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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2020 1:00pm-2:01pm +03

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but it got out the door to each other carry a gun i got into it because this is my cuba. on al-jazeera has. 0. hello there i'm the star and this is the news hour live from daryn coming up in the next 60 minutes easing restrictions where the coronavirus began the chinese province of who will allow some people to start traveling again. new rules are emptying the streets in india hundreds of millions are now under orders to stay it's hard. spanish soldiers find elderly people left to die as the numbers there
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keep rising. and president donald trump says he wants the u.s. to be open for business even as more americans get infected. we're not going to let it turn into a long listing financial problem started out as a purely medical problem and the stock could go beyond that. i'm going to get your scope at the sports a decision office for any meal and pace is expected within days with the united states adding to calls for delay after survey shows most of the athletes about their preparations impacted by coronavirus. now the restrictions are starting to come off millions of chinese in the province where the corona virus outbreak began at midnight on shoes day crew bay will start allowing some to travel just as many other countries are introducing more drastic measures now the region of more than 60000000 people has been under lockdown since
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late january when the government closed roads railways and airports bought residents will soon be allowed to leave once they get a tracking code confirming they are virus free the one exception is the city will hand the west affected area. well let's speak to our correspondent katrina you who is in beijing for us katrina took us through the easing of these restrictions mean this must be coming as a huge relief to the residents of her bay that's right the size of this is very good news since generally the 23rd this year nobody was allowed in or out of the province and for much of this 2 month period people were confined not only to the city and county but to their apartments and the residential compounds now for about a week or so they've been allowed out and now we're seeing more more moves to really relax some of the restrictions on people living in who are a province 1st of all they can get back in their cars they can drop drive again
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many of the roads were closed to non essential non-essential services to people who didn't work for the government for so now people are permitted to drive on the roads people are permitted now to also travel within who pay problems to different cities and counties and also the border is is loosening to the extent that people can now go inside of a province as long as they have that green tracking code as you mentioned but that's not the full picture there are some limitations on this new measure well katrina we did see that hong kong is some restrictions and then now facing what looks like a potential 2nd wave of infections there i see that china is maintaining some very strict national restrictions even though they may be relaxing some of the domestic ones. that's right so the threat is now moved from a problems with the main focus of the threat from who pay to beijing so are they doing their very very careful about beijing at the capital most important people
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are there has most important government meetings they key to get things up and running again so what they've done is they've diverted all international flights from beijing so you can never no longer get on a plane that's going to land in beijing it's going instead to 12 other cities around the country so that passengers there can be quarantined screened for the current virus before continuing on their journey once you arrive in beijing you must go to a designated hotel for 2 we quarantine period there are very strict rules and measures preventing people from keeping their symptoms to themselves they must reveal their travel history as well and also about that who a province lockdown people within who a problem is may travel but beijing for example remains off limits and in fact in many other provinces around china still very wary about the possibility of a 2nd wave of infections and even the big province itself is starting to loosen its own travel restrictions it's really up to the discretion of the particular
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provincial government whether or not they're going to allow a person from crew in so still very much a challenge for the government here they do not want to see this downward trend of the virus cases go up again and they're making sure that tight restrictions and checks are still in place around the country katrina you that what your there's developments for us from beijing thank you very much katrina well let's dig into this a little more with dr eris you know she is the president of the hong kong public doctors association and she joins us now on skype from there dr mark thanks for being with us at such a busy time i know there's been a lot of talk of hong kong now facing this possible 2nd wave of infection jew think that the territory let its guard down too early and what lessons should china take from that. 1st of all i do see that there is. a there is no new cases full well in 5 days and most of what we've gotten from the main and most of the new cases are imported cases well other than the only effect that cases
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now maybe the reason why they try to use a lot some of the drug or the restriction however because there are. serious endemic in the rest in country and we know that many may not who are. living in other western country of the student who are now returned to their homeland so i think that china is saving the same problem but hong kong got a 2nd wave of east. asia is mostly in point to cases and important cases will lead to allow some local infections and knowhow outbreak so this is the main. it will already have and then again maybe now it may just like last time we will bail out it will these as it may be a lot. again saying no new cases for 4 to 5 days i mean that doesn't sound like a very long time is it to actually i mean clearly beijing has been wanting to
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declare a victory on this pandemic can we trust these numbers coming out of china. you know only speak for in session's the seas the cain train one place is out of the infectious disease are too eager of asians of the girl in her vision period of that he's of that he sees. and we can say it is free so moment for learn a new angle the virus infection be normally think that there are. impurities 14 days so if they are full are all saved. in the save one place if they know our new cases coming out if we can save to say it is 3 of the $45.00 the governance before me is too ill to say so also our 1st thing most people from other parts of the world who want some says it will be suspicious about most of the data we reported by chinese official so yes i think is
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a bit too early but i know that they knew something of the restriction is not completely open up to see that you're trying to lose in some local authorities and also the suits that they still need you as to not go to prison though the helps of that because in order to learn to program well dr i want to ask you because we've been saying that even if a country has managed to contain the virus and addressed it within its own borders then opening those borders creates the possibility of these new imported infections so then in your mind is the only safe thing to do to keep country that tiny sailed off. our hands are on his fall situation and also. the situation or the worldwide situation like it was in hong kong go arm our condition is not to bear that. but her of that because of who were our situations have gone down very quickly so those who are also tried since yesterday
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restraint tried to tighten up our of our border control and border restriction are mainly legal restriction tried to avoid people that no. other country x. specially our long haul resident. company to hong kong so some of them are this kind of border control if you close on it the music is really bad your grace you stop your people going out try to. exploit the easy out of your place but if your country is ok but the environment is not ok just like what's happening right now or are you know are are these easy the rest of the country asian country trying to cross the border of poor people to going into their country and dr harrison and there the president of the hong kong public doctors association thank you for joining us and we wish you all the best at this very difficult time. thank you.
