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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 22, 2020 8:00pm-8:34pm +03

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to be some of the world's most prestigious fashion houses are based in paris most say that they're trying to become more environmentally friendly changing a multi-billion dollar industry is a challenge bought in an environment driven by trends when responsibly make clothes may be comfy ultimate fashion statement. germany bans gatherings of more than 2 people to control the spread of coronavirus . know more about this and this is all to see a live from doha also coming up with nearly 400 deaths reported in 24 hours spain's prime minister announces new travel restrictions and will deploy the army to help distribute food and medicine. new york's mayor says nearly
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a 3rd of all coronavirus cases in the u.s. are in his city with more than 8000 people infected. the u.a.e. shuts down most passengers since for its emirates airlines one of the world's largest to fall victim to the economic impact of the time that. the human and economic cost of the coronavirus pandemics mounting by the hour as the outbreak continues to sweep around the world in europe the epicenter of the crisis spain has decided to restrict entry into the country for most foreigners via air and sea ports for the next month the prime minister has also extended the state of emergency until april the 11th after seeing the only $400.00 more deaths a 3rd in 24 hours germany's chancellor angela merkel has just been giving in. media
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conference outlining the range of measures to limit social contact and essentially restrict people gathering outside and the financial fallout is getting worse the dubai based carrier emirates one of the world's biggest airlines is suspending most passenger flights from wednesday keeping on a small number of destinations jobs won't be lost that stuff are facing pair cuts turkey turkish airlines is also halting almost all of their international flights and in the united states where one in 5 americans are under lockdown new york's mayor says the city now has more than $8000.00 confirmed cases that's a 3rd of all affections in the u.s. and we've got 2 correspondents with us this hour john hendren is standing by in chicago for all the updates on the outbreak out of the u.s. 1st slips go to europe john holl is standing by in london where there's been a massive spike of deaths just reported jonah tell us more about this number.
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in the u.k. i think you mean grow up you i mean the u.k. numbers that have just come out we expect to hear from boris johnson the prime minister it his daily briefing shortly to the u.k. numbers show a jump of some 48 in the fatality toll taking it from 2 in 33 to 91 in the past 24 hours registered infections jumping as well as 66525006 183 so you know you can look at into the and say well this is all pretty modest boris johnson said on saturday that the u.k. is probably 2 to 3 weeks behind it and. this is a big jump in a pool in percentage terms similar percentage jumps being registered by france by spain as well and you know a lot of modeling is being done and a lot of data crunching judical so this week one particular graph that struck a lot of people here put all the e.u. i think there are other nations as well on earth to see their relative to jet trees
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all rates of infection increase and all of them were on a pretty similar trajectory to italy approach race again so everybody knows nobody should be in any doubt the speed with which this virus is making its way through populations in the european union and the end point if it goes unchecked it's really and so everybody is looking at that trying desperately to hans these strict of measures quarantine measures country by country and the woman who was just down so had percentage in spain reinforcing in han seeing giving police powers to force the pledges of restaurants and bars limits on gatherings the same thing is happening in the u.k. in the desperate hope that it not it's being soon enough both to pull down the see the signs and hike to the peaks of these outbreaks when they arrive deny them and give health services time and money to scale up their resources to better to be
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able to cope better at least the needs of them as humans who are expecting your prime minister johnson to be speaking within the next half hour any we will come back to you when who does join us but for now thanks very much for the. ok let's talk to john hendren who's joining us on skype from chicago this bring us up to date with 1st of all with what the new york city mayor bill de blasio has been saying earlier today ok well the mayor of new york city bill de blasio is sounding the alarm he says 1st on new york state the broader state is $15000.00 cases that's about 5 percent of the global total of something like 300000 cases and it's up 4800 but a huge proportion of those 8000 of those are in new york city itself there have been 60 deaths in new york city and the mayor of new york bill de blasio went on american television this morning on sunday to sound the alarm saying that april
