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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 23, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm +03

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new station. despite trump's travel ban being extended at the end of february to take in the 4 african countries including the continent's biggest economy compare we're insisted that the u.s. is open for business. this is al-jazeera. this is news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes 602 more people have died in italy from the coronavirus the toll there is nearly double that of china. wall street tumbles again on opening as the u.s. senate struggles to agree on a one trillion dollars economic lifeline. the fund them accuse accelerating the
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world health organization wants a pandemic is getting worse but says there is still hope to change its trajectory. also the u.s. secretary of state makes a brief visit to afghanistan seeking to salvage a deal between washington and the taliban. mozambique's army battles fighters in a northern town close to a $1000000000.00 energy project. to italy has reached another grim milestone in the corona virus pandemic the number of dead now exceeds 6000 and that is almost double the number of deaths recorded in china where the virus originated another 602 people died in italy in the last 24 hours compared to 650 from the previous day the country has been reporting a smaller day to day increase for 2 days in a row nearly 64000 people there are now in. acted hundreds more people have also
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died in spain or thora to report 460 new fatalities pushing the death toll to more than 2000 the state of emergency has been extended and foreigners are being banned from entry in the united states the number of new cases there jumped by about $5000.00 bringing the total to more than $40000.00 and in the coming hours the us senate is set to vote on a trillion dollar stimulus package to try and support the economy the world health organization warns that the pandemic is accelerating but says there is still hope to change its trajectory it is urging countries to adopt more targeted and more aggressive measures to tackle the current the crisis and let's go live now to rich islands he joins us by skype from lewis in the united kingdom and rory tell us more about the situation in europe indeed those new figures from italy. yeah all these deaths biggest from italy show that whilst it is painfully obvious that the country
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is still very much in the grip of the worst corona virus epidemic of anywhere in the world worse than it was in china the trajectory is at least starting to edge in the right direction and so if we look at these daily death figures $602.00 being reported on monday that compares to $651.00 the was reported on sunday and just shy of 800 that was reported on saturday except for 2 days in a row italy has posted lower death figures than the day before it is not much comfort but it is some comforts that at least the moments things seem to be edging back down again there are terrible figures of course some of elsewhere in europe as you said the famous push through 2000 deaths so far my colleague
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needs barca has a report now which will flesh things out from across the continent. the war on coronavirus is intensifying these patients from the island of corsica are being treated on a french navy helicopter carrier the island's hospitals are overwhelmed this is the face of europe's fight against cope at 19 it's day 7 of francis lock down people need the right paperwork to go outside measures a tightening in every country leaving streets deserted. a day after italy shut down all done essential economic activity now more restrictions a ban on all internal travel the virus has distorted everyday life. buying food can take many hours the streets of the german capital also empty and the country's chancellor angela merkel forced to quarantine but there's
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a glimmer of hope new data suggest the spread of the virus is slowing despite a high infection rate there are relatively few deaths in germany the country was quick to introduce widespread but i was testing. one cool element is the ability to keep track of contacts. of contacts are kept for 14 days and the isolation of infected people these measures must be kept up and strict it is for the coming weeks and months they are important to remain important. to. the u.k. he's been watching developments in mainland europe closely steadily ramping up its readiness with the distribution of safety equipment but while london landmarks are deserted this was the scene on the city's underground. the advice is clear and so are the risks but crowds are still gathering at this east london market while there's still demand stallholders say they're left with little choice
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but to carry on selling and shoppers people buy we really want it at the moment good as it is the busiest time for us to be selling food a lot of people still talk on their own what they need to buy food online so i would have to go up but it was all like i mean you had to wait for like many weeks before they deliver the food to the local authorities are painting footprints on the tarmac to help people maintain physical distance but like many of the guidelines nobody's paying any attention this is one of the cheapest places in the area to buy food shutting it down could have dire consequences on people's lives and livelihoods it is a difficult decision to make but every infected person runs the risk of infecting several others the domino effect could be catastrophic the british government published emergency legislation including powers to detain anyone they suspect of being infected with a covert 19 it's also now warning of an italy style lockdown if orders followed.
