tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 17, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03
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it's a dark believe they have anything to apologize they're listening post on al-jazeera . this is al-jazeera. either from doha everyone i'm kemal sons and maria this is the news hour from al-jazeera shelves in malaysia it is preparing for border closures and a ban on all travel after a big rise in coronavirus case since the shutdown in europe is intensifying new restrictions will be in place in france within the hour in other news 2 explosions hit a government office in southern thailand and iraq could finally get a new prime minister a new name emerges after months of political uncertainty. and then pick chiefs
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hold talks about 2020 and football's european championships could be called off as you wait for me to discuss the impact of coronavirus on the continent. well the restrictions in many countries around the world are about to get a whole lot more extreme in the coming hours in an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus let's take you around the world malaysia 1st of all which is rolling out some of the most drastic rules at midnight tuesday no one allowed to leave for 2 weeks its borders are being sealed that's led to panic buying in malaysia and over in singapore as well in the middle east iran's government has temporarily released $85000.00 prisoners it's also closed off access to religious shrines much to the anger of many worshippers and much of europe going into lockdown there is the french president. emmanuel micron in less than 60 minutes france seals borders
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the president saying that france is at war with corona virus so here's the team for this hour. in teheran natasha butler in the south of france we're starting though with florence louie in kuala lumpur to take us through well some pretty extreme measures but also the fact that this is all stemming from florence seemingly one of event. you're right come on and this is new you know the malaysian government has been under pressure to put in some sort of measure to restrict the movement of people to contain a limit the spread of corona virus ever since the reports of this new cluster emerged and it's all linked to a conference of moose lim missionaries held at a mosque just outside of kuala lumpur between the 28th of february and the 1st of march now 16000 people at 10 that this event 14500 malaysian citizens and the rest were foreigners now news of this cluster 1st emerged after
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a man had returned home to his home country of brunei and tested positive for covert 19 this was last week since then foreigners in other countries singapore indonesia brunei cambodia have also tested positive for covert 19 now in cambodia the number of cases doubled to 24 and out of the 12 new cases reported on tuesday all but one are linked to this event in malaysia there has been another rise in the number of cases 120 new cases were reported today that brings the total number of cases in malaysia to $600.00 more than $670.00 and off those numbers more than 60 percent are linked to this one single event so the government has been under pressure to put in these sorts of measures now what are the measures about the measures will essentially force government services businesses that provide non provide non-essential services to shut down what is considered essential service this will be things like health care energy electricity telecommunications
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broadcasting and the supply of food so restaurants will still be allowed to open but they won't be allowed to serve dine in customers markets and supermarkets will still be allowed to open them but this didn't trigger some panic buying because people weren't really sure what the restrictions would be now but the most stringent measures really come to malaysia shutting its borders malaysians will no longer be allowed to leave the country until after the 31st of march and foreigners will not be allowed to come into malaysia. unless they work in one of the essential services now and this move will affect not just malaysia but also singapore malaysia is an important trade partner for singapore which imports a lot of things and especially food from malaysia and the announcement by the prime minister of malaysia last night triggered a state of panic buying in singapore such that they think a port so much so that the singapore prime minister had to come out and reassure him that isn't that the movement of goods and freight and food between malaysia and singapore is not going to be affected by the border closure what is going to be
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affected however is the movement of workers now at least 300000 people use the land crossings between thing of poor and malaysia on a daily basis many of them commute to singapore to work to study and these workers work in the retail sector the restaurants thanked her and also factories so there will be there will be disruption to the singapore economy the singapore government is clearly worried about it and it says it's scrambling to help find temporary accommodation for these malaysian workers who want to remain in finger port for the next 2 weeks while malaysia closes its borders but clearly this is a move that the malaysian government deems it necessary. the single event that your earlier. is there not to consume with that many people involved i mean closing borders that's one thing but there are clearly a lot of people who could have been exposed. absolutely and this is something that is very worrying and something that's worrying the government something that
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worrying the frontline health providers is also something that's worrying many malaysian citizens and that's why there was a call for the malaysian government to do something in or but it's very difficult for the government to test everyone because they there is no record of who attended this event so the government has to rely on these people to come forward voluntarily the organizers of this conference have also made a plea for people who attended this event to come forward and be tested and the health ministry so says so far they've tested more than $8000.00 people but that still leaves thousands of people yet to be tested so this is clearly something that's worrying and we do expect to see the number of cases in malaysia to keep rising because they're not able to trace everybody who attended that event unless and until they come forward voluntarily but the government has said that it is going to stop all religious gatherings places of worship they will be closed for the next 2 weeks until the 1st the 1st off march florence larry in kuala lumpur