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will be worse and that may will be worse than that and he said new york city is about 10 days away from running out of critical supplies of masks gloves ventilators the kinds of things the medical system there would need to take care of this virus crisis the head of the centers for disease control's infective infected disease unit and that he found he says in fact those resources will be directed from the federal government to the hot spots places like new york california and washington state but what you're starting to see here in the us is in those places in here in chicago where i'm on lockdown along with 2000000 of my neighbors. the local officials are starting to get concerned that the federal resources aren't there we'll hear the response from the president the united states when donald trump holds a news conference later this afternoon but for now what you have is people throughout the united states governors mayors in particularly in the hardest hit
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places new york city which is the epicenter here crying out that they simply don't have the resources they need to deal with this crisis thanks for the update john john hendren there in chicago thank you. well as we mentioned one of the world's largest airlines u.a.e. based carrier emirates has decided to temporarily suspend most passenger services from one stage because hoffman is an aviation journalist an air transport world and aviation week he says the flight suspensions at emirates are part of a global trend we're likely to see more of while that shows us and it's demonstrates again that no big airline is immune about the current crisis it is the biggest crisis for aviation in its history and even emirates have to follow this painful trends to cancel flights throughout the world i'm sure they would see they also assume it had it with canceling more flights in your region in the middle east so it's just the latest big trend beach what's to expect that actually that
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emirates will also it can slow the flights or even off out s. we all know the middle east and especially dubai that change the traffic flows over the world globally over the last few years so in dubai it became one of the most important ups worldwide and every interruption of an hub like this frankfurt dubai paris whatever but dubai specially grades a big impact for the global travel system so this is quite a big news in this challenge in days for their vision business you have to expect this crisis vibration takes quite long that will be done a lot of travel ban still of the flight restrictions and i don't expect in the next few weeks or even months that something will go back something it's the normal to many airlines grounded them up by fleets and emirates is the latest prominent victim on this the many smaller airlines which getting deep troubles but you almost
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see we also see now more airlines request and for requesting for aid from the governments even stronger of towns or one of the richest islands in the world is looking for state aid from their government. riots in prisons in colombia have left at least 23 people dead there have been violent protests at a number of prisons as panic spreads over coronavirus inmates feared an outbreak of the virus behind bars on a sound of m.p.'s he's in bogota and says the situation is now under control. it seems to have been a coordinated efforts on the part of an manned inmates to set up these protests demanding more health services and these very crowded prisons with very bad sanitary conditions we had seen signs of. inmates protesting in the past days with some of them burning their mattresses for example
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calling for deltora these to do more for them and this all went worse than last and i think these riots we've seen videos of people that were injured both in mates and guards there are reports that one guard died during the riots. however there are no official figures yet on the number of deaths. ok i want to take you live to london for britain's prime minister abbas johnson is holding a press conference about coronavirus pandemic let's listen to what he's going to say collectively making i want to thank the amazing workers in the n.h.s. the everybody working in social care in every city food distribution transport you name it absolutely everybody who is keeping this country going today and i want to thank everyone who is being forced of course to do something differently today everyone who didn't visit their mum for mother's day but face
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time scott and rang them instead thank you for your restraint from what you did everybody who was forced to close a pub or a restaurant. or any other business but the could have done fantastic business on a great day like this thank you for your sacrifice i know how tough it must be and i can tell you once again that this government will be standing behind you behind british business behind british workers employees so for employees throughout this crisis and. the reason we're taking these unprecedented steps both to profit businesses support business and sport our economy and these preventive measures is of course that we have to slow the spread of the disease and to save thousands of lives and today we've come to the stage of
