tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 5, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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to get their lives back shelter. this is al-jazeera. hello from joe harvey when i'm come out santa maria and this is the news hour from al-jazeera the leaders of turkey and russia are to meet in moscow as the feisty in northwest syria threatens to drag them into direct conflict also we're looking at the financial cost of coronavirus it is surging the airline industry is looking at more than $100000000000.00 in losses. and fighting in libya that's my travel difficult for many we look at the impact it's having on pilots and passengers. and in the race to the white house the former new york mayor mike bloomberg endorses
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joe biden's bid after pulling out of the presidential race. and i'm far as well have all the day's sport news including misery for josie marine years tom then this thing added. to. the lower for what was starting with the meeting between the leaders of russia and turkey which is expected to begin in the next hour of course they're discussing the situation in northwest syria with the 2 countries backing opposing sides of that conflict i may recently came close to a direct confrontation in the if they province in northern syria turkey trying to back or push back the syrian government forces who are supported by russia also is also accusing on for a violating a 2018 deal to create a demilitarized zone and helping what it calls terrorist groups in the area
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meanwhile inside it lay witnesses have told al jazeera that russian airstrike. have killed at least 15 people in farms which have been sheltering displaced civilians and there are many more injured correspondents on this story at this hour we'll be with you shortly she's on that turkey syrian border but starting with step outside the kremlin in moscow hi step this is a big may i mean this would always have been an interesting meeting an important meeting but just taking on so much more significance given what's happened in the last week. yes exactly and it's it's actually already significant that this meeting is happening in the 1st place because no one has been reaching out to put in for a couple of weeks already to to have a meeting initially suggested in istanbul but what it was very reluctant to meet until the moment that the turkish offensive went much further into. put in have no other choice than to to agree to this meeting so both leaders will meet here in the
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kremlin in an hour or so from now the russian official position is still to say they want to stick to such a 2018 agreement meaning that they insist that turkey works on this demilitarisation. area meaning also that these militants and terrorists they call them here in russia will be disarmed and yesterday russia lashed out again against turkey saying that they are but basically backing these terrorists and attacking russian airbase and civilians on a daily basis the question here of course is how close their leaders will get and how much they are willing to compromise no one has made it very clear that he doesn't want to back off. and put in his playing this very very complicated just game with assad from syria on one side and other one on the other side and he doesn't want to break this relationship in any way with both his very crucial
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partners so it's going to be a very very interesting meeting and it would be also very interesting to be in that room today wouldn't it just here we'll talk more later on in the diary as we hear from meeting thank you step dancin in moscow and now it is you who's on the turkey syria border what's your take on it seem from the turkish perspective as pointed out president is in no mood to back down. exactly neither of the sides seem to be backing down but this is for sure about those 2 leaders who have signed all sun and such agreements and who provided some time for themselves including the players in syria will try to come out with something whether it's a factor for either side or not they're going to come up with something this is what the turkish experts expect from today's meeting turkey has 2
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things on the table today turkey is asking for for a security zone which is which is which both sides can agree on without a u.n. decision a security zone 30 kilometers deep inside where the civilians can. live in peace that far from the syrian government strikes and the and the other thing is that turkey doesn't want to move to withdraw its military forces from inside were agreed by the asana and sochi agreement and a permanent cease fire is a must which is not which russia seems not to be willing to accept 7 just stay there for a 2nd for me if you would because once we focus a lot on president one i think we should also look at what's been happening in the turkish parliament some heated scuffles and debate over the military involvement in northern syria have a look at the pictures the same shoving each other. after one opposition member
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accuse the president of disrespecting turkish soldiers have been killed and. president is also called quote irresponsible for sending troops into the conference conflict allegedly without adequate air cover they quite extraordinary pictures as we look at them i mean it's it's basically a brawl in the parliament and it makes me wonder obviously we focus so much on what the president's decisions are but there is opposition to his position from within the parliament. exactly come on especially when it comes to. the latest springfield operation conducted inside opposition has been very vocal about its stance against the turkish foreign policy in syria by saying that without any of cover inside syria the turkish most turkish soldiers are trapped and you are killing the turkish soldiers and one of the legislators of the
