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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 7, 2020 2:00am-3:01am +03

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the powerful to account as we examine the u.s. is room in the wild on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello i'm daryn jordan this is the out of their news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes breaking news out of saudi arabia a number of high profile members of the royal family have been detained including former crown prince muhammad bin nayef. the number of confirmed coronavirus cases passes 100000 in the world health organization calls for more to be done to combat the spread. 24 hours of onions e-com as the ceasefire in syria's been there still holds. and anti-government protesters return to the streets of chinese capital venting their anger over rising inequality.
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so let's bring in that breaking news out of riyadh the saudi capital according to media reports the saudi crown prince mohammed bin psalm on has detained some of the most high profile members of the rule family and that includes former crown prince mohammed bin nayef as well as prince ahmed bin abilities the younger brother of the saudi king reports suggest they've both been accused of treason saudi guards of also arrested one of mohammed bin nayef brothers than are likely under the threat of life in prison and all possible execution both could have rivaled crown prince mohammed bin solomon to the throne if king were to die well jamal a child joins us live on set now jamal so what do you think has prompted this move by the saudi crown prince why is he doing this now very good question we are only left with speculation right now based on some of the facts that we know in terms of
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the way in which conference province a man has ruled the way the trajectory that saudi politics has taken over the past couple of years why we're where limited to the information is because of that very reason that mama been some man runs a very tight ship in terms of. local free press in terms of transparency it's very difficult to know exactly what's happening i mean we all know the notorious incidents at the ritz hotel when all of these members of the royal family and businessman were locked up until this day there hasn't been any clear record of exactly what went down behind those closed doors so one of the main speculations coming as you mentioned. the current monarch is frailing all king you know you see him on air when he does do those public appearances it's very visibly old very visibly sick because these. 2 figures both the former crown prince muhammad bin nayef who was next in line to take over not for what many perceive to be a coup by the current crown prince of man and i've been abilities although not so
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prominent in a public figure but extremely senior within the world family being the only the remaining son of rates can face all those are true significant personalities who could indeed contest that. succession question if indeed the case is that people perceive either king's a man maybe not being as well as he is or might be possibly even have passed and so is it your assessment then jamal that this is perhaps being seen as another move by the crown prince to consolidate his power given that as you say both men were once in line for the throne anyway yeah well i would go beyond consolidating power because the problem is a man very much consolidated that when he did away with all his opponents either through arrests or through killing them in consulates or through other means what this is doing is essentially wiping the way or wiping away rather any other voice within the main institutions of saudi arabian what do i mean by that in saudi
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arabia the rulership or the essentially the belongs to the person who is able to merge support from the photo institutions 1st and foremost obviously the royal family dentist then you have the religious institutions in the hobby school full there and all the scholars and so forth because of the legitimacy that that provides for the custodian of the 2 holy mosques and so. and obviously you also need the tribes as being a tribal society and support from their main ally which is the united states of america the one thing you have been some man has been unable to do till now is to get the total loyalty of the world family he managed to put away either behind bars religious scholars who were opposed to him or buyout those who he wanted he managed to buy out a lot of the tribes and he oversee has the support of washington the royal family was there was a missing link yeah jamal you mentioned washington there let's broaden this out a bit because how will this be seen in the capitals of those key saudi allies like
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washington like london how will they be looking at this in terms of stability in the kingdom so that's going to depend on the current status of those. governments themselves so the united states very unlikely they'll be any sort of blowback or even eyebrow if anything this is probably they had been given the heads up to it as we've seen before for example with the whole to and fro between u.s. president donald trump's son and christian or his advisor to the middle east and how he's been close links with him have been so much of this was probably run by washington and probably has a green light with them the other capitals not so much london paris even and so forth and that is where there may be some sort of concern because a lack of truism even if it's just within the royal family is something that's going to distrust them jamal just a final thought from you i mean these detentions come at a sensitive time for the kingdom don't they i mean the crown prince has halted all visits to mecca because of the coronavirus and his plans to modernize the saudi
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economy haven't delivered much so far so there are rumors of rumblings in the kingdom anyway well this is the thing despite being you know in charge of everything from the french economy even the religious institutions mama been so man has so far been a unable to deliver such high expectations that he himself sets out and that's what we see created education but bear in mind it's not necessarily just the economic issue with this and so forth but the social isolation that solid you find itself in . these are its neighbors in the region but also internationally something that's impacted on them as well and the fact of the matter is that unless he is able to find some sort of consensus the only path that he's going to continue on is the one that he has been doing for the past 3 or 4 years which is essentially doing away with anybody who not just opposes him but if it's not enough even just stay quiet you either need to support him fully or you are perceived as a threat it's. just going to try to get the former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. . in a 2nd just tell us
