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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2020 10:00pm-10:34pm +03

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free and reinstate his presidency you know is that the truth was forged by and we will not negotiate french position is that all along with nutrition those return of a president on al-jazeera. the or are. another day of growing numbers from both italy and spain as the corona virus pandemic spreads across europe. alabama and how the markets and this is al jazeera vie from london also coming up in the u.k. a sunny saturday draws out a lot of people who should space staying in sight in china the city where the outbreak began begins to open back up. and as the u.s.
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becomes the center of overcome demick the states and the federal government debates a broader look. for the number of coronavirus debts continues to rise for spain and italy remaining at the center of the pandemic in europe that at all in spain past 5000 on saturday in an italy it's now twice that they remain the continent's hardest hit countries botts saturday also saw the highest day on day increase in deaths in the u.k. that's highlights and concerns over the trajectory of the virus especially as fears grow over a 2nd wave of infections in asia where the pandemic began or officials around the world are nice scrambling to deal with the wave of expected cases india currency use railway coaches isolation wards while in the u.s.
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and maybe hospital ship is heading toward new york city the epicenter of america's i break we begin our coverage with the reports from paul brennan. such is the scale of this crisis there is a risk that the numbers start to lose meaning and the deaths become minister to sticks to be noted but scarcely mourned but in italy there was no escaping scenes like these on saturday in st joseph church in said the coffins containing $45.00 coronavirus victims laid out in rows to be blessed this group just half of the 90 parishioners these priests have attended in recent days mr they took ill in body the authorities no longer knew it but the coffins. the saddest thing is that these bodies were left alone naked so alone there were people who died when no one could see or hear them without the possibility to talk to their loved ones so that anyone who could comfort them that spain now has more than 5000 dead from the virus with
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more expected the emergency military units is undertaking an extraordinary task to disinfect care homes and hospitals train stations and city center streets. meanwhile spanish medics struggle to avoid being overwhelmed by sheer numbers of patients falling ill combined with their own fatigue and shortages of staff and prepared. as the numbers dying and infected rise relentlessly across europe restrictions and stay at home orders are turning busy cities into ghost towns those who venture outside face being stopped at police checkpoints risk heavy fines. russia has begun what it calls a non-working week is shops and bars ordered to close tourist attractions a shot to dramatically reduce crowds in the center of moscow and in ireland new tighter restrictions came into force on saturday all public and private gatherings of any number of people outside a single household or living you are prohibited the virus might be in your
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household already so please don't spread it to somebody else's. back at some joseph church in syria today the ceremony is finished and the military transport takes over no gleaming houses no flowers no weeping relatives just a solemn convoy and a final salute a roadside policeman holmgren and al-jazeera. let's get more on the situation in italy from francesco jumper tony he's a journalist based in milan and joins us now by skype at the italian prime minister has just addressed the nation francesco and this comes as the country has reached yet another grim milestone just give us a sense of what he had to say. well after 20 days of national lockdown the prime minister does a pick up announced a new economy bashers to fight the coronavirus crisis with
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a new law decree the government will send 4300000000 euros to the minister tell it is for the emergency and they will also send full 1000. 1000000 euros in 400000000 euros is a full 2 minutes about it is for new vouchers for food embezzled needs for those who are and trouble in the next days he was expected to announce also new extension of the of the restriction for 15 days more but he he hasn't done it yet he is still speaking he said all this after it was announced that nearly 900 people have died in the last 24 hours so the. death toll now hits 10000 tree times more than china and positive cases hit 92000 or will still see the worst effects here in long but the where the health
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system is really and crisis it is indeed indeed we're hearing that medics and nurses are among those who are. among the the day as it were which is always quite frightening that now you're in it's only just give us a sense of what is like for people who are actually living there. it's incredible way to never fall one month ago that we could have been in this situation now what we're coping with base of course who doesn't have. parents or relatives and hospitals just has to stay home and everyone is respecting this measures but for those who cannot see their friends or family members dying and cannot mourn them and funerals the situation is this is really incredible it's also more shocking what is happening with medical workers because for the 1st weeks they
