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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 12, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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women make science group of gals at the south full on al-jazeera. al-jazeera. hello i'm adrian for the game this is. coming up in the next 60 minutes a new reality billions of people will be forced to make major changes to their lives after the world health organization declares the coronavirus a pandemic. we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days u.s. president donald trump clamps down on travel from europe saying that it will protect americans from the outbreak of italy imposes even tighter measures to lock
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down the country almost all retail is shut down apart from food shops and phone. or the biggest basketball league in the world it's been shut down because of coronavirus. and definitely after player tests positive for the virus. welcome then to the new live from doha we're bringing you extended coverage of the coronavirus crisis deepens the billions of people around the world only one word masses this hour and this is it after holding back for weeks the world health organization has now declared the outbreak a pandemic the world health organization defines a pandemic as the world wide spread of a new disease for which people have no immunity our coverage this spans confidence will have reporters in the u.s.
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and europe in asia the middle east africa and latin america will be live for them in just a moment but. 1st let's give an update on how the pandemic looks right now the number of cases has topped 126000 worldwide it all began here in china which has seen more than 80000 cases but new cases there have slowed to a trickle italy is the epicenter of the crisis in europe more than $12000.00 people are infected and over $800.00 have died the whole country is on lockdown only food shops pharmacies and essential services or racing but let's not forget that most people do recover from this virus the green figure there right at the top right shows almost 70000 people have made a full recovery but the global spread of the corona virus is leading nations around the world to take some pretty extraordinary measures to keep people safe and to try to limit the economic fallout from the pandemic will begin a worldwide coverage with mike hanna who joins us live now from washington so u.s.
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president donald trump essentially flights from europe starting this friday mike it's a pretty drastic measure isn't it. well indeed yes but let's start with that 1st point to president misspoke when he said the ban would start on friday it subsequently been clarified that the ban will take effect from saturday night at midnight this was just a number of things that had to be walked back after president trump's address in the oval office among them as well the issue that the united kingdom is not part of the travel ban essentially president trump is referring to the schenkkan countries that is 26 countries in the european cern already commentators questioning why the united kingdom is left out of the ban pointing to the fact that he has a number of golf courses within the united kingdom this is the type of response that we are getting to what was
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a very serious announcement from the oval office this is the only the 2nd time that president trump has spoken from the oval office the 1st being in january last year when he was speaking to the mexican border issues and he treated the virus in his speech last night very much as a foreign invader describing it as a foreign virus this is what he had to say taking early intentional action we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the united states the now present in europe. the european union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from china and other hot spots as a result a large number of new clusters in the united states were seeded by travelers from europe he questions still about president trump's comments among the other issues is that he referred to insurance companies as having told him that they would cover
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the cost there would be no co-pay that is what the patient pays for coronavirus treatment however the insurance companies within an hour were back saying no what we said is that we would cover the cost for a test but not for the treatment itself so there are a number of issues emerging out of this a number of misstatements by president trump that will be picked out in the hours to come out of there as mike hanna reporting live from washington many thanks mike that's go across the atlantic then al-jazeera is lawrence lee is in london the e.u. as warders of economic disruption due to this this flight suspension lawrence what sort of impact is it going to have. well they're trying to work it out in all honesty i mean across the european union in the schengen zone they're absolutely furious they didn't know anything about this in advance they they think that the his statement was was. stupid frankly because and even the u.k.