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thank you so that's on to your knowledge when i am in france i'm talking about. in the south west midlands in an hour's time things change markedly in france take us through the developments. yeah that's right so from midday french local time to french president emanuel michael says that strict new measures will come in supplies in france 50 days in fact all knocked down and what that means is that people will not be able to move around the country so freely they won't have to travel between cities they will only get up to leave their homes something essential so that means to go and get so a surge or to go to work if they call work from home and when they do their ground when we have to go around prints off a form. that says this is what we're going to do we're off to go and buy or also go to work and that's all we'll have to show to the authorities or lease if they stop us because that's what the french government has said what will be controls there
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will be fines for those refund great purpose knock down force you always hear is about $40.00 but it could be more if people really persist in breaking it so i mean this is a whole new reality the people in france of waking up to people coming to it's ones with the force if you want to dance and see. it's a league where people are inside where they are looking out on to empty streets and suddenly we're living that's a very same situation so i think this is a real wake up call for many french people the french president certainly wanted people take this crisis my president to crisis he called it a lot more seriously he said the frogs is a war against an enemy that it can't see and the only way to combat that enemies for everybody to pitch in to work together and make sure they stay inside and stay apart are as much as possible and is there a den of cooperation is the word i want to tell you about are people on board with what with what mr micron is saying. i think it's definitely been
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a shift in the last few days because it was only sunday it was a sunny day in most of fronts of people out in the parks in the cities arris not saying bodo they were having a picnics and gathering and really it seems like business as usual this was off the french upon minister but actually old people to stay at home to know if it's a game of balls restaurants it already been shot you know it's i think perhaps the extent of the crisis wasn't quite as something that most people realize was was here right now so i think there is there has been a change of behavior i was of a supermarket yesterday and i have to say people were standing a meter or a few days before they were doing the software mollusks what was in the place before so i think all of this is starting to be absorbed by people in france who are realizing that the more does protect the most vulnerable in society not only because we are told by doctors it is not only the elderly go to being really that
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of becoming quite inflected the most too but also act risk younger people people less so it's easy forty's to the most critical cases in france so i think there is a sense now that if which of course that the population and everyone asked him. with the updates from across france thank you we turn to iran now which is close 3 of its holiest sites despite strong opposition shrines in the city of. qom and. shut down to contain the spread of coronavirus in iran 853 people have died with almost 15000 confirmed cases also iran is temporarily freeing about 85000 prisoners last week the u.n. asked around to release them to help stem the spread of the virus same bus arriving with us now on skype from tehran how does that work zain 85000 prisoners temporarily release they'll have to come back at some point somehow. that's right
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at the moment those who have been released can expect to come back into custody they will be taken back into custody around april 3rd that was the decision that was taken the judiciary and the chief justice decided to furlough temporarily release prisoners to try to take some of the pressure off of the prison system in terms of trying to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in this population dense situation in prisons across the country the decision was taken at the end of february and people started to be released in the previous weeks the number last week of 70000 mostly nonviolent offenders with short prison sentences now the addition of at least 15010 or 15000 new prisoners who were released these are said to be political prisoners they weren't among the 1st wave of those that were granted temporary release now many of these are likely to be protesters that were arrested during anti-government demonstrations in the van for the united nations and other human rights groups has been calling for their release for some time but
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again it is temporary they'll go back into custody in april now on the face of it this seems like the magnanimous decision by a strict religious government at its high of a national crisis but this may be much more practical than that what we're hearing from several reports is that there's been chaos in the prison system in terms of trying to prevent people from being infected by covert 900 there's already overcrowding there are already preventable illnesses and some reports say that prisoners have had to provide their own so so there's questions around whether or not they were getting the adequate medical care have they been tested before they're released well the spokesman for the judiciary said that they don't represent any public threat so make that of it what you will but we have to look at the fact that a week ago when the number of those that were being temporary released was 70000 the un special rapporteur for human rights in iran java 3 months said that this move has probably come too little too late so it's not clear if this will help zain we'll see mention the closure of holy sites in iran something that the government