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main opposition party he was he actually insults of president add on with words saying he is dishonorable ignore well law and creature is and then this role actually broke rules a bros are kind of common in the turkish parliament not to this extent of course it was a female m.p.'s members of the parliament who were involved in this and enter a geisha and was conducted for this main opposition parliament member because he insults of the president according to turkish low insulting president can be a matter of into regulation but it will position believes that turkey has nothing to gain from the operation and there is no national interest mol national benefit the spied on and his his his party members and officials claiming that this is all new for a national security of border security. and stopping more refugees flocking inside
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turkey said in course turkey syria border thank you for that cinema as mentioned a lot there i want to have a look at why russia and turkey over that deal they made which was aimed at preventing all out war in the last rebel stronghold it goes back to september 28th in where they signed an agreement to create a deescalation zone and they said it would be a 20 kilometer demilitarized buffer zone between the syrian forces and the rebels also there would be the removal of what they described as the. radical terrorist groups however russia and the assad government accused turkey of failing to fulfill its side of the deal and to separate the moderate fighters from what they call the militants turkey is also angered by the recent government attacks backed by russia which have killed hundreds of civilians since december it wants the syrian army to pull back or is pleased to have more in kabul and with us here in studio director of policy analysis of the arab center of research and policy studies my own as i
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went through the steps of all of the deescalation the it just hasn't worked absolutely right through i think both sides are responsible for that in my opinion because the russians they never stopped actually attacking the escalation zone and don't forget after all the russians they could not on our of the agreements they have made actually with turkey says the beginning of the as a 10 up process and in early 2017 they agreed for the creation of for the exclusion zone around damascus in the south in the north of homs. but they in fact on the other 3 and within within a list then and then a year in 2018 the talks only managed to see of the last the escalation after the agreement went to israel just you have just mentioned but even that agreement actually was never as is said by the russians and the syrian regime because the syrian regime there. is to bring all of syrian territories back and on top of the syrian regime and they are using that agreement in fact. that the inability of to
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the key to to fulfill its part of that. agreement specially as a bit in between what they call the extremists and the moderates within the syrian opposition use it as a pretext in order to avoid that agreement and try actually to control it once again so i'm imagining this meeting today and step past and of course one city earlier wouldn't it be fascinating to be in this room these 2 men basically staring each other down over over italy. and they are 2 such strong personalities 2 men who are very unlikely to back down and yet that is what the situation would actually need for there to be a difference for those people and for those pictures we're looking at there it needs someone to make a compromise. but i think they have been able to compromise for the past 34 years in fact since 2016 in fact to many a tool to reach many agreements the 1st one was over the euphrates shield the 2nd one was. operation. and russia agreed.
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for the incursion of the of the turkish army inside syrian territories the a managed to reach. at the sochi agreement the amenities that as a. result of all that but if we virtual it's why we still here i think because the 2 leaders are any bills so far because they are thinking of these agreements are something temporary rather than having like a final fine and settlement to this this conflict because find that settlement of this conflict acquires a lot of 2nd voices by the both sides and none of them actually is willing to do with that but my hunch is they will reach an agreement to deal because both actually they don't want to risk a confrontation direct confrontation between russia and turkey don't you have absolutely no interest in having such a confrontation as you pointed out. russia and syria's goal here is to bring everything back around syrian control i mean that's completely understandable we
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are at a point in syria's war where the rest of the country is basically under serious control as well so what's turkey's goal here why are they hanging on so strongly because i think they believe if the if they lose that would be the end of the political process it means that the military solution have won the russians have won and hence there will be no need for any political solution if you will if you win if you win on the ground you don't need to actually to step to the negotiation table and reach reach a settlement i think to the key will be kicked out completely from the syrian conflict a deal was this one moment problem always a pleasure talking to you so thanks for coming in thank you. now another development to tell you about turkey just announcing it's deploying a 1000 special police forces at its border but this is the border with greece remember thousands of people trying to get to greece and bulgaria since anger opened its side of the borders as it tries to pressure the e.u.
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to help out with refugees coming from going to him now with this exclusive report from the turkish greek border. struggling to find their slippery footing they made their way across the dam barefoot stone by stone. one man slips and his bag bobs away with a swift current of the river. desperation and despair are growing as refugees and migrants take advantage of turkey's open border with greece and carry out some are taking dangerous risks for the chance to reach the european union. i don't know how to swim while walking i was thinking you cross or you die those are the only 2 options earlier this week the police began blocking refugees were walking across this bridge to get closer. to the checkpoint with greece now people are resorting to risking their lives by crossing this below.
