tv NEWS LIVE - 30 Al Jazeera March 28, 2020 2:00am-2:33am +03
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more than 900 deaths in italy in a single day despite a 2 week lockdown the number of covert 19 infections there is now the 2nd highest in the world. and spain records its highest number of corona virus deaths in a single day 769 people die in 24 hours as infections rise among health care workers. hello i'm adrian forget this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up a shortage of doctors and hospital beds the u.s. faces huge challenges in dealing with the corona virus outbreak. tips from
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astronauts on how best to quarantine during the pandemic. give yourself some to accomplish or take action. a sad page in history the words of italy's president as the death toll from the corona virus that continues to mount on friday italy reported the highest number of virus related deaths of any country after 919 people died in just 24 hours the number of confirmed cases is increased to there are now more than 86000 infections there the spanish government has called on the european union to provide urgent financial assistance more than $750.00 people died there in the last 24 hours in the united states president donald trump aside into law a $2.00 trillion dollars stimulus package it will speed up government payments to
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americans and increase job spend if it's the us president also invokes the defense production act which will force companies to produce much needed medical equipment . we are working to sign contracts immediately with the major ventilator companies in the country including g.e. phillips medtronic hamilton's ole 'd red med hill rob and via air these are. the companies that do this great companies the f.d.a. will be reducing and waiving unnecessary regulations in order to get this done and we're going to be getting rid of certain. let's say barriers to speed we want them to get it done quickly and it is a brief look at the global picture of the johns hopkins university track of there are more than 591000 confirmed infections but with a lack of testing the real number is likely to be much higher more than 26000
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people nearly 27000 people now of diet a mini 131000 of recovered let's go live now to los angeles foss cuyp i was there as rob reynolds is there rob the u.s. president has been speaking within the last hour what does he have to say. well here primarily president trump of been talking about is ministrations response praising the efforts by his of officials talking about these alliances that the federal government is forging with various private companies saying that hundreds and hundreds of thousands of ventilators masks gloves and other necessary items are going to be flooding out of factories in short order this is at odds somewhat with the current picture of where in which many doctors and nurses and hospital officials say that they are suffering from severe shortages looking at the numbers
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very quickly the united states has now more than 100000 confirmed cases that's according to that same johns hopkins. record keeping device deaths of soared to 1543 last now that is more than in the entire nation of germany there are hot spots emerging in cities like discs detroit philadelphia new orleans is experiencing a surge of also philadelphia chicago so the dallas is another one of the. stimulus bill that passed through congress was signed by the president today $3.00 trillion dollars the biggest such legislation ever it will be a lot of corporations for example airlines that have seen their operations run into a hole but also provides monies to states and cities. replenishes stockpiles of
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needed medical equipment and will provide extended unemployment benefits to many of the millions of americans who've lost their jobs as well as putting extra money into the pockets of families in the form of direct cash in. it's this say during this press briefing is still going on vice president mike pence is speaking right now it was it was a long briefing by the president's usual stand that's as he began to show any sign that he is rising above partisan politics and his handling of this crisis yes and no i would say that he has gone out of his way in this. press conference to praise several democratic governors he praised the fact that the congress was able to pass this bill of bipartisan virtually unanimous basis but oddly enough he didn't invite any democrats to the signing