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i'm sure wouldn't do lightly but also something which was opposed. yes that's exactly right we heard about the government's plans to close 3 very important shrines one in home one in mush and one in the greater to her own area now these are the burial places of people who are descendant from prophet muhammad's family these are very revered shrines and if you speak to iranian people or visitors from outside of the country who come to visit these very very important that it is science they say that these are people who died traveller as travelers visitors to this region they died alone and isolated from their family support of the belief system part of the spirituality around these sites is that it is said that their shrines and their final resting places will never be without visitors without people who come to show their respects so shutting the shrines down is really the very practical requirements of addressing a public health crisis crashing up against centuries of religious beliefs and
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hearts and minds so this is very much a hearts and minds issue and there were some protests there were some people unhappy about this but certainly the government would not have made this decision without deliberating with senior religious clerics and personalities in the country those protests were short lived they were put down very quickly the crowds sort of evaporated last night and those shrines are certainly close now knowing that just for the virus for a good long time but critics will say again it's good they've made this move but it is still too little too late. so with the update from tehran thank you for that we look at china now which is quite amazing has reported just one new domestic coronavirus case in the past day there were 20 other new infections but those were people arriving from overseas on the economy side of things well as well beijing expects things will return to normal in the 2nd quarter the latest government figures show industrial output fill a record 13 and
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a half percent in february and economists are still mourning any recovery in china may be slowed by the global economic fallout is katrina you in beijing to take us through just 11 katrina how does it get down to one new domestic case. it's quite remarkable especially considering that just a few weeks ago we were hearing of more than 1000 cases on a single day but one case in han is nothing short of extraordinary and what the chinese government is saying worked was putting the whole of a province into lockdown that 16000000 people who were not allowed to leave their homes and there were also very strict measures in place around the country and now that we've had this one case reported of this local transmission those or should have started to tease and as well as that nurses and doctors who were flown into the city of won 42000 in february were flown in to help with overwhelmed hospitals tens of thousands of patients of the crown
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a virus today from to say they've started to go home with the government saying that they're no longer needed because the vast majority of people infected have not been cured and have been now allowed to leave for the chinese government there as you mentioned 21 cases reported on choose day one case of 120 of those up people infection from overseas for so for the chinese government that is now the focus in terms of their containment strategy it is a big problem because there are more than 100000 people coming into china every day and more than 5000 flying into the capital beijing alone so what the chinese government is trying to do is curtail those numbers by asking chinese airlines to cut some of those flights so they can manage those numbers easily they will also put into place some very strict criminal charges for example if you will court concealing symptoms taking a tablet to try to suppress your fever temporarily for example you could face up to 7 years in jail what they've also done here in beijing is they've opened up
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a saw as iran hospital shot some shot here in beijing and has 1600 beds and every international traveling into the capital who presents with kaurna virus symptoms would be sent there to be wanted to quarantined and tested what the chinese government is saying now. is that lots of people are coming back into china chinese nationals because they simply do not trust the measures put in place by other governments they simply feel safer in china because china seems to know what it's doing in terms of bringing the outbreak under control now we do have to take that message with a bit of a grain of salt because the chinese government does seem to be in a bit of a propaganda offensive in recent days today and she say they actually responded to a tweet by u.s. president donald trump calling korvin 1000 the chinese virus saying that the u.s. president was smearing china they're furious about that but that also follows a message a tweet last week by a spokesperson in china's foreign ministry who actually insinuated that it was the
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u.s. military who was responsible for bringing the virus into china in the 1st place so there has been a bit of a war of words there and the chinese government in the u.s. governor also in the middle of the race if you like to find out to be the 1st government to find a vaccine for this virus katrina you in beijing thank you for that. so china talking up the idea of recovery but the impacts only just beginning for so many other countries as we talked about earlier extreme measures are to be imposed at midnight in malaysia which is the 3rd largest economy in southeast asian a very diverse one as well exports oil natural gas it's also one of the world's biggest supplies of 10 agriculture is a key sector rubber palm oil cocoa are its top 3 exports malaysia's border closure is expected to have a huge impact on its neighbors especially singapore it relies heavily on malaysia for food supplies and workers both governments say the flow of goods there won't be affected but it's
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a different story for the 32400000 who commute across the border every day analysts say the travel ban will cut off at least a 10th of singapore's workforce we've got the sun with us now a senior fellow at the singapore institute of international affairs but he's actually on skype from kuala lumpur at the moment so maybe i can ask you 1st of all . when are you getting back there have you been stocking up on supplies what's your feeling about trying to get back to singapore and then what will happen once the borders close. sometimes the one sometimes the major so for me freedom try to get very. hot. on. and the shopping even though i'm not in them all and i don't see an auto shop be in debbie's because i think you've been. that way i mean you act tonight. i think the food supply you go out there you various it by.
