tv Robo Gal Al Jazeera March 10, 2020 1:32am-2:00am +03
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and inauguration though was marred by a rocket attack and while that was happening his presidential rival a beloved helped his own ceremony claiming that he was and should be the country's legitimate leader he's calling for a rerun of september's election. at least $43.00 people have died in burkean a fossil after gunmen attacked 2 villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the villages in the north of region which is close to the border with mali those were the top stories stay with us women that make science is next speaking with one of the world's leading tech developers and we're going to have more news for you coming out of the in half an hour and hi we'll see you tomorrow thanks for watching by. with the plummeting birth rates and families moving to the cities south korea's rule schools are shutting down one on one east meets the grandmas who is saving these schools while finally getting an education on al-jazeera.
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little robot. when i was your age i read about very but i think what they were the coolest thing ever ok then you can have the thing that really rather. angela you know but when i when i'm older i want to work with robots i want to build robots. are you going to let me read it yet. whenever i go there so i'm a. little bit and might
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not like it i think. you really. just really just let it. go yes and then if going right back to whatever the man in the buggy. was 19 at the time in my 2nd year you know best today and i saw in my classes and i see tauriel said there were very few shows like. let's take you straight to the white house president trump bespeaking is just raising his advisers to the visor response to the coronavirus threat let's listen and we're going to take care of that have been taken care of the american public and the american economy we are going. going to be asking tomorrow where seeing the senate to be meeting with house republicans which mcconnell everybody and discussing a possible payroll tax. cut or relief substantial relief very substantial relief
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that's a big that's a big number. we're also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting. help so that they can. fit a position where that i could ever miss a paycheck be working with companies and small companies large companies a lot of companies so that they don't get penalize for something that's not their faults not their fault it's not our country's fault that this was something that we were thrown into and we're going to handle it and we have been handling it very well the big decision was early when we shut down our borders were the 1st ones ever to do that we've never done that in our country before or to have a situation that would be. a lot more dire also we're going to be seeing the small business administration and create the loans for small businesses who are also working with the industries including the airline industries the cruise ship
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industry which obviously will be hit we're working with them very very strongly we want them to. travel 'd we want people to travel to certain locations and. not to other locations at this moment and hopefully that will straighten out sooner rather than later but we're working with the industries and in particular those 2 industries we're also talking to the hotel industry in some places actually will do well in some places probably won't do well at all but we're working also with i would tell industry but the main thing is that we're taking care of the american public and we will be taking care of the american public and i really appreciate the professionals behind me and the professionals actually behind them in a different room we have a tremendous team. and it's headed up by our great vice president mike pence and i want to thank mike because he's been working 24 hours a day just about he is been working very very hard very diligently and very professionally as i want to thank him i want to thank the team and i'll have mike
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say a few words thank you very. much. i thank you mr president we just completed the day's. meeting of the white house coronavirus task force had the opportunity to brief the president today on a broad range of issues. and once again because of the president action the president trump took in january suspending all travel from china. stablish ing travel advisories for portions of south korea and italy establishing screening of all direct flights all passengers from all airports italy . and south korea. we have we have bought a considerable amount of time according to all the health experts to deal with the corona virus here in the united states back so i stand before you today. the the
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risk of contracting the coronavirus to the american public remains low and the risk of serious disease. among the american public also remains low that being said. the president did deploy not just a whole of government approach but also a whole 'd of america approach and last week at the president's direction we met with leaders in industries from nursing homes to airlines pharmaceutical companies commercial labs and it's had great great impact pharmaceutical companies are already working. literally around the clock on the development of a therapeutics that will be medicines that. relief to people that contract the coronavirus and i know that how pleased the president was to learn that the commercial labs in this country led by companies like lab corp and qwest have already brought
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a test forward 'd and taking that to market effective today this week the president's direction will be meeting with hospital c.e.o.'s health insurance c.e.o.'s and all of a building on top of what the president will be announcing tomorrow with regard to economic relief for working americans we also met today in a conference call with 47 of america's governors were able to brief them on the latest the progress that we've made we were able to confirm with them that testing is now available in all state labs in every state in the country over a 1000000 tests have been distributed before the end of this week another 4000000 tests will be distributed but as i said before with the deployment of the commercial labs we literally we literally are going to see a. a dramatic increase in the available vale ability of testing and
