tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 4, 2020 6:00am-6:34am +03
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paradise there is a glimmer of hope that the truth might finally see the light of day. oh this is a live from doha welcome to our special coverage of the u.s. super tuesday presidential primaries this is the biggest night of the campaign in the race to the white house 14 states one u.s. territory voting this uses and the race is heating up for the democrats the polls are closing in utah this hour where there are 29 democratic and 40 republican delegates up for grabs richelle carey is keeping track of the numbers and giving us
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all the latest as they come in a few states still too close to call richelle but it's been a good night so far a very divergent by an extremely good night for the former vice president follies so let's show you the numbers that we have right now the most recent projection that came in is the state of minnesota of course that a state where in the last 48 hours the senator. from that state who was part of all this process she dropped out of the race threw her weight behind joe biden joe biden won minnesota is other states and blue are the states that joe biden has already won oklahoma arkansas tennessee out of carolina and virginia and extremely strong there let's remind you this is not a winner take all situation the delegates are awarded proportionally so who wins will get the most but not necessarily all know that a great night so far for senator bernie sanders but it's still early there are still big contests that haven't been called he did would his home state of vermont and he also won colorado where the parents are about one in 5 voters there her
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spanish voters that he has traditionally polled quite well among hispanics so let's take a look at the big picture right now the delegate count so far joe biden as i said having a very strong night to 80 bernie sanders and 167 mike bloomberg at 17 this is the 1st time he's appeared on the ballot is on super tuesday he skipped the 4 1st contests but spent about half a $1000000000.00 so far are now ties ing. do the math are no $61717.00 delegates for half a $1000000.00 half a $1000000000.00 part of me elizabeth warren has not poll strong since the beginning of the primary and she's only a 15 tonight and might not even when her home state of massachusetts but that is where things are right now we have teams in many of these states and handed over to folly to bring in everyone else into the conversation thank you very much rachelle and of course we will check in with you once we get more results in as yourself said we have team deployed right across key battleground states for super tuesday
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john hendren is at a watch party in charlotte north carolina but we begin with allen fisher who joins that's from a democratic watch party in austin texas that's the 2nd. state with the 2nd biggest prize of the night all eyes on texas of course the polls have closed there but it's still too close to call just bring us up to speed with the latest is a surprise the fact that we still don't know who between biden and sanders is in the meat. it's not that much of a surprise because people are still voting no the polls close a couple of hours ago but those who were enlightened when the polls close will still be given the chance to vote and there are problems being reported in a couple of places particularly here in austin where there are a lot of students who are lined up and they want to vote some of them are saying they haven't decided how they're going to vote yet they're probably following all the media coverage on their phones but the fact that they're still in line shows
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that at least wedded to the process here what is interesting in nearby alabama joe biden has won there one quite convincingly is well he hasn't visited this state during the super tuesday process meanwhile mike bloomberg who spent more than half a $1000000.00 in advertising there is likely to finish 3rd down here in texas we've got about 11 percent of the votes counted at the moment bernie sanders is in the lead we think he's got about 28 percent of the vote. joe biden has got about 23 percent there's a say that's only from 11 percent of the votes being counted i'm just going to take a quick 2nd here fully to look round because we were expecting wendy davis who is was one of the big democratic stars 6 years ago when she ran for the governorship of texas she's here at this watch party so if you don't mind and everyone there
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agrees a throw back to you for the moment you speak to john and then maybe come back to us when we get a hold of her and i'm about to see what will come back to you but i just wanted to ask you allan about that the battle rule factor the congressman from texas who a few days ago of course endorsed joe biden is that likely to make a big difference. i'm not sure is indorsement makes that much of a difference but what does make a difference with. to a real effect really kate said is that 2 years ago when he ran against ted cruz he came within 2 points of unseating take cruz who is one of the big names in in the republican party. and the fight to the go so close energize a lot of people here in texas and not lead to a drive to get more voters registered and many of them were young more divest people who would normally support the democratic party so that has changed the face of politics here in texas suddenly texas became the the voting and texas became
