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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 3, 2020 2:00am-3:01am +03

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why because my take. on. al-jazeera. you're watching the news hour life from headquarters in doha i'm debbie navigator coming up in the next 60 minutes benjamin netanyahu claims victory in israel's 3rd election in a year but exit polls show the may be just sort of a majority. and a top palestinian official says israel's exit polls show that settlements annexation and apartheid have won. greece reinforces it sea and land borders to stop migrants crossing from turkey. moderate democrats seem to rally behind joe
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biden ahead of super tuesday after any close are and people drop out of the presidential race. continuum and 19 is physically and must remain the top priority. countries the w.h.o. says containment is key emit a surge of infections outside china and warnings the coronavirus could have global economic growth. hello benjamin netanyahu is claiming victory in israel's general election although it appears his fall in one or 2 seats sort of a parliamentary majority exit polls suggest that's an yahoo's look good party and its right wing allies have around half the $120.00 seats in the knesset so it's the 3rd time israelis have gone to the polls in less than a year after 2. failed attempts at forming
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a coalition well the chief palestinian negotiator has said the early results from israel's election show annexation has won this is what saw about a cock sweetie it's obvious that settlements occupation and apartheid have won the israeli elections that's a new whose campaign was about the continuation of the occupation and conflict which will force the people of the region to live by the sword a continuation of violence extremism and chaos. let's bring in harry foster who's joining us now from benjamin netanyahu his party headquarters over in town of even and harry in the exit polls are accurate even though he got he may have gotten the largest number of seats and that's it now will still fall sort of for a parliamentary majority. that's right he's is the could party almost certainly has got the largest of any single party in this election most of the polls suggest 36 and 37 but as you say the mass don't quite line up for
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a functioning coalition government at this stage it requires at least $61.00 seats and israeli parliament the knesset to claim that the now it looks like he's got 60 all those numbers can change and they have change in the cost between exit polls and final results and even the the indicative results from the overnight counting at tonight's could still be changed when in a few days time soldiers votes and the like a finally counted but make no mistake this is a real victory for netanyahu a real comeback from what has been a year of a failure and defeat and indictment in 3 separate corruption cases don't forget that benny gantz has been making a huge play on that front saying that israel cannot be led by an indicted prime minister trying and ultimately failing to convince israeli votes as of that point instead netanyahu has been using this campaign rather than warning his supporters
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of imminent defeat he used today to say we're nearly there and using that as the motivation to try to get them to turn out and whatever happens in terms of the of the government formation it is a big endorsement of him by israeli voters just 2 weeks before he goes to trial in that corruption case and so when said we expect to see the effects on results and just talk us through what happens next. well we're expecting that and you know it's a come here and speak to his supporters within the next few minutes it was the last hour or so that we heard that he had left his base to come here from jerusalem to television to speak to his supporters and they are of course very expectant here we're also expecting to hear from benny gantz at a very different situation in his party headquarters also in television which is
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much more subdued many people of already gone home we're hearing. he has tweeted saying that he will continue the struggle but more than a 1000000 people voted for his blue and white alliance and he will continue to fight for those supporters but really this does represent a pretty massive blow to his political 2 situation a year into his political career. all right harry fossa will speak to later thank you. greece has denied turkey's allegations that its border forces fired on migrants attempting to cross from turkey calling it gross sun deliberate misinformation greece has expanded its security presence both its land and sea borders off to turkey said it would no longer try to stop refugees johnson rubble us reports on the greek island of lesbos which once again finds itself on the frontline of the refugee crisis. asylum
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seekers stranded on the north shores of lesbos some have spent the night out in the open the police can't process them at the only refugee camp on the island in moria it's been blockaded by angry islanders who want to shut down but moreas occupants aren't happy to be here either. this was the latest of many riots this year asylum processing is slow and many have been living in tents under the olive trees for a year really very dark said it didn't sound very good doctor named saying oh yes this is very difficult for everyone here said it really not that i got pregnant but the good ones are going to need the doctor and this is very important hundreds of moria's asylum seekers recently much down to the port after receiving misleading or mistaken messages that the government was evacuating them to athens police had to turn them back this tense situation is likely to become worse as turkey has opened its border and is advice and refugees on its soil to go to europe that's the reason
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why this 15 year old from afghanistan is here he says. i have been in turkey for 2 months the smuggler called me in the night and said the boat is ready get ready to cross over he said the border was open i could not cross for 2 months because the border was closed this video released by the turkish government suggests that the greek coast guard is no longer conducting just search and rescue missions but actively repelling boatloads of migrants greek coast guard vessels can be seen driving perilously close to a small dinghy. at another point it appears shots are fired into the water greece has released video that appears to show turkish coast guard vessels accompanying migrant boats to greek waters rather than holding them back until now greece and turkey were both working to keep undocumented migrants out of europe turkey's suspension of that arrangement has led to the suspension of other international norms greece has declared emergency measures it says it will stop receiving asylum
