tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 5, 2020 7:00pm-7:34pm +03
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the russian and turkish presidents meet to discuss the fighting in northwest syria which threatens to drag them into a direct conflict. i'm kinda now this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. we could see the effects on revenues exceed 100000000000. u.k. airline collapses and there are predictions more will follow the drone a virus outbreak strikes critical sectors of the global economy. u.s. senator elizabeth warren who was once seen as the front runner has dropped out of the rights to become the democratic nominee for president. this is
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a truly breathtaking action play on account of political institution masquerading as a legal body. u.s. secretary of state slams the international criminal court to stop the agreements to take up a case surrounding alleged atrocities in afghanistan. the president of turkey and russia are meeting in moscow to diffuse the escalating tensions in syria president vladimir putin expressed his condolences for the deaths of turkish troops killed there last week and said the syrian government was not aware of their location the 2 countries that backed opposing sides in the conflict and recently came close to a direct confrontation and in a province in northern syria turkey is trying to push back government forces who are supported by russia. well inside it live witnesses have told al jazeera that russian air strikes have killed at least 15 people in farms sheltering displaced
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say civilians many more are injured. will go in a bit to talk about the situation on the ground in the turkish view of those talks he's in the turkish syrian border but 1st let's go to step vasant who's in moscow step just tell us what is russia's position going into these talks what is it hoping will happen as a result. well came the talks are taking much longer than. they're already talking now for 5 hours that shows how difficult these talks are of course both leaders are now pressed into some kind of compromise what putin wants is basically an agreement that he can basically still keep his coalition with syria with assad and also keep this partnership with the one with turkey how does the meeting you said nothing should
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come in the way of or relationship and actually called a relationship at its peak right now and says that it should develop even further and also saying that he trusts that some kind of tension release will come after this meeting but that of course are all friendly talks on the ground we have a very different situation we know that the both the army or for russia and turkey are at a very dangerous confrontation right now which could completely ask elate if these talks here fail so there's a lot at stake and what we are expecting is not a solution to the conflict because the positions of turkey and russia are quite far apart russia still accuses turkey of not complying to the sochi 2018 agreement which meant that they had to demilitarize this armed militants in that area but also turkey is accusing russia of backing syria who has attacked turkish post in
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that area which were the result of the starchy agreement so both positions are very far apart but what we are expecting and many people are hoping for is at least some kind of cease fire which could bring some release to the very dire humanitarian situation which is happening there right now on the ground thanks for that steadfast and there live from moscow let's get the turkish perspective now how about it joins us live from the time. tell us what is anxious position going into these talks what concessions will i'm going to be willing to make if any. will turkey kim would like to see a ceasefire implemented soon followed by the implementation of this over buffer zone to protect the borders of the turkish border along with the save zone that would pave the way for civilians to return home no it remains to be seen what kind of concessions the turkish government is going to get today from the russians
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particularly about the death of the of the of the buffer zone to you has been talking about something like 30 kilometer deep from the border area now just to give you an indication about how this is quite a delicate moment for all the parties and particularly for turkey activists are telling us the fighting has intensified now around the city of stark at the strategic city of sirte archive the city now is under the control of the syrian government backed by russia it's quite crucial for the party because it is located all the and 5 of them for the highways but the rebels seem to be willing this time to claim it back and this would show you that the rebels backed by turkey are willing to push the syrian army further south to be able to ensure that. buffer zone before a cease fire is announced if putin managed to come to an agreement tonight in
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moscow the big if indeed we will be monitoring those talks for now though about a life from how time or while all of this is happening the taggers government is deploying a special police force to its northwestern border with greece thousands of people trying to get to greece and both areas in unca opened its side of the border last week the e.u. says that a bid to pressure the bloc into supporting turkish military operations in syria's in the province of turkey is denied this special forces are being deployed to stop people from being being fanned back. we got a bit of a gossip column from now on from the smalling there will be some special security forces on the border they will be fully equipped and they will be preventing the pushback of migrants they will also provide inflatable boats and this is within the international more. the international air transport association says the airline industry could lose up to $113000000000.00 in revenue as