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a lot more like the people who actually lives and texas and just by sheer chance police moving talking here wendy davis has come to join us as a safe rising star in the democratic party. you know so it went to my heart and i would have them charlatans have to guess i will come back to i promise right now we want to cross over to vermont and listen to senator that he stand as well speaking to his supporters that raised against all of the arts everybody's heard it couldn't be da the was the and when we began this race for the presidency everybody's heard it couldn't be done was what tonight hard to tell you with absolute confidence we're going to win that democratic nomination
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was we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in their history about this country was we would go to where the you are. r r r r r we are going to see trouble because we are putting together an on president did grassroots multi-generational bow tie racial move good haha it is a movement beats to the working families of this country who are sick and
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tired of working longer hours for low wages at state although in common wow doing to the top one percent were horrible it is a movement which serves the united states will have health care for all it's a human rights was all hope it is a movement that serves we will bring major reforms in education making sure that all of our kids can't go to college without coming out in time all home now what makes this boat unique is we are taking on the corporate a stablish been
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a whole we are taking on the greed of wall street haha greed of the drug companies who charge just saw higher prices on the old greed of the surance companies were home given. they existential crisis of climate change we are saying to the consuls you only get through i hope we are saying to the thoughtful fuel industry their short term profits on not more important than the future of our country of a whirl hort we are not only taking on the corporate established that we're taken on the
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political establishment whoa whoa whoa we're going to win because the people on the stand it is our campaign our bill that which is best positioned to defeat trouble all hope yet cannot be trumped up with the same old same old kind of politics we're home what we need is a new politics that brings working class people in time our political bogut the whole experience young people into our political them all home and which in no time will
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create the highest voter turnout in american political history of the whole so we're going to be trauma because this will be calm a contrast in our ideas one of us in this race let the opposition to the war in iraq. you look at all was not the a candidate voted for the war in iraq or both. one of us has spent his entire life fighting against scots in social security checks wanting to expand social security and was no other candidate has been on the floor of the senate calling for cuts to social
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security medicare medicaid or better words were over one overall it's led the opposition to a disastrous trade agreements which cost us millions of good paying jobs the was a hoot and that's very narrow ok in another candidate voted for disastrous trade agreements the old one of us stood up for consumers and said we will not support a disastrous bankruptcy bill was and i know the a candidate represented the credit card companies and voted for that disastrous built the oval so here we go we have 2
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major goals in front of us. and they all directly related 1st we must beat a president who apparently has never read the constitution of the united states was a president who thinks we should be you know what talk crissy not a democracy the older or but 2nd of all we need a movement and all the fellow paying up moving up black white latino native american agent american heritage strike was also people who are making it clear every day they will not tolerate the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing overall we will not give tax breaks to
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billionaires when a half a 1000000 americans sleep out on their streets were all we will not allow saudi 9 percent of all new income to go to the one percent when a half of the people living paycheck to paycheck are all the old no i don't know it's going to happen later tonight we're doing well in texas right now was all he won colorado and all and i'm cautiously optimistic that later in the day we can win the largest state in this country the state of california all the old no matter what happens if this campaign and i don't know what will happen but
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if it comes how to be. a campaign in which we have one candidate who is standing up for the working class and the middle class we're going to win the election who are the and if we have another candidate who has received contributions from at least $68.00 billionaires and we're going to win that election was and if there is another candidate in the race who is spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars we're going to tell him in america you cannot borrow elections you are the so i am excited about where we're all we have com. where the and i want to once again.