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that's all a direct result of the of the president's leadership today in a few moments we will we will outline community guidance that dr burk's and dr found she will be publishing. the president's direction we're going to be providing guidance about how to keep your home safe how to keep your business safe how to keep safe and healthy at your school and will be publishing that information and speaking about that a brief word about the grand princess the grand princess. has has docked this afternoon in oakland california at a commercial dock. 25 childer. we were happy to learn through the screening over the last 2 days the 25 children on the ship are all healthy. the people that have contracted the corona virus. 21 in all of their being dealt with in proper
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isolation and working with health authorities in california we hold vote for 'd the end of today to begin to disembark california residents to travis air force base in miramar we've made arrangements with canada and the u.k. to to take their passengers back they'll be transported directly to the tarmac charter flights home and tomorrow the remaining passengers will be transported again. through very very carefully controlled environments busses out to the tarmac and and flown to military bases in georgia and texas all the passengers will be tested isolated as appropriate quarantined as appropriate and i want to express appreciation. to the governor of california and his administration to governor of georgia the governor of texas for their strong cooperation with us
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in resolving the issues around the grand princess it has been a it has been a partnership which the president directed us in the very beginning. and the process that bob had like will detail in any questions in a few moments continues to work and move forward the remaining people on the ship the crew itself will love will push off from the dock and they will be quarantined and observed and treated shipboard but the president made the priority to get get the americans ashore and we are in the process of doing that as well as returning before a national. let me just say one. other point as the president says spoken today to congressional leadership one of the things that i inform the president that i've been hearing from governors. is the concern about hourly wage earners in this country feeling that they had to go to work even if they were ill. and the
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president has tasked this economic team and is working already with leaders in the congress to make sure that that that that anyone is not feels that they are at risk of losing their job or losing a paycheck because they may contract the coronavirus when we tell people if you're sick stay home and the president has tasked the team with developing economic policies that will of all make it very very clear that we're going to stand by those hard working americans stand by those businesses large and small and make it possible for us as the president said from the very beginning but the health of america 1st will be available to take any questions on any of these topics but mr president i don't know if you want to do. anything or what we will be doing is having a news conference tomorrow to talk about various things that we're doing economically
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they'll be very major including obviously the payroll tax cut and so we'll be meeting again tomorrow afternoon and it will be coming back from the senate we have a lot a very important meeting set up and we'll have a press conference some time after that and we'll explain what we're doing on an economic standpoint and from an economic standpoint but they will be very very dramatic and we have a great economy we have very strong economy but this game has blindsided the world and i think we've handled it very very well i think they've done a great job the people behind me have done a great job so i will be here tomorrow afternoon to let you know about some of the economic steps we're taking which will be a major thing. we are. thank you mr president and. you have not been.
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our rights you've been watching their live news conference from the white house where u.s. president donald trump joined the regular daily briefing on the corona virus outbreak in the united states the president announcing a series of measures economic relief measures to mitigate the coronavirus a fall out and president thomas appearance coming a short time after the new york stock exchange close for the day following its worst blind since the 2008 economic crisis the president attending that briefing alongside u.s. vice president mike pence who's been tasked to lead this coronavirus task force in the united states that spring in ross in jordan in washington d.c. for as a ross in talk us through 1st the measures announced by the president and the coronavirus task force seceding. well as some pundits predicted fawley the president came
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into the press briefing room late on monday evening and didn't talk about the more than 22 people have lost their lives to a coronavirus as well as to the uptick in cases across the country including here in washington d.c. where at least 500 parishioners at a local church have now been told that they need to consult with their doctors and self quarantine because their minister has been confirmed as being infected with corona virus instead what donald trump talked about were economic steps in acting some sort of payroll tax cut in order to keep the u.s. economy afloat and that's because both economists and economic experts who work on wall street are now talking about the very real risk of the u.s. economy going into recession because of the global spread of this virus and the
