. we started by telling you about the italian football being postponed while the latest world cup skiing event in the italian alps has gone ahead the women's super g. was held in will but with a limited number of spectators the region has not had any cases of coronavirus austria's nina awfully clinched 1st win by a 10th of the 2nd super g. leader karim suitor of switzerland came in. whenever they have an hour more sports news coming up again later i'll see you then thank you very much indeed he said what about some this news i do stay with us here and i'll just say i'll be back after this very short break.
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television news channel morning august and focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most to states misleads the public this they've been here reflects the same thing as climate change covariates all show if they die to leave they have anything to apologize for their listening post on al-jazeera. investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al-jazeera. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. by them both isis and the us of. the 1st of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable simony. the father the son and the jihad
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caught one on al-jazeera. the on the on. the u.s. and the taliban sign a deal seen as a step towards ending the 18 year war in afghanistan and paving the way for american troops to withdraw. this is a hopeful moment. but only the beginning welcome back u.s. warns that it will cancel the agreements of the taliban doesn't respect it. i'm home i hear dean and this is out his ear a live from doha also coming up.


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