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various. types so that. tell us more about this idea of commuting effectively between malaysia and singapore i must admit i had not thought about that before but from what we said there it is quite common for people to be shuttling across. every day. a lot of students especially stay don't join houghton which is neighboring city they stay in the state of the hall but they commute to signify every single day and they commute back to weeknight by law ships various types of their day so they form an essential. singaporean economies. in secret pull out of that taking some of those jobs for example perhaps autistic napoleons may i mean like to do so if they are not able to travel into segev will that number one get on might be would be affected
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and number 2 certain essential services syncing up book would also be affected that's why both governments and it will be by and in the face solved on the virus. i think that both countries understand each other and street mentions is singapore in a position to. support itself effectively i mean it is it's own country i'm just wondering how always you tell us how much it relies on on people and goods but will the government there be able to inject money into the economy if needs be. yeah i think wolf that malaysian. government to. inject some solve. some sort of money somersault. perhaps sums up the priming into the economy and that's because. both countries will set the restriction very
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shoes and those peacekeeping manuals have an impact on the economy and then on each of those economy so i think that's bound to happen and see the police by recently in the in the face off for example and none probably should all myself and so it's this. has a high number ready off and we need to retrain person who could be close to actions it's what you need to have. a son know from the singapore institute of international his thank you so much for your time i do appreciate it joining us from kuala lumpur today. now to the u.s. where president obama thompson else to 15 day plan to fight the virus and is urging people to avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people more alan fischer has more on the latest moves in the u.s. . if there's a cure for coronavirus this might be it in seattle u.s. researchers have given the far short of an experimental vaccine developed in record
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time everybody is feeling so helpless right now or. realize that there are some. but it could still take a year to have something for universal use back in washington the president and i was dramatic new steps to reduce the chance of spreading the disease my administration is recommending that all americans including the young and healthy work to engage in schooling from home when possible avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating or drinking at bars restaurants and public food courts the president gave himself a tentative 10 for his handling of the crisis but there was a warning from the man spearheading the medical response in the us if you think you're here you're really here because you're only getting the results therefore it will always seem that the best way to address it would to be doing something that looks like it might be an overreaction and state governors even republicans are
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doing the federal government to do more this is going to be much harder to take much longer. and be much worse than almost anyone is currently understanding across the country many cities and states have already instructed bars and restaurants to close but people are gathering in grocery stores and supermarkets trying to stock up on food and essential supplies and. drive through testing facilities have begun to spring up in more locations the administration hopes to have 1900000 tests available by the end of the week but the president says the impact of this will last long into the summer thank you very much allan fisher al-jazeera washington in the u.k. the prime minister has asked citizens to avoid all unnecessary contact and travel after the number of coronavirus deaths increased from 35 to 55 on monday the
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government's changed its initial approach based on the idea that the majority of the population would become infected to develop so-called herd immunity that's after scientific modeling found the death toll could be as high as 250000 lawrence lee with us now from london tell us more about the measures that the prime minister wants britons to take lawrence because it all just seems to be in catch up mode. yes let me just go through these figures 1st because it's it is very pertinent to the government's response here clearly for some time and as recently as last week the government's advisors were talking quite eagerly about this thing called herd immunity and actually trying to allow the spread of the virus through the population in order for people to build up some collective immunity to it which sort of sounds ok on in theory but what it was then pointed out that if you get 80
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percent of the population of $65000000.00 infected with one percent mortality the herd immunity gets you to harf a 1000000 deaths which would obviously completely collapse the health service and so by the weekends the government was completely reining back on this idea of her to mean to say no we weren't saying that or even though they very definitely were and they're now in sort of stage of this thing called mitigation instead but this the scientific paper suggests that even mitigation flattening out the curve gets you probably to mortality rates of about a quarter of a 1000000 people over slightly longer period in the u.k. alone and that's also would completely collapse the health service but then also suggesting that if you don't want to do those things because of the death rates but you want to suppress the virus as china apparently now successfully didn't go to our correspondent there and the you don't european countries are now doing as well they then the suppressing it could take a full 18 months of people having to stay at home and so their points it is their
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absolute that there are no good outcomes for this it's all there all where another nightmare scenario but boris johnson you know when he gave his 1st daily briefing yesterday having been around the accused of not squaring up with the public as to what the what the risks were is already been very accused of being very vague saying we prefer people not to do this try not to go to the pub if you can help it . but schools are staying open and we want people to do this but it's not definite there's a lack of definite action that you know seeing you saw in china a single continental europe everything is being slightly fudged here and that's what's making the scientific community very worried. lawrence on the economic and business side of things in the u.k. what sort of assurances if any are u.k. businesses being given because again what we see in europe is positive signs on that front but the u.k. as i said still in the sort of catch up mode feels like yeah again i mean i mean
