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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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you. see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so close tragedy is the largest in the with an ecological investigation into a global emergency sun at this time on al jazeera. 0. hello there i missed this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes the biggest single lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic in india imposes restrictions on more than 100000000 people in its major cities planes going nowhere and some of the world's biggest airlines are forced to keep their fleets on the ground. the u.s. secretary of state makes a surprise visit to afghanistan to salvage
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a deal with the taliban. and the tokyo lympics heading for a postponement to canada and now says it will not to send athletes to this team is games. now a lockdown of india's major cities has begun and one of the biggest single government moves to slow the spread of the coronavirus its capital new delhi the business capital known by chennai and kolkata are among them companies that also in place nationwide and international flights have now been banned for a week japan's prime minister shinzo abbay now says the tokyo olympic games may also need to be postponed that's after weeks of insisting the major sporting event would go ahead as planned in july and dozens of cuban doctors have arrived initially to help the taliban health workers it is one of the countries that's been hardest hit more than 5000 p. . have died there well shortly we'll get the latest from london with nadine bob and
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lawrence leigh who are also update us on what's happening in europe but fast let's go to elizabeth piron and in new delhi let's talk us through the scale of this shutdown we're talking about more almost 20000000 people alone in new delhi. in the capital alone in the stasi and as you mentioned other major cities most of the country's major cities 80 cities and districts around india are under lockdown we've also had indian railways cancel all the trains no interstate buses and no metro services a number of states again include in the capital region has closed its borders and what we are seeing as a result of those border closures and also all public transport being stopped taxi at the base taxis like and all are being canceled as well what that has resulted in
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now a very large crowds of people exactly what the government didn't want a large crowd of my friend workers there are so many around india who don't work in the stage that they're from they travel to other states to work who are now us stranded at transport hubs as they try to go back to their villages to wherever they're from only to find that they're not actually able to get this or that is a really big problem for the government right now some day saw another really big jump in the number of cases said today was the single biggest jump another big jump on sunday we have 415 cases 7 dead and the government has also really expanded its testing india was testing fewer people among affected countries than anywhere else in the world the government has now doubled testing centers brought
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in private hospitals because there are increasing concerns that the very low level of testing could be hiding the real number of cases the real scale of the problem here all is given that this looks like it could be the new normal for some time and the number of people in india who live hand to mouth daily what's being put in place to try to help them survive this. waiting to hear in the stasia what the government is going to do for those people a huge number of indians of what are called daily wage earners they have to work every single day to survive a lot of the migrant laborers that we've seen stranded at transport hubs there are also daily wage earners and while some states have started looking into this and taking measures we are waiting to hear from the finance minister about what they're going to do. on the central government level we've been speaking to street vendors you know it's so quiet in india and it's eerie the only people that i've seen out
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today. people that sell vegetables you know they cut their vegetables around and they said that they had to come out because if they didn't they wouldn't be able to feed their families that's what street vendors have been telling us that's the reality for hundreds of millions of indians who are waiting to hear from the finance minister about what they're going to do for those for the daily wage earners for the poor and also for the many sectors like aviation to resume car manufacture and transport that stand crippled right now that are crippled right now and as with problem there for us live in new delhi will be speaking to elizabeth as we follow developments there in the coming days thank you as well europe remains the big current concern with italy taking over china as the new hotbed of the pandemic as the number of infections and deaths increase more lockdowns are in place across countries the u.k. is seeing a significant rise with nearly $5700.00 factions and more than $280.00 deaths
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already prime minister barak johnson says he is considering restrictive measures like other e.u. nations let's now go to nadine barber he joins us live from london the d.m. i believe you're at one of london's busiest train stations talk us through what's happening there well what was once one of london's busiest train stations i should say. that's right you can see behind me liverpool street station in london's financial district. which earlier on. in the last couple of hours would normally have seen thousands of people arriving right now it's extremely quiet trains are still running but on monday morning the government has announced that they are taking control of the finances of all of the rail franchises around england and wales basically for a short for a temporary period nationalizing the railways the the the the private operators
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will continue to provide the services as a set cost but the government will take on all of any losses and so this is a major step that we've seen a drop in passenger numbers of about 70 percent in recent weeks now the underlying approach is that people still needs to get about using public transport especially what they call key workers people who work in the health service and so on but gradually those services are being reduced to mina right minimise the spread of the corona virus another bigger announcement on monday morning all of the countries jury trials are being suspended stopped for the time being apart from those that are part way through to try to avoid the risk to public health so a lot of steps are being taken like that but the key thing that people have seen over the last 2 days over the weekend which saw lots of nice weather here in london
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has been shocking scenes really in many people's minds of crowds in parks and at markets and now the government seems to be saying if you don't stop that sort of behavior failing to observe social distancing then we might bring in curfews in the very short in the very near future the health secretary on the airwaves on monday morning has been saying that it's extremely unfair lots of caught people if you talk to people here in la. didn't will tell you that they want firm action that they support some kind of or 30 whether that's the power to arrest to issue fines as we've seen in france and other countries we don't know later on monday there is an emergency bill being debated which would be rushed through parliament giving the government emergency powers for example to detain people if they're not following the advice but for now the government seems to be saying we will do it if you don't behave that's as far as they're prepared to go now dame do we have any indication yet from the british government of what kind of numbers we're expecting and we've
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seen such spread across continental europe and italy is the u.k. expecting to follow in those kinds of footsteps when it comes to to that spread. that's a really interesting question the government in their daily press briefings over the last few days have actually been talking much more about practical measures and not about the science behind their approach and so on they were criticized originally for a delay trying to trying to favor giving it time for the virus to actually in some people's opinion spread through the population the concept of herd immunity. perhaps they've been overtaken by events and looking at what's happened in italy it seems very clear that there's a correlation between where that country wards a couple of weeks ago where you the u.k.