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while some restrictions are being lifted in china india has imposed controls on nearly a 1000000000 people most of it states are now under lockdown residents have been ordered to stay in their homes cafeterias are in place in some cities and domestic flights have been stopped that's in addition to international flights india has so far reported more than 460 confirmed cases and 9 deaths while our correspondent elizabeth cohen joins me now from new delhi is a really beginning to see the impacts of the stock down especially when it comes to transport so how are people there coping particularly those who are daily wage labor is for instance. want to start surreal now in the 2nd day of the lockdown but the 1st day that we're really seeing it being enforced in just in the last half an hour or so the chief minister off the state of west bengal home to more than 100000000 people month advantage he has announced that the entire state is under lockdown and again as i said the 1st day that we're seeing
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police officers enforcing it after hearing from various regional leaders yesterday that people weren't taking it as seriously as they should and that this would happen we saw police shortly after 7 o'clock this morning dismantling the most well known protest side before coronavirus hit india the months of ongoing protests against the citizenship law that was the biggest story and police moved in to dismantle the most well known protest site against the citizenship nor playschool shaheen barred because people aren't allowed to gather in more than groups of 4 anymore and so the only people who are allowed to go outside in areas where there is a lockdown in place much of the country are to get groceries to go to the pharmacy certain people who work for banks are allowed and so on health care workers and hospitals and as you mentioned no trains most buses aren't working there's no metro and no taxis and all of these measures more and more measures tougher restrictions
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every day as the government really tries to stop it saying the government saying that coronavirus hasn't reached the community transmission of phase 3 in india yet and that these measures are to stop it from doing so we often see the states in the central government in india not necessarily on the same page when it comes to policy are they managing to speak with one voice on this. they certainly are on the lockdown but to get to your earlier question about you know how many people are coping and especially the hundreds of millions in india who are daily wage earners what we're hearing the central the state rather governments we've had daily with them for the carola announcing financial humanitarian assistance to those who can no longer work because they're being told by the government to stay inside and to do social distancing we've heard some
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relief for them but we're yet to hear from the central government a national plan you know people who are really struggling some of whom a migrant workers and have been stuck at borders as transport links close as borders shut they really want to know what the central government is going to do we heard from from the finance minister just about half an hour ago talking about different financial regulations that are going to be eased and she said that they are working on an economic package and that that will be announced soon and everyone of course also waiting to hear what prime minister in that in the more he has to say in his 2nd address to the nation he doesn't do this often in less than a week at 8 o'clock tonight and as both purana live for us from new delhi thanks very much for that. well in spain soldiers who've been sent to help during the crisis have found elderly patients in retirement homes abandoned and in worst cases dead in their beds the military was sent to disinfect care homes in one of europe's
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worst hit countries and i swing in the grid has also been converted into a temporary mortuary for covert 1000 victims spain's defense minister says the government will come down hard on retirement homes who are found guilty. i know the majority are fulfilling their duties they are paying attention but listen this has to be said the army in some of the recent through the care centers have seen elderly people completely abandoned even dead in their beds well let's speak to moscow herrera he is live for us in madrid law so let's start with these grim discovery is that authorizes have been making in these care homes what steps are now being taken to prevent this from happening more broadly. well as you mentioned the spanish army in spain is being deployed nationwide and they're taking over several past of this infecting area like the train station airports and care homes while they've been doing these this infection they have found all these full
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body people in very bad conditions abandoned by the the staff of this care homes people dead in the beds so the situation is becoming quite critical after the statement of the defense minister that he thought of lives during an interview to the spanish television yesterday where she just pointed out this alarming situation the they have been launching an investigation by the general prosecutor to see what really is going on in which care homes which is not the actual situation in all of the care homes nationwide of course but they want to investigate what the situation of all these early people that have been they have been the were the 1st ones of the burma bull notable sector of the society that were brought were isolated and were put away from the relatives so people don't know what the actual situation of the right of parents or the parents so this is why they're launching these investigations and not have the numbers that just seem to keep growing the
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government scaly bracing for a trajectory that now looks much like it's nice talk us through some of the preparations that you were saying. well i think the south right coming this week and the prime minister had a son test address to the nation and announced that he would be sent to the parliament this extension of another 15 days of the state of emergency in april 11th he will propose these to the rest of the of the political parties in the parliament because this is an extraordinary measure they have to to pass to go through our constitution and through the parliament he already has the backing of all these political parties but what we have to do of course is a respect old list measures that have been imposed tough measures like staying at home respecting not coming out because not many people in spain are very concerned
