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tv   Dolphin Sanctuary  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2020 6:32am-7:02am +03

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your family and the community it's not about me jill or valerie it's about you know it's about our families. to paraphrase english forward robert brown and he said our reach should exceed our grasp and my reach does exceed our grasp because there's no doubt of my mind we can grasp whatever we reach for ladies and gentlemen. i could in english poet well let me quote a real poet now an irish poet was seamus haiti. who wrote a poem go over curatorial here's what he says and i believe this is the bottom of my b. he said history says don't hope on this side of the grave but then once in a lifetime the longed for tidal wave of justice rises up and hope and history ron we may hope and history rhyme because what we say was nothing we can do was about the future it's not about the past about our children our grandchildren
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it's about leading this country and meeting that wound once again was. we have said remember we are my lord this is the united states of america was time for america to get back up was i want to get and fight for the proposition that we hold these truths to be self-evident. that all obeyed of women are created equal endowed by the creator was certain unalienable rights we sense whatever it is called we don't realize how profound it is we've never lived up to those words but until this president we've never walked away from it. ladies and gentlemen i believe that every fiber of my being that's who we are so let's get back where a decent brave resilient people we can believe again. we are we are better than this moment we are better than this prison so get back up and take back their instructors. shouldn't take we can't do. much to it may god
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protect our child thank you thank you. joe biden vice president addressing supporters in the miss california it's been a very good night for a news briefing interrupted by animal rights protests protesters during that speech in california but unfazed joe biden is in pretty good mood wired even i would say from what we heard there had a good nights no doubt he's won a a couple of states and still looking for a few victories as we've heard ben let's get the latest results now and richelle carey you've got some new numbers from utah yes we do as you're right folly he is he is getting and for a reason i will get to his when so in just a moment 1st we're going to go to another win and the column for senator bernie sanders the senator from vermont he won from on the latest state he has won is utah there are 29 delegates up for grabs there he will get the largest portion of those
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because he has won utah so there's 3 states that bernie sanders has won he has won his home state of vermont is one cow colorado and he's also won utah let's take a look at the bigger picture of the totals right now you saw joe biden there there's a reason he is so happy he's having a really incredibly strong night and he was almost counted out really after the 1st 3 contests he turned it around in south carolina and has taken that momentum into super tuesday right now he is at 303 delegates bernie sanders had won 98 by bloomberg at 20 elizabeth warren at 17 there are still some polls that are open we don't have totals from big states like california and texas we don't have anything official for elizabeth warren state of massachusetts but we anticipate being able to call that one pretty soon so that is the. you have the land right now back to you thank you very much richelle we'll check in with you a little later of course now let me bring in our panel for more reaction and
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analysis of what we've heard from biden from sanders the results so far tonight let me introduce you to them once again if you're just joining us on al-jazeera we have our senior political analyst marwan bashara also with us joseph you are a professor of political science at texas and m. university here in doha and jocelyn sage mitchell assistant professor in residence at northwestern university here in doha thank you so much for being here with us tonight it's been a long i know so thank you for your patience. with joe biden because we've just heard him there in california joslin it's been a very very good night for him but we're still not sure how it's going to play out in texas of course and california what do you think has helped him is it the consolidation by the democratic establishment around him absolutely i think that you know in the last in the last hour joe made a really nice point about it's not just a consolidation of the it's not just
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a consolidation of the the voters around biden but it's actually a real sign of strength for the unification of the democratic party as a whole that the voters were actually listening to their party and the signals they were sending. biden is having an exceptionally strong night and we can tell that because he is over performing what his polls said he would do in fact he's winning in states that we didn't expect him to win like massachusetts and minnesota and right now in our houses the big surprise unofficial results but he's in the lead it is a big surprise he was in 3rd before this night ok and that strategic voting that is showing a consolidation and strength and in terms of texas right now sanders is is ahead but the forecast is still 5050 as in indorsements in texas better o'rorke coming out for him having the rallies the last couple of days. it may be that he pulls ahead in texas as well we just heard joe biden there and he's very happy but i couldn't really make sense of what he was saying or where he was trying to go or do
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you think you can sustain this momentum all the way to the convention actually this is a very very excellent observation i tell you why. because he is certainly no sleepy joe tonight you know so at least you know he's trying to take care of that. that trump insult as it were but i think this is exactly the problem in this election or in this in this primary so we have to auld men in their late seventy's democrats so we have joe biden and we have bernie sanders so bernie sanders trying to say we have to make america just right basically biden for long would say that's make america just again so he basically wants to go back to pre-term he wants to go back to the clinton years to the obama years and i think a lot of the electorate is not convinced they want to go for that they don't want to go back to pretrial they want to go to post from so his speech is actually
