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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm +03

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some the stock market chaos affecting the rights to the white house will it be joe biden open sanders who secures the democratic nomination obviously we can be down from follow all the developments in the u.s. election campaign on al jazeera. was all. this is al-jazeera. and this is the news from al-jazeera the coronavirus overwhelms europe the number of infections passes 150000 the number of fatalities rises by nearly 400. more than a 1000000000 indians are ordered to stay indoors after the prime minister imposes a 14 hour curfew to combat coronavirus. and.
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air borders public gatherings are banned. and. difficult for millions of people. and. major league to be heading toward town. hall and go on for now. while the numbers get more alarming by the day if not every region of the world is affected by corona virus this sunday we have indonesia and thailand reporting new infections thailand with its biggest jump yet europe remains our focus the most shocking numbers came in on saturday when they reported nearly 800 deaths in one
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day spain has just raised its death toll by nearly 400 this is how it looks on the overall track which you know from johns hopkins university in the u.s. over 307000 confirmed cases with 13000 deaths and as i always say don't forget the well it's coming on for 100000 people isn't it who've actually recovered from coronavirus look at it on the map. you get the feeling yes it has hit every part of the world now but very much you can see that cluster of red in europe which is very much the epicenter now we're going to look at the united kingdom 1st of all with its 5000 cases and 233 deaths really chalons is there for us in well that's piccadilly circus isn't looking a little quieter today what is the situation with people staying indoors obviously not everyone is are they being ordered or is it still a strong suggestion. as you can see and it is wiser than it would normally be people on the streets and that is because
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although the government has shut down many businesses and premises the advisory to stay inside the cell isolates and socially distance at the moment full short of an outright border where the government is becoming increasingly strident and it's advice and says that if it starts to think that people are ignoring this advice then yes it may move towards more stringent measures i mean as you say 5000 cases here in the u.k. everyone knows the government knows but that is nowhere near the real level of the spread of viruses in this country everyone knows someone i know many people who believe they have had coronavirus this week they've fallen ill with something with symptoms very similar because the testing is pretty minimal at the moment these cases are not becoming official. other parts of europe though i'm much
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much worse here in the u.k. saying that if you don't want to become like it's really then you have to stay inside to get some other parts of the country other parts of it if you're much worse if you say spain reporting $400.00 extra deaths in the last 24 hours or so germany is saying 8 more deaths carmakers are being asked by the government some have stepped in and helped produce medical equipment but it's really is really that the worst of anywhere at the moment with giuseppe conceive the prime minister saying this is the greatest crisis in the country has faced since world war 2 all non-essential business is being closed until at least april. yes on saturday we had a dramatic increase in the number. yes $800.00 there is a press conference that's going to be taking place in about 4 hours time. in italy
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i mean all eyes will be on that to see whether there is yet again another record breaking day of deaths in italy. really just to 0 in on the u.k. again where you are a sore a report from you had british officials you know reminding people don't hoard food supermarkets don't go out if you have but it's still happening isn't and you have to wonder about why the message isn't really sinking in. well i think many ways it's a generational thing often this is the anecdotally from what i'm seeing myself that the people you're seeing out on the streets are younger people mostly i don't think younger people. feeling that they are less in danger from this virus the than anyone else in statistically ready that is certainly true the deaths and the graver impacts of coronavirus. towards 'd people into their old age
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so young people perhaps of waiting this is not so bad for me i might get a cough i might get a slight fever what some people are really considering and this is why the government is hammering this message again and again and again it's not just about your health your personal health think about the people around you think about the country and think about who you might be passing got virus on to i mean that i think is that is the message that the moment the government feels is not quite getting through and that's why in the days to come if the government feels that people are still ignoring this stuff they're still going outside they're still hanging out in parks together and and not keeping the distance that they're being advised to do then i might see the measures that other countries in europe take an already enforcing social. forcings. we might see those things going to be ok rory chalons from london thank you for that now rory mentioned some of what's
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happening in europe there russia has announced it will send military medical assistance to italy to help fight the outbreak there that's after a phone call between a lot of mir putin and the italian prime minister 2 separate going to the death toll in israeli's regionally $5000.00 russia itself is reported $360.00 cases most of them in moscow where one person has died an update on the situation in italy now with francesca bori who is a journalist in down along in northern italy francesca that help which has been offered from the russians can't come soon enough ghana who are today you know yesterday the government introduced new restrictions. here everything is are no completely locked down then everybody is a tall mean to ding me now. we are waiting for the dying to die there is nothing
