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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2020 12:00pm-12:35pm +03

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in reach of those seeking chaos combining the most toxic substances. to land me invisible thread on al-jazeera. hoping the trying to use province work over 1000 began to base says it's about to end many restrictions on travel. some of the what geologists are alive my headquarters here in doha are also coming up new rules are empty in the streets across india around a 1000000000 people now under orders to stay at home. also spain's government brings in the army to help disinfect its streets to prevent further infections. and
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delays of pakistan's and rapid transport project as many blaming the prime minister's provincial government corruption. welcome to the program the chinese province where the corona virus outbreak began is to lift many travel restrictions just as the rest of the world is introducing more drastic measures who pay a region of more than 60000000 people has been under lockdown since late january when the government shut down roads railways and airports people will soon be allowed to leave once they get a tracking code confirming that the virus free the one exception is the city of the worst affected area which will see its travel restrictions lifted on april the 8th . for the very latest let's bring in our chorus of it between the use of beijing for so the chinese announce the restrictions about to be lifted at the apiece and of the outbreak what do those changes mean in reality for those either in or in the
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wider province of who. so often midnight tonight people in who they will be able to drive their cars again without permission before it was only government vehicles during the lockdown allowed to be on roads people will be able to freely travel within the province it seems go to different counties before they were restricted to their home county or their home city and people will be able to enter who bay as long as you have a green tracking codes if you come from elsewhere in the country you can enter the province so this is some freedom but in reality this is freedom in theory quite limited freedom because there are still no trains buses or planes leaving who've a province the only thing is that people can board to leave the province seem to be charted trains or buses taking workers specifically from their home county to another factory or other place of work outside the country you can't just willy
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nilly need have you have to have a good reason and somebody to receive you at the other end you have to have a green card as you mentioned and also it's up to the provincial government whether they're going to accept workers from a province we have to remember even the restrictions are easing the still quite a lot of fear around china around a possible 2nd wave of infections and a lot of provincial governments are simply not allowing kuby residents at all and they join for example has very much closed its doors to anybody from cuba a province still so katrina how does what's potentially going to happen in. sort of impact the way the chinese are thinking about the rest of the country moving within its own borders and how those that want to come to china actually well received. so the main i guess incentive of the chinese government is to get people working again it's not necessarily to give people freedom of travel everywhere so what that
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means is that they're still very much focused on preventing infections from who'd be problems and also from overseas they're still keeping their eye on imported cases so for example in beijing they seem to be tightening restrictions from this week international flights are no longer able to arrive in beijing airports they're being diverted to airports elsewhere in the country so that passengers can be screened and potentially quarantine in those areas before beginning to come to beijing and undergo another period of coron team they're also tightening monitoring of people's movements around the country so if you come in and out of other cities the authorities are tracking that via mobile phone apps you have to report to authorities where you've been and even on a local scale for example in beijing and shanghai they've increased the number of checkpoints simply to go into residential compounds and other office and building compounds if you're a foreigner they want to know that you if you flee left the country in recent weeks
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and so they're keeping very close tabs on people so although these things are returning to normal slowly in china this outbreak is definitely not over people are still very anxious about infections going up again and the government is is aware that they're not going to orban the floodgates although they are easing some of these restrictions for people in china of course along the rest of the world what's going on with crowbars for the moment to really you thank you for sharing. well while some restrictions are ending in china other countries are preparing for the worst most of india's states are now under lockdown nearly a 1000000000 people have been ordered to stay at home nationwide curfews room place and domestic flights have been banned and that's in addition to those international flights to india has reported more than 460 confirmed cases and 9 deaths elizabeth purana is in new delhi where police are taking action against people disobey the lockdown. we had police officers go into an area called chain bar is perhaps the
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most well known protest site against those on the ongoing protests against the government's citizenship laws the most well known one police went in after 7 o'clock and dismantled it detaining about 9 people because people aren't allowed to gather anymore in more than groups of 4 the only circumstances under which people are allowed out in many parts of the country now to get groceries to go to the pharmacy some people in banking are allowed to work and so to health care workers and hospitals no one else's and as you said much of the country's. public transport transport system is completely shut down indian railways passenger trains can switch in the end of the month only goods commercial goods and projects are being transported all buses all interstate buses and most buses in fact cancelled all metro services no taxis so of course this is having an impact