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combining both he seems to be saying when you have to go back to the good old days when liberals used to rule in america not populist phonetic you know right wingers but at the same time he's trying to say we have to move forward with new fresh ideas on health care on a more fair society and also for so he's trying to be both obama esque. more like obama but he's also bought a wing a lot from what seems to be popular for the base a lot of what sons and it is just for bernie sanders remains a formidable force in this race he has significant financial edge and also a grassroots army that joe biden doesn't have that he has lacked so far anyway and when we heard him there he seems very defiant in the face of this consolidation around democratic consolidation around biden is he is he going to be a problem for for the democrats heading to the convention i mean defiance is one of
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his trade stories never been a member of the democratic party has always insisted these an independent into this caucus with them so it is an aspect of his personality and his career that he hasn't reversed himself on but not reversing himself is sort of his key appeal i think one of the problems for sanders is though that he. he's been so clear and he's been so unique that great anybody who is drawn by him and his message is already attached to his campaign he is it his ceiling i think as a candidate it seems like as people drop out it's going to be hard for him to win the sort of bulk of those sort of loose supporters going ahead whereas i think joe biden can can collect he didn't sound like he was going to drop out snow to die i don't think he's going to drop out at all but i think it's going to be hard for him to win new support whereas i think joe biden continues to gather support from among the. sort of leftovers of the other candidates and their supporters as they exit
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the race and by and large endorse him also isn't is very interesting to think joe biden compared to bernie sanders is started to talk about the general election. i'm going to be donald trump i'm going to heal the country's wounds are going to bring us together i'm an accomplished these are specific legislative things there's bernie sanders was still talking about his primary opponents and you know i voted against the war in iraq i don't take contributions from billionaires seems like joe biden is starting to position himself right as the are de facto nominee campaigning against trouble and whereas bernie sanders is still fighting a fight in the democratic party and those 2 things are just on briefly do you agree with that do you think biden can maintain this momentum was a really nice that was a nice insight i think that picking up on what joe said about well where could new voters within the democrat crowd a party if calm for for bernie sanders the wildcard here is elizabeth warren what does she choose to do after this incredibly disappointing disappointing super
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tuesday if she were to drop out would endorse by doing. that you know i can question i mean you know i'm not entirely sure which way she would go her policies are very aligned with with bernie sanders and yet she was as as marwan had said earlier threading that that that medium path between the 2. she is really holding on to some voters that bernie sanders with very much like to see i did notice that when his wife was introducing him at his rally that behind her was entirely a sea of female porters and i think that bernie sanders is going to be on the phone with elizabeth warren after this after the super tuesday i think. the people running mates are either i'm not sure but he would certainly love love her indorsement and i have a feeling that biden will be doing the same thing for bloomberg all right so listen
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president trump obviously is watching all this very carefully watching the results and he's been tweeting about this reacting to mike bloomberg performance in the primaries the president tweeted this the biggest loser tonight by far is many mike bloomberg his political consultants took him for a ride 700000000 washed down the drain and he got nothing for it but the mc made many mike and the complete destruction of his reputation way to go mike. all right another one also spoke about elizabeth warren performances in the primaries and he said this elizabeth pocahontas warren other than many mike was the loser of the night she didn't even come close to winning her home state of massachusetts well now she can just sit back with her husband and have a nice cold beer ok. this is the president of the united states tweeting this of course unhinged as always. but he does have
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a point when it comes to mike bloomberg marwan he spent a lot of money half a $1000000000.00 on advertising and nothing to show for it really i think of his attempt at a hostile takeover of the democratic party last minute johnny come lately we'll take it to have a lot of money have the resources to continue to need to there and i think that certainly did not work thankfully to the american democratic system wouldn't work because america already suffers from too much money in the campaign in the political system in general so the fact that he failed that's not a bad thing for democracy but. you know back to the unhinged i mean trump spends his time not caring for america the superpower you know with koran or virus and this and that but to pick on people right and this is having picking on people is actually goes beyond something personal interesting and i think it's reflects his overall view and i think this important go into november he finds the
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weak points in his opponents and he just presses and presses and presses and the whole idea of empathy the idea of civility the idea of decorum the idea of that with this is one democracy and we have to play nice and sort of 4th that doesn't exist but we used to it though with donald trump and we lose it for the last 3 years right and that's what i that's what i'd like to emphasize is that whoever is going to go up dog from needs to understand that this is not going to be baseball or politics this is going to be american football politics hands on this going to be tough it's going to be dirty it's going to be tackling and that's the only way trump plays so whether by the in or sanders 6 certainly whoever they are they can have to look more like they look tonight in the dries ready to go on to confront joslin who of biden or. bernie sanders can take on donald trump you know in these games in dirty politics that talk so well not counting out
