tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 22, 2020 2:00am-2:34am +03
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we you know that i mean. this documentaries that open your eyes on al-jazeera. more grim coronavirus numbers in italy stoke fears that the pandemic is breaking through unprecedented containment efforts almost another 800 people have died in one day. early one in 4 americans is now under orders to stay home to slow the spread of infection and politicians are nearing a deal that could pump a trillion dollars into the economy. well i'm richelle carey in doha with the latest on the coronavirus pandemic. some
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countries in asia thought they turned the tide are now saying a 2nd wave of cases local governments are doing to prevent clusters of infections popping up. and the threat to some of the world's most vulnerable people those who are homeless families living on the streets in new delhi say no one's told them how to protect themselves. the coronavirus endemic is exacting an increasingly heavy toll on the world's worst affected country italy there were almost 800 more deaths and 6500 new infections in one day and cases globally have gone beyond 300000 according to a tally by johns hopkins university or in chalons begins our coverage. this military convoy in northern italy is carrying a grim cargo 30 coffins with the bodies of 30 coronavirus victims headed to
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a small village for christian because there are too many coded 19 dead in the nearby city of bergen and with italy recording its deadliest day of the outbreak yet with another nearly 800 deaths that could be more convoys like this needed. spain now has the 3rd highest number of infections worldwide with around 25000 the death toll has passed 1300 now to help madrid and barcelona are converting exhibition centers into field hospitals for the sick germany has had a spike in confirmed cases up to more than 16 and a half 1000 and there are now temporary fences on its border with switzerland the german government is considering whether to bring in a full nationwide ban on going outside where much of europe has already gone with its lockdown and social distancing measures the u.k. is following economically culturally and socially this is a country that has been transformed in just
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a few days. by order of the governments the u.k. is now pretty much closed pubs cafes restaurants gyms museums nursery schools and universities all shut for the foreseeable future the capital's buses and metro system are empty don't use them unless your job is critical people in london are being told this usually teeming metropolises quiet. i think it's good news that is good news in terms of that they're looking after people that lesion on their wages the fact that they're stopping hopefully or spreading the restaurants i think they've done the right thing we went out last night for the last hour and sort of tipped up a little bit harder than we should have. just as sort of people going along and it said for the small businesses but hopefully the government to kick in and sort of support people along the government is trying to stop a wave of panic buying that has stripped supermarket shelves bare this week. be responsible when you shop and think of others buying more than you need means that
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others may be left without and it is making life more difficult for those frontline workers such as our doctors and nurses and n.h.s. support staff who are working so hard in such difficult circumstances. to prevent total collapse the government will prop up businesses and guarantee 80 percent of all wages it's an unprecedented temporary nationalization of the u.k.'s economy rory chalons al-jazeera london. they life is changing for more americans with tens of millions across 5 states ordered to stay home all essential services remain open other businesses are shuttered close to 200000 people have now been tested as president mike pence is to be screened after one of his staff became sick john hendren reports from chicago. the coronavirus now has one in 4 americans living in lockdown every american has
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a role to play in defending our nation from this invisible horrible enemy so we say stay at home and save lives on saturday new jersey joined california new york illinois and connecticut in ordering residents to stay at home and shuttering non-essential businesses to minimize transmission of the disease orders affecting nearly 85000000 americans we can no longer maintain a sense of business as usual during this emergency and again i repeat just as it is no time to panic but it is time to be smart proactive transparent aggressive in the epicenter of the us viral attack new york 10000 residents have tested positive for the virus but the governor says his state like others has a problem we do have an issue with younger people who are not complying you're not superman and you're not superwoman you can get this virus and
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you can transfer the virus in california home to 40000000 americans some business owners are boarding up shops to prevent looters as hoarders are emptying grocery store shelves the idea of stockpiling is a way to feel in control about a situation that feels out of control it's a way to feel like i know no matter what happens i will not run out of what i. with new transmissions and increased testing the number of u.s. cases is approaching 23000 with near. 300 deaths more than 80000000 americans have been ordered to steve hall so for about a quarter of the united states the most common street sound is science to 'd the republic for which it stands on capitol hill congressional leaders hope to approve nearly 2 trillion dollars in aid to businesses and residents is soon as monday but some governors say they are making progress despite a lack of federal help the federal government is like lucy with the football and i