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didn't have the right equipment. to work so a lot of them have probably spread the virus and infected themselves that and also other people and in some some regions will have to explain why or why this happened then the government. situation far from under control for neither francesco jumper tony joining us from milan thank you ok well the u.k. government has again urged people to abide spy the restrictions and stay at home but as jonah ho finds in london many seem to be ignoring that message. well we're 5 days now into the latest sense of restrictive measures imposed by the government on monday night people are asked to stay at home as much as they possibly can to go out only when absolutely necessary to visit the supermarket or the pharmacy or to
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exercise in parks like this to take the dog for a walk in to do so only for a short a time as possible now there's lots of evidence that the majority of people are taking all of this quite seriously but quite a lot of people appear not to be with crowds heading into the parks and recreation areas beauty spots and so on in the decent spring weather are not the brow of primrose hill here and you can see quite a lot of people simply sitting back and enjoying this view of the london skyline there among the joggers and cyclists and dog walkers and people out with their kids kicking a ball there's a farmer's market operating at one end of the park and and down there at the bottom end of the park was a very pretty high street where the wine shop is open and the bookshop and the butchery and coffee shops and deli is offering a very limited service and there's a lot of very clear social distancing going on people aren't being openly irresponsible but still a lot of people about the police have new powers of course to force the lock down
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for the moment they're not choosing to do so with a heavy hand but one police constable we spoke to earlier said he was very frustrated by all of this he simply said that most of these people shouldn't be here at all it is a worry as britain looks down the road just 2 or 3 weeks away now the epidemiologists tell us towards the peak of the crisis here with the health service desperately trying to scale up to be able to cope it all depends on lockdowns working to flatten that peak and as a the evidence here i think will be of some concern. was safe and good morning from sonya guy a go she joins us now live via skype and sonia as we saw from john are people so clearly not taking this locked in very seriously at all we have just had an update from the british government in the last few years is there any indication stricter measures are coming. well it really was a stark warning given by the health of the head of the english health services said
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that the most optimistic really that they can hope for is so that's because when t. 1000 deaths resulting from that. he said that if they could keep the number that then they would have done a very good job now if that number of the death toll does not hit home then they will most likely have to try and so the c.f.a. can usher in the measures to stop people because of course that number is as a result of calculations now but of course it's a very fast moving situation hit and these measures and those tallies can really only be in place if people stick to those measures that the government has put into place she's social distancing staying at home as as well as much as possible in any coming out really the best essential and for emergencies
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now with this in mind as well there is also been criticism of the way that the british government has been navigating this from the start for example even before the pandemic itself really new cases the i.c.u. units really was amongst the lowest in europe as well and you had the editor of one of us respectable medical journals in the world along that really sort of criticizing the u.k. government for not having what's being woefully unprepared for there being now i say to take off some panic in order to rush to deal with the capacity which this in hospital and also scrambling to get a quick ment's basic things such as hand sanitizers has no protection of meant for health workers and even though you've had 18000 nesses don't know the health workers saying that they will go. back been retired in sort of it would be willing to go back to work all this question it's still
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a major shortfall in terms of how many staff they can keep across this says the editor when it comes down to the fact that the u.k. did not follow what the who's guidelines were which was of course the test test test starting that now with the health workers but really in the lead trying to get sort of more of them to to be in place it's really they have a long way to go before they can actually manage to really sort of. fill out that shortfall which they have in the health care sector ok so you go bring us up to date on the situation in the u.k. thank you very much indeed for all numbers continue to grow blue will leave the city where the pandemic began is opening its doors to new arrivals people are not allowed in 200 there are so fears of an imported 2nd wave of infections sarah clarke has more on the situation across asia. life in here by province is returning slowly to normal more cars are back on the streets police are on patrol but it's
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health checks not traffic fines being issued. i'm here to pick up my 2 children and we are going to see one program the 2 children have been in who wins the traffic is very small china has announced a temporary ban on all foreign visitors starting this weekend even those with visas or residence permits will be denied entry only diplomats and flight crew will be exempt chinese and foreign airlines will be limited to one flight a week because of fears of importing a 2nd wave of the virus from a brought up to 65 days in lockdown for its 11000000 residents the city of blue hand has downgraded its signal to low risk traffic can now into but no one's allowed to leave the city until april the 8th government workers a sterilising train stations preparing for the arrival of the 1st inbound trains. a