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a result of the corona virus outbreak the warning comes as more countries impose restrictions on travel is it could be. we see. all of the countries with cases of more than 10. develop in a much more serious way along the lines that we've seen happening in china in which case we could see the effects on revenues exceed 100000000000 round about 19 percent of global passenger revenue so this would be a revenue shock equivalent to what was seen in the global financial crisis british airline flight b. has collapsed after sales were hit by the coronavirus are break the airlines grounded all flights and is telling passengers not to go to the airport unless they've made other arrangements the carrier had already been struggling financially but the outbreak tipped it over the edge or across the globe governments are amping
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up their response to the corona virus outbreak 2 of the worst hit countries italy and iran have both close schools and universities and south africa has confirmed its 1st case let's go for me to miller who's in johannesburg from a to what more do we know. well so far the minister of health here has said that the 1st case of the corona virus in south africa was detected after a 30 older man the to his old man travel to italy on his return to south africa he became ill and he was then diagnosed about 3 days later after visiting his own doctor so since then both that man and the doctor as well as his immediate family have been put in isolation and i think for many south africans the concern is that despite the government saying they've been prepared and that they have the situation under control it seems that the specialty was able to travel through
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screenings at the main airport in south africa and return home to durban in the course of the natal province so of course many questions have been raised just about how already the government is exactly what happens next the government of so far said that they do plan to they have indeed placed a team in cause of natal to trace anyone that this man has been in contact with the world health organization has said it's also a sent a team to south africa to assist the government to deal with this 1st case of the coronavirus take that from a military live with the latest from johannesburg or from toronto explains the method the iranian government is using to try and get on top of the hour break. the health ministry released america on twitter the spokesman released a map that showed how the virus emanated from a comb sort of in the center of the country out to the rest of the nation and it
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really looks like the tentacles of an octopus sort of engulfing the country and that's really what we're seeing in iran experiencing the death toll is at $107.00 the total number of cases more than 3550 new deaths since yesterday 500 new cases confirmed since yesterday and the health ministry has taken a number of steps one of the things they've suggested to people today is to stop using cash now it remains to be seen or it really is unclear how much of a vector cash is but certainly it changes hands so with germs that would be on a hard currency but iran is already a country that is very tilted towards the use of cards and digital transactions to create conduct any sort of financial business having said that banks are raising the ceiling and the sort of digital transaction or a.t.m. withdrawals that customers can make they're also sending messages to customers to offer them rewards points and other reward systems to try to encourage them to use
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digital transactions instead of hard cash schools and public events various public venues universities cinemas theaters that were shut 2 weeks ago those closures by government order yet again if it's been extended another 2 weeks taking us into the persian new year taking us well into april after the holidays and they are likely to continue to be remain close that's what many people are expecting here. is that florida has ended her bid to be the democratic nominee for the u.s. president sapience according to u.s. media she had a disappointing result on super tuesday but has just had her best of a month fund raising that's right now to call her the washington patty super tuesday really was the death knell for campaign. it really was of after super tuesday she just simply had no path to the nomination so we were hearing reports that she is in fact going to drop out is going to call with her campaign team in the next few minutes the big question now is is she going to endorse one of the 2
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viable candidates left in the race either former vice president joe biden or vermont senator vermont senator bernie sanders now if you look at her policies she aligns much more closely with bernie sanders she's a progressive that said she's been very clear in that she thinks that he wouldn't necessarily be able to enact his agenda if he does make it to the white house and when it comes to vice president joe biden he made it clear 4 years ago if he was going to run for the nomination he had every intention of asking her to be his vice presidential candidate that seems less likely now if you back it's the nomination there's a lot of pressure to diversify the ticket with someone much younger and has potentially someone a person of color but this could matter because this is still a very close race not just in terms of bernie sanders and vice president biden it it's close in terms of delegates and sanders has earned 50 delegates over the course of this race if it gets close if it gets to a brokered convention those 50 delegates could matter so what she decides to do
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either support or not support indoors or not endorse one other thing to keep in mind is in 2016 when bernie sanders was running she endorsed hillary clinton for president so not at all clear which way shall go but this is why this was widely expected after she has a she simply had no path to the nomination and even when her home state of massachusetts started out as a very big and very diverse field is now essentially marriage down to a 2 man race thank you that is protocol in there live from washington d.c. . still to come here on al-jazeera officials in the philippines say they're worried about having a haven for crime syndicate showing that we'll have more on their investigation. and if things don't go along kind of a crisis after its worst day of tornadoes. i