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not just on people getting around but all certainly while the government is trying to make sure that essential goods and projects can move we're already hearing from . you know people like vegetable vendors that they're not actually able to get as much produce as they need not just for people to survive but for themselves to survive their daily wage earners like so many in india who need to work every day to survive. well soldiers in spain who have been deployed to help during the crisis have found elderly patients in retirement homes abandoned in worst cases dead in their beds the military was sent to disinfect care homes in one of europe's worst hit countries an ice rink in madrid has been converted as a temporary mortuary for covert 19 victims lawrence lee correspondent joins us now via skype from london let's just begin with the situation becoming a lot graver especially in spain well yes and you can see in
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a can the country has as relatively wealthy and advanced as spain just how impossible it is for traditional health kassam manage a situation as we were saying yesterday a very large convention center. has not been set up as a temporary hospital string has a mortuary it's really grim stuff. and on top of that as you were saying it was announced last night when when when the military what went into care to try to see what was going on they found no people dead in their parents and apparently abandoned on the supposition can only be that they were what was supposed to be in charge they have simply. left. slightly unbelievable and the defense minister was very clear when he said that they are going to take very serious action against these people. frankly mr my duty and i know the majority are fulfilling their duty and they are paying attention but listen this has to be said
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the army in some of their resorts to the care centers i've seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds. other countries to look at they saw oil everyone's desperately hoping when it's early reports its annual death rate since obviously the daily death toll is really what it's about at the moment much less today it will continue the downward trends the the peak was saturday march 21st nearly 800 deaths that's a day since then it's gone down by down to 601 yesterday germany is also very interesting this news conference going on in berlin right now with a rubber cock institute they've got a very high number of cases but a very small death rates as of yesterday the germans are saying they didn't quite know why that was they might know about its morrow but if they've managed to find a way of keeping the death rate down that could become a model for other countries which is now it's under for the same sort of
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restrictions of course lawrence huge moves in the u.k. all but that even sort of to stem the spread of the virus britons waking up all choose day to a reality that many perhaps have only heard about when the country experience world will too. yes well yes and obviously the hope is that this is a global thing and all the questions are what is asking in the local media in this country about what can i go to work and what who can go to work and when can when can i take my dog for want all these sorts of things you know these are questions that europeans of across the channel and i would also say also weeks now so you know that this isn't this isn't the british issue that the thing that's really interesting about the u.k. is actually the epidemiology and the science of it because while some countries took a view that the best thing to do was a lot done as quickly as you can the scientific view in this country was if you do that. too early then you risk the same sort of explanation or rise in cases much later in the year as he's now being seen in italy and spain right at the moment and
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so the view in this country where the cases are still very low even compared to france last sort of 4050 a day for the time being so the big rise hasn't happened they've taken the view that i think that if you introduce some sort of collective immunity in a small way into the population with most people still getting better and then you trigger the lock down you've got more chance of being able to protect the health this and print and also prevent a very large spike in cases that we see in these countries because no one knows if that's if as an analysis the strategy is better than other countries have done will only really know in 3 or 4 weeks' time but that appears now to be the thinking from the british or continue to monitor events with you and our teams in london for the moment lawrence thank you. president told trump says he's considering how the u.s. could reopen the business as soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections he says the u.s.
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so was not built to be shut down economies in turmel with millions of americans and to shut down orders and politicians on monday again failed to pass a trillion dollar bill to stimulate the economy i did hear castro reports. the streets of manhattan are empty reminiscent of the days after 911 but within new york's hospitals doctors say they're under siege the number of cases across the country has soared and we don't get control of this in the next 2 to 3 weeks our hospital system to be overwhelmed under mounting pressure from state governors president trump says his administration has shipped 8000000 respirator masks he's also signed an executive order to prevent the hoarding of critical medical supplies but if you are sitting on a hat on a warehouse with masks. surgical masks you will be hearing a knock on your door for more than 100000 americans are under orders to stay home
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despite the growing number of cases trump says he hopes to reopen the country soon we're not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem started out as a purely medical problem and it's not going to go beyond that just not going to allow that to happen meanwhile congress remains at a stalemate over a nearly 2 trillion dollar economic rescue package the republican plan stalled by senate democrats the bill still includes something that most americans don't want to see large corporate bailouts with no most no strings attached the government is also fast tracking experimental drug treatments one endorsed by president trump as a possible game changer against the corona virus has not been a proven effective in a clinical setting and in arizona a man who self medicated with a drug to treat his corona virus has died heidi joe castro al-jazeera maryland.