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else because you know that out of nor intensive care birds there is no oxygen for a water tended to all. nothing and today the mayor here couldn't shut down the cemetery because it was the only place where you nor i should then. it was kind you know social gatherings because residents who went to the cemetery to talk with the dead since you know that are the few that outs and. and so is the only way i mean you can somehow tell something to to someone who died suddenly from his anyone and by anyone i mean literally in iran but especially government people or medical experts are they able to give any sort of explanation as to why the death toll is so high in italy and so many numbers die
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every day. well the 1st explanation for sure i mean besides the ever jay jobs creation. is we are 2nd only to japan the $4095.00 so it's you know in all the population beside that of course is the is social explanation our way of living with strong family ties strong of course you know social ties but i would say family ties because especially because in the last years because of their welsh star cast these intergenerational guys. i mean families leave all together because it's also a way to help each other with the elderly and the with the with the children so basically it is very very very come on i would say certainly nor among. in italian family in ordinary sami link to leave you know you have together grandchildren
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and grandparents and you know. until i mean you are 18 years saw very very normal to spend lots of time you with your grandparents culture and when they are all they mean like it's a 59095 year sort which is not which is anything strange here is normal. italian families keep or they call me as longest possible because the idea is that if it's possible you want your mother your father to go utah and now of course you know. it's been a massacre. extraordinary francesca thank you for joining us do appreciate it from northern italy there. so russia is sending help cuba is also sending its medics to non-body initially to help doctors fight the outbreak cuban doctors were
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on the front lines in the fight against cholera in haiti and against a bowler in west africa 10 years ago and augustine has a report now from havana. over the last 50 years even doctors have saved millions of lives in latin america asia and africa now for the 1st time a cuban medical brigade is on the way to europe. there are 36 doctors behind me and 15 nurses i spoke to some of them over the last couple of hours and i can tell you that very proud they insist they're going to italy of their own free will but many of them are very nervous catalysts of course i'm scared that when we went to fight a bowler in west africa in 24 team we were scared too but we fulfilled our mission there and we all came back with what we going to do is cure and bring relief not only to the italian people but the world's population that this is a global battle and we have to fight it together it's not even ok i transfer some sometimes why are you going on this mission if you know that cuban doctors have died on past missions. because we are the cuban people this is cuba and we're
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always going to keep. some of the moment i don't know you. registered $25.00 cases of coronavirus substantially less than most latin american nations the country prides itself on its preventative health care system and boasts one of the highest stock to patient ratios in the world but the country is fragile economy is highly dependent on tourism and authorities only announced they would restrict entry into the island on friday. we're not closing the border meaning what we're doing is regulating entry into the country people except those that are residents of our national territory we're not only our countrymen there are other foreigners that reside in cuba criminally were some who because of their work are here for several years. cuba is lending italy these medics at no cost but for over a decade the leasing of doctors and nurses has been the island's top hard currency
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generator. with cuba's tourism sector hit hard by the corona virus pandemic the communist party will be hoping that unprecedented global demand for doctors will help pay for the power food and running water cubans will need to get through this crisis a silver lining perhaps a dark moment. that report from havana we're going to stay in latin america and they've been violent protests at a number of prisons across colombia as panic spreads over coronavirus prisoners fear an outbreak of the virus behind bars the government has stopped to visit is in recent days in a bid to stop the spread of the illness will be in bogota in just a moment is going to check the map before we do that as we look at the numbers coming out of colombia there relatively low 210 confirmed cases with one confirmed death and yet let's talk to our son in bogota about that there is this fear about a spread and the prisons becoming central to it.
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definitely. overnight there have been a number of protests riots this turban says that at least 6 different prisons in different parts of the country and especially the most the more violent ones were here in the capital at the 2 main male prisons lot modelo and because. where the shots rang out there were fires that happened in both prisons the police and the army was sent in to try and control the riots and essayists the prison guards there in the middle of the night the president of colombia and it's tweeted saying that things were getting under control again inside these prisons that the government wanted to protect they made spoke relation as well
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but that of course riots were not going to be allowed to and now these 2 prisons in bogota and other prisons across the country are notorious for the level of over crowding for the very bad helton sanitary conditions inside of them there had been signs in past days that the situation was heating up inside the prisons some mates in past days that burnt their mattresses for example in protest the government had a ready and all visitors into into these prisons and so some of them are saying they want to get out because they don't feel safe inside the prison they fear that there could be an outbreak of coronavirus there and actually what happened last night in some way to have been coordinated they made say in the different prisons because again it happened in at least 6 of the main prisons in the country.