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a plan that i advertised at the outset when we 1st set out the plan of the u.k. government when we now have to take special steps to protect the particularly vulnerable new remember that i said we wanted that the moment would come when we needed to shield those with serious conditions there are probably about one and a half 1000000 in all and in a minute to rebut general will set out the plan in detail but this shielding will do more than any other single measure that we are setting out to save life and that is what we want to do also to reduce infection and to and to slow the spread of the disease and i want to say just a couple of other things we we have to do more to make sure that the existing measures that we are taking are having the effect that we want so it's crucial that
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people understand tomorrow that the schools are closed and tomorrow you shouldn't send your child to school in less you've been identified as a key worker and more generally in view of the way people have responded over the last few days to the measures that we have set out i want to say a bit more about how we interact out doors and of course i want. of course they do people to be able to go to the parks and open spaces and to enjoy themselves it's crucial for health mental and physical wellbeing but please follow the advice and don't think that fresh air in itself automatically provides some immunity you have to stay 2 metres apart you have to follow the social distancing advice and even if you think that you are personally invulnerable there
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are plenty of people that you can infect in twos lives will then be put at risk and i say this now on on on sunday afternoon sunday evening i take this advice seriously following it because it's absolutely crucial and as i've said throughout this process we will keep the implementation of these measures under constant review and yes of course we will bring forward further measures if we think that is that is necessary so always remember in following this advice i know how difficult it is but always remember that each and every one of us you are doing your bit. in following this advice you are doing your bit to slow the spread of the disease and the more we collectively slow
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the spread the more time we give the n.h.s. to prepare the more lives we will save faster we will get through this and always remember we will get through this and we will beat it and we will beat it together so. next robert jarrett to outline the shielding measures that we're going to be bringing forward in the next few days robert but thank you prime minister and good afternoon as a nation we're confronted with the need to make big changes and enormous sacrifices to our daily lives and this is especially true today on mother's day when many of us would want nothing more than to be at home with our loved ones in person but in recent weeks heroic workers in the n.h.s. in social care our public services in local government and many others have been shouldering the country's burden and i think we owe it to them and to the most
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vulnerable in society to stay at home to protect the n.h.s. and by doing this to save them it's 1715 in the julian if you're watching our visitor this is a press conference being held or being led by a new k. prime minister ballers johnson who has been thanking everyone who has been responding to the government's call to stop businesses and stay at home this comes also as we have some breaking news out of italy the italian death toll from the corona virus outbreak has risen 565125004 176 these are official figures being reported on the wire services i want to bring in our correspondent john holl who's been monitoring situation farce in london john let's just talk about those numbers in italy very briefly this is of course yet another significant step up for italy. it is i mean it's defending a touch lower than it was yesterday that 7 of the 63 that was
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a wreck or 2 i mean does this indicate a trend who knows as we were saying yesterday and said again it's only now 2 weeks into. very restrictive measures of movement of people people confined to their homes maintaining social distancing those measures to be. in hearts by the government or those at the weekend who said become the prime minister who will greet all non-essential businesses to close that after a lot of work has complained saying why are we having to go out and go to our jobs when the situation is too excessive perilous italy doing everything it can to get to grips with the situation but there is a lag lag time between. imposing these measures and seeing some sort of change in the infection rate and it is the death rate the medical health care services you need to be in a little bit the are absolutely well that's
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a massive part of the problem because people are getting sick and they're not able to be tended to these awful decisions having to be may by that expired doctors nurses who took careful who it in some instances to allow to die as long as that situation remains at that crisis level these numbers will continue to tick up is this a turning point i'm going to walk out and $1520.00 fewer fatalities today than yesterday would have to wait and see if that means we'll be hoping so but i would say not with a great deal of optimism at this point so john i just before we came to you obviously we're listening to our bars townson the u.k. prime minister sending out a rallying cry if you like thanking everybody has been responding as i say to the government's call to stay at home to businesses who have closed as a result as a part of the process of containing the spread of the virus but also suggesting. that now was the time to strengthen the measures in the u.k.