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ceremony at the white house where he signed the legislation into law that's really seen as quite a remarkable snub and he also attacked by name a number of governors with his class or who have criticized him he says he wants them to show more appreciation he said that governor jay inslee of washington is a governor whom he would not even call on the phone he referred to governor richardson refer of michigan as someone who doesn't know what's going on and sort of imitated her in a whiny voice complaining about the federal government so it's 'd it's a it's a really kind of a mixed bag but the president is not shied away from scoring political points in the midst of the crisis i was there as well brunell's reporting live from home in los angeles what many thanks indeed as we reported there's been a steep rise in the number of virus from one to deaths in italy it's overtaken
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china now on both the number of deaths and confirmed infections francesco jama tony is a journalist based in midland and says the true number of infections is believed to be far higher than the number being reported. it's really hard to say when the peak is going to come here in italy we expected every day but then we must delude ourselves today deadliest day since the beginning of the break it's $919.00 people died in the last 24 hours the civil protection said it is a massive increase after last week when the losses attested around between $6790.00 day the death toll now reached 9134 the confirmed cases are around 6000 today bringing the total number of positive people over 86000. the situation is still
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extremely serious more than a 3rd of today's deaths come again from better go on or embrace here in the northern region in this area there could be as many as 10 times more people actually infected the head of the civil protection said on tuesday but the italian health service is on the strain and only those in cervical and severe conditions are tested that's why the virus here seems by the numbers to kill the 14 people out of 100 confirmed cases but actually the cases could be many more spraying has also seen a dramatic increase in deaths in the past 24 hours daily 800 people died from illnesses caused by the virus motorhead reports from madrid. the future sources give us today they get daily figures and they're giving us a 5000 of death toll and a total of
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a little bit more about 64000 of people infected by coronavirus in spain from which nearly a 15 percent 9500 of people infected in spain are doctors and nurses this is quite worrying as the last figures released are jews they will 5400 of hoke of the workers infected by corona virus and today we got 4000 more people from the health her from the healthcare system infected this is very worrying because experts are saying we shouldn't rely on these official figures that have minister are are giving us daily because we don't have enough testers here in spain so we might be talking in about half a 1000000 of people infected in spain by coronavirus because we cannot we cannot diagnose people because we don't have these testing kits and even more health care we're workers could be infected all these have to workers are running out of
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protective equipment equipment and scorn a virus and they're demanding immediate supply of glasses gloves we keep saying based their reality of the states because they're fighting the confronting the current of ours in the front line in the u.k. prime minister boris johnson has tested positive for the virus and he's not the only member of the government team fighting the outbreak who has tested positive as john the whole reports from london. just hours after boris johnson 1st displayed symptoms and was tested he received a positive result britain's prime minister becomes one of the world's highest profile carriers of the code 19 coronavirus so i am working from home i'm so by slating and that's entirely the right thing to do but be in no doubt that i can continue thanks to the with modern technology to communicate with all my top team to lead the national fight back against corona bars and it wasn't long
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afterwards that the health secretary announced he too had tested positive matt hancock said he had mild symptoms that would not prevent him from continuing the vital work of bolstering britain's health service medical advice i was tested and that test has been positive sabi self isolating here until next thursday boris johnson was last seen in person on the steps of downing street on thursday evening as he joined the housebound up and down the country in applauding the efforts of frontline health workers standing alongside him at a distance was the chancellor and johnson's neighbor in downing street. boris johnson received his positive test at midnight but was well enough on friday morning to chair the daily emergency cabinet meeting held via video link of course if boris johnson's condition was to worsen significantly such that he could no longer carry out his duties well then it's agreed that the foreign secretary dominic robb would step into his shoes but barring that the normal functioning of