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2 weeks into its lockdown spain is now considering extending it further country after country governments are controlling the lives of citizens like never before the coronavirus has pushed the continent into confinement. al-jazeera london now rory's a need was just saying then the u.k. illegally scrutinizing anxiously scrutinizing developments there in europe what about the government one of the up to what's the latest. well about an hour ago boris johnson the prime minister went into a meeting which is called cobra it's basically the government's highest level emergency response committee made up of various politicians and other officials as well and the expectation is that when he comes out of that and gives
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some sort of briefing which could be imminent he will outline tougher measures more restrictions for the british public because as neves was with was explaining there and in his news reports there is a an awareness in the case that the advice that the government has been giving up our social distancing and staying inside isn't being paid on i know quite a lot of people there are various reasons for that. the government i think is aware that if it is going to try to prevent the u.k. following the same trajectory as spain and italy then he needs to do more and there are a growing cools role from within the case from use papers from commentators online and on the that they need. to get tough so that's what we're expecting you don't
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know whether it's going to be a full european style lockdown or doubtful whether that might just be an incremental change like shutting down non essential shops but it all comes again when the u.k. is still posting more deaths the latest figures from the n.h.s. national health service are that $54.00 extra deaths of being recorded in the u.k. taking this hopeful up to 335 already thanks very much today that's a picture from the united kingdom at rory chalons there let's analyze these ladies the balance. joined now by dr mark parrish she's the regional medical director in northern europe for international s.o.s. and joins us now from london to paris welcome to the program 1st what do you make of these latest figures out of this terrible tragic situation but it is a drop in the number of fatalities for the 2nd straight day. yes hello nic thanks it is isn't it it is
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a terrible tragic situation i wouldn't hang too much on this slight drop of a couple of days i think we would need to see a bit more time just to see if this is a continual downwards trend or whether it just happens to be a blip the other thing is what i tend to do if you want to think about how many actual cases there are in italy or any other country just multiply the number of deaths by 50 if you assume a mortality rate of 2 percent want to 2 percent of the figures we looking at then you multiply the italian death figures i think 6000 by 50 you get 300000 people infected that's probably a more accurate figure of the number of people that have coronavirus in initially all not bases do you think then that germany would be something over normally does it seem to have the same number of cases roughly to spain but the number of fatalities is much lesser in the ninety's yeah yeah because i think the german figures are a bit more accurate because they're doing more they're doing more testing. and this is it we see different countries in europe doing different amounts of testing and having different policies on testing and so it gets
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a bit confusing as to who is does have coronavirus and doesn't so look at the deaths by 50 that's likely to give you a better figure but again if we go back to italy you know 6000 deaths more than in china we know how to stop this disease we know completely how to stop it the chinese were very successful at stopping it because they mixed good old fashioned quarantine and isolation with modern technology and getting the local population completely bought into this to stop people moving around and to stop them contacting each other you know the virus spreads by droplets we know that we're much more likely to pick it up from somebody else if we are within 2 meters of them for more than 15 minutes and if we don't they could. hope the way to stop this virus spreading right we just lost you for a 2nd there but will persevered with it given everything that you're saying upon it given everything we all say what's your response to those scenes that we've seen in
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london and in the around the united kingdom where people have been going out have been going to their leisure sports are being seen in large numbers on the tube the yeah it's hard isn't it i mean i do understand that people wish to get outside and get some exercise and get the fresh air because in fact the last couple of days the weather has been stupendous today as well but if we can just remember to stay away from people 2 meters away from people it's a broom handle length and for less than 15 minutes that's going to significantly decrease the risk fall for the young and the fit they may well get this to 80 percent of us will get this disease and we will manage it at home with standard cough and cold remedies it's the older and those with serious medical conditions that are the ones that are most at risk and if you look at the italian figures that there was a report on the deaths came out the other day absolutely all of those deaths in the elderly or those with other medical conditions or
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a combination of the 2 those are the people we need to try to keep safe. do you think given the fears that there are in the united kingdom that what's happened in italy may be coming ukase way do you think that's likely to happen given the actions taken by the government i think we need to wait and see. certainly i think we should try to do what we need whatever we need to do to stop people spending time close to each other i think the vast majority of us realise that it's just a case of what else do we need to do to try to make that message clearer so people understand it and they realise why it's important. tomorrow's great to get your perspective on this appreciate that thanks a lot thanks nick. now the head of the united nations is calling for a global ceasefire to allow the world to focus on the fight against the pandemic our diplomatic editor james bates has more now from u.n. headquarters in new york hello welcome to this the u.n. is deeply concerned about the spread of coronavirus in countries already dealing