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many people have been bombing or list for you don many people have been fined i many people have been arrested all the people are are are are reporting but they're all neighbors are going out to the streets or taking the car we have found cases of people 8 members of the family in a car with a baby of 15 months yet the day that they were stopped by the police and were arrested so i think the only way to stop these outbreaks will be apart from bringing test kits to hospitals and. my last test kits which we are running out of all the heads because the system is overwhelmed would be respecting all their measures of the lockdown so multi say that the health care systems that i have when you were in madrid how the people that coping with the news of the huge escalation in infections and deaths. well beyond some mean people are staying at home we're going to go out so the only way we get to know what's going on is because official
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sources or even messages all 5 of people posting on the internet and. being there the press in all cases i mean what we have brick of course obviously is the n.h.s. we have is overwhelmed and many many people that are infected are being diverted to improvise to host be told like these the big exhibition center of the family but has improvised by the army again these of the 5000 back to improvise hospital. this hope you can i hope that we went last week for us here to see what they look like and how they are being. fed up with everything so that's all i can tell you from here but the truth is that the moderate is becoming. kind of ground 0 of this whole time demick with 10000 of people infected from the 33000 of nation
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of the whole of the rest of the country and with one more than 1000 people of the death toll among the the 10000 in the rest of the country lost a hero there for us and the transit thanks very much for that update. well the number of deaths and its meaning when the death toll has now past 6000 has declined for a 2nd straight day the u.k. has also now joined the countries who are under lockdown and it will be in place for the next 3 weeks the baka report from london it was an announcement no british prime minister has made since the 2nd world war i'm president of restrictions on people's way of life you must stay at home because the critical thing we must do to stop the disease spreading between households. that is why people will only be allowed to leave their home for the following very limited purposes shopping for
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basic necessities as infrequently as possible one form of exercise a day for example a run walk or cycle alone with members of your household any medical need to provide care or to help a vulnerable person and traveling to and from work but only where this is absolutely necessary and cannot be done from home. following the you sample of france germany spain and italy police will now have the power to issue fines and enforce closures britain's been watching developments in mainland europe with growing unease but while london landmarks are deserted this was the scene on the city's underground on monday. the advice is clear and so are the risks but crowds are still gathering at this east london market while they're still demand stallholders say they're left with little choice but to carry on selling and shoppers people buying. the local authorities are painting footprints on the tarmac
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to help people maintain physical distance but like many of the guidelines nobody's paying any attention this is one of the cheapest places in the area to buy food shutting it down could have dire consequences on people's lives and livelihoods it is a difficult decision to make but every infected person runs a risk of infecting several others the domino effect could be catastrophic. in italy's along with the region cemeteries are struggling to keep up with the dead on monday the death toll climb to more than 6000. is the 2nd straight day the number of dead edged down and the rate of infection slowed it's too early to say whether it's at least turn the tide on covert 19 but the figures offer some hope the government measures are working. a day after italy shut down all non-essential economic activity now more restrictions a ban on all internal travel the virus has distorted everyday life buying food
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can take many hours. the streets of the german capital berlin are also empty and the country's chancellor angela merkel forced to quarantine but there's a glimmer of hope new data suggest the spread of the virus is slowing despite a high infection rate there are relatively few deaths in germany the country was quick to introduce widespread virus testing hor to. one call element is the ability to keep track of contacts. of contacts are kept for 14 days and the isolation of infected people these measures must be kept up and strict it is time for the coming weeks and months for they are important and will remain important. 2 weeks into its long term spain is now considering extending it further the 5 or 6 went through dozens of nursing homes many of the residents didn't stand a chance soldiers are now battling to contain the spread. country after country
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governments are controlling the lives of citizens like never before and then effort to save lives the coronavirus has pushed a continent into confinement leave barca al-jazeera london. well let's bring in francesco jan but tony harris in milan francesco your city has been under lockdown now for more than 2 weeks and the numbers of infected and dying a still huge let me start by asking you how people are coping there not only practically but also psychologically well we can say that there has been a change in the mood of the italian people and especially here in this region during the 1st week of the lockdown everyone went outside on balconies singing the national anthem and singing songs like the resistance songs and applauding doctors and nurses there was a sort of positive unity to fight together this hard time but as the