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can you bring us on latin american widely seen it was bringing ins be securely strong restrictions in anything else headlines to tell us from around the region. yes look at new measures being put in place on a daily basis in different countries as you were saying both in cologne because their numbers are not that high you have confirmed cases the same is true across most of the continent except maybe for brazil where the where the numbers are higher it's also much bigger country but what we're seeing is that most governments year don't want to take any chances because they're saying that a scenario that could play out similar to what's happening in italy or in spain would be even more dramatic in that you know make and countries that don't have a strong public health system in many cases where
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a lot of people depend on you know they're having formal jobs don't have that kind of wealth. to sustain them through a major crisis so many of them are growing in full lockdown mode immediately that's what has happened in argentina it's also the president there is considering extending it to be hot beyond the date of march 31st the same is happening in bolivia they just announced a quarantine 14 days here in book that as you can see behind me we already in full lockdown mode but now the nationwide lockdown will start. a wednesday the airports are closing pretty much except for cargo transportation this is the last day in colombia for foreigners to leave or cologne is to try to get back
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before all the international flights are banned the same will happen with national flights starting on wednesday and we're seeing this happening and more and more countries again because the governments are saying this is the only way to contain it before things get out of hand. with the update on latin america from bogota thank you. the palestinian prime minister's announced a curfew in the occupied west bank all non-essential travel between cities towns and camps is banned prime minister mohammad says the restrictions will apply to everyone except for health workers bakeries and grocery stores meanwhile the 1st cases have been confirmed in gaza the health ministry says 2 palestinians are returned from pakistan on thursday are under quarantine all restaurants coffee shops and mosques have been ordered to close here is needed abraham with us now from ramallah in the occupied west bank i just quit gaza 1st of all media this is the great fear isn't it for gaza which is already under lockdown with 2000000
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people living in such close quarters coronavirus could be just terrible there and are the need is holding very still or that picture has frozen so that's a shame we'll try to catch up with a little bit later in the news are what you're looking at now india the world's 2nd most populous nation which is observing a 14 hour curfew more than a 1000000000 indians are staying home to stop the spread of coronavirus with the government banning all international flights and imposing self isolation for those returning from abroad almost all train services have been suspended till the end of this month for lizabeth purana ms the latest now from new delhi. on thursday promise in that interim order your request of the nation 1300000000 people to stay indoors and incredibly india is the streets eerily quiet you know most people in the country are staying inside from 7 o'clock in the morning till 9 pm tonight but
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what happens after that so already we've had a number of states in fact all the states which are affected have decided to extend the curfew so states like punjab raja start in gujarat edition telling other just to name a few they've extended the curfew in the $75.00 districts in the country which have confirmed cases so that's around 10 percent of the country and we've also had other states closing their borders go with the marshall pradesh and search and northeastern states shutting their borders now this is all after saturday saw the biggest jump in the number of confirmed cases so let's look a little closer to the world's 5th largest economy which spends less than 2 percent of g.d.p. on health care so how would india cope with an outbreak of coronavirus well let's numbers are lower than other parts of asia 341 confirmed cases but we're talking
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about just 52 government testing centers so there may be many more undetected cases doctors serve every 10000 people in comparison is really we know is the epicenter of things has 41 doctors one state run hospital so it's more than $55000.00 people millions of it needs including daily wage workers are out of work because of a 14 hour curfew depend on public hospitals and actually india had the highest death rate in the $918.00 spanish flu nearly $18000000.00 which was more than world war one so we're going to discuss this now with charlie a who is a professor and dean of the school of international affairs he's on skype from new delhi and we appreciate your time sir but before i go into the deeper numbers which i mentioned there what do you think of this idea of a 14 hour curfew i mean it seems well what it seems largely symbolic for such a huge population let's put it that way. no i think a prime minister more these karl was heated by much of the general public across
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the country. it's been you know the compliance has been good and in fact as you know the social compliance is one of the key factors for stemming the transmission of corona waitress and many parts of the word are suffering especially in the west because the have a sort of compliance you know citizens were not really or be government orders and out actions so or india you know has the original b a k r in democracy where you know we really you know had a skeletor in one thing but i think your time of crisis like these people heeded the car and it's more than symbolic you know because every day we have like this beach you know what's a brick on a chain of transmission is good for the one thing that's what they want to extend it's i think my lot to restore why not to have a longer. you know liberties for public health and for safety right now professor charlie why not do it for longer i don't this is the point i'm trying to make that