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applications for one month and in many cases it will turn around on documented migrants and send them home without the usual reception and identification procedures so it will be as though these people were never here gree says these new arrivals on to individual applicants but part of an organized policy so international asylum law doesn't apply to them as intended with so many islands so close to the turkish mainland greece has a difficult task defending its maritime border but the biggest losers in all this seem to be the asylum seekers jumps at all plus al-jazeera lesbos well turkey's president has been accused by european leaders of fusing the refugee crisis to pressurise them to support his military operation in syria live rounds of tiber go on says turkey will continue to target syrian army positions in the province after 34 of its soldiers were killed there on thursday the escalating tension has meant
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that turkey and russia have come closer than ever to direct confrontation in syria both sides have sought to ease tensions. because our sister. i like to call on russia and iran one more time we do not have any problem with you and syria. but if the syrian government says do not withdraw turkey has determined as soon as possible they will not have a heat lift on their shoulders. while syrian government forces have been trying to retake it lead the last rebel held area since december on monday they entered parts of the strategic town a soccer but turkey's drones have been hitting their positions russia's military is back in damascus and says its police have also and to be area due to its importance for security has in mind but as it had say in turkey with more on president ergo on's military operation this explains why he's been defiant today saying that
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operation spring shield will continue warning the syrian government against tough retaliation if they continue their offensive and asking them to pull out from behind the demilitarized zone so the turkish military is continuing its operation particularly in the province but however i think this is going to be a chance also for took each president to see whether the russians are willing for some sort of a compromise and this explains why the president of the land was saying today that if the cease fire was to be implemented in the syrian troops pulled behind the demilitarized zone that could be conducive to a new deescalation and you political settlement that will put an end to the escalation of that we've been seeing over the last few days in the area so on one hand he had to show how aggressive he is when it comes to operation spring shilled and that this is going to continue in the upcoming days but at the same time he was reaching out to president vladimir putin saying that this could be our last chance
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when we meet on the 5th over march to try to diffuse the tension. plenty more ahead on the al-jazeera news hour including the leader of the church at the center of the coronavirus outbreak in south korea publicly apologizing. nowhere to turn muslims in delhi say they're being targeted and that the police have done little to help. or why this former liverpool striker is blaming companies for the suspension from football. now to the democratic presidential race and any closer has followed by dropping out it's potentially boosting joe biden's campaign ahead of super tuesday that's when 14 u.s. states head to the polls to choose the democratic challenger to trump close our says she'll support the former vice president's the x south bend mayor suspended
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his campaign on sunday and he's also expected to throw his weight behind biden let's bring in john hendren in charlotte north carolina about as one of the states holding primaries on tuesday john so effectively does it look like this is becoming a 2 man race going into super tuesday biden and sanders. well to some extent it is definitely at least a 2 person race one of the interesting things is with those 2 candidates out gabbert is the only candidate who's not over 70 years old and she's polling in the very low single digits there was a poll here taken in north carolina just released today by point university that found the top 3 candidates were in fact bernie sanders then mike bloomberg who's standing out in front of and then joe biden so it's not really down to a 2 person race right at this point so but all those polls of course are
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meaningless because the judges supporters and supporters will now be allocated among all of the other candidates so those numbers that we've been seeing in the polls aren't really any good anymore we don't know what is going to happen on super tuesday that's what makes this a bit more exciting than it was just days ago so i've got someone here who is joining me he is a volunteer for the mike bloomberg campaign this is lester quinn thank you for joining us lester thank you let me ask you 1st off mike bloomberg hasn't been on the ballot in the previous 4 states his 1st debut is going to be on super tuesday tomorrow why do you like him. michael bloomberg because he supports my core values . in the insurance industry he wants to build on what created to have the affordable care act and instead of dismantling and trying to do medicare for all or health care for all we can build on that one aspect of what michael bloomberg stands for so so you want to keep the current private insurance system i should
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point out that you are an insurance broker yourself let me ask you a tougher question has had to apologize for the stop and frisk policy in new york where about 5000000 people were stopped. he's been very clear about apologizing 'd and saying he made a mistake does that that bothered a lot of african-americans for you. to yourself and other african-americans that you know is that a problem but no it isn't because once a man makes amends that much more is he department to reconcile and so the reconciliation reconciliation aspect of it is what's important to me because now that he's had it out there he's apologized i think he'll do more you know just because of that so i give the man his just due i mean when he says sorry hey i'm all in for so that doesn't put a wedge between me and my values and last point my michael bloomberg was asked recently by
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a reporter if americans wanted to see 2 billionaires battling it out and his answer was who's the other billionaire a reference to the fact that donald trump hasn't released his taxes but let me ask you does america want to see 2 rich guys battle it out for the presidency well you know you have to look at it 2 ways you know you have one that's a self-made billionaire you have one depor claims to be at the end so are we really looking at that 2 billionaires i was looking at a billionaire just once that noles really what's really going on because technically donald trump is from new york michael bloomberg was the mayor of new york when new york city another they really know so it's important to see it's not you know the money's not the most important aspect of it it's what 1 may know of the other and so i'm i'm to support michael bloomberg because i believe he is the only candidate dechen dethroned or take over at the white house and the next 4 years are i would north carolina did vote for a new yorker last time around the bad news for your g.m.