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they're all the france vast amounts of money being poured out. i was saying in france and germany where it's just been about a small group of refugees have contracted the virus they're talking as of denmark about underwriting people's incomes here in the u.k. again a bit a bit more fake and the hospitality industry theatres bars restaurants pubs all those staples of british life absolutely furious today because when the government said we're advising people to stay away rather than enforcing the closure that doesn't allow any of the any public restaurant to claim the closure against their insurance and so they're warning already of the mass closure of pubs and restaurants but it could smaller ones all over the country with the consequent loss of millions and millions of jobs potentially in the very short term the chancellor
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the the pritish finance minister is jus to speak we think it's for the prime minister's news conference this afternoon which is now going to be a daily event and people basically are screaming at the government now to provide a lot more financial clarity and so done to just show us the money. or what they're going to do for people who might otherwise be about to lose their jobs thank you for all of that that's lawrence they our correspondent in london. standing a little bit closer to rob macau we today still practicing our social distancing though but if you go for us in the weather spring snow with 3 days away from the vernal equinox see at least one for 124 years but the snow in spain in and is behind me as you can see i mean it's in the northwest it is in the high grounds that maybe not a huge surprise but to say we are getting towards spring that's to see this sort of fall it's quite extraordinary at this time of the year now that cloud brought is all swirling around a piece because we have from africa which means it's all warm that it has so you got a forecast now i have of the blue stuff which is rain for the east because mediterranean
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coast of spain madrid's temperatures up to about 17 madrid was 10 years today so was day on miracles it's cold not where it actually snowed forecasts wise for madrid we go to so slow warming phase in the sun comes out the next couple of this is more you'd expect spain to be in the spring in the sunshine it should be warm but the effect of that stormy stuff is going to kill back i think on to the coast of florida you still see the clouds swirling around there not much else happening but let's take you to the forecast where for the whole of north africa wind has been quite a saying for the last few weeks to be honest and curling into morocco you've got the blue in the atlas mountains and you've got the wind blowing in robots about he degrees dropping to 17 degrees and at the same time on the other side of north africa a strengthening wind from a storm system in the east to me again is starting to drop temperatures below 20 kyra and that chill be felt where dancer egypt back to you sir rob thank you so
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much for that small or weather from rob in our next use our but still ahead on this one the rest of the day's news and why democratic presidential hopeful bernie sanders could struggle to win the hispanic vote in florida and what the world what you coronavirus a mosquito borne disease is gripping latin america those stories and the headlines in a moment. and actually some support as well shouldn't they get the support 2 of the world's biggest prizes delayed and in fact canceled out of a coronavirus that it's. coming up later with. the launch of what do i overdosed. but my sister saved me. a lot more or less she should with more from a legal god the reality of addiction in the hour boils on the struggle for comfort . me it's a drug. al-jazeera wells goes inside a rehab clinic in the nile delta. rehab egypt edge of addiction on
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go on the news on here down to 0 and these are the developments with regards to coronavirus a rush to buy basic essentials in singapore off to neighboring malaysia decided to close its borders one of his decision follows a spike in corona virus infections authorities there reported on $125.00 new cases the total is at $5.00 but china is reporting on one new domestic case you have a $24.00 travelers arriving from overseas aging also says it expects the economy to return to normal when the 2nd quarter. and france is joined spain and italy ordering people not to leave their homes except for work medical care or supplies that comes as thousands of new cases were reported across the e.u. which has closed its external court this. now a car bomb explosion in southern thailand has injured at least 20 people the blast in the city of yala happened as local governments leaders met to discuss as it happens the coronavirus crisis here is line hey in bangkok going to take us through
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what you know. business attack took place at around each use day morning and it was designed to cause maximum potential. employed by the attackers and it's a familiar one stop in thailand it was one explosion that took place outside that government building clearly designed to get people to come outside to see what's going on the when in a logical. minutes later a big yellow pollens is want at least 3 southern most provinces in thailand neighboring malaysia and iran and muslim groups operating in no it's all insist now oil independence will graduate ptolemy from thailand which is a mainly buddhist troupe the mylan really intensify around 16 years ago and since then we've seen around 7000 people to we need to get any claims of responsibility out to the types all attacks as a seder assume groups operating by the recent use to increasingly hole in our law