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days went by and the number of positive cases kept growing and it seemed dead our efforts didn't have any outcome. while the government kept restricting personal freedoms well nobody at the big at the end had anything to cheer for anymore and so especially in. milan know there was a kind of discouragement in the last days fortunately since. the day to do numbers of the of the new cases and debts started going down in the last 2 days we are seeing a kind of. the light at the end of the tunnel like some official said even if we know that the tunnel is very very long well i was also looking at the government's approval rating francesco and it seems to have shot up since the beginning of this crisis so despite the criticism that we've seen from abroad italians themselves
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broadly supportive of how this has all been handled. yes. most of the public opinion welcomed the lockdown is as necessary and the rating approval of prime minister does that because it is never been so high even if of course he was criticized too because of the way he managed communication with some unclear the crease at the beginning again a late night press conferences without questions from from journalists. 2 days ago he signed a new decree that closed most of the factories and now the 70 percent of the production is completely stopped so 'd also this measure was was seen as essential by by the public. i feel i can say that there is a deal between citizens and authorities right now bitterly and know that all of this is necessary that we have to say home and respect all the rules but italians
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also need to know that the government is doing everything to make this last. to make this end as soon as possible so the general sentiment is still trust probably like never before but public opinion experts are asking for other measures that the lockdown francesca tony there in milan for us thank you very much for that update francesca thank you. well in the united states president donald trump says he is considering how businesses are to reopen as soon as possible despite a rapidly growing rate of infections he says the u.s. was not built to be shut down their economies in town while with millions of americans under shutdown orders and politicians on monday again failed to pass a trillion dollar bill to stimulate the economy how does or castro reports. the streets of manhattan are empty reminiscent of the days after 911 but within new
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york's hospitals doctors say they're under siege the number of cases across the country has soared we don't get control of this like in the next 2 to 3 weeks our hospital system to be overwhelmed under mounting pressure from state governors president trump says his administration has shipped 8000000 respirator masks he's also signed an executive order to prevent the hoarding of critical medical supplies but if you are sitting on it on a warehouse with masks. surgical masks you will be carrying a knock on your door for more than 100000 americans are under orders to stay home despite the growing number of cases trump says he hopes to reopen the country soon we're not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem started out as a purely medical problem and it's not going to go beyond that just not going to
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allow that to happen meanwhile congress remains at a stalemate over a nearly 2 trillion dollar economic rescue package the republican plan stalled by senate democrats the bill still includes something that most americans don't want to see. large corporate bailouts with no most no strings attached the government is also fast tracking experimental drug treatments one endorsed by president trump as a possible game changer against the corona virus has not been a proven effective in a clinical setting and in arizona man who self medicated with a drug to treat his corona virus has died heidi joe castro al-jazeera maryland. well now it's time for the weather and rob santa tell us about the skies above europe you're trying to be hopeful and you as is not good news now i'd like to say is wonderful and sunny but on the spanish coast as this cloud sort of gives it away it's
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a miserable day on the mediterranean coast you would want to be our know if you stock is up to look out of the blue water but no city 7 millimeters of rain fell in murthy out of county area if you're like the average for the whole of march is about half that so we've doubled that's miserable day and of course it should be about 2122 degrees today it's not surprising but 14 all the way down that coast there we join notice is coming from the east is coming across the mediterranean sea to get be warm only pushed up to 14 because its source region is quite cold is really dropped temperatures in central and eastern europe were down to single figures in bucharest for example and only 18 split and it's that cold coming across the wall more so the military which is going to develop yet another storm system this one north of the east and very bit in central but the winds around it well they tell the story it's some pretty nasty piece of work and it's coming to tunisia so it'll keep the temperatures down here but it doesn't go away for take you through the next 2 days it winds itself up i'm right that runs up the italian coast
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make it pretty miserable for it's early as well at the same time it's only slowly warming in the source to the east. any hope for things to improve still ahead on out as their countries across africa locked down to stop the spread of coronavirus on the continent. political battles in israel as allies a prime minister benjamin netanyahu are accused of preventing holliman from doing its job. and one of the biggest names in football management lends a hand to those who are in isolation joe will have. for. fossil fuels to modern day renewables as societies develop their energy demands increase requiring innovative solutions to meet such demands as a global power development of investment company nebraska power is uniquely
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positioned to deliver against the state amounts we provide business growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound energy solutions for future generation the brush fire nearing future energy singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins some of the islands off the coast of indonesia literally vanished it's a big business smuggling sample and they will take the stand there in the sand is fair to say this beautiful beach behind it is something that's not so tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sound was at this time on al-jazeera. the.