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is that it was donald trump do you think this time a democrat can win north carolina and you think only bloomberg could do it. democrat democrat all day every day. running you know hitting the ground not going to endorse and make a phone call and you know we're trying to fire up the base basically you know and that's not only just. michael joe biden you know we're really trying to get the message out today that we can't take another 4 years got it well less frequent thank you very much for joining us he's a volunteer for mike bloomberg i should point out the north carolina is a mixed state they've only had 2 republican governors they've had democratic governors for most of this century so there is the possibility in november that this state could go blue that's only happened recently in 2800 barack obama all right john hendren thank you for that update from north carolina so as we're mentioning mentioning tomorrow a super tuesday that's when voters in 14 states as well as american samoa will
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decide who should run against donald trump in november more than 1300 delegates are up for grabs and a big win in texas could give the candidate a big boost to win the party's nomination alan sesar reports from austin we're going to win the democratic primary attack. while you have. the 1st school nominee to contest it over the big fields heavy t.v. advertising and media attention but they provide just 5 percent of the delegates super tuesday is super important. a 3rd of the delegates are know for a real test of public opinion from north to south coast to coast and beyond california has moved its primary up to join the super tuesday when you take that and the other states and added to the already rich delegate count available here in texas there are 1357 delegates up for grabs that's almost
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a 3rd of the entire total so a good super tuesday gives the candidate the 3 m's media money and momentum. in short this will bring clarity to the democratic race for president we have very rich delegate states like california and texas that are going to be hugely important and we kind of need to know what's going to happen in those states as well as the alabama's and other smaller states to kind of get a sense ability about whether what we're seeing in those early states is reflective of a general sensibility this super tuesday also threw up something different it's the 1st time michael bloomberg will appear on the ballot middle class kid who built a global company from scratch the former new york mayor has bombarded the airwaves with ads spent millions of dollars on his campaign this will be the 1st test of his electability the strategy that mayor bloomberg is putting into place is a very unorthodox one and super tuesday is really going to tell us whether he is going to have the support nationwide even given spending half
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a $1000000000.00 so far to win the nomination a candidate has to win 1991 delegates no one can seal the deal on super tuesday but a good performance certainly move someone farther along the road on the number of candidates will drop out putting common sense of accountability of course the nominating process goes on till june to raise wages but democrats will be hoping they can name the person who will take on donald trump in november long before that . our democracy. alan fischer. austin texas. let's talk about all of this with simon rosenberg he's the president of the new democrat network that is a liberal think tank an advocacy organization based in washington and that is where he's joining us from hi there thanks for your time with us on the news hour let's look at joe biden for a moment and the endorsement by amy closer and pete beauty judge do you see those as boosting his chances on super tuesday yeah listen joe biden has
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a lot of momentum now and he started moving in the polls last week even before south carolina based on some strong debate performances and the strong showing in the and if he even gets half of the supporters from judging global char he will be far ahead in this race ahead of bernie sanders will be very far ahead of mike bloomberg and i think that you know if that happens i think once he jumps ahead i think it's going to be very very hard to catch him yeah i mean do you think that he can actually jump ahead because bernie sanders has been organizing in these states of these super tuesday states like california where as we know there are significant number of delegates at stake so he's been he's hit the ground running. listen bernie has had a strong start to this race there's no question about it he'll do well tomorrow night but you know we've still got another few months in this crazy battle that we have here and if joe biden is leading in the polls by the end of the week with 30 to 33 percent bernie's
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a $2728.00 i think biden is going to be the nominee i think there's enough time where he'll be able to win enough delegates enough states that mike bloomberg drops out and endorse him the race will be functionally over at that point so the opportunity here for biden if he continues to perform well he has a good night he's got a chance to put this race away i think faster than anybody could have imagined look what's changed just the last couple days i mean to get to judge and globe which are endorsing him campaigning with him tonight in texas which they'll be doing joining him on stage just a little bit it's a huge achievement for joe biden he certainly has the momentum right now and the unknown factor i mean you were mentioning my bloomberg just a moment ago how do you how do you assess his denounces going forward considering the amounts of money that he's hunton to his campaign. i don't think mike bloomberg is going to be the nominee of the democratic party i think the debate struggles that he had some of the positions that were aired out that sounded far more like