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well still ahead here on al-jazeera why the global health crisis has spurred a surge. in turkey. this satellite picture will tell a story of the cloud moving north of the sun there were officially in spring which means the rainy season should be ending there asked to show us over java but this is obviously the focus of the heaviest stuff now the rains really up into the southern philippines as all of the borneo still slow way sea and there are also showers in java in sumatra but we should be seeing more in india china for example you got the showers in vietnam northern thailand and even sudden time in kuala lumpur's quite possibly in the frame for some more thunderstorms as well this is all to be expected at this time of the year in australia things are quite as you
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might expect and we've got fairly obvious frontal system running from west to east given the orkut in their energy from the bite which means some hopefully welcome rain the new south wales and southern queensland attempt is not that bad 20 mark typically a bit above the other side of the country the continent even perth is 35 up to 37 but i mean it says it rather hot considering again we've changed to autumn but the showers are probably the more welcome thing and they're still there on the coast including in sydney. today temperatures further west as a round about 20 bucks they have not changed much there is rain there in new zealand. but. perception is validation believe want to be seen but in one life time we cannot see everything but we rely on experiences of. the
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legacies of previous generations. i think testimony we've got you know very little . witness documentaries that open your eyes on al-jazeera. you're watching others are with me the whole room the reminder of our top stories china sube a province where the corona virus outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions it's been under lockdown since late january when the government shut down roads railways and airports. the indian government is searching hundreds of millions of
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people to stay home locking down nearly every state domestic flights in our band as well as people traveling to india. soldiers in spain have found elderly patients in retirement homes abandoned and in worst cases dead in their beds the military has sent or was said to disinfect care homes in one of europe's worst hit countries. now the israeli high court of justice ordered the speaker of parliament to allow the blue and white party to hold a vote on his replacement little steam has refused to convene the knesset and to hold a vote following swearing in of the new parliament critics a close ally of prime minister benjamin netanyahu it'll stay in his power lies in the government as the vote could weaken the prime minister and his hold on power earlier this month opposition leader benny gantz was asked to form a new government let's get more on this war correspondent harry forsett joins me now from west jerusalem it seems to be sort of a major breakdown in the functioning of israeli politics one wonders how it's going
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to get resolved. well indeed i mean you can start this i suppose anytime over the last year or so with 3 now inconclusive elections but certainly since last week when the speaker of the parliament a close ally as you say of netanyahu decided to try to circumvent efforts by the opposition parties who have a narrow majority in the parliament the knesset to try to replace him as speaker and thereby take over the business of the knesset by simply shutting it down and then when it reopened on monday again he refused to have the necessary votes and the high court stepped in asking him in the 1st case to have that vote then when he refused ruling that he had to institute that vote by wednesday at the latest now this is caused a huge standoff a real constitutional crisis between 2 branches of government between the the party of benjamin netanyahu especially and the courts they've been battling against the
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courts which they've seen as overstepping their bounds for some time of course the courts say they are simply trying to uphold the democratic values of allowing especially now with a caretaker administration still holding office at all stone himself being a holdover not a freshly elected speaker of the knesset that it's vital for the democratic functioning of israeli politics for this vote to go through and so this standoff and are continually could is simply not taking part in any votes not see not taking part in any of the committees that have been set up by the opposition parties and as we're having a response to a massive health and economic crisis as we are with a caretaker prime minister in charge it's far from ideal so what does this mean in terms of the consequences for debts and yahoo and it sort of ability to remain in the pm job. well one of the things that blue and white and its allies want to do
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is pass legislation which would prevent any prime minister or potential prime minister under indictment as netanyahu is in 3 separate corruption cases his court case has been put off by the health crisis to may it would prevent such a person standing or trying to make a government trying to form a government now that as i understand it would start with a 4th election so it might not necessarily affect his current position or his ability potentially to form a unity government an emergency unity government is what he says he wants to do with blue and white but it would if it were passed and if it were up held in the courts prevent him from putting everything off until a 4th election and then being able to be prime minister there so it certainly would very much strengthen the hand of blue and white in any negotiations potentially trying to make netanyahu go 2nd in a rotational prime minister agreement with benny gantz the leader of blue and white