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i don't and i missed. a reminder of our top stories this hour china's rubia province where the corona virus outbreak began is to ease travel restrictions it's been under lockdown since late january when the government shut down roads railways and that's. all the indian government is out to hundreds of millions of people to stay at home locking down nearly every state domestic flights on now banned as well as people traveling to india. and soldiers and spain have found elderly patients in retirement homes abandoned and in west cases dead in their beds the military was sent to disinfect care homes and one of europe's west hit countries. well in iran nearly 2000 people have died from the corona virus with another 25000 infected its health ministry says it's expecting
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a high is said and kay says as the numbers get more alarming by the day iranians have been urged to follow preventative measures tyrone says u.s. sanctions are making it difficult to tackle the outbreak well let's speak correspondence and as ravi who is in tehran for us then i understand that one of the major issues here is the lack of ventilators which is pushing up the death rate how is that being addressed if a toll. well it's certainly something that iran's government has reached out to a number of allies and countries to try and find the equipment and buy the equipment they need but one of the biggest concerns for the iranian people or for the government at least has been trying to pay for those pieces of equipment they say that sanctions are making that very difficult to do just a few days ago we saw president hassan rouhani send a personal letter to the government of south korea urging them to sell them the necessary medical equipment they need to treat recovering patients and to identify and isolate those affected by code 1000 but south korea make clear that they simply can't do that sanctions would prevent them from being able to make that transaction
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now let's take a look at the latest figures we've got here in iran 1762 new infections that's up from yesterday from 24 hours previous the death toll is down slightly $122.00 yesterday was $127.00 so it is down but keeping pace president hassan rouhani who for the health minister figures came out was saying that hospital visits are going down and the number of deaths are going down but the infections it seems they seem to be keeping pace they seem continuously to be going up but the president hassan rouhani continuing to try to paint a pretty picture trying to stay optimistic about the future trend here however health officials within the government as well as outside the government are warning that we still might be underestimating the ground reality here in iran health officials have said that it's things could get worse that there could be another wave of people who've left cities come back to those cities in coming weeks after the holiday period and the head of the medical council of iran the national
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union of doctors and nurses has sent a letter to the president today criticizing him not banning intercity travel something that many health professionals who are professionals here worry could cause a 2nd wave of this outbreak that has arriving at that with that update for us from tehran thanks frank. well the philippines is introducing a merge and superpowers to tackle the outbreak there congress has already approved the bill and president were eager to tatay is set to sign it into law later on tuesday it will allow details to take control of private industry in order to deal with the crisis the philippines has reported around 500 cases of covert 19 and now more than 30 deaths while thailand is declaring a state of emergency to contain the outbreak there it will last one month and allow the government to impose curfews sense of the media and dispatch gatherings the military will also be given powers to enforce those orders cases have been growing rapidly in thailand with
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a total of now nearly $1000.00 confirmed infections at least 4 people that have died. south africa has announced a 21 day lockdown for thursday they army is being deployed to patrol the streets and enforce those restrictions the number of cases there is growing quickly with more than 400 people now infected for me tim miller has more from johanna's back. the number of cases of covert 19 in south africa has increased 6 fold in recent days from 61 cases just over a week ago there were 402 by monday for the government and alarming is collation leading to the announcement of a 21 day lockdown by the president it is clear from the development of the disease in other countries and from our own modeling that immediate swift and extraordinary action is required if we are to prevent
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a human catastrophe of enormous proportions in our country only essential workers such as police health care workers and those working in food services will be allowed out people will only be allowed to leave their homes for medical care or to buy food and medicine the army will be deployed to ensure restrictions on movement are abate a travel ban from high risk countries is already in place and schools a shut all designed to reduce the spread of the virus for many this is a welcome move by the president they have been calls from labor unions doctors and thousands of others across the country for swift action for a country already grappling with an almost 50 percent unemployment rate and low economic growth a lockdown could be disastrous for the economy but will the government the drastic measures are necessary to save lives no matter the cost our country finds itself confronted not only but in wider as that has infected more than a quarter of