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government ought to continue or be it with a different like the majority of britain's workers now the prime minister is also working from home. it is a grim moment for britons to be told they'll be seeing a little less of their leader the latest death toll from corona virus has shot up 31 percent in 24 hours to 759 in. 7 days' time when the prime minister emerges from isolation things may well look even worse jonah how al-jazeera london. of confirmed coronavirus cases in latin america is rising rapidly it's now above $10000.00 but the real extent of the disease is believed to be far greater in a region where some countries are still hesitating to take stronger measures reports. interest senior at brazil's largest favela volunteers distribute donations of soap and disinfectant to people in ri brazil has the highest number of
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cases and deaths attributed to coal that 95 people live in finland the dissociates house and she's worried. the majority is simi is who work and get paid by the day so we hope we can get help. in the absence of stronger government measures in some slums local armed gangs are reportedly imposing lockdowns to slow the spread of the pan de mia. in group weeks for people who die of corona virus have been banned and bodies must be cremated within 24 hours with a 2 there is a hotline for emergency services can't cope with inquiries and requests prompting the president to threaten sanctions against those who call for unjustified reasons . we used to get 3000 calls a day now it's 80000 we can only process hoff that number in libya because the 2nd highest number of confirmed cases in the region the government is rushing to
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prepare 40 $500.00 beds to critical cases the peak of this pandemic here in chile is estimated to be about a month away which means that there's no time to lose to prepare for the worse but as the experience of wealthier countries have demonstrated it takes much more than additional beds to lower the curve of contagion which is vital to prevent the collapse of the public health system. although it's increasing mass testing is still not widespread in most countries which is why epidemiology just believe the real number of infected people in latin america could be at least 10 times the confirmed number for the president of mexico and brazil the region's most populous countries are still refusing to impose even partial quarantines back in chile authorities or in quarantined in neighborhoods or cities on a strictly need to basis not nationwide but this is according to the who is
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remaining healthy also includes being able to work and so your family obviously the longer you are locked up the more that impacts your health that's what it justs are also evaluating. it's a calculation but one that many in countries that haven't ordered the lockdowns fear could end up costing unnecessary lives you see in human al-jazeera santiago we're going to weather update next here on al-jazeera then we must follow the evidence there are no shortcuts a warning from the world health organization over the use of untested medicines to treats the coronavirus. of learning how to cope with an outbreak aid workers prepare displaced syria since.
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there was a study moment in the u.s. has been some wintry weather around the ground the west and this frontal system they diffuse is still there not become more active certain is it runs towards the eastern seaboard and the circulation setting up in the central plains north of kansas city on the edges of the blue is really heading up through the midwest and across the great lakes the snow on its northern flank now you'd think it would tuck in some cold air behind it it will to some degree but of course it also induces walls ahead of it with these 2 come to meet as we get the active weather what was time to get to sunday that suggests a temperature 26 in d.c. but 14 in new york guess where the front is between the 2 of them in fact in d.c. we go diving 26 to 13 by tuesday it's spring changeable weather after all that's right the caribbean the breeze is still blowing there still showers and they seem to be concentrating really from haiti eastwards to the smaller audience beyond that
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of course a pick up of certain amount of rain the decide the eastern coast of nicaragua and costa rica which is seasonal as are all the showers started disappearing from russia for brazil and argentina but there's a concentration around bolivia in the present particular could see a couple of days of fairly heavy rain and it won't be alone. for the overthrow and exiled they appoint and say if you all all dismiss me an intimate film about the struggle of the elected leader of madagascar to return to his country and reinstate his presidency you know the true restrictions but and we will not negotiate french she is calling on we need to change this return of the president on al-jazeera.