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just in southern thailand as areason reduces next now all the national religion front being behind most of the violence so again suspicion will be on ran out of being responsible for this bomb attack the timing is interesting because in january we had a resumption of peace talks between the thai government and the leadership from some of those groups what made the resumption more significant was the. most power who actually will be our friend was present in the malaysian capital quite little for the 1st time in a very long time so that raised hopes that we could be on top towards some sort 'd of peace deal in months or indeed you know. this all the tech will be seen as a major step to that and there are a couple of theories as to why it's taken place one being that it would be to be our main leadership sending a message to the time government and they have not happy with how those talks progressed or what has happened since i know the theory is that it could be
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a radical element wouldn't be our aim sending in me. a message to their own leadership but they are not happy that the talks took place at the time. when i with that update from bangkok thank you. now we're rox president has named a new prime minister designate in an attempt to break months of political deadlock some of full teens in baghdad for us with this developing story who is this new prime minister than. well of nuns a little fear is current member of parliament for the nasser alliance which is the party of former prime minister haidar the body and he's also somebody who served before as the governor of najaf province under the paul bremmer administration following the 2003 u.s. invasion so he is somebody who is seen as being rather close to the west rather being rather close to the united states and this is one of the factors that he's
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likely to face some opposition from the shia parties in parliament who have specially recently adopted a rather hostile stance towards the u.s. military presence now in nominating him president barham salih took a very unusual step usually it's the largest bloc in parliament that puts a name for perspective can the president and the president then accepts or rejects this name but since the political parties have not been able to come up with a candidate among themselves president barham saleh nominated a candidate on his or and of course that means that could face some issues in trying to get the support of the parliament there was already a previous nominee who was nominated mohamed tawfik allawi and he did not manage to get his cabinet through parliament so it remains to be seen whether he will be successful and of course the negotiations for that are ongoing and they will likely continue throughout the next 3 days and whether or not he can secure the support of
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the political parties will to a large extent depend on whether he can accommodate their desires their wishes in terms of the copper composition of the cabinet whether he will agree to appoint certain ministers who are coming from these political parties so it remains to be seen how he will decide to form his cabinet and whether he will be able to cooperate with the political establishment similar can i ask you about another issue in iraq at the moment and that is u.s. troops repairs of u.s. troops it seems from some of the smaller boats. to other places in iraq and in fact outside of the country what's happening with. well the u.s. has decided to start repositioning its troops withdrawing soldiers from some of the smaller bases and moving them to larger bases now a coalition officials are saying that this has nothing to do with the recent spate
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of rocket attacks that we have seen in here up to something that has been planned for months but of course many people suspect that this is an effort to try to better protect coalition troops from these rocket attacks that we have been seeing for months now in fact on bases that house corelation personnel and some even believe that this may be a 1st step in a potential forthcoming troop drawdown over the next few months but of course it's very important to say that this issue of the u.s. presence is something that will play a very important role in the forthcoming a negotiation between the new prime minister designate and the political parties we have the parliament that voted in january on the expulsion of foreign troops from iraq and this is certainly a factor that will play into the negotiations some parties may ask the prime minister designate to include the expulsion of foreign troops into this program and make their support for him conditional on that thank you for all those updates from
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iraq similar 14 in baghdad well the u.s. state of ohio has called off its democratic presidential primary just hours before polls would you to open the state's health chiefs it could expose voters to coronavirus 50 have been confirmed in the hires so far and it's still unclear at this stage when the by will actually be held in chicago john hendren explains on the debate around whether to delay the vote. the ohio health commissioner did what the governor and what the secretary of state were unable to do early in the day the governor said because the c.d.c. has said that people should not gather in groups of more than 50 that it would be impossible to hold an election and that this would especially hold elderly people in a vulnerable state because of course they are the most vulnerable to the coronavirus that went to court that the state filed with the court and the governor lost that
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court said there's not enough time to do this thing and the election would go forward then the governor and the secretary terry of state put out a statement saying that it would be irresponsible for them to go forward the election and then you have that statement from the health minister saying that the election would not go forward now for health reasons now that's one of the things you get when you have a governor mike de wine who is not just a republican but also a former u.s. senator former attorney general this is a guy who knows how to use this system some cynics are saying he's a republican he wants the democratic primary to go on as long as possible because as long as the democrats bernie sanders and joe biden are going after each other they're not going after donald trump in that postpones the real fight in a general election some people have been saying this could be bernie sanders last stand numerically it's not possible for joe biden to clinch this with a 4 states in the 577 delegates that will be handed out on tuesday but it could