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. which would which is apparently exempted from the travel ban everybody is pointing out the travel bans don't stop the virus and they take the view in europe that he says a completely cynical economic and political maneuver to try to blame europe and the european union and that's he's been going about this not on scientific advice it's all but from some sort of preconceived. ideas he has about about europe and trying to blame them for it and so not only other trends work out what the impact might be on trade because as mike hanna said that was another place in which in which he had to confuse message 1st of all saying it was about people and not trade and then and trade then saying those not trade trade can carry on so they try to work out what that actually means but the other thing is about people and people's ability to travel to the united states and this is a problem for the u.k. because if they cold go directly from the european union to the united states then
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some people will think about going through the u.k. as a transit point 50 vats they want to put themselves in quarantine for 2 weeks before the u.s. will let them in so that puts a lot more pressure on the u.k. as well so say by large there is no support whatsoever here in europe for what trump said last night this is the most aggressive in comprehensive effort to confront a far and what's the latest lawrence on the epicenter of the virus there in europe italy. well the disclose everything it is it is the most extraordinary thing too to see even read about but you are hearing these these terrible stories that doctors are talking about in italy in particular where they are having to make decisions in what are supposed to be some of the best hospitals not just in europe but in the world some decisions about who they are who they give ventilators to and who they just decide to going to have to die and it really is that serious is being reports in italy now that they're going to put
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a 1000 beds on the ship more of genoa because they're just running out of room in the hospitals and so when the prime minister just had to call and say medicine has been last night he made it very clear they had no choice but to basically shut everything apart from shops and pharmacies is what he said the border with an army now is the time to take more important steps now we are closing all retail businesses except for grocery stores and pharmacies attention it is not necessary to rush to buy food in supermarkets however we have closed shops bars pubs and restaurants leaving the possibility to make home deliveries. here in the u.k. and by extension other other big countries like france and germany there's a general assumption that the we are behind a month or 2 behind potentially where it's really is and so here the government's emergency committee are missing this morning they're going to decide if and when
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they start to do the same at least go down the same route as it really starts tell people to work from home start a close schools lots of rumors about london being locked down at some point in the coming days or weeks these are all things that other countries that islay going to have to consider too seems never the way lawrence many thanks indeed i was there as lawrence lee there live for us in london financial markets tumbled again on wednesday as investors fretted about a perceived lack of action by world leaders to respond to the economic threat posed by the virus let's look at how asian markets are doing or have done because of course they're close now with rob mcbride live for us in seoul rob. that's right frenzied selling across the whole of asia driving all of the markets down selling that actually intensified as president trump was speaking from the white house people here to getting a real shock from the announcement of this travel ban even the explanation that it wasn't going to be affecting trade did little to settle nerves here it seems that
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people investors here are convinced that this is going to have a further impact on the global economy which as we know has been creaking under the strain of this coronavirus and we've seen all of the trade on asian markets going simply in one direction from very early on the nikkei in japan and the cops see that the south korean index both of those fell by more than 5 percent in early trade by the end of trading they'd recovered a little bit and along with the hang seng index from hong kong or around a down by a around 4 percent on all those markets and even bigger impact being felt by some of the smaller markets here in asia or in bangkok for example a full 10 percent of share value being wiped away in a single day hectic selling and what's the latest problem what asian governments
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are doing to limit the spread of the coronavirus. by contrast the numbers on the control of new infections again do tend to be encouraging here in south korea only 114 you cases have been recorded we have over the previous few days occasionally some spike still but generally you would have to say the trend is moving in a downward direction but the officials here health officials have warned against complacency in china they have recorded something of a milestone in who by province the epicenter of the outbreak for the 1st time they have recorded a single digit increase in new cases just 8 you cases they're 15 across china furthermore the ministry of commerce has held a briefing thursday to report that actually there's been a marked rise now in factory activity as some factory units finally slowly get back
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to work also predicting that they're going to see an increase in imports into china so some encouraging signs but you'd have to say just a little bit of good news out of south korea and china doesn't count for very much when you compare that with the tide of bad news from other parts of the world. reporting live from seoul many thanks indeed rob let's go about 2 ravi who's live for us in iran of course iran one of the worst hit countries in the world zain over 350 deaths 9000 infections the government there the country indeed has taken an economic hit what is the government doing right now to handle all of this. well agent ever since this crisis began one of the main issues for the country was with an economy already so hindered by sanctions canada for to deal with this crisis and even though it's been going on for weeks now the government estimates
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that the majority of the country still isn't taking this health crisis seriously as much as 60 percent of the population simply isn't a deer into the government's rules and regulations and guidance to limit their movements and stay indoors there's even been an attempt to try to provide people with angelus packets of free home internet just to keep them indoors just to keep them from moving around the country but the government's main struggle has been economic and also simply having the public get on board with how the government has been trying to deal with this crisis now in other parts of the country it seems there are people who are in panic the panic seems to be as bad as the pandemic itself an estimated $81.00 people have died from consuming bootleg concentrated alcohol on the assumption that that would rhythm of the coronavirus there's been more than $500.00 cases of poisoning around the country meanwhile in the morning papers in online media as well as government officials critics of the government
