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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2020 7:00pm-7:34pm +03

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this does is provide care and know what to do with their patients every health facility should be ready to cope with large numbers of patients and a sure the safety of staff and patients 2nd 2nd detect protect and treat you can fight a virus you can't fight a virus if you don't know where it is find isolate test and treat every case to break the chains of transmission every case we find and treat limits the expansion of the disease surd reduce transmission do not just let this fire burn isolate the seek and current in their contacts in i dish in measures that increase social distancing such as canceling sporting
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events may help to reduce transmission these measures of course should be based on local context and risk assessment and should be time limited even if you cannot stop transmission you can slow it down and save lives and foreigners innovate and learn this is a new virus and a new situation we're all learning and we must all find new ways to prevent infections save lives and minimize impact all countries have lessons to share there are simple effective things we can all do to reduce the risk of infection for ourselves and those around us clean out hundreds regularly with an i'll call base drive or shop and water cover your miles and knows we 0 in both if you cough or sneeze. stay home if you are sick avoid unnecessary
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travel and large social gatherings comply with the advice of your local or national health authority find and share reliable information and finally you can give together with the united nations foundation and the suisse philanthropy foundation w.h.o. is today launching because 19 soli diety response fund to enable individuals and organizations to contribute until now we have been there lying mainly on governments to support the response we trying all those countries who have supported doubly just tragic preparedness and response plan including japan which this week contributed $155000000.00 u.s. dollars now everyone can contribute funds raised will be used to coordinate their
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response to buy mosques gloves gowns and goggles for health workers to buy diagnostic tests to improve surveillance and to invest in research and development to give to the corbett 90 in solidarity response fund go to w.h.o. dot i n t and look for the orange donate button at the top of the page we time and google facebook and the individuals who have already contributed every dollar donated is that dollar toward the saving lives we are all in this together i thank you. the dress. as we speak the press release on of the 1000 so that your response fund is being sent to you
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just to remind everyone that dispraise briefing is being broadcast on various platforms from our sides your facebook twitter account you tube channel as well as on linked in so we will start questions. from journalists who are listening us who have i do dialed in or who are watching us to resume so we will start with. joey from yahoo finance. you can hear me out who have. been great thanks so much what i just wanted to know in terms of all the social distancing techniques that are awaiting use and i would say there's been fine criticisms that i'm going to have you know put in by anybody who's going to hear me know really right now how drake thanks so much i just wanted to know in terms of you know little shows do things and you know let me tell you
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months that are being used and implanted there's been. yes. this is a tried and tested method in slowing down the pace of them exploited and certainly in the cases of previous influenza pandemic social distancing has been used to some effect in slowing down the spread social distancing is based on a principle that you don't know who's infected and you're separating putting social distance between everyone we've said again and again many countries are not in that situation yet many countries are in a situation where the disease is recognisable cases can be detected contacts can be identified quarantined and it is a more cost effective intervention to separate. some individuals from society then separate everybody in society from each other however
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where there is not a good handle where there hasn't been a good understanding of disease transmission where enough has not been invested in core public health interventions such as case finding and pub and contact tracing then social distancing measures may be your only option to create distance between individuals but as we've said in previous press conferences there are very costly interventions in terms of. societal acceptance very costly in economic terms and they have to be used in a time limited fashion with the specific purpose of slowing down infection enough to protect the health system i think this is the difference very often in public health we use case training and contact tracing to go after the virus to stop to interrupt to push back that's the purpose of those public measures the purpose of social distancing is only to slightly slow down the virus so your health system can
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cope the objectives are different and i think. we have to be clear that social distancing measures are not a panacea social distancing manager are not going to stop this epidemic they're not going to stop this pandemic. purely in their own right and if countries want to really turn this around for those countries that are in a position to do that and it's been clearly demonstrated in places in other places then investing back in a measured comprehensive strategy as dr ted was referred to it so many times of trying to still do the kind of case finding contact tracing isolation to push the virus back and that is not to say that certain social distancing measures will not have a positive impact but they come at a cost and must be considered as dr curtis has said in the local context and there's a local context that is both in public health terms but also in societal acceptance terms a society may accept distancing in one part of the world and they may reject it in
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another and governments have to balance those genuine dilemmas around social and community accepted. to what mike has said he mentioned this comprehensive package of measures and the d.g. has said this repeatedly social distancing is one aspect that we have been promoting here but this is in addition to a lot of other measures that we have also been promoting which include case and contact finding aggressive case and contact finding and testing testing needs to be appropriate in each country to ensure that we know who are cases and who are not cases it also includes hand hygiene washing your hands with soap and water using an alcohol based rub making sure that you also practice respiratory etiquette you are sneezing into your elbow or coughing into your elbow making sure that we mobilize all of our population it is very important that every single person on the planet
