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tv   NEWS LIVE - 30  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2020 11:00am-11:33am +03

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labor and the use of high tech surveillance we're being complicit in the human rights abuses that are carrying an australian investigation into china systematic repression of the weakest tell the world on al-jazeera. we will be extending our guidelines to april 30th. to slow the spread. president trump extends restrictions on people for another month to contain the spread of the chronic virus in the u.s. . and we shall carry this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. back to work for the people in the chinese city of han where they are and a virus outbreak originated. from fashion designer to mask maker
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a businessman 11 on answers the call to help this country with much needed medical supplies. bare necessities a simple act that's keeping kids entertained despite living under lockdown. and the u.s. president donald trump says social distancing should remain in place for another month to slow the spread of the coronavirus that is a reversal from his comments just last week when he predicted the situation would be back to normal by april the backtrack comes as the number of deaths linked to the virus in new york state rises above 1000 across the u.s. at least 140000 people have now been infected and britain health officials are warning it could be 6 months before the strict social distancing measures are lifted the u.k. was put under a partial lockdown last week and in china some people are going back to work where the virus was 1st detected the city who has been under strict quarantine for 2
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months more on that in a moment 1st this update from robert analysts in the u.s. . so empty beaches are a sign of the times in southern california as most residents follow a statewide stay at home border. more than half of the 50 us states are now under those orders intended to slow the spread of coronavirus the federal government extended until april 30th it's guidance that people maintain social distant. singh with the number of confirmed cases and deaths rising one of the country's top infectious disease experts says the final toll could be very high looking at what we're seeing now you know i would say between 10200000 cases but i don't want to be held to that because it's deaths i mean we're going to have millions of cases but i just don't think that we really need to make a projection when it's such a moving target governors like new york's andrew cuomo painted
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a sobering picture i don't see how you get past that kerr without seeing thousands of people cross or louisiana is already running short on hospital space but we're on a trajectory currently to exceed our capacity in the new orleans area for ventilators by about april the 4th and all beds available in hospitals bob our april the 10th. michigan's detroit auto show is canceled and the convention center where it's usually held will be converted to a field hospital we see that's astronomical rise we've got hospitals that are already at capacity illinois governor said he desperately needs more testing kits the white house has promised millions of tests for weeks now and they're just not here in a briefing president donald trump made the shocking and unsubstantiated claim that the shortage of masks and other protective equipment in hospitals maybe because
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nurses and hospital staff are stealing them they've been delivering for years 10 to 20000 masks ok it's a new york hospital very it's packed all the time how do you go from 10 to 20 to 300010 to 20000 masks 230-0000 even though this is different something's going on. and you know to look into it as reporters were the masculine are they going out the back door i don't think it's hoarding i think it's maybe worse than hoarding earlier tread tweeted with evident pride that is daily briefings we're getting great television ratings higher than some popular reality show rob reynolds 0. as they mention life is returning to normal in the epicenter of the outbreak businesses are getting up and running again and will hang on and china's hu by province attorney your reports from beijing foot 2 months 11000000 people living in
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what they've been confined to the harmes and residential compounds are literally barricaded up now some of those people are starting to leave their homes they're giving permission if they have a job and some essential industries have also started operations for example the car industry the cement in the steel industry and roads have opened up as well as morals and stores people are able to go inside as long as they have their temperature check 1st and they're wearing masks the subway has also reopened as has the train station they have been thousands of people streaming into city starting from the weekend but outbound travel is still restricted until april the 8th now since the beginning of the epidemic more than 50000 people in 130 have been infected and there have been more than 2500 deaths and as a result the chinese government implemented some of the most draconian measures in that city and now in recent days we've seen almost 0 new local transmissions and
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the government says that those measures have been working it's also brushed aside any fears of a 2nd wave of infections saying that one city is actually one of the most safe cities in china because people have been locked down under quarantine for such a long time but of course there are still persistent fears that the government could be under reporting cases because their interests are much pressure to get the local economy going again. south korea is the latest country to announce cash payments for people affected by the virus rob mcbride reports from seoul this disaster relief fund is similar in the amount that it hands out to other schemes that have been announced by other developed countries it basically means that for a family of 4 they're entitled to a one off payment of the equivalent of $820.00 u.s. dollars now to qualify for that it's only families below a certain income level so this is very much aimed at some of the poorest sections of society some of the poorer families who've been hit hardest by the economic