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with conflict and that's why at a virtual news conference the secretary general made this call the fury of the vials illustrates the folly of war that is why today i am calling for an immediate global cease fire in all corners of the world it is thank to put armed conflict on lockdown and focus together on the to fight of our lives the world health organization is the part of the un that's been leading the global response it's director general expressed his alarm at the speed of the spread of new cases the pandemic is accelerating it took 67 days from the 1st reported case to reach the 1st 100000 cases 11 days for the 2nd 100000 cases in just
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4 days for this. $100000.00 cases the secretary general we launching a global humanitarian appeal on wednesday he's asking for $2000000000.00 he's also written to the richest countries on earth the g 20 saying there needs to be more coordination and more help for the developing world later in the week the leaders of those g. 20 nations will be holding an online summit meeting james is era at the united nations now and the u.s. senate has failed to agree for a 2nd time on a trillion dollar stimulus bill aimed at helping the economy during this crisis politicians have been divided on what the final package should look like democrats a republican proposal favored corporations rather than workers while white house correspondent can be helped it is standing by for us in washington d.c. and a well it's on his life for us in new york but 1st let's go to kimberly in washington
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so you can really or what has to say is this the time for such division. well that's a question may americans who are watching it might be wondering because that time things got pretty heated even some cursing taking place on the floor of the u.s. senate a lot of finger pointing accusations that some weren't allowed to speak on the floor others think surest essentially what this is coming down to is an argument that. essentially that. yes policy is it's a little bit loud in my ear right now what the argument is is that. one day after the democrats blocked according to republicans that the argument is that these bailouts are really favoring corporations and that there's no limits in terms of the bailout that this is kind of a strings attached if you will kind of
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a thing without any oversight and the other our side of the coin is that what really has to happen right now in the midst of this crisis is that households are not being held to hospitals health care providers so a lot of finger pointing ad as you point out nothing really resolved thanks very much indeed and that's pretty good runs on the new york which is the worst affected region in the united states the 1st will just give us an idea a sense of what it's like that in the big guy. it's empty it's very surreal quite frankly we're out on the streets and you can just see almost nobody in new york city no traffic no cars very few people in the major out business avenues at all it's something that you just do not see in this city very much and just driving in from new jersey through the holland tunnel which is one of the 2 major huddles the other being the lincoln tunnel that go under the
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hudson river into new york city was 830 this morning that tunnel normally to get into the to the tunnel area just to get into the city at 8 30 in the morning on a monday would normally take at least 45 minutes there was not one single car in line at 8 30 in the morning to get into new york city on the holland tunnel so that just gives you an idea of how remarkable it is right now the numbers have shot up considerably in new york jumped 30 percent overnight there are now more than 33000 people in the state of new york that have coronavirus of those more than 20000 are here in new york city the neighborhoods hardest hit are queens and brooklyn now the numbers are so high in the state of new york because why primarily because new york is doing more testing than any other state in the nation about 16000 tests a day now so that's why you see these huge numbers it's increasing exponentially
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almost over every night now the governor said that is a good thing in a way because the more we can test he says the more we can identify who's has this virus and how we can contain them and ultimately bring this down but the governor of new york explaining it like this earlier today saying it's like a wave that's going to crash on new york and when it crashes we have to be ready and what he meant by that we have enough hospital beds right now he says we need 110000 i.c.u. beds he said we only have 55000 available so at this very hour the governor of new york is at. javits convention center in midtown manhattan he is turning that over and making it into a 1000 bed hospital to clear out some of the hospital space so this gives you an idea of the lengths that new york city and the state are going to are going to to try to prepare for this increase of numbers that we're seeing almost every night it's almost unimaginable who this is in the meanwhile all the while there's this
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big effort to try and shore up the u.s. economy to stop it from going into freefall despite the fact the u.s. senate has failed to agree for the 2nd time this trillion dollar stimulus bill tell us more about what's at stake here in terms of the economy. the u.s. economy is in freefall there's no other way to put it a lot of wall street analysts and people that are do this every day they're using a phrase here and it's called the great depression they're comparing what the u.s. is about to go into or what the u.s. economy is in turning into they're comparing it to the great depression they say this is going to be worse than the 20072008 economic crisis and crisis in the u.s. there is urgency to get it fixed but no one knows how to fix it. that's the problem because there's so much uncertainty now they've got the big airlines that need a bailout but they've also got millions of small businesses in the u.s.