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that were already in place. but look at the beginning of the growth of the process of instituting these sorts of measures the government did set out johnson did set out a sort of program of possible measures to come if you like a menu of possible measures that come up one of which was that at a certain point in time when the government did it necessary was to tell those most vulnerable individuals in society that they simply have to shelter in place they cannot go anywhere they cannot take any of this it is they probably go to the shops now and this is deemed to be that most of the british infection rate climbing rapidly along with others this is the moment so this is a message that goes out to people who are one and a half 1000000 in the u.s. to make boris johnson says who have underlying health difficulties. blood cancer bone cancer sufferers. all. transplanted cystic
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fibrosis sufferers those ships at the the earth now goes out to them don't move from your homes and we are told are going to be looking to help deliver food to make measures available for these people to stay in their homes to be able to help them to go and other special measures are also to be introduced. jonah thanks very much and in cuba is sending medical staff to lombardi to help italian doctors fight to the outbreak cuban doctors who are on the front lines in the fight against cholera in haiti and i guess a ball and west africa 10 years ago at augustine as more from havana. over the last 15 years even doctors have saved millions of us in latin america asia and africa now for the 1st time a cuban medical brigade is on the way to europe. there are 36 doctors behind me and 15 nurses i spoke to some of them over the last couple of hours and i can tell you
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they're very proud they insist they're going to italy of their own free will but many of them are very nervous. but when we went to fight a bowler in west africa in 2014 we were scared too but we fulfilled our mission there and we all came back with what we going to do is cure and bring relief not only to the italian people but the world's population that this is a global battle and we have to fight it together it's not even looking for some reason why are you going on this mission if you know that cuban doctors have died on past missions. because we are the cuban people this is cuba and we're always going to keep fighting some of the moment. has so far registered $25.00 cases of coronavirus substantially less than most latin american nations the country prides itself on its preventative health care system and boasts one of the highest stock to patient ratios in the world but the country's fragile economy is highly dependent on tourism and authorities only announced they would restrict
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entry into the island on friday. we're not closing the border meaning what we're doing is regulating entry into the country people except those that are residents of our national territory we're not only our countrymen there are other foreigners that reside in cuba criminally were some who because of their work are here for several years. cuba is lending italy these medics at no cost but for over a decade the leasing of doctors and nurses has been the island's top hard currency generator. with cuba's tourism sector hit hard by the corona virus pandemic the communist party will be hoping that unprecedented global demand for doctors will help pay for the power food and running water cubans will need to get through this crisis a silver lining perhaps at a dark moment. well let's turn our attention to the middle east now when the palestinian prime minister has announced a curfew in the occupied west bank all non-essential travel between cities towns
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and camps is banned by mr muhammad tires says the restrictions will apply to everyone except for health workers bakeries and grocery stores. we all share the same social responsibility if we all shoulder it together we should provide it is a critical moment in history a global pandemic which we must confront to minimize our loss we have passed the 1st phase together citizens businessmen bridgeman and civil society we need stricter measures. that news came after gaza confirmed its 1st cases of the coronavirus the health ministry says 2 palestinians who returned from pakistan on thursday are under quarantine all restaurants coffee shops and mosques have been ordered to close. iraq has reported to $214.00 cases and 17 deaths so far to prevent the further spread of coronavirus the government has
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imposed a weeklong curfew in baghdad and other cities and it's canceled all domestic flights but security forces are struggling to enforce the law on a similar 14 reports from baghdad. they defied the threat of penalties roadblocks and even ignored advice from iraq's highest she author already to avoid public gatherings despite a curfew to stem the spread of the coronavirus thousands of pilgrims from across iraq flocked to the shrine in baghdad over the weekend driven by their faith reassured by the belief that it could protect them. i am not afraid my faith is strong i love the carter means nothing can hurt us no disease or anything else god willing this will protect me and my family from corona charge this disease needs our prayers i didn't see any sick people collapse in front of me i have a mask and gloves in my pocket when i see an incident i can wear them local
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officials are worried the pilgrims could transmit the virus to people in this area joiner programs kind of brought a big burden on us because the residents of the city were very committed to all the instructions of the authorities will sterilize and purify all the location is touched and walked on by the pilgrims and maybe god will have mercy on us. this is the main entrance leading up to the shrine here in baghdad and despite instructions to penalize those who violate the curfew people here are being allowed to enter without any obstructions security forces say that it's difficult to enforce the curfew given the religious nature of the pilgrimage. but elsewhere in baghdad security forces appeared less willing to compromise as of saturday they had arrested more than 300 people and find another 4100. for not respecting the curfew in the capital. in baghdad out to square the epicenter of months of anti-government