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impact of this outbreak in announcing these details the finance minister has reiterated basically what everybody here in south korea has known for weeks now that the economy has really been slammed by the coronavirus all sections of the economy and in particular this is a good time to help some of the more vulnerable parts of the economic activity here such as restaurants such as family owned stores small businesses all aimed to try to revive a great to the economy it comes to a total of just over 10 $1000000000.00 and at the same time that this has been announced president moon j. in south korea has also announced that there will be a supplementary budgets to try to help the economy at a national level now there was earlier this month a 2nd supplementary budget was passed now there's going to be another one that wasn't enough and so in total that with this latest announcement this means tens of billions of dollars are now being directed by the south korean government as it now
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looks beyond the health emergency trying to tackle some of the economic fallout of all of this. australia has again ramping up efforts to contain the virus even as the infection rate there does slow for midnight public gatherings we are restricted to 2 people and some states are bringing a new penalties for disobeying social distancing rules the prime minister scott morrison has also announced an $80000000000.00 package to help save jobs at least $4000.00 people have tested positive for cope and 19 and australia and 18 have died from sit in has more on the new measures well like many other countries around the world measures to reduce the spread of current virus in australia ramping up by the day and while we aren't in a stage of lockdown at the moment people last till going to work from midnight on monday people will neuer longer be able to gather in public places if there are
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more than 2 people that has been reduced down from 10 and the message from the government is it is that you should be staying at home unless it's absolutely necessary so if you can't work from home the only reason people should be leaving the house is to go to work to exercise or to go to the shops or a medical appointment now on top of the closures that we saw last week with hotels and polyps and other venues closing the areas that people have been going to to socialise will now be closed down as well that includes outdoor pocs outdoor playgrounds and the state governments who really be in full swing these new measures and the question really is whether a stray will be a bang these new measures if they don't they will be harsh penalties of on the spot fines for anyone who doesn't follow the rules. zimbabwe has begun implementing its 3 week lockdown to prevent the spread of coburg 19 security forces have been
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deployed to enforce these restrictions but there are concerns about the government's ability to fight the pandemic because of its struggling health sector one person has died and 7 others are infected or more on this is going to harm the taso who is in harare so these restrictions are people abiding by them. stations are open so people are allowed to go to those places and stock up on commodities where they've been told don't stay out for. this is somebody one of the oldest poorest and busiest townships in you see a lot of people decided they didn't they hold and they're not venturing out the unemployment rate here in official unemployment rate is it to be more than 80 to think and a lot of people working in the informal that to their casual work his and they work in these markets which are now pretty much deserted and the concern of many people
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here seem to have is that how are they going to manage to feed a family some of them work monday to sunday felling in these markets and they saying that the longer this drags on for 21 days they want to be in it would be extremely difficult to provide for their families so that as you said yes the economy is struggling but the health care public health care sector really does not seem to be equipped to deal with this are what are they doing how are they preparing how concerned are people. while the public health sector has struggled here. in the country facing it was economic to come in a decade and a lot of people are concerned with how the hospitals are going to manage for example the news association of zimbabwe say they are not going to go to work because they don't feel safe they don't have the glove they don't have the mosque so if we take to. it happened just last week a young man a prominent journalist who was from
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a very wealthy family here died from corona virus he came back from the united states he didn't go to salt isolation he went out clubbing he went to baghdad he went to government offices and then when he got sick you study took him to will couldn't hospital that's the card team facility in a right of way you meant to go to get tested and if you think that you're going to be admitted he got really very sick the family say they felt if some of the doctors and nurses would choose to to approach him because they didn't have a they said there were no vent to ventilate is there at the time they tried to go to a private hospital to look for a ventilator that wasn't the case full they approached the president's office they approached the health ministry they still didn't gave me health so some of the now saying it's a while the problem a person can die from coronavirus the millions of zimbabweans who are struggling who have to use the public health care facilities the government save the r.a.d they are alert and they can control coronavirus like many people here are wondering
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how capable they are of actually doing that ok hermit also offer us at harare thank you train carriages and then they are being converted into isolation units will be deployed across the country to reduce the burden on hospitals passenger train services have been suspended until april 14th after a nationwide lockdown came into force last week india has more than a 1000 confirmed cases still had on al jazeera the challenges facing health workers in the philippines is the number of covert 1000 cases surprises. how we got something of a big cool down in the weather across many parts of here that said it is slushy dry this area cloud this weather system here that's where we got the cooler air to the