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as well that are closed they're not opening and they're not only in new york city they're in states all over the country these small businesses are the backbone of the u.s. economy they might employ 5 people another one might employ 10203100 those are not working in half the country right now they're closed and no one knows when they're going to reopen so there's a real urgency in order to stop this freefall of the u.s. economy to give some relief some stimulus to not only the big airlines and to begin destry but also the small business owners who are the government saying we need to give them money to keep their employees paid and have them able to pay their rent so they at least don't go out of business when ever the u.s. comes out of this but no one knows when that will actually be that is a big problem here on wall street and that's why you're seeing that continue collapse of the stock market. it's certainly a troubling picture there in the united states thanks very much for the guerrillas on the. troubling picture across the world too well new infections
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a decrease in some asian countries is no sign of a slowdown in most of the region governments are responding with tighter restrictions new clothes shoes and travel bans could last for 6 months has got hired. even while there is some positive news on curbing the spread of coded 19 in some countries in asia pacific like south korea it's of the fewest new infection cases since its peak in february many more nations are moving forward on shutting down non-essential businesses and restricting movement indonesia just began a 2 week emergency period and hong kong will ban foreign arrivals for 14 days starting on wednesday this after a recent spike in coronavirus cases mostly imported the increasing economic impact on the region and the still unresolved 2 trillion dollar u.s. rescue package forced most major asian stock markets down as the new trading week started captains of industry leaders of union just really has implemented strict
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restrictions on non essential services and social gatherings cited together and with the rest of the world we face this unprecedented challenge a wants a 100 year event. a global health pandemic that is fast becoming an economic crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the great depression new zealand moved into its highest possible alert level restricting movement and shutting schools to be absolutely clear we are now asking all new zealand is. outside essential services to stay at home and to start all interaction with others outside of those in your household joining other major international air carriers singapore airlines announced that it was slashed its capacity by 96 percent grounding nearly all of its fleet to catastrophic situation traffic was pretty normal but every
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numbers traffic in asia fell by about 50 percent and that's deteriorated further as we've gone through march because more and more countries. fighting rain erna virus outbreaks and as a result more and more borders directions singapore airlines move comes after the country closed its borders to travelers even transiting passengers in order to curb the spread of the virus scott had learned. more than half of india is under a complete lockdown as the government tries to contain the spread of hiv in $1000.00 there are $468.00 confirmed cases and 9 death and while most people follow the government's orders there were desperate scenes of bus stations as migrant workers try to return home elizabeth cohen has more from new delhi. this is what the indian government wanted to prevent hundreds of people crowding together migrant workers in the state of bihar filled overcrowded buses some even climbed on the roofs in a desperate attempt to return to their homes. and came and sat here
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and talk to you somewhere but no one was here and. they are. saying that the bus will go but how will we just keep. migrant workers around the country try to catch buses after indian railways cancel train services which carry more than $25000000.00 commuters a day. all interstate buses and metro service is cancelled until the end of the month the ministry of civil aviation announced all domestic flights will be suspended from wednesday promised in that interim order tweeted saying many people a still not taking the lockdown seriously even though most public places were deserted around the country many regional leaders including in the capital territory of delhi said they would take action against anyone who violates the measure is. going now
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everyone from today has to obey the law gone completely and not done started this morning maybe you had to go out for some mississippi work but from tomorrow the government will enforce the knock down and will use force to ensure that. also announced financial and humanitarian assistance to those affected in delhi as the indian government introduces more restrictions every day to limit the spread of the virus many have lost their livelihoods or have been stranded are also hoping to hear how the government will help them beyond telling them to stay at home elizabeth al-jazeera new delhi. to south africa now where the president's arrival 1st has announced a national lockdown for 21 days and that's from thursday that has deployed the army to support the police in enforcing the shut down there are more than 400 confirmed cases in south africa but no pray tell it is this is the decisive measure to
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save lives of some of the africans from infection and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of our people. while this measure will have a considerable impact on people's livelihoods on the life of our society and on our economy the human cost of delaying this action would be far far greater. let's join for me to miller his live in johannesburg for us for me to what's been the reaction to this. well i think that while millions of south africans did expect this type of announcement from the president it is still a reminder of the reality that they're facing they in the last few days over social media and also one of the largest unions in south africa union federations cosatu
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had called for a shutdown of south africa saying that this was necessary to save lives so i do believe that these are those addressed by the president has a welcome move given that south africa has a number of of realities to deal with south africa 7000000 people with hiv there is a huge problem with the book you know says and these problems will only worsen the position of many south africans in terms of their immunity in a situation like this of the spread of the corona virus in south africa tell us more meter if you would about the number of cases in south africa and indeed in neighboring countries if those figures and. well i think that's the biggest concern for the south african government and the health authorities year that there's been a 6 fold increase in just 8 days from about 61 cases to 402 and this is why the president of course has said that without immediate swift and extraordinary action we wouldn't be able to avoid what he says would be
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a human catastrophe of enormous proportions there's a lot of concern about the burden the health facilities hospitals and clinics would take under the stress of a further outbreak if this were to worsen so far the government has designated public hospitals to deal with covert $1000.00 cases there are several around the country but there is concern that there simply wouldn't be enough given the burden that the health facilities find themselves under already now this national doctor is going to take place from thursday midnight and continue for at least 21 days in that time people who are responsible for essential services like security health workers banks also will be allowed to continue their work but for the rest of south africans they will be restricted to their homes there's going to be what the government to sit. a monitoring of people's movements the deployment of the army to
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help the police restrict movement and i think one of the biggest concerns around all the stuff they want to lock down which has there's been a lot of speculation over recent days is what impact it will have on the economy so that fricker is already struggling it's in a technical recession millions of people in this country live hand to mouth in a lockdown it's likely that their position will worsen from a. national lockdown for 21 days from thursday for me to thanks very much in the. still ahead here on al-jazeera kenya edges towards total lockdown the people say there's no reason to isolate.