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during the great state of vermont law all of the people in the state. was not only for the victory you gave our movement tonight but for the years and years of love and support you have to get rid of me and my family was so good marc. lamont from the bottom of our hearts thank you all very much let's go on to the white house to take care of was senator bernie sanders speaking to supporters at his party headquarters in essex junctions and mont after winning his state his home state
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this evening in this primary in super tuesday primary he also won the state of colorado bernie sanders so far has 167 delegates in this super tuesday context versus 284 former vice president joe biden and of course a candidate needs 1991 delegates to win the nomination bernie sanders sounding very confident very upbeat and defiant telling his supporters we are going to defeat donald trump we're confident we're going to win the democratic nomination let's bring in john hendren who is in north carolina at a watch party democratic watch party in charlotte they were watching bernie sanders day with you john what's been their reaction to his defiant speech. fully everybody here and watch bernie sanders declare victory for winning in vermont on colorado and then hoping to win in california you can see on the a couple of gentlemen over there and bernie buttons there guys how did he do not
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well know obviously not. best response we expected better from bernie here in north carolina i know texas looking pretty good colorado we already won in california should be good so probably in the tide of the other night so some hope still held out there among bernie fans it's late at night a lot of people went home but most of the people who were here listening to that speech stuck around to hear him talk about it there's still a lot to go left in the night but i do want to bring in a senator here this is joyce what she's a north carolina state senator originally raised in south carolina so she can talk to us a little about this phenomenon by which joe biden has swept for senate carolina the other day then virginia north carolina and it's looking like tennessee as well and then minnesota where he was not even polling above the 15 percent threshold just days ago so let me ask you senator what do you think is going on you know he got
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a big push when he got the endorsement from cliburn and south carolina and it was then everything was up here it was moving moving fast the u.s. senator james clapper us and i said james kuyper and he's continued to. and he's continued to move. that was representative my mistake there. and another thing that's happened here we've had we've seen very high turnout here and in virginia as well where biden also came out on top what do you think is happening there are you seeing the kind of excitement that would point to that kind of might turn out absolutely you know once he started in south carolina that was given up momentum bant capital and capital and so we're going to begin and that's what we expect to be the nominee because he took a little while before he would say i am going to run. and he was expecting. from
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day one but something happened along the way as it always does but competition with other us will run and what others do i'm raising my. rallying crowds and they've got a fair way behind but south carolina gave him that big push. some people called him a dead man walking and now his campaign is talking about what they call joementum let me ask you about the african-american community in virginia and north carolina one out of 4 people who came to vote today was african-american joe biden has strong support among african-americans do you think that helped him and if so why get him tremendously you know he was the vice president the 1st african-american president barack obama. he helped a lot and he was a shy then started that administration i'm so many of the things that obama worked for health care education jobs the economy we see the same
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things what the hear but bad he's really keeping that momentum going and so when we say you know his the person that works so strongly with obama was saying this is a continuation of what happened then you know in the end if say joe biden wins the nomination or bernie sanders wins the nomination do you think those 2 sides are going to be able to reconcile because often there's hard blood between those 2 candidates because you know it's a must at some must and we must come together as democrats because we must defeat. the carson that's in the white house right now all right well i want to thank you senator joyce what out of north carolina that's the view here from north carolina where late in the night is looking like a very strong night for joe biden throughout the south bernie sanders was hoping on california we'll keep watching yeah bernie sanders counting on california also
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keeping a close eye on texas where the polls have closed but the results. there are still too close to call on fisher is there for a solemn who is that is wendy davis who run for the governorship of texas in 2014 for the democratic party is going to be running for congress come to them but who what do you make of the results even seeing today and it looks as if joe biden this is going to win the o.l. it does look good for joe biden and i think you know he came out of south carolina obviously was so much my man tom there was a desire for a lot of voters to find not centuries to eat ok. alan i'm so sorry but i'm going to interrupt you and your guys once again to take us soon to tell by then who is speaking to his supporters unless listening. to just a few days ago the pressure the pundits were declared
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a campaign. and then came south carol and the issue was. you were told when you got to super tuesday be over well maybe i heard this was your folks have been genuine it wasn't it was the champagne was off was sham was maybe he wasn't you she said he was. actually still waiting for taxes a california few other small states to give me. a little go ahead on our part we are bad but she was to make no
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mistake about it. this campaign will send. donald trump packing. thank you know this was folks listen go to joe biden dot com 2 sign up. contribute we need you we want you and there's a place really this campaign the. people is talking about a revolution we started a movement we've increased. the turnout has turned up yes. that can deliver us to a moment where we could do extraordinary extraordinary things look our agenda is bold it's progressive it's a vision where health care is affordable and available everybody to america the drug prices the how to control the more surprised really access to hospitals and the was going to areas the access to care about radiation were missed by
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the down to 5 i promise you cures for cancer. commerce and. speed up your reading in a gun manufacturer. the leading the way to take on the existence or that of climate change the i mean the star probably joined enough i'll put together the past climate of. the country were caught of education when might the pentagon your zip code the only people funded for labor come school district providing raises for teachers have to school for 345 years old the an increasing exponentially the prospects of their success thank you very kindly provide a credential very 21st century of the and
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secondary doctrine in the car. the going to college on your student debt if you volunteer you pay nothing for the oh we can do this. let's get some straight while straight didn't build this country you built this country was built this country the year is built the man was. going to raise way because i'm afraid. i. was the. i. was the law that you know i am. i am bad cause you probably are.
