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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm +03

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that's how the article should start 6 years on we revisit the reporters still risking their lives. being another outbreak of violence of more of course rewind the deadly speech on al-jazeera. al jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news of live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes no signs of a slowdown the ports of more infections right across europe as the world battles to bring the coronavirus under control. the u.a.e. shuts down passengers for its national carrier one of the world's largest airlines to fall victim to the economic impact of the virus. saying goodbye
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a team of cuban doctors head off to help treat coronavirus patients in italy. and i'm nicholas. era land borders are shut public gatherings are banned find out next why. closer to full lockdown as a coronavirus continues to spread. and sport australia's major league select to be heading towards a shutdown the rules fees and has been suspended but football and rugby go on for now. the human and economic cost of the coronavirus pandemic is mounting by the hour as the outbreak continues to sweep around the world in europe the epicenter of the crisis spain has seen nearly $400.00 more deaths sets up a 3rd in 24 hours in news just in the state of emergency there has been extended
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until april the 11th while the worst affected country italy is tightening restrictions a day after its single biggest surge in fatalities the financial fallout is getting worse the dubai base. carrier emirates one of the world's biggest airlines has announced its suspending all passenger flights from jobs won't be lost but instead stuff we're going to receive a reduction in pay in india more than a 1000000000 people have been placed on a 14 hour curfew that's about to end but it is being extended in some 8 states and in the united states where one in 5 americans are under lockdown new york's mayor says the city now has more than 8000 confirmed cases that's a 3rd of all infections in the u.s. now we're right across the latest news with correspondents all around the globe in a moment we're going to go to john hendren in chicago to give us an update on large by hiv infections in the u.s. . p.n.t.
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is in bogota with a wrap up of how latin america is dealing with the crisis 1st we're going to talk to jonah hall in london with the developments out of the u.k. and europe so the focus very much jonah turning to spain now and problems in italy not going away and in fact things tightening up. yes focus which has been so who don't agree on italy now very much taking in spain the numbers looked fairly small in spain compared to italy but there's no doubt of the trajectory of this 394 new fatalities recorded in spain in the last 24 hours a similar number of the 24 hours before that and better such as the socialist promise that he's speaking of now and has announced further measures to try and contain the spread of the virus travel restrictions involving no more arrivals from anybody into spain other than citizens from the created with their monkey things and telling people would leave tens of now to extend a state of emergency it was introduced on the 14th of march that had been
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introduced for 15 days he would extend that with parliamentary approval that he's thought of mostly through that so that the will now take a further 15 days after april the 11th the army while having their duties in spain stepped up more and more army involvement in ferrying patients around from overcrowded icy use in different parts of the country to other parts of the country if necessary certainly around cities moving medical supplies moving emergency supplies helping to get food and medical supplies to people who are self isolating will actually living under government instruction therefore not able to get that progress actually saying over the course of the weekend that the worst is yet to come they have not yet reached their peak and of course spain along with other countries have experiencing big rates of increase france germany the u.k. as well all looking towards it to that and it's unabated 2 new infections and last numbers of people dying every day $793.00 in just the last 24 hours alone
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knowing that that is what's coming down the track there all of the central jet treatment hoping against hope in all of these countries that they aren't doing enough now that they've done it early enough that people will comply enough to be able to. do you see the peaks of the. approach when they come and allow time for medical services to scale up and to be able to let's talk about the situation in your care and this time that we're expecting the case prime minister barak's johnson to speak in about 90 minutes or so going by a time scale john to give us an indication of how people are reacting in the u.k. and b. what the government plans to do if they don't comply with these stay at home orders . well i mean it's it's mothering sunday mother's day here in the u.k. it's the 2nd day of the particularly clement suddenly spring weekend at least introduce
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these measures were introduced on friday night at midnight but pleasurable recreation and social facilities in this country you know hope that people would respect that and stay indoors as well and it totally and on social media that the pictures there are loads of them of people crowded into the oxygen caravan park to do outdoor recreation spaces beaches and the like this is obviously causing real concern they may think that they are maintaining social distancing it to meet its you know in these crowded areas even though they're outdoors that becomes impossible so you know what's a warning to promise a set with you don't even think about visiting the mother on this day the mayor of london that was upset and got a stalker and crowded into the parks and it may well be there is already legislation proposed by the government to give extra powers to the police to public health officials to immigration officials to allow them to actually in force these measures that some of the government would be reluctant to do that i think it may well be the coming days that there are no chose right to life for us in london
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thanks very much indeed ok i want to bring in john hendren who's joining us on skype from chicago to give us they run up of the situation in the united states john the mayor of new york bill de blasio has been speaking recently what's he been saying. well there are about 23000 cases in the us but the epicenter is in new york where 8000 cases have occurred there are alone and there have been 60 deaths in new york city alone so mayor bill de blasio is sounding the alarm he says he wants federal help he says the military should be sent to hotspots like new york california and washington states saying in a news report this morning all military personnel who are medically trained should be sent to places where this crisis is deep like new york now he's concerned that the medical system will be overrun in those hot spots or there won't be enough respirators that there won't be enough beds and now the head of the centers for