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and there are some variants of the weather conditions across northern sections of the middle east of the last few days that in fact we've also seen a lot of thunderstorms working their way the tools a sad thing see this the sort of scattered area of cloud that was the front that went through so it was the turn of a moment to see these strong storms and certainly on sunday a look at the size of this hail so not surprising it did do some damage has it is just one photo of a car windscreen that has been smashed on that if you go through tuesday generally these coastal areas across the fossil mostly across into yemen basin pieces a cloud the wind should begin to. certainly into up to 27 degrees celsius and then you see scattered showers across much of turkey and again more of that really further to the east working its way through much of afghanistan on into northern pakistan still some very stubborn child on wednesday along the same coastal areas elsewhere though not a bad day and the winds should really have lightened as we head into wednesday if you will scottish as into eastern sections of madagascar and i'm going to will see
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some very heavy rain as we go through choose a bit by fall the bulk of the rains around once again the gulf of guinea and we will be seeing some developing rain showers into the south of south africa so cooling things off in capetown and a windy day with a high of 23. when diplomacy fails and fear sweep then our borders are wide open wide open to drugs terrorists we've proven the barriers are built to impose division and it's not effective instead of being an obstacle or tornado wastes into became another obstacle to peace in a 4 part series al-jazeera revisits the reasons for divisions in different parts of the world and the impact they have on both sides walls of shame on al-jazeera. overthrown and exiled their point again say if you all thought this race
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we actually knew an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency he knows that the truth was forged by and we knew they not only do you think he is still holding on we'll look for a change in this return of a president on al-jazeera. i don't get what she does here a reminder the top stories of the number of people killed by the corona virus pandemic in italy has exceeded 6000 with another 602 people dying in the last 24 hours that is almost double the number of deaths recorded in china where the virus
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originated. in the u.s. senate says vaile had failed to agree on a one trillion dollar economic relief package for the 2nd time republicans and democrats are divided over what to include. and south african presidents or ramaphosa has announced a national lockdown for 21 days from thursday he says the army will be to point to support the police number of confirmed cases across the country have surpassed 400 . well since the code 900. 15 percent to the range of digital tracking physical surveillance and censorship measures to slow the spread of the virus but they're all pretty concerned if their heart reports. police trains patrol the skies over france monitoring the streets below this is how some countries are enforcing look down to stem the spread of coronavirus the jones also double up as loud speakers get what he had so many calls national police see things
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in real time on the screen and going that assume those people hear the message they leap it's prevention not repression. but other governments have taken tracking people's movement a step further last week israel approved the use of spite acknowledged to track people's location all done using their mobile phones. now the israeli government services have used that database only in order to deal with terrorism and prevent terrorist attacks in israel but if there will be extreme cases where individuals will escape from being either in hospital or from isolated places we can have access to news that database civil liberties campaign is they have warned the move sets a dangerous precedent to ensure that there is oversight of the parliament that there is a clear responsibility of the government to delete the data after it makes use of it public health experts argue that location tracking capabilities used in some
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asian countries during this pandemic have proved effective at controlling the spread of the virus on friday singapore introduced a smartphone app that identifies those possibly exposed to the virus and their locations was rolled out an electronic track a wristband that uses what's called geo fencing technology which logs the g.p.s. location of people under quarantine south korea is already using surveillance camera footage smartphone make ation data reportedly credit card records to trace recent movements and establish virus transmission chains in china where the virus started facial recognition technology has been used and citizens are made to download software on their phones that indicate whether a person should be in quarantine or not the u.s. is looking at using similar tactics the white house is in talks with companies like google and facebook competently using location data from mobile phones for public health surveillance of the virus so congress members of urged u.s.
