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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 4, 2020 7:00am-7:34am +03

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watching al-jazeera live from doha and our special coverage of the u.s. super tuesday presidential primaries this is the biggest night of the campaign in the race to the white house democrats deciding who will run against donald trump in november 14 states and one u.s. territory. and it is a final hour of voting with polls closing in california where. 115 democratic and 172 republican delegates up for grabs california the big
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prize this evening but we've also had results from other states important states as well we shall carry keeping an eye on the numbers for is a big night for joe biden just bring us up to speed with a very big night in your point is well taken about california because that could change everything once those numbers come in it is the largest number of delegates that are at stake we do not have that yet the polls are still open there bernie sanders that is projected to win there there are 415 as we said democratic delegates at stake there so let's talk about the states that biden has done well and so far he is projected to when massachusetts the home state of elizabeth warren . he's also secured in minnesota that is the home state of amy clover sure. so all right let's move on to bernie sanders has also won the state of vermont mike bloomberg sits in 3rd followed by elizabeth warren so let's take
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a look at the totals here joe biden has 313 bernie sanders $208.00 mike bloomberg $22.00 elizabeth warren 19 and as we said the big prize that is still out there 2 big states texas and california it's not really clear who's going to win texas bernie sanders has always polled well the california so that could totally change the lay of the land so all right let's go back to folly now thank you richelle we'll check in with you in a few minutes of course for all the latest results now joe biden spoke to supporters a short while ago at an event in the sunshine is california here's what he told them about his campaign. you know the pressure on the climate camp very very. i think a samsung arm and i think you. have a trial we're going to see. well it made you never had.
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so we have teams deployed right across a key battleground states for super tuesday alan fischer is at a democratic watch body in austin texas will be speaking to him in just a few minutes 1st of all reynolds who is that joe biden's rally in california it's pretty empty where you are but california of course results coming in this hour what are the expectations that. well it could take some time for the votes to be counted and we have some breaking news for you foley the sanders campaign has filed in court for an emergency injunction to keep the polls here in los angeles county open for several more hours 1 because there have been serious delays of some people saying they waited for hours to 3 hours in order to vote there were a lot of delays down at the college near the college campus of the university of california at los angeles where many sanders voters were. impeded from
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voting by a long lines the voting itself will take some time to tabulate there have been some new procedures here in california put in place over the past couple of years and sometimes it takes a long time for them to go through and very meticulously count the mailing in and absentee ballots but i'll tell you something follow you i listen to this speech by . the former vice president joe biden tonight and i was in las vegas nevada a little over a week ago listen to him making a speech then tonight seemed like a completely different person he was fired up and we have now a family here the edwards family we're going to have the entire group home on camera danielle edwards brian edwards and their beautiful children josephine and beau. daniel let me start with you you told me before that you had to suddenly
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decide to make a last minute decision who you're going to vote for yeah actually just this morning i was thinking about mayor pete and brian who sleeps in brief politics let me know that he had dropped out and so i did my homework all day long and landed on and landed on biden and what made you choose biden over for example bernie sanders the most important thing for me in this election was who could be president trump and that was biden for me here. to me these things attract chilled right right out in terms of his history in terms of his know how his connections him being able to put the right people in the right places to get the right things passed in washington was extremely important to me and so the only person i thought doing that with biden is around ok great so brian your wife says you live and breathe politics. what do you make of the past 2448 hours of twists and turns in this race and this extreme volatility that's going on yes it's been
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a pretty alike in so you know it's there's a lot of for the most for most part i think i thought no i think for me a lot. like the major shifts was like after biden. had a huge win in the huge win south in the kalina so basically after that i think i think for him like he has a new sense of like energy i think for him later is kind of like an opening up for him now so electability is that a very important issue for absolutely yes so yes so yes for me i definitely like mike wants him because i think he's he's definitely definitely the like right right one and i see when you believe that he can defeat president trump in the november election absolutely all right great well i'm sorry to disappoint the kids that they can't take the microphone home with them but thank you very much edwards family for speaking with us and enjoy the rest of your evening thank you ok thank you take take it easy so that's a little bit of