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knows what the signs and symptoms of coven 1000 are is the sign. and symptoms of cold in 1000 and is not sneezing and having a runny nose it's a fever it's a dry cough it's aches and pains it's very important that we know those differences some people will also have difficulty breathing and so knowing what the signs and symptoms are knowing what what your risk may be will help protect you and help protect your family thank you very much just to remind journalists to ask one question at the time so. you know with the buns recovering from a downturn from india bones or can you hear us thank you very much just to remind you always wanted to ask one question i don't i'm so happy and you hear me yes i heard here you know you know what i've been through probably my commissioning here the other blocked the travel for all foreign nationals coming from across the globe
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how does that relate to anything and you want to meet it sort of this yes we can you know go you have. a question you need to me i have a lot of the travel for all foreign nationals. he said that each sovereign country must decide upon its own measures to protect its population but we have also consistently said is that blanket travel measures in their own right will do nothing to protect an individual state in fact many countries who had outright travel bans early in the response this response ended up importing cases anyway and may have reacted later than they should have because they assumed travel restrictions would protect them saw i think it's very important that the main focus in this fight is not on anything other than the public health measures case to take action isolation getting increasing number of tests on people who nor their status
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can protect others it's a little bit like in the hiv epidemic until people could understand my status if i know that i'm in fact that i can protect others so we need to move to that sort of a stance and investing in the capacity to do that in fact investing in the ability to treat cases effectively and give proper reassurance and community education and community mobilization as part of an older all comprehensive strategy there is a place particularly inside national borders for potentially restricting movement between zones as we've seen in certain places. but there is rarely just a vacation for blanket bans unless of course the context and the risk defines that so it's difficult for us to comment on the individual action over the individual nation we would have to fully understand the risk assessment and the vulnerability
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assessment that was carried out in india. thank you. i don't like them and then. i think if you hear me. sing along. i want to. get we're going to do. you want to do your yeah like i know you can are there can be an example. i think there's something every everyone can do to to battle against it. you know to educate yourself about what this virus is where it's circulating no one is at
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fault for getting infected with this virus we need to help each other as as as best we can we see many examples of countries helping each other within their own populations whether this is providing some support to families who have infected cases providing support to families who have members who are in quarantine providing support to health care workers who are working on the front line bringing them groceries or helping them clean their homes. and we need to all stand up to stigma we need to stand up to people who are pointing out that someone may be at fault for being from a certain country this absolutely should not be tolerated in any form and we do see many good examples of it and we need to make sure that we promote that but everyone has a responsibility here to do the right thing and to help each other out during this difficult time. because there's another one of the stigma and that is.
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this is here one is as maria has very well explained the issue of stigma associated with the disease or the profiling according to that but there's also something we need to avoid we've been speaking very much about those who are vulnerable in our societies and that vulnerability is very important to deal with but when we speak about the vulnerability we cannot forget migrants we cannot forget undocumented workers we cannot forget prisoners in prisons they may be serving sentences but they deserve no less protection under the law than others so when we talk about stigma we also need to to really look carefully at exclusion we're working very closely with the office of the high commissioner for human rights with the red cross. movement we were on the telephone this morning we've been speaking about joint activities around issues like this the director general has said many times we should we must leave no one behind. because the only way to beat this is to
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leave no one behind so when we talk about stigma we also need to avoid that but we need to avoid exclusion as well we're in this together and i hope we can finish this together yes. i fully agree and this is everybody's everyone's business and nobody should be excluded. but the only thing i'd like to add to this is especially political leaders religious leaders community leaders have a special role to play here to bridge and also to tell our full wrist to. i've had to just basic morally. respecting others and this bias is a common enemy so i would expect and call upon all political leaders religious leaders and community leaders to play a bigger role here thank you very much let's try to move to kerching pakistan
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express tribune do we have someone like. hello can you hear is please yes yes please go ahead. hello we can yes we can hear you. yes we can hear you please go ahead. yes. ok welcome please. thank you very much. it's difficult to predict the epidemiologic outlook and there in any country i have personally worked in in pakistan on polio eradication for nearly 3 years and very much enjoyed my time working with some excellent pakistani
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colleagues. working on infectious disease control among them dr run a softer. so i think there's a great capacity in pakistan there's a very public health capacity but there are also great challenges you have a highly mobile population you have great megacities and you have many under-served people saw there is a great challenge facing pakistan pakistan is also she demonstrated time and time again with doing it with polio with others eases. all of government all of society approaches can be made to work so we wish pakistan all the best all the best luck in the world and all of our assistance in supporting some some fine public health servants in your country. just listening to this current a virus update from the world health organization and confirmation here that europe is the new epicenter of this outbreak we heard there that more cases being reported in europe every day than were reported in china at the height of its
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epidemic and then also a number of other remarks reiteration about the importance of testing and isolation isolating the sick and then we also heard some remarks there about social distancing measures canceling sporting events and things like that might not be able to stop transmission but it will slow it down and that's important because it will save lives on leave joins us live now in the studio neve you've been following this story closely and very important that we have here a shifting story we virus appears to have passed its peak in asia but it's the reverse here in europe yes europe very much now the epicenter for quite some time health officials across the continent have been looking to china to see exactly what happened there and how the system situation was slowed down and what has been advised repeatedly by the show is that countries around the world need to take