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was is right now rather in terms of numbers of cases and numbers of deaths so yes also on social media there is no shortage of n.h.s. national health service staff saying we are urging you to stay indoors precisely because we're seeing what's happened in i.c.u. use in intensive care in italy where beds are running out where they are having to decide who can have a ventilator to save their life and who can't and they are really really worried not only that they're saying they haven't got enough protective equipment in britain's hospitals some nurses and doctors have been turning up in things that they've had to buy themselves in hardware stores even been line is in some cases the health secretary says he's getting on top of that problem as of right now but the health service is really begging people to take this seriously they are saying yes that tsunami the wave of thousands of cases is just around the corner even if
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we moderate our behavior now it's going to get worse and worse and even bob of f.i.f.a. in london following us fast moving developments thank you neal. well let's now go to europe where spain has converted its exhibition center in madrid into a makeshift hospital let's go to laurin sydney he joins me now from london once it does seem that continental europe is a little further along this trajectory of spread than the u.k. what kinds of preparations are we seeing across the continent. well it's a mixed bag in all honesty and i'm just i'm trying to do a comparison between 2 countries spain and germany which just show how different the potential of the approaches to been in the outcomes as well spain as you said it's now the 28000 cases and virtually 800 deaths very shot race of rise 400 or more deaths yesterday reported and frankly it's panic stations madrid the capital is the center of the pandemic they're trying to recruit students and with
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science people roadside dots and so on as you say there's a big convention center in the middle of madrid that looks like a. elementary arsons of frankly now full of beds and i think increasingly in these countries which have been where the health services have been completely swarms they are going to have to start calling on increasing the only on the on the to help deal with this because a civilian self who simply can't so spain is in an absolute mess it's only further restrictions on movement people now can't leave the towns lots of businesses now told just to shut down completely. germany 25000 cases needed the same numbers pain and yet fewer than 100 deaths and they have the medical experts in berlin have been saying just this morning that they think the peak might be starting to flatten out in germany now which is really amazing if you think about it it's an elderly
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population in germany just like it's really it's tempting to think it's a rich country in the hospitals are really good but you telling hospitals are really good too so the question really arises what is germany doing this difference where the places and having a much better success one answer seems to be according to the experts there is the policy of only allowing 2 people out of the time and completely gathering banning large group. the people from mingling together or the inside or outside may be crucial to this because all the experts say the virus isn't very good how solid is very good inside but it's very good outside if large groups continue to gather and potentially i think one of the chiesa germany success if this becomes a state of the few days is a policy of just keeping people apart from each other while allowing them still to go outside and take in 6 russia so extreme social distancing potentially leading to
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some good news out of germany but the news out of italy 70 continues to be very grim indeed yes and as i was just saying. minutes ago they've had to take even further action than that than the source a sense of lockdown they were in before that lockdown didn't mean the people couldn't go to work but by and large it does now there's a list of companies that are allowed to stay open but other people having to stay indoors people on a level now allowed to move from town to town which is what caused this part of the virus in the 1st place and as you said in your introduction there are there's medical supplies been coming in from china and russia and doctors from cuba it's completely decimated the italian health service lawrence lay there for us and london thank you very much charles and lines around the wild grounding their fleet says the global health emergency hits international travel singapore airlines is the latest to cutback operations taking 96 percent of its planes out of commission now that follows decisions by emirates and takesh airlines to hold
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nearly all their passenger flights and major travel hubs continue to close their doors the united arab emirates home to the international hub due by its suspending all passenger flights including transit travel as the international air transport association says the industry stands to lose more than $100000000000.00 in revenue this year. well let's speak to alex metairie yes he is an aviation journalist and he joins us now on skype from dire alex the sheer scale of these cutbacks will the industry ever recover mean surely some of these rates will never be able to be picked up again well you know action is incredibly resilient so that is this like reassuring element to them but actually we are not at the worst of what we are seeing yet at least 5 yo shane and ons are in the process of completely closing down some of them until further notice not even outlining the time scale and that's because with the right of things on one side is because it was from linda mont so