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baseball i mean i like the i like analogy here but you know. i'm a baseball girl myself and i like i could see biden hitting a home run you know with the kind of demographics that he can bring to the electoral college and you know so it's a will we will see about that but i do think that the the criticism is warranted on the idea of buying your way into this election i mean limburg tried to circumvent the normal way of the primaries where the. as for states yeah they don't mean much in terms of delegates but they mean a lot in terms of letting people get to know you doing all of those debate ahead of time for months he said hey how about i don't do that and i just buy my way into super tuesday he has gained some delegates but i don't know if i'm alright here would like to do the math for us this back at the end of this during the break or he's got about 20 delegates tonight right or $500000000.00 is like $25000000.00
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a delegate which is probably the costliest sime area in american history but you know listening to him in florida area he seems to say that he still wants to stay in this race why would he say that i mean for the same reason he got into it i think he has had ambitions to be president for some time this is not the 1st election he has talked about running in for whatever it is incredibly personal reason i think he thinks he would be a good president and he has the resources to do it it isn't depend on anyone else to bankroll me enough to spend his time fund raising so if he is as a hobby wants to stay in it and see how far he can go or wait it out and see if joe biden and bernie sanders falter or you go to the convention and hope to have a big primetime speech i mean who knows what he's really after or what he thinks is his you know best outcome is at this point but because of his financial independence he doesn't depend on the goodwill of his voters or of political
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benefactors in the way that others would so he can choose to stay in or not and to ride it out in a way that that maybe elizabeth warren can't because her financial support would will dry up and some extent after tonight just a word on bloomberg i mean this here was a case of money versus momentum he didn't have the momentum he showed he had the money or the movement or the movement why do you think you know he want he should stay on what what's his motivation here i think he's bored. i think there's a lot of money yes $50.00 plus $1000000000.00 i mean you know $500.00 millions nothing is like one percent. drop in the bucket for him and i think he does want to influence i mean in a more serious manner i think he wants to influence the agenda of democratic party and i think if he drops out he will be spending hundreds of $1000000.00 behind whoever the nominee especially is if it's biden i think he's committed to that he committed it from the beginning that he will be if he drops out he would support do you think he would. but just won one last comment on the.
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on the home run versus the touchdown you know i think i think hillary clinton tried the home run didn't work out for i think it's doesn't mean that the next democratic candidate needs to play dirty what it means is trump place there thing right. jenna bush is tackles all sorts of forth and sleepy joe we're going to have to keep this sort of movement them were involved likes of send the likes of warren. bloomberg behind him he needs quarterbacks like offensive against otherwise they will not make it all right joslyn marwan talked about hillary clinton and i can't help but draw some sort of comparison between clinton and what's happened to elizabeth warren i mean if you know the results are confirmed and she's lost her home state of massachusetts that's really a big surprise and a big upset for but she i mean a lot of people would say was so good in the debates and you know she was good on
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the issues spoke well she had a big movement behind her what what went wrong here is it because she is a woman you know. i think that elizabeth warren. has brought to the forefront so many important ideas and important an important movement for sure but that movement did not translate into the succession you wanted to see at the actual voting booth right now it's still an open question. sexism is it no i wouldn't i wouldn't necessarily say that because we're still talking about the primaries right and the democratic party is a home for for strong female candidates i really think that we the democratic party doesn't necessarily think that biden is the perfect candidate but they felt compelled to give an early signal of whom to consolidate around precisely because
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the republican party did not do that in 2016 and it led to the fragmentation of the party that we still see today and and the ability for trump to get the nomination and go on to win the presidency the democratic party went with biden his poll numbers were better in certain key constituencies we have to take seriously the minority vote to take you really the black vote for biden and also the demographics we are looking at electoral college alex and in some ways i do see that more in terms of baseball you pick up where you can and pennsylvania with wisconsin and michigan those are biden countries writes not speaking of the demographics there is a generational divide in these primaries i mean the young voters bernie sanders of course the older voters seem to love joe joe biden the older generation are with him. does this bode ill for the democratic nominee in the end because i mean if one
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of then doesn't make it will the people who support him back the other candidate i mean i've said it several times and i think the democratic party despite the divisions of the primary will emerge after the convention united because of president trump it he is the most stimulating. president in american history and he has pursued an agenda that has united the democratic party in opposing it at every step right there parts of the of george bush's agenda that democrats could get behind. with no child left behind or. here in their right part presidents in the past have a pursued bipartisanship donald trump has not at any step and for the it would be absolutely stunning for the democratic party not to be able to get behind a nominee to be able to oppose who they uniformly claim is the most destructive president in their lifetimes. in addition that i think another thing to think about
