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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 6, 2020 11:00am-11:34am +03

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i will try our best to tell them what's happening in the east in kiev and alibi in africa and i couldn't be more proud to be out of the in. the area and. it's tense but mostly calm and serious idlib province after a cease fire agreed by turkey and russia takes effect seriously fred adler bar among refugees who say they feel like political pawns stuck and don't want to it's only used borders. my of i'm home he didn't and this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up japan faces anger over its decision to impose coronavirus travel restrictions on visitors
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from china and south korea and hope violence and protests over a controversial citizenship will of left thousands homeless in india. my. hope people in syria's edward province are describing a tense calm in the largely rebel held region after a cease fire sic affects turkey that backs opposition forces brokered the deal with russia. to the syrian government's president richard so i've heard one and blood amir peretz integrate the deal during hours of talks in moscow on thursday they said there was stablish a 12 kilometer wide security corridor along edwards m 4 highway that connects the government stronghold of latakia with syria's largest city aleppo where rival forces have been fighting for control of the m 4 and m 5 highways for months now
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the town of seraing has been at the center of this because whoever controls it has access. 2 motorways and gains crucial military and economic advantages for the red series of this map are in government control those and green are or position territory and this is the joint security corridor that turkey and russia have agreed to establish all sin and joins me live from the turkey syria border at the job because you crossing. seas far has now been established appears to be holding for no. yes for now it appears to be holding but of course when it comes to a cease fire and. everything is the pentagon dollars because the latest cease fire before this one the previous one i mean on the lasted less than 24 hours so we
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don't know what's going to happen on the ground as there are very different factions and on both sides both the syrian government side plus the opposition side yes turkey and most of all they are differing they are supporting the opposite sides in. about they have a common understanding about some main issues however there are factions inside the syrian government army and also there are fighters backed by iran fighting on the same side with the syrian government forces who over who actually were a killer to solve unmanipulated in this ceasefire before this and also on the opposition side yes there is the turkish army and the turkish backed rebels but there are some other rebel groups who are not that's. actually let's say supportive to the ceasefire for now the reactions from inside i mean among the opposition
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there is no reaction everyone is quiet but today is friday and for syria for many asian countries for fridays are important especially after the friday prayers. which is in a couple of hours there are demonstrations and and since there is because of the cease fire agreement there are no airstrikes civilians are expected to attend participate in those stomach ration the most ration is we don't know whether it's going to be a very some of the most ration but of course we will be hearing what the civilians inside syria in the are thinking about this because cease fires. are the parties agree on cease fires but unless it is permanent it doesn't work although there is one expectation it's going to ease the pressure on the turkish border but the turkish official say. the refugee policy of turkey hasn't changed which means turkey it will not stop the syrian refugees or any other
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afghan pakistani refugees if from crossing from turkey to europe more on the 2nd but from our sin of course the olu live for us in the turkey syria border thank you very much indeed well as we were hearing there from sin i am so miserable and are among tens of thousands of people who are trying to cross from turkey into the european union but trying to enter through greece and bulgaria but say they have been met by violence rubber bullets and tear gas and so i'm sure going to reports from a day or nay. the wind sliced through copes the cold left fingers numb it the syrian refugees from it live along with other migrants have been camped out on this riverbank in a dern a turkey for days they're stuck here trying to figure out how best to cross into greece and continue on to western europe to fund the good life i'm still young but
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i have to of course on the level of my life here. of course in this situation that's. what i love and i think to. get a good country before late in the day as the wind picked up police officers walked through the tents and clusters of people telling them they could take buses to a warm place suspicion spread as fast as the wind gusts only them we just think it was not able to we weren't be taking buses because they take us to the rev and they will give us to the creeks they take all our belongings and money and be tests and they will send us back we human beings not animals the turkish minister of interior has announced $1000.00 members of turkey's special police forces are deploying to the merge river border with greece this is an effort to prevent greek troops from pushing back migrants who reached the country by boat the interior minister says greece tried to send 4900 people back to turkey and injured 164 give