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a sampling of opinion here and again waiting for the final returns from california it could be good news for bernie sanders he has been leading here that of course in polls that were taken before judge and global dropped out and handed their support to biden and one of the things that i think is very important as far as bernie sanders is concerned is that he had made a great deal of outreach an effort to reach. the latino community you know sometimes in american politics the latino community is referred to as kind of a sleeping giant because there are they don't vote in they numbers that they could if they were engaged politically by a candidate well sanders has tried to do that outreach engagement pounding the pavement knocking on doors getting people registered and so on so we'll see if that pays off another final thing i have to add of ali before i let before we go is that
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voting has been underway early voting here in california for for a number of days so a lot of votes have already been cast and counted even before these tumultuous events strike with would a judge and and. club which are over the past couple of days so we shall see and we'll get the information to you as soon as we can of course thank you very much rob reynolds live for us in a sign just california california the biggest feist in the super tuesday primaries where the podium calls s'sa'id but as rob was saying just a moment ago that he sanders has find an injunction for some of the polls in the state of california to stay open a little longer now they sent a far far from vermont small county it to his a supporter is saying that the same old politics wouldn't be trump listening what we need is a new politics that breeds working class people in time our political mood good god works brings young people into our political
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goldberg god and which in the example will create our highest voter turnout in american political history. so bernie sanders winning 2 states in the super tuesday primaries his home state of vermont of course biden joe biden the former vice president has won 7 states and the number of states still too close to call. including the state of texas where we now join al-jazeera is allan facia texas allen of course yeah the big prize is super tuesday and it's still too close to call that. it is there's about 25 percent of the votes have been counted the problem is some people have still to vote even though the polls have been freshly closed for a couple of hours though there were people who were in line and ready to vote particularly here in austin near the university in the him unable to cast their
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vote yet what is interesting is that people down in there say that some of the shootings still haven't made up their mind who to vote for not have been following the media coverage obviously on their phones but it shows that they're committed to the process and not necessarily to one particular candidate which is interesting because there's been a real drive to register voters here in texas in the belief that if you get a younger voting population there is the possibility that they will vote democrat and then they could possibly flip the state joining me live now here in austin is sidney green from the good deeds not words which looks to empower women in politics and get them involved city when you look at the field and now looks as if elizabeth warren is not going to be one of the front runners is going to be 2 old men white men in their late seventy's right does not disappoint you i think the main thing that we need to look at is the fact that you know we need to make sure that we have candidates that are talking about women's issues not talking about if she's also an
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impact people of color and so i feel like even though that there aren't any women at the top right now that doesn't mean that it's a loss for us right we're going to keep on going there are many years to come there's still time to elect a woman and we also know also look at the down ballot races right in the local races that are happening right here in travis county they're happening all across texas and realize that how important it is to elect women into those states and let people of color see those 2. some kind of work from the bottom to the top when you saw the start of the democratic process it was released by very strong women in bold being released who looked different to one another there was more and call the shonen money and william soon of course become a heartless right to do one of them might break through this time or one i personally can't speak to who exactly i support and do not support i think that i will say that you know it is important to have a person up there who reflects that for city of this country and so i would 2nd i
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would go back to the fact that you know we're going to keep on working harder to hopefully put a woman up there soon but the thing is you know we really just need someone at the end they who is going to support women's issues who are going to look at women and support women and know the issues that matter to us but also matter to black women as well that matters to women all across the board and so at the end the day even though and the 2 front runners are male we have a hopefully a strong feeling that they will support the issues that we care about and do you worry that women's issues get sometimes by the candidates even though you're 51 percent of the electorate yes yes well that's an interesting question i appreciate you bringing that up i do think sometimes that we are sidelined but we make up a huge part of the voting bloc and i think that now more than ever the candidates understand that and it's very important that they do understand that that women when we vote we vote in numbers and we are extremely powerful we're extremely diverse and at the end the day like we really need candidates to show up for our
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causes and i believe that they will never get the nomination do you hope there's a woman on the ticket as vice president almost peaking for me personally as sidney greene that would be absolutely great to see and i think that when we are represented not just at the top but also you know at a local level and he gives young voters like myself it gives young women myself it gives us really an inspiration and a power to believe that yeah there are people who can look like me who can be at the. and he can be running things he can be making a better country a better state and their city a better county so personally i would love to see that i met and the day that we need to focus on pitching presidents in texas and pushing for the present change in texas i know you've got a busy night thank you very much indeed for joining us live here and al-jazeera sydney green from the deeds not words no joe biden has had a good night in other parts of the south in alabama in oklahoma tennessee as well all big wins for joe biden what is interesting is that in somewhere like alabama