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long time no see what i've been discriminated against because i'm for a new hand but i hope people don't treat the people awful hand like a fire if it's a full hour joins with china is winning the battle i read the news on the train that china is now trying to block people from coming here in preparation this will help us get back to work i'm proud to be chinese. walked retesting stations are in operation at south korea's airports to enforce tight health checks on arrivals the government reported 146 new cases on saturday that's the highest number in a week with a rise in imported cases from europe and the united states and japan confirmed a record daily increase of more than 50 new cases following a surge in infections in tokyo this week japan's prime minister shinzo is appealing to millions in the capital and surrounding regions to avoid non-essential travel until april 12th here in hong kong the government has been forced to tough new. to encourage people to stay at home from saturday all cinemas gymnasiums and time at
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benny's will be closed for at least a fortnight and public gatherings will be limited to 4 people as the city tries to stem the number of local transmissions. al-jazeera has obtained pictures from inside one of the government's quarantine sentences one person held there after being in contact with a flight crew member who tested positive says rooms were sterilized protective gear wasn't provided and health checks were random hong kong's health to pop the reply is that it's followed the guidelines to clean and sanitize all quarantine facilities sarah clarke al-jazeera hong kong. so to come here on al-jazeera streets empty and isolation is enforced is the one place with long queues in buenos aires city kitchens. in south africa struggles keep the nation under god knows current horrors patients refuse to stay in quarantine.
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hello there if had some very nice sunshine and some pretty good warm weather across much of central and northern europe that is about to change but we have a site had some very nice weather some good sunny skies in berlin and germany same story across into ukraine as well but that is set to change you can see it through sunday the clouds spreading its way southwards this line of rain showers and behind this we have so much cooler to see what it does that's how much as as you can see sunday 11 in zurich 14 vienna the same across into care but my goodness by monday as that front flies through the cold air plunges just look at it just. for in zurich really failing light winds again a very strong easterly winds as well really impacting much of the u.k. and that could bring some showers certainly by about cheese along this coastal
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areas a very unsettled in the south westerly up in peninsula and i have a pressure sitting on the coast of portugal that will spread the rain still plenty of rain throughout much of italy and also working its way across the greek islands and then northern sections of africa because of those systems in the med we will see some more rain sunday is not about across into morocco the rain beginning to carry away from there but really quite heavy through the northeast of algeria much of tunisia and on its way to libya so keeping things cool and wet in tripoli with a high of 60. join africa's largest trade and investment in the wonder on a.t.f. gives you access to more than 1100 exhibitors and 10000 visitors and baez and more than 5000 conference delegates from more than 55 countries participate in trade and investment deals with $40000000000.00 u.s. dollars as business and government come together to explore business and networking opportunities at the international exhibit which will include a creative africa exchange for to you by the african export import bank and their
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premium faulkner's have 2020 transforming africa. the or are. kind of the top stories here on al-jazeera the number of coronavirus that's continues to rise in europe spain reported another daily high with 832 deaths more than 10000 people died in italy. as the number of deaths in the u.k. passed 1000 the government has again urged people to abide by the restrictions and stay home the medical director of britain's national health service is keeping the number of fatalities below $20000.00 would be
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a good result for the call across virus crisis. but the city where the pandemic began is opening its doors to new arrivals people are no allowed into but there are still fears of an imported 2nd wave of infections. while the number of known coronavirus cases in the united states has soared well past 115000 more than 1100 people across the country have died new york remains the worst affected state american health care workers are appealing for more protective equipment to treat a surge in patients it's already pushing hospitals to their limits or president donald trump says he's considering bruising a quarantine on some regions. some people would like to see new york quarantine because it bought new york new jersey maybe one or 2 of the places a certain part of that the kids who are doing i'm thinking about that right now. we
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might not have to do it but there's a possibility that sometime today we'll do a quarantine short term 2 weeks on new york. probably new jersey just hard to get out of it. let's get more now from alan fischer he joins us live from virginia via skype balance not a lot of clarity that from donald trump's a some people want to quarantine new york state what exactly does this mean. well he also said that he had a good dialogue with under cuomo who is the governor of new york andrew cuomo and anything you told about potentially quarantining i've been speaking to people over the last hour sources donald trump made these comments on his way to the white house 1st time he's left the white house more than a week it's not entirely sure how this would want the president doesn't have that sort of power he would need some sort of congressional approval whether or not he would get that then becomes the whole thing the governors have the power to do that