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have been calling on president hassan rouhani to take back the reins from the health minister to take back control from the health ministry and lead the charge in dealing with this crisis one member of the expediency council going so far as to suggest that president hassan rouhani take on the mantle of commander of health trying to speak about this crisis in more words terms that in terms of a public health issue now president hassan rouhani for his part says that the health minister the health ministry all of the associated bodies dealing with this crisis have all the necessary tools that they need to address the coronavirus outbreak but that really is a question that people are wondering if the answer is correct because from the start money has been a problem from the start there's been a concern about whether or not there is enough economic. capital to deal with this crisis and that may be the case that may be the thing that iran is struggling with most earlier this week the governor of the central bank reached out to the international monetary fund the i.m.f. to try to request a $5000000000.00 loan to deal with the corona virus outbreak. be reporting live
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from tehran to johannesburg now and who's standing by for us south africa has recorded what 17 cases from india this includes the 1st person to person transmission there how concerned are people there. well despite the government urging people in south africa to remain calm panic is certainly sitting in especially given the amount of disinformation out there and also that 1st person to person transmission when the coronavirus was 1st detected in south africa it was within a group of people who were travelled to italy for a skiing holiday on their return to some of them experienced symptoms and that's where the 1st cases were detected now when this person to person transmission it's in a different province in the free states and what is concerning for people is that it
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appears that the spread of groener is something that can't be avoided and that's certainly a reality for many people in south africa but what's also making many here anxious is the government's plans to repatriate about a 122 south africans from or who have been to south africa and there is a lot of debate around just where this group will be quarantined now president has repeatedly said that none of those people have the coronavirus they will be screened in china they'll be screened on their arrival in south africa this is also being reiterated by the ministry of health but despite these reassurances people in south africa are concerned about what this will mean for their health and this goes as far as even the a.n.c. is the african national congress the governing party and south africa its only youth league has promised to stage a march if indeed this group of people is quarantined in
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a specific area in the province of limpopo so this is the kind of concern that ricin from people in south africa where the government has also experienced difficulty in identifying just where this group will be quarantined now so far there are about 100 cases of the covert and the 19 in about 11 countries. in africa and while the numbers are minimal compared to other regions in the world they certainly are concerns about how individual african countries will manage to contain the numbers that we're already seeing across the continent al-jazeera is from it a miller reporting live from johannesburg from a to many thanks indeed across the atlantic we go again to raise a bow is live for us in argentina's capital what assad is what's the situation there in the wider. american continent.
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plus so far the level of mount of injections we have seen in latin america in general has been very low it's around $15160.00 cases have been confirmed only tuesday it's have happened in this part of the world in spite of this most precedents aside from brazilian president also now who says that this is a fiction that it's a fantasy and that it's being exaggerated most residents in the region are taking the situation very seriously we're seeing for example the brazilian president declaring it is shutting down the country from completely for at least a one month banning foreigners from entering the country the argentinean press and here i was right at the front man this is imposing mandatory isolations for those for sure coming to argentina from countries that have been affected like italy spain and even the united states is also there's also been discussion about finding people that do not respect this that mandatory isolations that the government is
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weeks questing people to do but perhaps the biggest challenge for a region that is highly volatile. is the possibility of the deterioration of the economic situation it's a latin american generally heavily dependent on china it's a 2nd trading partner in this part of the world we're going to see possibly some courage she's devaluating there's going to be as the christian tourism they drop you know the prices pretty dramatic countries like venezuela and the water for example that's already cutting some budgets and reducing the salaries of fate's employees but perhaps the biggest impact would be in a country like argentina that it's in a very big economic crisis this country's already imposing capital controls there is a big recession here layoffs poverty rates on the rise and it's already restructuring it's boring debts we know for example that it's already several shipments of agricultural products like the 5 others that have been suspended from going to china at that point. and that's why many are extreme you can worry about argentina
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for that once again just like it happened back in 2001 when poverty rates in this country were asked by a 60 percent 00 stories about reporting live there from other stories or many thanks indeed will saudi arabia is joining the long list of countries that are canceling flights saudis and residents of barred flown from flying to cities in europe as well as parts of africa and southeast asia kingdom has $45.00 confirmed coronavirus cases in kuwait the main international airport is shutting on friday for 2 weeks or so to all but essential government departments and visits to markets cafes and gyms a brand kuwait's has confirmed 72 cases of them are of cases in qatar has jumped significantly from 242262 the health ministry says the infections are among foreign workers who live in one residential complex. when it was under the sun.