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a 1000000 people across the globe. but also by the prospects of a very deep economic recession that will cause businesses to close and many of our people to lose their jobs the government says it will create a temporary compensation fund so that businesses can avoid having to fight staff as well as provide tax relief for small businesses experts estimate that with out taking drastic steps the number of infections could increase to between $3.40 by the beginning of april as the global crisis deepens and the number of covert 1000 cases has more than doubled in a single week the south african government warns that the next few days a crucial for millions of south africans for me to malaya johannesburg or sudan has ordered the closure of all of its borders one person there has died and 2
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cases of private 1000 have been confound the government has struggled to control its borders and as one morgan reports from a refugee camp and many fear the virus could spread faster whether they are. for nearly 10 months 16 year old sylar and her sister have been inseparable now registered in sudan as eritrean refugees the 2 fled their country with help from smugglers solera says the deal was for the smugglers to bring them to sudan but what happened next didn't go as planned. the smugglers from our country demanded more money when we told them we didn't have money they treated us to smugglers on the sudanese side of the border so lera now lives here in the eastern states of along with other refugees according to the united nations more than 120 eritrean refugees are in sudan most of them. and unless registered refugees and asylum seekers aren't allowed to leave the camps as a result few know about the global coronavirus pandemic but those who do our. work
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right we're afraid we don't know much about the virus if it comes to the camp will get infected because we live like one family here and we interact with each other since the detection of the 1st corner virus in sudan the country's transitional administration issued several directives to try to contain it this is one of the border crossings between sudan and eritrea so dense government has ordered the closure of all of its borders due to coronavirus fears which here in have been shut for years but away from government crossings most of the border is open making smuggling of people and goods easy most parts of the nearly 700 kilometer border look like this open land with little movement during the day and according to local authorities the smuggling during the night the military carries out patrol but the local government says there are challenges in keeping the border completely shut because. there are tribes in the border area that interact with each other only by
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preventing them from complete movement so the best we can do is raise awareness. bacca began solera says she doesn't progress. despite the security and health threats you know faeces on the other side of the border people who are going to do the wrong because they don't use them so damn well let's take you through the situation across the rest of the continent zimbabwe has now reported its 1st death from the pandemic just days after confirming its 1st cases the government there has closed schools and banned large gatherings but they're all concerns about its ability to handle the outbreak zimbabwe's health system has critical shortages of equipment and drugs all the governments of senegal and ivory coast have both declared a state of emergency in response to the global outbreak i wore in president allison with what tara has announced a nighttime nationwide curfew and gradual confinement measures and the curfew is also been imposed in senegal where all gatherings have now been banned or rwanda
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has announced 17 new cases its highest single day increase in the number of infections that brings its total to $36.00 only one of the new patients with locally infected well 9 had recently returned from the united arab emirates 3 from kenya 2 from the u.s. and one each from india and cattle meanwhile guinea has reported 2 new cases of the virus and the international airport in the can in the capital conakry has been closed until further notice in uganda there are 8 new cases bringing the total number of infections there to 9 all the new patients are ugandan citizens who recently returned from dubai and in africa's most populous country nigeria now has 40 confirmed cases and one death from the pandemic there's now a ban on all international flights and land borders are also closed people in the biggest cities of a bridge and lagos have been told to work from home. well let's speak to abdullah's a rabbi he's an epidemiologist
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a research scientist at the african population and health for satch center and he joins us now on skype from nairobi thank you for being with us and i let me start by asking you the question that many have been wondering for sometime now africa remained coronavirus free for so long and even now we're only seeing what looks like the beginning of the spread so what took so long for the virus to reach the continent. thank you so much without christer i think you 2 or boils down to the global mobility. the movement between china and the roads where the world the publication belongs that but actually predicted. to predict the. jury of. countries that are prepared to go to get a corner as london did reports countries do good. the outbreak is sort of sequential you get it for a few kisses on the kurds into a bigger outbreak leader well many countries including kenya where you are have now