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disease control infectious disease unit anthony found she has said that units will be sent resources will be directed to those hot spots including new york city so something like 40 percent of us cases it happened in the state of new york and most of those have happened in new york city where the the mayor there and the governor throughout the governors throughout the united states in the various states have complained including here in chicago that the federal government simply isn't giving them the resources they need they don't have enough test kits they don't have all the masks and gloves they need and they are in some cases in the case of the mayor of new york he wants military sources sent there in order in part to keep people at home he says he'll use the new york police department to enforce a shelter in place policy now in most places across the u.s. that have this shelter in place policy more than 80000000 people are affected by
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that in most places the rules are fairly lax but new york's a different case you've got 7000000 people living in that city alone and they're all in very close proximity to another so as you heard joe. and talk about that last report there is concern about people crowding in parks and other places where they're in close contact with each other in the new york mayor is clearly sounding the alarm and washington d.c. and other senators have been working over the weekend to try to come to some sort of a real agreement over the latest funding bill that was going to be put in place i understand also senate leader mitch mcconnell has said that a vote was going to happen on monday but there's even more pressure now isn't there to get those items as you were saying able to the field particularly given what bill de blasio has been saying. that's right in every day counts what's happening on capitol hill right now and there's a $1.00 trillion dollar bill and an additional $500000000.00 in
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loans of essentially $2000000.00 that congress is looking at sending out desperately needed resources for this state but there's a disagreement on where those resources should go right now as it happens the airlines are asking for 50000000000 boeing the largest exporting manufacturer in the u.s. the plane maker is asking for 60000000000. so. the issue is republicans want to send those resources to the big businesses and they want to give a little bit about $1200.00 max to individuals and the democrats want to give more money to the individuals less to the corporations and those issues are being worked out that's why it's taking so long but they hope to have a vote by monday john thanks very much indeed that's john hendren live for us in chicago all that i mean violent protests at a number of prisons across colombia as panic spreads over coronavirus prisoners a feeling an outbreak of the virus behind bars the government stopped visitors in
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recent days in a bid to stop the spread of the illness allison tom piazza's joining us from bogota just bring us up to date 1st of all what was happening at these prisons. yes riots broke out in a number of reasons across the country at least 6 of the biggest male prisons in colombia. happening and what happened it seems to have been a coordinated effort some part of in may and even mates to set up these protests the man being more health services in these very crowded prisons with the very bad sanitary conditions we had seen signs of. inmates protesting in past days with some of them burning. mattresses for example calling for d.l.
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tory deeds to do more for them and this all went worse last night in these riots we've seen videos of people that were injured both in mates and guards there are reports that one guard died during these riots. however there are no official figures yet on the number of deaths on the number of people who were injured the president of colombia tweeted this during the night saying that the police and the army was sent in to assist prison guards to try and control the situation in the prison. time now but we're still waiting to understand what the real consequences of all these riots have been and the president said that the government here wants to also take care of the held prisoners but he will not allow any more riots or protest inside of them as we've just been hearing the situation
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regarding the virus is changing on a daily basis across the world how are the countries in latin america dealing with this. look the numbers are relatively low in this region apart from brazil that has more in a 1000 cases now the rest of the countries usually have less than 200 colombia has just passed the that number 200 in 10 confirmed cases at this point yet most of the countries except for brazil and mexico still remain slow in their response mostly because they fear the economic consequences of full shutdowns the rest of the countries in one way or another are practically going on a full lockdown it has happened in argentina already here in bogota we're on the 3rd day of what was supposed to be a trial of a shutdown and instead will be extended to 9 days of quarantine there were an
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announced by the president also international travel is stopping in most of the countries this is the last day in colombia for foreigners to leave or colombians try trying to get back into their country also national flights will be banned in colombia starring on tuesday and new measures are being put place practically on a daily basis the last country was a believer who announced 14 day choir and teen there and the electoral tory there also this side had to postpone the presidential elections and no new date has been announced at this point. for us in bogota thank you very much indeed . as we went to one of the world's largest airlines u.a.e. based carrier emirates has decided to suspend passengers services from wednesday hoffman is an aviation journalist and transport world an aviation week he says the
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flight suspensions that emirates are part of a global trend we're likely to see more of. well that shows us and it's demonstrates again that no big airline is immune about the current crisis it is the biggest crisis for aviation in its history and even emirates have to follow this painful trends to cancel flights throughout the world i'm sure they were seated also assume a good idea with canceling more flights in your region in the middle east so it's just the latest big trends bitch what's to expect that actually that emirates will also a council of the fights or even all fights as you know know the middle east and especially dubai that change the traffic flows or want to grow old globally over the last few years so in dubai it became one of the most important tops worldwide and every interruption of an hub like this frankfurt dubai of paris whatever but dubai specially creates a big impact for the global travel system so this is quite