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the cotchery health minister confirmed today that 238 new coronavirus cases have been registered among residents you mix with the free cases announced positive last sunday as they all live in the same compound the ministry of health made it clear that a new confirmed cases have been subject to quarantine as part of the precautionary measures since the discovery of the 1st 3 cases as you've heard the corona virus outbreak is now being labeled a pandemic a disease that spreading through many countries around the world at the same time the last one we saw was the h one n one virus they were 10 years ago that killed around 284000 people mostly in africa and southeast asia an epidemic by comparison affects a smaller geographical area and sees fewer infections for example the 2003 sars outbreak was an epidemic that killed 774 people dr gloria is a professor of infectious diseases and director of the clinic of infectious and
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tropical diseases at the university of rome she joins us now via skype from rome good to have you with us does the fact that the world health organization is now classified this as a pandemic demick make any difference there in italy. no not all non-binding difference because we really have just. cleared in a way an emergency in our country and. prepare the some very tough actions to control the spread of the largess and to leave meat there the diffusion of the action therefore it really didn't change any. beat or any single country as a professor of infectious diseases what do you make of the way that italy is handling this break. i think we have handled
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the emergency in a very. in a very proper way let me say it because in the red so-called red areas containment of the spread of the virus has been taken seriously since the 23 of february so when there were just few cases and few and no deaths at the moment or just a few deaths in the red area was closed no one could enter in no one could go out from the. if the places where infection appeared other 1st time therefore measures have been very tough and very clear and now by need to do for necessity we had to all enlarge the areas of restriction
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and at present we have a kind of shut down of shops and interruption many activities but we do with a good. habit a good approach because we are compact to stop the fusion of the infection the spread of the virus what is the general public breaking of the restrictions on the on the freedom of movement. well. practically every activity unless is strictly necessary for huge and c. or for medical needs or all of course to provide sustainment. to all who are. to carry food or things like that is interrupted so places are almost empty s. as we saw in china during the shutdown and the choir and teen are chinese
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people exactly the same story and just before we leave you professor just to remind us if you wouldn't mind what the likes of me and anyone watching this has to do to stay in order to stay safe and and to protect others from getting infected well this is the real crucial point because at the moment we don't have any other way to stop spreading of the virus to stop infection from the from being a killer for more. people so we have to teach people they have to protect themselves and protect others by controlling the emission of the virus in a person who may be a symptomatic or brain symptomatic stop the transmission to other people so we
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have to wash our hands clear the so fences and. call their mouth and nose when we call for and when we we have fur and sneezing and this is the most important maisha we can take at the moment professor really good to talk to you many thanks indeed for being with us a professor dr gloria. the director of the clinic of infectious and tropical diseases of such against the university in rome. on the northeastern coast of australia and queensland here to tell us more is meteorologist ever some folks yeah. it's a very heavy rain into the northeast of us try to back up to the northwest we've had a storm as well sort of 2 storms this one up towards the northwest that's in the process of growing this one here so just around cannes that's where we got another system brewing up but it does become a tropical side like this one will be known as aggressive will be said to bring
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some very heavy rain into the fall northeast of queensland rudi say it's a very heavy rain south johnston $130.00 millimeters of rain in 24 hours that's about 100 kilometers to the south of cannes and the showers the long spells of rain they will continue as we go on through friday so right about coastal freighters there with that storm just offshore pulling in some very heavy rain down into the southeast just want to focus right on melbourne having a sweaty start to the year in 5 decades in 50 years that it was a dry year last year because now it's a particularly wet one we've got to 20 celsius in melbourne with the cloud and the rain that will make its way through temperatures drop by some 11 degrees as we go on into the weekend cooler fresher air tucking in behind us known as southerly buster i will say that what's the weather pushing up towards sydney up towards the northeast as systems making its way away things gradually pushing out into the coral sea so by this stage doesn't it too bad for much queen stand adrian ever so
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many thanks indeed still to come here on the news hour. 26 of the one point here coping in quarantine how patients in self isolation helping to reassure us. and we'll have the latest from iraq where foreign forces are counting the cost of the latest rocket. but in sports for the virus fears can't stop party time in paris thousands of p.s.g. fan so right their teams champions league victory. frank assessments the one good thing about these bush fires is that you really wipe them out the politics of climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel of those 2 school children don't work the lawyers on a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's
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headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware use of the struggle against an ethnic sectarian kota inside story on al-jazeera in 2014 and al-jazeera investigation revealed how anger and fear feel be m.-bone a crisis that ravaged west africa we asked some of us in our lives who didn't allow you to hospital knowing we had died 3 years on we speak to the filmmaker the one thing that sprayed a border and caused the devastation on a sphere that was born out of ignorance rewind liberia living with a bow on al-jazeera. oh.