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a little bit more about these the senior royals in boulder you were told he was saying the principal of these of the younger brother. mohammed bin nayef he's the he was the former crown prince was it not just their former crown prince he was described as washington's man in the reality he was the united states from policy depended on him so much so that that supports him or talking about the different situations that you need to be the royal in charge was so significant but the fact them hum have been some man managed to convince the u.s. administration to do away with its ally of decades is testament to just how close that relationship is now between m.b.'s as he's known have been some of the crown prince and this current white house administration all right thank you very much for your thoughts and insights let's bring in david mack he's a scholar at the middle east institute he was deputy assistant secretary for him in that has and joins us on the phone from washington d.c. david mack so what do you think has prompted this move by the crown prince why is
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the timing significant. i don't know why the timing might be significant i think the timing is a bit of a risk on the part of can sell man and mama been cell man since there. they're good contacts in washington the people they trust phone the people who seem to trust him probably limited to president trump. his son in law jared cushion or and a few other people most people in washington who've dealt with the saudis who over the years were far more comfortable in dealing with prince mohammed bin nayef. who had been for some time the minister of interior was very petty very close working relationship with the united states government in dealing with counterterrorism him particular. i don't believe that
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there was ever such a close relationship with prince ozment phnom floozies. who was. one of the older princes very much a peer of the king some on. and not anybody who had to i don't think had a particularly active role working with the united states but. a charges of treason. i think of him there would be a lot of skepticism in washington particularly from the congress has and particular had as well has various parts of the executive branch. and i think there will also be a lot of hostility in the u.s. media it. so then what do you think of of the possibility as in the area behind
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this move in that this all relates back to the states of the king king solomon because it was the he's not quite old he's quite frail he's been ill for some time if he were to die then mama been some on the current conference would clearly needs out a clear shot to the throne wouldn't he. well that was appear to be. i was into meetings with king solomon when he was the governor i was highly impressed by him i thought he was the ideal person to be the link between the older generation of the sons of king of the founder of modern saudi arabia and the grandsons because he was the youngest of the sons and seemed to be very modern in his outlook hardworking had a good reputation was never accused of corruption i met some of his sons who were half brothers of muhammad i never met mama been so money was quite young
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when i was active in the state department. so. his reputation in washington as i say. remains a pretty checker graffiti. art i thought they would not happen today thank you very much for your thank you. now the number of cases of the coronavirus worldwide is now believed to reach 100000 more than 3000 lost their lives most of them in china where the virus 1st originated it's only has the 2nd highest number of deaths followed by iran the outbreak has led to travel restrictions diplomatic standoff and the global economy is feeling the pinch and begins our coverage of. the global infection total since the start of the corona virus outbreak has soared past the $100000.00 mark while there are positive signs in the slowing rate of infections in china and south korea elsewhere it's speeding up iran recorded
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a dramatic rise of a 1000 new cases in the 24 hours since thursday with the author it is said to be preparing travel restrictions between cities to add to widespread school closures and bans on public gatherings among the more than $3300.00 lives lost around the world so far most have been among the elderly whose less efficient immune systems make it hard to fight off the virus in france where new infections jumped by 200 on friday president emanuel visited a retirement facility. i am asking all fellow citizens to act responsibly to make this sacrifice i know it is sometimes hard to break it but we must visit in our elders as much as possible. the european union with its open borders is proving a haven for the spread of coronavirus italy remains the worst affected country but germany's catching up across europe a tiny vatican city has reported its 1st case as has serbia and in britain prime
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minister boris johnson has announced a $50000000.00 investment into vaccine research and faster testing methods early signs of the virus continue to spring up in africa and the middle east cameroon and senegal joined nigeria and south africa in registering their 1st cases this week as the head of the un's world food programme sounded a star. if coronavirus continues or create panic around the world it is an economic downturn i've been telling the european leaders and leaders around the world you don't have enough money. to address the needs in africa east africa west africa and the middle east right now and if there's a neck an economic downturn on top of the economic downturn that exist now in syria and lebanon it absolutely could be a catastrophe i mean absolute devastation but european health ministers meeting in brussels have problems of their own there are concerns about a shortage of medicines and protective equipment because of disruptions in the
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supply chain from china not helped by larger countries like france and germany banning all exports jonah how al-jazeera the u.s. president has signed a bill providing more than $8000000000.00 in emergency funding for corona virus just over an hour ago donald trump visited the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta at least 15 people have died from the virus in the u.s. and there are more than 250 confirmed cases across 13 states but during his visit to the c.d.c. said the number of deaths from the virus is much lower than the common flu. when people have the flu you have an average of 36000 people dying i never heard those numbers i would i would have been shocked i would have said does anybody die from i don't know people die from the flu 36000 people die 27277000 that you know and again you had a couple years was over 100000 people die from the flu so i start to say i wonder
