tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 10, 2020 2:00am-3:01am +03
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most powerful scientists speak out. on 00. 0 or. 0. 00 am fully back to watching the news hour live from our global headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes in an unprecedented move italy's prime minister orders a lot down for the entire country as it struggles to contain the corona virus outbreak. a virus for years in an oil dispute between russia and saudi arabia s and global markets really. also this hour with 6 more u.s. states scheduled to vote on tuesday in the democratic primaries bernie sanders
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looks to michigan to revive his presidential campaign. and mexico strike why female workers have been staying away from what. thank you very much for joining us is expanding travel restrictions for the entire country locking down 60000000 people to contain the corona virus outbreak the unprecedented move follows another spike in deaths from the virus despite a strict quarantine imposed in the north a ban on public gatherings now applies to all regions and people would only be allowed to travel for work or family emergencies prime minister just epic on all citizens to stay at home that concern over the outbreaks and stock split meeting on global markets on monday billions were wiped off the value of major companies. key
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indices in the u.s. plunge as much as 6 percent as trading closed the white house has confirmed also that the president was on air force one with a congressman who is now in south korean teen and a cruise ship that's been forced to stay off the coast of california has just been allowed to dock in oakland and more and more countries are adopting restrictive measures to stop the virus from spreading israel has become the 1st country to enforce a mandatory 2 we quarantine for all new arrivals the decision applies to both citizens and tourists make sure you get in the reports on the situation across europe. it's a nice coronavirus that demick already the 2nd most deadly after china has taken another dramatic turn with more than 60000000 people the country's entire population under lockdown from tuesday. prime minister is that they contact says he's extending restrictions on movement after another spike in deaths from the
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coronavirus all public gatherings all banned and schools and universities closed until april the 3rd. there will no longer be a red zone there will no longer be a lawn and zone 2 in the country there will only be it's only a protected zone so across the whole peninsula people should avoid all movement unless they are for 3 specific reasons for work emergencies or health reasons. 60000000 people in the north of the country have been on the look down since sunday riots in 2 dozen prisons across the country followed restrictions on face to face visits a modern a 6 inmates died after they broke into the prison infirmary and overdosed on stocks of the heroin substitute methadone. as a warning they posted someplace to switch say we can only go inside when
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a mosque. has it's of one family member at a time. this was a hint of what chaos might in see you with the virus were to enter the confines of the prison system it is almost everywhere else in italy these were rest scenes filmed inside a hospital in the northern town of cremona and also on lockdown the financial capital milan one of the engines of the economy europe's major stock markets from and then to frankfurt paris and london all suffered dramatic falls on monday with share prices plummeting as the infection rate saw the economic impact of the coronavirus is already substantial and will only grow there are discomforting comparisons being made to the 2008 financial crisis with concerns for the preparedness of european banks and businesses. on tuesday elitist will meet to try to come up with a unified response but they won't meet here in person in brussels with steadily
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growing infection rate instead they'll be holding a teleconference the circumstances of this unique crisis continue to evolve although not yet into a pandemic says the world health organization in which transmission of the virus is uncontrolled now that the virus has a foothold in so many countries the threads of a pandemic has become very real. but it would be the 3rd spondon week in history that could be controlled there are signs of success against the virus in china south korea and singapore but not yet in europe spain looks set to launch what's being described as shock therapy measures possibly following france and germany with school closures and restrictive public gatherings these are moves the government in britain is not yet prepared to make keen apparently to defer the enormous social and economic costs of fighting the coronavirus but that
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will likely be no avoiding them victoria gayton be algis there are let's find out more about the situation in italy and speak to italian journalists have been at castle franco and joins us on skype from london sabina thank you for being with us on this is no doubt a critical time for italy the red zone being extended to the rest of the country now how exactly are they going to enforce this. well they're going to enforce it with the police authorities of course and everybody who's moving around will be asked for what reason they're moving around and they can only move around. because this decree effectively is called you must stay her home. if you do move around you need to have a valid reason for doing so either you are going to work or there is some sort of an emergency or it is for health reasons so you just can't leave the home for any
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reason or to go out and have fun in addition of course the prime minister has extended the closure of bars and restaurants not only in the north of italy and you know for until 6 pm but now it's across the whole country so there's not going to be much to do after 6 pm anywhere in the country because it will be no where to go discos will be pubs will be gyms are being closed there is also going to be no more sporting events in the country at least until april 3rd and of course all schools in universities will also be closed initially now until april and then we shall have to see whether this will be extended or what will happen after that and so how are people have been are coping with these restrictions and have they accepted that life is going to change for them. well i think