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they're trying to mount right now as finland to its lowest levels in aviation history let's be clear this is the largest prices to replicate the industry and so as a result because airlines cannot fly past and just because of the global restrictions those planes are empty and an airline can only ever make money on an aircraft is in the passengers so given that's not the case we are now seeing this wave come from you shut and work its way through to europe even here in the middle east as you mentioned the united arab emirates have issued a directive just that iran lines must close down at least for 2 weeks why is that significant well that you may need these firms to dubai and be to local going to places emerson ittihad operates in these airlines will be shut down as from wednesday along with flood to buy and how to be. a lot of work watch travel and not seeing this replicate now not just from asia but from the new europe when later
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this week and i'm johnson to do easyjet ground to the overwhelming the jets you please alex talk us through the economic impact because there will also be huge job losses were already saying some of those and this will also affect supply chains so how widespread are we talking. incredibly widespread in fact it's almost too much to comprehend because this really does go as far as the company mange to read that you can see you and that you use on board for your own bull mills to knowledge a scout for example production of commercial aircraft if we take a bus were located in france this morning they were actually reduce production of new backlogged well that's all very well in that they are taking new measures with social distancing on and reducing their rate of output of new aircraft but the airlines simply will not want to take those aircraft because the majority of them are grounding planes right now and that's going to have a huge effect and is already a huge effect on the global aviation waffles we're seeing and i asked stahl to take
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unpaid leave was seeing other airlines keep me laying off passengers completely lay off start members until by the notice and it's unclear whether or not that what force will return this is the most uncertain period for aviation that we have ever see and the effects on the industry and the employment and we're going to be destructive i say that some governments are already trying to offer bail outs to some of the airlines is that going to be enough. the only way anons are going to be able to survive on a $711.00 claim food is through government intervention and that's because their lines typically do not make very much money and we have done countless cuts your own now just erupt to talk about the elements that will financially fragile useful and if you like this current crisis so if you can only imagine what it's doing to those airlines that will read he needs in terms of finances wellness crisis the only way forward is with government intervention and we are seeing more films for
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example in the u.k. that the government will likely bailout an airline giant such as british airways one of the most profitable and lines in the world in order to ensure its survival suit this is true ordinary and unprecedented it would be having this government intervention but it's needed alex presumably it's not only the travel restrictions that we've been seeing country is increasingly empires but also their potential as perception of travelers about the dangers of flying i mean once governments say they have the 19 under control is that likely to disappear well this change the face of aviation and passenger travel forever. so i think that it's going to be an incredibly long time and certainly return to what we refer to it was as an in and that's because travel confidence is not just that. but it's going to take a lot of can be sued to ensure passengers that actually it's ok not just
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a ball generic crop because it's not the aircraft that are actually at the heart of the danger but it's to travel to other territories and to trust that anywhere other than home is. being drummed into the same message of stay at home yet the sight of that is that aviation is resilient we are expecting a bounce back eventually we don't know when it's to reach those us that that bounce back does that and of course all of all much of the world now at home or in so far as a nation not warranty they will be desperate to be able to fly and get out and see the walk once through the worst of it but if we are there is bottom that moment and right now we are still on his downwards decline at least for the education industry at exmouth terrorists than aviation genest always good to speak to and out of there thanks alex. now hong kong's chief executive has imposed a nearest directions as the city reports an increase in the number of imported infections all nonresidents have now been banned from entering the city from
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wednesday on words we will. this allow non hong kong residents coming from overseas countries arriving at the hong kong international airport to or enter hong kong so you have to understand we have a different regimes and in the last 2 months in leading this fight against the virus i have time and again emphasized where basing decisions on science. on the facts and figures on evidence and also have the expert advice of the 4 professors on the expert advice re panel the politics of pressure are not something that come into the formula for more on this let's bring in our correspondent david pollan who is in hong kong for us davey a kerry lamb announcing some very tight restrictions there not only on nonresidents but potentially also on alcohol i understand.