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it military anger limit we will not provide an opportunity for the maltreatment of the people there i would like to express that we've taken the necessary measures to protect our borders from a push back and to prevent several attempts by greece which were in violation of the international. the greek government has not responded to the accusations but it's deployed additional troops along its side of the border refugees say greece is just a transit point for them many like ibrahim have crossed. into the country and been deported back to turkey with awful memories ibrahim says a few days ago greek police shot him in the knee with a rubber bullet and beat him on the militant women a tired man a tired we're all tired brother please open the gate as miserable as these refugees are they're more anguished about their loved ones back in it live at least in
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turkey they have found a refuge from a 9 year war in syria. al-jazeera adderley turkey and you personal storm is brewing between south korea and japan over coronavirus quarantine measures japan's prime minister has imposed a mandatory quarantine on over sitters from south korea and china but so has protested against that calling for it to be revoked and morning it may launch countermeasures it's also protested against similar restrictions and forced by vietnam and singapore south korea has more than 6000 confirmed cases local color new corn team for visitors from both countries will be strengthened and the be required to be quantified 2 weeks of the location designated by the quarantine director to be asked to refrain from using public transportation in the country. will rip mcbride has more from software he says the coronavirus is rekindled all disputes. increasingly south korea is feeling like
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a pariah nation and it puts up with it largely it does object to some of these travel restrictions but it does accept grudgingly that for a lot of countries especially developing countries they simply cannot afford 2 important outbreak of coronavirus from south korea they don't have the medical resources to deal with such an outbreak but there's a feeling here that japan is a big sophisticated country it has the kind of medical services you need to keep travel going to have in place screening rather than taking a draconian measure such as a complete ban like this south korea is already struggling economically with this with this outbreak it's going to have dire consequences for later on this year putting in place bearish budgetary measures to deal with it but japan is such an important trading partner this is going to cause further economic pain this is what south korea's prime minister had to say about it. yesterday the japanese government
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imposed a measure practically blocking the entry of all our citizens to japan we find the speed reticle and the japanese government to withdraw such an excessive and reasonable measure immediately our government will devise a proper counter measure against japan's measures. south korea's national security council has met friday to consider its response and it has talked about following a principle of receipt reciprocity which would seem to indicate that it is possibly considering exactly the same kind of ban in retaliation that should cause concern for the international community because of course it faces this global public health crisis and 2 of the most important partners in tackling that japan and south korea seem to be taking the gloves off and getting stuck into age old animosities. it's also spread to bethlehem and though the israeli military isn't allowing people
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in or out still the occupied west bank city palestinian president mahmoud abbas earlier declared a state of emergency after confirmation of 7 cases tourists and pilgrims are banned from the area for the next 2 weeks the church of the nativity revered among christians as the birthplace of jesus is among the sites that are being cool stuff you know abraham is in ramallah and she says palestinians are worried about whether hospitals and clinics will be able to cope with an i break. well i can tell you driving this morning to the office from a less sounded more like over looked like a ghost town it's a friday it's a weekend usually not many people are out on the streets on this hour of the morning but you could definitely see the effects of the declaration made late on thursday by the palestinian prime minister mohammed to stay he said that all educational facilities more churches parks will be closed for a month in an attempt to contain the spread of the virus the 7 cases remain in
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a hotel in bethlehem they were infected after a tourist delegation was in that hotel we've seen some protests in jericho actually in the west bank trying to prevent some of those patients from going there so you can sense a state of panic palestinians are scared whether their institutions is going to be able to deal with that situation particularly their day your under israeli occupation but what we know for now is that limited movement is going to be happening between palestinian cities for a month the palestinian prime minister told person is to be a waiting for more instructions the church of nativity remains closed all tourist. reservations have been cancelled and to kind of control who really goes and comes to the palestinian territory as we know it is under israeli occupation and
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they don't have control over their borders. still to come on al-jazeera. i will not be running for president 20 but i feel. i will stay and fight. another democratic candidate dropsonde leaving just 2 major players in the race for democratic presidential nominee. will meet the specialist a rookie police force from down remnants. of. hello and welcome to international weather forecast as we look at the satellite picture for europe the main features this area of low pressure centered over germany at the moment quite slow moving to we've got another frontal system towards the west more not in a moment but this low pressure center is likely to give