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north of that it is sinking its way further south as but it is logical because of this area of high pressure up towards the northwest not exclusively dry the little further south we're going to see some very heavy rain some of the windy weather grassy pushing its way into the ip information is a spy in portugal going downhill in terms of the weather over the next couple of days well so weather to some when she weather that's a possibility that it's based on pot small drop in temperature is looking something like a 12 degrees up in temperatures hit 2 celsius there on monday and that cool air coming right down across the alps and snow there for a time that will sink its way further southwards and a switch as we go on through the next couple days to the north of that as i said it is generate dry 10 celsius in london 12 degrees there for paris but when there is one is that for which are a temperatures of around 9 celsius some very heavy rain pushing into spy and portugal and that will also affect northern parts of morocco maybe northern areas of algeria's well fed but
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a cloud just making its way across the family last of africa we are going to see some what's a weather clearing away from tunisia but choose day. for . the u.n. fact finders accused of but i mean will it be a genocide this is the political that you think there. do you believe there in the movies a fascist or a kid don't have all. the recognize that both sides have an image of them agreements is against the other climate this is the foundation of climate back then and that is why they probably don't have much faith hard hitting debate. on al-jazeera. where the. old the.
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this is al jazeera let's recap the top stories for you now this president has extended emergency guidelines on social distancing as help officials predict deaths from the pandemic could rise into the hundreds of thousands. and china some people are going back to work and will where the virus was 1st detected the city has been under strict 14 for 2 months now and zimbabwe has begun and amending its 3 week walk down to prevent the spread of covert 19 security for 7 to 4 way to enforce the restrictions. has her measures such as nighttime curfew that are enforced across several latin american countries but other nations are taking a less drastic approach and their fight against the virus has update from mexico city. a cruise ship anchored off of panama pacific coast began transferring
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passengers to another vessel on sunday at least 4 people have died aboard the same damned a dutch cruise liner that became stuck after panamanian authorities announced that no ships with confirmed coronavirus cases could transit the panama canal this is the voice of an american passenger aboard the same damn whoever can open the ports to us you'd be eternally grateful and abide by whatever regulations you have for us . we just need to be able to start the process of getting home because other places have closed their doors to us 4 people are now dead and that is on the head of all the people along the way who turned us away please help us. in venezuela 55 tons of humanitarian aid were delivered from china on saturday the supplies included face masks and ventilators and they go out and don't meet the 500000 fast test kits have arrived that the 1st fastest kits for the offensive and the next phase for us to control and prevent. cave at 19 meanwhile venezuela's opposition
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leader of one continues to denounce the presidency of nicolas maduro is also calling for more international aid to the tune of $1200000000.00. we propose an emergency national government that includes all sectors of political society. leaders in central america continue to intensify containment efforts on sunday the government of honduras announced that a national curfew restricting freedom of mobility would be extended into mid april . not all countries are applying the same drastic measures brazilian president. seen here meeting supporters on sunday maybe the most reluctant world leader when it comes to cope with 1000 containment efforts calling the virus quote a little flu. local governors in brazil however have begun calling for stronger measures in lieu of a federal containment policy to horace in that last mexico's president has also faced criticism for taking what many have called
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a relaxed approach to the global pandemic though mexican authorities on friday call for people to voluntarily stay in their homes and help flatten the curve of contagion now many come anita they didn't feed the only way to reduce the transmission today is to all stay in our homes for a one month period. mexico has resisted implementing more drastic measures the authorities insist the policies in place are based on scientific evidence. to her the forces around the world are trying to find ways to enforce lock downs and in colombia police are resorting to some unusual methods this is what's happening in met again that is a hearse carrying a coffin and greets it's been driving through the city broadcasting a message urging people to stay home and in the city of foreign key police are using drones with loudspeakers to get their message across. chats president has announced a new military operation against poke
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a hole rom defensive follows an attack by the armed group that killed 92 she and soldiers last monday stepped up attacks in the east of the country and recent months saudi arabia appears to be tracking its citizens in the us using mobile phone networks u.k.'s guardian newspaper is reporting millions of tracking requests were made by the kingdom they were used to establish the locations of phones registered in saudi arabia 30 wispy is the chief executive of global cyber risk he says a flaw in a global messaging system was exploited to carry out this surveillance. it's a well known vulnerability within this network the s.s. 7 network and it has been known to sense about 2008 and so the it is you know interesting in that it takes 2 to tango so the saudis are asking for the information they pass a message to the network which gives them an answer back but the u.s.