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tonight is joe biden emerging from the field that he has and he's running against a populist on the left. a lot of well spoken you know sort of technocrats you know i logically near him and to come out of what was a talented and crowded field the leader so far tonight i think is a testament to his strength and to do so particularly winning in these states that are the critical battleground state like state so winning in north carolina winning in virginia winning in minnesota right which are sort of that the edges of that belt of states in the midwest where republicans won last time and democrats need to return if they're going to defeat the president ok so i think there's a lot of good news and a lot of a pretty impressive show that i i would have expected a couple weeks ago from from joe biden let's go to a shout at the video wall and you've got some new numbers or shall i do super tuesday is often a night of a lot of soul searching for. candidates and it is it's pretty safe to say that
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senator elizabeth warren will have to do that type of soul searching she has lost her state of massachusetts joe biden is projected to win a home state senator from massachusetts elizabeth warren so there are 91 delegates up for grabs he will get the majority of those delegates this continues to be really a phenomenal night for joe biden so let's take a look at the delegate count so far so as i said a great night for joe biden he is at the top there we go with $309.00 delegates bernie sanders $200.00 for mike bloomberg also going to be doing some soul searching tonight no matter how much money he has yes $21.00 delegates elizabeth warren has 19 and the way this works it's not a winner take all any candidate that gets at least 15 percent will get some sort of poor proportion of the of the total so right now like we said joe biden at $309.00 the magic number to get to is $991.00 to get the nomination that's not the number
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anyone's going to get tonight but there are 14 states and american samoa that are up for grabs and so far the majority of those states have gone to joe biden we still haven't called big states like california and texas so it is that comes then we will let you know in the meantime back over to you thank you very much marwan a huge surprise joe biden winning massachusetts the home state of elizabeth warren . you know clearly the democrats are coalition behind the main candidates and seems more or more that this is sounding like biden where there's still a lot of course stubborn and resilient people want to support both of sunders i think what is probably interesting and i've been looking at just you know. carefully how women in america are voting and voted in 2016 and it's very interesting that women don't want to be taken for granted neither by political into nor by elizabeth warren i think they have their own agenda. and they don't think just because they're women that there's one of those one of them working for
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a woman candidate and that was clear definitely in 2016 with hillary clinton and i see more and more that there are now some polls that show that educated. professional women are rallying behind biden. but what why would an educated professional women not rally around elizabeth warren who is all i think they did i think there was a moment right there was a moment in the campaign where a lot because she's a woman obviously but because she has a bit worn was going up in the polls and she looked incredibly strong and this was around november december time since then she has been on this downward spiral where as we have seen biden get progressively stronger he's been waking up for some time right this sleepy joe thing his debate performances have gotten better he actually did very well in nevada he came in 2nd before we then went to his win in south carolina and the continuation of that we see here but i do want to get back to that
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idea that demographic of those women particularly the white college educated women which are so important to really those flippin from from red to blue counties and states. vai are much more in favor of biden than they are of sanders ok and i think that is one of the key is when we say why did the democratic party consolidate and signal go for biden not only is he strong with the african-american vote which is so important the democratic party we are looking for those white college educated women biden beats trump by 10 points in that demographic sanders and trump are even all right joslin thank you very much i want to thank you all because when i have to be there johnson sage michel joseph bashara thank you very much for a very interesting evening with you of course special coverage of the u.s. presidential primary continues on al-jazeera right after this very short. i hope you just say this.
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al-jazeera. where. it's 4 g.m.t. i'm fully back to boyer watching al-jazeera live from doha and our special coverage of the us super tuesday presidential primaries this is the biggest night of the campaign in the race to the white house democrats deciding who will run against donald trump in november 14 states and one u.s. territory. and it is a final hour of voting with polls closing in california where. 415 democratic and 172 republican delegates up for grabs california
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the big prize this evening but we've also had results from other states important states as well we shall carry keeping an eye on the numbers for 'd is a big night for joe biden just bring us up to speed with the nates a very big night and your point is well taken about california because that could change everything once those numbers come in it is the largest number of delegates that are at stake we do not have that yet the polls are still open there are any centers that is projected to win there there are 415 as we said democratic delegates at stake there so let's talk about the states that biden has done well and so far he is projected to win massachusetts the home state of elizabeth warren . he's also secured in minnesota that is the home state of amy clover sure. so all right let's move on to bernie sanders has also won the state of vermont mike bloomberg sits in 3rd followed by.


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