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feel like charlie brown weeks ago we were promised tests are we seeing more tests yes but not even at the numbers that were promised weeks ago with coronavirus cases rising rapidly across the u.s. state leaders say time is running out john hendren chicago will be a sworn sides have agreed to a cease fire so they can focus on a shared enemy so far no cases of coronavirus have been reported there but the health system would struggle to cope with any large scale outbreak last week schools were closed flights canceled and border shut. has spent almost a year fighting to take the capital tripoli or look what he is doing recognized government. iran's death toll has surpassed 1500 after reporting 123 new tats but iran's leader says he made to lift the restrictions and 3 weeks samus robbie explains from tehran. since the beginning of this outbreak for the iranian
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government there have been 2 major concerns the economic health of the country keeping in mind this is a country that has been debilitated financially by american sanctions for years now and the 2nd consideration has been for the government a public that has lost patience with it a public that sees it as relatively speaking unpopular so really the president here 'd trying to strike a balance between addressing this public health crisis and maintaining the economic stability of the country going forward and maintaining the social political stability remember this is a country that has lost patience with its own government over a series of crises that the country's experienced in the last few months and this is also a president who in one of his 1st appearances since the outbreak was announced in the country came on state television spoke to the iranian people and said that in his estimation the outbreak would be over in a matter of 3 days now that was weeks ago having said that the latest figures might
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suggest some reason for cautious optimism let me give you what the latest numbers are from the health ministry in the last 24 hours the new number of cases is 966 down from 24 hours previous and the new number of deaths is 123 down from 24 hours previous still very large numbers still striking figures in terms of the spread of this virus but this does indicate a relative downward trend. line is closing more public spaces including all beaches creational spaces like parks are already off limits as are restaurants cafes and malls the gulf country has reported almost $500.00 cases most of which it says for among expatriate workers. clearly the uterus and that it is now evident that corona virus is more contagious than we could have imagined it spreading among individuals rapidly and widely this is beyond anybody's imagination and it doesn't require more than getting in contact with a person within
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a proximity of one meter and it only takes a few seconds also studies have shown it can remain on surfaces for a number of hours if not days. and asia in thailand reported more than 89 new cases the biggest daily jump and its number of infections so far taking a total of 411 and singapore has recorded its 1st 2 deaths from the virus to go pollen as in hong kong where he says the government is stepping up measures to stop . soldiers on the streets of the thai capital taking up the battle against a growing number of current of ours cases thailand reported its biggest single day jump in infections led by those who attended a boxing match at an entertainment complex earlier this month. around 5000 people were among the crowds and have since dispersed across the country the whole way there was news about other people from the boxing circle was sick they do news was headlining all over the place and i was stressed as i realized i might have it as i
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have never felt any of these symptoms before. the spike increases the number of infections by 25 percent taking the total past the 400 mark from the start of the year thailand has been vigilant in trying to keep high risk visitors out of its borders it's a tough call for a country which relies on tourism and now another setback to its economy as the government imposes a partial shutdown of its capital singapore also reached a grim milestone with the announcement of its 1st 2 coronavirus fatalities on saturday there's been a surge in cases this week but the health minister was quick to reassure the nation i know singaporeans will be worried and anxious we must stick our rich and not give into office we have for now is a series of save distancing measures yesterday and that's a sort of precautions to keep ourselves and our families safe. in south korea
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a slowdown in infection rates this week proved short lived with 147 new cases reported on saturday south korea is still the 2nd most affected country in asia behind china its rate of infection is significantly down from the peak at the end of last month but public health officials warn that any recovery remain fragile and cluster infections could still emerge and there's hunger the you may feel that the current situation has improved a lot compared to the past but we continue to see group infections inflow from foreign countries i myself breaks at various places. south korea has been fighting the virus through widespread testing without resorting to the lock downs. heavy restrictions of movement which helped china contain the spread of life in china is slowly returning to normal after reporting no new local infections for the 3rd day but the authorities have warned that imported cases have risen by more than 200