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what's going on here well also in the u.s. passengers on a cruise ship barred from returning to port in san francisco are awaiting the results of their tests for the virus at least $35.00 of them more than 3 and a half 1000 on board a reported flu like symptoms early on friday testing kits were flown by helicopter to the grand princess which is being held off shore until all passengers have been given the all clear the ship has been linked to 2 cases of virus from an earlier voice rose in jordan joins us live now from washington d.c. much concern is there in the u.s. about this lack of testing kits because health officials are now saying this is becoming a huge problem. there is considerable concern and in fact it was one of the questions that dominated the 46 minute long press conference that the president donald trump and officials from the department of health and human services and the centers for disease control and prevention were having in atlanta the idea is that
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they are trying to get some 100000 test kits shipped around the country as well as trying to work with private laboratories to provide tests for the covert 19 or the corona virus to as many people as who might need them because of their symptoms but they were taking umbrage with the criticism that has been coming from many quarters including from some health care workers who themselves have come down with symptoms of coronavirus because they say that in a country of 330000000 people the fact that there have been a minuscule number of tests available and that there seemingly has been a delay in bringing these tests to the u.s. public is really unconscionable and rose in the outbreak is spreading fast with over 200 people infected across nearly 15 states or so i mean how much pressure is the president and the administration on the over this lack of resources and just
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the slow speed of the response. well there is pressure building you could see it during this press conference you saw that the officials were having difficulty trying to reassure the public under repeated questioning that the spread of the coronavirus is under control well we've been learning and at the same time at this press conference that the south by southwest arts and culture festival held every year in austin texas has been canceled that festival attracts hundreds of thousands of people to the city of austin and the officials there said that they could not put the lives of attendees at risk and they have declared a local emergency there's also been 5 cases of coronavirus just announced in the past hour in houston which is the country's 4th largest city cases were also announced on friday in the states of maryland just outside washington colorado and
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minnesota so even though they officially are struggling to say that the virus is under control they also admit that as they get more tests into the hands of doctors and nurses practitioners and ultimately into local law laboratories for analysis the number of cases will be going up and so the pressure is on the trumpet ministration to try to not just respond to this health crisis but to respond to the growing sense of panic here in the united states to roseman jordan there in washington d.c. welcome thank you for what over prices plunged by more than 8 percent on friday as the world's biggest producers failed to agree on how to deal with the impacts of the virus outbreak opec has been pushing for production cuts in an effort to stabilize prices but russia has refused to support the move the development came as major stock markets an agent europe and north america only coated losses on friday . let's bring in lena when she's visiting professor at georgetown university's
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milken school of public health she joins us live now from baltimore lina how prepared then is the u.s. administration to deal with this rapidly growing outbreak because top health officials already saying there's a a dialect of testing kits and other medical resources look this is a very quickly evolving situation and it's easy for us on the outside to look in and say oh well they should have done all these things differently i think that u.s. federal government has done some things very well including their initial aggressive response to try to contain the outbreak but on the other hand i of course agree with you that the lack of testing is a major misstep because we lost valuable time and there are probably hundreds if not thousands of people in the u.s. who have coronavirus cova 19 and don't know so there's a lot more to be done and i'm also very worried about our health care system and
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what happens when it becomes overburdened when all of these new patients start coming in let's talk about some of the leadership issues because president from the point of his vice president mike pence as the person leading the charge on code 19 but in times of national emergency people look to the president for leadership do you think trump is shifting responsibility here just in case things go sideways. i mean i think it's good that there is somebody one person who in the in the senior in a senior role is the person who is the point person leading the response and if that's vice president pens that's not necessarily a bad thing but there's one person designated here's what i'm the most concerned about i'm concerned that there isn't a consistent clear message coming from the administration and i'm talking about public health experts together with all the politicians they should have a clear consistent message because times of crises and emergencies are the times
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that we really depend on our leaders to be clear honest and transparent to say clearly and here's what we know here's what we don't know here's what we're going to do to find out what we don't know yet that's what the american people expect and they are what the trumpet ministration we're hearing a lot of mixed messages so we now over 100000 cases globally when what can the u.s. learn from other countries like china like south korea about the importance of rapid containment of the virus. well from china we know that rapid containment is possible china did impose some rather draconian measures that might not be possible in other countries with this unprecedented quarantine but it has worked in slowing down the spread of the disease and that's something the u.s. can learn from that we should not give up we have to contain and it is possible south korea has done extraordinary work with testing and that's
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a lesson for us that getting these tests out there quickly give us a much fuller picture of what's happening and i think we can also look at countries like singapore that has a very good health care system and all the work that they've done to trace contacts and to and to help their patients so that's all the work that's ahead of us and i think the next few weeks will really be crucial as we get more information about tests and about what the extent of the disease is really like the u.s. thank you very much indeed for sharing your thoughts with us here at al-jazeera thank you well lots more to come on the news hour including. people are dying every minute every day a woman running a hospital in war torn syria tells us why she's little hope the situation will improve despite the cease fire. and like dozens of displaced in myanmar now facing criminal charges and prison sentences. i would have caught reigning t 20 world champions the west indies. still.