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well again this is al jazeera let's take a moment to remind you of the main news this hour italy has reported a steep rise in the number of fires related deaths 919 people died in a single day and in spain the number of deaths has risen to nearly 5000. u.k. prime minister boris johnson says he's tested positive for the virus of the self isolating downing street the country's health minister says that he also has the virus as does the government's chief medical advisor. and us president donald trump has signed a $2.00 trillion dollars stimulus package into more speeding up government payments to struggling families is also invokes the defense production act force general
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motors to stop producing much needed ventilators. the epicenter of the outbreak in the us is in new york in the bar of queens is feeling that or acutely than anywhere near a scab or loss on the reports now from new york. they're sick and in urgent need of a doctor but with the emergency room hospital inundated with coronavirus patients and no available beds they arrive early in the morning to wait in line to try to get seen inside elmhurst hospital medical staff struggled to keep people alive in 124 hour period 13 people died covert 19 the hospital has 500 beds and his overcapacity all that means in the room. even if you feel they have. a nurse shared video with the new york times a glimpse of what it's like inside another doctor speaking anonymously describe the
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situation like this it's just like a tidal wave the only beds we have been able to free up are people who have died it's a pretty dire situation covert is completely taking over the hospital they need help and they need help in a real way i've talked to a lot of friends of mine are working there. they've been inundated with haitian right now. truly is ground 0. elmhurst hospital is in queens an ethnically diverse borough made up mostly of working class immigrants more people have died here than in any other area of new york city. health insurance is a luxury many here don't have elmhurst is a so-called safety net hospital that won't deny services to anybody even if they can't pay but it simply can't keep up with demand. perhaps most all menace of all
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is that apex in this surge of sick people needing hospitalization isn't supposed to hit for at least another 2 weeks there's a health care crisis with the number of new yorkers infected with corona virus increasing by the thousands. every day it's not a matter of if hospitals here reach a breaking point it's a matter of when and based on what we're seeing here at elmhurst hospital that breaking point might be now paperless zonda al-jazeera new york talk to final site is national director of primary care for chan med an organization that operates 59 sentence for seniors in 39 cities across the u.s. he joins us now via skype from tampa florida good to have you with us you and your organization were ahead of the curve so to speak as far as the coronavirus is concerned you started to take action pretty early on that we needed to we
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focus on elderly care our average patients in 7274 years old so back in december when we 1st started hearing about this chronic virus we created a task force an amazing task force led by an actress disease doctor and we started preparing at that time we take things like this very seriously i mean we take the flu for example we knew that this year's flu season was going to be busy and based on reports that we had from australia so where in the country average american adult we probably already to 43 percent vaccination rates with our patients that are seen at our at our centers are seen by one of our doctors or somewhere between 80 and 90 percent with flu vaccination rates so we took this very very closely when you started to take action back at the end of last year at did you when you criticized for a did anyone think that you were you were being overly cautious at the time. it's
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a lot of what we do we're dealing with the elderly we're dealing with a vulnerable patient population so we knew we know we need to be ahead of these kinds of things so at that moment in january we actually switched to the cloud so that we could start with remote work and within one week we went far seeing our patients in person more than 90 percent of our patients and person to 90 percent virtual and how do your patients feel about the measures that you brought in at the time where they were they positive about them that they understand the need the patients the patients love that we have in our practices our patients can call their doctor by cell phone my father is one of the patients at our centers we have we have tens of thousands of patients like that across the country so it's important for patients to have that trust with their doctor and special when you're dealing with the elderly people for them to be able to reach their doctor and especially now when we're talking about things like social distancing. being
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preventive care with washing hands it's important to have that kind of guidance from your from your doctor ok really good to talk to you doctor many thanks indeed pfizer aside the national director of primary care for chan med thank you the world health organization and its latest briefing is what about the use of untested medications to treat the virus we call on all individual the same countries to refrain from using that have not been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of corbett 90 in the history of medicine is strewn with examples of drugs that would on paper or in a test tube but didn't work in humans or were actually harmful. getting the most recent ebola epidemic for example some medicines that were
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thought to be effective were found not to be as effective as ours and medicines when they were compared during a clinical trial we must follow the evidence there are no shortcuts we also need to ensure that using unproven drugs does not create a shortage of those medicines to treat diseases for which they have proven effective. even though the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in syria remains low there are concerns that this will change and very quickly millions of displaced people live in the north western province of idlib which has a weak health system eroded by years of conflict 5 covert 19 cases have been reported but many are concerned that the virus could soon reach them 7 crossing over reports. hundreds of thousands of tents an adlib lined up by the turkey syria border most are overcrowded and like basic facilities and many living
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here are worried that makes them more vulnerable to an outbreak of coronavirus other aid workers here are briefing people on how to cope if there is an outbreak and i don't know anything about it i just heard i'm learning about it now some say in adequate sanitation puts them at greater risk through iowa low matthew protection come on at them and we like water how can we wash our hands that often a little like. they are getting help in sterilizing tents and houses but in a country that suffered 9 years of war much infrastructure is damaged medical supplies are insufficient and health workers cars health officials are warning that about 100000 people could die in northwest syria if they don't get the supplies and equipment they need. we just 1. 101100 i.c.u.