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instead of 1st it would certainly weaken him and so that's one of the reasons that edelstein has been so keen to try to presumably try to stave this off and say that he will institute this vote at a time of his choosing that it's within his power the court says it isn't it's their right to choose and we see how this plays a plays out this standoff over the next couple of days indeed how to force it in west jerusalem thank you now the syrian government has imposed curfews and ban public transport after confirmed its 1st case of corona virus the health minister says all necessary measures have been taken the 20 year old and a 20 year old woman is in quarantine there have been unconfirmed reports of infections for weeks but all thought of desire to cover up humanitarian groups say a major outbreak in syria could be catastrophic. well in turkey the demand for sanitizing hygiene products as cause prices to seoul the country has nearly $1600.00 confirmed cases including $37.00 deaths in
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a cinema consumer reports from istanbul men's cologne is also high in demand carrying a cologne that's important for both hospitality and hygiene in turkey it's not popular because it smells nice lemon to kidnap senate sides or is for turks struggling to control the spread of coronet virus after the 1st diagnosed case was announced earlier this month panic buyers swamp supermarkets and pharmacies demand for the germ killer has leapt 5 fold the other fear that out as the global demand rose turkey's stocks begin to melt as well and to fix our prices we are doing our best to resist us we don't know how much longer we can continue to accuse the pentagon foreign suppliers for declawing which contains 80 percent ethanol the turkish government scrap through corn meant to add ethanol to guess selling for 3 months in a bid to boost disinfectant for that action to help combat the spread of corinna
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virus all exports of this infected ethanol and medical fabrics now need government approval because of the high demand that's home cologne and sanitizer producers say i'll call it like gold nowadays that's why they declined requests from abroad to meet the local market simmons and they're urging people not to over buy in panic for a fair distribution. as well in school and other sanitation products are meant for face masses also wound prices have soared 70 percent that if there are republicans in this media countries that were exposed to the pandemic earlier than turkey faced domestic demand booms for sanitizers and didn't back didn't their experience told us to analyze our stocks considering turkey's population and the need for disinfecting the environment our domestic stock should be well magine under control pre-approval exports is vital now to make its presence has told people to stay it's home for at least 3 weeks to stop the spread of coronets virus and announce
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a $16000000000.00 economic relief package that includes postponing that payment and reducing taxes in various sectors in turkey central bank cut the spending what interest rate to try and reduce the impact of the virus turkey's major tourism industry exports and consumers are all suffering as the value of the iraq continues to fall seen on console or al-jazeera and stumble. the governments of cigar limo ricos to both declared a state of emergency in response to the global outbreak of already and the president. announced a night time. curfew and gradual confinement measures and a curfew has also been imposed in senegal or gatherings and looks at how the west african region is coping. social distancing is a luxury in neighborhoods like this where people live in close proximity many are braving the government orders to stay indoors and avoid public gatherings on friday
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police fired tear gas on hundreds of protesters demonstrating after moms were arrested for conducting friday prayers over the weekend the number of cases jumped not just here in senegal but throughout sub-saharan africa with health authorities saying they cannot trace back the contacts that the infected people have had in other words that people here are spreading the virus without their knowledge in mauritania gambia zimbabwe several infected patients around away from hospital and so this pandemic is revealing the level of distrust there is between the government and their health services with people here the governments that are employing even more restrictive measures from announcing a state of emergency where the military are being deployed clearing out entire neighborhoods to shutting down a border or even announcing confinement and this is
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a real struggle for most of the people who live in sub-saharan africa will live on less than $6.00 a day we have to go out every day to make ends meet and they're faced with this difficult challenge to choose whether to stay indoors and go hungry or go out and risk being infected and spread the virus. zimbabwe has reported its 1st deaths from the pandemic just days after confirming the 1st cases in the country the government has closed schools and banned large gatherings but there are concerns about its ability to handle the outbreak the u.n. warned late last year the boys on the brink of starvation with 8000000 people desperate for food. and there will be mass protests in guinea after a controversial referendum and parliamentary vote opposition groups accuse present alpha condé of trying to amend the constitution so he can extend his stay in office for 12 years protesters attacked several polling stations in the capital conakry claim the start of voting in some districts. the u.s.