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was still got some rather wet weather into southern parts of china at the moment see this long line of clabbered stretches out of it was to part actually need for that rounds a little hook there deep area of low pressure still some blustery conditions for northern parts of japan as we go through friday but it's an improving picture that will pull out of the way temperatures don't change too much but the winds fold a lot lighter so it's going to feel decidedly more comfortable about what's the weather into southern china will push up towards south korea towards q she's of apostle but to the north of that it is generally going to stay settled a lot he settled to post more than positive china beijing around 50 degrees celsius and pleasant sunshine coming through have present sunshine just around the good parts of india china northern parts of the philippines not faring too badly but you can see the thick of cloud there to central southern parts of the philippines and this shows will become a little more widespread here as because through friday and on into saturday
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usually spite of the 3 malaysia into indonesia what is too shallow is to just into the fosse of thailand want to show is just a part of sri lanka at the moment but long spells of rain so winter weather to spelling out to pakistan northern parts of india with the risk of some flooding. but. al-jazeera goes beneath the waves with a team of women determined to save the. told friends we all share the same is going to be limited because i think louis bisected amazing outing was using a variety of scientific techniques to train to study their behavior we can monitor them and report their both old photos and behavior were able to how they're adapting to their new environment women make science dolphin sanctuary on al-jazeera.
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what you all just there are a reminder of our top stories are the presidents of turkey and russia a meeting in moscow to try and defuse tensions in syria president putin expressed his condolences for the deaths of turkish troops killed there last week. he goble aviation watchdog says the industry could lose more than $100000000000.00 in revenue as a result of the corona virus outbreak. and senator elizabeth warren has ended her bid to be the democratic nominee for the u.s. presidency 42 us media she had a disappointing result on super tuesday but has just had her best ever run for fundraising. the international criminal court has decided to investigate
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allegations of crimes committed during the war in afghanistan these include kinds of atrocities by u.s. troops afghan forces and the taliban and the court is to look into prisoner torture and mass killings of civilians the petition to open the cases led to u.s. president trump imposing a travel ban on staff who work for the course. of the conflict in afghanistan began with the u.s. led invasion in 2001 making it america's longest running conflicts i.c.c. chief prosecutor photog and soda says there's evidence of torture rape and sexual violence against prisoners by u.s. troops and intelligence agencies maybe between 20032004 that afghan security forces are suspected of torturing prisoners at government detention centers she also says the taliban and other armed groups have killed more than 17000 civilians since 2009. toby cadman is an international human rights lawyer who also
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specializes in the criminal courts he says those being accused cannot act with impunity you have from from the u.s. side a blanket refusal to cooperate and we've already seen president trumps position that he's taken with those that have already been convicted. and military being convicted of war crimes where he has shown that he's willing to overturn those convictions and protect the military regardless of what they've been charged with you have the afghanistan position that they say that they are are ready and willing to to prosecute these cases in the national courts which is. i have to say regrettably an unrealistic. statement to make because they are not prepared you also have the the the recent peace talks that the us a very good with the taliban and so the argument will obviously be made that this will interfere with the peace process where i think as any reasonable person would
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say justice has to play. an important if not an integral part of the peace process so so there's not going to be a huge amount of cooperation from the u.s. or from afghanistan but that in itself is not justification for allowing impunity to prevail the international criminal court was set up precisely to deal with this type of situation u.s. secretary of state my pump has strongly condemned the i.c.c. his decision this is a truly breathtaking action by an unaccountable political institution masquerading as a legal body. it's all the more reckless for this ruling to come just days after you know it's a sign historic peace deal on afghanistan which is the best chance for peace in a generation the united states is not a party to the i.c.c. we will take all necessary measures to protect our citizens from this renegade unlawful so-called court gaza self ministry says at least 12 people have died after
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an explosion at a bakery sparked a huge fire. the fire spread through nearby shops and homes in the. refugee camp at least 53 people were injured more than a dozen are in a critical condition fire crews and ambulances rushed to the side to try to help others the technical fault of the bakery is blamed for the explosion. saddam's transitional government is being urged to investigate last year's killing of pro-democracy demonstrators the u.s. based ngo physicians for human rights blamed sudan security forces for the deaths of 241 people what's become known as the june 3rd massacre it happened 2 months after president omar bashir was removed many of the student protesters demanding democracy were health care workers the report says security forces fired into hospitals and tortured civilians as well as carrying out gender based attacks the physicians group is calling on u.n.