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carriers are providing that answer so the saudis are asking the u.s. carriers replying it raises issues of whether there's appropriate controls within those u.s. networks to detect this kind of abuse especially since it's known and some open source solutions to detect these vulnerabilities have already been found and made available public we have civil liberties and privacy protections both within the constitution and also with in our communication laws the electronics privacy and communications act and the carriers are very well aware of these acts that there are some provider exceptions but they have an obligation to ensure that those exceptions are not abused and it would violate them privacy and civil liberties of the users of the network. after months of political and economic
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turmoil in lebanon its health care system is at risk of being overwhelmed by the 19 emergency but some businesses are stepping in to help her heal mohammad reports. work has come to a halt for many in beirut but for fashion design a tony ward who specializes in gowns business is slowly picking up in a different way. we 1st made these masks for our own employees and they can be worn in a very simple way and also washed. his garment factory shifting from its usual production lines to helping local hospitals by making mosques body suits and bed sheets. they put me in contact with the director of a fake area of the hospital and he told me that they have a big shortage of bed sheets because they are preparing a new department we decided to buy fabric involve our staff and work together to make. as lebanon's doctors and nurses work on the front lines to contain covert
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19 private and public hospitals are feeling the strain there's not enough money and medical supplies items that are normally imported it's prompted other businesses like this plus that usually makes dental floss and diapers to step into design ventilators. maybe after this outbreak a big lesson or lebanese can have an impact on the future person and reality not always depend on what's coming from the outside and asked for help. lebanon is already facing an economic and financial crisis according to human rights watch the government has not given any money this year to the publicly funded refeed curry hospital in beirut where most cases are being treated and it only gave 40 percent of its jews last year while the infections increase those running businesses like this hope their input can help prepare lebanon for what's may come mohammed al jazeera. as cases of the virus rise hospitals worldwide are becoming overwhelmed
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and medical workers are among those most at risk spain has the highest rate of infection among health workers its government says they make up 16 percent of cases that's compared to a percentage italy the danger of spreading on a sunday the u.k.'s national health service announced the 1st death of a frontline health worker without protective equipment the risk of transmission from patients to hospital staff increases workers in the us are warning of shortages of gear and the world health organization has called on manufacturers to increase production as concerns are being echoed in the philippines for at least 12 doctors have died while treating the sick and the health system is struggling to handle the rising number of infections are to be lower ports from manila. the philippine general hospital a huge relief empty the country's biggest public health institution treats more than 600000 patients several years now entire wards have been cleared after the
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government designated it the country's main role in a virus hospital sent me. just in whole is an infectious diseases specialist for children who's been called into the front line to treat adults we have more rules in terms i'm managing to treat you know i'm. and then even us to get fish and birds wired to even assists adults in the economy and. away from public hospitals private once in manila are widely considered to be the best but they've stopped that meeting potential coronavirus patients after treating the 1st wave of infections so the empty road that you're seeing right behind me is what's called a facility quarantine zone basically local authorities have sealed off about a kilometer stretch of the road because inside the containment zone it's a hospital where there has been a rising number of coronavirus cases hundreds of health care workers have had to be
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isolated and several frontline doctors have died of the disease rate now we don't know who has the infection on so when we go out there when we need patients initially if you are it's a very risky without any but that shine so. it's really part of the anxiety on our part well some of the government's limited resources are now at the disposal of the philippine general hospital health care workers from other hospitals continued to beg for help the health department says despite shortages it is so it's best to supply protective gear in the limo pulls up in the nets the shortage of personal protective equipment isn't in week to the philippines other countries are experiencing as shortage as well so we are purchasing and accepting donations at the same time rest assured we are working to