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and you've got to get a lot of the tri state area that support new york new jersey and connecticut is commonly known but it would don't trump enforce this if he was going to do it and he the national guard although it says national is actually controlled by the states individually they'd be up to the governor the president can't use the army to do any sort of civilian policing so it's not entirely sure how he would do this that the template might be rhode island drouet island is the state right next door to new york a lot of people in new york have beach homes have summer homes in rhode island they have the governor issued an order to law enforcement have been going round those houses on the beach if they see the new york plates and the asking people why they want to see new york police i mean in their cars they're asking people why they're there they're checking these homes as well and if people are new york residents they're being told they are no quarantine they have to stay in that house for 14
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days it's the president about to bring this into new york new jersey and connecticut well certainly the governors don't know much about it andrew cuomo thinks that at the moment at the moment things are doing ok the way they are with an extra burden to people so this is something that may well develop in the coming hours we'll keep an eye on not that as ever not an awful lot of clotting certainly on the nationwide low. i have all but the epicenter does appear to be new york just give us a sense of how the the situation is progressing there are we starting to see some of the much needed medical equipment heading into the state to treat people. well andrew cuomo who is the governor of the state says that he wants to get things in place for when he sees the e.p.a. all the models are saying the apex the peak of the virus is going to hit and he
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says that 2 to 3 weeks what does he need well he needs a lot of ventilators probably somewhere in the region of 3000 ventilators and he needs 140000 hospital beds now he's identified 4 sites and the auteur but is if you consider manhattan to be the central point of new york's new york city then in the 4 bottas there are increased capacity being built he says that there's a big problem with getting hold of the ventilators because if they go to a company and say you know we want to buy a ventilators and they're quoted $25000.00 per ventilator some of the company will come back and say well another state's going to pay is 35000 or another state is now going to pay is 45000 cuomo says the government has to get a grip of this on the federal level they have got to centralize buying to stop states i'm betting one another when all the trying to do is protect their people he thinks that if he's got 140000 beds and 3000 ventilators he may well be in a position to get through the washed of this he says that's the watch case and not
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even his hope is that they won't need all of that but of course if they don't fly i know the car it could be much worse interest that he's talking about a peak hitting new york the epicenter in the united states somewhere in the region of $2.00 to $3.00 weeks that would bang is right up against the stove which of course is when donald trump a few days ago was saying he'd like to see a large swathes of the country opening he seems to have in the last 48 hours or so back to way from that idea one reason because a very prominent republican senator said look if you do this then the deaths after that could well be traced back to you. alan fischer that bring us up to date on the situation yes thank you very much indeed thank you. well several of the world's most cash strapped countries are particularly threatened by the coronavirus in argentina 2 years of economic recession has put on employment rates at almost 10 percent now the country is impulse and latin america's strictest locked own
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measures to resemble reports from buenos aires. the streets of argentina's capital when a site is are empty these days after the government imposed a look down in the country but soup kitchens like this one cannot afford to shut down. constanza says the amount of people coming year has doubled in the past few days and the local guy called mia people used to come here and sit down they could take a shower and spend some time things have changed but the amount of people coming has doubled many can't work and can't survive with the lock down and others live on the streets. ok yet argentina's economy was already struggling with recession and the possibility of default on its sovereign debt before fighting the covert 19 became a priority for this country's government life is difficult for many in argentina his days as a rise of unemployment from poverty and the impact that the lockdown cost revive
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a coronavirus is having and the economy for many coming to this place is the only chance they have to eat at least once a day job as it does you got me well you know yes but it's not just the poor that i belong affected you very much are going on silas works as a taxi driver in the city he says he's worried with the impact over 1000 could have in the country but he's unsure how he will survive if the lockdown continues he's 60 years old and this taxi is the only way he has of making a living. or you're going to get your big moment situation is very very serious i have to pay a rent and i cannot make any money i'm not sure what is going to happen we are authorized to be on the street but there's more people. even though the lockdown is supposed to last until the end of the month the government might extended for a longer period it has also warned of private creditors that argentina's economic recoveries uncertain and that its debt crisis could be prolonged due to the