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not for the 1st time in 3 months that no air strikes or shelling in syria's province a ceasefire agreement brokered by turkey and russia on thursday appears to be holding and now but there's been reports of some fighting in southern parts of the province between syrian government forces and a section of the opposition but many syrians believe the fragile truce may not last for long. and occasionally when the end of time i supposed to believe there's a truce if i'm listening to the sound of jets and bombing with you there is no real truce in the way my limited both of them what i'm not at all hopeful regarding the agreement i'm not expecting anything from it those people don't respect any commitments. regarding the agreement we don't feel at all reassured we didn't meet our aspirations and desires we don't hold because there have been many agreements
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that the regime hasn't respected and it won't respect this one either when turkey and russia say they'll establish a 12 kilometer wide security card or long syrians and 4 highway that cuts across rebel strongholds but the raw doubts about how far they can cooperate in syria. are reports now from how today the rebels were hoping that. with the backing of turkey they would be able to regain those areas hold madison moment more work and the strategic city of that didn't happen this explains their frustration over the terms of the agreement signed between turkey and russia but took it says in general this is this was a good agreement because it will protect the borders it will protect the turkish army operating in the area it will pave the way for the resettlement of the hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced since the start of the syrian government offensive in december and it will also pave the way for more cooperation
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with a joint patrols between the russians and the turks in the in 2 weeks from now on both sides of the highway in for. but then we have to wait and see to what to what level can the turks and the russians bring their cooperation as far as live is concerned that would be indicative of whether this is fire will continue to hold or will collapse the 2 parties have signed is it the bass of those deals collapse with the syrian army decided it was about time to move forward to retake the strategic city of because it is the rebels the last major stronghold in syria the u.s. has blocked a u.n. security council statement supporting that ceasefire in russia had urged the 15 member council to endorse the deal but washington called the move premature diplomats expressing their doubts about whether the deal will actually work kristensen a miasma falling back meeting at u.n. headquarters. russia share details of the ceasefire agreement with security council
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members behind closed doors but given the history of this conflict no one was ready to celebrate it just yet russia's ambassador was hoping to get a statement formally welcoming the deal but past agreements to end the conflict as have fallen through with the hope this time. but related to the split is maintaining the commitments to the political but does not that still does not exempt for good measure to u.s. secretary of state mike on pale was at the united nations but had nothing to say when asked about the deal we're told by diplomats that the united states opposed the statement as premature other countries raised objections as well here's the united kingdom's ambassador who said it was a helpful development but there are a lot of questions about how it will work in practice who will monitor it what is
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happening west of aleppo and critically has syrian government formally signed up and will the syrian government be following the provisions of the cease fire we're also told that russia was not willing to negotiate on the wording of the statement which made no mention of the dire humanitarian situation facing about a 1000000 civilians in the area the security council will continue to monitor the situation. now the 1st syrian woman to run an underground hospital in rebel controlled areas is urging the international community to stop the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the dr mani worked in the once the siege on plague for 3 years so she and her staff were forced to evacuate her work as the subject of an oscar nominated documentary sat down with her in paris. our documentary the cave follows pediatrician dr. as she runs an underground
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hospital in eastern guta before the inquiry fell to the syrian regime in 28. dedicated exhausted and at times terrified stoff battle to save lives as russian backed syrian forces relentlessly area i was after it all for us well after and you know being in and we were in a hospital it's our gift of being we saved some lives we helped and that's make us inquirers us to continue but a lot of the children we couldn't help them a lot of them died because of being a lot of them died in the chemical attack at the time in 28 to the head of the united nations eastern ghouta under the bombing hell on earth i think it was like that it was very dangerous a place a scary place this is everywhere and it's officially in 20 a team before we forced to leave in the last month they started to bomb every 2nd
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they did install their own doctor money also faced another challenge she battled prejudice for men believed a woman should be in charge of running a hospital. how did that feel there you are saving lives and then you have men say a woman's place is in the home it's really frustrating it's make me very angry but i insist to stay and to insist to sex it also because. i want a brawl that that woman can do or maybe like the men already better than them in. the cave was nominated for an oscar through the spotlight on dr armani she's using it to campaign for an end to the humanitarian crisis in the northwestern syrian province of it leap intensified bombing at the area by syrian and russian forces in recent weeks has killed hundreds of people and left millions in desperate need not optimistic and i think a lot of syrian are not optimistic we need international community to pressure on