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i get this is the news are from al-jazeera everyone for going to hear the headlines the u.s. suspended all travel from most of europe for 30 days after the world health organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic the e.u. has warned of the move could cause economic disruption saudi arabia has also put a number of restrictions on flights residents and citizens up and barred from traveling to europe as well as parts of africa southern asia and southeast asia. i think it's only more businesses are being forced to close their doors as the country type has restrictions on the shops selling food and pharmacies will be allowed to stay. for. land joins us now live via skype good to have you with us from tesco just give us a sense of of where you are what the neighborhood is like and what's going on there right now. you can see behind me from new stand the
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new stand of this little town. because here you know we have a shot. of mosques we have a skating shortage of oxygen tanks but we have also a shortage of in sort of nation so you know these little town and area is like you know or 2 weeks ahead of the rest of the tele and the rest of you know so he had a bicycle you. don't need anymore to explain how to keep safe i mean like you know keep being one someone and not the order you know on wearing glasses all. these little reviews that. live in the ng in these are worse we are all respecting these views. but what really people are asking for us is any kind of information about you nor divide us so basically there is a new. the municipality i mean the tool the price
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advances to the advice that i see dance to read only one use paper and possibly always the same a saw always the same source of news or and not to not to stay all the time you nor checking for the news not to panic so basically that action c.-a are nothing more about how to keep safe because everybody's infected here now that action side about how not to panic and yes said that you know i was looking at around. you really feel how confused the italian side and how scare the yard because you know we receive all the time via whatsapp. we're the therapies against the virus so yes that they suddenly there was this
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new therapy you know recommended by you what are they to tally and the therapy was one lamb on one orange and one t.v. so everyone rushed to the supermarket to buy you know and everybody was around with one lemon one orange and one key week and then after you know 2 hours there was this new therapy. and said that we had to stay under the sun so you could walk around and see everybody on the balcony because of course you can get out under the sun francesco and how do people feel about the restaurant restrictions on the movements of the fact that all the shops apart from supermarkets and pharmacies and that little store behind you that newsstand a closed. well most of them are if to him because they had their sword they wouldn't be around anyway it is going to. completely.
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honestly concerned the because you know. the vast majority of italian. to. with no contact in the think saw basically the main concern in these financially how to survive the crisis not the health issues but you know financially how to make it but for everybody else there are just too almost 6 or no one here to get anywhere right francesca good to talk to you many thanks indeed francesca body they're speaking from via skype from them a lan. our correspondent in india elizabeth says that the government there is hoping the emergency measures that it's introduced will contain the spread among one of the quarter 1000000000 indians. as of 12 g.m.t. on friday and on to april the 15th no foreign nationals can enter india apart from diplomats work for the united nations or have. employment visas the indian
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government has also said that all incoming travelers including incoming travelers indians haven't been to any destination coming from any destination but having been rather to china it's in the south korea france germany and spain will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days and all indians whether they hear or board to avoid. essential travel and saying that they might be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days upon their return to india now india has $68.00 confirmed cases so far 14 of them italian tourists and as well as the latest proportions that are being taken by the government which have seen headlines around the country saying india quarantines itself you know essentially closing itself off to the world we have had all primary schools and shot at least for the last week there are 5 cases in delhi and all educational institutions have been closed in
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indian administered kashmir where there is with this one case the indian government is also evacuating its nationals from iran there are something like 2000 indians there were $58.00 back at the end of last just a few days ago actually but before it does that and whether it's from iran it's also planning to bring back nationals from italy it actually has to send medical teams to test them to see if they have coronavirus before bringing them back now all of this is going to is already seeing an impact on the economy which has seen a significant is experiencing a massive slowdown and both of india's 2 main stock indices are in freefall but the government feels that it has to take these proportions. to stop people from people who might have come from entering a country because once they do it will be hard to limit its spread among 1300000000
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people. hollywood actor tom hanks and his wife rita are among the many victims the oscar winner is making a movie in a straight here where there are 128 confirmed cases the actor says that both are staying in isolation due to headaches and fever or hundreds of millions of people are in some form of isolation the world health organization says that it's important for them to try to keep up daily routines and to stay connected to the outside world. chapelle reports on how some a coping a small town in northern italy with 11000 residents number is on lockdown like the rest of the country its mayor under self quarantine after testing positive for corona virus the great joy to me in the computer today on after 3 days of high temperatures and simply taking some feeble remedies i no longer have symptoms today i'm well and i have been well for 6 days so far and i'm working for my town as it's mayor. the mayor says he'll stay in isolation for 14 days his wife and son isolated