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a lot of people are very frustrated because they it's going to be very complicated for families not everybody lives in the same place many people are being separated of course the prime minister has said that the transport in cities will be unchanged so people will be able to get to work if they have to using public transport but what we will be seeing is what we've been seeing in the north of the country until now basically empty cities empty bars empty streets and no one in in shops except if it's absolutely unavoidable basically if you're going to buy food and people that are keeping you know at least a meter apart * from everybody else there are restaurants and bars have rules to organize themselves so that you can sit at a table and be one meter apart from someone else in addition of course the government has on television constantly these videos explaining how you
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should be behaving washing your hands who wearing surgical masks not sneezing in front of somebody but using tissues that are disposable so the country is really having to adopt a completely different and new way unprecedented let's say way of living indeed thank you very much to me now for speaking to us about this i mean a castle funchal an italian journalist joining us there from london. back coronavirus fee is plus an oil price war have played a big part in a plunge in global stock markets on monday it was the worst $1.00 day drop on wall street since the 2008 financial crisis with falling more than 7 percent things were so bad trading was suspended at one point to cool off the meltdown christenson only reports from new york. from the opening bell investors were sounding the alarm
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a massive stock selloff amid growing fears that the coronavirus was evolving from a health crisis to an economic one as more people stay home cancel trips and reduce their spending walking around new york today or even the last few days one begins to see what is real economic pain to come which is empty restaurants of empty stores and empty cabs circling looking for business that doesn't seem to be there it got so bad that just minutes into trading a nosedive of 7 percent on the s. and p. index triggered an automatic shut down temporarily halting trading the market stop for 15 minutes and what is that it gives people a chance sort of stabilize at the fire storage if it involves sellers interest involved this a gauge of the emotionality of the panic mode and try to get a sense of really what's going on markets open to the news that the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the u.s. had topped 508 states had declared
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a state of emergency and that oil prices have dropped 30 percent after some oil producing countries failed to reach an agreement to reduce production launching a price war. new york was the last stop on a worldwide wave of selling all the main european and xs fell by more than 7 percent after asian markets also saw sharp declines. i mean so much uncertainty the federal reserve which the u.s. central bank has promised to make more money available for short term loans to keep costs money to the financial markets other measures may be under consideration but so far they haven't had enough to reassure investors that the coronavirus won't take the entire economy precisely out to 0. by u.s. president donald trump says he is planning to discuss with congress possible cuts to payroll taxes in response to the corona virus outbreak he made the announcement
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as he braced the press a short while ago says a possible tax cuts will be substantial and can help support the economy as the country continues to deal with the outbreak more than 600 people in the u.s. have been infected let's speak to ross in jordan in washington d.c. was the president and his task force very keen to show that they have the situation under control. that's right they are oh very much grappling with the fact that there have been so few tests available to confirm whether people have contracted this particular strain of the coronavirus or not then this is also a situation where you see entire communities having to disrupt their activities because not only is there not enough information about who might be infected but there is no viable treatment available to help people recover and so this is a situation where the trumpet ministration is struggling to reassure the public
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that it is in control of the situation this is what the u.s. president donald trump said during his brief appearance during that briefing late on monday. we are going to take care of and have been taking care of the american public and the american economy we are going to be asking tomorrow we're seeing the senate going to be meeting with house republicans mitch mcconnell everybody and discussing a possible payroll tax. cut or relief substantial really very substantial relief that civic that's a big number. we're also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting. help so that they can. feel a position where the neck you never miss a paycheck be working with companies and small companies large companies a lot of companies so that they don't get penalize or something this is not their
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faults not their fault it's not our country's fault that this was something that we were thrown into and we're going to handle it and we have been handling it. but you did not hear the u.s. president doll trump talk about the fact that people are getting sick from coast to coast and not all of these people have been traveling overseas certainly when the question period started the president did not stay foley and he did not answer a question actually repeat from several reporters about whether he himself has been tested for exposure to coronaviruses right and those reports that in the last few days the president himself flew on f. was one with a florida congressman who's now in quarantine because he had contact with a person infected. the president not responding i wonder what's the reaction the overall reaction of the american public to how all of this is being handled by the terminal situation. well i took a quick look at social media where it seems
