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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 12, 2020 2:00pm-2:34pm +03

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mine's the most human way possible. here and i just you know we believe everyone has a story worth hearing. a new reality billions of people will be forced to make major changes to their lives after the world health organization declares coronavirus a pandemic. we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days and u.s. president donald trump clamps down on travel from europe saying it'll protect americans from the outbreak. of doha everyone i'm come out santa maria with the world news from al-jazeera the other headlines a rocket attack on an iraqi base kills 2 americans and a british soldier. strelley is high court delays
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a decision on cardinal pell's last ditch effort to drop his conviction in a child sex abuse case. it is without question the world's biggest health crisis corona virus has now officially been labeled a pandemic as the disease continues to spread around the globe and all nations are working to limit the further spread that includes the united states which has imposed a travel ban to most of europe for a month president donald trump in fact blaming the e.u. for some of that situation but he downplayed warnings of a potential recession in india there has been addressed a step taken the suspension of almost all visas to the country's $62.00 confirmed cases in india it will also quarantine all arrivals from 7 virus hit countries so let's have a look at the global picture you're familiar with this i'm sure from johns hopkins
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university the best snapshot we have at any one given time of 126000 just over 126000 confirmed cases with over 4600 deaths but always make sure of that green number if you can see it in the top right hand corner of 68000 which is the number of people who have recovered from corona virus out of the total confirmed infections of over 126000 ok let's start with mike hanna early morning in washington d.c. hello mike why don't you explain to us exactly what donald trump said because there was a bit of confusion he said there would be a travel ban that has sort of been clarified a bit take us through it. well the couple of misstatements by president trump to put to bluntly in making his announcement from the oval office this is the only the 2nd time that he's spoken from the oval office or the last time was january last year when he was speaking about a border war with mexico to limit immigration and he posed the virus threat as very
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much in the same terms describing it as a foreign virus speaking in terms of repulsing some kind of outside invader now the travel ban initially he said applied to everybody that coming from the schengen states that's $26.00 european states he also implicitly blamed europe for what he saw as their lax attempts to prevent the spread of the virus subsequently it was clarified that the stairs not apply to cargo planes president trump treating him the same self and then homeland security saying it does not apply to american citizens or permanent residence so certainly there needed to be a lot of clarification about the what the president said in that particular speech here is one of his statements. taking early intense action we have seen dramatically fewer cases of the virus in the united states than are now present in europe. the european union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel
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from china and other hot spots as a result a large number of new clusters in the united states were seeded by travelers from europe many commentators are asking why the united kingdom is exempt from this ban some pointing out that the president does have financial interests there the other misstatement by president trump involved what he said was a guarantee from insurance companies that the testing of corona virus cases would be covered by medical insurance within the united states however the insurance companies were very quick to say yes they would cover the testing but not the treatment resulting from possible infection so certainly much of the time after president trump speech has been with various agencies various bodies clarifying exactly what he had to say mike hanna in washington there thank you mike raising the point of why the u.k. is exempt from this let's ask lawrence the in london if you got an answer for me on
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that lawrence or at least how this will impact the u.k. . well not no not not not not really. as mike was saying you know he hoped he singled out the $26.00 showing and countries in the european union which which the u.k. was and one of there are another 20 countries or more in europe that aren't in the shamed in zone and so it isn't just the u.k. it's 20 other countries as well and that's why so many european politicians and commentators and they're lining up this morning to roundly condemn what passes for john donald trump strategy as basically cynical and illogical and vindictive frankly because it looks to be a much more a political ax that he's thrown at the european union and its institutions than anything to do with science and certainly here in the u.k. the chancellor has been on the on the media today saying that the u.k.