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impact it is having on economies from china all the way around the world to the united states the president did not take any questions as our viewers just saw reporters were shouting at him asking whether he has been tested for corona virus given that a number of members of the republican senate and the republican house have themselves been considered exposed to corona virus in the past week or so and some of those same legislators have been with the president in the past 72 hours so while the vice president is trying to walk reporters through what the u.s. government's response is to the spread of corona virus there are a ninny many more questions about whether the government in fact has any control right over the noses and of the treatment of this virus in the american public all right wrongs that go back to the news conference there in washington and speaking right now is anthony that you. mala just for the us government let's
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listen in to this trail you actually decided they were going to write a paper on it and make a number of boxes which was exactly saying what we had been talking about so we came up with the idea it would be very good for clarity so why don't we just put it together edited a little and put it in a way that people can look what about the home what about the school what about the workplace these are really simple low tech things there's nothing in there that's complicated but it's just stated in a way that's clear that people can understand. remind us of. what but one thing i want folks to know is that we have been looking at the data from around the world and we now know more than we ever have about who is at risk who is at risk and i hope you will help us communicate this to the american people are people over the age of 60 they're much more likely to develop complications from the corona virus and to be hospitalized from the coronavirus the average age
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of death is age 80 now what we also want communities to know is that if you are a child or young adult you are much more like you're more likely to die from the flu if you get it than you are to die from corona virus so there is something about being young that is protective we want people to be reassured by that we want people to know that we are really focusing in on those those groups that are at highest risk for complications and helping them understand how to be safe and this new advice that's going to be coming out tomorrow is designed to keep our communities safe to help keep the most vulnerable safe and it's important to understand that even though young people aren't at risk for dying from coronavirus they can potentially spread that to older people in the communities and people with chronic diseases so it's important we all take precautions washing our hands covering our cough a keeping our distance from people who are sick and taking the steps that will be
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coming out in this new guidance to help make sure we're doing everything we know possible to keep our most vulnerable protected. well don thank you. and i'm going to. i think the surgeon general raises a very important point and my mother is 88 years young my stepfather's about the same age this is just a really good time with dr fouts he tells us what the experts tell us is is to look after look after family members loved ones who are senior citizens and particularly those who have serious underlying health conditions all the data dr burk's confirms to us that they they're the most vulnerable. to serious consequences if they contract the coronavirus but the guidance that we would we would ask members of the media and the american public looking on you can go to coronavirus dot gov this information to be posted tonight and hopefully it will be useful
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helpful commonsense for families for schools for businesses and for commercial establishments that that welcome the public and just to just to create the kind of practices that we believe will mitigate the spread of the corona virus across the country as a whole but with regard to seniors i might just as seam of erma to step up and speak about last week at the president's direction we raised the standards for every nursing home in america with regard to infectious disease and we are deploying all 8000 of our inspectors in every state as we told the governors today to focus exclusively on infectious disease compliance at our nursing homes our hearts break for the families of the kirkland nursing home in seattle the loss of life has been grievous but we are we are sending the message
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out working with our governors to make sure our nursing homes and long term care facilities have the additional layer of protection. action against the spread of the corona virus maybe if you think you thank you mr vice president as he said that's exactly where our focus is it's around infection control or working with the entire health care industry today we issued more guidance to nursing homes about really opting their screening of people that are coming into the nursing home and making sure that you know they're gloved and they have mass that they can so that we can protect people that are in the nursing homes the other thing that we're doing is because we know that many of our senior citizens are vulnerable and we want to make sure that they know that the medicare program is behind them and we're here to support them we're letting our patients know that they can get a coronavirus test and that there is no cautionary associated with that for our seniors on the medicare program or also letting them know that because of the president's leadership over a year and a half ago he took action to actually extend more tele health benefits to our
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nation's seniors and this is a very historic change that we made under the president's leadership and so if they're sick and they're ill they can call their doctor they can skype with their doctor and medicare will reimburse for those services and we've also in our conversations with governors today we talked about i'm having tele health services also available in the medicaid program great. let me let me invite who is the deputy secretary of h.h.s. would come forward as well to fill us in on the on the latest on the progress on the ground of princess thank you mistress for that is dockside now in is going through a very careful process of having americans and foreign nationals come off and everyone will be tested thank you very much sir and yes we begin to think joining us on al-jazeera we've been watching a brown family of the. top of course a u.s. corner vies task force from the white house in washington d.c. this task force trying to reassure americans about the outbreak saying everything