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on the other side of the river bank cold and wet refugees were met by villagers looking to make a profit those who still had money in their pockets were asked to pay $2.00 to $3.00 for a ride with a horse and cart a tractor or a van instead of walking the short distance to get closer to the checkpoint at the greek border. all. were also poor we don't have money and if we did we wouldn't be doing this. the odds of people making it to greece and being allowed to stay looking creasing least lim the greek government says only $1500.00 migrants at most have entered since turkey opened its border gates last friday around 26000 have been stopped several men told us this was their 2nd attempt after they'd already been deported from greece but this was done just dig music. i made
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it to the other side and for 5 days i moved from place to place i have no food and people give me food i eat i have no money left me. despite hunger exhaustion and frustration they've summoned the determination to repeat the journey. europe has to take us because only took a is taking care of immigrants if they take us there will be good others will be following that also making the precarious track natasha al-jazeera a dirt near the border between turkey and greece i want to bring cynical so you back now of course and ends at the turkey syria border but she's connected in with what is happening on the other side sit in turkey greece border tell us more about the special police being deployed. well turkish interior minister in the area and the western border of turkey to examine the
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situation of the irregular migrants who are trying to cross from turkey and to greece soon as you also know there have been reports of claims by the turkish side that did recall this have been treating the migrants harsh and because of their firing in the air some civilians caught shot the brick wall sorties totally deny that even when they were with the console high level representatives in the press are they totally rejected these claims by the turkish side and that is the main idea of sending those 11000 special forces police troops to that area is that in the you know those irregular migrants are now in the in in between turkey and greek border in the buffer zone and turkey claims according to international law you can't force the civilians in the buffer zone about the egg recall this according to the turks i have been treating them very bad and turkey
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aims to stop the great push back off to regular migrants and plus provide safety and security for the civilians in the buffer zone and this dispute between greek authorities and the turkish authorities over who shot him or whether the civilians are killed or not seems to be growing as also there is a big diplomatic tension between 2 countries over the energy resources in the instant mediterranean come out so. in the sea and also in the border greeks and turks are kind of. in a kind of diplomatic battle right now ok glad you could bring us up to date on that one thank you. let's have a look at what else is coming up on this news how a change in u.s. policy is there thousands of asylum seekers stranded on the mexican side. boredom and also your sports news is a limbic organizes insists the games will go on we will hear from one of the favorites for gold in tokyo.
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coronavirus now on the financial cost is surging into the billions as the outbreak continues to spread around the world on thursday the death toll in china topped $3000.00 also switzerland has reported its 1st death australia has had its 2nd bosnia and herzegovina have confirmed its 1st case as well this is the big one where all schools and universities have been ordered to close remember more than 3000 infections in italy and 107 deaths many european companies now encouraging their staff to work from home and the international monetary fund is also allocated $50000000000.00 to help low income countries to deal with the health crisis while u.s. politicians have approved and 8 point $3000000000.00 spending bill let's go to do reporting from hong kong for us on coronavirus. asia the part of the world where it
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has been most what is the story in china at the moment where for a few days infections were falling. that's right come on and that's something that china really wants the world to know about the chinese ministry gave a press conference talking about the slowing rate saying that their measures they're been putting in place lock down restricting people's movements have led to this fall in rates now china of course is also trying to get back on its feet as you spoken about the economic situation around the world and particularly in china which has been hard hit by the coronavirus so they're trying to get people back to work they're trying to get places open again in fact 90 percent of stained state firms are back in business but now china is also highlighting another issue that's come as it's managed to. manage to control its situation and that's what it's calling the imported cases of corona virus and these are cases mainly of people
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traveling into china with showing symptoms of the disease or who could possibly spread the disease so now in a reversal you know turning the tables on the rest of the world china's now imposing restrictions on those traveling into the country if you remember just a few weeks ago the rest of the world was trying to stop chinese people from china or people from china in general from traveling into their countries but we're seeing a rise in cases from other countries around china and south korea is one of the worst hits with a huge rife's rise in infections around $322.00 since midnight today that's one of the largest in the fastest rise in cases that's mainly in the city of daegu that is mainly because from stems from a religious group which would travel to iran early in when the coronavirus spread was just starting they came back to south korea and since then it's their members and then following that their members passing it on to other people to south
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korea's trying to really get a handle on this including we're just hearing that they're actually banning the export of face masks because another protective gear because south korea is running out. out of that kind of protective measures people are very concerned ok an update on corona virus from the asia region there with the vehicle pollen in hong kong thank you divya in the united states california is declared an emergency to deal with an outbreak of corona virus there's been a rise in cases there and the 1st fatality as well an elderly man died after recently returning from a trip on a cruise ship that is the grand princess which is now docked california's coast with thousands of people on board she had her tansey reporting now on how authorities in california are trying to determine if other passengers have been infected. this cruise ship appears to be a potentially another major vector for the coronavirus to spread this man who was elderly had underlying health problems which is what we often see in people who die