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these are the widest ranging measures hong kong hong kong is imposing since the outbreak in china even at the height of the outbreak home kong did not even close its lab or border with mainland china and now kerry is saying all international passengers all international travelers even those trancing through will not be allowed only residents will be allowed into hong kong and those that are allowed into long kong in the next starting from wednesday for the next 2 weeks will definitely go into quarantine to underline something she did not say but clearly implied was that only residents will be allowed into the city implying that people from mainland china will not be allowed to come in and that is a huge hot hot potato for hong kong which has so far voided trying to stop people from coming in banning people from across that land border from mainland china to
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hong kong but she's calving placed the caveat saying that all decisions are not political but are based on science she also went on to say that shops story restaurants pubs most places serving alcohol will be shut down and this will be a huge hit to hong kong's economy but says it is necessary because we have seen a rise in infections here that we haven't had even at the height of the outbreak in china hong kong has been very 'd meticulous about keeping the outbreak at bay but now there's been a surge and these strict measures on the borders and within the city are being taken divya as you say hong kong has previously been almost held up as an example of just how to try to to contain the spread and now we're seeing this potential emergence of new cases is this a 2nd wave of infection is that what the fare is here.
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to give you an idea of the difference in the pub it has made in the past few weeks and march 2 there were total of $150.00 cases and hong kong for on $150.00 cases now there are more than $300.00 and i would say $350.00 cases. in the lead up on till march early march you'd see a few cases increasing daily now we have 4030 to 40 cases arising new infections every single day a kerry land the chief executive says this is because of people coming in from overseas also there are cluster infections within the city the main reason for this according to the chief executive is that people have dropped their guard guards hong kong was very careful from the start having gone through sars in 22003 had having gone through somewhat of an epidemic before people were taking extreme measures being very careful about social distancing about sanitizing but after
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months of keeping themselves to themselves staying away from crowds people seem to have dropped many of those things that made it possible to keep the infections and the outbreak at bay and also earlier in the month as infections seem to have been somewhat stabilized and were much lower than the rest of the world the government also dropped directives for people to work from home people start going back to the offices going and public transportation government offices were open all that was rolled back again this weekend with government offices closed people being told to stay at home and now particularly this new measure where they're telling people are banning places from selling alcohol mainly because they don't want people to socialize anymore and there's a sense that as soon as people go out drink some alcohol. come together in groups they will start dropping down their guards and being. increasing the chances of
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spreading the infections. with all the latest for us from hong kong thank you so much to hear. now the world health organization says that testing people with symptoms of the virus lies at the very heart of fighting this pandemic but many regions are running out of testing kits and laboratories don't have enough supplies to detect cases so countries are now having to ration their kids and that means less testing gupta has more. a new virus with no known facts seen after covert 901st emerged in china governments around the world face to staggering challenges 1st to contain its spread and 2nd detecting people who have it eyes only test treat and trace the world health organization says the most effective way to fight the pandemic is to test every suspected case the wood is not manufacturing testing kits and lab supplies fast enough to keep up
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with the rising demand about 20 percent of people that have the fires don't show any. and people are responsible for. her out there so it's very important that we ramp up the difficulty right now agents. why is there. a running short all around the world so there are shortages of logs in many countries health workers are depending on what's called true questions to prioritize those who should be tested that includes travel history contact with an infected person preexisting conditions like diabetes heart disease among others and symptoms if you don't aggressively taste and i saw a light people as has singapore and taiwan and other raised i think countries
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you build up as a significant legal pole of people who are carrying the virus and then it's no longer possible to contain it you can only rely infection you must stop it and unfortunately italy has got to that critical point countries such as china and south korea raced to develop a rapid testing kits early on. south korea was one of the photos to set up may. should drive to centers in and around the country. thousands of people are being tested every day by many countries like the u.k. are having to ration their testing supplies i do time when tens of millions of people are in the lockdown the push to test as many people as possible has never been more gent priyanka gupta on dizzier well let's speak to margaret harris she's a spokeswoman for the world health organization and she joins us now on skype from
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geneva margaret good to speak to you again on al-jazeera i want to focus on good contact tracing today because that's been a real success for a number of countries in trying to halt the spread of the coronavirus talk us through what that process looks like and and who takes the lead here. right contact tracing is a fundamental it's really a gold standard of prevention of an outbreak and any outbreak it's a gold standard in something like in a bowler outbreak as well and what it really means it's detective work it it's it's like being an investigative journalist but in health terms each person who is infected has been in contact with a number of other people so you go you are slim 1st who contact so who have they been in contact with during the period when they were likely to be infectious and this is quite difficult you know you have to have a long conversation people don't remember everything that i remember everywhere they were and so it's it's not easy work it takes as people who are trained people