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a big news in this challenge in days for the division business we have to expect this crisis vibration takes quite a long that will be done a lot of travel ban still a lot of flight restrictions and i don't expect in the next few weeks or even months that something will go back something it's the normal to many airlines grounded domo by fleets and emirates is the latest prominent victim on this the many smaller airlines which getting the deep troubles but you also see we also see now more airlines request and for requesting for aid from the governments even stronger of towns or one of the richest islands in the world is looking for state aid from arab governments. in the u.s. the federal government is slowly implementing measures to contain the outbreak but many state leaders say it's not happening fast enough and they're introducing their own tougher rules new york and california opted for a complete lockdown leaving home for anything other than essential activities is
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now punishable by law in other states governors have shut down bars restaurants gyms and schools as well as buying a large public gatherings iowa nevada vermont and washington the 1st state to experience a significant outbreak of among them but some have faced criticism for resisting total lockdowns florida has refused to close its beaches texas has let local regulators take the lead and bars and restaurants are still open in a number of other states will go to marcus places is chief medical officer the association of state and territorial health officials now this is a group representing public health agencies in old u.s. states and he's joining us on skype from charlotte north carolina we appreciate your time so thank you very much indeed it seems to an outsider as though they're our peers to have been a breakdown in communication between state and federal level about who exactly is responsible for what in a situation like this was it simply the case that people didn't understand what
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they were supposed to do now and i think that what you're saying now is stay up with health system in the united states start to kick into action and this is this is generally how we deal with emergency public health situations like this the federal government is providing a great deal of guidance to states and communicating closely but ultimately now we're seeing states and local communities make the decisions based on the number of cases they're saying how severe it cases are and in the in the areas that we're having a lot more illness a lot more hospitals that's where you're starting to see a much more stringent stay out or social distancing more. is it not the case though that there are state leaders who are criticizing the federal government for if nothing else not responding quickly enough to this and leaving the states to have to deal with it on their own. well i think that the most part states are looking in
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forward direction about your they're taking actions to get this under control we know that social distancing which is our main strategy right now we know social distancing works that we've seen it work at other countries we've used that in our country before and bessel of getting to see now that those orders are put in place for the most part i states and local communities so i think that's a very appropriate action in terms of the kind of response that the federal government is actually able to provide what would the states expect to be able to handle government to be able to give them in terms of support and do you think that those expectations have been if not on realistic then perhaps i'm misinformed well states states are really dependent on the federal government for logistics and supplies that i think is very very concerning alarming in the united states right now is a shortage and moving in some areas to
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a scarcity of personal protective equipment for health care providers we're talking about the face masks that. physicians and nurses and other health care providers wear to protect them and keep them from coming in contact with the virus those are in very short supply and i think there's a lot of frustration around that and states 'd are looking to the federal government to do something to move up the supply chain dr marcus places good to get your opinion on this thank you very much indeed so thank you thank you. huge missions underway to protect homeless people in california by providing hotel rooms and shelters the u.s. states in lockdown with people ordered to stay at home but authorities estimate as many as 60000 homeless people could contract the virus california's government has promised protections for vulnerable communities 6 days ago i was 40000 unemployment kane claims the next day it was 70000 day after that 80000 when up
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21251352 days ago and 114000 yesterday we're waiting for the new numbers relates to the claims today gives you a sense of the magnitude of those that are struggling at this moment i hope the magnitude that we all recognize to meet this moment in terms of this federal support that has to come not only our way but to states large and small all across the united states cuba is sending medical staff to longer days or help italian doctors fight the outbreak they're cuban doctors were in the front lines in the fight against color and haiti and against the ball and why south africa 10 years ago has more from havana. over the last 50 is even talked as if saved millions of lives in latin america asia and africa now for the 1st time a cuban medical brigade is on the way. there are 36 doctors behind me and 15 nurses
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i spoke to some of them over the last couple of hours and i can tell you they're very proud they insist they're going to italy of their own free will but many of them are very nervous. of course i'm scared but when we went to fight a bowler in west africa in 2014 we were scared too but we fulfilled our mission there and we all came back with what we going to do is cure and bring relief not only to the italian people but the world's population that this is a global battle and we have to fight it together it's not even ok i just for some reason why are you going on this mission if you know that cuban doctors have died on past missions as a political one more because we are the cuban people this is cuba and we're always going to keep fighting some of the moment i don't know you. are so far registered $25.00 cases of coronavirus substantially less than most latin american nations the country prides itself on its preventative health care system and boasts one of the highest stock to patient ratios in the world but the country's fragile economy is