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president to ensure data protection. as countries around the world race to contain the spread of corona virus many are also concerned about how these mass digital surveillance tools may be used once this global crisis is. so high it's al-jazeera or let's move on to other news now and authorizes in mozambique say an armed group has taken full control of a town in the country's north it's in the province of couple delgado where there's already been at least 30 attacks this year security forces are trying to recapture the talent where the group has hoisted its flag hundreds have been killed and thousands displaced from that region since the fighting began in 2017 let's take this on we can speak to david also from london the counterterrorism expert at global risk international david as i say these attacks go back to 2017 what do we know about them and what's behind them. nick for the past 3 years the
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provincial cricket we don't go especially if it was somebody probably has been taken over by a local jihadist of an a-z. shoot commonly referred to as old though they have you know very late to contact with the main hush bottle somalia they are actually in in the real sense you know the son of an association that he's linked to another local organization called it in my view not a town i don't know why genies call the. very much leading to the i like him a cryptic foresees you know that came from uganda that would use in every country and you know these group has pledged allegiance not to build out and dislike mixed it and they are receiving a lot of support from both of them as a sheehan's they have taken full control of the northern region. of muslim be and remind you that this is
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a region that is very rich you know even in gas you know you know very much economic. power who regions in that area so you know they have to you know a a a an area which is key not just to the government of mozambique but to a lot of international organizations round he said like a exxon and total is not a place to $1000000000.00 gas projects that they're conducting and what about the government today got hundreds killed thousands displaced what can the authorities do and what all the day. i think what the authorities have been doing so ace you know they have brought seen some you know a private organization some of them might lead to criminally. you know and you know there is there is a lot of talk about the at the waca not private military group dysfunction base and they haven't really done much you know to you don't reduce the violence in that region but i think what they ate the government don't was
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a big needs to do is to look at intent on a strategy you know i don't think i am reminded of you know what the same techniques that the nigerian government has used previously you know who seem to move out of the troops you know that's a recent tactics that you know it's required in that region i have seen that kind of tactics employed by the chief of army staff and if you're not politically correct that they need to let you know to you know the security systems and own their security strategy right now it seems to seem to goldman has actually outsourced you know the counter intelligence strategy you know to you know what a lot of people see as you know russian backed but you know well i think what could you get that with regional powers uganda tanzania would be the best strategy for them to be able to combat you know these terrorist especially because these terrorists are now wanted hats and minds of look after police shoot at that i'll tell you from credible risk international do appreciate your perspective on this
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thanks very much thank you. your sector state might pompei or has made a brief visit to afghanistan to help salvage a peace deal with the taliban he held talks with the president ashraf ghani who's leadership is being contested by abdullah abdullah following last year's elections the political policy is threatening a potential peace deal with the taliban which insists on a prisoner swap is a 1st step to spite the long distance travel left the country after a few hours without saying if any progress had been made well victoria funtown who's a professor of peace studies at the american university of afghanistan says access will depend on the unification of the country. the next step from here is twofold the taliban have been promised by the united states of $5000.00 prisoners by the afghan government and so that would be one step and then of course remains a big issue which is the university you need to so we off the government itself so
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the next step i'm going to be for all the parties to speak with one another and to discuss on the way forward but of course the most important question in the violence used the unity of the afghan government i am told that the deal is imminent and that person to have been spoken about and you know we've seen the actual security crises and the indy tsunami that is going to come in terms of public 19 it is the interest of ever that those 2 parties actually come together and think about the future of their country at the moment the population using support of any piece of the moment i would say that. crucially important is going to be the population support to what's that and the taliban have a lead that they would be able to control in their ranks there is a unity in the government the same is going to happen on the other side so every
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party now knows that the we have to pull together and we did make this. the 1st confirm to coronavirus case in syria has raised concern over the country's ability to contain an outbreak syria's health care system has been weakened by nearly a decade of war a curfew went into effect in parts of kurdish controlled northern and eastern syria on monday around borders the airport in damascus have already been shot meanwhile turkey russia have completed a 2nd joint military patrol in northwest syria the 2 countries agreed earlier this month to guard the m 4 highway together it's part of a deal to end the violence in the last rebel held in the province. guinea's opposition says at least 10 people have died in violence following a controversial referendum in parliamentary vote it follows months of protest against a vote which will determine if the president can stay in power. as his report i there were several attempts to stop this election it was boycotted by