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who are very persistent people who will ask the exhaustive inquiries and it also takes a lot of openness from the person who's infected you know maybe ill who may be tired so you might have to go back to them several times or find other ways just go to their workplace look at where they see it you know who is sitting 2 metres away who would have been in contact with them for 15 minutes because that's what we're looking for somebody who was within 2 meters of that person for 15 minutes so you can 15 minutes on mall so you can imagine that's quite a lot of people a huge number i see a market that it's being heralded as a big success and containing the virus in several asian countries south korea hong kong singapore but you know as we've been saying it's incredibly labor intensive do other countries have the resources and the day so that's needed to do things. quite often it's a lack of experience so as you said in that excellent report beforehand. towns
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cities like hong kong had a terrible experience with saz so they knew what to do this time round as we hear now that there outbreak has seems to have been sort of receded by people coming from outside singapore is another good example they knew they had people they had the training and they were ready to go and both those cities are incredibly dense i mean hong kong has got the densest population in the entire world so they could have had enormous outbreaks without that context tracing in other countries because they have not a good lot of experience of large outbreaks like this is this is really the 1st time in europe we've seen a huge operate like this. though they may not have the capacity or they may not have the people that they need to repurpose that takes time that takes planning that takes thinking through but it is something that needs to be done by every country margaret as we've been saying there's been such a rapid spread in the u.s.
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u.k. europe is it now too late for contact tracing to be useful i mean is there a threshold really becomes no longer viable. you know it's never too late china got overtaken very quickly as you as you might recall you know 80000 cases most of us actually thought that it how can you deal with that but they did and the it's because again they mobilized an army of people they found all the contacts they isolated those contacts a follow them through and by isolating that means they are then not in contact with other people now they may never get another illness they may never develop the illness but by stopping them being in contact with anybody else the ones that you're not the ones who may infect somebody else a taken out of society so the taken out of the picture and you've broken a chain of transmission. maharis there a spokeswoman for the wild health organization thank you for joining us again on
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al-jazeera it's a pleasure as always. well now it's time for the weather here is jenny with news of more storms in the middle east and it's been very unsettling for several days now right down here as well but of course we're seeing a lot of the weather really further towards the north but all this county can see all of that has got rain within it it's called thunderstorms within it and so it was actually the turn of oman on sunday look at the size of these hailstones not surprising when you see hell stones that big you see some damage so here's just one called the have the windscreen completely smashed as you can see now that line of thunderstorms it's actually pushed well off or it will continue to push well of certainly by choose day we could just still see want to showers along the coast of oman that particular cross into yemen and really also the good news here is that by choose date the winds really will have the temperatures coming back up we've got 27 in doha 28 degrees in rehab we have got some scattered showers to the north working their way through turkey they'll push down across into syria as well as we head off
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into wednesday still those showers very stubborn along these coastal areas here down into yemen and also more rain with the mountain snow working its way into northern areas of. afghanistan then on to pakistan now the other area watching very very closely is here morocco on throughout geria choose day on into wednesday yet more rain certainly coast could pick up 50 to 60 millimeters of rain very strong winds in this system so here's another area we could see some flooding and stalls here thanks very much any while still ahead on al-jazeera kenya edges towards a total lockdown. and we will have a little more later on on all of this in the show to go to our web site in the meantime. al-jazeera dot com and let's give you a reminder of the headlines at this time india has extended a curfew across major cities to fight the spread of the coronavirus there's been a rise in the number of cases in the past few days
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a 1000000000 indians stayed home under a 14 hour lockdown on sunday italy's daily coronavirus death toll has fallen but the country still reported 651 deaths on sunday raising the total number to nearly 5 and a half 1000 it comes as countries around europe putting in place increasingly strict measures hong kong has banned nonresidents into the city off to a rise in the number of imported infections their restaurants and bars have also been ordered to stop serving alcohol. now japan's prime minister shinzo now says the postponement of the olympic games must be considered and comes as canada announced it will not send its teams to compete there if the competition is held this july as planned alexia bryan reports. after weeks of insisting the show must go on now something of a turnaround from the japanese prime minister. because i said i came up with hope to hold the games to mark that the world has defeated the coronavirus i thought