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won't be following the u.s. example because travel bans don't work in terms of stopping the disease and i think the the thing that people frankly the. most of all it is that it does look like it's a political and economic gesture that anything this that this to do with the signs and obviously in countries that are in your of the now really really struggling economically because i'm to shut themselves down the idea that people won't be able to travel and goods may may not be able to travel because that there's uncertainty as mike was saying about that too is making about a situation really much worse lawrence could you update us as well on italy if you don't mind the country in the u.k. we're sorry in the u.k. in europe which is effectively under lockdown now. well yeah and if donald trump things your opinion not doing enough i mean it's really has now closed down completely and with the exception of. shops where people can buy food and
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pharmacies obviously where they can buy medicines. in the terrible stories from doctors in italy which make agonizing decisions in what's one of the best funded health services in the world not just in europe because on a ventilator for people who have to decide who gets a ventilator people without underlying health conditions seem to be being prioritised and older people or people who have preexisting conditions on being treated and are effectively being left to die and that's absolute catastrophic really but they simply have decided they have no choice this other prime minister put it when he made the announcement. forward with them and now is the time to take more important steps now we're closing all retail businesses except for grocery stores and pharmacies attention it is not necessary to rush to buy food in supermarkets however we have closed shops bars pubs and restaurants leaving the
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possibility to make home deliveries. that come all the country that's coming up on the rails behind it's really in europe with the biggest rise in cases in is now spain. where it's just been announced that a member of the spanish cabinets protested positive and so the whole of the spanish cabinets in government are going to have to be tested the prime minister talking about in government remotely and they're talking about potentially locking down madrid and in much the same way here in the u.k. the emergency committee is meeting this morning and there are all sorts of rumors that in the coming weeks london might get locked down too so this is now building up. pace really in many major european countries in capitals lawrence lee with the word from europe from our london news and thank you lawrence let's go further afield again our india correspondent elizabeth purana
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says the government there is hoping this emergency measures will contain the spread among one and a quarter 1000000000 people. as of 12 g.m.t. on friday and on to april the 15th no foreign nationals can enter india apart from diplomats work for the united nations or have. employment visas the indian government has also said that all incoming travelers including incoming travelers indians haven't been to any destination coming from any destination but haven't been to china it's in the south korea france germany and spain will be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days and all indians whether they hear or board to avoid. essential travel and saying that they might be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days upon their return to india now india has $68.00 confirmed cases so far 14 of them italian tourists and as well as the latest
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precautions that are being taken by the government which have seen headlines around the country saying india quarantines itself you know essentially closing itself off to the world we have had all primary schools and shot at least for the last week there are 5 cases and delhi all educational institutions have been closed in indian administered kashmir where there is where there is one case the indian government is also evacuating its nationals from iran there are something like 2000 indians there were $58.00 back at the end of last just a few days ago actually but before it does that and whether it's from iran it's also planning to bring back nationals from italy it actually has to send medical teams to test them to see if they have a virus before bringing them back now all of this is going to it's already seeing an impact on the economy which has seen a significant is experiencing a massive slowdown and both of india's 2 main stock indices are in
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freefall but the government feels that it has to take these proportions. to stop people from stop people who might have come on a virus from entering a country because once they do it will be hard to limit its spread amongst 1300000000 people. iran now and the number of coronavirus cases there is gone up more than a 1000 in just the past 24 hours bringing the total number of infections to have 810000. 429 people have died iran has been trying to combat the outbreak by closing schools universities and counseling public events saudi arabia now joining the long list of countries canceling flights and residents are barred from flying to cities in europe as well as parts of africa and southeast asia the kingdom has 45 confirmed coronavirus cases and in kuwait next door the main international airport is shutting on friday for 2 weeks so 2 are
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all but essential government departments and visits to markets cafes and gyms are banned kuwait with 80 confirmed cases and here in qatar the number of cases jumped significantly from 242262 the health ministry says the infections are among foreign workers who live in the one residential complex. cotchery health minister confirmed today that 238 new kernel bars cases have been registered among residents you mix with the 3 cases announced positive last sunday as they all live in the same compound the ministry of health made it clear that the new confirmed cases have been subject to quarantine as part of the precautionary measures since the discovery of the 1st 3 cases so of course a big change we have now is that corona virus is being labeled a pandemic that is defined as a disease spreading through many countries around the world at the same time last time we saw this it was h one n one nearly 10 years ago which killed about 284000 people mostly in africa and