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is to cut a $1000000000.00 in aid to afghanistan after the afghan president and his political rival failed to form a new government secretary of state might pompei a real plan during an unannounced visit to kabul he strongly criticized both usher of guardian and his rival abdullah abdullah of failing to work together and potentially threatening a u.s. led deal with the taliban. pakistan's prime minister won the election with a promise to end corruption but some of iran cards ministers are accused of corruption related to a landmark transport project in the north a suburb inch of it has more from bush our. lack of a public transport system in a city of more than $35000000.00 people means is gridlocked every day but that's supposed to change with a nearly $500000000.00 rabbit transport project locally known as b r t. construction began in 2017 but it has quickly become a liability for prime minister imran khan's grew into government. the delays in
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completion have become a nuisance for commuters and local businesses. that. we are facing a lot of hardships due to this road construction of new york city is affected our business and even our lives there's dust everywhere and stead of providing convenience this is made our lives hell broke ingestions everywhere people have to wait for hours and hours it was meant to be a modern transport project but already it has missed deadlines multiple times and an internal investigation is found that officials of the city kickbacks worth millions of dollars as well as corruption and internal inspection criticize the lack of a comprehensive plan for the project even the route was brought into question there are concerns about deviations from the original design which could impede or degrade the system meant for safety of the current sport although the bank which provided the lawn for construction says it has not carried out its own investigations yet it is aware of the allegations against officials of the b.r.t. project we do regular review was but we have not done any special in investigation
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or inquiry as part of the regular review we have done some adjustments in the alignment in our own in $100.00 previously opposed megaprojects built by his political opponents but in a change of direction which many see as a u. turn in policy he has stood by the bus project in the shower. there is no subsidy this is a profit making project the metro is built by others will cost billions every year citizens have taken the provincial government before the supreme court has heard how the cost of the project has risen by 17 percent but leaders still think that the court should not intervene. i don't think that the courts should question the b.r.t. project on one hand we were told to complete the project at the earliest and on the other they are asking for an inquiry we don't know which one we should listen to and what we should do and that's the concern of the people of the shower at the
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government. elected appears to not know what to do next which i will enjoy without a 0 we shall. be watching all jazeera hum's the whole robin these are all top news stories china's hu bay province where the corona virus outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions now it's been under lock down since late january when the government shut down roads railways and ports the indian government is a ring of hundreds of millions of people to stay home locking down nearly every state domestic flights that are banned as well as people traveling to india soldiers in spain have found elderly patients in retirement homes abandoned and in worst cases dead in their beds the military was sent to despair disinfects care homes are one of europe's worst hit countries spain's defense minister said the government will come down hard on retirement homes found guilty. mentality and i
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know the majority are fulfilling their duty they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of their resorts to the care centers has seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds. president all trump says he's considering how the u.s. can reopen for business as soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections on monday u.s. politicians again fail to pass a trillion dollar bill to stimulate the economy now the governments of senegal and ivory coast have both declared a state of emergency in response to the global outbreak the president announced a nighttime nationwide curfew and gradual confinement measures and the curfew has also been imposed in senegal all gatherings have been banned. the israeli high court of justice has ordered the speaker of parliament to allow the blue and white party to hold a vote on his replacement unit adelstein has refused to convene the knesset and to hold a vote following swearing in of the new parliament critics
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a close ally of prime minister benjamin netanyahu edelstein is paralyzing the government as the vote would weaken the prime minister's hold on power earlier this month opposition leader benny gantz was asked to form a new government. the u.s. is to cut a $1000000000.00 in aid to afghanistan after the afghan president and his political rival failed to form a new government secretary of state might pompei revealed the plan during an unannounced visit to kabul he strongly criticized both president bush and his rival abdullah abdullah for failing to work together and potentially threatening a u.s. led peace deal with the taliban. those were the headlines of course we'll follow all of those stories on our website at al-jazeera dot com the stars are told we're here with the al-jazeera news hour in 30 minutes next its walls of shame lexica. the un published the most comprehensive study of life on. they found 1000000
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species face extinction that's more than 12 percent of known life on. one truck to destroy the much oil infrastructure of which all well depends the report identifies the 5 main drivers of this big logical crisis fast the way we use and abuse all politics was always says 75 percent of the land and 2 thirds of the marine environment have been severely altered by human activity exploitation of species through over fishing and hunting climate change caused by a greenhouse gas emissions pollution and finally the how to create time local ecosystems by invasive species. reports both to say the decline can be slowed even stopped in some cases but to do that we must transform our relationship with. this is the us mexican border a harsh landscape that's become the focus
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a bitter debate between the 2 countries. here on k. k. road built along. athens over the right and i got it right for. the film we're about to show you 1st aired in 2007 it questions a policy that's become even more contentious today. the sonoran desert in the south of the united states a harsh hot and unforgiving landscape straddling the border with mexico a natural barrier not so much a protective wall but a regional belt dividing the bodies of 2 nations. thousands of.


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