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essentially locked down and they're asking people to self isolate but with so many people are living in dense sounds and informal settlements across the continent is that even possible. you know we're just wondering what about the iraq war measures that we've seen being applied it would be applicable. in mosul africa. believe in don't slum like you mention before are there is a wedge what has it in him but i'm going to work what does it mean by social distancing if you will sleeping in the one room house we're probably going to 5 or 6 were about to explode on the tube but that's really quite solution and this is probably going to be different and we should be thinking about how do we manage them at the demick in africa as opposed to what we've been seeing in the developed world i mean china well let me ask you then about testing how excessive all our tests i see in south africa at the moment
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a single test cost something like $80.00 u.s. dollars that's a huge amount given income levels and disparities are enough people getting tested right now. i think the thought of been a global problem is not just economic problem or african problem the test kits are been quite slow in terms of coming under top boils down to their speed or development on the skids but as of i think last week more companies are come up to say that the tax cuts are going to be more love billable. more people probably be tested out of or as to what has been happening where only suspected cases have been tested we know that a lot of people were symptomatic are getting entry into country instead without being without being detected because they don't have if you by the time it took a medicine that reduce fever and those are been missed just in the last few days uganda has been able to get many cases. the port of entry because of temperature but a lot of other concert may be going through the port over into without being
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detected so it's important that as kids become more billable for the public health officials come to us to more people sure i know concerns have been raised since the very beginning of this outbreak about fragile health systems across the continent of africa but we're also looking at a more vulnerable demographic to right people with compromised immune systems from hiv to bacula says people who are living in poverty what do we know how private 19 might interact with those kinds of conditions. we can only speculate it would not through a typical outbreak of a city in china. it reveals german we can only hope for the biz that doesn't get to that regulation health care system is different that we are not to well resourced not well funded but also have a myriad of our social challenges poverty is right. quite a substantial number of people are not reached big possibility people in some
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countries are pretty girls where uganda kenya. hiv positive and some of them are not treatment so how does the money for us in that population we don't know we don't know where this is headed with. being more africa than other countries but probably it might be a different dynamic when it gets down here at hull as a rather they're an epidemiologist at the african population of health research center in nairobi thank you for joining us on out of there thank you well moving on to other news and the israeli high court of justice has ordered the speaker of the parliament to allow the bill and why party to hold a vote on his replacement early edelstein has refused to convene the knesset and to hold a vote following the swearing in of the new parliament critics a close ally of prime minister benjamin netanyahu edelstein is paralyzing the government as the vote could weaken the prime minister's hold on power earlier this
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month the opposition leader benny gantz was tossed to form a new government well let's not speak to our correspondent how the force that he joins us live from west jerusalem however this does seem to be a major breakdown of the functioning of israeli politics how does this all get resolved. that's right i mean it's really been in place where you could say since last week when edelstein decided not to exceed to the mons to hold this vote in suspend the business of the knesset instead you could say it's been really coming for some months given that this is the 3rd consecutive inconclusive election but yes we have now this real standoff between the speaker of the parliament and the courts the courts say that he has to have this vote he knows that there are $61.00 out of $120.00 knesset members who would vote to replace him giving the opposition led by the benny gantz blue and white alliance the possibility to start to impose various pieces of legislation that could that by benjamin netanyahu does not like
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that is presumably why he's been holding off although he has also said that he doesn't want to see an impingement of negotiations towards an emergency unity government at this time of national crisis and so we have the look could saying that the knesset is trying to take a sort of the high court is trying to take over the knesset the high court saying that the speaker of the knesset is acting in an undemocratic way we are hearing that there is now likely to be a vote ahead of the court imposed deadline of tomorrow wednesday but this does as it stands seem like a real constitutional crisis a real a real sort of falling down of the normal way of doing business high force out there for us live in western us and thank you harry. well still ahead in sports a former libyan takes us through his stay at home challenge that is coming up with jack.