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a lot of the political discussions in washington happen these days folly and after this revelation about matt gates the republican from florida who was himself photographed wearing a military style gas mask on the house floor last week now he is in self quarantine because he apparently had an interaction with someone at a recent political conference and then flew on air force one with the president that is already just outraging so many people that we don't know whether the president has himself been tested whether any special steps have been taken to protect his help in the middle of this spreading virus the vice president tom mike pence told reporters shortly after the president left the room that he would try to find out and lots of reporters know whether the president in fact has been tested and whether any other steps have been taken to safeguard the president's health it
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seems pretty obvious that if you if you're not protecting anyone you're protecting the health of the president of the united states but to have this coming out during this briefing on a day when the economic markets are reacting to the fact that this virus is spreading so quickly i can't imagine that people are going to feel reassured that the administration is doing all that it can to try to keep this from spreading all right ross thank you very much for that was in jordan my forus in washington d.c. as we mentioned forces stay off the coast of california for 4 days has just been allowed to dock in oakland 21 people aboard the grand princess have coronavirus the ship is carrying more than 3 and a half 1000 people and was banned from docking in nearby san francisco because of the infections reynolds explains what will happen next with the passengers and crew . passengers who are feeling ill who are showing signs of distress will be taken off 1st they will then be taken to area medical facilities the rest
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of the 2500 roughly 2500 passengers will then be disembarked they will have their temperatures checked for fever before they get off the ship and they will then if they are showing signs of illness they'll be treated taken to medical facilities otherwise they'll go into borenstein the people from california by the 900 onboard who are from this day will go to a nearby air force base travis air force base and the remainder will go to other military facilities in. the u.s. in texas and georgia and the people who are on board the grand princess who are from other countries will be flown by charter aircraft back to their home home let homelands. plenty more ahead on this news hour including. the.
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explosions at the swearing in for afghan president ashraf ghani his rival abdullah abdullah held a separate ceremony to not create himself plus germany comes to the aid of unaccompanied refugee children but the economy sours and sleeving in limbo and this could be the last will to abandon its new for at least the next month these are have the details featuring scripts. i and the at the end a week after u.s. democratic presidential contender joe biden's victory 6 more states are holding primary votes ahead of the november election michigan is seen as one of the biggest prizes in the 2020 vote and could determine who is named the next president donald trump won the state by about 10000 votes in 2016 whole sport former vice president biden in the lead again senator bernie sanders and speak to his own bills in
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detroit for us so michigan voting on tuesday tell us about the importance of those states. yeah you know candidates often say that all states are important but you could really get a sense of what they think is really important by where they're spending their time and where they're spending their money and in both cases both joe biden and bernie sanders are both spending their time and their money here in the state of michigan for many reasons biden about to have a big rally here behind me in this gymnasium in detroit in the next few minutes it's $125.00 electoral votes and that's ultimately what it comes down to now michigan is the big prize on tuesday when it comes to electoral votes there's 5 other states voting as well as you mentioned and both of these candidates really need these electoral votes and african-americans will play a potentially very big part michigan important as well because there's
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a strong african-american community here but also a strong white working class democratic base in this state as well just here in the city of detroit it's a population of about 700000 people 80 percent are black americans and it was we know joe 'd biden has been doing very well with african-americans so far especially on since super tuesday of course winning south carolina so this is a state that he thinks he can win and perhaps extend his lead in the delegate race over bernie sanders sanders overfit 4 years ago actually one other state of michigan so he's hoping to repeat that again right but the coronavirus operate making it into the campaign gabe bernie sanders how the meeting early as you were they and what did he have to say. yeah bernie sanders held a roundtable meeting with health experts here about how wrong the virus blasted trip president johnson response to it he laid out his vision of why he thinks he
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was elected president he said he would have health care for all and he says this is one of these key components of his campaign but he was also asked you know people are being told don't gather in large groups well this is a large group you see behind me or will be very soon bernie sanders who in many of his campaign rallies gets thousands of people he was asked are you considering canceling or scaling back your rallies because of health reasons because of coronavirus bernie sanders says that he and his team are looking at that closely but have not made any decisions about that but clearly the longer that this crisis goes on with coronavirus the more these candidates are going to be asked are they going to continue to hold these rallies because there are lots of people packed in very very small spaces however so far both campaigns say they're not planning to make any changes however though i will tell you one who walked in to this joe biden rally they had about a dozen hand sanitizer out for people to to use as they came in here but the longer