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demonstrations student protesters who usually gather on sunday stayed away commercial streets remained deserted as patrols and shirt all non-essential businesses remain shut down some pharmacies and grocery stores are allowed to stay open for now but we've supply routes blocked and customers few and far between shopkeepers are worried about how much longer they could keep going. so we should be getting help from the government they should for example give us tax cuts or pay the rent for the shop they should find a way to supply us with goods. but iraq's caretaker government is weekend after months of unrest and already grappling with declining oil prices and u.s. iran tensions on its soil some iraqis fear that a corona virus outbreak could propel their country into an unprecedented crisis simona fulton al jazeera but without a day long curfew has ended in most parts of india but it is being extended in some
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states the number of cases rising every day health care officials say the country is now at a critical stage elizabeth put on them as more. in a city of nearly 20000000 people the streets of delhi were practically empty on sunday and it was a similar picture around the country but most people understanding the need for the lockdown. this curfew that has been imposed by the federal government in every state is good because in maharashtra in mumbai the case is increasing fast. on normal days this area is bustling and crowded but everyone understood the importance and is taking care of themselves but if anyone is coming out we are telling them to follow their nutritional information and take. half way through sunday the government announced it will extend the curfew in the 75 districts with confirmed cases including in the capital new delhi. all of metroid passenger trains
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and interstate buses have cancelled this service is until the end of the month places of worship closed their doors those in charge of india's health care system say the country is at a critical stage we are. about in this collision of the epidemic but on full guard trying to prevent further injury from are saved as well as containment as quickly as possible within the country no international commercial flights are allowed to land in india and to the 29th of march after performing the least number of tests among the affected countries which was increasing concerns that could be leaving many cases undetected the indian government has expanded its criteria and brought in private hospitals to double the number of testing centers from around 50 to 100 . people around the country broke the silence on sunday evening by coming out on their balconies to show their appreciation for health care workers it was
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a moment of unity and supporters the government faces the challenging task of limiting the spread to a country with the world's 2nd biggest population and is a problem al jazeera new delhi. army helicopters are being used in lebanon to spread the stay at home message they circled over cities across the country with safety messages being sent out from loudspeakers others borders ports and airports have been shot until the end of the month that has $248.00 cases of coronavirus and 4 deaths. rather than the fact that i think. that in rome. in other news at least 3 people have been killed in violence in guinea as people vote in a controversial referendum and parliamentary election they're deciding whether president alpha condé stays in office for the 3rd term at least 2 m.p.'s were arrested ahead of sunday's election. they should have come here
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before 7 am because we have been here since 7 am this morning nothing has been put in place we are waiting for them to put things in place so we can start voting. and you can find a lot more of course on our website the address for the fact is w w w dot. dot com. dot. some of the headlines on al-jazeera the number of deaths from italy's corona virus outbreak has reached almost 5 and a half 1000 that self to reported another 651 deaths on sunday the number of new infections rose by more than 10 percent to over 59000 and italy has imposed further restrictions as journal hall explains from london. it's only now 2 weeks
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into. very restrictive measures of freedom of movement people people confined to their homes maintaining social distancing those measures that be 3rd in heart by the government or those of the weekend who said become to the prime minister all agree all non-essential businesses to close their workers complained saying why are we having to go out and go to our jobs when the situation is so perilous if we do everything it can to get to grips with the situation but there is a lag lag time between. posing these measures and seeing some sort of change in the infection rate and it is the death rate in the u.k. prime minister barak's johnson's been urging people to keep their distance from each other and to stay home wherever possible each and every one of us you are doing your bit in following this advice you are doing your bit to slow the spread of the disease and the more we collectively slow the spread the more time we
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give the n.h.s. to prepare the more lives we will save the faster we will get through this and always remember we will get through this and we will beat it and we will beat it together germany's chancellor has an answer to a good ban on meetings of more than 2 people in public outside of work to combat the spread of the coronavirus bizarre gadhafi or death in gunstar chanted they were augmentin the scope of restrictions to have the same rules throughout germany this is the clarity we want as a federal state people are asked to reduce their contact to an absolute minimum out of their households. spain has extended a state of emergency after reporting nearly 400 more deaths of one 3rd in the previous day the country is also going to restrict the entry of foreigners for 30 days those are the headlines coming next on al-jazeera it's one of one east.
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the world is going into lockdown and social distancing is becoming the norm. but a 1000000 japanese have been shining society for the years. for them as time goes on surviving at home alone is becoming hard. won a winning stix that was why so many young and old in japan are socially withdrawn.


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