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well now it's time for sports joe is there going to be no lympics the sat is looking less and less like a decision on just finding this year's the lympics in tokyo is expected within days the pressure is mounting on the ins national committee to make a cold sooner than the 4 week deadline they set themselves canada and australia have already pulled out and other countries are threatening to follow. japan's olympic officials are now also signaling the delight is likely. to say well suited for japan in hosting the tokyo games on this each country and region has come the krona why was it would not be possible to proceed with hosting the games in the
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true complete manner that the prime minister had stated the u.s. is also putting pressure on the international olympic committee to delay the games they surveyed more than 4000 of the athletes to ask how the pandemic had affected their training and whether they wanted to go ahead with the olympics of than a 2000 that responded the majority wants to delay the games. 78 percent. voted for postponing the games and 87 percent said that their training has been adversely affected. and so that speaks for itself and i think so often. you know we think that the olympics are you know you don't postpone the olympics because athletes have been training for this for years and athletes are going to be so broken hearted to have to postpone and all that remains true but athletes are saying that we're willing to postpone or dreams for our safety and for the safety
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of the world so you know please listen. the british olympic association has also said it's unlikely to send a tame to compete and take care this year we spoke to form a pick badminton medal medalist who explained why the pandemic has had such an impact on late athletes preparations especially in the limpid here. and then pick by her is great for gays every time i needed her detail map out her land people you know it's not only not even in a couple muslim i you know the training is. you know a guy with a medal he's not like that every single train that's an atheist who is not one right in school time because boston is i switch a recurrence a day 6 days a week everything was mapped out for. a case of him of my so we're in a situation where the bombs and training and. women leaving their innocent girl
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right now but how i think and. i want my name and for a full correspondent lee wellings joins us now live gayle and made a good point that and it seems it's not a case of if but when these olympics will be suspend les so when you expect that to happen. well michael jackson ran the international olympic committee and give me a very strong indication of the perspiring. as it is this week it certainly won't take the full weight dead on that they've given them so it could even come as early as today and tomorrow i would expect that because they need to do something before it's will really take place in japan and 1st later as activity there we saw a few days ago the program especially send messages in 15000 people got going because many of them wearing masks but watching an event with the olympic to stay it doesn't sit right it doesn't feel right that have been so many negotiations
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behind the scene about power now which is what is made the people are getting very anxious that this is just my and i look to the next year and that will happen in fact they did time now exactly what happened today a. conference call between tells barca the i.o.c. and the japanese prime minister shinzo are i think broadly cement their agreement of how they make this postponement how the coast i'm going to look at such things is it sure it's a pastime and is a different area to a cancellation a cancellation the title kind of insurance policies there and perspire and doesn't and some kind of compensation might be needed to so many sports to think about as well go look at how we're going to do it next year and a barrier that supposedly is the robotics championship which is a year's time in the united states you know that now why wouldn't it be just a place that they could do that well that excited if you can tackle global pandemic
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you can move sports events and i just need to get over there and it didn't take me it's going to be very difficult leigh running thank you. well australia has shut down its top football league with just over a month left of the season with increased social restrictions across the country the elite follows others around the world to stop play indefinitely it's the last major sporting league in australia to halt its activities the game has existed since 1880 in australia and we've been through extremely difficult circumstances before we've been through world wars world war one world war 2 we've been through the g. f. c. we've been through financial crisis we've been through the spanish flu and the game has always come through because we are resilient and that to me. gives me great confidence that not only will this game survive but will come through on the other side even in a stronger position now to manage it shows
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a marine who has been volunteering at a local london charity preparing food parcels and others sensual for the elderly and swiss freestyle skier andrea read get it read get lee has been showing off his skills at home he created a park or obstacle course to raise money for the fight against crime a virus so long for his the last 30 seconds. oh. i like the way a lot of kids trying to harm you know what do you think. goodness i wish i was that guy want to check all that sold for me to take the best news i've had so rahman
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will be here in just a moment with more needs. frank assessments the one good thing about these bushfires usage really what's going on the. climate change informed opinion economy i think is actually what's keeping donald trump afloat right now critical debate sequel on those 2 school board lawyers on a bogus argument is astonishingly patronize an in-depth analysis of the day's headlines this is the beginning of a new iraq of the new conscious and aware views about struggle against an ethnic
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sectarian kota inside story on al-jazeera. april on algis hand. countries are imposing drastic measures to contain the corona virus pandemic we'll bring you all the latest developments from around the world pulse and untold stories from our hearts and asia pacific one i want east brings new insights from the well to my populated region has the democratic presidential race narrows how will the corona virus outbreak impact the u.s. election campaign and get the country investigated where burning cash a group of independent journalists and vacuum grow in the global fight against fate means the u.s. will count its population and a once in a decade census with coronavirus concerns will it get the full picture april on al-jazeera join me steve clemons on the bottom line for your weekly take on u.s. politics and society i'm changing but the institutions frequently don't the system itself is set up to benefit those who understand that you have people who actually
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believe things that are not true that is a crisis for democracy is a crisis of concentration the bottom line on al-jazeera. easing restrictions where the coronavirus began the chinese province of who will allow some people to start traveling to. parts of the roman you're watching over there like my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next half hour the rules are emptying the streets in india hundreds of millions are now on the borders to stay at home also spanish soldiers find elderly people left to die as the numbers.


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