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this goes on the more that these campaigns will have to start thinking about that without a doubt thank you for that campbell is on to life for a scene at detroit's now national strike is underway in mexico called a day without women following mass marches on sunday for international women's day female workers are staying at home they say they're showing what mexico is like without events that speak to many rapido in mexico city for i saw how widely followed is a strike and what sort of impact of them. it is widely followed fawley even being out here on the streets of mexico city it's quite noticeable that said there are a lot less women that there would normally be this is mexico's main avenue and this is a day not a demonstration but a national strike part of a larger feminist movement that's continuing to grow here in mexico against the worsening problem of femicide the worsening problem of gender based violence in the
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country now on sunday some 80000 women marched on the streets as part of international women's day in the case of mexico women here are angry they're calling attention to the issue of femicide that's estimated that 10 women are killed every day here in mexico now on the question of the national strike many of mexico's largest employers largest companies did grant the day to their female employees to participate in this national day of action and indeed if you walk around the city many businesses are closed outright banks stores restaurants are all closed for the day you mentioned or ask about that economic impact it may be too soon to tell what the economic impact is going to be of so many women not going to work so many women not going to school or the women who choose to stay home and not do the household chores what we've heard from many women that we've spoken to today that are participating in workshops and and in solidarity sessions is that they feel like they're winning the beginning of
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a of an ideological battle against much more against this culture of a male dominated society in mexico and again that anger that's fueling this movement is the fact that 10 women are killed every day last year there were 3800 women that were killed in mexico and these are the government's own numbers so given that culture of impunity that exists in mexico it's believed that the real number of women that are dying every year is actually much higher fairly and so what's been the government's response to and what is it doing to address. by women . this is one of the biggest criticisms that women have here in mexico and one of the reason is out i believe we're seeing so many of the women that participate in the march using hammers breaking windows using spray paint many of them many people here criticize those tactics but when you speak to these women with this is that they've tried protesting peacefully they've tried speaking to the government and smashing windows and setting things on fire is the only way that they're being heard from the government unfortunately another big criticism that
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people have is that there's nothing tangible beyond the president posturing himself and precluding himself on the side of women no legislation or political action has actually come out of this which is one of the reasons why this feminist movement in mexico continues to grow ali thank you very much for that money a rap on the line for us in mexico city women across argentina are expected to rally in support of legalizing abortion the strike action comes after president i'll bet a feminine does express his intention to send congress a proposal to reopen the debate initiative has gone a broad social support but is strongly opposed by religious groups in catholic church leader pope francis's whole nation a clandestine abortion in argentina is punishable by up to 4 years in jail to afghanistan where officials say the president when he showed a decree for at least 1000 taliban prisoners to be released this week paving the way for direct talks with the group the pentagon says the u.s. military has started withdrawing troops as part of its agreement with the taliban
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but the inauguration of president a shotgun e was maad by a rocket attack only a monday. reports from kabul. it was a day marred by controversy guests were told to arrive early in the morning only to discover a delay to the inauguration ceremony of president a shove that while they waited u.s. envoys. was trying to bridge a political rift between the hani and his rival. by mid afternoon the ceremony to start any 2nd term was finally under way. with the u.s. envoy and other afghan and foreign officials in the audience. ronnie took his oath of office promising to uphold the constitution and bring security while this ceremony is happening there's another presidential inauguration unfolding not very far from where we are and that's to one. of our very main competitor.
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and he says that he is the winner and the legitimate president of afghanistan taking the same oath his rival that the other. rejects the result of the presidential election in september and is calling for a rerun and by my slap them a dog name if you accept the food to happen during the election it would be witnessing the end of democracy is not in favor of the country we will form a government according to the demands needed of people and we will bring change. to the ceremony was the populace officials or foreign delegations here. down with the enemy of the law his supporters john to it. but it was also a day marred by violence. while the 2 men were being sworn in but i begin with and john that that. several rockets were fired at the
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presidential compound landing very close to where he was giving a speech. the president remained at the podium defiantly opening his shirt to show he wasn't wearing any protection. i so claimed responsibility for the rocket attack monday was a public holiday for the streets of kabul where usually empty what was supposed to be the start of a new chapter turned out to be a day when political rivalry toward a country apart a little put out the meet a couple. still ahead on the news hour sudan's prime minister survives a car bomb blasts arrests are made following the suspected assassination attempts and score changing times in cameroon as the footballing achievements of the men's team are matched by the women who are on the brink of the tokyo olympics be to have a story in sports to stay.