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a much more aggressive stance when it comes to or just containing the virus anymore that ship has sailed but delaying the onset of the virus largely to reduce the impact on the health systems across the country so what we've seen in the past few days is country after country introduced social distancing measures shutting down sporting events closing schools universities nurseries those countries really strongly believe that that's the best way to go for a different situation here in the u.k. though where that isn't being done and some eyebrows are being raised as to whether or not but it's the right way to go we've seen quite a contrast don't we in the in the response in the u.k. government which is much more limited much more gradualist they say and they've they've. given their reasons and their rationale for that versus countries elsewhere in europe where for example in spain just had a state emergency declared that's what will the u.k. is saying that they're putting science of the heart of things they right now do not believe that there is any real effective reasons for forcing people to not go. to
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public events or closing schools what they are saying is that if you do have symptoms coronavirus like symptoms to isolate yourself for 7 days if you're elderly most certainly don't go on cruises if you're at school don't go on trips abroad but there are growing concerns in spain though is oversea at the forefront of people's minds a state of emergency declared we've seen 4 towns put into isolation north of concerns about the capital madrid where there are 2000 cases now many of them in nursing homes the start state of emergency will last we believe 15 days and we gather the military has been drafted in to help enforce that spain the now the 2nd 2nd biggest number of coronavirus cases in europe after italy need thank you very much . of course we're following developments closely in iran as well security forces there are going to clear the streets of its major cities within the next 24 hours
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in a renewed effort to fight the spread of the virus according to state t.v. shops streets and roads will all be vacated iran is one of country's worst affected by the pandemic with the death toll of 514 and more than 11400 infections the country is struggling with a lack of life saving equipment has asked for an emergency 5000000000 dollars loan from the international monetary fund he joins us live now from iran's capital i mean this is really a massive crisis in iran not least because of concerns that the country simply does not have the resources or the medical supplies to deal with something like this. that's exactly right the fact that the death toll and the total number of cases continue to go up those are really observable facts that point to the fact that iran is simply unable to get a grip on the spread of this outbreak throughout the country an expert panels that you can watch on state t.v.
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on a nightly basis all agree that the peak of the virus is coming up in the next 2 weeks in the last week president hassan rouhani has taken a political beating criticism from all sides all sides of the political spectrum who say that his efforts led by his health ministry aren't doing enough to take care of this problem to control the spread of the coronavirus and so late last night supreme leader ayatollah khamenei announced the formation of a new taskforce this one with a much more military slant and headed by major general the home of the boss harry the chief of the armed forces this is the traditional military not to be confused with the revolutionary guard they had their 1st meeting this morning on friday morning and shortly thereafter mr battery went on state media and told some of the things that we're planning on doing crowd control is very important making sure that movements are final stop on the ends of all and government guidance to keep
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social distancing at the forefront of their daily activity to limit movements throughout the country general battery said that the military in the next 24 hours will be working on the streets to try to prevent crowds from coming together in shopping malls or large supermarkets and we have to keep in mind that we are a week away from the roots. this is like christmas and new years by and so the task for the military for major general botha who's running this task force will be quite difficult to try to control crowds ahead of what is the biggest holiday in the country now we have to look at something else that's very significant going back to the order issued by the survey in that order in his letter that was made public to general battery. he said that there is evidence of the fact that this is possibly a biological attack talking about the coronavirus of military terms now the conspiracy theories have abounded and been prompted up part propped up by senior leaders in iran that the united states might be behind the spread of covert 19 in the country
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we've seen now that the supreme leader is also fanning the flames of this conspiracy theory of this idea it's still an allegation there's no evidence but the message here is clear with the event with the beginning of this task force with the military in the lead this is now a security matter and it might be one for which one of iran's greatest enemies is responsible the message to iranian people is clear it is time to fall in line and follow government guidance to help stop the spread of the coronavirus thank you very much with all the latest from the iranian capital tehran same bus or r.v. . well markets have seen volatile trading as investors wave the measures of world leaders the taking and then the impact of the pandemic the dow jones industrial average opened up 3 percent after thursday's trading so the greatest loss says since the black monday crash of $987.00 in london the footsie $100.00 has trading around 5 percent up but is still on track for its biggest weekly loss in more than 30 years while in asia markets plunged in morning trade but managed to claw back
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initial losses in hong kong the one saying index closed down 1 point one percent christian salumi joins us live now from new york it was seeing this volatility in global markets perhaps showing that wrestling with the idea that governments around the world will intervene to to do whatever they can to support the economy but then at the same time this continued uncertainty about the impact of the virus. absolutely we're seeing the exact same thing play out here in new york on the markets the. major stock indices are still in the green today but they've pared back their gains from earlier there's been some market attempts to regroup as world leaders promise economic stimulus but as you say the details are still a bit on clearer the white house here in the united states has been signaling that they're close to a deal with congress for economic stimulus the federal reserve the u.s.