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have increased the momentum that biden r.-t. has but the truth is that they do wind has really been ahead of the curve even closing restaurants ahead of other states and he's been very aggressive be here and he just wasn't going to take no for an answer. 3 other primary votes start in florida arizona and illinois still going ahead and in the all important sunshine state former vice president joe biden appears to have a commanding lead with latino voters over his rival bernie sanders gallica reports from miami florida. bernie sanders is built a strong coalition with support it's been the envy of rival campaigns in nevada california and texas he decisively won over hispanic voters keen to embrace his so-called revolution. in florida though things are different like you know voters here tend to be older more moderate and wary of a candidate who proclaims himself a socialist when you see venezuelans that have escaped oppressive pretty democratic
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strategist evil and perez vidia says talk of progressive politics may backfire on the sanders campaign but this he says has the same tent as well so nice that the company says just a light or 2 into. so we have to be careful with messaging we have to be careful with words according to some polls sanders messaging appears to be driving hispanic voters to former vice president joe biden and in a state with 219 delegates that could mean a knockout blow bernie sanders recently praised cuba's fidel castro saying his literacy program was a good thing that's a hard pill to swallow for a 1000000 cuban americans here who escaped the castro regime and also resonates with nicaraguans and venezuelans who escaped socialist leaders in their homeland it's a kind of deep seated fear of a self avowed socialist that could spell trouble for the sanders campaign a registered myself and my has been for vote by mail democratic party activists say
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it's important candidates realize how leftwing politics viewed by a vital voting bloc in a must win state they are a little bit hesitant when one of our candidates. praising left wing governments and not understanding how raw those emotions are in the community to syria to very webmin says fears about socialism to make it hard to convince latinos to vote for the democratic party i am a very blunt person and i usually tell them. would you like the government to help you a little bit more you know would do you believe in everybody should have the same rights about healthcare and they answer yes and i said and why are you voting republican hispanic voters here aren't a monolithic voting bloc they look for leadership varies and while many are united
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over issues like health care education and climate change fear of socialism runs deep potentially boosting joe biden's bid in a state that seen as a road to the white house and a gallacher al-jazeera miami florida. well while the world watches the coronavirus pandemic another health crisis is gripping latin america fever cases are soaring from mexico to chile and one colombian city has seen a 500 percent increase in cases in just a month and the reports from cali. city fight this raging against things fever. body a woman died in neighborhood after developing the mosquito borne disease one of 11 presume related deaths last month so the city's fumigating by home. you know it's a delicate matter we need to be extremely careful with even the smallest poor of water i change the water of the plants every day not everybody does and it's
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dangerous. fumigations are just one of many emergency measures to confront you with them you can see the where cases have soared from 118 in january to more than 5000 . the this is the most key talk that infects people with the virus late eggs in any of the water or sanitation bad a gene and climate change with both heavy rains and long periods of drought are all making the outbreak worse income the cooler climate change has no doubt facilitated the breeding grounds these mosquitoes are endemic here but they're finding the best conditions to her oh and the geno type seems to be more aggressive. then guess been spreading throughout latin america in the past year 1300 people have died since young. hospitals across the continent are struggling to keep up with the number of
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new patients more than 3000000 cases have been reporting to tiles in 19 that's 6 times higher than the previous year and an all time high and the trend seems to be continuing in 2020 the disease has now become one of the main reasons for hospitalizations throughout latin america little council doing it will do more than with this and. not a moment in the last 3 months the numbers have tripled from maybe 1520 per week to 50 or 70 we need to do more to stop the spread of us i think that what is that exactly one method that's been helping is breathing guppy fish eat more ski to larvae in fountains in similar places. up the bus your home we are getting results but the worry now is that people will lower the guard because it tension is on this new coronavirus and we cannot make the mistake of forgetting that that can kill us if we don't keep up with it. was.
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championships would coal awful together the current virus the continent's governing body weight face set to meet to discuss their flagship event which is just be held in several countries starting in june. in football cross europe has been suspended it's expected that euro 2020 will be delayed to allow the continent's domestic leagues to finish their seasons in session and the committee is also set to hold emergency talks to discuss how they'll deal with the large number of qualifying events being cancelled for tokyo 2020 still no talk of canceling the games though organizers and the japanese government have repeatedly said it will go ahead as planned in less than 5 months time for the latest olympic qualifying to be called off was the european boxing event in london having been moved behind closed doors the organizers suspended fights off to monday night session with some boxers having qualified and others still waiting to do say of the oh no but it looks great on the staff a $1000000.00 which allowed our chance to qualify with our old with the stoppage
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actually noble i just i just got in for the rest of the larger goals you live with for the past 8 or 10 weeks for the tradition we all suppose correspondingly welling's joins us now live really let's start by talking about the euros what are the chances that we'll get a decision today and what impact would a delay have on football in europe. realisation on your own 2020 today has his own movie that it will be canceled until last part is probably a better way or yet until most likely next year now this one comes all kinds of issues that's where we are at the moment let's start with the european leagues the european clubs then a meeting if you want and why this teleconference to discuss what happens then if your answer to that is move might there be a possibility that lead could finish in the summer of play think that's it sure in the unlikely that we'll be back going by then the pictures can be played over some