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that cancelling them is not an option at all but if that becomes difficult we will think of the athletes 1st and foremost and we may have no option but to consider postponing. the games as it to be held in july but the virus that's caused both human catastrophe and economic crisis across the globe is threatening the world's biggest sporting event canada became the 1st country to announce its and then pick and paralympic teams want people to surprising in the games urging the international olympic committee and the tokyo organizes to push back the event by at least a year we're witnessing a remarkable upsurge in athletes speaking out against the international olympic committee who has been very slow to act in the face of the coronavirus situation and in that sort of leadership vacuum you've seen athletes and sport bodies rise up and what canada has done just moments ago is absolutely remarkable tokyo's olympic
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chief is warned that the games $1000000000.00 budget and years of planning are at stake and that cancelling would be bad for both stakeholders and death rates that just seeing a little lego you we never intend to talk about a consolation but japan and international olympic committee will talk together about what to do postponement to only be one of the many scenarios like the increase in pressure from athletes to call off the games is not just because bringing hundreds of thousands of sportsmen and women coaches and fans to gay. they could help spread the virus but they argue that having them continue high level training is putting them and their families at risk she clear think again and she responds i think it's the best option at least worst option available to us no so they've got an amazing. spin the games and then they will together we see the back of this bonus. just a few weeks ago the idea of postponing the olympics was unthinkable now it's
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looking more and more likely another victim of these unprecedented times the i.o.c. says it will make a decision within the next 4 weeks from now the olympic torch relay is set to go ahead from thursday but without the usual fanfare with crowds urged not to attend alexia ryan al-jazeera. while new zealand will go into lockdown for a month as it attempts to stop the virus spreading their prime minister just under an announced that all non-essential businesses and schools must close and that residents must stay at home there's more than $100.00 mostly important cases of the virus there and australian prime minister scott morrison has already announced similar measures to new zealand and he's warning that this year it will be difficult for many side to get out and with the rest of the world we face this unprecedented challenge a once in a 100 year event
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a global health pandemic that is fast becoming the economic crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the great depression life is changing in a struggle for every australian and life is going to continue to change for many young and old 2020 will be the toughest year of our lives. well kenya is edging towards a total lockdown as the number of cases there rises to 15 the government to suspending all international flights from wednesday and has ordered pubs and restaurants to remain closed kenyans are also being urged to take social distancing seriously but that's not possible for many as catherine so i reports from the capital nairobi. many of the conversations in nairobi the eppy said to have called 1000 in kenya or about the disease the government has restricted international travel and closed schools and universities kenyans advice to wash hands regularly
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stay home if possible and avoid large gatherings. but doing that in makeshift slum housing is nearly impossible areas where millions of people call home many sharing single room shocks a few spaces to isolate or enjoy the luxury of walking from the house most leave on last in $2.00 a day this is one of the most densely populated areas in the city people here are not just worried about the disease and how it may affect them but also how they will survive with no money to feed their families or even enough water to regularly wash their hands. don't wash his clothes for a living she shares 2 rooms with more than 10 oftens in this sprawling. her biggest concern right now is finding water in normal circumstances she uses 80 liters a day costing around $4.00. some nonprofit organizations are setting up water
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points but they're not enough. people still get government quarter only thrice a week which we have to go in for check for to point they tell us to wash our hands all the time we want to or without water supply what can we do. in math are recorded the hustle and bustle in the slum for al-jazeera following the introduction of the government house restrictions he tells us disease is rife including the common flu which poses a problem. by doing. even though many people have the flu children are always coughing it's a common thing and difficult to tell if it's caught on or not these noire here where we can get tested it's very hard for the response to both because beetles in town used to be self medicate. the government is testing people with symptoms and their contacts as well as starting random tests in targeted areas but medical
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experts are urging preparations for mass testing should the disease start spreading quickly we need to have a lot of people to. and on testing that is number one number 2 we also needed to expand our testing facilities beyond where we had enough doctors say they hope to minimize the spread of cobbett 19 to areas such as madara with some of the most vulnerable kenyans leave but had others here want more preventative measures now to keep them safe catherine sorry al-jazeera nairobi kenya. well and bangladesh there are 27 confirmed cases of the virus there have been to recorded deaths this are fond of a 2000 current team but people are scared that their country may not be yet ready to handle the crisis he reports from dhaka there are nearly 10000000 bangladeshis working abroad many of those bangladesh is a scramble to dhaka from coby to 19 hit countries and elsewhere have not been
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subject to compass or any quarantine some are found roaming freely in their community and possibly spreading the virus she is frustrated it has been a week now he is still unable to get a covert 19 tests done health professionals say they have seen a sudden spike in a typical pneumonia where patients are coming with lung infections. life had a fever and serious congestion for months now i've visited several clinics and they told me to come here for a coronavirus test doctors here examined me and gave me a few tests to be done outside but they are the only ones who are supposed to do these tests health experts say poor and limited testing rate may be masking the true number of coronavirus cases the institute of epidemiology disease control and research center is the only place in the entire country of 160000000 people that has facilities to test with 19 virus. they have very limited number of kids health