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where he's won a large number of votes he didn't campaign there tall didn't spend a great deal of money in contrast might bloomberg who of course just came into this race for super tuesday well he spent over $600000.00 in alabama and it looks as if he's not going to get any delegates from there a tall thing to remember if you're going to go over the 15 percent mark of the vote and then those delegates start to get distributed almost by proportional representation so even though bernie sanders is doing well at the moment in texas with joe biden being very close behind him bernie sanders might win texas but he might not get so many more delegates than joe biden and that is what's going to be crucial as we head towards the democratic party convention and deciding who stands against donald trump come november the thought yeah and it's still a way to go before that convention alan fischer thank you very much for that allen
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in austin texas for us let's continue this discussion and analysis of these results with our u.s. guests now a special panel from the united states joining us in washington d.c. adolfo franco is a republican strategist and was an adviser to senator john mccain also in washington d.c. now finds a butler and is with a former senior advisor to common a harris. for the people she's currently a partner for s s c r b strategies and joins us from. washington d.c. but also in d.c. with us jennifer victor a professor of political science at george mason university thank you very much for being with us all of you. let me start with you. that's a big night for joe biden no doubt the consolidation by the democratic party around him seems to have helped a lot no doubt that the unity
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around vice president biden has helped him incredibly the most important part of it though started with the incredible turnout of the african-american community in south carolina giving him such a big boost indorsement of representative clyburn i think was 'd critical to that and the vice president left south carolina demonstrating that he could put together that obama coalition from 08 and 2012 and i think those endorsements started rolling in coming into california where while the vice president has not campaigned a lot personally himself in the state he has had a number of his surrogates in the state he has gotten the endorsement of a number of california state leaders and local leaders and so tonight it's going to be a very exciting night in california for the vice president but also you can't you know one should count out senator sanders
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a great date as well jennifer victor i mean joe biden says america is hungry to be united and that most of the people most democrats don't want the promise of a revolution that. is making do you agree with that do you do you think you know this is a biden race now. well that remains to be seen to some extent but what all of the dust has settled here at the end of super tuesday it's looking to me very much like 2020 is going to feel pretty similar to what 2016 felt like in which you had one sort of moderate democrat back then it was hillary clinton now it looks like it's going to be joe biden versus bernie sanders who is bernie sanders in both of those cases and they're going to battle it out until the end in 2016 hillary clinton obviously prevailed and so to the extent that biden is using some evidence that that portion of the party is larger that might be
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part of his case on the other hand sanders has been growing this movement as it were for quite some time now trying to make a play for it. remains quite defiant do you think biden bill can sustain this momentum till the convention i mean there's still looming questions about him his propensity for gaffes moments away searches for words he's also spending. compared to bernie sanders he has one of the smallest organizations. do you think this momentum from the victories in south carolina north carolina will keep going until the convention. well certainly you know his campaign was struggling he didn't perform all that well over the 1st couple of contests with iowa new hampshire and nevada but then performed well in south carolina but that was just 3 days ago i know it feels longer ago than that a lot of political time has passed since then but essentially he hasn't had enough
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time to have turned his success into a dominant campaign so many of the successes that we're seeing him have tonight aren't on account of his ground campaign or his fund raising prowess or anything like that it's because he got endorsements from key players like that helped him win minnesota and so what we're seeing is can he have that momentum probably i mean he's going to have to put a little bit more proof into the putting as we go along here but i don't think there's any reason to think he can't pull off what sanders is pulling off to your previous question about. lost my train of thought your previous question was. i don't. because there are quite a few questions in a little bit and i will come back to it ok i want to bring in adolfo franco to the conversation but also before i ask you what you think of these results and you know where we're headed with the democrats i just want to show our viewers some of what