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i don't see what 14 hours achieves why not actually say let's do this for a week let's try to well for however long it needs to. yes there are different you know levels of restrictions that have been imposed even before this. could be a horrible crime in some or the and i think on different levels of restrictions will continue going into the future but like in our other countries i think the policymakers as well as the average citizens have been worried of all the impact on the economy if there's a complete shutdown going on behalf tradeoff between a balancing act between you know panic and complacency and somewhere in between really need to find the right mix of measures which don't completely eat a lot of lightly who are also as you mentioned in your report i was mentioning you know hundreds of millions of people live on daily leech largely in foreign sectors and all of them are going to be hurt so fiscal measures the state can only support to some extent so that is the spear that this may lead to an economic collapse you
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know like we have seen many other parts of the world and as you know the minute we got rid of what rahul to the impacts of our economic collapse i think they are going to try and margaret this and the numbers in london so high yet our so i think they're trying to find a balance everyone is improvising right now frankly there's not perfect country that's for it it's me isn't it that potentially a problem isn't that potentially a problem that you pointed out but that the the numbers are low but so is the testing and it's a country of 1300000000 people the numbers just by the law of averages surely will end up being hired. yes i'm afraid saw every day of you like your readers but exponential growth on what we call a community transmission lucky levy seem to have created it so far and get a few factors one of the social compliance or medians to rules that i mentioned but also i think the many part of india is not very exposed to the outside world or is
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not so heavily degraded into the global economy and the you know the transportation networks and on that we do have a large diaspora of 17000000 people some of whom are stuck abroad and when you come back and you've caught in limbo but if you look at rural india for example you know there are still 60 to 70 percent of the population lives many of them are completely cut off from you know the epicenter of like china are you know are you know you are already in how much or when it comes on these places so luckily the state of really doing a backwardness or an. ease maybe shielding us from the worst effects of it so i ok spect it to be at athens china we would hope that it should not exceed what south koreans undergo are we just been relatively successful writing under prime minister moody's leadership there is a sense in the country you know i start to be rather have people coming over to cargo hold on to their balconies and in order to sort of strike some barriers and how you can try to come up with a spirit of so i doubt if you can one is the period together not present charlie
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and i'm going to i'm going to have to interrupt you i'm sorry just because we have cut obviously a lot of other countries to get around as well but thank you for joining us from new delhi today. we'll stay in asia are actually there the number of infections and deaths rising there most of the new cases said to be imported not locally transmitted but thailand is reporting its largest daily increase 188 new cases taking its total to nearly $600.00 pollen now with the subject from hong kong. let me start with thailand 30 percent rice in a single day now that's according to the health ministry attributed to a boxing match earlier this month where thousands of people had attended people had been infected at the infected people had attended that mass that says spread across the nation but the thai health ministry says most of the infections we are seeing a recent infections are in bangkok and mostly young people who have not heeded the
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calls for social distancing and carry on carrying on with their social activities despite the fact that the thai government has put down a partial lockdown on the country the thing is thailand had from very early on been aware of the possibility of imported cases and so had very heavy border restrictions but they hadn't put the lock down said to be seen in other countries and that seems to have somewhat backfired meanwhile singapore is one to get battling with their calling imported cases saying that 80 percent of the new cases that they have seen in the past 3 days are from overseas singh singapore is a transport hub a very popular tourist destination to singapore is now restricting any passenger or any international arrival that is not a resident or citizen or permit work permit holder so if transit whether transiting
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or just traveling for a short stay in singapore you will not be allowed to come into the country meanwhile in china once again same issue imported cases they had a lengthy battle with the outbreak from which i surface there at the end of last year 81000 cases to date the managed to bring them on the rise to the 40 so the past few days of the pots 3 consecutive consecutive days or all the cases were from overseas but for the 1st time today there is a domestically transmitted case apparently connected to an imported case and so china is also stepping up the defenses along its borders. states have begun shutting their borders as governments of all non-essential domestic travel now there are more than a 1000 infections confirmed in australia prime minister scott morrison says harsher measures may be brought in to enforce social distancing but still lots of people ignoring those warnings the country's 2 most populous states new south wales and
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victoria are shutting down most businesses for the next 2 days morrison's also announced the closure of venues including pubs and restaurants from monday. before we take a break let's talk weather with jenny it's been a it's been messy in the middle east the last few days isn't it very messy today it hasn't been windy really blustery yes the not a toll as we've come to expect i think well yeah in fact it's in the as the commander said it's been very messy and if you have of course had some flooding across northern sections of the middle east this is due by this national saturday it is not that unusual does it for many of course of you out there but it was a big storm this one loss of hell came down lots of very heavy rain but it wasn't just here many areas across the peninsula so scenes that just like this in fact dubai at the airport $26.00 millimeters of rain came down in 24 hours so you throughout the rest of monday we have gold i should say monday we have got more of that rain working its way across iran all of this by the way began through the eastern end of the med so this is the west in the service we talk about they're