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them to stop killing people and you know the situation now and it's catastrophe situation people are dying every every minute every day after paris dr amani will visit other european capitals to urge governments and people not to ignore the millions of syrian civilians particularly children trapped in what seems like an endless war. al-jazeera paris migrants attempting to cross the border from turkey into greece have been hit with tear gas as riot police from both sides tried to keep them away tens of thousands of people have been trying to cross into greece since last week when turkey declared its borders with the european union open greece has been using tear gas and water cannon to repel them saying those trying to and are doing so in the glee and turkish police officers have been deployed to try to stop the push back of name as a makeshift migrant camp site in vienna on turkish border with greece you describe
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the situation there. we're at the a during a bus station it's one of the places where refugees and migrants have been congregating as they try to determine what to do next you can see people have managed to set up tents they're burrowed in blankets trying to stay warm there are camp fires here it's been a week since turkey opened its borders and it's been a tough week for the people we've been speaking to they have said they've been cold hungry we've spoken to many people who managed to make it across the border into greece only to be deported back to turkey and they have shared stories of cruelty people such as the man we're about to tell you about says that the greek police have mistreated them we spoke to an iranian amputee who says when he crossed over the border into greece the greek police fired warning shots into the air he was a unable to run his friends did police found him he says they beat him severely and
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threaten to confiscate his prosthetic leg now the turkish government has deployed $1000.00 members of its special police forces to the river region border with greece the turkish government says this is an attempt to prevent the greek government from pushing back migrants into turkey and turkey says it's also a way to try to minimize what it describes as the poor treatment of vulnerable people here and a possible violation of international law. you're not a 0 when we come back dozens are killed up to shots a father the memorial service in afghanistan's capital kabul. we meet the specialist iraqi police force hunting down remaining isaw members and we'll tell you why the job has become even more difficult. sport in the name to find the perfect balance ahead of the latest 6 nations rugby small and stakes.
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welcome back is time to look at the weather across the americas now in north america the main feature is this rapidly deepening area of low pressure off the eastern seaboard and the center possibility of could be flirting with the southeastern parts of new england bringing some very strong winds some heavy rain possibly even some snow and you notice with the wind coming from the north that it's not protected warm for other new york or washington temperatures really struggling but as the system moves away and we lose that northerly flow then temperatures will rockets at you in the course of sunday up to 15 in d.c. should be fine in chicago with winds coming from the south will lose any chance of lake effect snow so 16 degrees bright we got some showers across the desert southwest should be a fine day in san francisco with highs of 15 degrees there heading down into central america well quite an interesting feature here our computer forecast picks up on the winds funneling between the mountains around the gulf will come patchy so
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there on the pacific side we could well see some pretty strong winds developing that could be damaging in places also the same times and really heavy rain across billie's all extend further south into honduras during the course of sunday so one to watch out for as for the islands of the caribbean it generally looking fine for cuba further towards the east but you see some very heavy rain affecting his spaniel or. frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires is that you really won't get the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board the lawyers all 'd about this argument is astonishingly patronize very in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of the iraq of the new conscious and aware youth of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor inside story on al-jazeera an app that sees for the blind and
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a robotic arm for the disabled. a young australian. engineer isn't venting tools to help people gain independence but i don't accept. your side of that won't put the ability to recognize objects on the firing saying that people with fluorescent vision will be able to recognize every day women make science robo gals episode full on al-jazeera. welcome back a programme on about top stories here on the news saudi crown prince mohammed bin
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salma reportedly a rest of the high profile members of the whole family thank you form a crown prince mama deny it on the youngest brother of the saudi king report suggested they've both been accused of treason. a number of cases of corona virus worldwide is not believed the huge 100000 more than 3000 people have died the outbreak is meant to travel restrictions diplomatic standoffs and the global economy is also feeling the pinch. in the u.s. president from to sign the bill providing more than 8000000000 dollars in emergency funding to fight the outbreak the number killed by the virus there has now risen to 15. now thousands of people suspected of having the virus and been asked to stay in quarantine the hope is that isolation can help stop the disease from going viral while they wait much of the content online has gone viral instead. it's a waiting game carl goldman has been in corn teen at a hospital in the u.s. since leaving the diamond princess cruise ship in japan he has documented his
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journey on his blog his most popular post was when he announced that he had tested positive for the corona virus it's been viewed more than $42000.00 times worse sometimes worse the street here and then here it's only about 8 hours later you have receiver after that i was strange feeling well for church i think it's definitely do you hide they're never going to let explore this they were pumping me up with trying to direct i've been through every color of the rainbow catering to change myself hydrated today his doctor handed him yet another post it note the plus sign tells him he tested positive for corona again it's been more than 30 days carl's wife was recently released from korn dean even though she tested negative he says she was threatened when she returned home the spread of corona virus has also led to racist attacks earlier this week jonathan mock