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there quite a mix of weather conditions across areas of the united states in the south as in this building and that is where the heavy rain is going to continue to work its way eastwards california is seeing some flash floods and then we have goal this is up into new york state crisp and dry snow on the ground ice on the trees this is actually miles which is new york state's highest mountain in just a couple of hikers that snowshoeing their way across the landscape not being pretty moderate she calls into new york we call 17 degrees than 19 in d.c. on tuesday the rain is on its way quite heavy at times but this is what we call concerns of a lightly flash floods into southern california very heavy amounts of rain coming down on some particularly dry ground it'll work its way for the east was across into our zone or as we go through wednesday and the rain of the east that will continue to clear off shore now we get some very heavy rain in the forecast really
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across much of the haiti and in particular the dominican republic this rain really could acumen. over the next couple of days we could see as much as 400 millimeters to northern sections of of the country and that could of course lead to some localized flooding by the time we get to wednesday it does move offshore we've got widely scattered showers really across the entire region but sunny skies in cancun with a high of 26. frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping domino trouble float right now critical debate sequel on those 2 schools even know what the law is all 'd about this argument is astonishingly patronize a in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning for a new iraq of a new conscious and aware youth about struggle against an ethnic sectarian kotor
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inside story on al-jazeera. i was raised in france. these are my grandparents. these are my parents and this is mean. fighting both isis and us on. the 2nd of a 2 part epic tale of a remarkable family. the father the son and the jihad. to on al-jazeera. root. i am. the welcome back you're watching the news on al-jazeera with me for
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a reminder of our top stories it's an easy expanding travel restrictions to the entire country knocking down 60000000 people to contain the corona virus outbreak precedented news follows another spike in deaths from the virus despite a switch quarantine imposed in the. us president donald trump as a noun sponsor soften the economic impacts of coron a virus including potential payroll tax cuts the virus has infected more than $600.00 americans and afghanistan's president a shotgun is expected to issue a decree for at least 1000 taliban prisoners to be released this week the pentagon says the u.s. military has started withdrawing troops as part of its agreement with the taliban took his oath of office made a rocket attack in couple. now the economic turmoil caused by the corona virus outbreak is being made worse by plunging oil prices those were triggered by a dispute between saudi arabia and russia moscow refuses to join
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a plan by major oil producing nations aimed at cutting up and maintaining prices that speak to a mob hard who is the director of research and analysis at the center in washington d.c. he joins us on skype we want to talk to you about the political implications of all of this the saudi russia standoff sending oil markets into a frenzy and we know that u.s. shale oil producers will be among the people hardest hit by this plunge what do you think this will mean for president politically who's always wanted to keep oil prices low but also wants markets to perform well. well. it was everything to go his way except that the shale oil is under pressure. and prices go i did for the valen actually they are in really dangerous territory but geologically bay which does not reflect believe me well on the president he has . now been jailed or is he one of the united states to be an exporter of this oil
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and now why do you don't think that the way things are happening now developing in the oil market is going to be a good politically helpful for him. on the on the other hand you know the cheap ones prices are good for him politically because then american consumer is looking for rescue but aghast. out of the garden and the seasonal of this but. and that is relationship or saw that it will definitely get affected than. oil prices affect the of the market that it was speaking about i was going to ask you about that what implications for the u.s. saudi relationship and in particular for trump's relationship with saudi arabia and the saudi crown prince mohammed bin sound line do you think he can convince him to reverse this decision. everybody in the eye of the united states i remember i recall we have the lies that is capable of reversing the saudi decisions of his
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major because. these decisions affect the american economy and they were the economy or that matter except for one little thing that the president brought them from is interested and and b.s. is the only got survival obviously so i don't think that he is going to lead to pressure him and he'd better have the go to pressure them publicly this is all going to be behind the scenes and the united states will deploy as the medic assets . need to do not. like what they feel would visit the us so one thought about this issue. he also by the way that the lobby thought of our. home of been cited of a distance one with bin laden is and b.s. the leading political. guy that advisor why this move by saudi arabia now you think and you talked about one of been found and being on depression
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politically of course as the allegations of a recent poll pran bad but what else he's going on in the kingdom right now to wind a small one for one thing he adds challengers of the royal family or at least to perceive he has shown the jobs of the royal family and that's why it is arresting the princes. of the royal family so he that he is he feel that he is vulnerable domestically also the thing is. yemen is not unquestionably isn't going very well or saudi arabia or they or you for that matter and his relationship was there without a world is not really going that well of either and he is suffering from a almost like a feeling of a lack of legitimacy because he is making all these decisions without the don't look. so when is your. peers who sins were.