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coronavirus pandemic. economy minister monolingual man says the priority right now is. cysteine arjan time families with extra income to survive for the next few weeks. going on a guy you cannot make activity is minimal because the lockdown in this leaves a lot of people with anguish and desperation but we want to make sure that every person that lives in argentina is protective of the situation as. president albert of a man there says he's prioritizing saving lives over the economic situation those who need the government's help say it's the only way bill survive in the weeks ahead. really several scientists. this information spreads on social media has been blamed for the deaths of nearly 300 iranians is reported they died recently after drinking methanol because they falsely believe the alcohol protects them from the corona virus more than
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a 1000 other people were left critically ill in the past 24 hours 139 of radiance died from the virus that increases the top number of reported fatalities to more than 2500 with around 35000 infections 49 deaths have been recorded across the african continent despite the relatively low number many countries are ticking early action lease in south africa been struggling to enforce a 21 day nationwide lock zone that came into effect on friday midnight's people are only allowed out of their homes survive groceries for health or for health emergencies are called sales have also been bands but large crowds have been gathering in poor a township where social distancing is almost impossible because of the cramped living conditions freedom ever is in johannesburg she says it's been a challenge for the government's a get people to self isolate. people who have been tested positive for cobra
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19 i'm not observing a quarantine that the government to sit should didn't happen they're not going into isolation and it was interesting hearing from a political leader in the local province and this is after a man from we're talking the province where we are now was tested positive travel to live. interactive with several people were seen socializing and this political leader then says we've given people the freedom to stay at home if they're found to test positive or corrode out but it seemed to not observing that so now we have to arrest them and force of quarantine this is also the case in the problems of course room at tulkarem and was tested positive for corona i had received who then continued to see plights before the lockdown and he's since been charged with attempted murder and it's understood that he's been in touch with the g $27.00 people so trying to enforce the slap down trying to make people observe
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a quarantine or isolation hasn't been easy as there are many many people in south africa who object what they're supposed to do but when we look at certain sittings in townships places where people haven't been able to get to school was to buy the food they need and you know to lock down crack conditions as you mentioned but people also standing back to back in very long queues social distancing is just not an option. here with al-jazeera these are the headlines a number of coronavirus stats continues to rise in europe italy's death toll has surpassed 10000 after saturday's kind's 889 more deaths were announced in spain more than 800 people have died from the crown virus in the past 24 hours is the country's highest single. highest number 1st single day last the number of
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deaths in the u.k. past one fison the government has again urged people to bite by the regulations and stay home the medical director of britain's national health service says keeping the number of fatalities below $20000.00 would be a good result stephen post says every death is a tragedy and has urged britain's notes to be complacent the number of known coronavirus cases in the united states a sword well past 150000 women 1800 people across the country of delhi's new york remains the worst affected state the american health care workers are appealing for more protective equipment to treat a surge in patients that's already pushing hospitals to their limits president trump says he's considering imposing a quarantine on some regions some people would like to see a new york warrant it doesn't god new york maybe one or 2 other places. hard wired up the get about that right now. we might have to do it
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but there's a possibility that god today will go up why aren't you what they're doing under your. probably figure it's just hard to get out of. misinformation spread on social media has been blamed for the deaths of nearly 300 arabians it's reported they died after drinking methanol because they falsely believe the alcohol would protect them from the corona virus the past 24 hours $139.00 of a new died from the virus that is increasing its the total number of reports of deaths to mourn the $2500.00 with around $35000.00 infections and while the numbers continue to grow wild why it's the city where the pandemic began is opening its doors to your rivals people in their lives into work on their still fears on imported 2nd wave say with us and i'll just leave the list.
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to extract questions to. consecrate is one of the highlights here in south. china. sea before the fire is pandemic people wait for it. hello i'm richard gere's bird and you're at the listening post the code 19 and is a news story like no other and like journalists around the world we are reporting on this from our homes our focus is on the media and information side of the coronavirus story this week we're examining the unprecedented rise in the surveillance and tracking of citizens and the long term.


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