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a republican than a democrat i think he and bernie sanders have certain similarities i think each of them will struggle to pull the whole party together to go fight the battle against donald trump in the fall that's not going to be a problem for joe biden all the support joe biden's getting from people all across the party is a sign of his ability to bring people together to unite the party for the fall against the big battle against donald trump and so i really do think right now the best candidate the democrats can pick the one who's most likely to when is the one that donald trump has been most scared of for the last year which is joe biden i think it's dull and charles worst nightmare he thought he had knocked biden out of the race but biden's not out and i think it's going to be a very competitive race for president in the summer and fall and obviously there are many more states to go after super tuesday but. will we come out if it having any more clarity perhaps on who the democratic nominee is going to be. yes because here here's the way to think about it from a math standpoint if joe biden is that starting to get 4040 to 45 percent of the
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vote in bernie is that 283032 and this happens week after week after week it's just evident that biden is winning the race and even though he may not have a majority of delegates for the convention in our system if all the superdelegates the people who vote in the 2nd ballot all come out for biden it means that functionally he'll have won the nomination and so i do think there's a path here where if he has a very good night tomorrow night if you continues to grow in the polls if he performs well he could get so far ahead in this race that this thing will be functionally over by the end of march early april certainly that may not happen right this is a volatile and crazy time in our politics we could go all the way to july in the convention but i'm increasingly of the belief that the party is making its mind up it's getting behind joe biden and frankly he's earned it he was a good vice president he's a devil we know right he's been around for a long time he's well liked and well regarded by all stripes of the party and so
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he's a very good pick i think to go up against donald trump in the fall all right simon rosenberg i'm sure we will be speaking to you soon on al jazeera for the time being we thank you very much for your analysis many more twists that is right this thing is so intense no doubt thanks very much ok. thank you now the corona virus outbreak has continued it spread beyond china's borders saudi arabia. senegal and jordan are the most recent countries to detect cases of the disease the world health organization chief insists it can still be kept on their control. in the last 24 hours did with almost 9 times more cases reported outside china than inside china we are in uncharted territory we have never seen before just respond to the point to you and that's comparable of
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community transmission but i just seem time which can also be contained with the right measures were over in the us the number of deaths has now risen to 6 as health officials across the country prepare for more cases all the deaths are from washington state where researchers say the virus may have been circulating for weeks before it was noticed other states are increasing their capacity for testing the federal government is looking to push through a multi-billion dollar spending bill in the coming weeks let's find out more bring in jordan she's joining us from washington so what is the message that's coming out of the administration on coronavirus and and how it's spreading. well we had a briefing in the last hour or so from the vice president mike pence and his task force which is trying to deal with the outbreak of corona virus here in the united
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states and the message is this there might be treatments and i should underscore that word treatments available that are being drafted right now by perhaps mid-summer in the next 4 to 5 months according to the vice president but a vaccine is something that could prevent people from contracting the virus and getting sick that may not be available before 2021 at the earliest and that's for a number of reasons it's hard to put together a medicine that has a preventive nature they say there's also some testing that has to be done and certainly the u.s. government does not want to be accused of giving people medications that could harm them more than protect them and so that's why there is that lag it is important to note however that this is the kind of situation that already has people in this country concerned because of the potential for mixed messages this is an exchange