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a student from singapore was being in london on facebook he said he remembered them yelling something about the coronavirus before punching him in the face. another headline tells the story of a chinese woman attacked in the netherlands. in vietnam the government is taking a social approach to tackling the virus. this video went viral and has been turned into a popular dance on the social platform take time. the world health organization lists hand-washing as the number one way to stop the respiratory illness from spreading quarantine is another. look at the government is telling people basically not to go anywhere actually you know my yeah i mean we're basically sort of locked in our house i mean my you know my job has been i'm a college professor i'm not teaching right now they just they just cancel class the next 2 weeks my kids are in kindergarten that's also been canceled so we're
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basically just stuck in the house for those in corn teen the psychological impact can take a toll. mentally and emotionally draining. to put a lot to work into keeping sane and trying not to get lusting over you know it's and so it's ok to be ok. and it's been a lot of. 5 days and it's not possible to stay and play as far. as for karl he'll have to stay in quarantine until he recovers and gets a note from his doctor that clears him to go home leah harding al-jazeera. on to government protesters are rallying again in chile with mounting anger of a rising inequality demonstrators say president sebastian pinera has done little to address that demond reforms protests 1st broke out the october and continued through to december then respond to the heightened security measures including the deployment of the military let's go live now to
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a lot of america and its embassy in yemen she's and she lays capital santiago to see what's prompted this move by the protesters because things had started to calm down. they had started to calm down but only slightly because february is the summer here it is the holiday season so there were less people in the capital as many people had taken a break but they before they left they had warned that they would be back in force on in march starting march and this was the initiation of that really initiation if you like of the protests season here in chile not just in santiago but in other major cities throughout the country there were thousands and thousands of people here they're beginning to leave now it's dark but it was a very carnival atmosphere people were dancing singing at the same time hurling rather unrepeatable insults about the president the police the system at large and continuing to demand deep structural reforms to the economic system to the
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political system so that they can happen so that chile will have free and quality education health care better pensions better salaries the list is very very long what is also very long is the jewel for the protests that will take part that are supposed to take place here in march almost every single day and the next major one will be on sunday when hundreds of thousands of women in chile are expected to take to the streets to mark international women's day this has not gone by of course without trouble there have been tear gas canisters launched by the police there have been clashes a few blocks from where i am right now. it is getting dark so it's possible that some of the more violent clashes will begin to take place as well we know that they that the riot police are in the area but right now the majority of the people are leaving peacefully but probably to come back just briefly i mean how is this all playing out politically then what sort of response so we can likely to see from the
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president. what's happening is that this is supposed to send a message to the president that people have now grown tired of protesting that now grown tired of demanding their their their demands excuse me of demanding the things that they've been calling for now since october and at the same time we are going we are inching closer and closer and closer to a friend and that is shameful for the 26th of april thank you new constitution chileans will be asked to decide whether the agree with that or not there is 8 campaign a very large political campaign underway now what they want conservative people saying that they thought one thing and most of the people out here are saying that they're that is the only way that chile can really get you the kind of changes that the country needs all right to listen human there in the chilean capital santiago to see a thank you there's been an explosion outside the u.s. embassy in tunis u.s. capital tunis 2 suicide bombers killed
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a policeman and injured 5 others near the embassies main gate to use ministry of interior has put security forces on high alert no group has yet claimed responsibility for their time isolette claim responsibility for an attack in afghanistan's capital which has left at least 30 people dead the head of the country's peace council was giving a speech when shots were fired on from chief executive of the la bella was there but he escaped unhurt the 1st major attack since taliban signed a peace deal with the u.s. . now the recent escalating tensions between the u.s. and iran could have a long term impact on neighboring iraq and the effort to root out remaining eisel fighters the. manifold went to nineveh province that's where she met swat team members who've been searching for eisel fighters in the south of mosul. early morning in mosul these swat team members get a final briefing before they set out to look for eisel fighters. we accompany of
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the specialist police unit as it heads into the countryside in iraq's northern maine of a province eisele was forced out of mosul in 2017 by iraqi troops of support from the u.s. led coalition and the iraqi government announced its territorial defeat shortly after but thousands of fighters have retreated into rural areas where security forces are spread thin and were hells like these offer plenty of opportunities to hide one of the. we got information that there is a cave that is being used by iceland members as a shelter to carry out attacks on nearby villages. we are only hundreds of meters away from the target but the vehicle struggle in this difficult terrain and so colonel rounds men are forced to advance on foot but as they approach the cave they are surprised to find the entrance blocked off probably the result of a recent airstrike but. according.