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just simply your own bill in a row businesses are. the citizens. are you mad hob thank you very much for your insight on on this matter is director of research and analysis at the absent are in washington thank you very much for your time thank you bye european union leaders a warning to president bush taipei don't want to respect the 2016 refugee deal after a tense meeting in brussels at on met both european council president michel and nato chief un sultan barak in a bid to drum up support but he left without attending a planned use conference to contravene the 26 in refugee deal when it opened its northwestern border with greece 10 days ago saying it could no longer cope with the influx of people from syria by germany says it will lead
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a coalition of european union nations willing to take an unaccompanied refugee children to go see a sions are underway to bring in 1500 children with germany taking in what it's calling an appropriate share it's something greece has been requesting for months but as john psaropoulos explains it doesn't address the whole problem. at 14 and 17 years of age ali and ali hamza are unaccompanied afghan minors they've been a refugee camp for months but haven't managed to apply for asylum because all forest trees are overwhelmed with applications. says at 60 his father is too old to make a living as a builder and his 14 year old sister is taking in sewing work to feed the family farm and i thought of that when i told my family that where we live is not a good place ican find many constantly i discussed it with them and they sent me here 17 year old saleh from syria is relatively lucky he's one of about 400 minors
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staying in moreas police protected area for vulnerable refugees but before that his life was heard why. for 7 months i lived on the mountains around here i survived by doing petty jobs for people in the last month i was taken into the facility for miners but before that i slept on the ground without blankets or a bed i often walked barefoot and was miserable i knocked on doors and beg people for scraps. even now there is no education for activities for young people like salah there are a 1000 young refugees like him lesbos most of them living in these olive groves now covered in huts there is a high risk of exploitation. because they do not have any parent without electricity without heating we are in the middle of the winter so also risk of getting sick we do also not sufficient. medical capacity to respond on the needs greece has the european union to take 4000 unaccompanied
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minors it can't house and educate in january. you country agreed to take about 100 and last month from said it would take an unspecified number so the german initiative is the 1st systematic attempt to relocate these you but the german plan still wouldn't absorb even half of the unaccompanied minors here and greece is demanding more for 5 years the e.u. has failed to agree on a common asylum policy or to set up a permanent system to relocate asylum seekers from its southern periphery greece is left to fend for itself a sign of how reluctant europe is to acknowledge the problems at its borders or to formulate a unified response other than to throw money at them jumpstart ople us lesbos. sudan's prime minister has survived what the government is calling an assassination attempt. volleying want hinder the political changes being made since.
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last year the governor of khartoum state says a few suspects have been her arrest said he has the details. the monday morning attack happened in the capital hard to be prime minister abdullah was in a convoy of cars when a roadside bomb blast was followed by gunshots he survived the attempt on his life but a police motorbike writer was injured within a couple of hours did a photo to prove in his words that he's in good shape and vowed that the attack won't get in the way of saddam's transition the government says it was a targeted attack and investigations are under way into who carried it out. and we're not we know there are people who are trying to target the revolution of the sudanese people and to attack the gains of the revolutionaries but we stress that revolution is going on at the revolution will continue it's possible the area was cordoned off and examined by forensics this area behind me is where the explosion
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that targeted the convoy of stance prime minister of the happened now you can see the impact of the blast on the walls of that building the windows are completely shattered while sudan's government says that the prime minister is safe and has not been injured by the incident people are now asking why a security breach such as this happened in the 1st place. people living nearby raced to the streets to see what's happened. to you when the explosion was very loud in the glass from all 4 floors broke i went to see and found 2 cars badly damaged in another which i assume was the prime minister's car driving away with the security convoy the attack highlights the fragile t of sudan's transition to civilian rule almost a year after protesters forced the military to move president obama to bashir and replaced him with the joint military civilian government but many say the generals remain the effective rulers of sudan. supporters were quick to condemn be attack they say sudan's new government is the result of the people's revolution which they
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are ready to save guard until the transition to democracy is complete he will morgan al-jazeera. at least $43.00 people are dead in brooklyn or fossil after gunmen attacked 2 villages in the north of the country the military has been sent to secure the villages in the north which in close to the border with mali nobody's claimed responsibility but the villages are inhabited by ethnic herders who are often targeted by for their alleged links to i saw. now south africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world much of it due to illegal firearms that the government is offering an amnesty saying people hand in unregistered guns won't face prosecution but many are skeptical this will make south africa any safer. as a report from soweto in johannesburg. this is the reality of gun crimes in south africa on average there are $58.00 murders every day