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which the u.s. president donald trump had earlier on monday while he was talking with reporters about the outbreak of the coronavirus. i've heard very important numbers a matter of months that i've heard very much a year would be an outside number so i think that's out of it it's out of it range but if you're talking about 3 to 4 months in a couple of cases and a year in other cases actually a. year is not a vaccine is the way so yes to your question when is it going to be the lawyer that is going to be at the earliest a year or 2 years no matter how fast. now there was one other point which mike pence the u.s. vice president made during what he says is the 1st in a number of daily briefings about the u.s. government response to the corona virus outbreak he did say that airports in south
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korea and in italy will now be screening all patients belled for the united states before they board their aircraft and then doing this so in a number of steps in coordination with u.s. government authorities he said the state department is taking the lead on this screening so while there is not going to be a blanket ban on people coming from those 2 countries to the united states they can expect that they will be checked very carefully and if there's any suspicion that they might be sick they will not be allowed to travel to the u.s. all right sorry thank you for that update from washington and speaking of italy death toll from corona virus over there has risen by 18 over the past 24 hours bringing the number of fatalities to 52 it comes as the number of cases in the country exceeded 2000 don't know how has more. but the steady worsening of the situation in italy and the spread of the virus to other member states in the i can
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tell you that the european union has raised its risk assessment for covered 90 warning out of a moderate to high risk of sustained transmission among member states all in all 20042400 cases reported across 18 member states of course the worst of those is italy in those numbers represent a jump by 18 in the death toll in italy to 52 over the past 24 hours and indeed the number of transmissions jumping from 1694 yesterday on sunday to 2336 so things are certainly not slowing down in italy but important to note that the outbreak in italy remains confined to a number of hot spots in the north of the country so called it isn't nationwide there are individual isolated cases across the rest of the country and it is that sort of pattern of contagion of transmission of this virus and to some extent the
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evidence that it can be contained that led dr ted ross the director general of the world health organization earlier in his daily press briefing to give a somewhat more upbeat assessment than we've been hearing lately he pointed to the fact that this virus is unique both in the fact that it can be transmitted human to human but also in the fact that it can be contained a key advisor and supreme leader has died from corona virus as infection number surge again on monday the government confirmed another 12 deaths and 523 new cases dozens of senior government officials have now tested positive. still ahead on the al-jazeera news hour a day long hostage situation in the philippines comes to an end after a security guard releases his captives ills in sport so the biggest names in basketball go head to head in the n.b.a.
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details coming up in just moments. from the alabama satellite tells a tale over north america at the moment if you watch this streaming cloud here the fact is streaming is what's relevant here patches elsewhere which is something of a winter storm running through the east side of ontario but it's this rain that will probably cause us most trouble it's snow still still cold enough a snow in some parts of mexico at the height but this rain could well be slowing we can develop a few pulses anywhere from new mexico through texas through the southern states and briefly on the atlantic seaboard i was down here we need to probably watch it temperature wise to the north it's warmed up considerably 17 in kansas city 7 in minneapolis subzero in winnipeg alone there was more rain that came in to b.c.
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with that was only for tuesday for wednesday's become dry once more the last frontal system and it's this one here has produced significant rain in jamaica haiti needs to cuba and his tail end used a lot in honduras that's gone down through nicaragua and there were a few showers i think for costa rica in the next day or so nothing more than that but hispaniola there are still plenty more shasta as governments probably true in 4 to wreak you there heavy enough to produce maybe the flash flooding something that happened in rio overnight and there's more potential for heavy rain in this part of brazil for tuesday on wednesday. but. i was raised in france and these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. by them both isis and the us of. the 1st of
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a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father the son and the jihad caught one on al-jazeera a good women in programming from international film made plans to. play out just the arrest sets the stage for egypt to be through here will be the life of the lives the life of the nuns dead everybody is there global acts but it's getting we're going to let the planet go through it because we're not doing these obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on al-jazeera. to.