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leagues can be finished i think what would happen there is we might see whether. or not employed or whether or not they find their way to delight the start of the next season once we get to 22 and see what. our other tillmans potentially affected in the club world cup which is take place in summer and some of them internationally too so it's going to be very very difficult to do his body any decisions and then made a remark that it's good its fans are kind of the client and people who talk about it we don't know where we are awake or virus was going sense and therefore any decisions might would have to have western model of the sensible thing to do 1st and foremost is to korea to turn to automate 'd not to ship and the i.o.c. also holding their budgets he talks today is this the 1st sign that we're seeing some cracks in their plans to hold the take care 2020 games as planned. well the
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situation is the increasing the range for the games to go ahead but remember that the national impact the military have had other forms of protests is a recent games and what they're trying to do 'd is give themselves as much time as possible there's certainly a lot of us to washington decision to take it as light as plain as they can and always leave them it's with a view to the games going ahead but grossing nothing like we were a virus and this is real crisis this unprecedented the i.o.c. had gianni's prime minister shinzo are going to look in or out g 7 leaders so they want the games to be completed. to start in july peace just looks as if it's highly unlikely to be possible the way things are going it was a specific mission when i was calling people sense and just think of it because i haven't thought i don't think of the marriage for the have to have they call
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a point to say who to go to the games it was seen that in fact countries like britain were boxing and just in the last few moments swimming national championships and being. double as a little bit. how do you settle it's going to lympics looks increasingly likely come outside i think the bigger question then becomes whether we could beat bush agent respond to. these regimes that you're going to have to start discussing the discuss the stakeholders or the struggle of the many schools present who have come up with this isn't it i don't post on the get might not be quite yet that's fine. and we spoke about this yesterday british horseracing was still going ahead but it seems that the horse racing industry is finally kind of cutting down to what's happening in current virus in the world. if the grand national is one of the biggest races around the globe and to take place that has
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now. we can go ahead last week bury controversial or not has they been very open so i don't i don't think you should go ahead with large concerts. does the government the person that you can do now racing want to say how important thank you behind closed doors with all its completely corrupt and not just out of harm from the traditions are using phones even sent even to die to morrow cities not come under question. by having discussions around the lights of the place that you have gotten the last doggerel and whether it's possible to even hold it behind closed doors as the term comes and we should say this is interesting to note that the opposite problem we got after me to say how it's affected racing groups is. to say how lives are being affected the people that are trying to make their
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livings from racing it's going to be very difficult to do in. the way things are at the moment it's really not the our watches to go all rightly well thanks very much and of course horseracing in the u.k. isn't the anything that's been affected it's also been hit in the us the kentucky derby the 1st race in north america's triple crown series expects to be perspired from may to september according to local reports if so it will be the 1st time it's been postponed since world war 2. saying in the united states and both the national hockey league and major league baseball have pushed back their dates for a possible restart to the season's tell says may could be the earliest date to resume play while the n.l.b. a great at their opening day won't be until the middle of that month. faithful has drafted in some famous faces to help raise awareness of spreading the current a virus in terms of sort of the direction they step back. j.c.
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rainier there with a firm warning to stay away from him and others. say ellison fee for president jennie and bettina are also part of that campaign. being all event to stars have been showing off their footy skills while on lockdown and it's silly midfielder douglas costa managed to keep the ball despite a strong attacking posture from his pet dog. showed friends how to clean their hands and then use their newly hoarded toilet roll to her nest. that isn't useful for now we'll have more for you later come all lovey thank you joe's got more sport in the next news hour which is coming up at 1300 hours g.m.t. that is about 2 hours from now i'll see you for that one as well in the meantime so how drama is coming up after the break with the latest news on al jazeera of course the latest updates on coronavirus and the rest of the day's headlines i'll see you later.
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it could be the biggest land grab in history. as powerful nations lay claim to territories under the oceans $21.00 geologists are secret. borders. as the struggle for resources intensifies some of the world's most powerful scientists speak out. oceans manakin. for 4 minutes of practice. but to achieve their dream of becoming afghanistan's 1st ever win to win in pm's they will have to overcome many mountains. carving up path of hope and inspiration where the light shines witness on al-jazeera. a diverse range of stories from across the globe from the perspective of
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a never lets journalists on al-jazeera. shelves are empty to out in malaysia is preparing for border closures and a ban on all travel after a big rise in corona virus cases. the shutdown in europe is intensifying new restrictions are now in place in france. and you want to live my headquarters here in coming up in the next 30 minutes 2 explosions rock a government office in southern thailand. also a 2nd time to and months of political uncertainty in iraq a former regional governor is named as prime minister designate.
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