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president trump has been tweeting about these results reacting 1st in my bloomberg performance in the primaries he said the biggest loser tonight by far as many mike bloomberg his political consultants took aim for a ride $700000000.00 washed down the drain and he got nothing for it but the nickname mini mike and the complete destruction of his reputation way to go mike the president also tweeted about elizabeth warren's performance in the war and losing her home state of massachusetts he said elizabeth pocahontas war and other than many mike was the news of the night she didn't even come close to winning a home states of massachusetts well now she can just sit back with her husband and have a nice cold beer adolfo not what we expect from a u.s. president well you expect that from donald trump i think this is vintage president actually think is right i think the 2 losers tonight are are definitely michael
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brune bloomberg and elizabeth warren there's no question about it i believe mr bloomberg has said that his campaign or he will make a statement tomorrow on the race that probably means he's he's either changing his strategy or not moving forward but the president has as always commented. his opponents in this win this way i think it's vintage has to be expelled yeah but he's still got a fairly hard to say you know especially for our international audience still very hard to get used to you know this type of language and this type of tone from the american president. well but i think unfortunately in our entire political discourse in this country we've been moving in this direction for some time and i think it's unfortunate in many ways that that's the case but that's been the direction i don't think at this stage though with all due respect that those types of tweets are anything that the american people right now expect anything differently for the present i think it would i think they would be were somewhat
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surprised that the president's style was change would change right he's the genuine donald trump in that in that regard so what is going to be his strategy going forward and which of these 2 candidates that are in the lead right now among the democrats bernie sanders and joe biden who would he like to be against. you know i really sincerely i don't think it makes much of a difference i think it's pretty clear after tonight unless something dramatically changes that it is a 2 person race moving forward i can't see something other than that i believe that the president sees strength and weaknesses in both of the candidates there's no question that senator sanders has a very enthusiastic following i think they're committed sanders people they only believe in mr sanders they're completely committed to a revolution that the words that senator sanders is used and that course joe biden
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is to us to many of us the past but he is as you mentioned prone to gaffes the mistakes. there i agree with with jennifer has a long way to go in this race 3 or 4 days ago this was mr sanders to lose and that was the momentum so tonight is the big joe biden night there's no question but this could all change for a number of reasons between now and and then and the convention for a number of reasons that could can change but but that the end jack your question very directly i think they both are equally vincent from the standpoint of the president beatable i think the president running on his record and i don't think it matters. the alternatives i think mr sanders position purse christians are more commercial extreme there's no question about that and i think that in that regard a publisher would be easier to draw that distinction but joe biden even for the
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democrats is just not an enthusiast a candidate i can't see people frankly having the same degree of enthusiasm for biden as a different president obama although he was as a vice president all right. on that does it make a difference who takes on donald trump whether it's very centers on joe biden. look i think the democratic party is it's either going to be at this point i agree with the comment comments made before it's either going to be looks like after tonight bernie sanders senator sanders or vice president biden i think both of them are prepared to take on president trump and debate around the issues that impact the american people whether it's the state of our economy the health care that is being that if so many people left behind exorbitant pharmaceutical costs the impact of housing and housing affordability there's so many issues that are impacting
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american people today and i think either vice president biden or senator sanders are ready to take on president trump and have that debate now i think that there it's going to really come down to states like michigan and wisconsin pennsylvania. states like florida i think there is some idea that president vice president biden can actually bring more of the obama coalition together then senator sanders but you know senator sanders has for his entire time he's been running he is say that his intention is to put together a the largest grass roots movement ever seen in the history by engaging a multi-generational i believe he also says multi racial coalition and i think tonight is showing us that there may be some flaws in that theory and that we're seeing some pretty historic turnout in states where that are being
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won by vice president biden and so i think the democratic party and all of its allies are ready to put forward a good strong debate for the american vote and for the american people but jennifer a lot of people would argue that until now democrats have been looking for a candidate who can defeat trump rather than you know one who agrees with them on the issues what are your thoughts you know regarding who among between bernie sanders and joe biden can actually stand a chance against donald trump in november. no i completely agree with you sally i think that what the democrats are trying to do in 2020 is recreate what they did in the 2018 mid-term election which was essentially capitalize on a very strong anti trump component in the political electorate the united states right now works for them strongly in the congressional elections in 2018 but now they're looking at this national election and in the sanders versus biden contest i think there's a couple of ways to think about it on the one hand you've got sandra supporters