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a brace of rain across much of germany through netherlands and belgium and elsewhere we've got some snow across the balkans so some heavy snow northern parts of or banya through into montenegro meanwhile out across more western areas a bit of a rest by in the u.k. from the rain we saw a fairly brisk wind coming in through the bay of biscay driving some snow into the pyrenees which is obviously quite welcome at this time of the year and then as we head into the weekend we're seeing this weather system begin to push in towards northwestern parts of the u.k. some fairly brisk winds developing ahead of it meanwhile across other parts of europe weather conditions looking for the quite a more central area still very warm in moscow there temperatures up at 9 degrees celsius and i generally unsettled spell of weather across the balkans mowbray's a fairly heavy rain deede some snow at higher elevations as you move into northern and central parts of africa plenty of showers around the gulf of guinea region but you'll notice further north we're going to see some strong winds a big change in temperature triply seen temperatures drop by almost 12 degrees.
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when they're on line like the other government get one of the worst grabs to bring her media about freeing up credit or if you join us on sanctuaries a different issue diversity and inclusion and overseas sometimes isn't always sincere based is a dialogue sanctions on the ways in which they're applied to iran are an act of warfare everyone has a voice we as a society that is so quick to get to blame need to just sit down and listen join the global conversation on al-jazeera. home. my.
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guess is al-jazeera a reminder over our top stories this hour a tense calm appears to be holding in syria's edward province after a cease fire came into the facts it was brokered by russia and turkey after days of fighting the bones pushed the countries to war direct confrontation hundreds of refugees and migrants are gathering near the turkey greece border that's after ankara said are no longer stop them trying to enter the e.u. . and so career is protesting against a coronavirus travel restriction on its citizens visiting japan tokyo and i still face a 2 week mandatory quarantine certainly as more than 6000 cold virus cases. but as hopkins university in the u.s. is tracking the i prayed based on w.h.o. figures and infection was released by the governments themselves the big red circles over china and the virtue of the viral epicenter would indicate were most cases are right side asia the major concentrations in the middle east mainly iran
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and europe chiefly it's really over almost 100000 people have caught the corona virus 55000 or so have recovered and 3300 have died while it's gone i'd say the chinese epicenter was han which shone with its surrounding province remains in lockdown joining us from there is rather to the karna medical student who's been under quarantine an apartment since january 20 seconds thank you so much for speaking to us here on al-jazeera you've been on the korean scene for looks like all 6 weeks now what on earth is like life like. where your eye can you hear as or how to account. you know i can hear you ok i was i was just saying that this story in the news programs appears have moved on
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from china but it's very easy to forget that people like yourself are still under quarantine in the city overall han just give us a sense what life is like for you right now i. strolled in you know what i'm going. to go to 5. and now we are gone and found the equivalent of bunk and he's you know. we have tried to reach our goal to go on the executive try to tell. immigration but in response we have got nothing could response is our most 0 from our quote from him basically and apart from there to. cheney's government that sort of thing war. they're going to control the situation what we saw in our most. is decreasing day about who did it and because of another this news will be
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controlled by someone shovel i hope so cheney's people today are going be a biggest bitch and use google india the best but we have all been. disappointed from the august article from the blog is that you know and you could almost no response from them far out what they were going to ship i mean that must be terrible john returned to sec me sick for 4 to 6 weeks that you've been left in quarantine no help from your government do you feel abandoned that's all. exactly exactly how we. are dick cheney and sort of to pull out of this on the best extensibility is they are trying to get based on kind of who is too poor and working with came. from people in the chain are functionally as people who
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from the school. who work here are. just dying and he will be in a lot of what the last 4 or 5 days and there's not possible for him to stay here and one place for their loss or definitely. real big time going for the last 40 to 45 years. of the mine are the most on the students they are. they're here been kind of here been a kind of street the obstacle argue the. going to grow you can do some so it's really the issue for all of us well absolutely and you touched on not there the fact that you're so isolated people are encouraged to stay in their own rooms and yet people are we're social animals we need human contact
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just give us a sense if you would say how was that impacting on you and your friends. exactly. on the last almost 3 hour of $78.75 students really even here in the stand and none of us when you're so far. no one will be in fact there are none of us is. good on our hands and we got her saying these things and think about a girl in the fields who have not infected you can keep us in a quote unquote in one quadrant if you want and still your father bill will quit until you. realize. we can go dear and he can stay there for the call and clean and our day is the. same the.