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going to keep an eye on this to see where it heads sunny pushing across as i say into afghanistan and on into pakistan as well so a very unsettled couple of days there and once that is going on monday and tuesday we've got more rain just pushing eventually off the coast of yemen and mom but it's also been pretty windy and certainly this sunday in doha if had winds gusting to about 50 kilometers an hour so that should calm down over the next couple of days meanwhile in europe of course we've had a real cooldown and we've had since the in the forecast and the some more to come as well slightly cross the southeast this isn't there though this is actually across into better reuss more snow into the mountains as well in southern poland and then for the next couple of days it's going to be areas in the balkan. where we see this now and also very cold come all those temperatures actually well below the average for this time of year jenny thank you so much for that jenny harrison with the weather update still ahead for you on the news our way back to corona virus while grinding to a halt somehow it's sending the georgian economy into shock. and
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why all this anger in guinea against the president ahead of a crucial vote that story on the headlines to come and sports despite new travel restrictions some astray and leagues are determined to keep their players on the pitch. frank assessments the one thing about these bushfires usage really wiping out the. climate change informed opinions economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on 'd the boat this argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of the new iraq of the new conscious and aware of that struggle against an ethnic sectarian cult or inside story on al-jazeera when the news breaks we'll work it out for was part of the ins and getting more police on the presentation and economic development when people need to be held to the top
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leadership world where the potential for barratry of the virus weeks before the public we're told of those dangers al-jazeera has teams on the ground the syrian army seems determined to defeat the rebels and continues a balanced was the secret to bring you more award winning documentaries and life news. on the news hour al-jazeera with continuing coverage of the corona virus pandemic the death toll initially continues to rise rapidly nearly 800 died on saturday and spain has raised its death toll by almost 400 today you know more than
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a 1000000000 indians are under a 14 hour nationwide curfew to stop the spread of coronavirus the government also banned all international flights that imposed still find solution for those returning from abroad. but there is a huge mission underway to protect homeless people in the u.s. state of california by providing hotel rooms and shelters the state's and under lockdown with people ordered to stay at home but just to make as many as 60000 homeless people could contract the virus california's government has promised protections for vulnerable communities 6 days ago i was 40000 unemployment came claims the next day was 70000 days after that 80000 when up 21251352 days ago and 114000 yesterday we're waiting for the new numbers as relates to the claims
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today gives you a sense of the magnitude of those that are struggling at this moment i hope the magnitude that we all recognize to meet this moment in terms of this federal support that has to come not only our way but to states large and small all across the united states. well the small country of georgia may have only 49 confirmed 1000 infections but the viruses sent the economy into shock a state of emergency has been introduced banning gatherings of more than 10 people on the government has announced an assistance package for businesses and households but many people are already jobless from tbilisi up in forested walkable. an important transport network is off to police the streets under the mayor's orders thousands of georgians depended on these mini buses for travel hundreds of drivers depended on the fleet for their income voc time cuffed i'd say doesn't know how he's going to put food on the table now. i mean the money. the minimum that i own
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daily that's what the government should pay because i have to feed my family with ace and they giving me nothing do just government is not able to pay private sector salaries it's busy propping up its currency which this week lost 10 percent of its value against the dollar but an assistance plan worth $360000000.00 will offer tax breaks for the tourism sector which last year generated an estimated 21 percent of g.d.p. because today the tourists a gold bars restaurants and most hotels have closed their employees left to contemplate what lies ahead. ordinarily this street would be thronging with visitors from the middle east and from iran to celebrate the spring break now it's completely empty and it's a very unsettling feeling to be here. one industry now in need of
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a bigger workforce of the supermarkets to keep shelves stocked. that's presented an opportunity for hotel workers now because it's the most bees in places now or people go through the worst areas in the big supermarkets and buying zero-sum goods now so for our people our working for the grocer is now for one month's. clinics the cleaners the chambre maids went to work in the clinics where like say a mouse in a corner we tried to find the very out of the situation on the stand we were finding the solution is like we've never invested before. despite recent heavy snow to just ski resorts and no shirt for the forseeable future critical sectors of the economy have gone into cold storage robyn 1st year walk out tbilisi. to senegal which is closing its land sea and air borders schools are shut public