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elsewhere in the house. and we travel to milan for fashion week and when i arrived in barcelona i started noticing symptoms neil munro also tested positive for corona virus and was placed in quarantine in barcelona he passes the time by responding to questions on social media to reassure the public you know. i'm a young person and i'm healthy so the symptoms i'm having are like a normal cold like a flu i had little bit of fever headache general discomfort but anyone would have thought it was just a cold. corona virus affects people in different ways and most who test positive won't require medical attention denmark's 1st patient was shocked by his diagnosis his wife showed symptoms he did not he tested positive she did not after 6 days in self quarantine he says the symptoms were gone and he didn't need any medicine i
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don't want to be the one that makes other people sick so that was my greatest concern and i think that is the greatest concern for everybody is 'd that we don't we don't want this thing to spread more than possible so i'd prefer to stay home a week or 2 more or even longer if it's i could prevent anybody from getting this is. older people and those with chronic medical conditions can die from it that is clear isolation is intended to protect them from germs younger healthier people so easily spread for them the biggest gripe is probably boredom. the video sharing site tick-tock has become a favorite for those in isolation including an american teacher in will hon megan munro has provided daily updates from the chinese city at the center of the outbreak including the day she found her apartment building padlocked others are coming up with creative ways of passing time letting family and friends know they're ok and that they're following the advice of doctors who are refusing to be
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panicked by the new disease in or should help. the cruise holiday industry has taken a hit since the virus body cases have been linked to vessels across the world and the u.s. state of florida where several major cruise companies are based elderly passengers are being told not to board. the gallagher reports now from miami. the port of miami is known as the cruise capital of the world with a rand $6000000.00 people passing through these facilities each year it's a huge part of florida's tourism industry and one that's been growing until now at least 5 cases of the coronavirus have been reported on vessels in south florida prompting the u.s. state department to issue new guidelines the elderly and those with underlying health problems are being told not to take cruises advice that may last for the forseeable future at brickell travel management staff remain optimistic manager gus machado says passengers are canceling their cruises but the numbers on trust take i
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think the media's gotten a little more say and scaring people away more than a really yes i'm telling you right now our cancellations are and i'm not going to lie that but it's not crazy cancellations i would say we're down 2530 percent max so we still have 70 percent of our customers traveling. share prices in the industry have been hit by the crisis but president trump says he's committed to providing assistance without going into details and we are working very closely cruise line industry standard has very very closely taken very strong steps in terms of people going on to go off but they're spending a lot of money and they are working very hard and we were going to be telling you that industry cruise lines are now putting protocols in place including deep cleaning and screening passengers disembarking from a recent trip affected by the virus say they felt safe there protecting us that probably taking the path of that yes we were delayed
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a day but you know what it was fine you know if i didn't feel they really took good care of us or didn't i didn't feel too well nothing too bad at all really vice president mike pence who's in charge of a task force tackling the coronavirus has told cruise companies to do more and with over $150000.00 jobs in the industry the stakes couldn't be higher. over the next few weeks around a dozen ships due to dock here and authorities say they're ready there are now plans in place to convert a warehouse into a medical facility if needed that would have void the kind of isolation passengers off the coast of california experienced but the impact on the industry and florida's economy could be dire and gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. 2 other news now 2 americans on a british soldier have been killed by a barrage of rockets fired at a military base in iraq a personal opinion treated for injuries at camp taji north of the capital baghdad no one has claimed responsibility for the latest of a series of attacks where foreign forces. all correspondence about
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a full team in baghdad says that there's concern this latest attack could lead to an escalation of violence. well many people fear that this deadly attack could once again result in a series of tit for tat attacks and we've already seen a reaction not in iraq but in syria very close to the iraqi border there was a strike on positions of the popular mobilization forces very shortly after the attack on the base now many of these iranian backed groups that operate both in syria and iraq so what is interesting is that we saw a reaction in syria the what remains to be seen whether the united states would actually strike in iraq this time around the same way it did following the deadly attack on the k. one base in character back in december which is what set off this series of retaliatory retaliatory attacks in the 1st place now the situation has changed quite a bit since then 1st of all there was
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a serious escalation to very dangerous levels that many people did not really expected and raced fear is especially here in iraq of an outside war between the u.s. and iran there has also since been a vote in the iraqi parliament to demand the departure of foreign troops and those negotiations are still ongoing so all of this will affect the extent to which the u.s. will respond to this deadly attack but of course we had u.s. officials repeated on regular bases that they do reserve the right to defend its troops here especially if they feel that the iraqi government is not doing enough to do so scotland is true and our appeal brought by the family of a libyan man who was convicted of the lockerbie bombing former libyan intelligence of saddam a grotty died in 2012 a commission looking into the trial has found a posthumous appeal should be allowed but the barber reports. abdel baset tell
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mcgraw his family have long pushed to prove his innocence now 8 years after his death and more than 30 years after the lockerbie tragedy they got a chance the scottish criminal cases review commission has decided the conviction can be referred to the high court for appeal for the 3rd time we had a dental fight 6 graves for referring the case to the appeal court and the commission has gone on to deliver a damning indictment of the process and they believe that a miscarriage of justice may have occurred by reason of an unreasonable verdict and the grounds of non-disclosure pan am flight 103 was blown up over the scottish town of lockerbie in december 1988 it was on route from london to new york and most of the 270 victims were american the us relatives were satisfied when in 2001 former libyan intelligence officer to tell the girl he was jailed for life for the attack he always said he was innocent and some scottish victims' families have campaigned