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hello again the top stories on al-jazeera israel's benjamin netanyahu is claiming victory in the country's general election exit polls show his the coup party and its allies will pick up around 60 seats that's one short of a majority but will improve netanyahu chances of forming a government after 2 failed attempts last year. greece has denied and presently geishas that its border forces fired on migrants attempting to cross from turkey greece has reinforced its border security presence after turkey said it would no longer try to stop refugees. the corona virus outbreak has continued to spread beyond china's border as saudi arabia to nazir morocco senegal and jordan have detected cases of the disease and the number of coronavirus deaths in the us has now risen to sense. the leader of the church at the center of the corona virus
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outbreak in south korea has publicly apologized south korea has the largest number of infections outside china right macbride reports in the capital so. it was the 1st long awaited public statement by the founder and leader of the shin changi church the man he frustrated himself before journalists to say sorry. i don't know how to apologize to the korean people i extend my deepest regret it wasn't intentional we had many new infections that we couldn't stop. the outbreak in south korea has cost new scrutiny on the church at the center of it seen by many christians as a secretive sect and turn the spotlight on its messiah like a leader who calls himself the promised prophet. if you look at it and it may appear christian but it's actually different with a different doctrine and system they revere leme and he like jesus the leader who
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is a counselor who helps form a followers of changi such as and sue young who described the crowded conditions inside a typical church gathering on hair hanging considerable into it a cool you would be 5 centimeters away from the next person and you would have to say amen after every sentence a pastor speaks it's the best environment for the virus to spread all of the sheen changi churches have been closed and some have been attacked an online petition demanding the group's disbandment has well over a 1000000 signatures some local leaders have called for sinchon g.'s elders to be investigated for possible homicide and for hiding the identities of some of its estimated quarter of a 1000000 members she in changi says it's being unfairly persecuted and health officials have warned against driving the organization further underground that would make the tackling of this outbreak harder. him none the government has done
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a lot to contain this and we'll do everything we can to support that effort but the shin chung ji church still insists it has suffered the most with its members making up more than half of all the confirmed cases in south korea macbride al jazeera so senegal has confirmed its 1st case of corona virus marking the 2nd infection in sub-saharan africa a frenchman who lives in the country has been placed in corn scene after returning from a sting trip nicholas hawkins in capitals a car where authorities have told the population not a panic. it's in this hospital right behind me that a french citizen infected with a covert 900 is being treated this is where a bottle of patients were being treated during the ball the outbreak now the doctors that are treating him say that he is in stable condition he was on holiday
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in france he lives in the car he was there with his family on a skiing trip and he took a flight from paris to the car just a few days ago now the health authorities are calling on the public all of those that were on that flight to make themselves known they're trying to trace all those that have been in contact with him don't know god bless those bottles the aim is to be transparent and keep information open so that we can prevent the virus from spreading along with this case in senegal there are patients infected with the coronavirus in algeria nigeria egypt and now tunisia the virus is quickly spreading in the world health organization fears that this is turning into a pandemic flu and i think the w.h.o. has not declared a pandemic yet we could talk of a pandemic when there is sustained transmission which isn't yet the case would we fear it and it's a dispersed specked if it did we are preparing ourselves. fear of the virus is spreading faster than the virus itself and so the health minister here is trying to
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reassure the population telling them do not panic senegal has gone through in a bull outbreak the difference here is whilst a bull was much more deadly coronavirus is much more contagious and the fear is if this continues to spread and affect countries with weaker health system and that could be disastrous for going to take you live to tell of the that is benny gantz the leader of the blue and white party speaking after the is really general election exit poll suggesting that netanyahu has claimed victory listen and. we love you with. alfred see we're not one upset. telling stories i mean i'm telling you straight but i understand. the sadness and. pain. that this isn't the result that we wanted.
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but. he wanted a. cell which would put us back. and them up. good that you know. a little more than a year ago we started on this long path and we kept it from the whole country. and we achieved this wonderful thing blue and white. that we put all of our efforts into one place. and not only. was. that a good guy you know. friends we have. come across the lowest. turnout.
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in history and many lies they thought that. but doing so and i tell you this is. hasn't happened and it will not happen from now on under any circumstances and i tell you that what israel needs this time. what we need is. unity. and leadership. and this is what we will continue to offer the public in israel which we're here to serve. and this public that we're talking about is a wonderful public from the north to the self in the center in every place
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people who. are faithful to the principles. the ship the unity in israel that they should want to see straight place a noble place. a place which. is you know. unified and we should be proud of them i'm proud of them. so what we have to do is to lift our heads up and to. see these results at the end of the day. things go from one side to the other the results. have to be the results. which. we had april of last year and then. as the opposition we stayed unified and strong strong and faithful to our. aims. we. are
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unified because of physical. and i want to say without any connection to the result of the election results. or any. criminal matters. only sorted out in the court and we must not forget that in 2 weeks from today. in the end of some yahoo. in the. courts. with 3 charges against him and part. of the boom might as and when he just started. despite all of the programs that we've had over the past year we have achieved amazing things. the
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achievement and. what the public have given to. hold our head high. and i want to share with you that i am not afraid of the long power. and i'm not afraid of all the gloom white will continue being a. significant strength in the fight for the. what israel is all about and together with you my friends together with you we will continue to. serve all of the citizens in israel we will be there in the knesset we will be there in the streets we will not allow anyone. to divide us or to.