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professional and all there's questioning governments readiness to prepare for a looming epidemic on the horizon top government health officials however say that till now the situation is under control and it has taken necessary measures to combat the deadly virus at the beginning of the any outbreak the these has to be centralized because you need to win every case would be detected you need to follow the case you need to find out that all the contacts contain them keep them in a quote in a supervised so that's why you cannot delegate this to anything i made growing concern over the course of my virus a large number of people are leaving dhaka and traveling to rural areas. but if the overall situation in the country is bad there's a sense of panic and my family wants me to come home by leaving the crowded city maybe i can protect myself. despite a recent ban on large gatherings a massive corona virus procession with tens of thousands of devoted is installed in
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bangladesh sparked an outcry in the country wouldn't stay as a country reported its 1st that from the global pandemic. the bangladesh ministry says the pen demick as spread to the level of community transmission and will spread quite rapidly though the government in says that it has taken all out preparations there is growing concern here about whether the country with the limited resources can cope with what's to come tundra children. dhaka bangladesh. now moving on to other news and u.s. secretary of state mike compare has landed in afghanistan on an unannounced visit to help salvage a deal between washington and the taliban it comes as the 1st arrest talks between the afghan government and the taliban have taken place on exchanging prisoners last month the armed group signed a deal with the united states in cata aimed at ending the 18 year conflict well let's speak to victoria funtown she is
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a professor of peace studies at the american university of afghanistan and she joins us now on skype from kabul thanks for joining us victoria i see we saw yet another suicide car bombing today in the southeast of the country and clearly despite this peace deal the violence is continuing so what is the next step from here what the next step from here is to fall into the tiny. from used by the united states or $5000.00 prisoners by the government that would be one stepped and then of course remains a big issue which is the university unity so we ought the government itself so the next steps are going to be for all the parties to speak with one another and to discuss on the way forward but of course the most important question in the violence used to unity it says the government victoria say that pump air is visit was unsettled and he's also due to meet with both president danny and abdullah
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abdullah so what is he hoping to achieve here concretely during his visit. i cannot speak for me but i would say if i was whom i were he i would really try to focus on the sunni and get what was contest and to actually form a government i am told that a deal is imminent and that person to do so i've been spoken about and you know we've seen the actual security crises and the and me that these bills come in terms of 19 it is in the interest of lever that those 2 parties actually come together and think about the future of their country at the moment and victoria i say and when talking about the need for unity here do you think that there is always a move forward given the decentralized c'mon systems of all the different fighting factions and and the different agendas of all of these great thing is a central peace process ever going to succeed. it has to the
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population use in support of any piece of the moment i would say that. crucially important is going to be the population support to what's that to use and the taliban have a leg that they will be able to control their ranks there is a unity in the government the same is going to happen on the other side so every party now knows that we have to put together and and really make this work victoria funtown a professor of peace studies at the american university of afghanistan thank you for joining us on out of there. now guinea is opposition says at least 10 people have died in violence following a controversial referendum in a parliamentary vote as follows months of protests against that vote which will determine if the president can stay in power catching up as how to get reports. there were several attempts to stop this election it was boycotted by anti-government protesters who say it's a ploy designed to extend the power of guinea's president potentially for 12 more
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years surrounded by security forces the 82 year old president walked to a voting center seemingly unfazed by months of criticism and the threat of a new coronavirus that is a very. this is a message of peace and solidarity we've made all the arrangements we have had washing units everywhere people are keeping a safe distance even though we've only had a few cases before voting day clashes broke out on the streets of the capital opposition leaders accusing curity forces of killing at least 10 demonstrators and some cities government offices and schools that were to be used as polling sites were set on fire by protesters to prevent people from voting. roads were blocked and businesses closed the disruption caused voting delays in some districts but no cancellations. when we brought the voting material and form the section chief
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of the area was not safe there have been violent clashes some officers climbed the fence to escape opposition leaders are now calling for more anti-government protests they say it's time for the president to step down. little bit of money due to sponsor the government is irresponsible it doesn't care about the lives or the health of the people of guinea president condé is only interested in a 3rd term in office. while opponents insist the vote is being used as a power grab supporters of the government call it a crucial step for guinea's development whatever the result it's unlikely to heal the country's divisions cards the locus of the yuan algis they are. all still ahead in sport canada has pulled out of this year's take your legs but they're not the only ones joe will have all the details coming.