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member states and the african union to sanction the sudanese officials who are responsible and i'm organising the sudanese couple concern for us she says protesters won't see the revolution is over until there's accountability. well i'll just 0 was banned from reporting we were in hutton when the attack on the set in happened and we do remember hearing the gunshots opened on protesters at. the sets in which was not far from where we were and we also heard from friends from people who are at the site and who ran for their lives and went into hospitals about how they were targeted we heard from physicians how they were not able to access hospitals to provide health care so the report does match up to what we experienced on june 3rd and let's not forget that it was not only in her tomb there were other systems around the various capitals in different states in the country and they also experienced attacks by security forces now it's worth noting that the prime
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minister 3 months after he was appointed in august last year set up a committee to investigate that committee was supposed to produce results within the 1st 3 months but it asked for an extension which according to the laws that it was set up with it was allowed to do we had a chat with the head of the committee just a few days back and he said that he may require another extensions this comes at a time when we see monthly protests people on the streets demanding justice demanding accountability and saying that they will not consider the revolution over we see monthly vigils being held by the protesters on the route of the army headquarters and they're saying that unless justice is achieved then their revolution is not complete libya's conflict has forced flights to be redirected to misrata the only functioning airport in tripoli was targeted on monday nearly $300.00 civilians have been killed by rockets or airstrikes since wardak began its campaign to seize the capital. that has more now from misrata.
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with forces loyal to warlord khalifa haftar targeting with seagate ports in tripoli virtually every day all flights to and from western libya are now being conducted from here misrata airport which is around a 3 hour drive from the capital now all foreign airlines stopped operating all flying to and from libya around 5 years ago i spoke to a pilot with a libyan airline last night who refused to go on camera but he described the experience of flying into tripoli in recent months as having been terrifying and that's despite increased communication with government forces trying to protect the airport on the ground. this is a recent rocket attack on tripoli by help his forces a number of civilians were injured when some of the rockets landed in the neighborhood an aircraft belonging to the libyan airline el afriqiyah which was parked near the runway at maty port was hit by shrapnel from exploding rockets on
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monday no one was injured misrata airport is now having to serve up to 5000 passengers a day a 10 fold increase since mitzi gav pool was closed. of course misrata airport is not capable of handling this amount of flights but we're doing everything we can to make things run as smooth as possible. most of these passages would use a fly from a cheek before it was shot and there's the cause how i have friends who are in matija airport when rockets hit they describe absolute chaos and fear just imagine a place like this and bombs start falling around you you'd probably never want to travel again the interior minister for the un backed government 40 bashar has said that the international community is not doing enough to punish half the fatah getting civilian areas in tripoli including with sea port the show has warned that the un backed government very soon have little choice but to change its military
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strategy from a defensive one into an offensive one in order to push off this forces by trial stuff without 0 misrata. the philippine senate is investigating a certain crimes involving chinese nationals working in the offshore gaming industry government officials say they fear the philippines is at risk of becoming a haven for criminal syndicates from china to me but i'm no going to ports from manila. philippines senator richard gordon says crimes are being committed in the philippines by chinese mainland nationals and here yes percent ing what he says is evidence of how residential homes in manila are being used for illegal long lange gambling operations this video shows that these 50 chinese nationals are riving at one house late at night the philippine government allows online gambling companies to operate on their special licenses calling them philippine offshore gaming operators pogos but less than half of them do not pay the required franchise tax to
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the government. and hundreds work like this. in secret which law enforcers here admit is difficult to monitor other senators are also linking offshore gaming operations to a growing number of crimes they say billions of dollars in cash is flowing into the country through money laundering a. customs agent say more than $200000000.00 have been brought in over the last 5 months more than half by chinese nationals human trafficking and prostitution are also on the rise police say almost $200.00 women have been rescued from prostitution more than 170 of them are chinese nationals who were trafficked into the country there's also been a sharp rise in what they describe as casino related kidnappings and more there's more than 90 percent of those involved also came from china we were.