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one of the highest violent crime rates in the world according to government statistics and experts say that's largely down to half a 1000000 illegal firearms on the streets buying an illegal gun can cost as little as $50.00 as very it is ago because it's very easy to buy a gun in the hostels or you can get it by breaking into houses in the suburbs sometimes you mark someone who has a gun it's very easy to get a gun here in south africa these gang members in the johannesburg township of soweto who don't want to be identified say guns make it easier to commit crimes with 4 guns between them they call themselves a small army and they say they are capable of protecting themselves. as they continue to do commit crimes we do a lot of things threatened by a motions because when we look at is attrition at all no one is ricky olazabal is nothing how else can we use a gun especially one that is not licensed we hustle and bustle the wrong we just
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saw we can have something to eat looking phone to leave some way they say they've all been arrested for crimes ranging from house break ins to vehicle theft while they are 3000000 registered guns in south africa the government is offering amnesty to people willing to hand in guns or ammunition that are unregistered but they'll only avoid prosecution if the guns have not been used to commit crime. so far police have collected more than 2000 firearms and over 31000 rounds of ammunition at this hand over in johannesburg gun shop owner chris front and back surrendering more than 300 firearms he says no longer have commercial value but while the government says they have been some successes in reducing the number of guns on the street some people say the amnesty program will not reduce crime would any of you hand over your own firearms. you know i want you to know. every year close to
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$10000.00 guns from handguns to a k $47.00 assault rifles are reported lost or stolen adding to hundreds of thousands of illegal firearms on south african streets the government says it's doing all it can to change that. these guns are often difficult to trace and police hope some of them will be handed over during the amnesty period but getting the public to cooperate is not the only challenge police corruption has also contributed to the number of illegal firearms with some police officers accused of selling confiscated guns to criminals and so for many the government may still not be doing enough to make south africa safer for me the al jazeera johannesburg. a mass trial a mass murder trial has begun in the netherlands without 4 men accused of helping to shoot down a malaysian airliner 290 people were on the flight from amsterdam to kuala lumpur 6
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years ago it was hit by a missile fired from territory in ukraine controlled by pro russian separatists in a vodka reports. the dutch judges entered the special court there amsterdam's schiphol airport in solemn silence at the start of a trial of mass murder faden have a long that i know they should of many have waited a long time for this the day that the mh 17 criminal trial really begins as a consequence of this atrocious disaster 298 people men women and children died a case of this complexity a magnitude is unprecedented in the netherlands among the dead 80 children entire families gone. and now all 4 men stand accused of their deaths 3 russians and a ukrainian they were named by investigators is ego get in a former colonel in russia's f.s.b.
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intelligence service he was given the title of minister of defense in separatist held eastern ukraine 2 suspected members of russia's military intelligence to geo you also on trial so you gave to bin ski and oleg pull out of. the 4th suspect is ukrainian national leonid caution believed to be a pro russian separatists commander all 4 men were absent from court believed to be in russia arrest warrants have been issued for russia doesn't extradite its citizens and the kremlin's question the legitimacy of the court the trial will continue without them i do hope the judge had so many evidence on this table that is the one. guilty as relatives. looking fairly forward to start of this process because it's so important to find the truth of the joint investigation team formed by australia belgium malaysia the netherlands and ukraine found that the plane was shot down by russian book surface to air missile system
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brought into ukraine from russia this is the crime scene reconstructed from remaining wreckage the kremlin denies involvement. it was meant to have been a routine flight from amsterdam to kuala lumpur says instead the passengers of the boeing triple 7 became victims of a foreign war. if found guilty the 4 suspects could face life in prison little is known about who will testify before the court the identities of some witnesses may remain secret in a trial that's expected to take several years to reach a verdict leave barca al jazeera. now a u.s. appeals court has all the band led zeppelin did not steal its 971. way to heaven.
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introduction at the center of the long running copyright dispute a band named spirit claims it was stolen from a song they released 3 years before the ned sept in tune the case has been in course for 6 years on monday an 11 judge panel upheld a previous decision in favor of led zeppelin. why this ski jumper has something to celebrate for the 1st time since 2017 the details coming up next in sports to stay with us.