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from the coronavirus but he was all in this ship and he does some bug having already felt symptoms off the coronavirus he went home and finally he called my mom one got help got tested was tested positive but but then died at least one other person from that same cruise ship also disembarked is potentially is presumptively thought to have the current virus but i want him to the other 2500 people who got off the cruise ship at the same time as these 2 people so clearly authorities are concerned as to where those folks are according to the california governor at least half come from california where we did explicitly connected to the state of emergency but clearly these are concerns of the californians and now that cruise ship is still is now been parked outside off the coast of california selectively in quarantine because 60 people. from that original crew stayed on the boat and then they were joined by the other 2500 passengers and then went off on a cruise to hawaii so clearly there's lots of potential there for this to be a vector of for the credit virus tests are now being added lifted onto that ship so
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that people can be tested it's not being allowed to to to. to to reach ports in san francisco for the moment but these seem to be connected to that statement by the government and government to some that a state of emergency has been declared that means he gets to get lots of emergency funding it's also to make sure that the price gouging concert that they can get more readily available supplies they can get more health workers from out of state but this is what the governor had to say we have a number of passengers and crew members that develop symptoms on this cruise. ship grand princess cruise ship as a consequence we are going to be flying testing kits to the cruise ship so there are plenty of questions on california as to where those others from that cruise ship are currently now and clearly the california governor he says that tried the administration is trying to reach them. politicians in washington are
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also backing an $8300000000.00 package to combat coronavirus which is expected to pass the senate and then be signed off by president donald trump most of the money will go to agencies dealing directly with the outbreak i spoke to several governors this morning that were rooting for the for the changes you made this week and through the year you know make it possible for state health clinics as well as universities around the country to be able to control coronavirus tabs but we'll also be meeting this afternoon with leaders of our commercial laboratories to make a coronavirus to those more rapidly more wildly available doctors' offices and medical clinics. another update for us happening right now the iranian health minister speaking about corona virus he has announced that iran will be closing schools and universities across the country until march the 20th so what do we now march 5th 15 days it'll be closer member
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a she's already taken that decision schools and universities now iran's health minister announcing schools and universities in iran will be closed for the next 15 days. and israel's military has demolished 2 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank the army says the 2 residents who were targeted played a role in an attack on an israeli settlement last august when one person was killed human rights groups have long criticized israel's practice of destroying homes saying it is collective punishment that is illegal under international law libya now and the conflict there is forced flights to bring redirected to misrata after the only functioning airport and tripoli was targeted on monday ports was hit by heavy shelling in the 300 civilians have now been killed by rockets or airstrikes since the war began his campaign to seize the capital in april child strafford with this report now from misrata. with forces loyal to warlord khalifa haftar targeting with seagate airport in tripoli virtually every day all flights to and from western
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libya are now being conducted from here misrata airport which is around a 3 hour drive from the capital now all foreign airlines stopped operating all flying to and from libya around 5 years ago i spoke to a pilot with a libyan airline last night who refused to go on camera but he described the experience of flying into tripoli in recent months as having been terrifying and that's despite increased communication with government forces trying to protect the airport on the ground. this is a recent rocket attack on tripoli by help his forces a number of civilians were injured when some of the rockets landed in the neighborhood an aircraft belonging to the libyan airline el afriqiyah which was parked near the runway at maty port was hit by shrapnel from exploding rockets on monday no one was injured misrata airport is now having to serve up to 5000
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passengers a day a 10 fold increase since mitzi gamble was closed. of course misrata airport is not capable of handling this amount of flights but we're doing everything we can to make things run as smooth as possible. most of these passages which used to fly from the pool before it was shot and yes because i have friends who were in matija airport when rockets hit they describe absolute chaos and fear just imagine a place like this and bombs start falling around you you'd probably never want to travel again the interior minister for the un bank government 40 bashar said that the international community is not doing enough to punish off the fatah getting civilian areas in tripoli including with c. the airport bashar has warned that the un backed government base soon have little choice but to change its military strategy from a defensive one into an offensive one in order to push off the us forces back stop
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at al-jazeera misrata a look at the weather now with its own faults a strategy of the cricket women c 20 got washed out in the semifinal record rainfall yeah yeah that's right that eastern side was straight is really taking a bit of a hammering race and that is a real shame for the arrogance is there i'm sure you'll agree kemal has that lot of clout and grain rolling out so the gulf of carpentaria right down to the eastern side of all is down into the southeastern corner and it's in the process now of a little further east was we actually see some record rainfall has come out and say in their all tied in the mississippi stashed white line there this is where the trough that we have in place rose down and in between that is actually mixed up with the remnants of what was tropical cyclone estimate we talk about this few days now but in the outback about the last 5 days over 200 millimeters of rain that's into the southwestern corner of queensland and over the last 2 years compare that the same spot has just had 130 millimeters of rain is