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highly dependent on tourism and authorities only announced they would restrict entry into the island on friday. we're not closing the border meaning what we're doing is regulating entry into the country people except those that are residents of our national territory we're not only our countrymen there are other foreigners that reside in cuba criminally were some who because of their work are here for several years. cuba is lending italy these medics at no cost but for over a decade the leasing of doctors and nurses has been the island's top hard currency generator. with cuba's tourism sector hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic the communist party will be hoping that unprecedented global demand for doctors will help pay for the power food and running water cubans will need to get through this crisis a silver lining perhaps a dark moment. let's turn our attention to the middle east now and the palestinian
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prime minister has announced a curfew in the occupied west bank all non-essential travel between cities towns and counts is banned prime minister mohammad entires says the restrictions will apply to everyone except for health workers bakeries and grocery stores. we all share the same social responsibility if we all shoulder it together we should provide it is a critical moment in history a global pandemic which we must confront to minimize our loss we have passed the 1st phase together citizens businessmen bridgeman and civil society we need stricter measures. that news came after gaza confirmed its 1st cases of the coronavirus the health ministry says 2 palestinians will return from pakistan on thursday under quarantine all restaurants coffee shops and mosques have been ordered to close. iraq has reported 214 cases and 17 deaths so
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far to prevent the further spread of coronavirus the government imposed a weeklong curfew in baghdad and other cities and canceled all domestic flights but security forces are struggling to enforce the locked on a similar fulton reports from baghdad. they defied the threat of penalties roadblocks and even ignored advice from iraq's highest sheol for already to avoid public gatherings despite a curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus thousands of pilgrims from across iraq flocked to the shrine in baghdad over the weekend driven by their faith reassured by the belief that it could protect them. i am not afraid my faith is strong i love the cuda means nothing can hurt us no disease or anything else god willing this will protect me and my family from corona charge this disease needs our prayers i didn't see any sick people collapse in front of me i have
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a mask and gloves in my pocket when i see an incident i can wear them local officials are worried the pilgrims could transmit the virus to people in this area joiner and there's a lot of programs kind of brought a big burden on us because the residents of a city with very committed to all the instructions of the authorities will sterilize and purify all the locations touched kissed and walked on by the pilgrims and maybe god will have mercy on us. this is the main entrance leading up to the shrine here in baghdad and despite instructions to penalize those who violate the curfew people here are being allowed to enter without any obstructions security forces say that it's difficult to enforce the curfew given the religious nature of the pilgrimage. but elsewhere in baghdad security forces appeared less willing to compromise as of saturday they had arrested more than 300 people and find another 4100 for not respecting the curfew in the capital. the to square the
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epicenter of months of anti-government demonstrations student protesters who usually gather on sunday stayed away commercial streets remained deserted as patrols and shirt all non-essential businesses remain shut down some pharmacies and grocery stores are allowed to stay open for now but we've supply routes blocked and customers few and far between shopkeepers are worried about how much longer they could keep going. so we should be getting help from the government they should for example give us tax cuts pay the rent for the shop they should find a way to supply us with goods. but iraq's caretaker government is weekend after months of unrest and already grappling with declining oil prices and us iran tensions on its soil some iraqis fear that a corona virus outbreak could propel their country into an unprecedented crisis someone awful to al-jazeera. still ahead analogies here are growing to our hotel
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the global health emergency is sending the georgian economy into shock. a strain is government orders the closure of venues including pubs and restaurants up to many people ignored health warnings. and in sport despite new travel restrictions some astray and they said determined to keep their players on the pitch. and though they've had some very heavy amounts of rain calls they've been to flooding across northern sections of the middle east and still plenty happening in areas of iran but they stalled as a work their way steadily south was across much of the arabian peninsula and there's been plenty of lightning thunderstorms and also some hail coming in with these storms this is dubai this was on saturday not really that unusual many of the
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cities across the region actually saw something fairly similar now through monday we should actually have a much clearer picture generally much of the gulf but plenty of rain showers working their way east and north into iran pushing on into afghanistan and still a line of rain heavy at times right the way as you can see here through these coastal areas of amman and down into yemen pushing it a bit further off the coast as we had to choose a bit still it could be a damp day and more showers back in the full cost much of turkey and again those shows work in the east and north across much of the stands and then we had down into southern africa and if you want new folk also the next couple of days but rains are a lot like to generally namibia up towards the north where they will be heavy if the next couple of days is through the gulf of guinea particularly into nigeria and cameroon maybe a strategy with a high of 26. regimen
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biological and chemical agents are real weaponized throughout history a large water 1st appeared its head with me and started fighting me developed by nation state so there could be another apple tree that every child now within reach of those seeking compounding the most toxic substance in the world would have to land me invisible threat on al-jazeera of women in programming from international film made hands. play al-jazeera sets the stage for egypt and the truth here will be the life of the lives the life of the nine's dead everybody is there global ex-pats you get it we're going to let the planet go through ruin because we're not doing obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today on al-jazeera.