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percent this week with an increase of dozens daily all from overseas the government is taking measures to screen and quarantine passengers arriving into the country many of them students from europe or the united states hong kong had managed to prevent a rise in cases even at the peak of the outbreak in china but the city is now facing as surgeon infections with the number of cases more than doubling in a week the rise was mostly due to residents returning from overseas but the government is highlighting another issue people in hong kong have been vigilant from the start on the streets and in public places it's hard to find someone that's not too wearing a face mask but after months of taking precautions taken away from crowds and social distancing many are now dropping their guard and that the government says is the biggest risk to the city and the main reason they're expecting a 2nd wave of infections pollin our desire of hong kong still ahead on al-jazeera our public health care systems are broke our intensive care units are
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full or as in south africa the pandemic could completely overwhelm the country's health care system. what is it like to be blamed for spreading corona virus in its higher doctor tells us about the devastating impact the illness has had. welcome back as we look at weather conditions across the americas we've got some heavy rain across parts of the southeast adding further towards the eastern seaboard meanwhile across more western areas there of low pressure moving into california give some welcome rain at times showers likely for san francisco and los angeles so head on into monday the system begins to disintegrate as it moves further inland meanwhile that state we've got some rain and the risk of some snow
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on the northern edge of that system towards the eastern seaboard on a cold day in new york temperatures of just 4 degrees but head for the south it should be fine in miami though temperatures close to 30 degrees for the audience in the caribbean weather conditions generally not looking too bad she gets would swim with leeward islands then you're looking at some heavier showers here but for cuba it's looking fine plenty of sunshine fine across the yucatan peninsula there with cancun looking at temperatures of $28.00 but further south scattered showers expected to take the costa rica on nicaragua into south america we have plenty of heavy showers show up across parts of bolivia and into peru further towards showers just the north of rio really looking better i think on sunday compare with software further south down to sunshine or a river plate area and highs of $28.00 and $1.00 is aries. of struggles full of pleasure. everybody on
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heavy toll in the world's worst affected country italy but almost 800 more deaths of more than 6500 new infections in just one day. earlier quarter of all americans have been ordered to stay home as more states roll out restrictions limiting people's movement that's happening as politicians get closer to agreeing on a one trillion dollar package aimed at questioning the economic fallout. libya's war and sides have agreed to a ceasefire so they can focus on fighting coronavirus so far no cases have been reported their health system would struggle to cope with any award scale outbreak. al-jazeera has spoken to a doctor in southern italy who has tested positive for the virus giuseppi spent as a new knowledge was working and the only hospital in his area when his wife became unwell his tell all tardo is now on lockdown the local hospitals been closed and he is in corinth chain it's thought all the cases are linked to a school in the area but some have accused doctor spend of spreading the illness
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there's a story. you don't know who might tell moliterno in the basilica region has a cluster of coronavirus cases there are not many towns in the south like militia which is in total lockdown there's no movement allowed looks like life has been extinguished here it's like a ghost town there's no one else side apart from a few people at the pharmacy or the local grocery stores and. in the days before my wife contract to the virus a few people visited the house friends and colleagues and people who were being tested you know with my wife it happened all of a sudden she was healthy and suddenly came down with a fever. dry cough it was violent and very strong and it. what really caught my attention was that her oxygen levels dropped dramatically on top of that is the other symptoms the lung obstruction persistent shaking and coughing tightness in an intense migraine that will let if you will die the difficulty in the south of italy is that there's not enough tastes or only
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a few tests available every day in the entire region but more importantly it's absurd how difficult it is to find protective equipment like the face masks and gallons necessary to fight kovac 19. when i treated my wife at 1st i wasn't wearing protective gear because she had a small fever so i didn't think she had covered 19 so that's how i caught the virus as well i'd been taking consultations in the hospital and various departments while i was positive but i didn't know it and so the hospital's closed down temporarily to clean and sanitizing entire compound you know my colleagues were tested not just the doctors but also the paramedics and the nurses. from a human point of view 19 has been devastated because my wife was the 1st confirmed case in the whole basilica region it's unleashed an incredible wast next door on me related to the gossip those who thought that i was the one who brought this virus to our area but covered 19 is a global pandemic it doesn't respect borders doesn't follow rules the virus has
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reached all corners of the globe in some way i do feel guilty guilty for having agenda even though i don't have any symptoms and even though i'm living with it my life continues normally except i've lost a bit of appetite makes one understand just how incredibly dangerous this virus can be for a human body if you don't have a strong immune system to fight it and this virus will inflict heavy damage and that's why there of being thousands of deaths in our country. turkey's groener virus death toll has more than doubled in the past 24 hours rising by a 12 to a total of $21.00 the number of confirmed cases has also jumped nearly $300.00 bringing the total to just under a 1000 authorities on saturday extended measures aimed at slowing the spread of the virus they include a curfew on the elderly and a suspension of flights from $46.00 more countries and a ban on picnics and barbeques tunisians are confined to their homes people can