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a 2 to split up the. the people in israel we are here for our children this is the only path which i know and even if it's hard at the end we will win. thank you. god. so how did he make you now the time has come friends that we will see the real results and we should do whatever we can in the political forum to work for the citizens of israel and i am convinced that every one of you who is here full agree with me and many others of more than a 1000000 people who have given us their vote in israel who have given us that vote
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i. promise you. israel would be for everything else it isn't for. it's not for us it's our state it's. population it's for everyone who sent us here and i will say to them also our political enemies i will say that for the. we come in peace. we work for peace we show work for peace amongst us and every one of. us challenges. and also the. peace our neighbors insofar as we can. before inviting my partners i want to say
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something. it could be in cause. it could be hard. but you. everyone if you has to look at yourself in the mirror and to know that you have done what ever was possible in order to persuade the public we. trust those that have voted for us and we will continue to bleed. blue and white has only just saw since we have only just started it we still have a long path forward. not don't. give up we should continue to serve the state of israel. had bite yallop it bogey and be. to come up here.
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that is the opposition leader benny gantz in israel the leader of the blue and white alliance addressing his supporters in turn of the vote for a disappointing performance on election nights in israel's general election exit polls for costing that benny gantz says party will again up to $34.00 seats according to the latest exit polls let's bring in mary fawcett. listening to what benny gantz had to say even though you're joining us from benjamin netanyahu his party headquarters over and tel aviv so he's conceding defeat but valent to fight on is very. that's right yes it was a pretty tired sounding benny gantz. party leaders saying that he'd experienced the lowest campaign in israel's history by which he was obviously referring to some of
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the dirty tricks that he alleges the nuts and you know and look could have been carrying out against him the read all sorts of rumors flying around about his personal life there was the part to senior party staffer of his who had a private conversation with a rabbi in which he made uncomfortable and complimentary remarks about benny gantz only to find that conversation had been recorded and then there's no negation it doesn't you know him self to be heard on the recording with that rabbi discussing how best to release the information so benny gantz obviously been pretty scarred by what's happened in what has been a very brutal campaign and yet he's saying that this is the beginning still of this still fairly new alliance a little over a year old now and that it will continue to represent the people that voted for it and continue in the knesset and on the street he said the israeli parliament and on
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the street to try to find a better path there israel. but pretty clear that he is conceding defeat in this election but as you say the latest exit polls do suggest that netanyahu and his allies likud and its allies don't have a clear 61 seat majority in the 120 seat parliament in fact they've slipped it seems from 60 to 59 so this story is not yet over as we continue to hear the counting come through in this election all right terry thank you for the time being . the united nations special envoy for libya has resigned from his position he says he's stepping down because of ill health son army tweeted to say he will he has tried to reunite libyans and prevent foreign intervention during his time as the u.n. envoy for the past 2 and a half years. a siege at
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a philippines shopping center in the capital manila has ended after hours of negotiations. police tackled the gunman shortly after he free dozens of hostages and walked out of the center is accused of shooting one person who's in a stable condition in hospital on a below is in manila and he says police accept of the suspects demands throughout the negotiations. foremost of his demands was to talk to members of the press and so all this time all the 10 hours of this ordeal he was on video chat with both the police and members of the press he was asking questions from journalists he was showing that the hostages were safe and were alive he was also showing that he was carrying a hand grenade so there was a real possibility or real danger of things turning bad but i think the turning point was when his bosses held
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a news conference also one of his demands and they apologized to him and then they said that they were willing to resign from their posts and i think that was a turning point because a couple of hours after that and after the mayor of this city said one city which is a suburb of manila talked to the gunmen he walked out of the mall together with the hostages and he surrendered. to the sports peter thank you so much former liverpool and england striker daniel sturridge has been given a 4 month ban for breaching betting rules sturridge has also had his contract with turkish club tribes on sport cancelled by mutual consent last year he was given a 6 week ban by an independent regulatory commission but the suspension has now been doubled after the english football association appeal the ruling the appeal board decided he had passed inside information to his brother over
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a possible move to severe in 2018 storage has also been fined $192000.00 in a video on his you tube channel storage said he was devastated by the decision and that he was a victim of gambling companies allowing people to bet on football transfers adding that the conversation with these brother had been innocent. i just want to say that i am going to continue to campaign for professional footballers to be able to speak to their families close friends freely and without the real risk of being charged in the process of people being able to place bets on players we clubs have to be stopped. and although the people i know have recognized that yeah i have i can bet nobody else is better i was still in charge so it was. very disappointing in saying for me to hear the news story just for my manager at