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right we don't want a. war we are sure. as i'm sure our. police reject those allegations and cases that are reported to us. appropriate operations were conducted and suspects were arrested. all of the victims are chinese nationals senator say thousands of people are now staying in the country undetected and without proper working permits but president toledo the 3rd his administration has defended the proliferation of chinese online gambling operations he says the country is benefiting through an increase in jobs and higher real estate values but many disagree. senators are asking the deterrent to administration to close all chinese online gambling operations they say over $100.00 are without permits
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a deeply disturbing trend they say with the risks clearly outweighing the claimed economic benefits dogon al-jazeera manila. he has a new prime minister who is promising to deal with a grinding economic and political crisis the president's war and joseph druce who is the 4th prime minister in 3 years has been months of on rest in the island nation of a corruption that a lack of jobs parliamentary elections due in october when all the helps and president in other ways has been moving by to crease since january. dozens of people have been killed including 5 children after a series of tornadoes tore through the u.s. state of tennessee several people are still believed to be missing has the latest. amy and darryl janine say their home was the only one spared in their neighborhood as a tornado brought widespread destruction their home east of the city of nashville became
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a shelter and that's all you could hear is just people screaming throughout the neighborhood and we ended up with a house full of muddy people in their pajamas. i think we did in the collection point because we were the only house standing dozens of people were killed in their homes across tennessee the youngest was just 2 years old in the capital of country music in the u.s. celebrities took to social media to voice their support to those that really lost family members i'm sorry about that in our prayers with you and so just wanted to shout out and say we're with you. schools prisons and airports were also damaged neighbors here say they're relying on each other to get back on their feet. one of the little girls is the ones next door she said i don't want to leave the house that stayed up and that just it was like that's why our house stayed up because they needed a place to go the tornadoes were the worst to hit tennessee in 7 years and it
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remains in a state of emergency leo harding al-jazeera. the sounds there and these are the top stories the president of turkey and russia making a moscow to try and defuse tensions in syria president putin expressed his condolences for the deaths of turkish troops killed it last week. inside it live witnesses have told algis there that russian air strikes have killed at least 15 people in farms sheltering displaced civilians many more are injured while all that is happening the turkish government is deploying a special police force to its northwestern border with greece thousands of people trying to get into the e.u. since under opened its side of the border last week what the block says is an attempt to pressure it into supporting turkish military operations in eclipse. but of course from now on from the smalling there will be some special security forces
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on the border they will be fully equipped and they will be preventing the pushback of migrants they will also provide inflatable boats and this is within the international more the global aviation watchdog says the industry could lose more than $100000000000.00 in revenue as a result of the corona virus outbreak countries are imposing tough restrictions on travelers coming from places worst affected by the virus. it could be. we see. all of the countries with cases of more than. develop in a much more serious way along the lines that we see happening in china in which case we could see the effects on revenues exceed 100000000000 read about 19 percent of global passenger revenue so this would be a revenue shock equivalent to what was seen in the global financial crisis
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senator elizabeth warren has ended her bid to be the democratic nominee for the u.s. presidency according to u.s. media who had a disappointing result on super tuesday even though her campaign raised the most funds in the past month. the international criminal court has decided to investigate allegations of crimes committed during the war in afghanistan these include claims of atrocities by u.s. troops afghan forces and the taliban and the court is looking into prisoner torture and mass killings of civilians u.s. secretary of state mike pump aoe has strongly condemned the i.c.c. decision. those are the headlines stay with us though the news continues here on al-jazeera after women make science.
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