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only leave their homes for essential food and medicine mosques cafes restaurants all have been ordered shut the borders are closed a 72 year old woman became the 1st victim of the virus when she died on thursday hundreds of people have been arrested in jordan for violating a nationwide curfew restriction bans anyone from leaving their homes indefinitely and her schapelle has more. sirens blare across the jordanian capital warning residents to stay in their homes. tough new measures have been put in place to stop the spread of the coronavirus bringing amman to a standstill. thousands of army troops have been deployed to enforce a nationwide curfew after this warning from the government you are anyone who violates the provisions of this order and the measures issued by the prime minister under a minister of defense shall be liable to immediate imprisonment for a period not exceeding when you made that announcement led to scenes like this in
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one of the cities supermarkets they along with bakeries in every other business have been ordered to close people are waiting to find out how they'll be able to go and buy groceries and they can even leave their homes jordan has sealed itself suspending all flights in and out closing all sea and land crossings entire population of 10000000 is on lockdown and thousands of tourists have already left so that's made one job easier. i mean his apology is taking advantage of the curfew as streets are empty just stop the disinfection of public sites shops roads in a streets and alleys the new measures are meant to keep the number of cases low to make the economic fallout less severe and create conditions for daily life and tourism to return half a 1000000 tourists have already canceled their trips to the kingdom instead of catering to dozens of hotels have been turned into quarantine facilities for citizens who've recently returned from the united states and other places with far
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more cases and al-jazeera. it is important to remind ourselves that the vast majority of people who contract covert 19 do recover is there to one such patient in iran who described his traumatic experience and i will put us on the list because this was about 3 weeks ago i had shortness of breath i couldn't breathe i just thought it was because of a cold i even visited a doctor who said it was nothing important and prescribe some simple medicine as shortness of breath continued i visited a doctor on march 2nd and he noticed that my blood oxygen level was much lower than normal he seen me to a hospital emergency situation i was examined and had achieved x. ray then in the lead after i was tested they looked to be afraid of me i was told that i was probably too stood positive it's all you can feel your of course i was fearful it was a strange fear for me i am an optimistic person in general the feeling went out into the hospital 16 way patients were waiting to be divided into rooms anxiety was
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running high in the ear some were coughing strangely some were screaming when you suddenly faced something that you've heard about much in the news and the fight news on social media that creates fear inside you then you feel all you hoped for and thought about suddenly a race to the ground to prisoners had been killed as police stormed a jail in sri lanka where a riot broke out prisoners came out of their cells in the same poor to protest against the handling of a suspected crime a virus case they said infected and mate was still being kept in the prisons hospital because government imposed a nationwide 60 hour curfew starting propriety and the actual numbers have been rising in south africa a country whose health system is already struggling people worry the pandemic will overwhelm an entirely new miller reports on johanna's. doctors detected the 1st case of covert 1000 in south africa earlier this month over the past 2 weeks more than 150 people have been treated for the virus as the government
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tries to contain the outbreak many are worried 28 year old stepson quater is one of the $7000000.00 south africans with hiv he says with an already compromised immune system his priority is to keep safe it feels like it's another. reload of a sort there actually lead in louisville written something that is good a lot of fear and words people living with hiv because in their denial of seeing what if they get infected what's going to happen why don't you choose that what's the next steps millions like to pull have no option but to use often overcrowded public transport while private taxi operators have promised to disinfect and provide hand sanitizer many have been slow to implement the new guidelines public hospitals and clinics are normally crowded with people waiting for hours to see a doctor they are concerned the corona virus could easily spread when you come to
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our part of the world our public health care systems are broken our intensive care units are full even before we get to covert 19 so again there's a real danger and this is why i think we need international support for africa we need a mobilization of resources poor water and sanitation infrastructure in parts of south africa mean that many may not be able to wash their hands as often as they should increasing the risk of contracting 1000 in upmarket suburbs like this one homes in spaces a large states a wide it's easier for people to keep apart but for millions of others the reality is quite different thousands of townships across south africa. overcrowded dozens of families share one toilet streets aligned with rubbish and people have little if any space to themselves the government is using t.v.