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southeast asia and epidemic by comparison affects a smaller. area and there are fewer infections for example 2003 the sars outbreak that was an epidemic 774 people were killed dr gloria telhami is the director of the clinic of infectious and tropical diseases at sufi ns a university in rome and she told us earlier that prevention is really the only cure for the virus right now to stop infection from being from being a killer for more afraid for people so we have to teach people they have to protect themselves and protect others by controlling the emission of the virus in person who may be asking to mattick or break symptomatic stop the transmission to other people so we have to wash our hands clear the surfaces and. call their mouth and nose when we call for and when we we have fur and sneezing and
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this is the most important maisha we can take at the moment. coronavirus coverage continues in a moment the n.b.a. suspended all of its games indefinitely in the united states after a player has tested positive for the virus and not so smooth sailing for the cruise companies told to do more to prevent coronavirus infections. well i welcome have a look at the international full cost it's looking a little quiet if it's a pan over the next couple of days have had a cloud right now sweeping away clear skies in there for a time 18 celsius in tokyo not too bad someone cool with their facility around 8
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degrees was the high for around 10 celsius there for beijing for the southeast take a look at southern parts of china they have seen some pretty heavy right main pulse of flooding rains now in the process of pulling out into the open waters to things started to quieten down here as well as that system moves out into the northwest pacific it would introduce more the way of cloud and right and some cooler weather to into were to pass a token a high than around 12 degrees celsius is that rain sets in as we go on through the weekend. sunshine and showers into parts of southern areas of india a little bit of a cloud showing up his muck up was a north of missing rather more active weather pushing through another one of those western disturbances easing across northern parts of india into the far northeast as well some of the shows on the liveliest so either be there friday the deficit stays well sliding down through behind into west bengal watch weather pushing back in behind a top temperature 26 degrees there for need any. but
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. it could be the biggest land grab in history. as powerful nations lay claim to territories under the ocean $21.00 geologists are secret. as the struggle for resources be intensified some of the world's most powerful scientists speak out. oceans manakin on al-jazeera.
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the top story on al-jazeera is of course the coronavirus pandemic and the e.u. has condemned a decision by the u.s. to suspend all travel from most of europe for 30 days after the world health organization declared that pandemic the e.u. warns the move will cause economic disruption and saudi arabia has put a number of restrictions on flights residents and citizens have been barred from traveling to europe as well as parts of africa southern asia and southeast asia and in italy more businesses are being forced to close their doors as the country tightens its restrictions only shops selling food and pharmacies will be allowed to stay open. on hundreds of millions of people in some form of isolation at the moment the world health organization says it's important for them to try to keep up their daily routines stay connected to the outside world and chapelle reports now on how some a coping. a small town in northern italy with 11000 residents number is on lockdown like the rest of the country its mayor under self quarantine after testing positive
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for corona virus proved a great joy to me and he can get it today on after 3 days of high temperatures and simply taking some feeble remedies i no longer have symptoms today i'm well and i have been well for 6 days so far and i'm working for my town as it's mayor. the mayor says he'll stay in isolation for 14 days his wife and son isolated elsewhere in the house. a challenge to milan for fashion week and when i arrived in barcelona i started noticing symptoms neil munro also tested positive for corona virus and was placed in quarantine in barcelona he passes the time by responding to questions on social media to reassure the public you know. i'm a young person and i'm healthy so the symptoms i'm having are like a normal cold like a flu i had a little bit of fever headache general discomfort but anyone would have thought it was just a cold. corona virus affects people in different ways and most who test positive
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won't require medical attention denmark's 1st patient was shocked by his diagnosis his wife showed symptoms he did not he tested positive she did not after 6 days in self koren teen he says the symptoms were gone and he didn't need any medicine i don't want to be the one that makes other people sick so that was my greatest concern and i think that is the greatest concern for everybody is that we don't we don't want this thing to spread more than possible so i preferred to stay home a week or 2 more or even longer if i could prevent anybody from getting this cease . older people and those with chronic medical conditions can die from it that is clear isolation is intended to protect them from germs younger healthier people so easily spread for them the biggest gripe is probably boredom. the video sharing site tick-tock has become a favorite for those in isolation including an american teacher in will hon meghan