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for years to clear him and find out who was involved on wednesday jim swire whose daughter was killed gave a written reaction. for me this case is about 2 families mine and abdel baset behind their name seem to lie the needs of $25.00 of the families in applying for a further appeal 31 years after the event itself we need the church again he 1st appeal his conviction in 2002 but this was refused by scotland's high court the next year as the west started to rebuild trade ties with libya then leader moammar gadhafi accepted his country's responsibility for the bombing he paid compensation to the victims' families but all along some believed there was stronger evidence iran was behind the bombing months after $290.00 died when a u.s. warship brought down an iranian passenger plane. in 2009 al mcgraw he dropped his appeal and was allowed to fly home on compassionate grounds he had terminal cancer he died in 2012 we grow his family have always described him as the 271st lockerbie
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victim they say his last words were about fighting for justice now that fight has been given a new lease of life nadeem barber al jazeera. high court has delayed a final verdict on an appeal by roman catholic cardinal george pell is fighting to overturn his conviction for sexual abuse the 78 year old former archbishop of melbourne is serving a 6 year jail sentence for molesting 2 choir boys in the 1990 s. palace is the highest ranking catholic church official ever convicted of child sex crimes. gauges outside the court in canberra and says a decision may not be made public for months. all of the arguments today have really been based around questioning some of the issues that the defense yesterday at the defense really questioned the credibility and reliability of one of the
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formal quiet boys who was sexually assaulted by pell the other one died in 24 tane of a drug overdose but the prosecution today told the hill that there's no reason to not believe this witness he did come across as a liable and credible the jury so all of that and there's no reason why the michael what should not believe him either now obviously these 2 days of hearing has come to an end now it's been very very significant case in this trial but this appeal process is very far from that's because the justices decided to reserve in making a decision on this case and that means that we may not hear back from them for months so essentially many things could happen here but getting to the crux of it 7 justices now need to decide over the coming months whether they will uphold the conviction or allow george pell to walk away
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a free man. just ahead here on the news hour in sport it began as a joke but now this plan has become the n.b.a. is patient 0 for table details just money. from fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such demands as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these developments we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generation the breastpin pioneering future energy a journey both dark because if you don't believe there's a very for everything and there's a lot of corruption and beautiful lake and beautiful lady you have to be very
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patient and woody's also the city has ascended he can see how i was introduced to it though when my father and my most on our team for king for had the personal story to discover the source of one of the most expensive commodities sent from heaven on al-jazeera. i get time to support his father adrian thank you so much the entire n.b.a. basketball season has been suspended until further notice that's after one of the best players in the league really go bare it tested positive for corona virus comes just days after he joked about it at
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a press conference david stokes reports. the stadium was packed the players were on court but then after a conversation among officials oklahoma city's game against the utah jazz was called off after it emerged one of the jazz players rudy go bare had tested positive for the coronavirus an hour later the n.b.a. suspended the whole season indefinitely go bear was not at the arena however he's just teammates work or in team for several hours in the dressing room but they were eventually able to leave early thursday morning. to. go back a 7 foot one frenchman is one of the stars of the n.b.a. the 27 year old has won festa france a player 2 years running he's currently in the care of health officials in oklahoma city rather unfortunately on monday mocked the coronavirus crisis at a press conference touching every reporter mark a phone is he left potentially exposing others to infection. before the
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suspension moves were already in place in the n.b.a. to halt the spread of coronavirus hand sanitizer was handed out in dallas as head of the mavericks game against denver on wednesday and most team owners were leaning towards the idea of playing in empty arenas this was the moment courtside when the mavericks owner mark q. . been received the news that the n.b.a. was perspiring and at the situation that he fully supports this is something out of a movie and you just don't expect it to happen in real life people's lives are at stake in you know up or worried about my kids and my mom is 82 years old you know and talking to her and telling her to stay in the house than i am about when we play our next game would you know. i don't know all the information but that just shows you how fragile everything is right now so it's a prudent thing to do really go bare you know you think this is not going to affect us for the n.b.a. it one of our players has
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a coronavirus and you know who knows what that means for their team and the other teams that we know have been with them because go by was not at the arena the oklahoma department of health tweeted that the fans who attended the game are not at risk but the n.b.a. is patient 0 has shut the court with 50 opposition players since the start of march and 15 referees plus countless other much they stuff there will be no more action until further notice with no guarantee this n.b.a. season will ever get finished strikes out his era of the national hockey league isn't following the n.b.a.'s lead just jets only one team so far the columbus blue jackets have announced they'll play their home games behind closed doors earlier spoke to us sports broadcaster michael carlson. this could be a major step forward in terms of other events being impacted this could have a real knock on effect in american sport because the n.h.l.