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radio and the internet to spread awareness as quickly as possible and as promised quarantine spaces for people who don't have their own it's closed schools and banned gatherings of more than 100 people compared to europe and asia african countries have fewer reported cases of the virus but some experts worry that poorly equipped public health systems a failing to spot the true total and warn the continent should prepare for the worst from al-jazeera johannesburg south africa. which the focused on the outbreak has been on the most vulnerable like the elderly and those with underlying health conditions but the homeless or equally at risk and increasingly overlooked as a tory m.p. reports. for indians with no home to go to in the capital this pavement underneath a busy fly over office very little comfort. the homeless in new delhi face a daily battle against pollution traffic hunger and disease the threat of
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coronavirus is one more thing to cope with mohammed rafi says he's received no advice about how to protect himself from the disease my up islam at the moment but i've been living here for years no one has told me about the corner bars i suffer from breathlessness was going to. help some of the city's estimated $200000.00 rough sleepers he's running workshops on the importance of handwashing say szell distancing and spotting common symptoms of the virus. initially people who are reluctant to know about the corona virus but now they are very much cooperating our aim is to prevent the spread. in europe activists say the number of homeless people has increased by 70 percent to 700000 over the last decade mainly because of the stairs he measures and high rents in the french capital paris the m a o solidarity emergency shelter office homeless people somewhere safe and warm to
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stay but the staff who provide the service fare the spread of coronavirus could mean they have to shut their doors to let you need to do to say. that ultimately we need to keep the shelter open for people who are coming out of very difficult conditions where we can buy dramatic life experiences the street is damaging and so obviously we will do everything we can not to put them back onto the street. the united states also faces an enormous challenge the white house says there are more than half a 1000000 rough sleepers in san francisco close 210000 people live on the streets in tent camps drug rehab centers or shelters most will struggle to self isolate without a home safe city officials have set aside 30 recreational vehicles to be used as temporary housing for homeless people under quarantine these are recreational vehicles that are intended for people who may have tested positive for cover 19 do not require hospitalization but do not have
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a place to stay where homeless shelters and food banks are your only option the idea of society shutting down is unthinkable but that's the reality facing the nation he may struggle to survive this coronavirus crisis victoria gate and be al jazeera. i'm richelle carey and this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. the coronavirus pandemic is taking an increasingly heavy toll in the world's worst affected country italy there been almost $800.00 more deaths and more than $6500.00 new infections in just one day nearly a quarter of all americans have been ordered to stay home as more states or that restrictions limiting people's movement it's happening as politicians get closer to agreeing on
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a one trillion dollar package aimed at cushioning the economic fallout because of a government has toughened its response closing more public spaces the gulf country has recorded almost 500 cases most of which it says are among expatriate workers. and that it is now evident that coronaviruses more contagious than we could have imagined it spreading among individuals rapidly and widely this is beyond anybody's imagination and it doesn't require more than getting in contact with a person within proximity of one meter and it only takes a few seconds also studies have shown it can remain on surfaces for a number of hours if not days libya's warring sides have agreed to a cease fire so they can focus on fighting coronavirus so far no cases have been reported there but the health system would struggle to cope with any large scale outbreak iran's coronavirus death toll has surpassed $1500.00 and has reported 123 new deaths president hassan rouhani says he is considering lifting restrictions
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by the beginning of april iran is one of the countries that seen the worst of the pandemic construction workers in russia are racing to finish an isolation hospital for coronavirus patients but of ational posters have been placed around the site near moscow to inspire thousands of workers building the 500 bed facility russia's president vladimir putin says the pandemic is under control as the number of cases surpasses 300. 2 prisoners had been killed as police stormed a jail in sri lanka where a riot broke out prisoners came out of their cells in the city of honor to protest the handling of a suspected case as an infected and may still being kept in the prisons hospital because government imposed a nationwide 60 hour curfew starting from friday those are the headlines will be back in about 30 minutes time with much more. how much is the coronavirus on the stock market affecting the race to the white house. to. secure
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