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order. the world. what you want to see a reminder of our top stories this hour spain has reported $394.00 deaths from the coronavirus in the last 24 hours that's a jump of nearly 30 percent from the day before italy is tightening restrictions after the death toll there serves to a daily record high on saturday. and the united states new york's mayor says the city now has more than 8000 this confirmed cases that's a 3rd of all infections in the u.s. one. 5 americans under self isolation. i mean it's airlines are suspending all
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passenger flights starting from when the state. says it cannot operate as normal countries keep their borders closed due to the corona virus outbreak. a strain is government has ordered the closure of gyms pubs and restaurants as it steps up its response to the pandemic prime minister scott morrison says casinos nightclubs and places of worship will also have to shut their doors for monday nicola gage reports from the capital. after thousands flooded sydney's popular bone dry beach in recent days defying social distancing orders on sunday it was deserted with orgies were fools to close most of sydney's main b. choose to stop people breaking the rules this is not something that we're joined because where the fun police this is not something the government is doing because we want to fight law thursday this is about citing laws the number of coronavirus cases in a stroller is rising by the day and so too with the strict measures to slow its
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spread days after the government closed its borders to foreigners astroland have been told not to travel within the country are the unless it's essential and this could be the new normal for months the medical advice is very clear there is no quick solution we have to still ourselves for at least the next 6 months and the measures that we put in place we need to prepared to carry on for at least the next 6 months and from monday non-essential businesses across the nation to close the door that includes hotels not clubs cinemas and entertainment the news with restaurants and cafes restricted to take away essential stores like petrol stations in supermarkets who remain open the state of victoria is closing schools. the federal government has announced its 2nd economic stimulus package in just over a week including
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a more unemployment benefits for those who lose their jobs and payments but small businesses are k. poor because on it's estimated that thousands of australians could be out of work in the coming weeks and months. this $40000000000.00 scheme which will start in early april will provide lines of up to $250000.00 for up to 3 years for a business with a turnover of less than $50000000.00 no repayments will be required for the 1st 6 months but while the economy will be hard as strongly as government says public health is the priority and more social restrictions could follow in the days ahead . across asia the number of infections and deaths are also rising most of the new cases are said to be imported and not locally transmitted thailand is reporting its largest daily increase with $188.00 new cases
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taking its total to nearing $600.00 david has this update from hong kong. this is what it looked like germ bangkok's the 1st day of a partial shutdown it's normally buzzing shopping areas and commercial centers fell silent in line with government orders to close malts restaurants and schools for 3 weeks thailand has so far resisted the severe lockdown measures imposed in other parts of asia but finally gave in after a spike in corona virus infections this week measuring i want the government to implement more intensified measures still not addressing the right thing and part of the more still open so people still hour in about. infections in thailand rose by 30 percent on sunday its biggest jump so far taking the number of cases to nearly 600 the health ministry says most of the new infections are linked to boxing match which had thousands of spectators earlier this month and the fire is
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spreading because mostly young people are not heeding calls to stay at home until recently thailand had managed to contain the outbreak by tightening its border controls early on from the beginning of the year the government bans anyone to arriving from high risk areas and starting from sunday anyone who visits must present a health certificate. it's a measure that other countries in the region are now just catching up 2 cases in singapore doubled this week to more than 430 mainly due to travelers from abroad the health ministry says 80 percent of cases in the past 3 days were imported so from tuesday the government will block short term visitors and transit passengers only residents and citizens will be allowed through and they will have to face a 14 day mandatory quarantine china is facing similar problems all the new infections over the past 3 days came from overseas but on sunday
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a new development. 45 new confirmed cases imported from a brought were reported. on march 21 there was one new confirmed domestic. that may have been too close contact with an imported. chinese officials fear cases from overseas made night the crisis again in response authorities there have tightened border restrictions from monday all international flights to beijing will be diverted to other cities where passengers will be screened for the virus before getting back on the flight to the capital where they will spend 2 weeks in quarantine all travelers into hong kong too will be tested the city has experienced an unprecedented surge in the past week recording 44 new cases on sunday bringing its total past $300.00 hong kong's chief executive says the situation here is at a critical moment with both locally transmitted and imported cases rising daily