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provide hospitals in need of. the month long lockdown that began 2 weeks ago appears to be the government's preferred solution for now dr spear and outbreak the size of china's circuit obliques could be in the collapse of the entire health care system here barnaby low al-jazeera middle. a 3rd of the world's population is now living under lockdown and it's particularly challenging for children who have to stay indoors they're missing school they're missing their friends in new zealand some are turning to teddy bears to support their young and themselves out of syria charlotte dallas reports. i'm. we're going on a bear hunt when not scared that much of that from the pages of a children's book to the streets of all clint children hunting for teddy bears in people's windows the game is a way to entertain children living under lockdown we're going to be had probably
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can't get out much yet because we're not here to go outside in our desktop because new zealand's coronavirus lockdown came into effect on thursday for 4 weeks citizens can only leave their homes if they were going to central services or going to the supermarket or for health care or to go for a walk with the people they live with we expect and accept that people will go for a walk they will take the children outside to get fresh air they might look for to be some windows spread as they pass people keep your distance don't talk to others just stay within your bubble and if you're in wellington and you're walking in the local neighborhood you might see one of my window her fiance followed up with this a panda and a beer looking down from the residence near parliament and it's not just in new zealand this was in washington d.c. and texas as coronaviruses sprayed teddy bear hunts have follows from sydney to toronto and london they have started from community groups spread to cities and
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a new zealand's case a nation aged poor print is a geotagged beer the psychological boost goes beyond children helping those isolating at home to feel part of the community while staying up we've got here in the one night he said a lot of attention and we're cheering everyone from christchurch as we need it it's easy to get to see. some of the place. and. if you want. we. shall. i think this whole keep it going shall understand what we want to help each other or absolutely. lovely thing breaking out of florida round all i think we'll look at j.p. . we see michael rosen wrote the book we're going on a bear hunt 30 years ago he said i think. i'll just ask for comment but was told he
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took the sick with virus symptoms still his words are coming to life supporting children and adults through the spend dimmick charlotte dallas al-jazeera. pick up the headlines right now on al-jazeera as president has extended emergency restrictions on social distancing as health officials predict deaths from the pandemic could rise into the hundreds of thousands the u.s. has recorded at least 140000 texans more than any other country because you're talking about a potential of up to 2200000000 and some people said it could even be higher than that so you're talking about 2200000 deaths 2200000 people from the us and so if we could hold their own as we're saying 200000 it's
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a horrible number maybe even less but 200000 so we have between 10200000. we altogether of done a very good. and china some people are going back to work and where the virus is 1st detected the city has been under strict quarantine for 2 months now more on this from katrina you in beijing. essential industries have also started operations for example the car industry the cement in the steel industry and roads have opened up as well as malls and stalls people are able to go inside as long as they have the temperature checked 1st and they're wearing masks the subway has also reopened as as has the train station they have been thousands of people streaming into one city starting from the weekend but outbound travel is still restricted until april the 8th zimbabwe has now begun employment in its 3 week lockdown to prevent the spread of covert 19 security forces have been deployed to enforce these
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restrictions there are concerns though about the government's ability to fight the pandemic because of its struggling health sector one person has died 7 others are infected south korea is making emergency cash payments to families to lessen the impact of this crisis all households except those in the top 30 percent by income are eligible for payments of up to $800.00 when factions have stabilized under tight restrictions. australia's prime minister has announced an $80000000000.00 package aimed at saving jobs if approved by parliament the government will give money to eligible employers to keep paying their employees socialist ensuring restrictions are being ramped up even as they're crying a virus infection is slowing their. headlines keep it here on al-jazeera another bolton is coming out front.
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when the right to free speech conflicts with protecting minorities how should democracies respond and do muslim communities have a particular problem with the principle of free expression or has islam been unfairly targeted the debate over free speech and on from special. with hate crimes on the rise across the west recent debates around free speech have become all the more pressing from all humans in the us about whether white supremacists should be given platforms to say bigoted things to claims that free speech is under attack at universities the issue is being a whole.


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