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is paying attention obviously and probably even more crucially the college basketball tournament the n.c. double a march madness would begin next week and it's more crucial for them than it would be for the professional leagues because it has to happen in march and finish and it's also a huge proportion of the n.c.a.a. budget if steps are taken in public now and that and their fish and you could hope that the virus is contained within safe $3.00 to $5.00 and the n.b.a. could then resume the season with the playoffs because the n.b.a. playoffs remember go go into june so they could probably construct a truncated playoff season and end the season as usual and you know i would not be surprised if they haven't said anything about it but i would not be surprised if that were in their planning right now 6 time formula one champion lewis hamilton
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says it's shocking that the season opening australian grand prix is being held amid coronavirus concerns mercedes driver was speaking in melbourne ahead of the race on sunday it's now reported that 8 f one team staff members in the paddock and then quarantine awaiting coronavirus test results bans and banned at the 2nd race in bahrain while the 4th race in the series the chinese grand prix has been postponed and. there were 2 very different approaches to managing coronavirus out wednesday's european champions league football matches but the old fans weren't allowed inside his piece she brought to dortmund at the park day prince but it didn't stop around 3000 ultras welcoming the p.s.g. team bus before kick off and that's despite france batting meetings of more than a 1000 people is she one to kneel to reach the quarter finals. and these were the scenes after that victory the 3000 fans did stick around to celebrate the win with
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their players the achieve reach their 1st champions league quarter final since 2016 . there were no restrictions in england where around 3000 athletico madrid fans were in a crowd of 54000 at anfield to watch holders liverpool get knocked out of the champions league they were beaten 32 in extra time back in spain all top level games are being played behind closed doors right now all sporting events carry on as normal in the u.k. including the cheltenham horseracing festival already 2 days into the event with around 260000 fans expected to attend overall across the week. tennis tours are also on the verge of being shut down until may the miami masters was suspended on choose a making it the 3rd major thomas event to be cancelled following the indian wells in the fed cup which was due to be played in hungary in april. the fed cup is also
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an olympic qualification events of this impacts on athletes aiming for tokyo 2020 but yet again despite growing chaos across the sporting world organizers of the olympics in japan insist it's business as usual that their plans not changed. it can't be kenya and the buckeye basically the plan is still going to hold the games from july the 24th as the i.o.c. president thomas back has said i know there are various opinions but tokyo government has been to paying for these games everyone is looking forward to it too though i think there is no option to cancel the olympics and paralympics. and that is all yours for frau adrian back to you from many thanks indeed and that is it for the news all my colleagues come all summer baria with you next. hour with a full update on the latest on the coronavirus i'm going to.
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be a refugee means starting again on earth. but building a new life in a new country is no easy task right here dr. witness follows one of the last refugee families from syria to be granted an american visa. from the personal sacrifices to the families try and. beat the syrians on al-jazeera. one day i might be covering politics as usual and the next i might be protesting
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from serbia to hungary the what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines in the most human way possible. here at al-jazeera we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. a nation where corruption is endemic now embroiled in a battle to hold the power. how does this radical transformation occur. i mean no but i mean if you really look shedding light on the romanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people. on how much is in. one day i might be covering politics as usual and the next i might be covering protests from serbia to hungary the what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can convey the headlines
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in the most human way possible. we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. a new reality billions of people will be forced to make major changes to their lives up to the world health organization declared coronavirus a pandemic. we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days and u.s. president clamps down on travel from europe saying it'll protect americans from the outbreak. everyone i'm come all sons of maria with the world news from al-jazeera the other headlines a rocket attack on an iraqi base kills 2 americans and a british soldier striking.


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