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after relaxing social distancing measures earlier this month the government is once again telling people to work from home limiting government services postponing exams and warning that schools may remain shut for much longer. hong kong. a small country of georgia may only have 49 confirmed in fact. but the virus has sent its economy into shock a state of emergency has been declared banning gatherings of more than 10 people well the government has announced assistance package for businesses and households many people are already jobless from tbilisi robin for us ian walker reports an important transport network is off to police the streets under the mayor's orders thousands of georgians depended on these mini buses for travel hundreds of drivers depended on the fleet for their income voc ton cuffed i'd say doesn't know how he's
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going to put food on the table now. i mean the money. the minimum that i own daily that's what the government should pay because i have to feed my family with ace and they giving me nothing do just government is not able to pay private sector salaries it's busy propping up its currency which this week lost 10 percent of its value against the dollar but an assistance plan worth $360000000.00 will offer tax breaks for the tourism sector which last year generated an estimated 21 percent of g.d.p. because today it's your wrists a gold bars restaurants and most hotels have closed their employees left to contemplate what lies ahead. ordinarily this street would be thronging with visitors from the middle east and from iran to celebrate the spring break now it's completely empty and it's
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a very unsettling feeling to be here. one industry now in need of a bigger workforce of the supermarkets to keep shelves stocked. that's presented an opportunity for hotel workers now because it's the most bees in places now and people go through worthless and big supermarkets and buying some goods now so. our people our working for the grocer just now for one month's. clinics is a cleaner for the chambre mates went to work in the clinics where like say a mouse in a corner we try to find the very close the situation on the stand we we're finding solutions like we normally wrestled before. despite recent heavy snow ski resorts and sharks for the forseeable future critical sectors of the economy have gone into cold storage room in 1st year work. to please.
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what is countries bringing in strict measures some have chosen to ignore their governments advice to stay home these images of sydney's bondi beach on saturday prompted the australian government to immediately shut down the area similar scenes in bars and public parks around the world that authorities to take similar action some imposed police curfews and restroom violators and if it is a professor of all going to is ational behavior that hold international business school he explains why some people struggle to stick to government guidelines we seem differences in how different countries around the world have responded to the colvin 1902 asian what we're seeing for example in europe and in the us governments are taking their time they don't know how to react to this and because of this inconsistent way of communicating a lot of people allow themselves then to interpret what's going to happen and so in this sense. it makes it very difficult for people to know what to do so what we're
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now seeing basically happen is more and more people more and more countries are starting to look down in and imposing curfews and more restrictions because they see that because of the inconsistency in the communication and people not hearing to certain rules or or let's say restrictions they foresee that this is the only option that they can take to ensure the safety of the citizens we are very social animals so social beings let's say so when we don't know what to do especially in these times of uncertainty we tend to follow other people especially other people like us and so social media plays a big role in that. but also the same time we also want to derive a lot of meaning and security so we have this kind of sense of security because of the social groups that we engage with and this is probably also another reason why people are let's say going out socializing when they should not actually be doing so there's a lot of uncertainty going on and when there's
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a lot of uncertainty going on people have to interpret how they want to react and everyone's coping system is very different and so as we're seeing that some people are just kind of ignoring the information it can one way this can be a way of saying you know i don't want to deal with this this doesn't really exist you know it's it's something invisible so i don't think it's going to be very threatening so therefore some people kind of find a way to reason why they want to ignore the situation there's also other reasons why people are ignoring the situation. it could this kind of also be kind of more of a kind of a defiance in a sense senegal is closing its land to sea and air borders schools are shut public gatherings abandoned tens of thousands of foreigners living the world health organization fears parts of africa could be the next hot spot after europe because talk reports from dakar. 3 friends as easily enjoying the way you want to buy