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kind of cause get caught or killed the people on the bridge to jail invalid i grew up prayed to ever getting hurt or badly hurt and guess what the place where we come from many of you come from it's where we were raised the people there to raise you want running there's a reason why i am a democrat in the 1st place the things that people believe are greater the kerberos keep our water safe to teach our kids. look who raced into burning buildings to protect other people who grow our food and build our cars pick up our garbage our streets back george dreamers single moms * and dads every driver have hope because i'm commenting here not going anywhere the. i want a product pathway a pathway for 11000000 citizens if the other guy had voted for the they should get
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it and that i will get going. yard work to still work as the border makers the plumbers electoral law these are the people that been forgotten i created you man look the people trying forgot the people i will never forgot i will always remember folks that's where we need a con to be the rewards work not just wealth reestablish the middle class and this time brings everybody along every body because the race through the city whether they're dirt gender disability economics the democrat republican independent every stripe. 2 south carolina like we did across america like we'll do our all in the white house. that's why i was so proud yesterday being embraced by a big old which are. we minnesota because they may go with john.
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allen texas because the better. and that's why i was so proud so incredibly proud to have their pizza dorson is the there's a man of character and like then courage. and by the way i was proud to be endorsed by jim clark our man he is the. our campaign reflects the diversity of this party in this nation. and that's how it should be because we need to bring everybody along everybody we want to nominate will be donald trump had also also keep nancy pelosi the speaker of the house was went back to united states senate was you are joining us it was you are not going to use a democrat. lifelong democrat who was
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a proud democrat was popeye and democrat was. this all starts with a revival of decency and honor and character was our troposphere has has fanned the flames of hate and sought to divide this nation sold it demonized and actually just the way talks about people he has not a single sense of empathy he doesn't have any compassion no regard for the values that made this country who we are. not the way you were raised by your moms and was he look so not to see indecency every speck going to use it as a sign of weakness. we don't blame that we're the beacon to the world he doesn't believe we're all part of something bigger than ourselves. that's why i've said from the moment i announced this candidacy we literally in
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a battle for the soul of america ah. when he means you 9000 america not sowing seeds of division and anger and hate. we got to beat down from what we will but we can't become like him. we can't have a never ending war between the parties we had a president could fight but may know make no mistake about i can fight but look we need as badly as badly someone who can heal. look just ago we did we passed obama care what president obama and i did save the american automobile industry or what we did to pass the violence against women act and what that but it's not enough this is just a start we need a president can heal the country as well and that is what i will do as your president i promise was about really really delivering real results for you and your family and the community it's not about me jill or
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valerie it's about you know it's about our families. to prior phrase english poet robert brown and he said our reach should exceed our grasp and my reach does exceed our grasp because there is no doubt in my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for ladies and gentlemen. i could in english poet let me quote a real poet now on irish poet was seamus 80. wrote a poem called a curator and here's what he says and i believe this for the bottom of my b. he said history says don't hope on this side of the grave but then once in a lifetime the longed for tidal wave of justice rises up and hope and history rhyme we can may hope and history rhyme because what we say was nothing we can. was it about the future it's not about the past about our children and our
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grandchildren it's about leading this country and meeting that wound once again ah well. we have said remember we are my lord this is the united states of america was time for america to get back up was i want to get and fight for the proposition that we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all band of women are created equal endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights we sense whatever it is called we don't realize how profound it is we've never lived up to those words but until this president we've never walked away from it. ladies and gentlemen i believe that every fiber of my being that's who we are so let's get back we are a decent brave resilient people we can believe again but we are we are better than this moment we are better than this president so get back up and take back danced.
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