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a real drought breaking rainfall and little wonder that we have colds seeing that widespread flooding that's the picture from the s.c.t. in sydney where the england women have dreams dashed by the very heavy rainfall a little further south into melbourne this is flinders street station the on the. just straight as she could say leaking due to that very very heavy rainfall which is now in the process of edging further response but still some pockets of heavy rainfall coming into eastern parts as we go through friday and on into sas day sunday does that largely dry with clear skies at last coming back in behind thank you ever turn another weather update from everton in our next news hour but still ahead on this one the ruling that will see the u.s. the taliban and the afghan government investigated suspected war crimes in sport it was raining 3 days in florida in a record setting night in the n.b.a. 10 explain what that means a little bit later on. or
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drop a goofy gee chinese developers are accused of destroying a pacific power and i. want to when ace investigates on al-jazeera. al-jazeera well the charts remarkable refugee journeys from the treacherous path of sudanese singer emmanuel jal to plan an escape clause in child soldiers in the in the sixty's people music is the latest way to become like a child this is where i can get to the mountain to sign up from sierra leone place and pray there is the one thing that i know that god has gifted there is a hard drive from music and fashion on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. and from. there on the news on here at al-jazeera and these are the top stories the leaders of russia and turkey as you say made shortly in an effort to ease tensions in northern syria 2 countries a recently come close to a direct confrontation in the problems inside it did that witnesses have told obviously were russian air strikes have killed at least 15 people in farms sheltering displaced civilians many more been injured and the international air transport association i also says the industry could lose up to $113000000000.00 in
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revenue as a result of the corona virus outbreak that warning comes as countries in power. tough new restrictions on travelers. mentioned as a little bit silly ordering all schools and universities to be closed for the next 2 weeks nearly 110 people have died there one of the highest fatality right outside of china john a whole looks at the growing global health crisis. contagion is spreading quickly across europe and the world and that means anxiety as much as the covered $900.00 virus itself staff at the world's most famous museum the louvre in paris shut it down for 3 days this week demanding better protection against the virus tourists went to new used there isn't a place in the world that it's not going to get to and you can't just shut down the world you can though shut down parts of it battling europe's most prolific outbreak so far italy will close all schools and universities until mid march in an effort to stem the tide of infections and
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a rising death toll japan did the same last week and france has also ordered the closure of some schools affecting an estimated $35000.00 pupils. as dramatic for some italy's decision to hold all sporting fixtures in empty stadiums spain has done so to life across the globe is changing fast the world health organization continues to stress the importance of containment in places with few infections in the hope of delaying the spread of the disease and to give health systems time to prepare there is no doubt that things will get worse. and if the w.h.o. isn't yet prepared to declare a pandemic germany it appears is. creating a virus outbreak said the health minister has become a global pandemic amid a worldwide shortage of goggles masks and gloves germany has banned the export of medical protective gear they wanted all to be available for use at home and other
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shortages have provoked concern this time in australia. the toilet paper. some countries are taking matters steadily further india has extended the screening of passengers to all those arriving on international flights the authorities in saudi arabia have banned citizens and foreigners from making the pilgrimage to mecca in israel prime minister netanyahu suggested the common handshake be replaced by the indian greeting numbness day while italians have been asked to stop kissing and hugging with the coded 19 virus reaching more and more countries each day it is possible that no corner of the world will be spared even as european health ministers prepare to meet on friday one infection was registered inside the european council building itself not just towns and cities now but the seats of government and parliament are in its path al-jazeera. ministers from the group of
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major oil producing nations are gathering to discuss the impact of coronavirus on global markets it has all led to a sharp drop in global demand for oil saudi arabia and the other opec members are looking for russian support as they seek to cut output trying to prop up oil prices . nomic said or so with us here in studio they're looking for russian support looking for support is one thing how does it usually go down spoiler alert if anything's passed meetings are anything to go by the russians usually come in like the coverage you know at the last minute and say yeah ok we'll support this now the situation is that russia really doesn't need to have a cut in production because it's it's pretty well you know they can they can balance their budgets $42.00 a barrel cording 2 according according to the i.m.f. where a saudi arabia there are more around the $85.00 a barrel level so basically the russians don't need it but for political and geopolitical reasons they'll probably play ball at some point so russia doing
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something right at the moment that it can handle $42.00 a barrel that's number surprises me actually you know the thing is that you know saudi arabia you know if iran could comport $10.00 a barrel because of all the spending that they do around the budgets that's the reason why you know they need such a high. value on the barrels now what russia has done i mean you know this is should be some credit should go to. the president who basically when he came into power. in 1909 the valley of the valley of the russian economy was the size of belgium which was you know $195000000000.00 today it's like more or less of 1.7 trillion dollar economy and when he came into power you know the unemployment rate was at 12.5 percent now it's up 4.8 percent so he's done a lot to make sure. or that the economy is resilient and never have to get more