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a ball only gives $300.00 francs more than a z's and as e's gives $500.00 francs more than ali how much did each child contribution to the purchase since school shut because of the current virus outbreak t.v.'s have turned to declasse rooms school teachers like mr sack into t.v. presenters they would no longer go to school for 20 days it's a long time and what is important is not to tell them about the photos but to make crises as if they were in class with their teacher. watching at home are the siblings they have questions for mr sec questions adults don't seem to have an answer to the more local had to decline advice given to cynical and affects so many and why is it that so many adults don't seem to care how do we stop this. this is what dr bruce who heading senegal's emergency response is asking chinese health officials there doctors from rouhani who managed to contain the outbreak more people are dying in europe now than china i think from you know we learn that
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we need to trust and what we saw back in you know. the reaction to the decision was too slow to contain this are brought senegal is closing its borders to tens of thousands of tourists and diplomats are being repatch redid even the united states murshid ship a floating hospital with 400 nurses and doctors on board meant to offer help is leaving senegal when the country needs it the most. meanwhile china is helping build makeshift hospitals the outbreak is showing who senegal can count on in times of crisis and while there are relatively few numbers of cases already the beds in the intensive care unit are full and so the government is turning this all the airport into both a foreign tiny area and a makeshift hospital to treat those that have the symptoms of the virus it seems that this country is seeking the chinese approach in tackling the outbreak. most are closed public gatherings are banned the military are deploying mobile clinics
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senegal is edging closer to a full lockdown aside from isolation there seems to be no other solution to stopping the virus from spreading because hawk al jazeera the car we're going to mohamed now takes a look at how other african nations are responding. until recently most countries in africa have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic now cases are rising across the continent many countries like south africa taking similar precautions as the rest of the world canceling international flights closing schools and land borders. in nigeria africa's most populous nation of nearly 200000000 people schools have shot and there's a limit to religious gatherings you can see the number. of us today looked up to the one 3rd of the noble congregation. in talking to the people to understand the stories mauritania's know many busy capital is quiet with
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authorities imposing a nighttime curfew to encourage social distancing. nations like the democratic republic of congo have dealt with a health crisis before the most recent ebola outbreak that killed thousands of people this time its president is taking no chances calling for bars and restaurants to close but casual workers who don't and a lot may lose their jobs. but no customers come today and there's no point in sitting tables the ban on international travel and sports events is affecting people in zimbabwe punters here say with both games canceled fewer people are turning up to betting houses and street vendors in this township say they have no choice but to work some are worried about what is to come. cholera typhoid in the past and struggles to overcome those and the years around the world powers the us and it's very good with
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a grain of rice and i'm not. prepared for this i think hospitals will be overwhelmed by the number of cases. if we have enough tests kids or even if we are doing tests. with more than 20 cases reported in cameroon hospital staff in douala are preparing for the worst. and demand for hand sanitizer is growing but despite measures put in place to limit large crowds. some streets a still busy cameroonians are calling for tougher controls. the government must take tough action against people i'm a shopkeeper and i respect the standards to try to keep things clean and avoid big markets. in kenya health workers have been disinfecting local markets but the world health organization says african countries need to do more to enhance their
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capacity to detect the virus early isolate and track patients were he to mohamed al jazeera. the netherlands is famous for its flowers but a drop in. mond caused by the pandemic means millions of unsold blooms are being destroyed every day distributors say as much as 80 percent of total production is being dumped and with many countries marking mother's day this weekend the timing couldn't be worse. still ahead a knowledge is here in sports we'll explain how technology is helping one n.b.a. team finish the season in. perception is a validation we believe want to receive but in one life time we cannot see everything that we rely on he experiences of others and the legacies of previous generations. of that testimony we've got you know very. well
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with this documentaries that open your eyes on al-jazeera. as the sun goes down shutting down russia is a very challenging place to run as you can live even though your folks here say you can't do it it's not allowed to feel pushing you're always pushing on the you part of the central command always on the love that our people are being taken for peacefully march here to the city center we are the ones traveling the extra mile where are the media going to go we go dear and we give them a chance to tell their story.