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liverpool you're going kloppers rubbish claims he said he might not be awarded the premier league title if the season is cattail due to coronavirus the pull of 22 points ahead as they go for their 1st crown in 30 years english newspapers reported last week that they were no rules in place for deciding the title european qualification and relegation if the season is abandoned everybody wants to ask me about that and how much sense it would make to. but he said to delete all the results of the season and tell me who will play next year champs league and stuff like this would be really interesting nice story always some you suppose i've always to write something but when i saw it 1st i really thought wow really 'd something somebody thinks something like that so little fans are not silly enough to believe in these things it looks like rugby union 6 nations championship will be completed in the coming weeks despite the coronavirus restrictions that have
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cancelled other events in europe they had been fears that the size of matches in roman paris would be called off with this week's ireland a v italy fixture already having been postponed but organizers said on monday that they expected all the games to go ahead and unless governments decided otherwise france lead the championship with 2 games to play. so africa have won the los angeles rugby sevens tournament with a dramatic extra time victory over olympic champions fiji despite falling 19 noel down the south africans fought back and leveled the schools when branco du preez nailed this conversion with the last play of normal time then in extra time. crossed the line for the team nicknamed the blitz corks to ensure victory they're now just 4 points behind new zealand in the overall standings coronavirus continues to disrupt global sport the 1st 2 races of the moto g.p. season have been called off riders have been testing in cutter in recent weeks but
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sunday's opening race has been cancelled because of travel restrictions on people arriving from italy several riders and teams are italian and new rules mean they would have to go into quarantine for 2 weeks the 2nd race in thailand has also been postponed indefinitely we spoke to moto g.p. journalist simon patterson who is in doha. so within the paddock about a 3rd of the 2 and a half 1000 people the travel the world or italian 2 of our manufacturers i think it of our teams 7 of our moto g.p. writers at leigh is really one of the homes of the sport along with japan and spain so we simply can't have a risk of them because everything is already here freight ways it's not even like the 7000000 fly and stuff oh you know it takes 4747 cargo planes to carry us around the world and someone's still going to have to come from europe pack up all the stuff that's sitting in carriages left over from the task ready to go wrist and put it in flight cases and then we don't even know where we're sending it to we don't know if it's going on the asia to america for the 3rd round or back to europe or
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most of the teams at this it's going to be a wait and see it could be that the 1st round of the championship is the 1st european round in her in spin really me. 2 of the n.b.a.'s biggest stars went head to head on sunday number one draft pick zion williamson for the new orleans pelicans up against le bron james and the los angeles lakers williamson provided some eye catching moments for the highlights real on his way to 35 points that's the most he has scored so far in his fledgling career but it was the man at nearly twice as age who won the battle of brawn coming up with a triple double 34 points 13 assists and 12 rebounds the lakers winning by 6 and continue to cruise at the top of the western conference. that is all the sports news we have for you for now we'll see you again later formal. thanks for watching the news hour on al-jazeera we're back in just a moment we'll have much more of the day's news all the day's top stories and all the headlines you need to know coming up in a moment. frank
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assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of climate change informed opinion the economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on 'd a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize a in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera it's a tough time for the afghan security forces taliban attacks have increased their
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suffering heavy casualties and the prospect of a withdrawal of u.s. forces hangs over them yet young men are still joining up some for putting reasons for others is the only way to get a job despite the risks midway's karimi was an army bomb disposal engineer in helmand province he knew the risks he was blinded in both eyes and lost a leg when a roadside device exploded as you try to defuse it always aware of the danger of seeing friends would do it while working on mines i wasn't scared to lose an arm or a leg is to sacrifice we have to make to serve this country the consequence of war i've got to ventures and russia will be served in the marine corps for mentioning to mention that 5 that just doesn't go away. living out of stroke for the last couple years. he's homeless. follows a group of us veterans much as i used by war. as they struggle to
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get their lives back shelter. benjamin netanyahu claims victory in israel's 3rd election in a year but exit polls so he may be just short of a majority. result is there a lie from. the also ahead moderate democrat seats a rally behind joe biden ahead a super tuesday and amy close are and. drop out of the presidential race. greece reinforces that sea and land borders to stop migrants crossing from turkey. containment 19 is physical and.


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