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resilient because of the sanctions that they've had because of invasion of crimea and exceptional crimea and obviously the trouble that they're having in the ukraine that's just come back to the oil prices as we see pictures of people getting to temperatures check for corona fire as for elevator temperatures that the opec meeting what can they hope to do out of this what i mean give us an idea as well of how much oil prices are falling at the moment and the impact it's having and what what opec will try to do absolutely so basically you know we've seen the oil prices for by 20 percent since the beginning of the beginning of the year and so you know the there there are forecasts they would say you know prices could fall to $30.00 a barrel even that could actually start to impact on the russian economy you know the bill to pay their bill to performed of about $125000000000.00 they want to spend $400000000000.00 infrastructure projects just to improve the prove the economy so there is that issue with the russians to say ok you know when he gets that level yes it's got it's going to we're going to do something but this is rather this is rather
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a crucial time as well for the airline industry as well you know as we've seen with many industries. because of the because of the shutdown in china airlines are having to curtail their flights grounding flights and you know we were expecting losses of some in the region of $29000000000.00 from from airlines most of that was predicated on the fact that you know this will be contained in asia but now we're actually seeing that you know this is a global thing and we just saw fly b. which actually fired for administration and it's likely that you know we could see the impact further afield so we could be looking at in the regional $60000000000.00 worth of revenue losses for the airlines and most of that comes from the fact you know that they have to use all of the most expensive part of their budgets and when an airplane takes off you burn through a quarter of the oil the best to keep them on the ground and like cathay pacific has done to the requests that your staff take. and the irony being they usually be happier with lower oil prices were a bit early as our economics editor thank you for that. now the international
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criminal court has decided to investigate allegations of crimes committed during the war in afghanistan these include claims of atrocities by u.s. troops by afghan forces and by the taliban and the court is to look into prisoner torture and mass killings of civilians the petition to open the cases led to u.s. president donald trump and voting in imposing a travel ban on stuff who work for the international criminal court this conflict in afghanistan of course began with the u.s. led invasion in 2001 that makes it america's longest running conflict the i.c.c. chief prosecutor. says there is evidence of torture rape and sexual violence against prisoners by u.s. troops and intelligence agencies mainly going back 220032004 that afghan security forces are suspected of torturing prisoners themselves at government detention centers she also says the taliban and other armed groups have killed more than
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17000 civilians that is just since 2009 let's put a listen to contacts with toby cabin the international human rights lawyer who specializes in the criminal courts is in our london news center thanks for your time my 1st question is why is this only happening now why is this had to go through an appeals process for this to be brought before the court what stopped it initially. well the the the problem that we have seen the preliminary examination that the prosecutor has undertaken in relation to the situation in afghanistan has has taken a number of years and that is of course deeply regrettable that it has taken so long when it came to petitioning the pretrial chamber as she's required to to to authorize her to open investigation the pretrial chamber refused to authorize her which was quite an extraordinary step a number of groups. were required or invited to get submissions
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it's notable that the us did not take part in that process but obviously there were a number of groups that are going by the way that one of the one of the problems was that there was a huge amount of pressure put on the judges from the trumpet ministration as as to steps that that he said his government would take. and so the pretrial chamber declined to authorize the prosecutor to investigate on the basis that there would be no cooperation from the united states over the afghanistan so it's quite an extraordinary step the prosecutor subsequently pilled appealed that decision. from a lot of pressure and quite rightly appealed that decision and so the chamber will tomorrow to decide whether she's authorized to open this to patients or whether they will merely up hold the pretrial chambers decision and then you have let's say
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it does happen then you have implementation dungy and this is always the catch for the international criminal court that it requires a lot of cooperation from those who are given what bad judgment don't want to cooperate. absolutely so you have from from the u.s. side a blanket refusal to cooperate and we've already seen president trumps position that is taken with those that have already been convicted. the own military the been convicted of war crimes way he has shown that he's willing to overturn those convictions and protect the military. regardless of what they've been charged with you have the afghanistan position that they say that they are already unwilling to to prosecute these cases in the national courts which is. i have to say regrettably an unrealistic. statement to make because they are not prepared you also have the the the recent peace talks with the us
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a very good with the taliban and so the argument will be made that this will interfere with the peace process with i think as any reasonable person would say justice has to play. an important if not an integral part of taste. of the peace process so so there's not going to be a huge amount of cooperation from the u.s. all from afghanistan but that in itself is not justification for allowing impunity to prevail the international criminal court was set up precisely to do with this type of situation and if the u.s. if afghan authorities refused obstruct the work of the prosecutor yes then they should they should be cited for contempt and they should be charged for obstructing justice because justice has prevailed not impunity a lot of big news happening today but i'm glad we could bring this one to light as well in the news outside the cabin joining us from london thank you. now after