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gatherings a ban tens of thousands of foreigners are leaving as well the world health organization does fear that parts of africa could be the next hotspot after europe nicholas harker ports now from dhaka. 3 friends as easily enjoying the way you want to buy a ball only gives $300.00 francs more than is ease and as ease gives $500.00 francs more than ali how much did each child contribution to the purchase since school shut because of the current virus outbreak t.v.'s have turned to declasse rooms school teachers like mr sack into t.v. presenters they would no longer go to school for 20 days it's a long time and what is important is not to tell them about the photos but to make crises as if they were. watching at home are the siblings they have questions for mr sec questions adults don't seem to have an answer to the article had to decline advice given to cynical and affects so many and why is it that so
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many adults don't seem to care how do we stop this. this is what dr bruce who heading senegal's emergency response is asking chinese health officials their doctors from rouhani who managed to contain the outbreak more people are dying in europe now than china i think from you know we learned that we need to act fast and we saw that in europe. the reaction to take decision was too slow to contend is our drug senegal is closing its borders tens of thousands of tourists and diplomats are being repatch reeded even the united states' murshid ship a floating hospital with 400 nurses and doctors on board meant to offer help is leaving senegal when the country needs it the most. meanwhile china is helping build makeshift hospitals the outbreak it is showing who senegal can count on in times of crisis and while there are relatively few numbers of cases already the beds in the intensive care unit are full and so the government is turning this all
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the airport into both a porn tiny area and a makeshift hospital to treat those that have the symptoms of the virus it seems that this country is seeking the chinese approach in tackling the outbreak. most are closed public gatherings are banned the military are deploying mobile clinics senegal is edging closer to a full lockdown aside from isolation there seems to be no other solution to stopping the virus from spreading nicholas hauke al jazeera the car. we told you about prison riots in colombia earlier of a current virus for you as well that happened at a prison in northern sri lanka on saturday as well inmates at the jail in the city have a new route to put were angry that those suspected of carrying coronavirus were being kept in the prisons hospital sri lanka's government imposed a nationwide 60 hour curfew starting on friday to contain the spread of curve in 19 so father and 65 cases 26 of them had returned from italy we've got robert priest
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with us now in hartford john scott he is the campaign communications manager for the howard league for painful reform thanks for your time robert i'm just reading some of your notes here where you've said there are 3 was it 3 types of people in a prison those who live there those who work there and those who visit and i guess there in lies the problem that the virus can come in and out it could get trapped it's a it's a whole ecosystem of its own. coronaviruses in the prison system there's no doubt about it we already know of at least one prisoner in manchester in a new country who has tested positive we were in the prison officer in the south of the country is also tested positive in many offices and prisoners and being kept in isolation as a consequence of. pressure on the government. pressure on prison the reduced number of hours so what's a sensible step now in this acute situation i mean i've seen it was iran that
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released about 80000 prisoners and something else maybe in iran that's workable and they can get the people to come back to prison but i wonder what else could work and anywhere else. yes you pointed to some radicals situation zones where in the world in the name wales it could start with sending people to prison coming to an end at the moment as we currently stand courses still sits in some of them assisting remotely digitally they're trying to do things but the government really does send a message to the courts to judges to magistrates to say that we should not be remanding people to prison at this stage because to do so will be a risk to public safety other steps that could be taken short sentences if if a court is considering imposing a short sentence that should be resisted right now it's counterproductive at the
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best of times in a time like this is a corona virus outbreak is really counterproductive and that should be looking at the community resolutions instead so that it's more than the just just kind of centers of the people currently in prison 3 in 5 men's prisons and in wales holding more men than there designed to hold many cells that are designed for one person and being used to hold 2 these are the perfect conditions for corona virus to spread so what would you know about that because you've made them written about. this sorry to interrupt but the 1st thing you said or the 1st ideas you had were all about forward thinking things they could be sent at says they could be things to happen in the future because of coronavirus right now but what do you do with the excess of people that's already in prison as you've just described are there any solutions for for them. well we look at the prison population which is very large the largest prison population in western europe and identify people within
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that population who could be saved be released today or tomorrow and i'm looking at people who are serving very short sentences book nonviolent nonsexual offenses could be released into the bill you see with appropriate supervision people have been serving long sentences of approaches very end of that sentence you might even get an approval by the parole for release and they're working through the final stages of that again the government should consider. releasing those prisoners and also compassionate release as well the fastest growing population in prison in wales i wrote a 60 and they are of course particularly vulnerable to the impact of the corona virus outbreak and where it is appropriate the secretary of state just issued because the group compassionate release in the cases of people who are elderly right find themselves in prison or have parents from the howard league for penal reform talking about coronavirus in prisons at the moment thank you for your time but. now the pandemic state pen demick has forced the closure of schools around the