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central bank has been pumping money into the markets to keep the liquidity up so that has investors waiting back in but cautiously this is still on track to be the worst week since 2008 the s. and p. 500 fell 9 and a half percent yesterday and now it's just up under 2 percent so you can see it's still way down from where it was as the signs of this the economic fallout from the coronavirus continue to be evidence and weighed by investors we've got states of emergency declared in new york in states and communities around the country major gatherings have been canceled sporting events have been canceled people are staying home from work trips are being canceled so everywhere you turn you're seeing signs of the impact this is having on every day business every day commerce and so on until we know the full extent of the spread of this virus and exactly what the government here in the united states plans to do about it i think we're going to
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see more of this uncertainty thank you very much from new york christian salumi all know all are actually been seeing in the markets but is the number of new infections continues its downward trend in china as you were just saying there all the asian countries are stepping up measures to limit the impact on their economies aren't silly reports on this now from kuala lumpur. major stock markets in asia took their cue from wall street overnight tumble on thursday and extend their losses from the day before japan's nikkei index plunged by more than 10 percent in early trade but recovered to close 6 percent lower in south korea financial regulators imposed a half year ban on short selling starting on monday the 1st time it's done so since 2011 in a bid to curb volatility it's going to be very hard to stabilize the markets what we're going to need to see is the slowdown in the case in that start.
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but i think you've got the biggest problem global markets the u.s. which is so low interest rates and so on you asians you know it's hard for asian markets to bounce back when there's what i would consider a big overhang there beyond the stock markets more visible signs that the global economy is taking a hit singapore announced it will stop allowing cruise ships to dock with immediate effect gone are the large crowds that usually busy airports across the region as people avoid unnecessary travel and countries impose entry restrictions several airlines have asked employees to take unpaid leave in manila people were stocking up on essential for a day after the philippine president or 3 go to terre day said domestic travel to and from metropolitan manila would be suspended for a month. analysts say the move may weaken economic growth but many residents agree
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with the measure that model. money not being logged on is ok instead of the virus spreading i'm in favor of it because it's better to do it now before they let us know that there are so many cases. in indonesia the government has started a campaign to disinfect thousands of mosques to prevent the spread of corona virus here in malaysia there are concerns that could be a sudden spike in confirmed cases after at least a dozen infections were linked to an event held at them often on the outskirts of. 2 weeks ago health officials estimate as many as 16000 people attended the religious gathering but amid the gloom there is some positive news china reported 8 new cases as of thursday the lowest daily figure since reporting began in january south korea to continue the downward trend reporting more recoveries than infections on friday florence li al-jazeera. so you can track all of his
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coronavirus developments will not just here in europe but around the world. is the address. quick recap of our headlines this hour the world health organization is saying that any country not moving to take tough measures against a coronavirus pandemic is making a deadly mistake the warning comes as the number of deaths in infections across europe continues to rise germany has become the latest country to declare school closures in several states and the french president he says that he does have g 7 countries will hold a video conference to discuss the crisis on monday. europe has now become the epicenter of the pundit make with more reported cases and is done the rest of the world combined apart from china more cases out
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of now being reported every day than were reported in china the host of its appeal to me meanwhile spain has now declared a state of emergency to start from saturday this move allows the government to confine people and evacuate buildings spain as the 2nd highest number of corona virus cases and we're off to italy with about 4000 infections there about 120 people have died. is there because units that are already in progress these decisions will be aimed at mobilizing all the state's resources to protect the health of all the citizens economic resources health resources both public and private civil and military resources for the protection of all citizens especially the most vulnerable to the virus because of her age or because of over previous illnesses. elsewhere a chinese medical team has arrived in rome to provide support for italian health authorities in their fight against the virus the number of new infections in china
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is at its lowest since january with only 8 new cases. and then iran security forces will clear the streets of its major cities within the next 24 hours in a renewed effort to fight the spread of the virus according to state t.v. shops streets and roads will be vacated iran is one of the country's worst affected by the pandemic with a death toll of 514 and more than 11400 infections. has been perhaps some better news on the global markets indices in europe and the us have risen off his story falls on thursday asian markets still in negative territory though overall we all seeing great deal of volatility the program like uber is coming up next i'll be back with more news in 700.
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but. let me know. that you know in the lead in. to the awning i'm awake. at diamond.


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