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bits and we just there. are others and when we speak about response or we're not we have to report the boat or not but i don't believe it or the last bit is there now or in your soul now i don't. want him given or. received early. this device is one of only 3 in a that can detect coronavirus. we received 3 test kits the cave in 19 years today from the world health organization each can do $100.00 tests it won't be nothing millions but at least we can confirm if we have a case so far blood samples from just a few people have been studied. the government has confirmed some cases of the virus across the country but as the fight is ongoing here so is trade and that
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contact with the outside brings the risk of people being in fact it. is live is the standard on foreign aid and donors for medicine and hygiene for adults some health workers here say they have yet to respond effectively to the situation leaving many who have suffered 9 years of war vulnerable and scared as they face the threat of a global pandemic. al-jazeera. migrants arriving on the greek out of the bar say they're being given no support for the country on lockdown due to the coronavirus maybe 60 people have recently landed at had to set up their own camp they say they haven't been given clubs or mosques to protect them councillors boss already overcrowded the operating above their capacity. that if there's anyone who knows a thing or 2 about self isolation it's an astronauts for international space station come out of chris hadfield has been sharing some tips. don't just don't
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don't just you know go one more scan through social media or don't don't just turn you into some sort of lesser cheek that even though for a little while it may be sort of consoling. give yourself something to accomplish every day take action actually do one of the things that's on your list of stuff to get done don't let this be chewed out you know on board a ship we're busy from 6 in the morning so 11 at night and at the end of the day you're exhausted but you look back to what a great day i mean i got a whole bunch of stuff done you know i recorded it soon i had all this fun and and tomorrow is come and simplest it's so you can get ready for tomorrow dig into what's happening don't let this thing direct your life direct your own life countries around the world have been finding ways to thank health workers fighting the coronavirus in france the eiffel tower lets up to pay tribute to medical staff from the country the opportunity was also used to remind people to do their bit.
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it is really good to have you with us hope a very unfunny going to here in doha the headlines on al-jazeera italy has reported a steep rise in the number of virus related deaths 919 people died in a single day but in spain the death toll is surged to the only $5000.00 u.k. prime minister boris johnson says he's tested positive for the virus and will self isolate the country's health minister says that he also has the virus as to the government's chief medical advisor. u.s. president donald trump assigned a $2.00 trillion dollar stimulus package into law speeding up government payments to struggling families he's also invoked the defense production act to force general motors to stop producing much needed ventilators brunell's reports now on
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that stimulus package it will be a lot of corporations for example look airlines that see their operations run into a whole also provides monies to states and cities. replenishes start piles of medical equipment and will provide. that unemployment benefits to many of the millions of americans who have lost their jobs as well as putting extra money in the pockets of families in the form direct cash payments ahead of the world health organization says there's a chronic global shortage of protective equipment that's provided proving to be one of the key problems for health workers around the globe the world health organization chief is also warned about the use of untested meds to treat the virus . we call on all individuals saying countries to refrain from using type you do x. that have not been demonstrated to be effective in the treatment of club 90 in
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the history of medicine is strewn with examples of drugs that would on paper already in a test you but didn't want in humans or when actually harmful migrants arriving on the greek island of lesbos say they're being given no support with a country in lockdown due to the coronavirus any 60 people have recently landed the plan to set up their own camps they said they have been given the club's all mosques to protect themselves camps are already overcrowded and operating above capacity. and those are the headlines the news continues here on out as they are after witness next. in the midst of a coronavirus and denecke china is in lockdown. one o one east reports from inside the quarantine prompted by a sheet on out of the. us
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