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it's time for the sports here's far rob thank you so much australia has been and always us for sports fans around the world as its leagues continue despite coronavirus that's our rapidly changing with the australian rules competition being shut down the league has been postponed after just one round of games the opening fixtures were played without fans and with the players expected to follow a self isolation policy and between training sessions and matches move comes after state governments announce very shutdown measures and border closures. the reality is we don't have all the options of my situation is changing by the minute and we need to stay in decision making what i do know is for holes been around 360 when challenged and tested 40 will find a way. for now
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a league soccer and rugby league are carrying on an empty stadiums the national rugby league competition is chartering its own planes to take teams around the country and a bit to reduce the chance of players being exposed to the virus 7. how many sports are being forced from the real to the virtual world one video game maker is ensuring the washington wizards do finish the n.b.a. season it's using artificial intelligence combined with statistics from every real live player to stimulate virtual versions of their upcoming games broadcasted on t.v. . and later this sunday formula one drivers gamers and celebrities will be virtually taking to the track fans will be able to follow the action online organizers have said this weekend's postponed formula one race will be replaced with a virtual grand prix. chris higgins told us what new viewers can expect from the latest venture. i mean open top flight it will be like probably the best
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players that you could see playing this game it will be a little bit different from what you're used to if you're just watching n f one but the cast as the commentators are all really knowledgeable and i think given the fact that they are going to see an influx of new viewers that more than likely to explain any think that new view is on really accustomed to seeing what you don't get really when you're playing driving is that sense of danger so they're able to take corners a lot quicker with a lot more risks. there's a little bit of variation there in. how the ball plays out online busses in real life it helps if you have experience with the game that you're watching because then you can understand how difficult it is to pull off some of the maneuvers and tactics of the people playing in the matches are showing but. in general it can be explained to people stream by the commentators you know if you
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just want to jump in pick something that you're into familiar with or you think looks exciting. there are obviously a 1000000 videos on you to help you understand what you saying if you want to go you can do. that was jim's clothes and social gathering is banned in many countries working out has become a challenge for everyone not just athletes in sweden people are holding on to their regular routine while they still can haul race reports. momos football stadium will lie quiet for a long time this year the ban on large gatherings means there'll be no kickoff and elsewhere in europe no title celebrations just yet. top sports stars are in many places confined to their houses their skills are still on the supply even if only online. while some of the millions in quarantine go to any lengths to
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keep fit. in sweden there's a decades long tradition of group training that people are reluctant to give up while the government still allows it they feel that this is a social thing to be together in this quite tough times we still have some people coming here even if they're. 17 years of age because this is where they meet people . some of the more intense aerobics that call for closer contact and high fives have been moved outside. if we stop training completely would feel much worse out here we have more space we don't need to touch each other and can keep feeling good in these tough times. i'm a sports have continued as well even though numbers are down. as many follow government recommendations to minimize contact and it's only this week that sweden's football league delayed its opening match is there's nothing strange about
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there being no friends here at this time of year because the swedish season doesn't start until april that's now been put back to may or june or beyond. the pact standing areas it's mama f.-f. and other clubs make any imminent start of the season unrealistic. but one professional competition did manage to finish on saturday the season finals in hockey being completed north of stockholm. with coronavirus case is steadily rising here but it may not be long until all team sport in sweden has to follow the worldwide trend. paul reese al-jazeera. and that is all you sport for now rob back to you father thanks very much indeed let me just bring you some breaking news to update you on before we go turkish airlines decided to hold all international flights except for 5 routes that's amid the corona virus outbreak
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we'll bring you more information on that of course as we get it now something a little different to end this hour doctors in italy have penned a message of hope to the millions in lockdown the song which takes the tune of an italian classic asks people to stay home and wait for an end to the crisis that's it for me for this news i'll be back in a moment with more of the day's news. so you. see.
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let's. talk to al-jazeera we want you will force with when you saw that document for the 1st story we listen now 30 world war saying. your utopian to go build you know the stage will. be with you we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter don't go 0 the latest news as it breaks the pollution is blamed on thousands of small scale gold mines you run the traffic this one boys as young as
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15 and dozens of men with detailed coverage new restrictions every day across the well as each country fights its own back full against corona virus from around the world the publication of weinstein's assault launched the me to millions of women took to social media to say it happened to them too and it has to stop. all new counting the cost counting it's only cope with a coronavirus pandemic without a bailout $14000000.00 older workers in europe have been told to stay at home we talked to b.m.w. about the future of the industry plus airlines fight for their survival as governments impose problems counting the cost on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. and. that. this is al-jazeera. hello i'm rob matheson and this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes new york's mayor says nearly a 3rd of all caught on a virus cases in the u.s. are in his city with more than 8000 people infected. with nearly $400.00 deaths reported in 24 hours spain's prime minister announces new travel restrictions and will deploy the army to help.


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