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munro has provided daily updates from the chinese city at the center of the outbreak including the day she found her apartment building padlocked. others are coming up with creative ways of passing time letting family and friends know they're ok that they're following the advice of doctors refusing to be panicked by the new disease. couple of other notes for you hollywood actor tom hanks and his wife rita are among the people infected with corona virus the oscar winning actor is making a movie in australia where there are 128 confirmed cases and says both are staying in isolation because of headaches fever. the cruise ship industry is taking a hit obviously in many cases have been linked to vessels across the world and in florida where several major cruise companies are based elderly passengers are being told not to get on board and a gallica has a report now from miami. the port of miami is known as the cruise capital of the
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world with around $6000000.00 people passing through these facilities each year it's a huge part of florida's tourism industry and one that's been growing until now at least 5 cases of the coronavirus have been reported on vessels in south florida prompting the u.s. state department to issue new guidelines the elderly and those with underlying health problems are being told not to take cruises advice that may last for the forseeable future it brickell travel management staff remain optimistic manager gus machado says passengers are canceling their cruises but the numbers aren't drastic and i think the media's gotten a little more say and scaring people away more than it really is i'm telling you right now our cancellations are and i'm not going to lie that but it's not crazy cancellations i would say we're down 2530 percent max so we still have 70 percent of our customers traveling. share prices in the industry have been hit by the crisis but president trump says he's committed to providing assistance without
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going into details and we are working very closely to leave those miners. and their very very closely to take a very strong steps in terms of people going on to go. spending a lot of money and they are working very hard and we were going to be helping the industry cruise lines are now putting protocols in place including deep cleaning and screening passengers disembarking from a recent trip affected by the virus say they felt safe there protecting us probably taking the path yes we were delayed a day but you know what it was. you know it i didn't feel they really took good care of us or didn't didn't feel true nothing really vice president mike pence who's in charge of the task force tackling the coronavirus has told cruise companies to do more and with over $150000.00 jobs in the industry the stakes couldn't be higher over the next few weeks around a dozen ships a due to dock here and authorities say they're ready there are now plans in place
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to convert a warehouse into a medical facility if needed that would have the kind of isolation passengers off the coast of california experienced but the impact on the industry and florida's economy could be dire and it gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. still in the u.s. in the biggest possible league in the world has suspended its season because of coronavirus one of its star players as well utah jazz center rudy go but has tested positive the n.b.a. will be out of action until further notice some franchise owners had suggested games be played behind closed doors with no fans let's hear from jamil hill now a sports journalist with the atlantic she explains why this decision is so significant. it's a human's move and frankly it's the only move that they can really make you know once you start kind of going down the rabbit hole really go there instead of it passive in the end now you have to think about all the teams that there is as a play over the last 2 weeks i mean i've been in 6 different cities so that's
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a lot of interaction with other league personnel with players coaches teams and i think the n.b.a. did the right thing and i think they probably need to go a step further and go ahead and cancel the rest of the season because even though 2 they had earlier come to the conclusion that maybe they should just play without fans you know the truth is that you can all matter people so much you know all these coaches players those who would have been around allowed in the arena they all lead individual lives and you can't account for what they're going on a day to day basis so it was only a matter of time for something like this happen the reality is that a lot of people here and unfortunately some of it has to do with the american leadership a lot of people here have not seriously and the only silver lining that's come out of the fact that the n.b.a. is shutting down to really there are others that will be playing you know games that kind of fans and even to hassle every time hey sorry to wilson disclose that
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they tested positive for corona virus unfortunately it's taken that much for people here in the states to actually take this problem seriously final out on coronavirus preparations for the tokyo lympics are going ahead despite the spread of the virus in fact we have seen the olympic torch lit today in greece a tradition held in the lead up to war games the torch gets handed over to organizes in tokyo next week japan says the declaration of a pandemic has not changed its plans for the event which is in july. on to other news to americans and a british soldier have been killed by a barrage of rockets fired at a military base in iraq other personnel are being treated for their injuries it camp taji north of baghdad it was claimed responsibility for the latest in a series of attacks where foreign forces up base some on a full team is in baghdad for us and says there is concern this latest attack could lead to an escalation in violence. well many people fear that this deadly attack
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could once again result in a series of tit for tat attacks and we've already seen a reaction not in iraq but in syria very close to the iraqi border there was a strike on positions of the popular mobilization forces very shortly after the attack on the base now many of these iranian backed groups that operate both in syria and iraq so what is interesting is that we saw a reaction in syria the what remains to be seen whether the united states would actually strike in iraq this time around the same way it did following the deadly attack on the k. one base in care back in december which is what set off this series of retaliatory retaliatory attacks in the 1st place now the situation has changed quite a bit since then 1st of all there was a serious escalation to very dangerous levels that many people did not really expect then traced fear is especially here in iraq of an outside war between the