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anti-government protesters who say it's a ploy designed to extend the power of guinea's president potentially for 12 more years surrounded by security forces the 82 year old president walked to a voting center seemingly unfazed by months of criticism and the threat of a new coronavirus then he said. this is a message of peace and solidarity we've made all the arrangements we have had washing units everywhere people are keeping a safe distance even though we've only had a few cases before voting day clashes broke out on the streets of the capital opposition leaders accusing curity forces of killing at least 10 demonstrators and some cities government offices and schools that were to be used as polling sites were set on fire by protesters to prevent people from voting. roads were blocked and businesses closed the disruption caused voting delays in some districts but no
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cancellations what did. you see when we brought the voting material and form the section chief of the area was not safe there been violent clashes some officers climbed the fence to escape opposition leaders are now calling for more anti-government protests they say it's time for the president to step down. the government is irresponsible it doesn't care about the lives or the health of the people of guinea president condé is only interested in a 3rd term in office. while opponents insist the vote is being used as a power grab supporters of the government call it a crucial step for guinea's development whatever the result it's unlikely to heal the country's divisions cards will open so the young soldiers here. kenya is edging towards a total lockdown as the number of coronavirus cases there rises to 15 the government is suspending all international flights from wednesday and has ordered pubs and restaurants to remain closed kenyans are also being urged to take social
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distancing seriously but that's not possible for many as catherine sawyer reports now from the capital nairobi. many of the conversations in nairobi the eppy said 1000 in kenya are about the disease the government has restricted international travel and closed schools and universities kenyans advice to wash hands regularly stay home if possible and avoid large gatherings. but doing that in makeshift slum housing is nearly impossible areas where millions of people call home many sharing single room shocks a few spaces to isolate or enjoy the luxury of walking from the house most leave on last in $2.00 a day this is one of the most densely populated areas in the city people here are not just worried about the disease and how it may affect them but also how they will survive with no money to feed their families or even enough water to regularly
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wash their hands. don't wash his clothes for a living she shares 2 rooms with more than 10 oftens in this sprawling metherell slum her biggest concern right now is finding water in normal circumstances she uses 80 liters a day costing around $4.00. some nonprofit organizations are setting up water points but they're not enough. people still get government quarter only thrice a week which we have to go in for check for to point they tell us to wash our hands all the time we want to or without water supply what can we do. in math are recorded the hustle and bustle in the slum for al-jazeera following the introduction of the government house restrictions he tells us disease is rife including the common flu which poses a problem. by doing. even though many people have the flu children are always
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coughing it's a common thing and difficult to tell if it's caught on or not these noire here where we can get tested it's very hard for the response to both because beetles in town used tend to self medicate. the government to step in people with symptoms and their contacts as well as starting random testing targeted areas but medical experts are urging preparations for mass testing should the disease start spreading quickly we need to have a lot of people to. and on testing that is number one number 2 we also needed to expand our testing facilities beyond where we had to mouth doctors say they hope to minimize the spread of cobbett 19 to areas such as my viral with some of the most vulnerable kenyans leave but had dejan others here want more preventative measures now to keep them safe catherine sorry al-jazeera nairobi kenya. now 30000000 children in the united states get free subsidized school meals every day
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but with classes canceled to stop the spread of the current virus pandemic private groups have stepped in to ensure those students don't go hungry the most is small nonprofit organizations like virginia based hope its founder donna 40 it delivers breakfast and lunch to families and she took us alone. i'm donna fortier and i'm c.e.o. and founder of mobile home. we had probably 80 to 100 volunteers come in and we packed about 1200 bags. and i think now if we're at this right we're going to run out of food probably the 1st week of distribution. and i think there's more of an urgency with the families and the families are a lot of them can't go to work and so now they're really starting to worry about are they going to be able to pay their rent and then says to ok all right what do
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you want to be in the most the wealthiest county in the country as we're now and we still have all those needs it's kind of this unforgotten you know or the forgotten community or one of those urban where you're going to really get in and so every little bit that we can do that helps them save money to be able to do that is what we're here to do. with the people that we. love the systems being. they really affect me because you know 3 kids and babysitting and them to get destroyed with when they go bordeaux home they have fun us cool or special my oldest kid she's 7 and she's like i love school but when i go. i go to school and get them from birth or don't like dumplings. so they have something worth. thank god it's been always something the school has been helping me all the way but i'm speechless but basically you just wouldn't let me i
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can't say. i've been there's a lot of good thanks and there's something they're really going to enjoy. to hear on al-jazeera japan faces pressure of a limping proportions to cancel the games because of the time dining.