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thank you very much monday's match in the italian city kicked off as old but it will be the last game played for a while old sport has been suspended until at least april food as the battles to contain the corona virus outbreak the olympic committee which is responsible for sport earlier in the day made the request of the national governments the decision does not affect teams playing in consonance or international competitions. so swallow the brush here then likely the last of the city are matches to go ahead behind closed doors or swallow winning 3 nil of the season is now at risk of being cancelled for the 1st time since world war 2. european club football has been facing problems to wednesday's champions league match between paris and her man and literally adore them and will be played with no fans and football's governing body fever has decided to postpone the world cup qualifiers in asia in march in june
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after meeting with the asian football confederation but they did say some games could go ahead if both countries involved mutually agreed to it elsewhere this week 6 nations rugby match between france and ireland is all fun so due to the french policy that bans gatherings of more than a 1000 people earlier in the tournament 2 of italy's games were postponed and it's still unclear when those will be played japan's football and baseball leagues have announced further delays to their seasons but the turkey or 2020 olympics associated all to take place on time however this week's elim pick torch lighting ceremony in greece will take place without spectators that's despite the local mayor in a limpia wanting to move the ceremony to may. cameroon and zambia as women's football teams are battling for a place in the tokyo olympics the 2nd leg of a qualifier is on tuesday with cameroon leading 32 and aiming to continue a meteoric rise for the women's game over the past decade poori supports. cameroon
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football fans have become well acquainted with success on the african continent and sometimes beyond. now the achievements of the men's team are beginning to be matched by the women being a lioness is on the brink of qualifying for their 2nd lympics even if the 1st leg of their play off against zambia didn't quite go to plan i the team ranked 57 places below them scoring a pair of goals in the cameroon capital day i although cameroon did edge it with 3 of their own to give their growing army of fans hope when they watch tuesday's return like in the socket so far. on the streets of yon day putting on the green red and yellow of cameroon is a distant dream for most whether male or female but as the women's national team has got stronger so too have attitudes changed in a traditionally male the main zone with somebody we didn't used to go to watch the girls because we thought football was only for boys but we see now that football
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has no social class it does not choose a tribe and many families push their daughters to play football and it's. really low for both the nowaday inspire us we never used to imagine that women's football could reach such a level now they motivate all of the youth of cameron. football of his hair found the lionesses hard to ignore 2 world cup knockout rounds in a row from the debut and 25th dane and an africa cup of nations a year later that brought hundreds of thousands of pounds to watch them on home soil the men's success from the 1990 world cup onwards providing fertile ground for the women cameron is one of the greatest nation on the ground. and so it was only. a matter of time reading that that we men also good up to speed they've grown up looking at all these legends people that they can look up to and want to be like them so play them but you have to go all the way to george i mean that somewhere
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and so and now to think that look even to me the gods can do this we can do it at the number stage and we can go out and sign zambia's to away goals could make them the story on tuesday if they hold cameron off in the 2nd like whoever reaches the olympics will hope to continue the up put africa's female footballers once they get to take your. home race al-jazeera. horse racing has been hit with a doping scandal of the $27.00 people in the united states were charged in a widespread doping scheme on monday the group includes 11 trainers 7 veterinarians and 9 drug suppliers and distributors the defendants run horses at tracks throughout the u.s. as well as the united arab emirates attorney jeffrey berman is charging documents a thousands of units of performance enhancing drugs have been used on race horses and describe it as nothing less than abuse it's spring training in major league baseball and south korean pitcher who will be happy with these early pre-season form here is in action for the st louis cardinals against the minnesota twins came
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throwing 3 shutout innings striking out 4 batters along the way. some things are worth the wait and that was certainly true for slovenian ski jumper. on monday having lost one a world cup event back in february 27th seen the long wait came to an end in lillehammer norway here he is jumping to victory to beat out germany's marcus eisen and stephan. and will finish on the snow his action from the free ride will tour in austria france's omarion winning her 3rd snowboard title as the world's top free riders battled it out. that's what we'll leave it for now more sports news coming up again later we'll see you then. to thank you very much for that save for this news hour on al-jazeera but i'll be back in just a few minutes with stifel.
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as the world battles a potential new pandemic we'll bring you the latest developments from around the world. with updates about travel restrictions and how to protect yourself. coronavirus out bright special coverage on al-jazeera. perception is validation we believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything that we would lie and he experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations
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. of that testimony we've got you know very little. with this documentaries that open your eyes on al-jazeera. on charging the cost why the bush and see fed rate cut just isn't good enough to save the global economy from the impact of the fast spreading coronavirus scientists race to find a vaccine to stop the epidemic plus the environmental damage of drilling for oil in the republic of congo counting the cost on al-jazeera. one of the really special things about working for al-jazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much and put in contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know it's that it turns the body but the fear because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. people believe to tell the real story so i'll just mend it is to do the work in-depth generalism you don't
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feel inferior to the audience across the globe. a country in it all down it's nice prime minister or is unprecedented restoration so try to spot stop this right. yes. well you're watching al jazeera live from doha with me fully back t. ball also ahead. we are going to take care of them have been taking care of the american public and the american economy u.s. president donald trump's ace financial help will be provided for people affected by coronavirus. biosphere is in an oil dispute between russia and solitary guest said.
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