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light it goes on all innocent that you know. and they are going to go into enduring the same thing the people who. keep a little bit on the pakistani people and they're coming from there are coming around the airport didn't go hunting for the came to 40 years of. getting in the clear day and there don't go. there lead them go to pakistan. saying the same things you can't look us in a corner and if we are clear if you know. if we want to leave you. should look at school or country but you say ok well ride to the car and thank you so much for sharing your story and your experience and we do hope that you get the help you need very soon thank you. thank you so.
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it's other news now in india's capital far as been made homeless after the recent rioting over a controversial citizenship law homes were torched and more than 50 people died in the fighting between muslim groups opposed to the war and hindus has withdrawn and has spoken to some of those who've been displaced the her for the last 10 days after fleeing their home with their 6 children robina and early her son have returned to see what's left of it robina says they fled when they saw groups of men setting houses on fire and the most awful bad neighborhood got to name out of nothing of ours as we just took our children and ran for our lives. there were. the family is one of at least 1700 that have been displaced in northeast delhi. and are there moderates or i don't know how my children will continue these studies everything we have worked for is destroyed i just want all of this to be our ever
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and to start a new life robina and her family have been staying with relatives others are taking shelter at this nearby relief camp that's been set up by student and civil society groups around 500 people are staying here everyone has a story including these cousins alfie and upset or oh my when we were running away they were throwing stones and that's when i got hurt. on the brink many shops we were watching from the roof of the house. even burnt our mosque. the only a muster the neighborhood of shivah heart is one of at least 4 mosques that were destroyed. the violence began on february 23rd when fighting started between hindus and muslims protesting against the citizenship law that critics say discriminates against muslims saw. that led to violence from both communities
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a fact finding team says muslim suffered disproportionately all of them how that. house at the building. houses. houses delhi police have arrested 1600 people but the families of those killed or injured said they want politicians to be held to account. for a few hours before the violence started on february 23rd cup in mishra a member of the ruling party said his supporters would take matters into their own hands unless those protesting against the citizenship cleared the streets mishra didn't respond to al-jazeera request for an interview. the delhi government has given compensation to those affected by the violence but many have lost their loved ones their homes or their livelihoods because of their religion say it will take more than money for them to feel safe again elizabeth cronon al-jazeera most of
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a. u.s. senator elizabeth warren has ended her bid for the white house she was once considered a front runner for the democratic nomination but failed to win the single states during the primaries she most of whom states of massachusetts to rival joe biden her withdrawal leaves 3 hopefuls in the race. i will not be running for president in 2020 but i guarantee you i will stay in the fight for hard working folks across this country have gotten short end of the stick over and over that's been the fight of my life and it will continue to snow. the recent crisis between washington and tehran could have a long term impact on neighboring iraq where there are efforts to return remaining eisel finds his iraqi security forces are continuing the fight on their own with. supports. swat team members been searching for myself
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in the site. early morning in mosul these swat team members get a final briefing before they set out to look for eisel fighters we accompany of the specialist police unit as it heads into the countryside in iraq's northern maine of a province eisele was forced out of mosul in 2017 by iraqi troops of support from the u.s. led coalition and the iraqi government announced its territorial defeat shortly after but thousands of fighters have retreated into rural areas where security forces are spread thin and where hills like these offer plenty of opportunities to hide one of the. we got information that there is a cave that is being used by ice or members as a shelter to carry out attacks on nearby villages. we are only hundreds of meters away from the target but the vehicle struggle in this difficult terrain and so