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room. got an account of the australia norway say they will not send their athletes to the tokyo limpid games until the health emergency is set to be held in july but now the
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prime minister shinzo abbé has admitted they could be postponed it is unlikely a prime. after weeks of insisting the show must go on now something of a turnaround from the japanese prime minister cannot cause i said i came up with hope to hold the games to mark that the world has defeated the coronavirus i thought that canceling them is not an option at all but if that becomes difficult we will think of the athletes 1st and foremost and we may have no option but to consider postponing. the games as it to be held in july but the virus that's caused both human catastrophe and economic crisis across the globe is threatening the world's biggest sporting event canada became the 1st country to announce its and then pick in paralympic teams want people to surprising in the games urging the international olympic committee and the tokyo organizes to push back the event by at least a year we're witnessing a remarkable upsurge in athletes speaking out against the international olympic
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committee who has been very slow to act in the face of the coronavirus situation and in that sort of leadership vacuum you've seen athletes and sport bodies rise up and what canada has done just moments ago is absolutely remarkable tokyo's olympic chief is warned that the games $1000000000.00 budget and he is planning are at stake and that cancelling would be bad for both stakeholders and athletes if they did see you know get a leg or you we never intend to talk about a consolation but japan and international olympic committee will talk together about what to do postponement to only be one of the many scenarios like the increasing pressure from athletes to call off the games is not just because bringing hundreds of thousands of sportsmen and women coaches and fans together could help spread the virus but they argue that having them continue high level training is putting them and their families at risk i think again it should be
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postponed and i think it's the best option at least worst option available to us know so they've got an amazing. spin the games and then they will together we see the back of this. just a few weeks ago the idea of postponing the olympics was unthinkable now it's looking more and more likely another victim of these unprecedented times the i.o.c. says it will make a decision within the next 4 weeks from now the olympic torch relay is set to go ahead from thursday but without the usual fanfare with crowds aged not to attend an exuberant al-jazeera. well you zealand will go into lockdown for a month as it attempts to stop the virus spreading to maine cross and is the coronavirus patient whose non-recovery ought to be diagnosed every weekend and she spoke to al-jazeera about her experience my 1st symptoms were that i had a sore throat. and then i started getting
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a bad cough. i couldn't tell which of us with a cough was was real or there was this anxiety because i was reading a lot of reports and it was making me feel very anxious. and there excavated to the point where i realised i was too isolated where i was and i made my way picked or friends and my husband had hired a camper van to cut now driveway and i moved into that and my sentences got worse and worse and i went to say much a pay as you hadn't seen anyone i hadn't touched anyone and no they weren't anybody and they swapped me and the next day and that i had i had a virus and the day after that my coffin got so bad that i couldn't breathe and i was well wishing from it and i got hospitalized in a hospital that i asked for days. and i just got that they just got ivan erica all right so you got tested out your g.p.s.
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right well i didn't get to go into the taping i had set my cat and they came to me and has that suits and they did and then i got a cold that the next day from the department of health to let me know that i had buyers so when you were in hospital and i know you just got out what sort of treatment did they give you there well you know what did you take. very little i can to say. i had 6 very well met bloods who have a switch to make sure that. cells grow doing the things that this person most they are has handled oh and they they gave me anting xyzzy medication so obviously finding acquired while going. i was the only patient in that current affair. and. i was probably good taste i mean. there's really not much more than that i could do and i wasn't thinking like. that
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said janine cross enough thankfully in recovery not to relive the 3 will be coming right up to. a winning program from international film a tense. play out just the arrest sets the stage for egypt to be to appear will be the life you can live as a life in the ninety's dead everybody is dead the global x. but it's getting we're going to let the planet go to ruin because we're not doing obvious things open your eyes to an alternative view of the wild today on the
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mountains and. singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanished it's a big business smuggling sam when they go take the city there in the sand is where you see this beautiful beach but behind it is something that's not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sandals at this time on al-jazeera. of struggles full of pleasure i mean nobody that appears in them which i suppose i'm probably one of the battery of my. life. only. a little an intimate look at life in cuba. or teacher kerry i forgot to be a trickster this is my cue. on al-jazeera. understand
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the differences and similarities of cultures across the world the sentimental way. to news and current affairs that matter to you. corona virus kills another 462 people in spain it taking its death toll to more than 2000 but there are positive signs from italy. you're watching al-jazeera live from london i'm sorry also ahead. if you're starting to put armed conflict on lockdown and focus together on the to fight of all lives the u.n. secretary general calls for an immediate cease fire around the world.


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