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a strong performance on the super tuesday primary votes one u.s. president said vice president even joe biden's had another boost to his white house campaign has been endorsed by former new york mayor mike bloomberg who himself has dropped out of the rice and support from rob reynolds in the central us appearing confident and relaxed joe biden listed the states he won on super tuesday with victories in texas virginia north carolina arkansas alabama tennessee oklahoma. going to go to massachusetts and just sort of we heard we won maine as well i mean . like a bloomberg dropped out of the race and endorsed by offering financial and organizational support to the former vice president i've always believed that the theme donald trump starts 1000000 knighting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it and after yesterday's vote is clear that candidate is my friend and a great american joe biden. the 3 quarter $1000000000.00 price tag for his
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presidential ambitions one bluebird 0 states although he was victorious in the territory of american samoa well i think he underestimated the degree to which politically he was just not acceptable enough to a broad enough swath of democrats bernie sanders who won 4 states including california vowed to press on so the american people have got to on this lamp that this is a conflict about ideas about a record about a vision for where we go forward. and i'd like to know is a decent guy and i do not want this campaign to generate into a trump type if it were packing his trial the analysts say sanders may have peaked as a candidate and i think we're also seeing is that there is a natural limit to sanders appeal to the democratic party writ large without
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mentioning sanders by name abidin also called for civility you know what we can't let happen in the next few weeks is that this primary turning into a campaign of negative attacks the only thing that can do is help donald trump get it done do anything to help any one of the candidates who are left in the campaign to try to keep her in the ball. as for elizabeth warren her failure to win even in massachusetts the state she represents in the senate left the future of her campaign in grave doubt a campaign official said warren is assessing the path forward biden's campaign declared that he had joe mentum moving forward and he'll need that in the next phase of the contest when 6 states vote on march 10th including michigan a big industrialized midwestern state that is key to democrats hopes to unseating president trump in the fall rob reynolds al-jazeera los angeles. more than
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$60000.00 asylum seekers have been denied entry into the united states under a controversial plan nicknamed remain in mexico after wait across the southern border while their cases are processed in u.s. courts in the mexican border town of martha morris more than 2000 people are living in a tent camp waiting to hear their fate john heilemann as they're still. in the mix can bank of the rio bravo there's a tent camp of more than 2000 people over the other side the promise land the u.s. . most of from central america especially on daughters and have been here for months waiting for their asylum request to play out in a closed u.s. system before they would have been kept stateside for that long process but a year old program could n.p.p. or remain in mexico changed things since then some 60000 people have been shipped across the border and told to wait here and had only u.s.
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officials told me that i was going to a shelter in mexico with security and food that we shouldn't be scared in reality they just left us at the bridge i asked mexican migration officials where i could stay because i was with my girls wherever you want they told me if you don't find anywhere you can just stay at the bottom of the steps and eventually they found their way to a camp that's turned into a sort of village residence provide some services the mats morristown government takes care of the rubbish and international organizations and churches many from the us provide food and other essentials. they come to my tomatoes a border town known for gang violence. like many others here the chevys family hardly ever set foot outside apart from to head across the river when they have a case hearing they don't see a judge face to face even then just across the border from the camp something that's new under this u.s. administration they call and take courts and this is where. asylum seekers speak to
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judges who are elsewhere in the united states via video link up now what migrants rights advocates say is that these are quite secret and even hostile environments for asylum seekers were it becomes even more difficult for them to effectively present their cases. a study by city queues university shows that less than one percent of asylum relief requests on the m.p.p. have been approved it's not helped say migrant rights attorneys by the complications of getting legal aid in the camp so there are very few attorneys that are willing to actually come into mexico and especially in the area of met them or as a novice and i will let it go because of the level of dangerousness within within mexico itself last friday us ordered m.p.p. to hoped but then the same cool stayed the order pending fresh arguments and means that for now the policy continues to get that all of them are already if we go back
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now what are we going back to we've been threatened what's going to be our story if we go back. recently the numbers of arriving at the camp going way down but migrants right suffocates say that's only because the u.s. is now sending some asylum seekers further away still under another new program all the way to guatemala john heilemann how does it or might the motos sport after the break on the news on the west indies finally get a breakthrough on the cricket tour off sri lanka far away like the details. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such demands as a global power development investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these demands we provide business growth. promote social
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economic benefits and provide innovative safe and vironment we shall energy solutions for future generations the british pioneering future energy. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. by them both spices and that's. the 2nd of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable salmon. the father the son and the jihad. on al-jazeera.