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to the. well the unit needs a surveillance and supports from the air until recently that was provided by the american led coalition in iraq but since tensions between the us and iran escalated earlier this year those activities have largely come to a halt. for 2 months the operations with the coalition have stopped as far as are team is concerned in the past we had training logistics and air support but since the beginning of 2020 that support has started and we are waiting for orders in the interior ministry to resume cooperation. that corporation is now part of a broader dispute over the future of american military presence in iraq in response to an american strike near baghdad airport that killed iranian general qassam silly money and a senior iraqi officer iraq's prime minister and parliament have asked foreign
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troops to leave the negotiations are ongoing but for now u.s. officials say they only received a few requests for airstrikes and have reduced their movements outside of their bases before you know our our our mission here was you know just in a company what we've seen during this operation pause actually kompany go away. but the iraqis didn't stop they kept moving they kept rolling and they deployed their forces the field continued to fight the momentum against isis and that's that's the best thing that could have come out of all of this but some iraqis fighting isis resurgence see things differently coalition officials say there's been a lack of demand for their assistance because iraqi security forces have picked up the slack conducting missions like these on their own but there's little doubt that the absence of involvement is being felt on the ground several iraqi officers told us that they need american support if they're to fight eisel effectively and both
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civilians and security officials say the fighters have taken advantage of us iran tensions to regroup as we will see in the 2nd part of this report. in iraq's main of a province. in myanmar dozens of ring of muslims including some children have been charged with having identity proofs there among many who have tried to escape me in rakhine state some of been caught on the coast while others have been picked up on the outskirts of the commercial capital young gone from somalia has more. in the 1st 2 months of this year alone more than $200.00 have been arrested for not having identification documents and for travelling illegally down 70 of those cases will be heard in they grew on the outskirts of yang gone told were brought to court on friday and yet my government does not consider the rohingya as citizens even though many of them have lived in this country for generations and they face increasing government restrictions keep claiming like ok be controllable freely there's no
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restriction are all but in reality in the government. the real movement is extremely restricted rights advocate on likely any of the remaining go will be acquitted and they could pay the fine to talk to 2 years in prison. so that's why we escaped the were hanged mainly muslim minority who live in rakhine and it was in the northern part of the state where the myanmar military launched a brutal crackdown in 2017 driving nearly 3 quarters of a 1000000 into bangladesh the un has accused it of carrying out the campaign with genocidal intent the myanmar government denies and says it was a do the job summit response to attacks carried out by working right. now the situation that is even worse off the fighting between the myanmar military and the our economy intensified sonntag for january last year they are not on the to the
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top group who say they're fighting for more autonomy on behalf of the rakhine and not the ethnic minority mainly buddhists who make up the majority in rakhine state the rohingya who already live under apartheid like conditions without access to public health care education are being caught in the crossfire and many are desperate to escape rights workers fear that many will turn to human traffickers now over the years there have been many attempts by grids. running got to lead by boat on dangerous journey didn't climb to vessels boats have capsized people have drowned somehow taken on overland routes through thailand and into malaysia have been instances where they were kept in jungle camps along the border until their friends or relatives could pay a ransom many died of disease and starvation now even when they managed to escape myanma writes good faith many are at risk of exploitation some sold into the sex
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trade or as indentured labor laws for the writing god there is no easy choice in the law they can choose to stay and face persecution or the threat of more violence or they can try to escape but risking their lives thought a little break you're not a 0 when i come back and i will the sport will hear from a veteran table tennis player hoping coronavirus doesn't pop up from making them because we want to.