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world it's just up to study for hundreds of millions of students and their teachers and is posing unprecedented challenges for parents but for some students home schooling and online education is now a reality and it's helping this was a really enjoyable chat we had earlier with michelle rankin who is a teacher in spain and her son. both using a learning tools at home which they say comes with its own set of challenges. we're doing our best job to teach him home is very different obviously because that primary and secondary have different ways of reacting to it but we're also working doing online teaching with the adults the we use different platforms which i learned and friendly but is taking time to get parents who are less familiar with the technology than the children and we closed friday the 13th and we started with the online teaching on the monday so yeah we had to work quite
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a bit but we kind of saw it coming so we tried to we experimented between us out to make sure to make sure where but it is challenging but it was like a stronghold job to get into the habit of. get in there and you're so hung up on doing the homework oh and i just turn it on the computer goes you are home you have to do but it's mostly like just the well you have to how to do this like to do the homework is just you know most of the primary teaching most of the primary aged children who we've been working with when we spoken to the parents to give them support or so on lie the pattern lots of pairs of up to but trying to give them every cue school timetable but to still do schoolwork via i have the internet that also include exercise and just simple stuff like knots of people in spain being
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flat to go to standing on their balconies and taking 10 minutes of censuring. ok developments coming out of the aviation sector emirates airlines from dubai says it will suspend all passenger flights beginning wednesday over the new coronavirus outbreak have just put it up on their twitter page saying they will continue to watch the situation and will reinstate services as soon as possible this is a big deal emirates as i said based in dubai one of the biggest airlines in the world it has about 3600 flights a week around 150 destinations all through the hub in the u.a.e. so this is a very big step by emirates to suspend its passenger flights it says that sky cargo operations will continue so we'll keep an eye on that story some shoulder be quite a lot of repercussions from that. we're going to look at some other news as well from around the world more violence in guinea is people vote in
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a controversial referendum and parliamentary election deciding whether president alpha condé stays in office for another term at least 2 m.p.'s were arrested ahead of sunday's election. they should have come here before 7 am because we have been here since 7 am this morning nothing has been put in place we are waiting for them to put things in place so we can start voting. now you probably didn't realize this it's international water day a critical resource at all times let alone journey about endemic it has been a challenge for millions of people in chile for a while now facing an unprecedented drought alas in america editor and see a new man of small. don't mean god doesn't have enough water to wash her hands which is regarded as the 1st line of defense against a coronavirus what's left here is for drinking because a cistern truck won't bring her weekly ration until tomorrow her vegetable patch has been reduced to tiny onions watered with what's left from the rinse cycle of
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her washing machine but to mean that doesn't blame the lack of water on chilies severe drought they can at least a look at the time that i would ask the government to leave some of the water that all the fruit groves are using to us so that we can live to. in chile's robot daughter good region the contrast is striking lush green hills of all the corridors for export surrounded by totally parched land it's possible because chile's water law and water code allow the state to grant free access in perpetuity to economic interests in 1980 when general i was still pinochet came up with his new constitution and water law no one raised a red flag because it was plenty of water to go around back then no one could have envisaged the impact of climate change nor the extraordinary expansion of chile's agricultural and forestry industries which are more or more leaving families who have been farming here for generations high and dry without
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a drop of water coming from a woman agricultural engineer. leads a nationwide movement to change article 19 of the constitution which establishes that water is an economic as well as a public resource. on our visit to petaca we stumble into a large tube used to carry water up the hill to a massive oval called o. plantation from a now dry well. this is highway robbery to capture underground water even if the river is gone dry it is illegal but the state tangible and our. small farmers and ranchers in petaca can't afford to drill up to 200 metres to access underground aquifers these are a sign of protest hung by farmers an estimated 10000 animals have died of thirst in the last 6 months alone. to the sentiment below what we are saying that
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a new constitution must consecrate water as a public and human right and build a new hydro institution ality establishing powers of the use of water the problem isn't avocados but our distorted economic model. it's a model which prominent politicians of all political colors are taking full advantage of changing the water law has strong public support but like everything else a referendum on whether to rewrite the constitution has been put on hold until after the pandemic passes you see in human al-jazeera but dark sports news coming up. now technology's helping one n.b.a. team to finish. joining the listening post as we turn the cameras on the media has more than 424 hour television news chops. and focus on how they
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report on the stories that matter the most the states misleads the public media reflects the. dark believe they have anything to apologize for their listening post on al-jazeera. america is a region of wonder joy tragedy and violence but it doesn't matter where you are you have to be able to relate to the human condition. that is trying to bring the only. thing i've been covering all of that in america for most of my career but no country is alike and it's my job to shed light on how and why. you're.