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coffee a sport on the news hour with sarah thanks so much kemal it was a miserable night for football manager joe say marino and his top inside they suffered a shock exit from the f.a. cup while 2 of their english premier league rivals advanced to the quarterfinals so how malik reports. this is not be much to smile about lately in the blue and white half of north london early on against north in the f.a. cup 5th round yonder trying to lift the gloom for tottenham we've lost the last 3 games in all competitions going into this match but despite the one the lead josie marino side failed to dominate the premier league's bottom team who eventually equalized with just over 10 minutes to go to send the game into extra time i. neither side could get the win and the additional 30 minutes i so it went to
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penalties. by this point disaster struck for spurs. the missed 3 spot kicks. keep the team to perform in the road sonority who took the shootout 32 to advance and pile on further misery to josie radio's beleaguered team . you know we've got problems to solve but yeah we only stick together in a mentality that seems good just like you to concede. manchester city had a much better night than spurs the holders be 2nd to decide sheffield wednesday one minute thanks to said you were where. despite being set to lose their premier league crown to liverpool city could still end the season with 2 major crotons less the city also into the last 8 they left in late to beat birmingham city one nil with ricardo pereira getting the win on 82 minutes. to win keep the foxes in the hunt for a 1st of an f.a.
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cup title so hell molly is either. paris asian men are through the french cup final staying on track for a domestic trouble kilian and bobby scored a hat trick in claiming this incredible goal leaving his side has changed to a file one thrashing of leon i'll take on holder's ran or sent a t.n. and next sponsor final. i'll just grace former you a for president michel platini has failed to clear his name at the european court of human rights erode that his 4 year ban from the game issued in 2015 was justified but genie is accused of accepting a $2000000.00 unexplained payment from then see for president sepp blatter in 2011 the frenchman has already completed his suspension but wants to prove his innocence the 64 year old has suggested he would like to return to football in some way. british cycling team in ios are temporarily withdrawing from racing after the death of their sports director nicholas partout and the uncertainty surrounding
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coronavirus died at the age of 40 on choose day team in yost was due to compete in italy's strad young advance on saturday 14th in total now withdrawn from the competition due to the virus outbreak telling races face potential cancellation after the country announced on wednesday it was ordering all sporting events to take place hina closed doors. although he was olympic organizers along with the international olympic committee say canceling or delaying the games due to a coronavirus is not being considered it's good news for athletes including world champion high jumper. bar shame a catteries a favorite to win gold in japan some other sporting events are taking place behind closed doors without spectators are told al jazeera he hopes that doesn't happen at the olympics i think to take so much of the joy and the beauty of sports go sport need to be celebrated on the filled with people with audience you know to interact
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with the reaction from people and the support we get from the people on the job we give them it's a big very very special relationship is a big part of sport that cannot be taken away oh i don't watch the field rather it feels like more like training you know i don't want to go to the biggest event. coming to compete with an audience of the people of the end of the day health is the most important and whatever decision i mean the i.o.c. or the people that's in charge to make sure that we are safe and healthy with it. it was a historic night in the n.b.a. as my me he'd set a franchise scoring record with 223 pointers is the the orlando magic duncan robinson scored 27 all from the 3 point range he's become the 1st player in the league to have to 1st house with at least 7 threes this season miami beating orlando 116 to 113. of the west indies be sri lanka in their teeth when the series
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opener lendl simmons was a key man for the tour is having an unbeaten 67 as of when he's finished on 196 for 4 in replied the rare would do some damage with the bat for sri lanka hooking the ball into his home crowd their hope left them when andre russell ended pereira's on 66 the hosts all out 25 runs short. and they are through to the women's t 20 world cup final for the 1st time they got there in unusual circumstances their semifinal in sydney against england was washed out it is women go through after qualifying for the semi's is group winners england will runners up in their pool and are now out. ok and that is all your sport for now come all back tomorrow thank you more support from far in the 3rd you know 100 g.m.t. news are also you for that part is up next with your latest news. when
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the news breaks the word awful was altered with the aims of getting weapons going to presentation and economic development when people who need to be heard the top leadership world where of the potential for verity of the virus weeks before the public were told of the dangers al-jazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continuous advanced was this is a good day to bring you more award winning documentaries and life means. americans live side by side in 2 parallel universes the trouble parts of america
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are getting trampy or there is a poll out a few weeks ago that you had almost 30 percent americans believing they were on the cusp of civil war both sides accuse each other of doing things that are so blatantly wrong the bottom line on us politics and policies a matter of fact on the world. when a prime minister takes a lump of coal into his own parliament that coal means a lot to the country's fortunes we bring you the stories and developments that the market need changing the world we live in. breaks it was a slogan that whatever the problem is the course jokes and counting the cost on al-jazeera.
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turkey says it's sending a 1000 troops to the border to stop greek authorities pushing migrants by. meanwhile the leaders of turkey and russia are meeting in moscow is fighting in northwest syria threatens to drag them into direct conflict. of about i'm having a heads in and this is al-jazeera mali from doha also coming up the financial cost of the coronavirus site breaks serjeants the airline industry is looking at more than $100000000000.00 in losses. placing in libya has made.
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