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tend to be really loyal might be the really polite way to put it and if biden turns out to be the nominee i'm not so sure that all of those standards supporters are going to you know thing that some democrats are saying now vote vote for blue no matter who some of the sanderson supporters i think will be so upset that their candidate lost that they would stay home on the other hand you know biden is making the argument that his his coalition is larger than the sanders coalition and so maybe they can win without them that will remain to be seen we'll have to see if that's true if sanders turns out to be the nominee on the other hand you know i think some of those biden supporters will sit home and not support standards but a bunch of them will a bunch of them will follow that will vote for whoever the democrat is in that kind of coalition building strategy so both sanders and biden i think have slightly different arguments to make and how that general election strategy coalition
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building would work for them. thank you so much for your thoughts jennifer victor left. adolfo franco thank you very much for bringing us your reaction there to the results on the super tuesday primaries in the united states and we still got plenty more ahead on this will bring you up to date with all the delegate count in our special coverage of the primaries and also all the latest reaction from the candidates to stay with us on al-jazeera we're back after this very short break. hallow the normally when the show is blowing down the gulf again as a result of the last system they went through tuesday a lot of rain in iran that's on its way into afghanistan over to snow here in posturing kabul and rain stretching into pakistan behind it we've got
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a fairly stiff breeze of their holiday temperature at a maximum is 20 fold reason is a fairly dusty breeze well it matches baghdad in fact that's where the dust comes from otherwise it's a sunny fiction that's true right back to the coast of the mediterranean for the next day or so the breeze still blows come thursday when nothing much else moves there running down to where the rain is on its way northward the sunshine tanzania lake victoria but only have been folks is a fairly heavy rain recently they still are on wednesday the line goes beyond malawi further west towards the north one godor as well north of there a scattering of showers but probably no more than a scattering there of the running up into north west africa as well but we're heading sucks look into south africa itself or the cape town could be better but isn't as for the rain there well there's an obviously distinct lines once again the arc of anger delta through d.r. c in zambia towards millau is the focus of the heaviest rain.
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when they're online like probably got to be one of the worst routes to make your review about. or if you join us on sanctuaries a different mission diversity and inclusion and they were sometimes as if i was sincere based is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they're applied to iran are an act of warfare everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to get to they need to just sit down and listen join the global conversation on al-jazeera.
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it's 430 g.m.t. you're watching our special coverage on the u.s. super tuesday primaries let's check in with richelle carey who's keeping track of all the numbers and the results what are let me give you the lay of the land ali these are the tallies so far and where everybody stands joe biden is projected to win massachusetts yes that is the home state elizabeth warren the senator who is also in this race earlier he secured minnesota that's where senator amy klobuchar are that is her home state she dropped out of the race a few days a couple of days ago and threw her weight behind senator joe biden he has also won the states of arkansas tennessee north carolina virginia alabama and as i said massachusetts and minnesota as well now the way this works is this is a proportional thing so whoever is in 1st place will get the majority of the votes in to get any delegates at all you have to get to at least 15 percent all right
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let's look over to bernie sanders now he is projected to win really the big prize that the day the state of california that has the largest number of delegates and as i said he is projected to win there we don't know the number of delegates yet that he will actually get and joe biden can still get a significant number of delegates of self even without actually winning by bernie sanders or others also won utah colorado and his home state of vermont so this is where things stand right now joe biden the 333 bernie sanders to 23 mike bloomberg with 27 elizabeth warren with 19 and again these numbers are certainly not completely don't have official told us from a 2nd big state which obviously is texas so tell you also the republican side no shock here total trump is in the lead there are some states that actually canceled their contests because there really is no. contests there is only one other chick one challenger to the president governor build well the former governor of
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massachusetts so yeah those are the states that donald trump has won but again all eyes on the democratic side and as we get more numbers in we will let you know in bernie sanders and joe biden here we go this is just now coming in there in a day of heat in maine it is too close to call more than 60 percent of the precincts are reporting and they are tied at 33 percent each but of course maine is bernie sanders part of the country very close to his home state of vermont so we'll see if that perhaps helps him pull ahead in this race so that is the latest richelle thank you very much of course we're waiting for texas and california of course huge prizes and you let us know as soon as you get those thank you very much for show our let's bring back our panel now from the united states introduce them once again to you adolfo franco a republican strategist was an advisor to john mccain is in washington d.c. to finds a button a former senior adviser to come in a harris for the people who is in the sun to miss and all.


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