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oh moving. the on. home. what about top of the sports honestly. thank you very much a reading
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t 20 world champions the west indies have hit form in sri lanka a powerful batting at this play by andrew russell that helped his country to a 2 nil series victory both teams are building up to this year's world cup in australia and who it is and reports. this match brought together the last 2 t 20 world champions from the start it was the west indies who dominates against host sri lanka trying to win the world title in 2014 but much experience has left their team since then the west indies all rounder twine bravo is a veteran of 2 world cup winning campaigns the. a good partnership between to sorry pereira and dawson shin aka push the home team towards respectability was. trying to finish top 1556 i the west indies batting line up is full of power brendan king got their
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reply moving of the. before andre russell stepped up to the plate he smashed an unbeaten foresee from just 14 balls. his effort included 6 sixes. the windies winning by 7 wickets with 3 overs to spare to also security signal series victory oh a much bigger prize is on offer at the world cup in australia which starts in october and the richardson which is. one of the n.f.l.'s most promising young players has been tossed with the criminal possession of a weapon when in williams that was arrested to as he was about to board a flight at the new york airport he 22 year old will appear in court later this month police say the new york jets player didn't have the correct permit for a pistol that was in his carry on bag. the u.s. is women's that world cup winning team are looking good ahead of their bid for
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limpid gold they beat england in the she believes cup in florida this was the 1st time the 2 sides had met since last year's world cup semifinals for some press and call you lloyd scored in the 2nd home to give the u.s. a 2 nil victory the win extends that team u.s.a.'s unbeaten run to 29 games i mean to be honest everything this years of preparation for the olympics so. i mean for me personally obviously it's another opportunity to keep building this year i'm on a little bit slower bill than everybody else being much older than everybody else and having come a long way off last year but i felt like. i had a good performance all the way through qualifiers it is preparing for a weekend of top level football matches without spectators jus to coronavirus they will still be fans the english premier league fixtures a but there won't be any pre-game handshakes between the place. we
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trust the things they tell us so that's what we do know it takes only one track you must go to moscow and if there are some from our club some additional things to do these people sit together the whole week and think about what they can do to decrease the probability to get infected well these 6 nations championship has already felt the impact of course on a virus 2 matches that have been postponed including especially this fixture between arland and italy in inverses wells is going ahead to england's 2nd in the table behind france while wells off 4th having lost 2 of 3 matches. it's going to be hugely contestable it's going to be highly chaotic and it's going to be physical and it's something that we look forward to and and we and we cherish and put on top of that we're playing at home and it's important for us to play well in
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front of l. fans and i think and well so high because around the fixture in a sometimes it's hard to. get away from the echoes of what's sad and what should be done and how you should do it but also don't forget we know a lot about each other each other as well you know what if you guys play in england in pick over nies is insists the idea of counselling at this year's games due to corona virus hasn't been discussed and one veteran athlete is hoping tokyo can deliver on that promise at 57 and is set to become the oldest table tennis player over to compete to aston and lympics originally from shanghai moved to luxembourg 3 decades ago and now represents the european country. nobody know what can go on what's going to happen i hope not i hope everything goes smooth the worst for me may be postponed if i can do on impact i think it's called for everybody and
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i'll know where you difficult time i hope everybody in the stands. space gave possibility but all was not entirely normal at the latest test event in tokyo. thanks for writing work for everything. but. rather than elite athletes taking part the lympics sports climbing a venue was a step tested alibi games officials no fans were in attendance either officially been in picks are still on track to saw in july the 24th and that's all as well for we'll have more later on. summit thank you very much indeed and you can find much more of course on our web site there it is on the screen all the latest on developments in saudi arabia with members of the one family being arrested their press their al jazeera dot com that's our desire dot com that's it for me for now don't go away i'll be back with more news at the top of the bottle.
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full of struggles full of pleasure not a little quarrels of the not very well done with the only one time this is you don't want to be she blew in with. me it's a virtual magnet our bonfield an intimate look at life in cuba for us on top of course i'm going to boss around me when i came out of a lot of all people i'm hanging my cuba this time on al-jazeera. this is adama cinnamon's 4th trip to boozy in 2 days the fisherman is using his
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boat to risk you as many people as he can was stranded in the flood hit area off the psycho to die struck mozambique i was up when i 1st saw women with babies on their backs crying for help saying they were dying i knew i had to do something i was late and from the dark a faint whistle in the distance alerts us to people calling for help women children and the elderly up brought on board 1st hungry and thirsty it hasn't taken much time to pull the boat about 200 people have been rescued and more want to get on but there's simply no space. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean the fighting both isis and us on. this 2nd of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father the son and the jihad.
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on down to 0. former. saudi crown prince mohammed bin psalm on has reportedly detained a high profile members of the royal family possibly the trees. blown down jordan this is out of their own life and also coming up. it absolutely could be a catastrophe i mean absolute devastation new concerns about the coronavirus of the number of cases worldwide tops 100000 or. 24 hours of an easy karma system sponsor is it lives still homeless. and anti-government protesters will return to the streets of a little venting their own.


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