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some changes coming in australian sport far as got the details yes thanks so much corollas trailer has been away says for sports fans around the world as it leaks continue despite coronavirus that's now rapidly changing with the australian rules competition being shut down the league has been postponed after just one round of games the fixtures were played without fans and with the players expected to follow a self isolation policy in between training sessions and matches the move comes after state governments announced very shutdown measures and border closures the reality is we don't have all the options of. the situation is changing by the minute we need just you know decision making. what i do know is for
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those going around 360 s. when challenged and tested 40 will find a way for now a league soccer and rugby league are carrying on albeit in empty stadiums the national rugby league competition is chartering its own planes to take teams around the country in a bid to reduce the chance of players being exposed to the virus recently imposed travel restrictions don't yet apply to professional sport. many sports are being forced from the real to the virtual world one video game maker is ensuring the washington wizards do finish the season it's using artificial intelligence combined with statistics from every real life player to stimulate virtual versions of their upcoming games which are being broadcasted on t.v. . and later this sunday formula one drivers gamers and celebrities will be virtually taken to the track fans will be able to follow the action online
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organizers have said this weekend the postponed real world of formula one race will be replaced with a virtual grand prix a sports journalist chris higgins told us what new viewers can expect from a dispatcher i mean will be a top flight it'll be like probably the best players that you could see playing this game it will be a little bit different from what you're used to if you're just watching in f one but the cast as the commentators are all really knowledgeable and i think given the fact that they are going to see an influx of new viewers they're more than likely to explain anything new who is on really accustomed to see. what you don't get really when you're playing a driving east is that sense of danger so they're able to take corners a lot quicker with a lot more risks. there's a little bit of variation there in. how the ball plays out online buses in real life it helps if you have experience with the game that you're watching because
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then you can understand how difficult it is to pull off some of the maneuvers and tactics of the the people playing in the matches are showing but. in general it can be explained to people on stream by the commentators you know if you just want to jump and pick something that you're in the familiar with or you think looks exciting. there are obviously a 1000000 videos on you to help you understand what you saying if you want to go even deeper that with chips closed and social gatherings bad in many countries working out has become a challenge for everyone not just elite athletes and sweden people are holding on to their regular routine while they can. reports. momos football stadium will lie quiet for a long time this year the ban on large gatherings means there'll be no kickoff and elsewhere in europe no title celebrations just yet. top sports stars are in many
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places confined to their houses their skills all still on the supply even if only online. while some of the millions in quarantine go to any lengths to keep fit. in sweden there's a decades long tradition of group training that people are reluctant to give up while the government still allows it they feel that this is a social thing to be together in this quite tough times we still have some people coming here even if they're. 17 years of age because this is where they meet people . some of the more intense aerobics that call for closer contact and high fives have been moved outside. if we stop training completely would feel much worse out here we have more space we don't need to touch each other and can keep feeling good in these tough times. and it's
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a sports have continued as well even though numbers are down. as many follow government recommendations to minimize contact and it's only this week that sweden's football league delayed its opening match is there's nothing strange about there being no fans here at this time of year because the swedish season doesn't start until april that's now been put back to may or june or beyond. the pact standing areas it's mama f.-f. and other clubs make any imminent start of the season unrealistic. but one professional competition did manage to finish on saturday the season finals in hockey being completed north of stockholm. with coronavirus case is steadily rising here but it may not be long until all team sport in sweden has to follow the worldwide trend. paul reese al-jazeera. ok
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and that is all you can now call back to you for a thank you so much we're back in a couple of minutes time the latest news from around the world coming up shortly to . join the global conversation after the bubble people get expand their brains maybe have a different view this is a dialogue women in cambodia are in fact telling their here we don't know how much they're getting paid for it it's hard to track it's hard to treat everyone has a voice tell us what you think and your conversation could be a law right here in the state we need to step away from gaming people are not necessarily game perfect this is a journey of progress and not perfection on al-jazeera. when they're both struck many die and many reste to end the epidemic.
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this is their story through the lens of local filmmakers will see people making sacrifices. this is what one will want to see survivors a witness documentary on al jazeera the costs of morale day is a magnet for the rich and famous it highlights the most beautiful beaches in all of europe but i've come here to investigate a darker side. plays host to some of the world's most elaborate war games for decades just from explosions and statistics right down on the towns in the grazing fields of the firing range exactly what was in the no one knows in nearly 2000 doctors sore a spike in the number of unusual cancers in their patients in a country mile days to. contracts are a source of income but also quite possibly the cause of untold misery after all the
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inquiries and with military brass now on trial for the people of this island paradise there is a glimmer of hope but the truth might finally see the light of day. the number of corona virus cases keeps going up in europe and spain alone nearly 400 you deaths reported in just a day. on canal santamaria here in doha with the world news from al jazeera saying goodbye a team of cuban doctors heads off to italy to help treat coronavirus patients locked down in the occupied west bank the prime minister tells people to stay at home for the next 2 weeks i'm also in other news.


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