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is under control early on president donald trump joining the team better. and announce a series of economic relief measures to mitigate the corona virus outbreak the president's appearance coming a short time after the new york stock exchange close for the day following its worst since the 2008 financial crisis the dow jones down by about 7 percent at the end of the day and the trumpet ministration trying very hard to convince the american public that it has a situation under control let's bring in ross in jordan who's been listening in from washington d.c. . of course the president announcing economic measures and now his task force seen there trying to reassure americans that the outbreak is under control will be a short. well that's really a if you have to go out and survey people i'm not sure that you would hear a great approval of what's being said as of about an hour ago the centers for
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disease control and prevention tweeted out that there are some 75000 tests to confirm or reject a diagnosis of corona virus currently available and that and then we heard from the vice president there on our screens mike pence saying earlier in this briefing that some 4000000 tests will soon be available look that is in large part big because of private laboratories that have developed their own tests that are going to be able to do this work on behalf of the nation's physicians the vice president tried to say that it was the president's work that has brought this about actually this is the work of the private labs that have brought this increase in potential testing into play now 4000000 tests that might sound impressive but there are some 330000000 americans living in this country far from enough tests in order to try
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to really figure out just how many people might be infected one thing that might reassure people listening to this press conference is in fact 2 things one the financial support that could be coming to help low income hourly workers and to the need to try to protect people with vulnerable health senior citizens people who are immunocompromised more of a stress on people trying to act not just for themselves but for those in their communities right there relatives their neighbors who might not be healthy and this sort of protection we've had is a lack of a treatment for coronavirus right and we've heard some mixed messages from the trump administration rosalyn about this. but the president just. you know seems to be concerned about the economic impact of all of this talk us through remind us of some of the measures he announced to mitigate that this fall the economic fallout. well not just the discussion fawley about how to help
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low income hourly workers who typically don't get paid if they don't go to work and if there is an a quarantine issued in a community such as what we just saw in the country of italy these people won't get paid that means they can't buy groceries they can't pay their children's school fees or health care expenses they can't pay their rent that could be devastating for so many low income hourly workers in this country the president is also floating a payroll tax cut something that would put more money assistance a bully in people's our pockets so that they could keep the u.s. economy humming 70 percent of the u.s. economy it depends on consumer spending is that going to be enough i'm not an economist all right rosen thank you very much for that was in jordan live for us in washington d.c. and we'll have plenty more on this and all of the day's other news on al jazeera coming up very shortly including knocking down the entire country over if he is the
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spread of the corona virus outbreak to stay with us on al-jazeera with iraq in just a few minutes. across the united states indigenous families are searching for their loved ones for relatives of people who go missing finding closure is often impossible people are meeting here to raise money for the search efforts of the young woman advocates and family members have started to raise awareness about the high rates of violence that disproportionately impact indigenous communities most tribal police departments are understaffed and under-resourced another factor is that tribes don't have jurisdiction over non-native americans for all crimes there been a lot of concerns that the federal agencies don't respond that they don't take these crimes seriously a lack of evidence is the main reason federal officials give for declining to prosecute crimes on reservations that should be the end of the discussion. there should be then a ok. hey let's see while i'm wrong in this case why the is no evidence or why the
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evidence isn't but enough and make sure that doesn't happen again the shocking treatment of disabled people in eastern european state run caverns in these cages you can not have access to a toilet or water and the bureaucratic indifference to their plight she has his hands and his fates tied to the beds 5 years after fast highlighting such abuses of people in power returns with a 2 part investigation to continuing mistreatment and neglect europe's recurring shane hart one on al jazeera. it could be the biggest land grab in history. as powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean $21.00 geologists are secretly plotting new borders. as the struggle for resources intensifies some of the world's most powerful
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scientists speak out. oceans manakin on a 0. to to. this is al-jazeera. fully back to boyer watching the news our live from our global headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes in an unprecedented move italy's prime minister orders a lot down for the entire country as it struggles to contain the corona virus outbreak . barris years in an oil dispute between russia.
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