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war. now time for sports and history to tell us all about the olympics absolutely this dossier get the international committee has given itself 4 weeks to decide whether they help especially in the take care games but one country has already taken matters into its own hands canada's the limpid committee says it will not send any athletes to the games and it urgently cold on organizers to postpone the by a year meanwhile poland's and m.p. committees for delay and australia are now telling their athletes to prepare to compete in 2021. importantly we received a back from our athletes. the athletes desperately want to get. the guys
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desperately want to represent their country at the olympics but also take on board their own personal health but also the health and well being of their fellow athletes around the world and that's what's to be changed over the weekend of course is a terrible crisis that. the virus is bring it on many countries around the world. the head of world athletics sebastian coe has written to the i.o.c. president thomas bach asking for postponement he says it's not feasible and not fair to press ahead with the games with many athletes hampered by closure of the training facilities and after weeks of insisting the games are going ahead as planned tokyo 2020 president yes shearer mori admits that now considering the spine meant but he hit back at christians in that they've been disregarding the opinions of athletes are simply too little cannot deliver order occlusion it is extremely regrettable that athletes are saying we are not thinking about them without athletes there is no way lympics it is because of them that we are in agony i
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believe each national committee is thinking about and listening to their athletes it is important that we firmly accept these comments and don't ignore them. well sports correspondent lee wellings joins us now live fully the i.o.c. are under a lot of pressure to make that decision sooner than than 4 weeks only. yeah story and it committee have come up with a deadline but i would expect a decision to be made sooner than that i think i have to make a decision 7 of them that as the pressure starts to mount on them with canada and phatic resound 1st start our case will not come this year either this will be followed already so you know others strongly are asking for the games to be postponed now as everybody knows where they stand 6 missing salient component of the candidate are actually coming out and saying where not going to the mall actually to the mall it reflects badly on the i.o.c.
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i know they want to give themselves as much time as possible to say where they sat whether it would be depressed i expect so next year rather than a cancellation but at the same time they need to be mindful. this situation where even so many athletes as well in all kinds of confusion thinking they're in at it from a danger even with their training they don't need to actually make this decision more quickly now i do think we can we do so what's going on in stride john coates their presence at their and in preparing to take he's very close to thomas bach the national olympic committee president and he's signed to will show you. prepare for 2021 there's a big club that's clearly how the i.o.c. i'm thinking which is a decision to be knight we've heard people saying you know it's inappropriate to tell the olympics this year it really seems that the world needs their lympics to be healthy in 2021 they think. well yes. people are missing still desperately more than they thought they would expect
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a big hole in the lives that destruction that they want and of course it would make sense in theory for analytics next year when hopefully finally. that they were going to have more grip on coronavirus crosses the flames out of control but it actually has to be put in context that any decisions might be needed time to see where we stand and then actually there is a long way off i mean we can look to the tone that's coming out of japan and out. where you can see that they're. desperate for a spiral to be made that there were also looking ahead to what might happen and it seems in someone who would actually have i think welcomed a persona to play to the here is a subtle point that may be a mess and do that. but he's actually said to be a bit tremendous human condo it is it's all right lee thank you very much well
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australia's rugby league season is being suspended because of the coronavirus pandemic and comes a day off to aussie rules football was also suspended l. can demick expert and our boss security expert has said gee to the rapid right of in fiction that we can no longer guarantee the safety of our players to continue to play the impact of this decision on those who work within rugby league will be significant from the softer new narrows offices and their closed until may the 1st ball starts a bit after taking their annual leave immediately and one of the world's richest horse races has been called off to the de bar a world cup had been due to take place behind closed doors on the 28th of march but race organizers and now cancelled the meeting. all right this does he have that as a sport for now by thanks very much well remember you can find much more on our website do go to al-jazeera dot com for lots more updates on all of the latest
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developments well that's it for meanest on the tape but so rahman will be hit in just a minute. trouble began at the end of the country's civil war when most people started returning home from refugee camps. more horse shopped and killed during a demonstration in 2017. right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the mining companies and government just setting your list . i tunes nation song for news and displacement between the communities the mining
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companies and the government has now escalated to west africa regional. the community has taken its case before west africa's regional court because they say the people are looking for you in the justice system. when diplomacy fails and fear sweeps in our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists we've proven the barriers are built to impose division external to sixty's instead of being an obstacle to dole wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a 4 part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on al-jazeera. from sunrise to sunset across asia and. the pacific explore untold and fascinating stories 101 east on al-jazeera.
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al-jazeera. every. the biggest single lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic india imposes restrictions on more than 100000000 people across its major cities. clubs the whole romany watching all this there are a lot of my headquarters here and also coming up planes going nowhere some of the world's biggest airlines are forced to keep the fleets on the ground. and the tokyo olympics are heading for a postponement after.


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