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u.s. and iran there has also since been a vote in the iraqi parliament to demand the departure of foreign troops and those negotiations are still ongoing so all of this will affect the extent to which the u.s. will respond to this deadly attack but of course we had u.s. officials repeated on regular basis that they do reserve the right to defend its troops here especially if they feel that the iraqi government is not doing enough to do so. australia's high court has delayed a final verdict on an appeal by roman catholic cardinal george pell is fighting to overturn his conviction for sexual abuse 78 year old former archbishop of melbourne is serving a 6 year jail sentence for molesting 2 choir boys in the 1990 s. hill is the highest ranking catholic church official ever convicted of child sex crimes they go to the court and chambre for us and so the decision might be made public actually for mum. all of the arguments today have really been based around
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a questioning some of the issues that the defense yesterday at the defense really questioned the credibility and reliability of one of the formal quiet boys who was sexually assaulted by you know the other one died in 24 chain of a drug overdose but the prosecution today told the court that there's no reason to not believe this witness he did come across this well liable and credible the jury so all of that and there's no reason why the high court should not believe him either now obviously these 2 days of hearing has come to an end now it's been very a very significant case in this trial but this appeal process is very far from that's because the justices decided to reserve all making a decision on this case and that means that we may not hear back from them for
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months so essentially many things could happen here but getting to the crux of it 7 justices now need to decide over the coming months whether they will uphold the conviction or allow george pell to walk away a free man. iran has finally agreed to return the black box flight recorders from the ukrainian and lima which was mistakenly shot down 2 months ago 176 people were killed in the masonic attack shortly after takeoff from town from canada where 55 of the passengers were from criticize the iranians for failing to hand over the data recorders that are being sent to ukraine for analysis. riot police in chile have battled protesters taking part in the latest anti-government demonstrations on what is the 30th anniversary of democratic rule there the protests which started in october against higher metro fares of gruen and to much larger demands for economic change and the resignation of president sebastian pinera. and finally the mayor of
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mexico city is blaming a train crash on one reversing into the other a passenger was killed in the collision both train drivers are among the dozens of people injured the boss of the metro system says one of the trains didn't have modern safety systems fitted. past the hour on al-jazeera will take you through the headlines the european union has condemned the decision by the united states to suspend all travel from most of europe to 30 days this is after the world health organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic he uses the decision by washing was taken unilaterally. saudi arabia has also put a number of restrictions on flights residents and citizens have been barred from traveling to europe as well as parts of africa and southern asia and south east asia italy the country under lockdown more businesses being forced to close their
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doors as the country tightens restrictions only pharmacies and shops which sell food will be allowed to stay open. forward with them and now is the time to take more important steps now we're closing all retail businesses except for grocery stores and pharmacies attention it is not necessary to rush to buy food in supermarkets however we have closed shops bars pubs and restaurants leaving the possibility to make home deliveries and the number of coronavirus cases in iran has gone up more than a 1000 in just the past 24 hours that brings the total number of infections in the country to over 10000 with 429 people dying in iran has been trying to combat the outbreak by closing this schools and universities and counseling public events and in other news to americans and british soldier have been killed by a barrage of rockets fired at
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a military base in iraq other personnel are being treated for injuries at camp taji north of the capital baghdad there has been at this point no claim of responsibility for what is the latest in a series of attacks where foreign forces are based and australia's high court has delayed a final verdict on an appeal by the roman catholic cardinal george pell has fined him to overturn his conviction of his conviction for sexual abuse 78 year old former archbishop of melbourne is serving a 6 year jail sentence for molesting 2 choir boys back in the 1990 s. pale is the highest ranking catholic church official ever convicted of child sex crimes you're up to date with the headlines on al-jazeera the bottom line with steve clemons is coming up next.
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hi i'm steve clemons and i have a question is the coronavirus morphing from a public health epidemic into a full blown social and financial pandemic let's get to the bottom line. around the world factories have gone off line schools have been suspended and entire cities have been locked down in italy the entire country is now under quarantine and in america critics of president donald trump say his administration has been slow to deal with the outbreak and focused on dealing with a health crisis as a public relations battle more recently however and with 700 cases of coronavirus infection in the u.s. the administration has shifted to high gear in fact in the past few days the government set aside more than $8000000000.00 in emergency funding and started to talk about an economic stimulus package so where is the fear of the unknown taking us now fortunately we have.


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