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colonel rounds men are forced to advance on foot but as they approach the cave they are surprised to find the entrance blocked off probably the result of a recent airstrike but. well the unit needs a surveillance and supports from the air until recently that was provided by the american led coalition in iraq but since tensions between the us and iran escalated earlier this year those activities have largely come to a halt. for 2 months the operations with the coalition have stopped as far as are team is concerned in the past we had training logistics and air support but since the beginning of 2020 that support has started and we are waiting for orders in the interior ministry to resume cooperation. that corporation is now part of
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a broader dispute over the future of american military presence in iraq in response to an american strike near baghdad airport that killed iranian general qassam silly money and a senior iraqi officer iraq's prime minister and parliament have asked foreign troops to leave the negotiations are ongoing but for now u.s. officials say they only received few requests for airstrikes and have reduced their movements outside of their bases before you know our our our mission here was you know just in a company what we've seen during this operation pause actually kompany go away. but the iraqis didn't stop they kept moving they kept rolling and they deployed their forces the field continued to fight the momentum against isis and that's that's the best thing that could have come out of all of this but some iraqis fighting isis resurgence see things differently coalition officials say there's been a lack of demand for their assistance because iraqi security forces have picked up
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the slack conducting missions like these on their own but there's little doubt that the absence of steady involvement is being felt on the ground several iraqi officers told us that they need american support if they're to fight eisel effectively and both civilians and security officials say the fighters have taken advantage of us iran tensions to regroup and. we will see in the 2nd part of this report. and iraq's name of a province. this is these are the headlines a tense calm appears to be holding in syria's italy after a cease fire came into effect was brokered by russia and turkey after days of fighting that pushed the country's towards direct confrontation and cosimo who has more from the turkey syria border. there is
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a kind of small say by the syrian government which hasn't been called. for now everybody expects this. remember there were many ceasefire that couldn't even hold for even for 24 hours so we don't know what to bring but for now both moscow and. preserve the cease fire. hundreds of refugees and migrants are gathering near the turkey greece border that's up to ankara said it would no longer stop them trying to enter the interview on thursday turkey announced it was sending a specialist police force to the border to try and stop the pushback of migrants south korea is protesting against a coronavirus travel restriction on its citizens visiting japan tokyo and i'm still face to make mandatory quarantine so korea has more than 6000 coronavirus cases.
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the visitors from both countries will be strengthened and the be required to be quantified 2 weeks of the location designated by the quantity director to be asked to refrain from using public transportation in the country. the virus has also spread to bethlehem and though the israeli military isn't allowing people in or out of the occupied west bank city palestinian president mahmoud abbas are there declared a state of emergency after the confirmation of 7 cases to resume pilgrims are banned from the air the area for the next 2 weeks the church of the nativity revered on christians as the birthplace of jesus is among the sites that have been called stone and u.s. senator elizabeth warren has ended her bid for the white house she was once considered a front runner for the democratic nomination. but those are the headlines they were there's an al-jazeera the news continues after this stream which is not less.
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well. welcome to the stream i'm femi oke i more and more people on the sting africa to reconnect with that past and it's helping inspire them in the present today we look at how the african diaspora is really examining the culture achievements and struggles of ad sisters through travel and how it's empowering them you can join the conversation through twitter i need. to know where you're going you have to know where you have come from that is the loose translation of sun cofa it is a guy named principal inspiring one u.s.
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organization that is helping young people travel to africa to examine their roots every hear bus.


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